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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1905)
CAPTURED NEAR EOLA Reform School Boy Takes to Water After Fighting Pursuers With Rocks. Five more escaped reform school boys have been captured, three haviDg been taken into custody Sunday and two Monday. Fred Thiel3en and Sain Young were the captors of one of the boys and only the darkness and dense timber prevented them from securing two or three more. The three taken Sunday were found in the limber south of Salem. Thielsen and Young were enjoying a ride in their canoe and were near the Fawk farm about a mile below Eola when they were hailed from the shore by Walter Lyon, who was pass ing in a buggy. When they reached the shore Lyon informed them that he had seen a number of reform school boys in the brush. The boatmen at once started in search of the fugitives and soon came upon a gang of six resting under the trees along the river bank. They made a rush into the crowd, and called upon the boys to surrender, but the only response was a scattering of the much-wanted boys. When the men started in pur suit they met a volley of rocks, some of which came too close to be either comfortable or safe. One huge missile grazed Young's hat. All the boys except one escaped in the darkness, and the one, being cornered, sprang into the river and attempted to swim across. He was overtaken by the men in the canoe and was brought to Salem and lodged in the county jail for safe keeping over night. The boy's name was not learned. He is about H years old and a bright fellow. That lie is "game" is shown by the effort he put forth and the vigor with which he de nounced his comrades for not coming to his rescue when captured. Salem Statesman. COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE. Estate of Vrena Schlndler, de ceasedClyde Beckett, Byron Harritt and William Calder appointed ap praisers. Estate of H. J. Butler, deceased pe tition to sell personal property granted. Estate of Elizabeth Butler, de ceaseddistribution ordered as prayed for. Estate of W. It. Birks, deceased allowance of $75 a month for support of minor children granted. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Calvary Presbyterian Church, Inde pendence, to II A Bice, lot in Inde pendence, $200. Mercantilo Trust Co of S F to 1 Clemens Horst Co, reconveyance of property described in Trust Deed. 30 Beautiful Half-Tone Views Clatsop Beach Scenery Free. The Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Company has just issued Souvenir of Clatsop Beach containing 30 elaborate half-tones of the principal points of interest between Portland and Seaside, which will be mailed free upon application to C. A. Stewart, Agent, 218 Alder St., Portland, or J. C. Mayo, G. P. A., Astoria. Ore. A Touching Story is the eavinj; from death ot the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Mil. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health with serious Throat Trouble, and two phyeiWans gave her up. We were almost in despair, when we 'esolved to 'rv Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption LoneliS and Colds. 1 he first iiottle aave relief; after taking four bottles she wa cured, and is now in perfect hei.'th." Never fails to relieve and cure a ruiigl or cold. At Belt it Cherrington's drug store; 50c and fi.00 guaranteed. Tria bottle free. The skill with which the Portland street car lines handle the crowds of visitors to the exposition is a matter of favorable comment from all quarters. Though from 15,000 to 30,000 people ride to the fair every day, there is practically no crowding, and the conductors are winning praise for their uniform courtesy and attention to the passengers. A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with small children during the hot weather of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not uee any substitute, but give the old-fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its incipiency ana all danger avoided. The cattor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indica tions of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most successful treatment known and may he relied upon with mplicit confidence even in cases of Cholera infantum. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. The Lewis and Clark poultry show, whicl will open at the Exposition October 5 and run until the 10th, in clusive, promisos to bring together the finest collection of poultry ever seen in the West. Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This fact is well known to druggists R L Subin and wifo to W OVassall, everywhere, and nine out of ten will land in Falls City, $1. give their customers this preparation Jeromo Dornsifo and wifo to Minnie hen tlie be8t 18 8ket fo'- Mr- J'JL' F Hubbard, lots in Independence. $1. ltluer- a prominent uruggistoi jopnn, BIG STOCK SHOW NEXT MONTH Will Be Held in Connection with Lewis and Clark Fair L?te in September. Farmers and stockmen are taking a lively interest in the big livestock show to be held in Portland from Sep tember 19 to 2!. The officials of the Exposition are confident that the large number of entries assures the success of the undertaking. In the neighborhood of 50,000 is now avail able in prize money, the $40,000 appro priated by the Fair management having been augmented repeatedly by donations. It is not the prize money, however, but the excellence of die western market that is responsible for the interest which stockmen are taking in the show, according to M. D. Wisdom, livestock superintendent. "Thesto.'k industry in the Pacific West has a wonderful future," says Mr. Wisdom, "and eastern breeders are just beginning to appreciate the fact. Several of the big firms are coming out with the intention of locat ing branch houses in the West if pros pects seem favorable, and one of the largest firms, McLaughlin Brothers, of Columbus, Ohio, and Kansas City, Mo., already has established a branch office in Portland." W. S. Skinner, superintendent of the National Live Stock Show in Chicago, is getting together a train- load of Shorthorns, Herefords, Polled Angus and Galloway breeds for exhi bition at the Fair. .The State of Missouri has appropriated $3,000 for special premiums to be awarded the Missouri cattle making the best show ing at the Fair, and other influences combine to assure the success of this department of the show. Notice i herebv (riven that I. C. C. scrocpins, have been duly appoints.) iUminmritor ot Hie estate ot Vi. K. Birks, deceased, by the couniy Court of Polk County, ureson Ail person! bavinc claims anintt the said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified. 10 ihena.ierMened.attheSheruian bank.yhendaii. oreeou. nubiu six months from the date o: this notice. . .. 1'ated this lih day of August, 1:. C C. srKOXiGlNs. Administrator of the estate of W. K. Birks, deceased. X. 1- Butler, Attorney. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAX P. ACT JUNE 3. 1ST. I'Dited Mutes Land oilioe, Portia iid. oreeon. July 8, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of con tress ol June 3. WS, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore yon, Nevada, and Wasliineton Territory." as ex-ended to all the Public Land States by act of ue;ist . 1st'.'. Mary E. lierv, of Imlb.s. counrv of Polk. Mate of Oreeon, has this .lav hied in this office her sworn statement No. v?-for the purchase of the N.W. f4 of S.W. 4 of Section No. 10 in Township No. 7 Ranee No. 7 W.. and wili oiler proof to show that the land sor.eht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on 1'hursday, the 2M day of September, lswi. She names as witnesses: ueor.-e Conlee. of Iiallas. oreeon: Melvin Conlee, of Bueil, Ore iron: Win." Hayes, of Dallas, Oreeon: Wm. 1 illotson, of Bueil, Oreeon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lamis are requested to tile their claims m t his office on or before said -'1st day of September, IWi. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. V THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREliON FOR POLK COUNT V. 1 In the Matter of the Estate of ( I i.LI AM C. U cLCRE.deceased v.,H.o u hereliv tiveil mai a Piatt, Sr, ,'V.V"r... i... a i mi his final account as such eituueu eir. -"T. ,f iha Stale aduunistratorin necou 'JVVLar., 1 cm.r of Oreeon lor roiK coum j , .. , T. I7n bv order duly made has appointed the lh daj of September, l t the hour of 9:d0o clock A. M. ill tN? c'cirt Room of the County Court for Polk r.ecuim """Y"Yi.- , ,,u, for hearine objections to said tinnl amount and Ior " .V.,... h ,in1 for the settlement report, ii an.' uwv , First publication, Ausiust 11. 1905; last publi canon, sepiemoero, Administrator with the Will nimexed of the l-.state oi u li.iiu C. Mct'lurc, deceased Piatt A. Piatt. Portland, Oreeon, Attorneys for the Estate. Peculiar Disappearance. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptons.of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King'e New Life Tills. He Eays: "They are a perfect remedy, for dizzi ness, sour stomach, headache, constipa tion, etc." Guaranteed at Belt & Cher rington's drug store, price 25c. Several cities in the state of Nevada have special days at the Lewis and Clark Exposition this week. One day is devoted to Goldfield, the famous mining camp. State days during the week are those of Tennessee, Illinois, Louisiana and Arkansas. RHEUMATISM. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE o, 1S71 United states Laud Oitice, Portland, Oreeon. July 7, 190.3. Notice i3 hereby siiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IsTs, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Statts of California, Oreeon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, lMt- Fred J. Holman, of Falls City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this oiiice his sworn statement No. for the purchase of the Southwest one-fourth of Section No. Lti in Township No. 8 South, Ranee No. 7 West, and will otter proof to show that the .and soueht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of September, I'M. He names as witnesses: William Alderman, of Falls City, Oregon; W. J, Southwell, of Falls City, Oreeon; W. E. Gilbert, of Salem, Oregon; 5. H. Tetherow, of Falls City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in this office on or before said Hth day of September, l!Xt5. