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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1905)
a. ai . ... n. untv UDserver ((pb in town Best w rf0rSt1ZPUreaPPle eider and "u icn doors and Vens at Guy Eros, iu is and window that Crider carries . . tUn usrv best. particular about, lDg you Obsebveb office wants the print- i .InKoKlMlt. Rick. r N McArthur was up 5.n a business visit, Tuesday. LotoR.Jacobson& Co. and learn Cm to the World s rair, in. n. of Bock Creek; ijiro"" ,,f in Tmllna WH3 business visitor in walnesday. Money of private parties to loan at J oer cent on .weii-ituy""" L.ct & Eakin. hoanoke coffee-the best value in 1 fnr the money. Lougbary & fjiis are agents. f Have you seen the Insurarce gaso . .foa? The kind that's abso UB9 si"""" - kTSafe. At Guy Bros. nierk E. M. Smith issued La, to wed to Leslie L. Woods and izabeth James, Tuesday. n-.Tnhn H. Uawiey, or ivion- nnmfi over and joined the Lrs'ioD to Portland on Dallas Day, Iflnmmunion services will be held in la Presbyterian church next Sunday a i TTT m TXT . ornlDg at 11 o'ciock. w. . akcljs, U H Tetherow has resigned from i Falls City council, and Ira Mehr 1 has heen elected to fill the ,cancy. 'wntiw! Mv office will be closed om June 12 until J une 18, inclusive, jy patrons will please take notice, Jit. M. Havteb. Dr H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up irs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 JiHi to 5. Examinations free. Phone "Prof. D. M. Metzger, dean of the Mas College faculty, will deliver e address to the graduating class of je Dayton public school tomorrow ft, i 'Osteopathic treatment has brought piief and cure to thousands of suffer k from ohronic disease. Why not ptlgate? Free examination. Db. Jwileh. j No meeting of Naomi Chapter, O. Ii. i will be held next Tuesday evening, I the officers will be in Portland itending the Grand Chapter. By rder of the W. M. Mrs. "Libbie Mcib, Icretary. f liev. W. T. Wardle and A. B. Muir faded the Presbyterian Synod in Jbany last week. Rev. Wardle's signatlon as pastor of the Dallas lurch was accepted, and he will close I work in this city uext Thursday ight He came to Dallas three -ars last March, and has been in arge of the work here longer than iypaatorthat has preceded him. Mr. fardle Is popular with the members ! his congregation, and his departure jll be greatly regretted. He will five Ms family to Lebanon in about g Guy Tlpfif: A PanrrviA. .UMiui screen doors at Louis Garbutt left for' his .'home Baker Cityjyesterday morning. William Fraker, of Pendleton, visiting old-time friends in Dallas GotoR.:Jacobson:& Co. and learn uuw kj go l0 ine World.s Fair) free dome and see those oil cans' at Howe a; they never overfill your lamp, 7UDi U"3UU. me most popular WUOT 1U wjwi. at JLioughary & Ellis. ine easy running, quick freezin mnu oi ice cream freezers Bros. Now is the time to paint your house tnI reductIon on all paints at Crider's Grocery. Henry Howe, of Bellingham, Wash., arrived in Dallas on a busi ness visit, Wednesday. Say I Have you tried Roanoke cof fee? Something new-35 cents the pound-three pounds for one dollar at Loughary & Ellis'. The annual school election win k held on Monday. June 19. Th0nniio district will elect a director to succeed w imam uraot, whose term of office will expire on that date. Miss Gail Lauarhlin will t under the auspices of the Wnmnn'o Suffrage Association, in the Presby terian church next Wednesday night, June 14. No admission will be charged, and all are Invited. M. D. Sturgess, a Polk countv Dio- ueer of 1847, and the owner of the first general store in Monmouth, is now one of the leading breeders of fine sheep In Jackson county. He has a splendid flock of Merino, Southdown, Cotswold and Shropshire grades. The office of the Dallas-Salem stace and the branch office of the Salem Steam Laundry have been moved to Walter Williams' confectionery store Mr. Williams is agent for the laundry, and will receive orders and collect accounts. Patrons will please takn notice. Among diseases I have success fully treated in this vicinity, will mention, consumption, nervous pros tration, paralysis, heart disease, con stipation, dyspepsia, appendicitis, goitre, chronic headache and female disorders. Examination free. Dr. Bartlett, Osteopathic. William Hayes and Miss Ida Reed j were married at the home of Prof, and Mrs. H. H. Dunkelberger, Wed nesday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, Rev. A. Winter pronouncing the cere- Go to R. Japnlic. , how to go to the World's Fair, free. vm' S ; L" ThomPson. Postmaster at i Ub City, was a Dallas visitor yester- The newest thing out I and Clark dishes, at Ellis.' Those Lewis Loughary & Jr., arrived a visit with 25 A. mony that made them husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are respected young people of North Dallas, and have many friends who will wish them well in their new relation. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crider and son Walter, of San Jose, Cal., arrived in Dallas, Saturday, for a month's visit with relatives. They stopped in Port land on their way and visited the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mrs. Crider's health is much better than it was when they moved to California a few years ago, ana tne ramuy win con tinue to make their home in the Golden State. They are glad to get back to Dallas for their annual visit, and note many changes and improve ments in the town since their last trip. Drink Amber Blend coffee once, and KiT D0 other-Loughary & Mrs. L. Gerlinger, home Monday from friends in Spokane. The suit of Wonar Sino- nit Independence has hefin nnriooi the Supreme Court. Frank Wrightson, of Pedee. who aa severely in at the Hotel Gsil frr several weeks, is able to be out again ""o. j uuun aneiton is rennrtflH t ue siowiy improving from har nir,ooa Dut is still in a very weakened con cation. If you are "run down." nervous. rr otherwise in poor health, a course of osteopathic treatment will build you p. riittmination Tree. Dr. Bartlett, xne women of the Evantrelifial church will serve a chicken-pie dinner in tne Uollege dormitory on the day ui me i-ioneer JKeuuion. Dinner, cents. rrK ' . j.ue uuuuiy commissioners' court completed its work and adjourned yesterday afternoon. The full pro- ceeaings win be found elsewhere in this paper. The question of consolidating the a aus uity ana Uakhurst school dis iricts win De voted on at the annual school election to be held Monday, June is. ml t-v . 1 1 i-i j.ue janas woodmen desire to thank Rev. James Moore and the choir, consisting of Miss Pauline Ghorke, Miss Erma Smith, Lee Smith and Lester Butler, for their assistance in the memorial exercises last Sunday arternoon. The Observer was in error last week in saying that Rev. G. B. Kellems, a former pastor of the Christian church would conduct a tent meeting in Dallas early in July. The minister who is to be in charge of the meeting is Rev. D. C. Kellems, of Eugene. Every owner of a Stereoscope who will send the name and address of friend or neighbor residing in Dallas who does not own one, will be pre sented absolutely free of charge with one of the latest original Stereoscopic views, Address. L. A. Mathews, Dal las, Oregon. Glenn Orr, of Rickreall, has three registered Cotswold ewes of theBrunk stock from each of which he sheared $4.30 worth of wool this year. He also has five spring lambs subject to register. The young man is thoroughly convinced that it pays to handle registered stock. The current number of the Oregon Booster, published in Portland for the advancement of the interests of the state, contains excellent half-tone pictures of the Polk county court house, the Dallas public school, and several prize-winning Angora goats. These fine cuts belong to the Observer, and were loaned to the Booster to help make the paper attractive. The edi tion will be widely distributed in the Eastern States. Our Saturday Bargains for To morrow, June 10th. All day tomorrow, Saturday, June ioth, a Special Reduction of 25 per cent. on all WOOL DRESS GOODS in the store. We will as sure the best- values ever offered New, clean merchandise at wholesale prices. Try to come early and get best selection. Butterick Patterns for July just in. Order taken for Delineator $ I a yr. A Reliable Place to Trade. ODT , . DALLAS. OREGON H. Hirschberg, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor, Monday. tio to R. J acobson & Co. and learn how to go to the World's Fair, free, Miss Elizabeth Pollock went to Albany, Monday, for a two weeks, visit. Arthur Starr has secured a position as casnier in Mrs. Chace's restaurant near the entrance to the Fair Grounds In Portland. Hon. B. F. Mulkey, of Ashland, will deliver the address to the graduates at the teachers' picnic at Rickreall a week from tomorrow. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, superintendent of the Polk county display at the Fair, is up from Portland looking for fresh material for the exhibit. Try our Roanoke coffee something new. Nothing quite as good for the money. Always uniform in quality, A trial will convince you. Loughary 3 .kins are exclusive agents. We carry Folger's famous Golden -ate teas, coffees, spices, baking powder and extracts guaranteed ab solutely fine and high grade. A trial will convince you of their superiority. Loughary & Ellis. Now is the time to paint your house. Ten per cent reduction on all paints at Crider's Grocery. Sounds like a civic improvement boost in Portland, doesn't It? It isn't. It is an item from the (Dallas) Polk County Obser ver. Evening Telegram. Robert Gaynor, of Heppner, is visit ing relatives in Dallas. He is in much better health than he was when he left here a year ago. Mr. Gaynor is employed in the shoe store of Charles Huelat, a nephew of Councilman Charles F. Belt, of this city. The Dallas delegates to the 1. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge in Portland are B, M. Guy and Horace Webster. The Re bekah delegates are Mrs. Pearl Shaw, Mrs. Pauline Williams and Mrs. Sarah Morrison. Mrs. Ora Cosper was re-elected secretary of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon. Prospects point to a large attend ance at the annual Pioneer Reunion in Dallas tomorrow. A fine program of sports has been prepared for the afternoon, including a baseball game between two fast teams. The morning program will be of great interest to all. Come and enjoy the day with the old pioneers. Mrs. J. E. Conner, of Santa Rosa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Martha Cosper. This is Mrs. Conner's first visit to Dallas in 28 years. The two sisters are members of one of Polk county's prominent pioneer families, being daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick. They will visit the old homestead on Salt Creek before Mrs. Conner returns home. OUR FURNISHINGS COURT HOUSE NOTES. COMMISSIONERS' COURT. On petition of L. Gerlinger, an order was made appointing Peter McNeal fire warden for township 8 south, range 8 west, and township 8 south. range 7 west, his salary to be paid by the petitioner. 1 The road petition of W. W. Fawk and others was dismissed. Ordered that each road district receive from the General Fund the full amount of taxes for the year 1905, due each district on the 1904 tax roll; and that each road district refund to the General Fund the amount ad vanced to such district as the same is collected on said roll. The sum of $93 was donated from the General Fund to Road District No. 22. On petition of H. Hirschberg, an order was made appointing W. J. Iliff fire warden for Road Districts 7, 10 and 20, his salary to be paid by the petitioner. J. A. Tate was awarded the contract for building the Salt Creek bridge for $100 and the Guthrie bridge for $88.25. A petition for the division of School District No. 32 and the organization of District No. 61 was granted. CLAIMS ALLOWED ROAD account. Western Clay Co $ 4 70 Capital Lumbering Co 1170 J E Smith 2 00 Beall & Co 670 50 Haven Smith 1 50 Diamond Brick Co 23 25 Huston & Simon 3 70 Holt Crowley 6 00 JLMcCandless 13 51 Wagner Bros 2 75 J Morrison 58 75 Hadley 18 91 Cal Hutton 2 00 O E Taylor 86 25 Mark Blodgett 12 00 Harrington Bros 2147 PAUPER ACCOUNT. McCready & Earhart 20 00 D G Meador 1100 Viola Bedwell 8 00 C E Huntley 40 50 S Wilson 8 60 R R Crangle 8 00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. 13 39 Howe, Davis & Kilham 4 50 aughn & Weaver 2 35 Dallas Water Co 10 00 West Side, printing 6 60 Observer, printing 16 25 J G VanOrsdel, lights 21 00 Belt & Cherrington, mdse 4 93 W F Muscott, hauling 5 00 J B Nunn, Fair expense 7 50 H Holm an, justice court 6 40 Wm Faull, mdse 51 55 Circuit Court, jurors and wit nesses 6C7 00 The salaries of all County Officers were allowed in the usual amounts. til iaUl I ff ' The famous Litis p DiWHt'i Li i I 1 I I I For Furnishings that you like, come here. Our Styles are not like every other Clothier's. We keep things that are different. Styles that can't be found in every store you enter. Furnishings can never be too fresh. : Come here for your Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, etc., and you'll get the correct things. We search the best marKets for the best things and we get them too. Trunks and lags!! For the comfort and convenience of your journey, whether it be by land or water, we have a variety of such requisites as Trunks, Bags, Hat Boxes, Suit Cases, Telescopes, etc., Less to Pay for Them here than at most stores and longer service, because they're the best quality goods that can be made. Stock complete in every detail from little Hand Grip to extra large Suit Cases and Trunks. Dress Trunks, at .$4.50 to $10.50 Leather Suit Cases. Traveling Bags, at 75c to $5.00 TRUNKS I f " '3 $5 to $7.50 he Uffiow (Llothina House milTl street DALLAS, OREGON INDEPENDENCE NOTES. INDEPENDENCE, Ore., June 7. Mrs. J. S. Cooper returned from Portland, Saturday. Mrs. Tom Hart visited relatives In Salem during the week. Mrs. Chauncey Lockwood.of Salem, visited friends here over Sunday. Mrs. H. E. Wagoner, of Portland, visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mrs. J. S. Bohannon and daughters, Misses Bertha and Hazel, were Salem visitors Friday. Mrs. Julia Douty returned to Win lock, Wash., Tuesday after a visit with friends here. Mrs. Hattie Wells, of San Francisco, has arrived here for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Claggett. The delegates from the Independence I. O. O. F. lodge attending Grand Lodge in Portland this week are J. E. Hubbard, G. W. Conkey and Riley Craven. Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mrs. Newt Jones and Mrs. L. Damon are attend ing the Itebekah Assembly in Port land this week, as delegates from the local lodge. Misslva Burton, a teacher in the public school, entertained the mem bers of the ninth and tenth grades Saturday evening at her home. Games, music and dainty refresh ments made the evening pas3 very pleasantly for the young people. The following teachers haye been elected for the Independence Public and High School for the next year: Principal, T. J. Newbill; assistant principal, G. M. Murdock; seventh grade, Miss Mary Scott, sixth grade, Miss Iva Burton ; fifth grade, R. B. Powell ; fourth grade, Miss Ada Aid rich; third grade, Miss Adrona Coch rane; second grade, Miss Church; first grade, Mrs. Mary Tuck. Mayor W. A. Messner has appointed Mrs. J. S. Cooper hostess for Inde pendence at the Lewis and Clark Fair on June 15, independence ana uor vallis day. Mrs. Cooper has appointed as her assistants Mrs. W. A. Messner, Mrs. O. D. Butler, Mrs. J. E. Hub bard, Mrs. W. K. Allin, Mrs. E. L. Ketchum, Mrs. G. W. Conkey, Mrs. S. E. Owen, Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mrs. D. B. Taylor, Mrs. W. L. Bice, Mrs. G. A. Wilcox. Mrs. W. W. Pereival, Misses Kathyreene Jones, Florence Burton and Mira Kimberlain. The social whist club was enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Drexler at their home Monday evening. Mr. W. L. Bice and Mrs. W. R. Allin se cured the first prizes, while Mrs. W. A. Messner and J. S. Cooper carried off the boobies. The prizes were very tasty little souvenirs. Refreshments were served during the evening. The Independence Public and High School will complete the year's work this week. Friday evening there will be an entertainment at the Auditorium by the scholars, consisting of vocal and Instrumental music, recitations, dialogues, drills, etc. A game of baseball will be played Tuesday after noon between the Alumni And High School teams. In the evening the graduating class will render the play "The Merchant of Venice." Follow ing will be the Alumni banquet at the opera house. There are 12 gradu ates from the tenth grade. Butcher Tools For Sale. Complete set of butcher tools sale by J. J. Fidler, Dallas, Or. for Buggy For Sale. Good second-hand buggy for sale; or will exchange for milk cow. James Ross, Dallas, Or. "Young Rockwood." The fine trotting stallion, "Young Rockwood," will be at Black's barn in Dallas every Friday and Satur day. Remainder of week on W. C.' Brown farm north of Dallas. Terms, $10. CLARENCE BROWN, Dallas, Oregon. Legal blanks for sale here. argams OUR WHOLE STORE IS A BARGAIN COUNTER Pollodfs Cash Store UGLOW BLDG., DALLAS, OREGON State or Ohio, Citt or Toliim), ( hVCAK i;orTi. t Frank 1. Cheney nmkei oath that be ii tenter partner of the firm of r. J. t nenej 10., noma LiirineM In the City of Toledo, Countr and Hute aforesxid. and that aata urm win pay ine no in oi : OSJ HUNDRED IHjLLA Kii (or each and eery I e of Catarrh that cannot be rured Dr tne n I of HaU l Catarrh Cure, i RANK i. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and ub.cribed In my prea-1 ence. inia bin aaj ui wxiiiwr, u. iw. A. .Ullil WK, (Seal.) NoTAaY Public Ilall'a Catarrh Cure la taken internally, and acta directly on the biood and macoui aarfacea of the tystetn. bend fr t"ttmonUl free. r. J. ClJG..r. i AW., iviwu, v. Sold by all drnifli-ta. 7V. Taite Hall I f amily i'ilia for totutipaUoa. Cut Glass, Silverware and High-Class Jewelry Our display is large and shows "just the right styles and shapes" to meet the requirements of the season. A great feature is their lasting qualities, aside from the perfect workmanship and reason ables prlce3. A FEW TIMELT SUGGESTIONS Cm Class, Silver Tea Sets, Knivet and Forks. Spoon. Butter Knives, Sugar Spoons rtd Tongs Necklaces, Lockets, Beauty Pins. Hat Pirn. Brooches. Fountain Pens. Clocks. Watches, Chains. Etc C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street. - Dallas, Oregon ELASTIC PULP PLASTER No Sand No Lime Fire Proof Water-Proof Not ! Fall Off Crack Crumble JUST THE THING FOR HOP DRYERS Write for Catalogue Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. Thone Main 23C2 617-S21 Chamber of Commerce rOKTLAND, OKEs