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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1905)
COURT HOUSE NOTES. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Albert Teal and wife to Bryan-Lucns Lumber Co, 160.44 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, $5000. Conrad R Wiuterstein to Robert E Winterstein, 633 acres, 1 9 s, r 5 w, 1 J M Flynn and wife to William H Moyer, lot in Falls City, $125. Dallas City Bank to Albert Teal and J Q VanOrsdel, 1G0 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $800. Samuel Whitesides to E W Strong, land in t 8 s, r 5 w, $1. H W Strong et al to E W Strong, land in 1 8 s, r 5 w, $5. John Simkins and wife to Alfred Simkins, 119 acres, t6 s, r 3 and 4 w, $3250. Henry Howe to R B Carpenter, 72-100 acre, 1 7 and 8, r 5 w, $55. W W White and wife to Lizzie Star buck, 320 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $1273.73. Mella C White to Lizzie Starbuck, 210 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $200. Lizzie Starbuck and husband to Mella C White, 18 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $200. O & C R R Co. to Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co., Land in 1 8 s, r. 7 w, $1G0. O & C R R Co. to Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co., Land in t 8 s, r 7 w, $220. O & C R R Co. to Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co., Land in t 8 s, r 7 w, $200. PROBATE. Estate of John Waymire, deceased T. J. Hayter appointed admin istrator; C. Hughes, J. M. Campbell and T. B. Rowell appointed appraisers. Estate of Thomas Butler, deceased continued until July 8 for service. Estate of M. P. Jones, deceased Saturday, July 29, at 10 o'clock set for the hearing of final account. Guardianship of Wendcl Hill Den liDger sale of real estate approved. Estate of Mary E. Conlee, deceased William H. Conlee appointed admin istrator; bond of $800 filed and ap proved ; George Cutler, I. M. Ramsey and Jesse Robinson appointed ap praisers. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Lynn E. Davidson to Edith M. Owens; Ernest Bush toDulcioBatche lar; Frank Bush to Dovie Batchelar; William Bailie to Verna Haines. JF Kf f 'Li. SB- Jm. . X 3 v m y Thedford's Black-Draught comes M nearer regulating the entire system j and keeping the body in health than P! any other medicine made. It is $ aKirn-a raaHv in anff omopironMf til lujo i J 111 1...J i-iii'-i'-'-J w treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and stomach aches. Thedford's Black-Draught is the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. Itisasgoodforchildren as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day will soon euro the most obstinate case of dys pepsia or constipation, and when taken as directed brings quick relief. DANVUXH, ILL., Deo. 23, 1EC2. Tbedfonl's Black-Draught has been our faml. doctor for flv years and we want no other. When any of us feel badly we tuke a dose and are all right In twelve hours. We have spent lots of money for doctor bills, but get along Just as well with Black-Draught. JBA jr. BADKU. Ask your dealer (or a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and il be does not keep it send 25c. to The Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. and a package will be mailed to you. Fern Cater Answered. Falls City, June 2G, 1905. Editor Observed: In your issue of the 23rd inst, we note an alleged description of "A Campaign That Failed," but it is very evident that the reporter was some miles in the rear, in fact on the north side of the river "Dgnmtonpqzontiz," at the timo the alleged battle between the Russians and Japs took place. In tho first place this expedition was not sent out by, nor was it under the command of Admiral "Kaskowiskey," but was simply a Red Cross hospital ship try ing to make a home port, but as they were in the country of tho enemy and had no coaling stations it wa9 im possible to escape from the forces of the Japs, commanded by Admiral Toogood, who had the use of several iron clads and the support of com pletely equipped fortifications. Tho Russians were not captured and escaped in fairly good order, but wore not ablo to assimilate any now terri tory. Tho engagement was brief and brilliant, but at no poriod very sanguinary as Admiral Toogood, standing on tho bridge oj his battle ship with a largo-sized speaking trumpet in his hand, at all times kept the situation well in hand, from start to finish kept the advantage of the Russians and in a very few minutes complocoly routed them after making a slight flanking movement and firing a few torpedoes. The Russians sued for peace but Admiral Toogood was doaf to all entreaties, knowing that the Russians were tho aggressors; in fact tko Admiral was liko tho caso mentioned by tho celebrated poet who sung: j "So remarkably doaf was my grand father Squoers, That he had to woar lightning rods ovor his ears. To even to hear thunder, and often times then, He had to request it to thunder again." Consequently no quarter was given and such Russians as managed to escape, left the seeuo never to return. FLAMDOOSKY. bummer Normal at Monmouth. The Oregon State Normal School will conduct a summer school in Mon mouth, beginning June 2G and con tinuing to August 4. Whilo the chief object is to prepare students for the county and state examinations, the instruction in each branch will in clude some discussion of the methods of teaching in the public schools. In addition to the subjects required for county and state papers, classes will