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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1905)
Polk County VOL. XVIII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 4, 1905 NO, V 8 FREE!! FEE E TicKets to the World's Fair from Dallas to Portland. No lottery. No scheme. A straight business deal. 1 Free to all our customers and their friends who 1 trade with us. Come in and let us explain how we 'j0 it it will be a saving to you. ' . i i ; Yours for business in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc., Etc., Etc. ;R. JACOB! ! THE HUB iON CO. DALLAS, ORE. 2ZZZS- HEATH & CORNES THE WALL PAPER and PAINT MEN. Have the only exclusive i paper ana paint store in wall Polk County. The New Spring Stock is arriving, and comprises all the latest novel ties in interior decoration. Let them figure with you on your Spring work It will pay you. MILL STREET, DALLAS, OREGON f CLOSING SALE ON SUMMER GOODS Liberty Pongee, regular 50c, sale 35c Voile De Mohair, regu- lar 25c, sale 18c Corunna Fancies regu lar 25c, sale 18c Embroidered Mesh, regu lar 35c, sale... 25c Bourette Suitings, regu lar 20c, sale 15c Gretchen Voile, regular 20c, sale 15c Dotted Swiss, Xl".'.... Jacquard Muslin, regu lar 20c, sale 10c Dodson S Co. Mutual Phone. No. 94 Dallas, Oregon 'r77A-; H- 0. CAMPBELL FARMS W. V. FULLER TIMBEB CAMPBELL & FULLER Timber Farm Lands. City Property Loans and Insurance We have the largest and best selected list of farms of any firm in wunty, including Hop lands, Fruit lands, Stock ranches, grain the 'arms and thnoo o,ior, formin- We handlo timber lands in Polk, Benton and Lincoln counties, in small or large tracts, -umestead Relinquishments for sale on timber or stock lanas. "ess chances looked up and located for intending purchasers. Busi- Dallas, Oregon 3 Jl W THfT war a .r-.ti aLLOU $ WORLDS FAQ ffiUU"" 183- The Famous WASHINGTON ICE CREAM may be had in any quantity desired at Tracy Staats' Confectionery Store Cool DrinKs for Hot Weather... Main St. Dallas, Oregon MANY SAW THE RACES One Thousand People Attended Sec ona meet of Independence Driv ing Club Last Saturday. One thousand people attended the second race meet, held under the auspices of the Independence Driving v.uu, at, muepenaence last Saturday afternoon. The grand-stand was packed to overflowing, and hundreds oi people stood along the trnob rn either side of the judges' stand and cujuyeu me sport. There were four events three harness races and uuys running race. v v p,-,.;.,i the veteran horseman of Polk county and president of the Driving Club, had charge of the day's sDorts. and A. I. ' me program was carried out in manner nigniy satisfactorv to n.11 The merchants of Independence and me nop men of the surrounding country declared a half-holiday and gave their employes a chance to eniov ii , me sport. ine :d0 trot was won bv Dell Wilkes, owned by Mark Holmes, and anven by John Kirkland. time. 1 :l9i liev. w. C. Belknap's Zamona. driven by the owner, was a close second. Will Rowell's gelding, Ted R.. won the club race in three straight heats; time, 1:35J. The buggy horse race was captured by The Ereak, owned and driven by J. N. Scott, of Salem ; best time, 1:191. The boys' running race was won by Hill Bros.' Jane, ridden ny Marry Simmons; time, 59 seconds. The officers of the course were Judges, J. B. Stetson, starter; J. W. Kirkland, of Independence, and O. A Westgate, of Albany; timekeepers, D. Woodworm, of Albany, and Asa Staats, of Airlie. The DnviDg Club is planning to hold another meet during the hop- picking season, when handsome purses will be offered and an effort made to secure an attendance of 5000 people. Cotton Declines. William W. Cotton, commissioned by President Roosevelt for Federal District Judge in Oregon, has de- caned the appointment, and the several aspirants for the place, who sought the honor until it was awarded to Mr. Cotton, nearly two months ago, find the course open for a new race. Among the leading candidates for the position left vacant by Judge Bellinger are : R. S. Bean, Judge of the Oregon Supreme Court ; T. A. Mc- Bride, Judge of the State Circuit Court; Henry E. McGinn, ex-Judge of the State Circuit Court; Ralph W. Wilbur, a lawyer of Portland, and L. R. Webster, County Judge of Mult nomah. Others mentioned are C. E. Wolverton and F. A. Moore, J udges of the Oregon Supreme Court ; M. C. George and A. F. Sears, of the State Circuit Court; E. B. Watson, ex-Judge of the Supreme Court; John L. Rand, of Baker City, State Senator, and Stephen A. Lowell, ex-Circuit Judge. Bean, McBride, Webster, Wolverton, Moore and Rand have been recom mended by Senator Fulton. Extreme Low Water. The Willamette lacked but one inch Monday of being at dead low water. Dead low water means the mark that is as low as it has been since there has been a record. They have a gauge at Albany thit shows a mark several inches lower than at any other point, which is said to have