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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1905)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, KDITOR AN'D PUiUJSHKR. Publlilied Weekly t fl.50 per Year, sttrtctly la Advance. DALLAS. OREGON, APIilL 14.1905. The way to build up Dallas u to pat ronize Dallas people. The time for preparing the Folk county exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Fair is growing short, and the work of collecting the display will be rushed from now on. The county must begin the actual work of install ing its exhibit by May 10, so it will be seen there is not much time to lose. The County Courthas made an appro priation of $800 to help defray ex penses, and Is desirous that every citizen of the county shall lend a hand in preparing a creditable showing of Polk's resources. The committees on hops and woods are especially urged to hasten the preparation of their part of the exhibit. The competition be tween the various counties will be red hot this year, and if Old Polk desires to hold her title as the "Blue ltibbon County of Oregon," she will have to hurry. The spirit of civic improvement is In the air, and property-owners throughout the town are cleaning and beautifying their premises. Old, un sightly yard fences are being torn down, door-yards graded and seeded to lawn grass and clover, ilowers and shade trees planted, and parking strips laid out. Liberal quantities of paint are also being used, and many weather-beaton houses are being made to look as good as new. The change for the better is already noticeable on every hand, and the good work has only just begun. Dallas will present a more attractive appearance this coming summer than ever before. The Federal grand juiy completed its labors Saturday afternoon and was discharged by Judge Bellinger. As a result of the five days' seosion, a large batch of indictments was returned. Prominent among the men charged with defrauding or attempting to do fraud the Government are State " Souator K. A. Booth, of Eugene, and his brother, Henry J. Booth, former roceivor of the Iloseburg land offlce. Rev. Stephen Turnoll, a Roseburg minlstor, and Thad 8. Potter, formerly clerk in the law ofllco of State Sonator F. P. Mays, are also umoug the indicted. Oregon's fruit crop last year was worth two and a half million dollars. The apple crop alone brought nearly a million dollars Into tho state. And the fruit industry in Oregon is only In Its infancy. The city of Salem Is preparing to Improve Its principal streets, and will probably put down macadam pave ment. The streets have a good founda tion of boulder rock, und tho crown will bo raised about six lnchos above tho presont grado. This six-inch raise will consist entirely of crushed rock, In several layers of different sized or graduated cubes, and the thlcknoBB of tho macadam will taper off from the crown to the gutter whore It will bo about four Inches thick. As oach layer of crushed rock, which must bo of tho best quality of basalt, Is put on, It will bo packed down hard with a heavy road roller until it be comes perfectly solid and im penetrable. After the last layer is put on, which will be in gubes about the size of a walnut, a dressing of screenings will bo put on top and this rolled down until it becomes as smooth as asphalt pavement. Commencement at Rickreall. The annual com menoementexereises of tho Rickreall public school will bo held next Thursday night. An ex eellent program will be given. County Superintendent C. L Starr will deliver the address to the graduating class. The annual reunion of tho Alumni Association will l held on Friday evening. That Tired Feeling I Common Spring Trouble. It's a sign that the blood ia deficient in vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions uro sigus that the blood is impure. It's a warning, too, which only ths hazardous fail to heed. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove it, give new life, new cour age, strength and animation. They cleanse tho blood and clear tho complexion. Accept no substitute. I felt tired all the time and could not Skwp. After Ukln Ilood't Sarsaparilla while I could le-p well and Um tired fer.'l'-t ha.) gnn. Thi icrvat niedicin has a: mi ml ue of KTo.jia." Mas. C M. t;ik.l. (Vnn. Mood's Sarsaparilla promises to Cure auid keeps the promise. HAS SET GOOD EXAMPLE. The city of Dallas has set an ex ample that is weil worth emulation by every other town In Oregon, and The Times would respectfully urge upon the citizens of Brownsville that they "go and do likewise." The movement, which emanated with the Dallas city council, has been enthusiastically taken up by the citi zens, and if carried out will make Dallas more clean and attractive than it now is. The plan adopted was the organization of a Civic Improvement League, the object of which Is to sug gest and carry out systematic plans for beautifying the town, and to assist the officers in enforcing the ordinances prepared for civic betterment. Such an organization is calculated to arouse public pride and get every inhabitant interested in making the town attrac tive and therefore a more pleasant place in which to dwell. Brownsville Times. DON'TS FOR THE PUBLIC. Don't throw waste paper on the streets. Don't put chalk marks on fences or buildings. Don't fail to repair or renew your pavements. Don't forget to clean up your yards and gardens. Don't spit on the sidewalks. The citizen interested in promoting the public welfare can help materially by personally observing these rules. We must all remember that public policy depends on the action of many, If each individual does his or her duty and observes the laws and ordi nances, order and progress result ; if he omits to do his share, chaos and disorder follow. Patriotism consists in the faithful discharge of the small duties of life, as well as an utilization of greater opportunities. -American Civic AssO' ciation. MANY DELEGATES PRESENT Meeting of Willamette Presbytery In Dallas One of the Best Ever Held. The Presbytery of Willam'etto met in the Presbyterian church in this city, Tuesday evening. Rev. W. T. Wardle, the last moderator present, was in the chair. Rev. H. N. Mount preached an inspiring sermon. Rev. T. P. Howard was elected moderator, and Elder Albert of Salem, temporary clerk. Business crowded thick and fast Wednesday moruing and afternoon. Tho work of tho Home Mission churches received tho longest time and the largest emphasis. More than twice as many members were received into the church this year as last. Rev. T. P. Howard and Elder Fortmiller, of Albany, were elected commissioners to the General Assembly, which meets in Winona, Ind., the last week in May. The Ladies' Presbyterial Society met at the same time In the Evangelical church, and all declare that tho meet ings were the best ever held. A joint meeting of the Presbytery and Ladies' Society was held Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Georgo Porter, of Cor- vallis, presided. Mrs. Horner, of Cor vallis, read a report showing the splendid condition and work of the missionary societies of the' churches. Miss Julia Hatch, field secretary, pre sented tho field at largo In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Mrs. M. S. Bush, of Corvallis, made a pleasing and forceful address on the "Open Door." Tho Presbyterian church was beau tifully decorated, and tho motto, "Welcome, Willamette Presbytery," boldly spoke tho greetings of tho local congregation. Resolutions were adopt ed by rising vote thanking the Evangelical church for the use of their building. Thanks were also ex tended to the pastor, officers, members, and friends of the Presbyterian church for their cordial and gonerous enter tainment. The choir, consisting of Mrs. Coad, Mrs. Townsend. Miss Georgia Martiu, Willis Simonton and Frof. Lee, was loudly praised. Testimonials witnessing to the splendid and long service, the high regard for and the great regret at the leaving of our Tresbytory of Rev. II. A. Ketchum, D. D., and Pres. W. H. Lee were adopted. Dr. Ketchum has entered the Sunday School missionary work in Eastern Oregon. Pres. Lee becomes assistant pastor to Dr. Matthews, of the First Church, Seattle. All tho visiting delegates expressed appreciation of their reception, and declared the meeting one of the best in the history of their work. The people of Dallas regretted the limited stay of the visitors ; our town charmed the delegates, and friends were made. Let the good work go on. W. Card of Thanks. The officers and members of the Presbyterian church of Dallas dosire to express their cordial appreciation to the friends of the other churches who so kindly helped them toentertain the delegates to the Presbytery. Proposals For Painting. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas untilMon- ilav evenlnsr. April 17. at 7 :30 o clock. for the painting of the City Hall. Two coat work ; colors to be selected by the Council. Bidders must specify quality and kind of material. The Council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. DAN P. STOVFFEll. Auditor and rolice Judgf roiEYSKoiiiriAn WW FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed upTn- over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay (500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All tliey ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. The Vice-President Independent Ordsr of Oood Templars. An experience which many women have wa related bv Miss A(fne Stebbiugs, of 231 East loth Street, New York City, a follows: "I nail very poor health for a year until life looked dark and dreary to me. Had head aches, backache, also pain, my sleep wa broken and fitful. I longed for health. Tried several medicines but noue were of any last ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. I soon realized that I had found the right remedy. It helped nature to throw off the poisons that saturated the svstcm, removed all pains and strengthened the digestive organs, aud brought the roses of health back to my cheeks. This medicine it taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect condition, helping it to throw off the disease and consequences of exposure to dampness. 1 am pleased to give it my endorsement." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y. BISHOP HEIL WILL PREACH United Evangelical Church Building Will Be Dedicated Next Sunday Evening. The beautiful new house of worship built by tho United Evangelical church of Dallas will be dedicated next Sunday. Bishop W. F. Heil, of Highland Park, Illinois, will preach the dedicatory sermon. Invitations have been sent to all the churches to join in these services, and it is ex pected that tho largo building will be crowded to its capacity. A fine musical program is being arranged. Rev. C. T. Hurd, of Salem, will preach Saturday evening, and Bishop Heil will conduct the Sunday morning services. A platform meeting will be held Sunday afternoon. All visiting pastors will take part in this meeting, which will consist of short talks and singing. Bishop Heil's appointments in Polk county areas follows: Kings Valley, April 14, at 7 :30 p. ra Bridgeport, April 15, 11 a. m. Dallas, April 16. Lewisville, April 17, 11 a. m. Buena Vista, April 17, 7 :30 p. m. Independence, April 18, 11 a. m. Edward Dove Dies. Edward P. Dove, a Polk county pioneer of 1815, died at the Oddfellows' Homo in Poitland, last Friday. The remains were shipped to Independence for burial, Sunday. Mr. Dove was an old-time Willamette River steamboat man, and later engaged In hop raising on Dove's Island, below Independence At one time he was the largest grower in the state. He leaves a widow, re siding in Salem, one daughter, two stepdaughters and one stepson. He is also survived by three brothers David Dove, of Dove's Island ; Richard Dove, of Crook county, and John Dove, of Montana. One step daughter, Miss Thecla Dove, is a stenographer In tho office of the Booth- Kelly Lumber Company, in Eugene. Many New Converts. Tho members of the Dallas Baptist church are much gratified at tho suc cess of last Sunday night's services. A largo crowd attended the meeting, and eleven conversions are reported. An eloquent sermon was preached by Rev. Everett Wilson, a former student of Dallas College. No revival services are beiug held, but the church is nevertheless experiencing a steady growth in membership. A number of candidates will be baptized iu the LnCreolo river, near the college build ing, Sunday afternoon, at 2 :30 o'clock. Fix Date for Pioneer Reunion. The executive committee of the Polk County Tioneer Association met in Dallas last Saturday afternoon and lixed Saturday, June 10, as the time, and Dallas as the place, for holding the annual Pioneer reunion. The se lection of speakers for the occasion was left to the chairman of the com mittee. J. D. Smith, of Dallas, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Secretary James W. Lewis. Only One Bid. There was only one bid at the sale of the Coast Range Lumbering Company's property in Falls City last Monday. The bid was for $ 17,000 and was made by a Mr. Brooks, a real estate and insurance agent of Port land. Trustee Georgo Gerlinger ac cepted the bid, and if the creditors confirm the sale the transfer will be made. Falls City Logger. ICILLthe COUCH and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's f.'civ Discovery rONSUMPTlO.N 0UCHS and OLDS Prie 60c ft $1.00 Fre Trial. I BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter, Dentist Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Go and see thoe fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of tath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Fresh Cows For Sale. Four young fresh cows for sale. James Elliott, Dallas, Or. Wagon For Sale. Light wagon for sale. N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Seed Oats For Sale. Choice White Seed Oats for sale by F. T. Bissell, Salt Creek; address, Dallas. Ezes For Sale. White and Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. H. E. Kozee, Telepnone 211. Seed Oats For Sale. Seed oats for sale. Samuel Ore, Rickreall, Or. Eggs For Sale. White Leghorn eggs lor sale. One dollar per setting of 13. Celebrated Williams strain of California. W. S. Muie, Dallas, Oregon. Hay and Grain for Sale. Timothy hay, wheat and oats for sale. W. P. Miller, Phone 315, Dallas. Oak Wood For Sale. Good oak-grub cordwood for sale. Parties wishing to buy for Fall delivery will please call early. U. S. Grant, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. Logan-berry plants; this is the month to plant them ; A 1 plants, 2 to 6 inches high. Write or phone for prices. J. B. Nunn, Bell phone 315, Dallas, Oregon. Cook Wanted. Wanted, cook to take first place in kitchen ; steady work for right party : none other need apply. Wages, $20 to June 1; $25 for summer. Address W. H. McEldowney, Amity, Or. Sheep for Sale. Thirty-five good stock sheep for sale; also one good as new wide tire wagon for sale or trade for lighter wagon. Seven miles north of Dallas. S. L. Burk. Public Sale. I will sell my livestock, farming implements and household goods at public auction on Tuesday, April 18, at 10 a. m. See bills for particulars. Amos Koub, Ballston, Oregon. Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stal lion "Albau" will make the season of 1905 at Farmers' Feed Shed In Dallas, Polk county. Terms $lo, $15 and $20. Hubbard & McDaniel, Dallas, Oregon. Farm For Sale. A 5G5-acre farm, near Ballston, for sale ; or will trade for a smaller farm, with difference in cash or good notes. A fine chance for some one who wants a largo farm. Over 400 acres in cul tivation. As good land as there is in Polk county. Dan P. Stocffer, Dallas, Oregon Notice of Sale on Foreclosure of Chattel Mortgage By Agent. Surett and UuicJtoat Cure- for all THROAT and LTJNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACX. By virtue of that certain chattel mortgage executed and aeknuwledged ou the J3rd day of December, 1'JiU, by A. (.'. l.netpert, mortgagor, and In favor of Louise Weinhard, Anna W'i'SMii ?cr, Louise Wagner, Paul WeiKiuEer and Henry Wagner, Executrixes and Executors restwetively of the last will aud tevtatnent of Henry Weiu hard, deceased, mortgagees, which chattel mortgage is recorded at uage 173 of Vol. 4 of Chattel Mortgage Records of Polk County, Ore gon, togetner wiiu an order 01 sale of the property set forth and described iu said chattel mortgage, issued by the said mortgagees ou the llth day of April. l'.niS, wherein I was annointed agent for said mortgagee to take immediate Dossesston of the irsonal property described in saiil chattel mortgage, 1 did on the l-'ih dav of April. 1-AV, take possession of the property do scribed in said chattel mortgage, and described as follows, to-wit : One ten ton Reliance Refrigerating Machine consisting of two b'iXi; ammonia compressors, and one yxl'JSteam fciisine; one 30 Horse-power Boiler; one 10 ton Ammonia Condenser, con taining 900ft. l't inch extra heavy pipe: one oil Seoarator: one Ammonia liquid Receiver: one set of Ammonia and Sieam Unares, and frame; one 3 ton lee-tank, containing 77 two hundred lb. galvanised iron cans: fourteen hundred ft one-inch extra heavy pipe, with valves and manifolds: one traveling crane and ice hoist: one thawing apparatus, and ieedump; one 3 ton distilling syslciu.eonsisiingof Steam Condenser, reboiler. forecooler, charcoal niters, distilled water storage tank with coils, sponge tiller. hoe and can ruler: pipi'1 in three cold storage rooms, with valves and manifolds; ail the fore going being combined in the Ice and Siorare plant situate on the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 2 In Block 12 in the City of Dallas, Polk Countv. Ore gon, and running thence North SO feet, thence Esst li-'j feet, thence South !V feet, thence West H.'', feet to the place of beginning. And notice is hereby given, that