Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 28, 1905, Image 3

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Poik County Observer
tree's brushes at Guy Bros.
Remember Crider and Santos coffee.
. w returned home from
upland. Monday.
-The Obsebver office wants the print-
loir you are paruuui
l.n snficial Hams, at Howe's. Try
them and you will take no other.
To to R Jacobson & Co. and learn
how to go to the World's Fair. free.
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent on well-improved farms.
Siblev & Eakin.
Hon. George L. Hawkins and fam
ily left yesterday morning for Ocean
Park for a ten days' outing.
Mrs Clara G. Esson will preach in
the Lower Salt Creek schoolhouse
next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock.
All are invited.
' Eecent visitors to the Fair from
Dallas were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chap
man, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stettler and
Judge N. L. Butler.
Hendee horse brushes take the place
of both brush and comb and leave
thntelossy, satin finish that you so
much admire. Guy Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ellis and Miss
Mubel Guy left on Monday for New
port, where they will occupy a cottage
on the hill near the Ocean House for
a month or six weeks.
Rev. H. A. Deck, a former pastor of
the Evangelical church in this city,
bas just returned to Salem with his
family from a several months' stay
in Pennsylvania.
Clyde Embree left on Tuesday for
Harney county, where he will take up
a homestead. He will cross the
Cascade mountains on a bicycle, and
expects to make the trip to Burns in
less than a week.
A large number or wheat and sack
receipts have been turned out at the
Obseeveb job office this week. Ware
housemen desiring wheat receipts or
oad checks are invited to call or write
for prices. The work is first-class,
aDd the prices are reasonable.
Best prices, best groceries nn
to all at Howe's. t
A daughter of Mrs. Ellen Bowles is
ucib irum ine uast on a visit,
Go to E. Jacobson & Co. and learn
uuw uj go to tne World's Fair, free.
"Drink AmKni. ti i
. ojicuu conee once,
aim you win use no other. Loueharv
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Orr and Mr
and Mrs. E. A. Stensen, of Rickreall
were passengers for Portland on Tues
day morning's train
Miss Gertrude Houseworth, of Wel
lington, Kansas, and Miss Myrtle M
ouiugfejH, oi independence, are the
guests of Miss Elizabeth M. Pollock.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist: cradnate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs ugiow Duilding. Hours 8 to 12
ana l to 5. Examinations free. Phone
M. v. Ellis and H. L. Fenton, ac
companied by their families, will
leave next Tuesday for a month's out
ing atBelknapSprings, in the Cascade
Try our Roanoke coffee something
new. .Nothing auite as cnnrl fnr tim
money. Always uniform in quality.
A trial will convince you. Loughary
y nans are exclusive agents.
No ice will be delivered by the Dal
las Ice Factory after i o'clock in the
afternoon hereafter. Customers will
please take notice and place their
orders earlier in the day. The Sunday
delivery will be discontinued.
John Jeffries, of Weiser, Idaho,
visited old-time friends in Dallas last
week. He resided in Yamhill county
in the pioneer day3 and had a wide
acquaintance among the early settlers
of the Willamette Valley. His brother,
the late Sol Jeffries, was a son-in-law
of Mrs. Josephine Boyle, of Dallas.
County Treasurer John Beezley,
Newton Guy, Ralph Hill and Walter
Ford arrived homo from an outing on
the Siletz river, Saturday. The
young men walked from their camp
ing place to Falls City, a distance of
22 miles, in less than nine hours.
They brought home several hundied
fine mountain trout.
wo 10 k. jacobson & Co. and learn
now to go to the World's Fair, free.
Mrs. I. N. Davidson, of North Vnb
ima, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E.
uoooeu, at Rickreall.
it r
iur. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrineton
arrived home Wednesday from a two
weeKS' visit in Portland.
A - . . .
uup oi Amber Ulend coffee at
breakfast will refresh and invigorate
you ior your day's worK. A delight
rul drink. Call for it at Loughary &
JilllS .
Miss Mary Gilliam, of Walla Walla,
nas been visiting at the home of Mr.
a r M TV T Hn TT t n . .
