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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
Notice for PuWkatioii- AimiaiiStrKoir Vices COURT HOUSE MTES s s mcEr jls?;s dKr T'T3 L4. 4CT JTXS t i a:arf La-'I ;", A' ,"a .v-i -Ai wt tc -- ! ' 1.x Va fiS.-c Us-J ty tel. of VB'n wit' r.'wa xitK " X 3 3.'r iu i':.:- .m u:a-r 4 ntww ;ji:r:. n- it Saiu i .iva. tur a... jwuu Wfflil ."iaiaja ttii :-"f :." ww. 11 a iTtiTSinrt. ii iJ i,4 - Jai4 aca.amtrj. r-nr u. :a ut jjwt ici ii lan ,. X i. il 1 - '.r i -.4 4 j.. J'jHclet tB-.-wlMe'i. CrrwSs tJ Cesrf as tiurrbne Cup- FILE EASGE2&. CLLi;rf aai Ji&.i T.Xj :i.f Lr bwa acixxti Fin Eir?c sj Ie "E"ie'i u2 TLtrtJi E : .2 1:.. 4 a C:ur., -wm w j.-rrC a a ariiar if -uiit;rx ;;t-i;: J., xxitr Hfori-f. it fc Licrjliif- ato. csi.m is z r 'xi;2 3x.::iri.:t.p. S fc2 aLC Ojfi j.aiLy atrc I'Sfr 4 w-t u:.. tr-c ri"!- - Fjiiiiijr. :t4-f sue tin- ins- crts-ix SiaI wsvjuA its ix 2Atr:..r sktior- dij. OuiOOt? II. 43 i'iM 4. H. Icit :!I.ti G. Z lOttr. i-ri-v-i; a;;:civ isliJig3i3:e ; .;; si s t-fei.;-.. Mi-rr 7 Cr-tT i; G titf Ltd.'-: E &t, 1: Ll I i feasor af-i-st. fit:'.. T K4-"j v, J 2 Lhfj. 4i tir. 4 3"S 0 b-Li. tiii 40i3 lliKbl;: ' i- i- .IV rt 4iS -. GljMi 4.U? ZL-ilini i F.-lj: FtnL... I5v 4-.r. 1 1 1, i i -r. 'i K. Pvlc Gv-.i-j Etri: C X I;r5r. AirCiert H Fi4x-iiir, i-, H C. i VT4r, ixt is Ttli dr. is:.:.. irr.i li utjc ul?- trrr ,ncxulj. vu? tl t-c: j .').:-:. li.f 4 saurT'-C tttx 1 1 : r. t: F'x.j-rf.. ui. d rts- - trL, ti::n'X'- ii xu i- J 2? :.L.xtu;x pun if xxi tliitt. 41 l cur:ir x-.r .":iXij;'L JL"rU- 5-X X"-"-iXJ xran. xuxrsr uxx t:i Ixtuxxxxiixi:x irt :x ux wiox-us. tic xts- rr"" xl t)i x-:ii-:,i T-nri LL.iitiit Z- f t l'-t irvMf xa4ti!?tx. itc :iujd j"r:i"- -Jtf x?;xi?f r-.: ; 245 4jr. I: u.r. i: S2u: xirf- 6-.-4XX SLS-Jst' ii ' !:-tv ..: r fc '..rur.'-i x.r:.-'-.f .: v ei.n.x. x-ur xxrf- u,i xx:x-xr ;x ; L-rij. H . f i.".x-x. C X. -: . ' Z :-'-. Lhi.-rV- tj L. F jx-f 4x2 4 uurrr :.i :c -wxif-x Stents- ;r?u Ct .w finer tautthersa'X'i rfix Chrt- 3u. . "V. 4 r t EiCJ'5-"?- t -rf-t!i it iu. Xi wk"--111. 4 if-: ;i. -7 ;i t o 1 --'" : XX'Kli'W:... S4I it C!J'1. rf m-. . - . s - j 4D' " ? t xttf I fi i-a. .i :mf list a k ew-T i.i-u.. I ' turtr ni'jr ut bj 4J c-cc iir nts-xua. ium n.xrir. 21!" XI t,-i2J"C Sir, Tit 4 :f. ii J'l.tu ,vr jj.ii -J '.".. t"i;ni'.-t r'-- t lifi'Mtni. s4";jx :;u: .m 1C I "tc ?-T. 1.4: xi. s 1: ;? v ;. : -i. tiic ; r n :i .:; it 1 u? ii... - a :,;t sin 1x4 j j 4Ht E.fc. i.i".-. r- i:.-f 1 ."!.: ti. I : a-if i "5r. . u T xr J;.. 4!'i '-'-'"" I uc-j."il.'ira: in 3i '- "- ca TxkX. sc sJ ly xiif xr-i: xxj :.i xt wxxri uxd CLurc Zx?:jx-r'x Txt z1 xit xn.f ;irj tltx :xx xj ILIXXi :,1 XX 41 XtJ. 41' I ' lfn-i xxi uxv-X' ju: 'f rx rr-x: x-ui: r -J:.i-"' ;-". m-: - . V Xn-M;.t . :;t, :i; :n .:rss. -'u. ' ' -4 a..;-.Hi J. 3:-'-tr'l l.:'!. " i 3;-M1 -,'?'" -; j !.;,. - t-jr - Hi. 'a- ul't S " .- - i."!T.- 1 j. v ..' v V-.-j.n i. Vu- ;j tilt '4fc-T 'C v "-11 J-? "-" sk- K".i.T:.lli. : i.i.-.: I. 3r .Vi. 'V Jr ' .'. -ier na. i-i-'' .- .:a!s. ' c r . -.