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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
Polft County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBIJSHER. Pabliihed Weekly t 11.50 per Year. Strictly in AdTance. DALLAS. OREOOS. Etnuiu 5, IM The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronizt Dallas jxople. i1 Chairman Baker has issued a call for a meeting of the Republican State Central Committee in Portland, Octo ber 12. He says the meeting is not for the purpose of promoting the con vention idea, but to bring the warring factions of the party together in a sort of love-feast The members of the State Committee are requested to invite representative Republicans and aspirants for state and district offices in their respective counties to attend and participate. Good idea, Brother Baker! Harmony is a mighty good thing especially in a political party. It is really to be regretted that the faction that dominated the Republican party in Oregon for so many years, and until the recent sad catastrophe within Its ranks, didn't hit on this "peace conference" idea before. It would have been a good thing for all of us, and might have been the means of keeping some of the best offices in the state out of the hands of our enemy, the Democrats. But it is better later than never, and, since Brother Baker has requested it, we will all be found in line plugging for peace and singing thatgood old hymn that has for its opening verse, "How eweet for brethren to agVee!" GIFT TO LIBRARY FUND i W B. Acer's Donation Doubles the Amount in the Hands of the State Commission. 1 The fundi available for the purchase ; of free traveling libraries were doubled Tuesday, by a donation of $300 by! VT. B. Aver, of Portland, says the Orejronian. Twenty Oresron towns' I ORATORY AT THE FAIR Dallas Boy MU Represent Oregon in Inter-State Oratorical Contest, September 21. And of a A HARD ROW a !r. r"'! rf ri;- the1 pa;hmy -,rcaii r.: ct.-J j:h ft-ai, w.-a'- may now be supplied with traveling' d vt-r L. Us 'v'.rf it libraries under the management of ,'h; "r.ji'ii ' MoVdy hioh can be the Oregon Library Commission.; iy si i:i:v!;-j-r.? of x dxt-r Only five towns thus far have been S "mi- made traveling library stations Dal- j uat.i bjuukv thnvish ?$rsraiKv laa rtn n tho niimhcr I carek-wnexS. arid Led. :-Tnv to ik;vo:e las being one o. tne nuruoer. j hia---!f to t-.sJy and rarch t:.l he Dallas is tne only town maae a f.,m-j the rl cause of t:;e:r aar l.-V.. tH. ,V, ttrn I Hn, S tTfiW-T rVm.lT fiT it. f ... ... .. ! lit f until if. an.i d'.'.ff fiwn atw s naving raised foO to aid tne traveling t . ih :. h.WY- rrm.;s library fund. The other places are f r xan' weak!vs.w and a:!n.:n; ... . ... . H, f.tuini in L ,dVs M:iu -r root. l:ao plied libraries as long as the com mission dwms it best to continue the i service. The rule has been established ! tracv-J. cnb:ni and rrervAi by his own p -dinar non-a:coiio;:i giyr.e pro-v-t-.. and the comr-ound is no' known I ., .,.-h nv.t l !.u-..rn r.xt- t. r.r't "!i (:o!J.-u Seal root, the required Tli.- m.d! virtues of tcese ne ei- That the demand for the new folder advertising Polk county will be heavy is indicated by the many requests that are already being received for them from all parts of the county. The contents of the folder were re produced In last week's Observer, and 100 extra copies were called for and given out to subscribers before Saturday night. All of these papers were sent to people living In the eastern states. The folders will be distributed from the Polk county booth in Portland until the close of the ex position, and any copies remaining on nand at that time will probably be divided among the variouscommercial bodies of the county. It is expected that many requests for literature ad vertising Polk county will bo received within the next two years from people living in the eastern and middle states, and the now advertising folder will be given a wide distribution. Applos are not so plentiful in the local market as they were before the County Inspector served notice on the farmers and merchants to sell no more wormy fruit. The shortago in quantity, however, is more than made up by tho improvement in quality, and no difficulty is experienced in finding a sale for apples and pears that are free from disease or insect pests. Tho inspectors have evidently made up their minds to enforce the provisions of the now law to the letter, and scarcely a day passes that diseased fruit is not siezod and condemned in some county in tho state. This vigil ance