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Stales Land Office, Portland, Oregon July 8, MM). ... i l... th.) in (iiiTllll IHIW .Notice is liereuj H)eu um. ... .-...( with trie provisions of the act of Congress oi June 3. -:. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon v..,.u,i,. vv,.Khimrtnn Territory.' asexteuu l.i m 'i! iho Public. Land States by act of i .., j lvin John Middleton. of Dalla: county of 'folk. State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. toib .1,.. Of HlB W. liCof X. W. i Of SCC, s w in Tovensliin No. 7 S.. R. NO. t) W., Bud will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestablish hisclaim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Purtioi.d, Oregon, on Friday, the 2nd clay of September, IW He names ts witnesses; Lee Humphreys, of Dallas. Oreeon: Oeoree Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; Wm Hayes, of Dallas, Oregon; Hal, Ionian of D.illHM. Oreeon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the nbovfi-riesi-riried lands are rea nested to !ile tnei claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of September, l'JO'i. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. Ellundor Gross to Mary E ShClley, lots in Monmouth, $1. Sick hcuducho results from a disord ered condition of the stomach ami is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale bv Wilson Drug Co. Mo., in a circular to his customers, says : "There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints We sell and recommend this prepuni' tion. I' or side bv W tlson Hi'tig Co. The shortness of the Oregon apple crop this year is shown by the limited supply of summer up ilea of Oregon growth which have been upon the market. A mile toictlioUL'lit may save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to kocp Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For salo bv Wilson Drug Co. If all the free shows inside the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds such as moving picture exhibits, stereoptieau entertainments and the like, were charged for at the rate of 25 cents 11 show, tho average price for such performances when given out side, it would cost tho visitor $2.25 to sco them all. llcccnt weather conditions makes it Public Is Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great med icinal tonic, Electric Hitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary II. Walters, of 54(1 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, piuuuuiu unit, uie yieiu oi poiiiioes in u., writes : "for several montns, 1 was Oregon will bo rather light this year given up to die. I hud fever and ague, except on bottom lands. Fiendish Suffering is often caused by soree, ulcers and can cers, that eat awav vour skin. W m Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich., says: "I have used Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, for Guaranteed at Belt & Cherrington'sdrug Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is the store : price 50c. my nerves were wrecked; 1 could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Hitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." best healing dressing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds. 25o at Belt & Chcrrington's drug store; guaranteed. An Indian village, with a baud of Nez Pcrccs, has just been opened on tho Trail at the Lewis and Clark Ex- iwsition. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific ia now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April IS A Japanese tea, houso and garden, built on tho edgo of Guild's Lake, constitutes a now feature at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. HERBINE Renders the bile more lluid and thus helps the blood to How; and it affords prompt relief from biliousness, indiges tion, sick and nervous headaches, and over-indulgence in food and drink. G. L. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. A T. R. 11., 1V03: "I was sick for over two years with an enlargement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good, and I had given up all hope of beintr cured, when my drugtrist advised me to Monday in Portland. The same ar-uso Herbine. It has made me sound from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and When pains or irritation exist on any part of the body, the application of Bal- ard's Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, El Reno, O. T., writes, June C, l'J02: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afllicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that eives immediate relief." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Legal blanks for sale here. l- att Wlka3 p' rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. and well." 50c. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Capt. Speedy, tho noted high diver, is now giving two daily orformanees on tho Trail nt tho Lewis and Clark Exposition. Capt. Speedy dives from a tower lit) revt nign into a tank or water only two feet deep. ICILLthe COUGH AND CURE THE LIJMfl.Q WITH Dr. King's Urn Discovery FOR c CNSl'MPTION 01GHS and OLDS Fries S0c&$t.00 Frc Triil. buret and Uuickeat Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TEOUB- or MONEY BACK. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are-con stant sufferers ami appeal to our sym pathies. There is not one of them, however, who limy not lie brought back to health and liupuiuess bv the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and I.iyer Tub lets. These tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Thev also regulate the love!s. For sale bv Wilson Drug Co. WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS C1YENUPT0 DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., Evansville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost f.esh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good nd I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and he first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely cured." TWO SIZES, SOc ASD JI.C3. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE :!, 1S7P. United States Land Office, fortlitrnl. Oregon, July 11, l'joj. Notice is hereby given that in compliain witn ine provisions ol tee act of ( onsrefs ol June 3, bTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the t-tntes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wasliineton Territory." as ex tended to all the Public Land States by art of August 4, mr', 1111:1111 A. .Middleton, of Dallas, county 01 j oin, state oi ureeon, Das nils day nieu in mis omce ids sworn statement No. ti-V.n for the purchase of the S. E. '4 of S. E. c4' of See: tion No. 10 in Township No.'7 S., Range No. 1 v ., and w ill otter nroof to show that the land soueht is more valuaole for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oiiice at Portland, Oregon, on aionuay, the 'Jjlh day of September, l!w5. He names as witnesses: Win. Tillotson, of rsuen, uregon; .Melvin Coulee, ol Bueil, Oregon deorge Conlee, of Dallas, Oregon; Lee uumpnreys, ol Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile "their cinims in mm omce on or belore said 2'A h day wi ccjjii-mucr, him, ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice hor Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, ls78. I'nited states Land office, Portland, Oregon, .1 iil v n iaT Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of uiiiuir minis in me Mates ot Calilornia, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ,u exienneti to all Ine Public Land States bv net ol August i, ly.i'j, lliomas J. rlippen.of Clalskanie, county of Columbia, State of Oregon, has this nay nieu in tins omce ins sworn statement No. uw, ior me purcnase ot the Southwest 1 of rctimii ;u. oo ill lownsiun -NO. 7 South, Range No. 7 West W. M and will oiler that the land sought is more valuable for its umuL-i or oione uian ior agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before me icKisieraua deceiver at Portland. Oregon on Tuesday, the 3rd day of October, l'.Hi,"). tie names as witnesses: Bert Bryant, of misname, vregon: f.u. nitlen, ol Portland Oregon: J. C. Bryant, of Portlaud, Oregon i'hos. .Murphy, of Portland. Oreiron Any ami all neraoiiN rltnmint. fl,it-.,r0ui.. above -described lands are rpun.xn..! t,. mu ,!...!. claims in this oiiice on or beiore said 3rd dav of October, Woo. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. SOLD m EECC"EKE3 BY BELT & CHERRINGTON Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7S. I'nited States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, . .. , , July 11, V.Kf'i. Not-.ce is herebv given that in .r.,,o; , witb the provisions of the net of ,... . ... June 3, 1.178, entitled "An act for the sale of , """ ouue oicaiuorma, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Tprriton. .. ed to all the Public Land sihi".: i,v ",., ; August 4, 1SH2, Peter Berir. n( " n,,u county of Polk, State of Oregon ha this day tiled in this oflice his sworn statement No. 6!Hi, for the purchase of the S. W '.'of aw. tion No. 8 in townshin Nn 7 s ,,.., v.,1 - ,T- and will otter proof to show that the land soueht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon on Tiiir n.o ...,. V... of September, l'.nio. " l e names as witnesses: William Haves, of Dallas, Oregon: O. P. Conlee. of Dallai gon ; C harles hhlenberger, of Portland, Oregon Melvin Conlee, of Bueil, Oregon "'-.". Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descilbed lands are requested to tile their claims in this office ou or beiore said "6th day of September, laXi. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Summons. f I"ptue.