"uu a. u. renton. The young
iuy is a daughter of Hon. Smith
Gilliam, a pioneer sheriff of Polk
Russell Heise, the 13-year-old son
oi Mr. and Mrs. A. Heise, of Oak
Urove, died at a hospital in Salem.
yesterday morning, from the effects
or an attack of appendicitis. The lad
had been sick since Sunday.
liendee's wire and bristle brushes
comprise a full line of horse brushes,
floor brushes, hair and clothing
brushes, sand papering and cleaning
brushes for painters, hair brushes,
etc. Better see them. Guy Bros.
County Assessor C. S. Graves,
assisted by his office deputies, is
busy at work on the 1905 assessment
rolls, and expects to complete the task
early in August. The County Board
of Equalization will meet on Monday,
August 28.
The Southern Pacific Company has
given Forest Grove and Hillsboro
another daily train from Portland.
The new train will leave Forest Grove
early in the afternoon. Returning, it
will leave Portland at 10:45 p. m., and
arrive at Forest Grove shortly after
The Observer job office will be pre
pared to print hop checks in any
quantity desired on short notice this
year. No office in Oregon has better
facilities for turning out this class of
work. Last year we printed checks
for hopgrowers in four counties. Call
or write for prices. Both phones:
Pacific States Main 181 ; Mutual Main
Best 25c coffee in town, at Howe's.
Also coffee at 12Jc to 40c.
Ask your grocer for Stolz pure apple
cider and vinegar.
Goto R. Jacobson & Co. and learn
how to go to the World's Fair, free.
Mr. and Mrs. William Faull were
Portland visitors the last of the week.'
Full-cream young American cheese,
12i cents a pound, at Crider'a Grocery.
If you want insurance in the Mc
Minnvilie Mutual, drop a card to
H. Daniel, Dallas, Or.
Mrs. J. N. Hart and children left
for their home in Baker City, Sunday,
after a visit with relatives in Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff and son
and Mrs. Hagan, of Salem, were the
guests of friends in Dallas, Sunday
Mr. Hoff is Labor Commissioner for
the State of Oregon.
Mrs. W. V. Grubbs has returned
from a visit at the home of Dr. W. H
Byrd in Salem. Mrs. Grubbs and
Mrs. H. E. Kozer will take a trip to
the coast next week.
Messrs. J. J. Wiseman and A,
Shultz have been taking in the sights
at the Fair. They greatly enjoyed
the trip, but say the weather was a
little too warm for comfort.
We carry Folger's famous Golden
Gate teas, coffees, spices, bakins
powder and extracts guaranteed ab
solutely fine and high grade. A trial
will convince you of their superiority,
Loughary & Ellis.
Hon, W. C. Brown, John Ashbaugh
and Frank Kersey left this week for
Kitson Springs, in Southern Oregon.
They will take a month's outing at
this mountain resort, where trout are
large and big game is plentiful.
Messrs. Biddle & Coad shipped
carload of Improved Morrison Hop
Presses to R. M. Wade & Compauy,
their Portland selling agents, Tues
day. The demand for this press is
steadily growing, and the manufact
urers are kept busy filling orders from
their Portland house. The press on
exhibition at the Fair attracts the
attention and favorable comment of
hopgrowers from all parts of the
Heavy reductions on all Summer Goods
Closing out sale on all Broken lines-Odds
and Ends. Everything must go. Bargains
in every department.
This Sale Will Continue All of July
This list of prices should interest you -We name only a few Hundreds of
others awaiting your inspection.
Scotch Lawn special at 4c yd.
12 and 15c Organdies and Dimi
ties now - 83C
12c Suiting to close at 10c
15c and 16c Mohair at 12c
20c Mohair and Suiting at 15c
25c Wash Goods at - 15c
All Tailor-Made Suits at one-half
actual price
$10.00 Suits at - $5.00
$15.00 Suits at - $7.50
$20.00 Suits at - $10.00
$30.00 Suits at - $15.00
on all of our
s Hats Straw Hats. Lrasn
Hats, Felt Hats all at Clearance
sale ririees.
Wool Suitings, Mohair and Fancy
Mixtures, all our regular GOc and
65c goods at - - 50c
44 in. Voile 75c value at
50 in . Voile $ 1 .00 values at 75c
Closing Out Entire Line
of Men's Summer
Our splendid line at wholsale
nrices we will close out every
before our Fall Stock
Come Early
Clearance sale prices on lace cur
tains, bed spreads, table linen,
towels, etc, etc.