on the part of the officers may work a hardship upon a few farmers this Fall, but it is tho general opinion that the law will prove a blessing in tho long run, in that it will force tho growers to give proper care and attention to their orchards and placo tho fruit industry on a profltublo basis. nop picking has commenced in u number of Polk county yards aud will become general by the last of the week. The vines uro freo from vermin, aud it Is expected that tho quality will be good. If fair weather prevails, the harvest will lust about ten days. The streets of Dallas have been crowded with pickers this week, and tho merchants have been buny soiling them supplies. Old Polk is a scone of great activity just at this season of tho year, and several hundred thousand dollars will bo paid out for labor in the next two weeks. that towns able to do so will be re- j auired to pay the cost of one library, i ... j $50, before being made a permanent i library station. By paying this sum, I a town secures a library of 60 volumes, i which it may keep six months and j then exchange it for a new library. ! In addition to the traveling library, j Dallas will have a permanent library, j the same to be under the control of j the board of directors appointed by; the Mayor. Mrs. George T. Orlicger, j assisted by Mrs. Dr. H. L. Toney and j Mrs. T. A. Riggs, have been soliciting j funds for the support of the free library and have met with excellent success. They have completed the canvass of the business district, and will now proceed to make a house-to-house visit through the residence por tion of the town. They will report the result of their work at the first meet ing of the directors, which will probably be called for some night next week. Everybody seems anxious to aid the free library movement, and, as a result of this generosity, the people of Dallas will have a plentiful supply of good reading matter when the library is opened next month. the- u.t.J ovr. &j lit. fierce s raiTiia llr.-r.;ti'r,. "The wear1.!-. of corset too tUrtit seamed to hare hivwiit un an 'Ciinal rtvssUNt .--".','r,';i ii i- l;aa:-r.' a:nl rvu!t:n in disia.-euient. whieli muiled me until 1 ts not lit i' Ka!k. and a! times could tiartliy .'ml " wri'es Mrs. Beverly !-itiTr aves. of 1H Folium St.. San KranriiX. Cal. "A nrighjr ativ:s.-d n.e tj try lr. I'lerce's havonte fre- serijition. Before the trst tattle was usee I fi it murh l-tter. ltr.DrovHir.PiU went s'ea'iiiy on. and within four months I was like a new an! well one more. am nv i-!fe-tlr well and strong, and ex ttvnjeir frateftil to yuu for your blessed rvuityiy a Ikjoii to sick women. A Great Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one- cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, V Y.. to cover maiiine arcd he will you a free cipv of h's l'wf-paie Common -:ise Mi-du-.w Adviser, patier-coverea. Cloth-covered 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are th best and safist laxative for the use of delicate women. COURT HOUSE NOTES. CLAIMS ALLOWED Spaulding Logging Co, lumber. $ 2 70 Glass & Prudhorame, supplies.. 28 75 Johnson Lumber Co., lumber. . . 21 58 II H Jasperson, pauper acct 20 00 W E Martin, lumber 21 50 Diamond Brick Co., tile . . 'jG 90 J L McCanless, road acct 10 01 Bridwell & Craven, mdse 1 40 Emerson Milling Co., lumber. . . 7 55 D O Meador, pauper acct 11 00 Frank Butler, road acct 18 70 McCready & Earhart.pauper acct 20 00 Ross E Moores, supplies 3 00 Dallas Electric Light Co 15 00 JN Jones, road acct 2 00 Dallas Water Co 10 00 E W Fuller, livery hire C 00 J T Ford, salary 147 90 M A Ford, salary 50 00 William Livermore has returned to Eoseburg. Ous Bassett, a former grocery merchant of this city, made a short visit in Dallas this week. Mr3. II. D. McDonald, of Gresham, is visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Campbell. Will Meet in Independence. A meeting will be held in Inde pendence uoxt Friday afternoon, Sep tember 15, for the purpose of organiz Ing a Polk county branch of the Willamette Valley Development League and to elect delegates to attend the big League convention to be held in Eugene on September 29. All citizens of Polk county are Invited to attend this meetincr and assist in organizing u County League. The meeting will be calk to order at 3 p. m. Instructions In Art. I will receive pupils at my home, two doors west of the dormitory, until college opens. Those interested can see work at my house or in Stafrin Drug Company's window. Call up on me for any desired information. All will be cordially