-CirUn0urt of tne Stte of Oregon for Polk county, Department No. 2 W W. Lucas and Adalalde Lucas, Plaintiffs vs. Martha E. Brown and Geo W. Brown her' husband, Luther Williams and Kate G. Williams us wife. Oliver N. Williams. William H Wif hams and Mary K. Williams his wile' de fendants. c To -Martha E. Brow n, Geo. W. Brown I uther Williams Kate.G Williams. Oliver N. Williams William H. Williams and Mary K. William, the above named defendants: In the name of the State oi Oregon: You and each of vou are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint hied against you in the above entitled suit, in the above named Court, on or before six weeks from the dale of thu i;.., . ..n....' of this summons, and if you fail so to annesr and answer, the plaintiff will lake a decree against yon and each of you as praved for in uis coiiipiaini in said suit, to-uii- Tht i-iaintins are the owners in fee simple of the part of the D. L. wife, claim No. South of Ra Meridian, in iri premises. tn.u-il- C. of Leonard W illimn o. Not No. ltvYi, in Townshin 8 uge 4 West of the Willamette Polk County. Or..,.n ).,...., at the Southwest corner of said I). L. C then. running East ,Vi.iS chain, thn.. v..... - chaius. thence West .Vt.St chains. thn. s.nTh -iUt chains, thence South 12 degrees li minutes East 4. chains to the place of Winning con taining 171., 0 acres mote or ! mn.l th, ..... defendants and each of tln-m be forever barred and enjoined from claiming any right tide or interest in or to said real premises or anv part thereof, and for such other and further re'lief in the prriDiom as to the Coni r,T seem hist and preoer. This summons is iuh;ihe.l f..r .rit el six weeks in Hie "Poik County observe-" bv oixter of the Hon Ed F. Coad". Ju,:ge of the t omity Coort ot Polk Counrv. iire,.n t.i.1j ., chambers at Dallas. Oregon, on the Hth day of .itiKi.M. a. i. i. ana uie date of the rri ptit hcation thereof i.l be An -nt ls'h i aun uaie ei iie last publication threof be S ptemt"er j;Kh, 1H. SIBLEY EAKIV. Aitornexs ior Plaiiuii TIMBER LAND, ACT Jl'NE 3, 1878. I'nited Slates Lund Oiiice, Portland, Oregon, July 7, l'JOi. Notice is hereby given that in compliance ivilh the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 178, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington territory, extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Merritt L. Thompson, of Kails City county ol rolK, state ot Oregon, has tins day hied in this omce his sworn statement No. bM, tor the purchase of the N. E. 4 of Section No. 12 in lownsmp No. 8 s.. Range No. 7 v .. and win offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuaole lor its timber or stone than tor agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land beiore Register and Keeeiver at Port land, Oregon, on Thursday, the lltli day of September, lHU'i. He names as witnesses: Warren Wright, of Falls City, Oregon: F. W. Robinson, oi Fulls City, Oregon; R. M. Wonderly, of Fulls City Oregon; L. K. Kimes, of Falls City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in tins omce on or beiore said llth day oi aepiemuer, iihij. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register, Notice for Publication. LIMBER LAND, ACT Jl'NE 3, 1878. I'nited States Land Office Oregon City, Oregon, April 3, HKlj. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timoer lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the Public Lund States by net of August i, jouii it.roucn.oi Traverse Cltv, county of Leenau, State of Michigan has this 'day filed in this office Ins sworn statement No. 0575, for tne purchase ot the hast J of Southwest i and Lots 3 and 4 of Sec. No. 30 in Township No. 8 S, Range No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the negister aim Keceiver at Portland, Oregon on Monday, the 2 th day of September, 1W.3. He names as witnesses; li. F. Bougliev of ma, uijr, urcKuu; j nomas liogar, ol Falls City, Oregon; William Alderman, of Falls City, Oregon ; VV. B. McGowan, of Falls City. Oreeon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their twiuuo in iuia ouice on or ueiore said 20th day ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that I be has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Conlee, deceased, by the lounoi me state ot Oregon, for Polk County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby nolilied to present the same duly verilied, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his residence near the City of Dallas, in said County, within six months from the date of 11.110 iiutiLC, Duted and first published June 30, 190.) WILLIAM II. CONLEE, Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Coulee, deceased. . Address K. F. D. No. 2, Dallas, Oregon. J. H. Flower, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. deceased1"' et6'"U f IIarris U Wil,g Notice is hereby given, thnt A. Wing, admin- . 