been the notch touched in the summer of 18G1. The government engineers, however, do not recognize it, but are guided by the marking at Corvallis, Salem and other points, all of which agree. The indications now are that the river will get low enough this season to smash the record, and establish a new mark ing for low water. Corvallis Times. Contracts Let for Coast Road. Awards have been made by the Atlas Contract Company for the delivery of 2000 tons of steel rails at Hillsboro for the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook railroad. The delivery is to be made by September. The rails are of the 60-pound type. The company has awarded the contract for clearing the right of way to Clark & Dixon, of Forest Grove, and to Thompson Broth ers the contract for grading the first three miles from Hillsboro. Get a Club! The Fogg family are to have a re union in Boston next month. Several members of the tribe reside in Oregon and Washington, but, owing to dis tance, many of them will not attend. Tbey will be classed as the "Oregon misseoV'-Salem Journal. R. C Hall, who owns a farm three and a half miles south of Inde pendence, Polk county, passed through Oregon City, Wednesday. He had th him a freak owl, wim a and the bird is one oi me curiosities tna; nas eci here Mr. Hall is taking the owl to the Homer Davenport farm at the Exposition.-Oregon City Courier. WANT MOTOR SERVICE Salem Statesman Business Men Favor Plan to Build Railroad to Independence. A number of people in Salem are talking about the proposed exten sion of the Independence-Monmouth-Dallas-Airlie-Salem motor line. Some of the leading men of Salem declare that this line would do more good in increasing business here and in build ing up the city than any other that has been proposed. And it would take only about eight miles of trackage to connoct the present system with Salem. The leading business men of Salem are in favor of it. There is not an exception. All the people of the Capital City will help in every way possible, if the proposition for the ex tension can be gotten before them in tangible shape. There will not be a single knocker. The time is ripe, There should be no delay in getting to work in the premises. There probably will not be. As a prominent business man of Salem said recently, the construction of only eight miles of track would put the whole west side country in connection with Salem There would be trips at frequent inter vals to Independence, Monmouth. Dallas and Airlie, and the motor line cars would connect with the Southern Pacific passenger trains for McMinn- ville, Corvallis and all the rest of the towns on the west side of the Wil lamette. The proposed extension, as part of the present Polk county motor line system, would pay. It would pay big Interest on the cost of constructing the additional eight miles of track. MANY BLOODED ANIMALS Finest Herds in the World Will Shown at Lewis and Clark Stock Show. Be HOP MEN WILL GATHER Growers of Two Counties Will Hold Meeting in Independence, Monday, August 7. Hop men in the Dallas district are planning to attend the Grower's Meet ing in Independence, next Monday afternoon, in a body. Many matters of interest are to be discussed, and the meeting will be open to every grower, large or small. Hop farmers through out the valley are taking a lively interest in the proposed meeting, and it is highly probable that large dele gations will be in attendance from Marion, Yamhill, Benton, and other counties. The Independence West Side of Tuesday says : "The proposed meeting is a matter of importance to growers. The im portance lies in the fact that the last legislature enacted a law fixing the weight of a box of hops, and the urgent necessity of picking clean hops. Complaint has been made against unclean picking of Oregon hops, and it is highly desirable that concerted action be taken along this hue to insure a cleaner grade this year. Whether or not picking shall be by weight or box is another matter that growers should decide. Other matters of interest to growers generally can be discussed at this meeting, and it is hoped no grower will neglect to attend." If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, constipation, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well, If it fails, got your money back. That's fair. 35 cents. Belt & Cherrington. The Weston normal. When time came for the board of regents' meeting in Weston, Saturday afternoon, at which time $10,000 cash was to nave been suDscriDed to sup port Weston's Normal school for another year, or the school closed, be tween $7,000 and $8,000 was reported secured by Regent G. W. Proebstel. However, as a majority of the mem bers of the board were away from the city, no meeting was neld ana tne friends of the Normal have a brief respite. Mr. Proebstel says he believes the amount can be raised, but others are not nearly so sanguine. Dear Gus : I have solved the moth er-law