welcomed, JosErmxE Armstrong. Legal Blanks for sale here. Public Sale. Messrs. Fawk & White will sell their personal property at public auction at the E. L. Harris farm at Oak Grove, four miles northeast of Rickreall, on Friday, September 22 Tho sale will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. Tho property to bo sold includes livestock, farm tools and implements, grain, seed, household goods, etc. A freo lunch will bo served nt noon M. F. White, of Rickreall, will act as auctioneer. Remember the date. Pound. Found, a K. of T. emblem pin Owner can have samo by paying for this notice. Fresh Cow For Sale. Fresh cow for sale by William Mackie, on the Yost farm 2$ miles east of Dallas. Lost. Lost, in Dallas, a pair of spring balance sealos, weighing to 80 pounds. Finder will please return to J. M. Grant. Carpet For Sale. The Baptist Aid Society has 39 yards of rag earpot for sale. Inquire at tho Parson ago. Scrofula Few are entirely fmrom it. It may develop to slowly a to cause tittle If any disturbance during the whole period of childhood. It may then produce Irresmlarlty bf the tomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked tendeney to consumption before manifesting itself In much cutaneous eruplion or (flandular gn-elllng. It is bst to be cure that you are qui;, free rrora it, and for Us complete erad;ca tion yoa can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla Tht beet of all tuedfciiiee tut all humor. , For Rent. TheLyle farm at Dallas. For terms apply to Mrs. Harriet L. Veazie, 745 Overton St., Portland, Oregon. Wanted to Rent. Wanted to rent, a farm of 200 acres or over. Inquire of Wiluam Mackie, Yost place, east of Dallas. Horse and Buggy For Sale, nurse and buggy for sale ; will sell together or separately, norse large enough for farm work. DR. MARK HAYTER, Dallas, Oregon. FoimnoiiEFMn Ua ca'Ia adlallA4a INDEPENDENCE NOTES. Miss Canna Robinson has returned from Newport. Mrs. A. M. Hurley returned from Portland, Tuesday. Miss Louise Waller spent the week visiting in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Paddock re turned from Portland Saturday. Glenn Graves, of Portland, was an Independence visitor the first of the week. Mrs. W. G. Cressy returned from Newport, Saturday, where she spent the summer. Mrs. G. W. Conkey returned Satur day from a short visit with friends in McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Locke, ofSalem spent several days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Damon. Mrs. Ella Jessup has returned from a visit in Eugene and is visiting at the home of her father, T. Fennell. Mrs. A. J. Goodman visited friends here the first of the week, going to Portland Tuesday, on her way to her home in Pendleton. The population of Independence has been greatly increased by the hop pickers, and the streets remind one of a scene on "The Trail." Mrs. Julia Douty, of Winlock, Wash., and Mrs. Sarah Young, of Portland, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Claggett, over Sun day. Mrs. W. A. Messner and daughter, Lucile, came up from McMinnville for a few days, returning Monday. Mrs. Messner is with Mr. Messner's mother, who has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Smith, of Waitsburg, Wash., who have been visiting friends and relatives here, returned to their home, Tuesday, They were residents of Independence many years ago. The afternoon passenger train has been from one to two hours late for several days, caused by the heavy travel and largo amount of baggage to handle. Crowds are coming in tor hop picking, besides numbers are re- turning from tho coast, and, with the travel to Portland, it has been neces sary for the railroad company to put on extra conches. Hop picking is getting well started this week nnd by Monday will have started in most of the yards. Picking will begin in the 400-acre KrebsBros.' yard Monday, and the opening of "Tho Trail" will be on Saturday eve ning. An orchestra from Portland will furnish musio for dancing, and a special train of sightseers from Port land talk of coming up for the occasion. On the grounds there is a largo dance hall, restaurants, bakery, store, etc., and a gas lighting system, and, of course, the usual merry-go round. A special train from Port land, consisting of 13 coaches, brought tho pickers, Thursday. Store Changes Hands. alter illiams nas sold nis cigar and confectionery store in this city to Ross Ellis. The change of manage ment will take place as soon as Mr, Ellis can leave his present position in the Bee Hive store. The new pro