Clearance sale prices on walking
skirts, underskirts, and all ready
made goods of every description.
75c and $1.00 Children's Shoes
at - - 50c pair.
Choice line of Blacks
Brown Mohair all
ISJa t n n A
at reduced
White Shirt Waists, also Percale
and Oxford Waists at half-
$1.00 waists to close at
.25 Waists to close at
$1.50 Waists to close at 75c
$2.00 Waists to close at $1.00
Clearance sale prices on Laces,
Embroideries, Trimmings, Hand
kerchiefs and all notions.
Clearance sale
wear, Hosiery
ing goods.
prices on Under
and all Furnish-
Come To Our Clearance Sale and Save Money.
T 1-1 1H
1 fib
A Reliable Place to Trade.
. vj. 11 ii- iii 11 .1) rvii.
A quiet investigation into the extravagant
statements and bubble advertisements that are
thrown broadcast to the public, sooner or later re
sults in the finding out of the difference between
Fact and
The former we deal with the later we don't,
Our Clothing, our prices and our statements
always match our ads. 8
It's a fact, when we say we've the best Sum-
mer Clothing in town for Men's, Boys' or Chil- 8
dren's wear. .
It's a fact, when we say we've the best of
Hats, and all sorts of Toggery for Men and Boys.
It's a fact, when we say our prices are the low
est that can be named on our qualities.
Come in and let us "make good" our statements.
Summer Neckwear
That's what we handle and we want the dressy man; the man who likes a 8
fine Tie and thinks he cannot get it without paying about two dollars to some
exclusive Haberdasher, to come here and see what we carry in our line of fine
Ties. The weaver's wits are well shown in the new creations we are showing. Any
shape and every shape of a Tie that's correct, you'll find here and if there's better
Neckwear than ourp, we don't know it. Don't think it can be found.
25c, 50c to 75c
he UgiOW
Misa Meda Holman is over from
Salem visiting her parents, Justice
and Mrs. Hardy Holman. She has
been spending a portion of her sum
mer vacation at the Lewis and Clark
Kev. C. T. Whittlesey and family
left this week for their new home at
Newport. Kev. Whittlesey will have
charge of the Presbyterian churches
at Newport and Waldport for the com
ing year.
County Commissioner William Kid-
dell went to Portland yesterday to make
arrangements for exhibiting some of
his blooded sheep and goats at the big
livestock show in September. Mr.
Kiddell's goats won some of the best
premiums at the St. Louis show last
Entries for the great livestock show
at the Portland Fair will close August
1. Any one who desires entry blanks
should write at once to M. D. Wisdom,
superintendent of the livestock ex
hibit, Lewis and Clark Exposition.
The livestock show will be held in
Mrs. Mary Reber and nephew.
Forrest Duncan, of Osawatomie,
Kansas, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vassal!. They
are relatives of Mrs. Vassall. Before
returning home, they will visit rela
tives at Oakdale and Falls City.
Dr. and Mrs. It. E. L. Steiner drove
over from Salem and visited friends
in Dallas, Monday. Dr. Steiner has
closed his office in Lakeview, and is
seeking a location in Western Oregon.
He says his choice will rest between
Dallas, Salem and Portland, although
he has made no definite plans for the
The Independence Driving Club
will hold a race meet at Independence
tomorrow afternoon. Some good
horses are entered for the various
events, and a fine afternoon's sport is
promised. The meet held earlier in
the summer was decidedly successful,
and a large crowd is anticipated for
tomorrow afternoon.
The contract for flooring 907 feet of
the Salem bridge was awarded to
John Doyens, who operates a sawmill
near Hall's Ferry. His bid was
much lower than that of any competi
tor, being $10.75 for each 1000 feet of
lumber used in the improvement. The
lumber will be sawed, delivered and
nailed down for this price.
Governor Myron T. Herrick, of Ohio,
and party arrived in Lebanon, Tues
day, from a trip across the Cascade
mountains. The Governor recently
attended the Fair in Portland and
then went to Crook county to examine
the irrigation work being done there.