-r.i. V i V..:.r tic lii" x. -asi Mt; i.'.' "'f :::i-"r ti.-:'- 7- u.: if .1 " -i ;,.r-.;ir ., J.; , : tj.l U:.- S' XJf f. 01 1. " 1. -: "i'i .a tj; -f i ic .aji.iii. U'i - . 't a ... j.'.eit-!i-f .ijr '-i i.jtj-f " -j-! 3,rtT Ht -J ii.3iLrf jji-iki -!f fr.'i"i 3ti . ; rex:- xa..j ..;verie:T v-: '.j -. i i.r ;. :r'.--i ! t.e . ?. 'Si5ES. s;r::rr. .Neck For Publication. Xi IXtf XLTXJXXJr IK!- :-M . xsj-i tii i."nx it vut & XLr"nx--r, i.B2 jpu; 3:. X-.1X xt" 4xi xxi :.x x.tur.j rtfxt uxf in; 4.x3 r"ft x xoj :c ixiir x....ix, Tx:.xjrx j C':'1k-x: i ix 4 texji'Xt :-x: :Xj;x.. -Trr l:'T.f iil'TCC i"X"f'X ixxx. u'ier EATikft. uuij ixx-ri j rui 5 L'-lif-rfl. i!;..Ii IXrtLT XJTttX'Mi :x c:cx..xi:(t ".xx Z::r-r -,.:::iri. r A. r.-. x. ik Irfaieci-.- f. C st.'i - "1 :r J4 HJ -.' ti5r--i 1Z- ift;i7 i:a ijtti'sa.. e:-a I'st-ii"; '.:x i xni xtr. i;:- fx xr s-x-tcxxx u: ui-i :tn 37 ;c ir i;rn-t- I'xa ix x": Z::-if :.irx i'.xx x : i", :x-9i- 4nr ir.t-T tj; xr -iixjf t f: fc. m a x: ir:c-f uix xex ixj. 1," 4 x'xfrr-if:;x : -i..rr:;i... r:.j ixf , T x-i "t : - : I'T-x 4: I.: k. i'c r:ri.;:.:x i.t ".:. :-.:u-:$. "x: "itis. "2tti: V .'' ::.. i.T't" ' " 1".- Li, ..t !juid 'l'f 71,1.' :--iu: '-' X. .:U' c'rf ii-:rt f ,s. t- '- ;f'i,( i"3 j't :j ic "-.:-3T. : :iv';r : t: ti'i j!:...i::tfi oi :xuif x? rjxi --' :. ivs ji :f ii -a. ir-r-.jv .: iir :n". .-:: -i a XB.n'J'-4 s ii ?:i- t WMi :i u 3xi "-4 .'O'li.T -rwr'r?' :T :rii-r ic ui i'.-2. i.i . . : i. tx- . .!;: -r .'.i.ur if ?-j'.t .'..12 .rt:.: rt"i 1: '-i l:' u "uti .'r-i1:.: :o. "J-t :r .: :ij ": x : r;wr . - in-. j.i-i xut it: :r rrs i.i-! -a ' c -- jar :cr'aX' : x i-i I'ice. i. i.'rtir m i ,;ilT. xy. j .4: 12 evxapjatu'-e ' -: ; c: O'Lirtae of -a: tos 10 r :-e jt.s 01 ;Xi o:CaX::ri. OKjtOD. isxiixio: r-7rr.:ory. " oxwud-1 -i'X: Lazi r;: tv tot of 1 MiiUsos. 0: lUt. ! i.::- ;0-i "J" 0: in oy . X iiji ..',e ;jr nf.:t3r:.: No. K-r;if 00 xxs '. , o: . . '4 of Sec. i . "12 r:-,i: N- - N'o. 6 tsi ! vi'. 5ir :rV: :.:"-.':' 4 itii toctbt u ! n 1. zi:.-r ::? :!i rr or j!.?!.? !u ior Lt-!;-if l":rr.:CT 11: :: '.4.:.:iir. hiioiaim X it..: -i- i" Scsiitcr t-! ivrfiver t; ; .in.iix. vr4:i. o- ir.isj. :c i ay of r-o:in:r- 1..':. , , :t jj. . .-ei-:- Tr C-:'.. of l-tllti. ' -r:c n Hi7. 0: XiXii, '.rr!?ori: A. Hi-lrni:: :: -.-j-'- rrsro-. ait tiX tX c.i'.niz? .ivertIy the : ;..- -4-ii:r Itii re-vi - ftle tfceir ; jijix -' i : x :t if .-re : 1 2 i dy of ' A Sure Cure gsgga Galls, Bruises, .Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff S" Frosted Feet, Bums, Scalds, etc. JomU, AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues Inflam mation, and drives out Pain. PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissue promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the MuscS natural elasticity. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC nilEULIATISH Mrs. E. A. Simpson, 500 Craig St., KnorviLte Tenn., writes: " I have ben trying the bathsof Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried. Inclosed find postoffice order for $1.00. Send me large bottle by Southern Express." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co, ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. Kciifie; Notice for Publication. 1 " Itl'i SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY r ji A Vxti: For Hat lixitioa. Oat OS wSetr.. Et ixn xx x t. irf- xti vie :? f-itkiz. x:. 4hr xa.r.xr :c xnr.: Ktit-tAUva. rjr :stxcj'.i- a rx . i'o. x.' r" :'' X j ..fc "j; . ":fx..ix .... xv ixi i.x: I". .xr t 5"-t- Lot F..-. A ".lifi, ;-tl : 4Xi2 rr-X4.X nt x-fc -1' ".-. e.!x":;.'iX':'.i . itr4: itt'l A .er.i:fx:. irx-f k ru-itv:. r.f XXX L .L7 ix 5.irxrxi"r. x:x:t;tr rtitixi ijfcy: a "T r.s i. : .. z-vi i'j; Xi Tif. Vrs x:;:.x cf -.x tx : Sfjv J. W. ITii. -BZ-ki : j-j-.xri d I'vli 'x.-ixij, tr i,:.xr 4 r xxixx 4i ii kxw: Lkc cf hr. 41 : K:k J. W. Cncj, sx Pjnlixi, ix TL rfrxxi.x ts I'lixx--i r 4 jix T3u f!xxxx? aie tirt- ti-jf:x Lo, fii fivs.l.ie4, xx.4.4- x; tx;i j?4Xbrri.xg: Mr M.rU ELx- Prrdr4i, cf Mixrtr. Ct.4- xx.itj, Iiv cf E. C. Ptr -.-Iibl; iT.-u .Si.-i'x KiU,7,offeivw Mr E,:?- u B-k ajut 15 t f:h, I jr? ; Mr Marj a Ottnmi. cfPntL: Mr C-uxxr. of . j .bi -. ,r,-. .ix.- xti MvcirsCKitii ; Mr J. W. CaJz, cfO.-v'i'.f'j-anmini ', t -r. r : gB Otj, wif cf tie,r cf iL wtrr ;- txt x xf Cxi?.irr..s't c-attro Mtii:t CTiurch- A. 4 ' P4.5 U.x." 4; J-.x". xt, O..- "hs, vi i-jt'f, 4i. ; j : v vr:r.i z xxi : i--i t. Xx?x: r : :k..: : xxi 4 x; tic 4 :'X-fi lei: T7:i XJH IC H-X'.X 4" i: x 1 '.ijxx. X Ztit 1 4x r..r:i. : IXXXiT. Prl-l iX ili".Xir X XXr lui i jrxxxi ii; :x ixx:1"-. iii- oX 'lf Ixt i: tx OiTnxxx; :x:.:x x v ?.-r-rx -. ;!;.xix.;ix.:n tx: . g'-t" Xi; -i xt't a:f?. Mrs. ix. K- rxrxii.. IIj. j.rx.Xt . I-rX . 1T.-i. Ka T ; . . I 1 " A'i ' i i ;-t-: H-:-r :i ox - Li.1t . -x .1 jrt 1:... .-:xx; ;i xxi ir-t: x-rxr :i i i2 e:xxi;iXj:c. .' ..".X 5Tr iXl 2X4l4Ti4." y.j; ij Xi fc-fr - r it ?.:,;-V ;:7 ;i Si, Tirk citt ii- 42 xr ao:rrjr : x C xxxi-xx xr iij. Tir T-rxr ri. ii; r.ex .'.'.- x: e:;.: j xxii i ;x .rr f .r .:x--e Trir fcxi x : 2-fr': 7 rti -. 1 1; ..1 ;: : ; : : t Ti ".r-T v-tfz . : ;r il.t ;,: -...1x7 0! .xa ta-ii "ax ;:r xi :.' r -T- -s'.-u. tiif. 1 iiixn.'i rrr.:o-;y " ti a'iarf j; i.I x : iuaj ;t :c awuk 4. 1-X :r; H.rxsJ. o: I-iXai. ' ? i - .1 - f -ifj... ; . j :.i fir i ji -i ixa ' .: rv :tx U!Eri; N : --.r-':tu 5':r'.:: i.r u . -. :'V -- c ' i 1 7 r . t.: i "r " : i ii : v;,; fos lr.of " : (.: t -.-.r -t.-..; ; ;ri: -j - :n t'u tj.!ti 5:r ..t :n:i '. jr.:--4 :iti :':r jrrx "i t-- i'in,"iej. : :-' ?o.t :.j: u :: ittji o.k; ,t C-t-i -.: .-: 0'iiT t: ijj :L' t: Z'i aa : - : z: tj r! Lij .0 "-"rrr::'i :i." lATIr iA T.-l.-; 11 7.. Of 1 0: r'i 'i . -l. ::'7 i.j-'. :-rri-:i I..j H:i- 11; 1011 i. ;rj...!j : i.r.ix i '.-iza'.; :i :: .ii: .-t-o-X ".: :.rX:: ' t " '. .i:r:ri,"T s. : -to. i;- Notic of FioaJ ettkment. w r:KS laxd. act jtn j. 'jrr-.s '.i.y. '.'s n. ; Y Airii :. X'.'-i. i ai ::. u irror tiriz :at: ir. t-osip-iaDce y-..i. :x-i jrjrioc. x ct of L'-terrsw of . r A :. e . for : :.v ie of r. 1a ii is. lit ;u:c : f Califorxit. urteon, NrTiii. Ani ts:ir..j-i Im:..rj ." is exten-i-".0 I ".ii fxuxc Ls-i ruve by :; of Aatnjsi t lr'..