prletor has had much experience in the business in which he is about to engage, navlng conducted a similar business in the Wilson Block for several years. Mr. Williams will re main in Dallas, but has not definitely decided on his plans for the future. Legal blacks for sale here. Deafness Caanot be Cared ' br local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of ttio ar. Ther is only on iv to cure IH-afnees. and that is by constitu tional remedies. leanesaia caused by an in f m,'il condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachian Tube. When rhis tube retstinflamed yoa have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and win-o it is entirely closed rvafneaaia the result, aaJ unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to ita normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forererj n.necaeactit of ton are caused by catarrh. rhub m not :in rv:i an innainea cvotuuoa o lie rouroas sc.-: ices. v.- : l c;v One Hundred Donars for any caso of Ieufness (caused by catarrh) that can- t b-enred by ilaa s C alarm vure. senator eirc-Jirs, free. , ball' iaauly fills are the best. i The icter-sSsti? oratorical contest ! will be held in the auditorium on the j Lewis and Clark Fair grounds in J ji 1 Portland, on Thursday, September 21. j I t,- YintpsMnt. from each of theifl? Pacific Coast states will participate, and the contest promises to be stronger j 'than anv that has been held here tofore. Dallas College will be represented in this event by Chester P. Gates, who j won the state contest at McMinnville i in April. If any friends of Dallas j College are planning to go to the Fair, it might be well to arrange the: Hip lJl kUlS fciiJLitr OUU tuttav t jjwv j ... showing for the school, and at thej W same time help boost for the state and i fjj STOCK iOUR FALL ( IN IN (is i IN JN IN her representative in an event wnicn should be of interest to all. IS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION, . ,r,, irixTir XTT,Mtr TUIWfiS flint, wo pun nnt.muU II A ti exj jiaih i iutT axixi--. w.. sjcai mention I of them all here, but ask you to come and see the good things to wear. Our line of Clothing will never be excelled in quality and price. Another Reduction In Fare. The Southern Pacific Company has again reduced the passenger fare to Portland, in anticipation of a heavy increase in travel next month. Begin ning September 1, the fare will be reduced to one and one-tenth for the round trip. This will make the round trip fare from Dallas $2.10 instead of $2.55. This liberal concession is entirely voluntary on the part of the company, and will be greatly appre ciated by the traveling public. Notice to Water Consumers. The City Council has ordered a test of the water system for Wednesday, September 13, at 2 o'clock in the after noon. Water consumers are requested to shut off all service, further than that of absolute necessity, at 1 o'clock p, m. on that day, and to keep the same shut off until the test i3 com pleted, the same as in case of a fire alarm. W. L. SOEHREX, Superintendent BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Eayter, Dentist. OfBce over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaranteed. T.ADTKS' WRAPS all the our prices to be met anywhere dollars by trading with us. new things and it will not and you will be able to be save I possible yourself! 4 What we say here true at our EliMS & you will find store. IN IN IN for man.v IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 'PHONE 246. ruiN street! Estray Notice. Strayed from my place on Salt Creek, about May 1, about 18 head of goats; marked with under-bit in left ear. The original stock have a square crop aDd hole in right ear, and are eountermarked with under-bit in left ear. Any information leading to their recovery will be gratefully re ceived by J. H. Brown, Dallas K. F. D. l, Oregon. Teams Wanted. Teams wanted for grading. Will resume work Wednesday, September 13. Apply to Salem, Falls Citv & Western Ry. Co. at Falls City. Notice. As I am preparing to retire from the Dallas Flouring Mill, all persons indebted to the mill are requested to call and settle their accounts at once. G. M. Gooch. For bale. Express and delivery business for sale; good wagon and team: also larger team, wagon and harness. D. A. Critchlow, Dallas, Oregon. Notice to Farmers. The Soehren Warehouse Company 18 now prepared to store farm prod ucts of all kinds at the new fire-proof warehouse in Dallas. Hop and grain sacks for sale. Storage rates made known upon application. For Sale. White Fantail Pigeons for sale; also, Cotswold buck lamb, subieet to register. Glenn Orr, Rickreall Or. Are Ycu Building? We have Lumber from Five dollars per thousand and up. Special bar gains to clean up yard. Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co. For Sale Cheap. A Two Burner BI ue-Flame Oil Stove as good as new. Price $4.00. W. I. Reynolds, Dallas, Or. Seed Wheat For Sale. Dawson Golden Chass hard wheat, the best producer known for either wet or dry ground. I raised 32 bushels to the acre this year. Send orders for seed wheat early to N. P. Rasmcssen, two miles east of Dallas. Thone Xo. 456. Prunes Wanted. I will be in the market lor prunes again this season, and will receive them at my dryer in Dallas as soon as they are ripe. Will pay the highest market price for all that may be offered. Come and see me. S. P. KIMBALL. NEW Steroscopic Views OF OREGON, Per Dozen, $1.50 New line of Souvenir Postal Cards including Fair Build ings and Oregon Scenery and Comics. : : : : Meiser $ Meiser Dallas, Oregon. Street Improvement Notice. To E. J. Boos. Notice is hereby eiven. that the City Council of t:,e Ctty of D,!8. Oreeon, contemplate the KmI111 0rdlr'8tlc requiring the improve men of those certain streets or parts of streets herein described, as follows, to-wit A new si'ewalk 5 feet 4 inches in width onthe WesT side of. that pan of Ljie street ad acen t to and adjmmne that certain lot or par of lot or n u 'UDd,- d?cri Lot No. 6, Block . A.- W"S Und an'1 Improvement Com-! pny s Addition t.. ball,,... fieon That said fidewalKs will be constructed of lumber at the time and in the manner to be Th". tC,rJ'rfc8Crlbed b' 8il1,1 Ordinance That the est of said sddewalka will be assessed to the above described property front in--and abutting thereon; "l" That the City Council will sit in the Council Chambenn said City on the lth of Septei Ser A. p. at 7:10 o'clock in the evening? to hear mavRat-Prt '?lher t0118 in interest, Sul if t iS11, Ume a?d Ilflee and "how tau ,' n any they have, why 6aid Bidewalk-s mould not be constructed of n"i?Jrd,erof th! C1,y Council of the Citv A. r. 11 0U Ule 4th day of Pternber Witness my hand and the official seal of t,o A.'iVml01 Da"a8' tbi-th day of SeUmber (Seal) DAN P. STOUFKER, Aaditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas. Oregon. -FULL LINE OF- Columbia Phonographs Big StocK of Records and Supplies L. D. Daniel's Wall Paper Store Main Street. Dallas, Ore., 'Phone 225 For Sale. Yetch seed for sale; also, two Lin coln buck lambs. J. J. Leveck. Lewis- ville. Address Monmouth. Or. Sheep Wanted. Wanted, by responsible party, 50 head of good ewes to keep on shares Inquire at Obsebver odor. HARNESS AfJD SADDHES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to etyle workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk county. They are etrictlv "down-to- uaie m every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment-prices according to quality-all fitted with "Double Sur cingles a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Con and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and E0BES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE 8 & Watch this snace for Shoe News 8 3 8 3 8 IS 8 each week. Buy your Shoes at Dallas Boot and Shoe Store MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. J. Q. VanOrsdel & Soi j( CC!? Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. P. N S t 5S I s s s DEALERS IN timber and farm Eands and City Property. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. Chamberlain's Colif, Cholm and lirhoe kerned v- t"rer fuU. Buy it bow. It aaty mi Ui. ENGLISH WALNUT TREES special prowers of hRt """v i";ues. ADundant at an early age. Big A poor man's chance. bearers 1 money made, j Our Prices Reach Them All1 Write today for free catalog of vala able information BROOKS & SONS, j Walnut Nursery, Carlton Oregon. ! ELASTIC PULP PLASTER No Sand No Lime Fire Proof Water-Proof Will Not Fall Off Crack Crumble JUST THE THING FOR HOP DRYERS- Pacific Pulp Piaster Co Phone Main 232 WRTLAND, ORE. FOR FIRST -CLASS WOBK CAL IIII'S I John E. Smith's Old Stand General BlacksmW and Iron Work- Horse Shoeingjg$ I have had 28 years tfPj this work, sua - first-class joe Mw vatMuw s T Tin 1 ) 3. v ence in give you a i Dallas,1 HOUISTCR'9 3 Hocky Mountain Tea A Bnir Kedioia lf.? TM aJnm Fnalth al WZ.. -..-5. 1."Sffi n.ff. .-. rvnttnation. 'E r" t I Sidney Troubles, Pin'P't!; EV A ad IT. 1 . - iMooa, ua cream, 'T, s nd Backache. ltWal,x&Jr lt form. SS enti bot ."Vl -T , li It y i 63L0H WC5ET1 FOR 8-" "'