He left his private car at Shaniko,
expecting to return there, but enjoyed
his outing so much that he d'Kiided to
continue on over the Cascade mount
ains to the Willamette Valley. Before
leaving Portland for home Wednes
day night, the Governor declared that
his trip across the Cascades by wagon
was the most enjoyable outing of his
Miss Minnie McLeod visited friends
In Independence, Sunday.
Will Caldwell is night operator at
the Mutual telephone central office.
Miss Bessie Wheeler, of Salem, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis.
Simpson Bros, have bought the dry
goods department of the Douty store
in Independence.
Justice and Mrs. Hardy Holman
are enjoying an outing at the Dolph
toll-gate in Tillamook county.
Mrs. E. J. Had ley, of Portland;
Mrs. George Munger, Jr., of Los
Angeles, and Miss Jean Hhupp, of Mt.
Vernon, Iowa, spent the week at the
home of Senator and Mrs. TJ. S.
Loughary. The three ladies are
sisters of Mrs. Loughary.
Chester Bonebrake, convicted of
stealing a bicycle from Lee Smith,
was released from the county jail
yesterday, his father coming from
Vancouver and paying his fine.
Miss Maude Hart, of Dallas, has
been employed to teach the Fall term
of school in Enterprise district, near
Ballston. Miss Bessie Foster will
teach at Eola.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackman, of
Arenzville, Illinois, have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Myer at Dolph.
They will spend a few days at the
farm home of County Commissioner
Sath Biggs before leaving for the East.
Mr. Hackman Is a nephew of the late
Henry Myer, of this county, and an
old-time neighbor of the Illggs family
in Illinois.
A Comfortable Home aud Summer
boarding House
The Seaview House
Half-way between the Post Office
and Nye Creek. : : :
Rates reasonable. Newport, Ore.
Attorney G. A. Hurley, of Indepen
dence, was a Dallas visitor, Wednes
day. Justin, at Howe's. All kinds of
canned meats and canned soups, just
the thing to take out camping.
Misses Emma and Anna Wagner,
of Kensington, Kansas, are visiting
the Wagner family in this city.
Uncle John Toner died In McMinn
ville, last Friday! after a long illness,
aged 83 years. He was an old-time
resident of Polk county, and was one
if our best citizens. He leaves a
ffimily of three children Mrs. Pleas
aut Wright, of McMinnville; William
Toner, of Yaquina, and Fred Toner,
deputy postmaster at Dallas.
The work of re-modeling the M. E.
Church, South, building into a per
manent home for the Dallas Camp of
Woodmen will begin today or to
morrow. The building will be raised
3 feet, and the basement will be fitted
Up for reading rooms, library aud
banquet ball. The entire first floor
will be used for a lodge room. The
improvements will cost about $2500,
and Dallas Camp will have one of the
finest homes in the state when the
work is completed.
Beware of Oiniracnts for Catarrh thai
contain Mercury,
113 mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smcil and completely derange the whole system
v hen entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Guch articles should never be used except on
(rcicr'ptious from reputable physicians, as the
lUmnite they will do is ten fold to the good yon
c in possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney b Co.,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous fturfuccsof Ihesystem. In buying Hsll'S
Catarrh (hire be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co, Testimonials free.
C T Bold by Druggists, price 75c. per butUo.
Hall's Family Pills are the belt.
Hccky f,!:L'nt2!.i Tea tl
M1 Tfl
A Buy Xadidae for Buy Feopls.
Brians Goldea Health asi Staved Vignt.
A specific for Constipation, Infilpertkm, Lire
end JudtiMr Trouble. Pimples. Kczema, Impure
feiood. Baa Breath, Hupinh bowels. Headache
and Backarhe. li s Eocy Mountain Tea in tab
let form, 8ft cents a box. Genuine mtulo by
HocusTia Daco CoarurT, Madiaon, Wis.
Will Continue for One Week More
Have just received a very large line of Laces
and Embroideries and will start them
with a special Sale on
Laces worth 7c to ioc all in one lot at Jc.
Embroideries from 3 to 18 inches wide
at unmatchable prices.
Come and See the Show.
Cash Store
Mutual Phone Main 21.