Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 31, 1905, Image 4

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Tails gity notes
Miss Abbio Woikal has returned to
Portland, nftcr u week's visit in Fulls
John Chamberlain, manager of the
Falls City Logger, visited friends in
Ballstou la.it Sunday.
Dr. Terry and family will soon
move to their farm near Salem, where
he will engage in fruit raising.
Ralph Ford, of the grocery firm of
Ford-Tyson Company, made a busi
ness trip to Monmouth this week.
Belle Wolfe, who has been very sick
in Salem for the past three weeks, has ;
returned home ana entered senooi
C. It. Hubbard, of Dallas, has had
a crew of men loading several cars
with barrel staves for the Portland
Falls City will have one of the best
buseball teams In the county this year.
It will be made up of old and tried
The Boughey sawmill, formerly
owned by the Falls City Lumber,
Wood and Light Company, was sold
lust week.
Zim Hinshaw and family have
moved from the Andy Syron property
to that of Mrs. Wolfe, near the Chris
tian church.
Andrew Syron and Miss Lilly O.
Parks were married in Oregon City,
Wednesday, March 22. They will be
at home to their friends in Falls City
after April 1.
T. J. Harris, of Sand Lake, sold a
wagon load of salted and smoked
salmon in Falls City, Friday. He
returned to the coast, Monday, with a
. load of household goods belonging to
his son-in-law, Bert Robinson, who
will move there In the near future.
Those wearing the Liberty Bells for
work done during the month of March
are: Oral Courter, 1st grade; Mildred
Ohapin, 2nd grade; Mabel Grant, 3rd
grade; Leora Chapin, 4th grade;
Chostor March, 5th grade ; Alma Ma
son, Ctb grade ; Sadie Bough y, Cecil
Dodd (tio) 7th grade ; Chester Siefarth,
8th grade; Cora Page, 9th grade;
Clara Montgomery, 10th grade. The
banner for attendance was won by the
8th, 9th and 10th grades.
Two tickets will bo in the field at
the city election to bo held next Mon
day. The candidates are as follows :
Mayor Arthur Watklns.
Councilman-at-largo S. II. Tethe
row. Auditor Virgil Averill.
Marshal-Ralph Hall.
Oouncilmon Mossrs. Bogart, Dill
and Oarduer.
Mayor F. A. Lucas.
Oouncllman-at-large A. J. Syron.
Auditor-J. C. Talbott.
Marshal N. A. Kmmltt.
Council men Mossrs. Starr, Vlck
and Mehrllng.
Persistency Wins In Advertising.
Johu Wanamaker says: "If there
Is ono enterprise on earth that a
'quitter' should loave severely alone,
it is advertising. To make a success
of advertising one must bo prepared
to stick to It like a barnacle ou a boat's
bottom. Ho should know before he
begins It that he must spend money.
Somebody must tell him, also, that ho
cannot hope to reap results common
Burato with his expenditure early in
tho gamo. Advertising doesn't jerk;
it pulls. It begins very gently at first,
but the pull Is steady. It increases
day by day and year by year until it
exerts an Irresistible power.
Tho Btaff work on tho beautiful
Brldgo Nations at tho Lewis and Clark
Exposition is now complete. Tho
Brldgo is half a mile long, and is
built of wood and staff, in imitation of
solid masonry.
About Rheumatism.
There are few diseases that inflict
more disease than rheumatism mid
there it probably no disense for which
uch a varied and useless lot of remedies
have been en posted. To say that it can
be cured ii, therefore, a bold statement
to make, but Chamber Iain's Tain Haiti),
which enjoys an extensive sale, has met
with itreat success in the treatment of
this disease. One application of Tain
Halm will relieve the pain, and hundreds
of mflerers have testified to permanent
cores liy its use. Why sutler when Pain
Balm atlbrds such quick relief and costs
but a tritle? For sale by Wilson Drug
A $150,000 exhibit of tho products of
the Philippine Islands will be an
lutoresting feature of the United States '
Government's magnificent participa-! No free copies, single copy 20 cents,
tlou In the Lewis andClark Fxpositlou. J win or stamps.
o n
h." 1 Jkm.
Also ri'Rinna the Rixid.
Dea't become dlicouraftd. Tfcere 1 a care for you. If mwnrr write Ir. Feu nor
Ba bu aixiut a lifetime curing Just iurh r m tmirs, A'l convolutions FREK.