-x .011 5k. f 010.1.0: IrTer Ci:y. coanty :: Xoii:. rx KKiu-ts ttf thif dy filed inuiX-vuiic-n swaeii No. t.o75, for :i :oo-:iuro: iir : : . o.f :"..:iowet ;4 tni .:i- i ti: i c; see. No. a- s ToLtc:p No. s ?. hkzn N : 7 "A . ti i cir :o taow tfat: u ai i j.;-ifi: is n-ore Ttlxto. for i".s unber ;::.: ir :iti. for ier.: i'.".-j;t. f irT-:iir. ana to XIX Xxi cluxi 511 Isi'i tf..-r she ier-ji-rr ii; i.o-.-ivr tt Pi-:.tzi. Urveon, :i lioii-ij ii - 01 :- 0: i;.;-racr. :i-r liHr SA - .:i .-- I- i i' .e.'.cV . -f 7d0. o";:j. : 1 Ti: n.-.s Zi;s:. of F:U City, -.'?t-?:- lXXiii A-forni:;. o: Fills City, Tr-i 1 . e. s.-j;wi:. o: city. crgon Ai-ii t.. t'r.-j.cj c.iin::.e aivt-fieiv the looTr-:-.:?:: Ux i . r-ois;i to Mle'thir : W- - - - , :.u 1- XXX! cox .v o-n or bjtor- .-aii slaii day j -f ' - .'2r -'S,2a.oX -5, & 11 AQNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ; i n AlviESNvS s. DBil-.-ER, Keeister. Notice For Publication. TIMBER XANI). ACT JUNE 3. l7j. i"xr.i Lacd oace, Portland. Cirveoti. Aueust 17", 15. 15 "iiy r-va tt at ir. (.vmilionce , :ie 7. ro.v:3-:-n of tie act of Co!.e of ' f : ;. liZi. eiti:l3 "Aa af t for the taie of . p z lix-ii ir. tie states of California. Orezon. 1 k! N s S i 4! Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::: ; ; All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS. OREGON J. Q. VanOrsdel & Sii DEALERS IX- timber and farm Hands and City Property. i JLiz d'Hi-ri-tiTrlT fvvr f-A- a-"--? ;r Ir.V" -- o t.; ;e Putlie Lnd tt bv cx of ! C of Jo&cUoa City; Jarxs l4Ti Coambertaia Coub Remedy a4s ,-..:.;r.-T ;.' 'ii- :x? '''J ! f is izi? aworn sujvemem No. was', ? ; ciaiktj, .64 MiM jaij- BijvJk, ' ij-L k c- a ta. 'T "jr''ici Office on Court Street. j' ;Fr. TLi, im xxx-a c.::,x -oV-i--o:-vi.--x- Dallas, Oregon. j! , . . t.rr.?;T i-i ox :x ;.ix i". i . .atj ;x-i " """ ii5 0-om to aaw lnj :iore Keister A- K f-eivtrr ' 0 ti TEMPERS RARE METALS t.";a'" Ir'r i!:;: t ;;aj h.?a ; ti.ekF" fnjy;ine ard day oi ; w -. . -y z fzf s.txr.-t- ir:xx .a..:;rx;i a:.l rr-jr.xj tx ffAxx V, 1 . . , pa..u.,n: H. HolLiaa of ballaa. non: 1 I ,ht T:xo:itrw:h:; ,x. x,r. jxii,-,i ;--.ix-::o.. " v; L. 0fon; shCTU"n LODGE DIRECTORY. KniVhta of PvtMas 1 w 1 ! ---001 - ABSCESi. rnmir flallx M. rit X .'. ti,.. at., o . -abixx-x Lav ior:rI u TlKmd. 01 Vear,. I Sif c? 5r to fl ) Th fac-h came fr-ra Max PracL: s Z. F. Vaughn, formerly a tMctx orcLar4 rar Aihlax I. or Uauaa, Oregon, but now living ir, j Lo Antf'-lfro, aftrr years of r&x. r t toil aod exrimcDt, La? cff-v-J tb-!. ABsCE-rtr. mlih few exr,tit,ar ncltaoovery of a Bcrct of rare value "SrCndl'm.. : lout ty the world for thousands of f ritfc. Aug. 15. 1 .'.: "I want to tayj years. It I do lens than the of a word of praiae for Ba'ilar-i'a snow Lin-; Atf . d . ... tempering gold, silver and crrr toM8""-: J ;f on ,a nai5' .hic , i . r , , " y " , ' ' - ! an.! an ,. I, ric in fisv tc. n ! wuu ttr, a (. ,n'j.'-, :r-rl Oi- Aii ai jitix&al :Ix:x:;x c! riil: rate fr-;-a all Califirtia joixx glssisg Sejictr i axd rxxr Jitil tt clc-s of ti.e Fa.'.