be organized in other branches of the regular Normal course, as re quired. Special attention will be given to principals and teachers in small high schools. If desired, private individual in struction will bo given at reasonable rates. This will accommodate those who feel the need of more time than is devoted to general class instruction in a six weeks term. Private individual and class lessons will also be given in tho state course in vocal music and drawing; in voice culture, piano, organ and harmony; and in violin and other string instru ments. The tuition for the six-weeks' course has been placed at $7.50. Board can bo obtained at low rates in private homos or ut tho Dining Hall, Business Will Be Better. Advertise liberally, do it intelli gently, and business wijl be better. You cau do it intelligently if you read Pacific Coast Advertising, the lead ing advertising journal of Western America. It is published monthly at 228 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, California. It is practical gives the actual experiences of busieess men in their own language, and shows how you cau adopt their plans success fully. Subscription $2.00 per year. No free copies, single copy 20 cents, coin or stamps. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural that you do' not realize it is the effect of a medicine. For sale bv Stafrin Drug Co. The attendance at the Lewis and Clark Exposition is increasing daily. Excursions are run every day from one or more cities in the Northwest, bringing many people to the Fair. Diarrhoea. wno served in Cuba Cuban U. S. soldiers during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera, There is one remedy, how ever, that can always be depended upon as will be seen by the following certifi cate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Hous ton, Texas: "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this remedy cured him, as our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so valuable a medicine." For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Leading exponents of various creeds will speak at the Sunday services at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, which are held in the Auditorium at four each Sunday afternoon. The list of those who will preach during the Exposition includes some of the best known divines from all parts of thecountry.and assures the popularity of the services. No Secret About It. It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore 1 had, and it is all O.'K. for sore eyes," writes D, L. Gregory, of Hope, Texas. 25c at Belt & Cherringtoti's drug store. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common jlass wiih your water and let it stand twenty ioi.r hours a setiiincnt or sei- tlincr indicates an unhealthy condi tion cf the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order.. What to Do There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad eftects following use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The rnild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should i.ave the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$I. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery IS' 'El and a book that tcllsfTJi.Sil more about it, both sent j4 absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & riome of swamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don t make any mistaKe, but re member the name. Swamp-Root, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The price of admission to the Lewis and Clark Exposition on Sundays has been reduced to 25 cents. The weekly admission remains at 50 cents. On Sunday, the gates open at noon and close at 11 :30 p. m. That Tirea Heeling. If you are languid, depressed, ineap- able tor work, it indicates that your liver is out of order. Herbine will assist nature to throw off headaches, rheuma tism, ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies and vitality to sound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard Temple, Texas, writes: "I have used Herbine for the past two years. It has done me more good than all the doctors. It is the best medicine ever made for chills and fever." 50c. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. A Huge Task. It was a huge task to undertake the cure of such a bad ease of kidney disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, la., but Electric Bitter din it. He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chair witliout a cushion; and Buffered from dreadful headache, backache, and depression. In Electric Iti tters, however, I found a cure, and by them was restored to perfect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Ilelt & Cherrington ; price 60c. Ralph Shopard came down from Corvallia Saturday evening and went to his homo in Spring Valley. Ralph was editor of tho College Barometer this last year aud a member of the graduating class. Daily Capital Journal. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly te duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Cmi pany's agent for particulars. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ready for instant use. Attacks of :olic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time, to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Barber say. "I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used." Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. July 12 will be Advertising Men': Day at the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. The Pacific Coast Advertising Men's Association will be in session on' that date. This association is work ing along very broad lines for the protection of the coast and its pro ducts and for the elevation of adver tising and the betterment of the craft, Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm especially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffer ing when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co Mrs. W. G. Cressey, of Indepen donee, arrived Saturday. Sunday she went over to the Siletz where she will spond a week visiting Mrs. C. G. Cope land, after which she will return here for the summer, and will open the "Cressy House" for roomers or light housekeeping. Newport News. it iniltMrHWUr nil Rn ri m-muMi RECEIVED THE: W KI5KS5T POSSIBLE AWARD AT TK 5 T. LOUIS WORLD FAI3. Send us the i&e of kkn k your town who do not st.l our eoo. &Tvj we will send vou . I collection cf picture i. in colors, of A J TOWER CO, tSTA5UJFD 1634. ftOSTOM MM) VUCH. (KtM, T"-" C!N CO. M TO.-NIO CAN. Christian Church Notice. We will begin a series of evangel istic meetings, in a largo tent opposite tho Christian fchuroh, Saturday night July 1, assisted by Evangelist D. C. Kellerns, of Eugene. Mr. Kellems Is a man of wide experience and has been very successful Li soul winning. Wo desire to enlist the co-operation of every person h Dallas who is inter ested in bringing men and women to a knowledge of the requirements of the gospel. Mrs. Lobdell will have charge of the singing and extends a cordial in vitation to every singer in Dallas, regardless of their church relation, to join the chorus. Come ami hear the gospel in sermon and song. u. I.. lohpf.i.l, i'ustor. Dying of Famine is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption, I ho progress ot consump tion, from the beginning to the very end is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption its first stage," writes m. Meyers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured me Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaram teed at Belt & Cherrington's drug store, price 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Trial hot free. The auto race across the continent cost the company a couple of thousand dollars, and it worked the blame fool newspapers for $100,000 worth of adver tising. The Salem Journal wonders who got the gold brick? A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure. for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness; coetiveness, etc. Guaranteed at Belt & Cherring ton's drug store. Dave Rosebrook, a former well known musician of Toledo, Oregon, is a member of the famous Innes band now playing at the Exposition. Acute Rheumatism. lWp tearing or wrenching pains, oroasioneil i)v krv'ting et inrouiin: worse when at rest, or on tirst moving the limbs and in cold or dump weather, U cured quickly by 1'alUrd's Snow Lin iment. Oscar O'es-oi!, Gibson City, 111., write Frl. It?. I'.WJ: "A year ago I was troubltd with a pain in my back. It soon got ko bad I eouhl not tftid over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment i-urtsl me." S ild bv Wils in Driii C . Found a Cure tor Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, Ontario, CanaJn, who has suffered quite a number of years from dyspepsia and great pains in the stomaeh, was advised by her drug-list to take Chamberlain'. Stomaeh and Liver Tablets. Sbe did so and says, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffering since I l'w'n usirg them." If troubled with ilvspepsiH or indigestion why not take these Tablets &:et well nd sUv we!!. Fur sale by Wil son Drug Co. 1 JT A -A 1 Ma Ought, it would seem, to give exemption from the diseases which prey upon the residents ot tnickly populated cities, nut mere is no ex;mption trotn disease. and in tae country, as in the city, one may see the cheeks grow hollow and the eyes grow dull while the frame wastes away with that terrible disease, cott suuintiou. Weak lungs are made strong by the use or ur. t ierce s uoiden Medical Dis covery. It euros obstinate and stubborn Administrator's Notice. Notice i. hereby given to whom it mw eon; cern. St" 'urr?" r 4th day of June, holding claims ,V. vpHfipd to by notified to present the same du v verified to thp urn er-itri.i-'i, " mini i months from the tiute hereof and all persons knowing themselves ?.a....VA 'i.i inte are hereby nouhed to 1IIUCVH-V. iu ' settle the same hi mice. uutea mm iu ""ft; Vv;coNKEV, Administrator of the estate of Fannie H. Conkey, deceased. Sibley & Kukin, Attorneys for estate. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersisi ed has been duly appointed administrator of he estate of Tabitha Catherine Garwood, deceased, r" . ..',,.,. iv.nn nf the State of Oresrou, for Ui uic it"""; v Po.1n "..".'.L wim elaims aeainst the said estate areherebv notified to present the same dulv verified, together with the proper voucher. therefor, to the unuersigneu, mo .,.,.v.- near the City of Dallas, in said County, withm six months from the date of this notice. Dated aud first published June lb. 19&. JOHN M. fcARLti, Administrator of the estate of Tabitha Catherine Garwood, deceased. Address: R. 1'. D. No. 2, Dallas, Oregon. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administratrix of the estate of M. P. Jones, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor I oik county, and that Saturday, the Kith day of July, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ot said day and the Court room of said County Court has been appointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account aud the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published June 30, 190a. NANCY E. JONES, Administratrix of the estate of M. P. Jones, deceused. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Administrator s Notice. Notice is hereby given that by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, duly made and entered on the 18th day of May, l'.iOo, the undersigned was appointed administrator of the estate of Alice K. Plum, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present their respective claims, under oath, with t lie proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned administrator at his office in Spring Valley precinct, Polk County, Oregon. Dated Polk County. Oregon, May 24, V.I05. JAMES R. SHEPAKD, Administrator of estate of Alice K. Plum, deceased. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the undersigned has been by the Hon. County Court of Polk County, Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Charles E. Hrown, deceased, and all persons who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before six months irom this date and all persons indebted to said estate are notilied to settle tte same at once. Dated this 10th day of May A. D. 1305. JACOB BROWN, Administrator of the estate of Charles E. Brown, deceased. Sibley & Eakin, attorneys for estate. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersienpd has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Conlee, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oreeron. for Polk County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at his residence near the City of Dallas, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published June 30, 1905. WILLIAM H. CONLEE, Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Coulee, deceased. Address R. F. D. No. 2, Dallas, Oregon. J. H. Flower, Attorney. KILLthe COUCH AND CURE THE LIINP.Q coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs and other symptoms which, if neglected or unssilhuhy treated, terminate KIEYSIQDICEYCUEB roiEiSEo:EPTan fatally in consumption. The action of Golden Medical Discovery in the eurintj of wast ing diseases is entirely philosophic bmacution, and consequent loss of weight, are among the most striking symptoms of what are known as wast ing diseases. The body is not being ade quately nourished, and the cause of this lack of nouris iment is not lack of food but lark of ability in the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutri tion to prepare the food for the assimila tion ami nutrition of the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and the organs oi ingestion anu nutrition, ana so. en ables the body to be nourished back to strength in the only way by which strength cau come ; that is, by food per fectly digested and assimilated. Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery is a temperance medicine. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine or any other narcotic. Accept no substitute for " Discoverv . m , ... .. : . , .. ; j- mere is not mil!' "just as froocl-7Ar vou. though manv things may nay the dealer larger prciu. CAUGHT COLD. "The first day of this vear." writes Mrs. lent. Schev. of 716 St. Paul Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. "I caught a heavv cold, which settled on niv 1 ...! t. il. , . J that time on until the first of April i bled from mv limes five di.Terent times. I was so weak and undone I could only do the lightest work. The uoi-tor told me I was eoiug into consumn- tion. Mv breath wis short and at times I could hardly ret mv bretitli at all. This is the slate I was in w hen I begin to take Ooctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverv. After the tir bottle I was much better, and I could walk two or tnree m-xes without trouble. Mv breath waj not so short and I was much improved. After taking four botUes I could work all day, and I never felt better iu mv life. I think vour mei'.i. cine the best in the world and I recommend it to all who are troubled as I was. WILL MAKE AFFIDAVIT. "I was ski for about three months. hnA chills, fever, and couched a great dcil, writes Mr. W. I. Brown, ot McDeamian, Jackson Co.. Tenn. "Most of mv neichlwrs and thought I had consumption. I was reduced in flesh, and was very weak only weighed 110 pounds ; my physician thought there was little nope tor my recovery. Mv wile went to the store to sret some anti. febrin. quinine, etc.. for me and a friend of mine (Mr. W. W. McDearman), who had been taking Pr. Pierre s Golden Medical Piscoverv recom mended this medicine tor me. Finally I decided to use it. after my physician told ine that it would be trood for me. I sent and irot one bottle, and before all was taken I weiched 149 pounds a gain of jo pounds. I am stiU takini the Golden Medical Ihscoverv, have taken nearly two bettlrs, and now weiijh Kj pounds, which is more than I ever weighed. I am stiU gaining strength and taking Use Discoverv." I wish to say that this is a recent recovervl that only two months ago I only weighed about im pounds. I can and will make affidavit to this foil statement anv time. If you wish to use this as testimonial do so, and I will answer all letters from inquiring sufferers. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 1 008 pages, and ever 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book la papef covers, or 31 cents for the book in doOi tending. Address Dr. XL. V. rierc. Bu4 K. V. ' 1 j """Dr Hew E PC flRBDsl I 0NSUMPTI0N OUGHSand OLDS ings cry Price 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Curo for oil THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Wm. MUSCOTT, Triiekmau, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. ORROfiTJ $2. 00 Pays tor the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribejnow. n HARNESS flflD SADDLES. I have just received a Fine New Sto,.t of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk county. They are strictly "down-to-date" in everv resnpot. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment-prices acer.nli,,,, f 0,l.ll;t, nil UI..J .. ... " cingles," a new feature whinh horseman will readily appreciate. Come mm see tueni. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. auk A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE Salem, Falls City k West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE Effective Mav 1 Dailj fxcept Sunday, West-timnd: Lt. PALLAS Terns" Siding tiilUams Bridgeport Ar. FALLS CITY.... Est Round: Lv. FALLS CITY Bridgeport '.i'!is"i Teats' idi:ig Ar. PALLAS Trains Slop on S:rnal nt,Vr A. M. ...7: ---7:46 - 7: - .7:55 - 8:(fi A.M. ...9:20 - ?: .. 9:, ...9:33 ...9:55 P. M. 1:20 1:56 1:39 1:45 1:55 P.M. 4:a ASure Cure. Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff JoW Frosted Feet, Burns, Scalds, etc. AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues Inflan,. mation, and drives out Pain. PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Musclei natural elasticity. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC RUEUUATISQ Mrs. E. A. Simpson, 500 Craig St., Knoxville, Tenn ., writes : "I have been trying the baths of Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I bave ever tried. Inclosed find postoffice order for $ 1.00. Send rue large bottle by Southern Express." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BE SURE YOU OET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY C9 T AGNER BR05. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Plows, Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, DisrJ Harrows, reversible 1 with Extension Head. :::::::::::;. All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. 4 DALLAS, OREGON LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, fto. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. R. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simonton, Sec. aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated 4 meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. TTOBNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill & f I DALLAS, OREG05 ! I. 0. 0. F. iBsSt Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets Wtevery Saturday evening in I. 0. 0. F. Hall. N. L. Guy, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Eec.Sec. baCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets Wofmn.l ami UT J i month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A. W. Teats, Scribe. nlniira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets Miss Ella Carpenter', N. G. Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec. ttornkys at law. Sibley & Eakin. I The only reliable set of Abstracts it I Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGOS TTORiNEY AT LAW V Elt. F. Coad Office in Courthouse DALLAS, TTORNEY at law. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. Woodmen of the World. Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd HOllAlHO l.nll mi 1 uttu every xnureaay evenins W. A. Ayres, C. C, W. G. Vassall, Clerk. TUristletoe Circle, No. 33, W. 0 W Vmeets in Odd FplW-a' Koii and Fourth Wednesday of each' month. Mrs. Mary Starr, G. N. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent No". 3, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays nf Co,.k month in T n n w . W . Conkky, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. Jilae Hive No. 28, L. 0. T. M., meets on &nd and Fourth Thursday after noon of each month. uursUd3 aer- Mes Blanche Eakin. L. C. iviiriB jn. miller, R. k. TTOltNEY AT LAW J. H. FLOWER, Office next door to Postoffice. DALLAS, OEEGOS ENTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGOS HYSICANAND SURGEON. L. N. Woods, M. D, Does general practice In any part t the county. Office on Main street DALLAS, ORB00S R. C. Craven, Pres. W. G. Vassall, Cask! Dallas 6 i t y hiL Exchanges bought and sold ooE j points. Special attention paid to I lections. I A. 0. U. W. Union Lodge. n. 9st.. t- . 5 n,l Th,-.j i ". -iccisrirsi . Wed Third month. H. L. Feston, M. W f.'a nesday of each Utiles, Fin. Costal Lodce, Xo. 50, D. of h ! 51,11,1 ThirJ Wednesday. month. Mrs. F. J. Coad, C. of H. Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, meets f each Fin. United Artisans. Ai'' So- 40-meets Fir.t and M. OLIVE SMITH ! teacher of i PIANO AND 0RGAS Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson DALLAS, OREGON S - ...... . . BELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS .V fit jaar.k . . ! w illis Simonton, m. A. z Jrs Olix. Sec -gs of Pythias jyjARMios Lodge. No. M, K. of r. Vising KnStfK building - Tosey. K. R. S. MORE SCENIC ATTRRACTJf Than Any Other IdneJnjheV. The Only Line Passing Tbro SALT LAKE CJTI Enroute to or from the v SlUafan of America Third Tuesdav 5:10 Li'ge No. 144-Meet. Tch month. U Choice of 2 Routes Tbxw the Heart of the KocK Equipment, and Service Write or call on theunders , i! j j,rintive b- W. C. McBRIDE, Gcnei ral l GEKUNGER, Jr., General ilac8er, "- " AGKER, F. M M"-S.E.iloEm80.x. 124 Third St PORTLAND, - :ec.