4 V me esuue 01 Harris L. W ing, ne. ceased, has rendered and presented for settle ment, 11Iui mi.a ln 8lliu Court " fi lui eoun hi1?.11?111"8.1"0" of U estate; and that ...v .mv 01 s-eptemoer, l'.iOi, at one o'clock Court i the rt?ay,f "rf he.c roomoi sa d h,f .'1 ,,)."" -1-'y." Mlag 1,1 saiJ County, has seiViV, . u uy lu.e sam Courl 'or the r , "oiuui, u winch time and Z ,''CeJ.a"y u Interested in said estute may sum -co , J0'18 ?.. wrttingr to the llvt voiui-si me btime. . , ... A. WING, Admimstrator of the estate of Harris L. W ing, deceased. R. C. Craven, Pres. W. G. Y assail, Cashier Dallas Cii; hii Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to col-lections. Wm. MU SCOTT, Truckman, Does hauling of all klnda at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OR Form mi romsnoitrfrAji Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE Effective May 1 Dailj fxcept Sunday. West-Bornd: Lt. DALL.S Teats' Siding ' Oilliams Bridgeport Ar. FALLS CITY..!.'!"."!" East-Bound: Lv. FALLS CITY Bridgeport oiUiams Teats' Siding... Ar. PALLAS Trains Ston on Simi n)- l OEKLIN'GER, Jr.. general Manager. A.M. ....7:30 -...7: ....7:49 7:55 ....8:05 A.M. ....:2U --..9:S0 ....9:36 -..9.,T9 ... 9:5,5 P.M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 l:5i P. XT. 4:3.. 4:45 4:51 4:54 5:10 C 9 00 raJ"s tor tbe OBSERVER )Zr and the Weekly Oreonia,, one vear. In order to take advantage of this liberal ofTer, vour subscnption to the Oeslkteb m'u;t L paid up to date. Subscribe now Sick Headache SHOULD USE TBABK MARK For Permanent Relief 1 HERBINE acts directly on the Liver. It will cure COVstiiu TION, DYSPEPSIA, MALARIA AND CHILLS. Is entire W f' from all poisonous mineral substances, and is composed snU, "rw- ' j c"- wean ana tveam constitutions; strengthens the weakened glands and organs; it checi. all derangements of the human body. " CURED HER SICK HEADACHE Mrs. Josie Cameron, Centralia Avenue, Temple Texas, writes : "I find HERBINE gives me quick relief, and take pleasure in recommending it to all vomen who suffer from sick headache." WITHIN THE REACH OP ALL Fifty Cents A Bottle Avoid All Substitutes Ballard Snow Liniment Co. St. Louis, U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF w 1 si Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivator?, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS. OREGON LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, Io. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. 11. L. Chapman. W. M. Oscar Haytkb, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First, First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar IIayter, H. V. Willis Simonton, Sec. aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M. Mrs. Libbik Muir, Sec. TTORNKY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill i! DALLAS, ' ORECC: Vi K Ml I. 0. O. F. TTOBNEYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set of Abstract! Polk county. Office on Court SL DALLAS, OEEGO) TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGO: Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets f-jS every Saturday evening in I. u. u. ii'. nail. Chat'ncey Teats, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. IjaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A. W. Teats, Scribe. nlnjira Lodge, No. 20, D. of R., meets Miss Mina Hughes, N. G. wish Lydia Campbell, Sec. TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bant DALLAS, OREGO! Woodmen of the World. Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd iHollnit.a I. nil mi .. .. ..V...UV.0 uau every inursuay evening r RAXK KersI.AKK C. C. W. G. Vassall, Clerk. lyjistletoe Circle, No. 33, YV. 0. W. VAmeets in Odd Fpllnuu' hoii uD,.!i and Fourth Wednesday of each' month. 1UKS. JOSEl'IUXE McDevitt, G. N. B. M. Guy. Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Attorney at law J. H. Flower, Office next door to Postofflce, DALLAS. OBEGC1 J)entist. M. Hayter, Office over "Wilson's Drug Ston DALLAS, ORES' jpiIYSICANANB SIIItGEOS. L. N. Woods, M. D., Does general practice ln any the county. Office on Main street DALLAS, OBEGC-j Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second and fourth Thursdays of each month ml n n v ,"n G. AV. Con-key, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. Kilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M meets on Second and Fourth Th noon of each month J Mrs Blanche Eakin, L. C Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, R. k. A. 0. U. W. Fffi.eets First month ,,eunes(lay of each H. L. Fenton-, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. CS-,f H., meets month. """'csuay ot each Mrs. F. J. Coad, C. of II Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, Fin. Physician and surgeon Dr. R. C. Huoteb Room 6, TJglow Building DALLAS, OBEft M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND 0KGAS Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson DALLAS, OREGON United Artisans. . -S-meetS Fir,t """U AUPPOaV Of unK .1 AVlLLls SlMONTON, M. A Gcs Oli.v, Sec of Pythias and AEM10X L,ii,r.p v.. ; 9. K. of P. PIELIGHTFUL ROfTE AYLIGHT KLVb llrZY CRAGS 6EEP CANONS MORE SCENIC A Than Any Other Lineinj TTRRACTIOi The Only Line Passing SALT LAKE Enroute to or from the Castle HSlurrfo5dfS?y eDins 'in Siting Kn?KSSKMlg TOXEY, K. R. S. " - - -', J. Vy. riiniro nf 9 Routes TW the Heart of the : raternal Union olAcerica EE, F. T ServiceJ Equipment, and Write or call on theun-;;. information anddescripn'"., V,-. C. McBEIDE, E?r t t 6 nl ( ; ( 121 Third n- .S.E.MoEmSOSlSec. 1 PORTLAND,