-, Lx? ' axx5axeE?J by the Sy:..:x77. Fx railroad. H xariea as wltnesi: H. ,. Campbell of Ct..ei. .rve-.-n: H. Holtaaa f ballaa, Orveon; :..ia.a F-oi of Iia.,aa, Oreeon; sberiuaa x'x-.y o: t-allaa. C'refon. .Aiy or a.l ;raoDa claimiac adversely the 4 r-te-.riid lams are requested to tin their o.a:rDr ia tLU orhce on or beiore aaid 3rd day of AWEBXOX s. BESSEB Keeister. -Notice For Publication. That Vaughn has scored a triumph In the eriU.ri-rl-ve to which he has devoted the last 15 years is bhowri by the needles, knives and Hurgieal In htrurnent.'j he has made of thc-b riietalrt, a gotxl an any made of the fi nest stI. The great value of Vaughn' dis covery liea in the fact that gold is! entirely iv.-fjtie. Surgeons' needles and other Instruments made of tampered gold are jt-rfectly safe in the Burgeon'8 hands iu d iic-at? eases where the use of the ordinary nlcel irifitruruents would threaten blood poisoning or lockjaw. Years ago Vaughn, who was a metal-worker, learned of a etauding oflrVr that hod been made of $.VWJ to the man who would devise a means for the tempering of coi.per and poM. Vaughn set to work, and for 13 years heVilled txforo anything like satis factory resultij came. In tho mean time the man who had offered the reward died, and Vaughn's means had become exhausted. Hut onee Interehted In the scheme for tern perlng of the precious metals, he could not give up the quest A physiel an told him how valuable the discovery would be, and ho kept on and achieved a gn at triumph In tho end. A company has been organized in Los Angeles fur the manufacture of surgical instruments of the rare metals tempered by tho Vaughn process, and already a number of the finest surgeons' instruments have lavn turned out by the makers. Vaughn Is assured fame and fortune. the doctor toM u.t that I wooi-j have a j !"r appi'fl ba'-kltu't Ar:.; -i ;i.T leg, so one iJay I -enttoJ. F. Lrd' was -xn sound and we:!. -dm nore ( w ho ii now in I driver, Co!.; my family." writes . J. '.V. He rt-eornmen!e'j a bAle of .nr.r Lini-! konsha, Mich., "in i ; roeiit ; I got a 50e tu., and it cared mv ! :n.p;y great for cat 4.-.; lejr. It is the bet liniment in the w-:r! i. r-old by Wilson I'rug Co. v.-.o are . k i d n e v tr ... X 1 TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. pj7j. Cuite-i States Land urlico, Fortiand. Oregon, v . ... July 11, la...j. .o.i'.-e i hereby civet! that in compliauve -f ::x tie provi-ioxs of tte act of Con-:refs of "'v1 .- '.',i.ed "An act for tiie'aale of -ix-ter .:-: in tr.e .-iate!' of Caiiiornia, Oregon, r-.tze. ar.i Wa-hi:,?ton Territory," aa'ex vxcji to a.i the P'itUc Land States bv act of 4- l'-, rtlXJam A. Mi'I'Xeton. of rj!i,. R. C. Crwven. Pres. W. O. Vassall. Cashier Itllas Hit; hit Exchanaes bought and sold on all points. Bprclal attention paid to collections. Another Reduction in Fare. The Southern Pacific Company has again reduced the passenger faro to Portland, in anticipation of a heavy increase in travel tiext month. Begin ning September 1, the faro will be reduced to one and one-tenth for the round trip. This will make the round trip fare from Dallas 2.10 instead of f2.5o. This liberal concession is entirely voluntary on the part of the company, and will ls greatly appre ciated by tho traveling public. .'