problem, just give her regular- Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cherrington. wi face, strangest been seen FOlETSnOIJ-M? Bell Swinging Service. The Junior Christian Endeavor Society of the Evangelical Church has purchased from the Woodmen the Dell of the M. E. Church, South. It has been placed in the tower of the Evan gelical church, where for the first time it will swing on Sunday morn ing, calling the public to a service in keeping with the occasion. Special music. All are Invited. nil Bat&l ... O SCOTTS EMULSION won't mU a Q hump back straight, neither will K make I thort kg long, but it feeds (oft bone and heaU diseased bone and it tmon . the few fenuinc meant ct recovery w rickets and bon eonsumptio. Send for fret vanipSa. SCOTT & BOWNfc, Chnnmts, 409-4'! Fe-! Strert, New York. joe ax i tr, 1 4rapM Polk county stock raisers are taking much interest in the stock show to be held in connection with the Lewis and Clark Fair from September 19 to 29 inclusive. Blooded animals from all parts or tne world will be brought to Portland for exhibit, and the exposi tton managers do not hesitate to declare that this will be the greatest livestock show ever held in America. Polk county is one of the leading stock counties in Oregon, and will furnish its share of fine animals to the exhibit. In the pens, which will be on the peninsula back of the Government buildings, will be more than 700 stalls for cattle, as many more for blooded horses, and allotments for sheep, goats and swine. An idea of the extent of the exhibit may be had when it is stated that a shipment of blooded Percheron horsec left Havre, France, 20 days ago, and arrived Saturday at their destination. A. C. Ruby of Pendleton, Oregon, one or tne best known fine stock breeders in the United States, arrived in Portland Monday and entered his display of Percherons with the chief of the department, M. D. Wisdom. All over France Mr. Ruby traveled, and secured a number of splendid Percheron and Belgian horses. These animals have won prizes at livestock shows in Europe. The cost of bring ing a carload of horses from New York to Portland is $700. Some of the most famous herds in the world will be brought to the ex position. One of the firm of Mc Laughlin Brothers of Kansas City, the world renowned breeders and owners of fine horses, has Informed the chief of the livestock department at the fair that in his own opiniou he will bring to the exposition the finest band of Percherons, Belgians and other blooded horses ever exhibited on the North American continent. J. Crouch, another famous breeder of fine horses, located at Lafayette, Indiana, will bring his blooded Percherons and German coach horses. Not only in horses will this show ex cel, but in fine cattle. One of the finest herds of Holstein cattle in the world, owned by Pierce Brothers of Stockton, California, will be brought to the exposition. This herd includes Holstein bull expressly imported from Holland, for exhibition here R. M. Hotaling of San Anselmo, California, will exhibit his noted herd of Holsteins, as will John B. Irwin, of Minneapolis, another well known breeder of fine cattle. W. E. Skinner, secretary and manager of the Inter national Livestock show of Chicago, will come to the exposition In person, and with him will come a trainload of the finest cattle, horses, sheep and swine. Of swine there will be on exhi bit the best of Berkshires, Yorkshires, Poland-Chinas and Duroc-Jerseys, and of sheep and goats there will also be the best of their kind. THE AUT0-B0LIDE A Dip ot Death Which Makes Heart Stand Still. the Arrangements have been completed whereby the Barnuin & Bailey Great est Show on Earth will positively ex hibit in Salem, on August 23, and in Albany on August 24. This is indeed good news for the people of this city, as it will give all an opportunity to see this truly marvelous tented aggre gation. For a high-class, refined and moral entertainment, the Barnum & Bailey show has been in a class by itself, and the visit of this stupendous organization will be the amusement treat of the season. The world's great est and most sensational acts will be offered by the show this year, and the multitude of startling exhibitions will be headed by the most thrilling act of true nerve and grit ever seen in Amer icaMile. Mauricia de Tiers, a beauti ful and dashing French girl, looping the gap in an automobile. For nerve of an lncreditablo magni tude this now famous feature termed the "Auto-Bolide Dip of Death" Is beyond description and belief. The same presentation as given in Madison Square Garden, New York, during the spring season will be exhibited In its entirety, with the extraordinary feats of marvelous aerial work introducing the renowned Imperial Viennese Troupe, errand hippodrome, exhibi tions of daring and bravery, an ava lanche of comedy by the thirty clowns, the congress of earth's wonders culled from the forest of