on TUES DAY, the i'-th day of April, V.v at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the front door of the said li-e and Storage Plant in Pal'as. Polk Countv, Oregon. I will sell the above described mortgaged property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day of tale, to satisfy the eiaim of said mortgagees for the mm of f.7St 00 with interest thereon st the rate of per cent per annum from the 2ord day of Iveemher. I'.Ol. nntii rid, together with the accruit g costs and expanses of this proceeding. I'ated at DaUas, Oregon, this lJtU day of April, 1AVV. 3. T. FORP. Agent forthe Morttaee above named. SiUey Eakia. Attorney. AT 1 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to IV to 'PHONE 246. Iu ST 0 We can Save You from $2.50 to $5.00 on a Suit of Clothes We have all the nice new Spring Goods .in now and you have a larger stock to choose from than any other place in the city. The nicest goods that ever came off the loom. Qnjaturday April 15 Surprise Sale-Two suit of clothes for the price of one; you select one, we select the other. if w r ii't v I W (I) i W I W i ill I 1 1 ti i i i i v. t ELLIS KEYT I nAIN STREET I have made a study of the eyes for years and am a graduate Scientific Optician. Many have been success fully fitted with my glasses and are today testimonials of my success. Consultation free. Silverwarejtnd Cut Glass A good line of some of those pretty and unique patterns in silver ware and cut glass, which only skilled and careful workmen produce. C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street, - Dallas, Oregon DEALER IN LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon C O 00 Pa'3 for tne OBSERVER 4)4 and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. WE DO NOT BOAST We do not boast of the size of our stock, but we do take pride in the Quality and assortment of our new 1905 Styles of Wall Paper Our prices range from 7c per double roll to 75c. Side wall, border and ceiling same price. Also Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, for Cash or Injtall m;nts. You are respectfully invited to call and ex amine both quality and prices. We handle Paints, Oils and Glass. L. D. DANIEL, - Dallas, Oregon Main Street. 'Phone 225 ft I You Can Buy a Cheaper Shoe & If Price is the First 3 If you are looking for Weak, Consideration. Fit and Style it might pay you to look over our line. Twenty years of careful shoe buying has afforded us the cream of foot-wear factories. If you consider the style and quality , then the price J? will surprise you. w3 $3.09 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. iauas dooi ana onoe oior $ ",EH-"' MRS. J. C. QAYNOR. Proprietor J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DBALERS IN REALESTATE!! 78 acres Nice Homelike place, with good buildings and fences 10 acres in cultivation lots of fine timber $i50o 5 acres with a good little House and Barn all fenced and under cultivation, only $ 630 Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit uated worth $50 per acre only $ 32 Fine 100 acre farm, -well im proved $5000 Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 Finely improved farm of 460 acre3 $9500 Stock Kanch 900200 acres under cultivation Can't be beat $9000 Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. 164 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place -cheap as dirt-only ?1500 Oregon 81 acres. House, Bam and other improvements worth $1iX) at least for onlv gO I have all classes of Kanches and Farms for sale I can suit you in quality or price. HENRY CAHPBELL DALLAS, OREGON g timber and Tarm Eancls and City Property. proprietor of Dallas electric EigM P'ail,j Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. 7771;, Cv I, Eif. f i J G. STETTLER'S CASHJEATMARKET PHONE 253 Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausage, Lard, Cheese, Fish, Etc., Cash paid for all kinds offal butcher stock. My Motto -ash paid makes long friends." Collin's Building, Dallas, Ore. WALNUT TREES FOR SALE 'For English Walnut Trees, ! RRnnK? SONS, Walnut Nursery, CarltoDOr Cfte Imported Percfieron "TAFIA" owned by the Polk County Pef Horse Association, will nia season of 1905 as follows : Farmer's Feed Shed, W MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY . DicRinson's Livery Sta&!e Independence ' THURSDAY, FRIDAT SATURDAY. TERMS-$25 to insure, due i3 known to be with foal, r Care will betaken to prevent but will be responsible for nonr- A. II. H0LMAN' masaG I. f