-; at Lt-k & Cl.errixr. Less than fjur w-.;i which to take a I e, ; -1 rat.-s to go at : Clark ExjKsition. i W-ar d'.vav. af I c-1- A' v"a;e ul Oreeon, bsathia day :. x r- ' i r u ote c:a statement So. tl, 5 Disease, ' I pr-xa,e oi tne S. E. ;4 of S. E. !4 oi See .. u---- in Ov. OI j .V.,a.ias..o!:prooi to how tfcat the laud f.-'u-'.' " --';--ca, .'.T its timber or atone I",'?.1';' "ifncu.tura! purf'Ses. ami to eataoltsh tu cjajai to satd land U-f,,re the Reetster .nd r.e'.-riirr 02 tnisoif.i-e at Portland, Oregon, on .ii'iay, tie X:in Gay f,f September. I'.v"). Like Finding- . Find in,? health is i-i.;. so think those wfco u:i you have a cough, Co! !, &.-re ciicst irritation, better a.-t pr x W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, says: "I Lad a terri ehe-t caused bv smoke and Cf i Hx-t i- z . e Cause ot Insomnia. Indigestion nearlv always disturbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of insomnia. Many eases have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Wilson Druir Co. SADDLES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in l'olk county. They are strictly "down-to- date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS KILLthi couch and CURE the LUNGS with fir Ff fnty'e tut I I k 4 ill). O .'or Discovery n C rONSUMPTIO rOLDS Prlct 80c l$l.00 Fres Trial. burfat and Uuickest Cura for all THROAT and LVKQ TaOUB- UE3, or HONEY BACK. A big assortment prices according to quality all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, est Grade. WHIPS and ,0BES. Frank A. Stile MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE UBS . u J . e , . .1 xr.' lun?s; but, after fcsfir ro re'.:.:' in otfier remedies, I waa cnrel ry It.! Kings New Discovery for Consumption. ' Cout?hs and colls." Greatest sate of i At lielt & CherrinKton's dme store; .5.v'f.toP5 .'"gulanties, strengthens and $i.00;giiaranteea. Trial bottle free, i '- ur:nar' organs and builds up .c ) u-oui tissues ot the kid- ;neys so they will perform their ncKxis r.M.pc-rly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as it naeo ys Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, o. 9, stated communications, Second and urth h ridavs of each month. It. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First Firet and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simoxtox, See. Naomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated meetings Second and ' Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M. Mrs. Libbik Mcir, Sec. j 1 i lyTARMios Lodge, No. 96, & of I- 4 ,A Meets every Mooday ereniBg :: its Castle Hall in Odd fellows' buffi:; Viaitincr Knirhts are weloomt G-. N. CHEBB156T0S,tt H. L. Toxey, K. R. S. Fraternal Union of Ameri j T Odge No. 144 Meets Third la W. J. Wagner, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Morrisos.W iji. itiioisun, ot '.of Bu l,'ir'tr"n; :'.s. Oreg.m ; Lee r.r; nan.;- fifi ui Biiell. C'rejon; Mel Htta;.hrev, A ball vl Y 'k alvers. lv the volr"1 laj:dsare r,, ...