curiosities, the grand double managerle of the rarest specimens of wild beasts in captivity, and the almost impossible feats of the Brothers Ancillotti looping and leap ing simultaneously the quadruple chasms, makes the show without an equal in the world. The managers of the Barnum & Bailey Show annnounce that the parade will be abandoned this year, but a wonderful exhibition ot daring will be given on the circus grounds roiBEo:iEriM Cscm Coldsi rrtiMti P-mubmI- WATCHES, JEWELRY, FOUNTAIN PENS GOLD AND SILVER SOUVENIRS If you expect to buy anything in Watches, Jewelry or Gold and Silver Souvenirs or Fountain Pens, you should call and se my new goods before you buy. 1 am olR-ring some very fine goods at prices' that are very reasonable. My Souvenir Goods and Fountain Pens are exceedingly fine. I was never better prepared than now to at tend to the repairing department Satis faction positively guaranteed at all times. A. H. HARRIS JEWELEKIAN NEAR POST OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, DALLAS, OREGON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF POLK Annual Report of County Superintendent Starr Shows Healthy Increase in Attendance. County School Superintendent C. L. Starr has completed his annual report- and forwarded it to the State Superintendent of Publio Instruction. The re port shows the public schools of Polk county to be in a flourishing condition, with a healthy increase in attendance, Some interesting figures from the report are as follows : 1904 1905 Number of persons of school pge in the county 3,594 3,631 Number of pupils on school registers 2,051 2,767 Number of teachers employed 105 113 Number of teachers taking educational journal 96 104 Number of persons between 4 and 20 not attending any school, 808 680 Whole number of days attendance during the year 276,974 293,541 Average dally attendance 1,763 2,059 Number of districts In the county 65 65 Number of schoolhouses In the county 67 67 Average number of months taught 7 7 Number of library books , 4,646 5,123 Number of private schools 2 2 Average monthly salary of male teachors $54.70 $51.90 Average monthly salary of female teachers $44.00 $42.50 free, shortly before the opening of the doors. This new policy is to be com mended, as the publio has grown un interested in the time-worn circus parade, and Barnum & Bailey are now centering all of their time, money and attention in the show Itself, there by more than ever, keeping faith with the public. A Great Convenience. The Salem-Independence auto car line Is again about ready to resume service with its roadster, which was laid up for a few days. In the mean time they have kept up the service with rigs. The business worked up by these people is proving a success, and will be of a permanent nature. Trips are being made on time, and passengers are well satisfied. . ELASTIC PULP PLASTER No Sand No Lime Fire Proof Water-Proof Will Not Fall Off Crack Crumble JUST THE THING FOB HOP DRYERS Write for Catulogue, Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. Phone Main 23C2 517-521 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND, ORE. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. White returned Wednesday to their home near Dallas, after a visit with Mrs. White's parents, County Treasurer and Mrs. J. L. Hyde. Toledo Leader. It will wash and not rub off This complexion all envy me, It no secret so I'll tell Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea. Belt & Cherrington's. Health Officer's Notice. Parents of children with the whoop ing cough are hereby notified that the law requires a close quarantine of infected children during the active stage of the disease. Violations of the law will result in arrest and fine. W. S. CARY, Health Officer. How's Your Eyes? I have made a study of the eyes for years and am a graduate Scientific Optician. Many have been success fully fitted with my glasses and are today testimonials of my success. Consultation free. Cut Class, Silverware and High-Class Jewelry Our display is large and shows "just the right styles and shapes" to meet the requirements of the season. A great feature Is their lasting qualities, aside from the perfect workmanship and reason ables prices. Watches, Clocks, Fountain Pens ana Precious Stones C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street, Dallas, Oregon J- tt t -r -wr -rrww r r -r - ., "THE TEST OF TIME" Swetland's Famous Ice Cream has Btood the test of time for 1C years with a con stantly increasing sale. The best and purest Ice Cream made and known throughout the North west as the : : : : : : : "The Ice Cream of Quality" "We receive it fresh every day by express and are sole agents in Dallas. WALTER WILLIAMS MAIN STREET, V . V DALLAS ORE. Tou will want a good homelike luncheon when shopping in Portlaod Swetland a 273 Morrison St is the most popular place. A handsome etched glass free if you present this ad. 14444444 tOL - sv-- - .