-ted to tile their ' ", lzli,-?-Me &n 01 said -StU day " ALGERNON" S. DRESSER, Kei'isier. The big horse and cattle show at the Lewis and Clark Exposition is now in progress, opening September 13. It will run for ten davs. Some of tho most noted horses in the country are j tnroul?h tho rn. Diseased kidney on exhibition, and in the cattle, sheep i uo ,inu l"? poisonous waste and hog sections the entries are highly interesting. Cattlemen and horsemen from all quarters of the United States are In attendance. A Remedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. I. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, bilious ness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sals by Wilson Drug Co. $2. Q0 Tays tor the OBSERVER and the eekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observes must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. Salem, Falls City k West ern Railway Co. TIME TABLE Effective May 1. Pail ucept Sunday, Weat-Bornd: A.M. P.M. Lv. PALLAS 7:3) 1:20 Teata" Siding 7:46 1:36 V.illiauia 7:49 1:S Bridgeport 7:.V 1 :4o Ar. FALLS CITY 8:t5 1:.V. East-Round: A. M. P. M. Lr. FAIXSC1TY 9 it 4 Bridjreport 9:30 4,:to tiiiliama 9:56 ib Teata' Siding 9:39 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 5:10 Traina Slop on Siftnal only. U GEKUSOER, Jr.. General Manager. latter is carried bv the circulation to every part of the body, causing d:zz:nvs, bach.ichc, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You caa easily determine if vour kid neys are out of order bv setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed opon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about t?J.tvirur.kidney5 are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. C. B. Burhana Testifies After Four Years. 0. a. BartUM af CarlUle Crater, . Y, write: "About tour years ao I wrote you atatin? that I Had twa entirely cured of a severe k dner trouble by takini less than two bot ties of Foiev t Kidney Cure, it entirely stopped the brick dui sexl-.ment and pain andsvmptomsotkidneT disease disarpeared. 1 am ciaU to say that i bave never had a return of anv of those miv tomadunn the four years that have elaiwl and 1 am evidently cured to stay curtM a-j heartily rewmmend Foley'a Kidnev Cure to ani one suffering from kidney or blaider trouble." Two Sizes, 50e and 100. SOLD AS 3 recc:2em:ed by BELT & (SHERRINGTON Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1-7S. I nited States Land office, Portland, Oreaon, ?x) e s hereby triven that in compliance June I!:-00??- 1f.,he aet of fnpeiof tim( ;J'i -8, en.tit'e? An act Hie sale of timurr lanus in the States of California, Ore gon. -Nevada and WashinBton Territory extended to all tne Public Ind State, bv act of August 4 iwj, Thomas J. FUppen. of ciatskgViie county of Columbia, sute of breeon, ha, his day hied in this office his svvorn statemeut No o4, for the purchase of the Southwest - of jecr.on No. 30 in Tow nship No 7 S , Rl?nI umber or stone than for agricultural purme. ana to establ sh his claim to ui, .Sa JP. 8' the Renter and Keceivefat Pott a. d OreVn on Tuesday, the 3rd day of October 7"' nuns office on or ba ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Kegter. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1J7S United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon June 3. 1S7S, entitled ! . ,1 txnrt'8s ' of'Polk if-.f ebai7' 2f MoD"th, county purchase of the N. W 'oN Xv i l?!,,he No 6 in Township 8 Somh RanVe fn e SfC,,OIJ will Offer proof to ahow thil ; the laid more valuable for its timber or li?fhl, 18 agneultural purrW, and to "ubli -5" claim to raid land' before County Ue?k ot PfJ county, at his office at Dallas T on T wit.? ,olk thelithdayofNovemberTli'' Wednesday, f he namea as witneates: W. v Fn-lpr pal-aa.Orevn:C.G.Coad, of bal'a. l ii ' Jack McU.naM. of IUil Vw T-son : ghary.ofnasToren K U S- ALGERNON" S. DRESSER, Keguter. Wm. MU SCOTT, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OHEOON. I. 0. 0. F. x-- rr- Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets every Saturday evening in I. ' O. O.F. Hall. Chaiwcey Teats, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Kec.Sec. Jjadenle Encampment, No. 20. meets ".Second and Fourth Monday of each month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A. W. Teats, Serihe. nhuira Lotlge, No. 26, D. of R., meets -every Friday evening. Miss Hughes, X. G. Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayieb, Upstairs in Campbell building,1 DALLAS, oris: Woodmen of the World. TTORXKYS AT LAW. Sibley ct Eakis, i The only reliable set of Abstract' Polk county. Office on Court St DALLAS, ORB TTORXEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse TilTTlQ OBEK- nahas Camp, No. 205, meets in Odd 1-ellows hall every Thursday evening Frank Kerslakb C. C. W. G. Yassall.Ci -k. JWpstletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C AT.. 'meets in Odd Follnoo' c 1 and Fourth Wednesday of each' month. ! uks. JOSEI'niSR ilCUEVITT, G. N. B. M. Guy, cferk. TTOBSEY AT LAW. j N. L. BUTLEB, Office over Dallas City Ban- j DALLAS, OBSv- Knights of the Maccabees. m Dallas Tent No. 3, meets Second ami Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. n n v i.n G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com. ' I. X. Woods, R. K. Uilac i Hive, No. 28, L. 0. T M meets Mas. Blanche Eakix. L. C Mrs- k"tie X. Miller, R. k. A. 0. U. W. andTnV?- 85-Meet First month! Wedne8dy of each H. L. Fextov, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. rtfystal Lodse. Xo sn n c , Mas. F.J. Cad, ( of Mrs. En. F. Coad, Fin. TTOEXEY AT LAW J. H. Floweb, Office uextdoortoPostofi. DALLAS. 0 EXTIST. M. Hayter, ir-ilann'B Pm8 umce uv UALXJVH, pHYSICAN AND SURGKOS- " L. N.Woods, Does general pracUce ia i the county. Office on 5; DALLAS. JHYSICIAS AXD SCBGEOS DR.R.C.Hr Koom6. Uglow Building x DALLAS, Unitef Artisans. Asserubl No. 4(V TU..1T ' ""meets ' ! M. OLIVE Si . r . . 1 .- teacner.o. . Firrt and PIANO AND " omuNTOX, 31. A i Studio, Kooni - -1 Cts Ollv. Sec ' DALLA 0RELT