Ttlttoert!fythattwall(JiipwlthP.-tailc Khoiinii1im 18 month. NMn unable
Sarin that time to perform any labor and li:ul i:iiU out 40 In iihysU'laiiH without lx-uWit.
Pelrt adTlned by it friend to try lr. Frnner Kidney and llackaehe t'urel did so and
bottle cored me. Since then 1 hava reeoinnuMideti it to huiuirfdoiiflVriint wall kldnejr
trouble and tha result ha beea acure iu every eae. O. S. Sl'li.V V. HloomlnKlnu, 111.
Hold hf Pruslt. W.". and H. AKk for !. Fenner' Alninn: or t'ook H.iok- I'rve.
For Silt by BELT &
of Cardui
Cared E2er.
213 South Prior Street,
Atlanta, Ga., March 21, 1903.
I suffered for four months with
extreme nervous;ic;;s :uid lassitude, j;
I had a cial-'ing icdlng in my
stomach v.-LLu no inwlicine seemed
to relievo, and my appetito
I becaino wee!: and lost my vital- r
itv. In tlirco v.'co!-s I lost fourteen '
fc-J nramrli. of ' ts:Il and full that I Blurt
irl find spoeur relief to reaain my to
Lj health. Having heard Mine oi M
fi Cardui piaUed by several ot my
j-v; friends, 1 scat for a bottle and was ui
54 certainly very plea;;ou wuli tiie
t'A roanlta. WiLhin thrco da,3 my
1 ' .. i 1 1 . ioV- (' s
troubled ino no more. I could
$A digest my food wil'.iout difficulty
''i and the nervousness gradually r
' diminished, nature pci formed ,
lvr fimr.!if)ii3 v.'il.iout Cl.hculty
pll and I onca more a k.ppy and
well woman.
olive J0"EriI.
Tran. Atlanta Trldajr SlKht Club,
Secure a Dollar Bottle of
Wine of Cardui Today.
Ira C. Powell, of Monmouth; C. V.
Johnson, of Airlie.
Ralph O. Williams and Carrie M,
Estate of Leah Nichols, deceased
final account set for hearing May 1
at one o'clock p. m.
Guardianship of Angenatha Redde
kopp, a minor bond filed and ap
proved ; A. N. Holman, Oscar Hayter
and H. B. Cosper appointed ap
Guardianship of Effle and Walter
Easier, minors William Hayes ap
pointed guardian ; bond filed and
Theodore Jeffries and wife to Jacob
Faist, 107 acres, t G s, r 4 w, $0,420.
G W V Holt and wife to Sarah I
Smith, lot3 in Monmouth, $500.
Henry Hanlsch to J W Crider, lot
in Dallas, $1000.
W B Syron to F B aud Anna Gould,
land in Ballston, $300.
T J Gill to Sarah E Marks, lots in
Germantown (Dallas), $1000.
Sarah E Marks and husband to
Mary A Marks, lots in Germantown
(Dallas), $800,
J P Opdyke et al to B F Boughey,
land In 1 8 s, r C w, $1000.
G A Stark and husband to Sperling
Brothers, land in Independence, $1
Mary Leach to Claud S Whitman,
50 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $H01.
John Heibertto F H Wells, lots in
Dallas, $:00.
Tilmon Ford to Michael Staubor,
land in 1 0 s, r 3 w, $(HH).
O O Grant and wife to Andrew N
Holman, lot In Dallas, $800.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Popular.
"Mothers buy it for croupy children,
railroad men buy it for severe coughs
and elderly people buy it for lagrippe,"
say Moore Pros., Eldon, Iowa. "We
sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy than any other kind, It seems to
have taken the lead oyer several other
gocxl brands." There Is no question but
tli is medicine is the best that can be
procured for coughs and colds, whether
it be a child or an adult that is atliicted.
It always cures and cures quickly. Sold
by Wilson Drug Co.
Business Will Be Better.
Advertise liberally, do it intelli
gently, and business will be better.
You cau do it intelligently if you read
Pacific Coast Advertising, tho load
ing advertising journal of Western
America. It is published monthly at
228 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles,
California. It is practical gives the
actual oxperieiiivs of business men in
.their own language, and shows how
you cau adopt their plans sueeess-
fully. Subscription $2.00 per year.
jm in r: - tv.
nil I'lsxaft's vi uio
kiiinvys, blatidor, and
uriuary organs.
ALto catarrh, heart
disease, gravel, dropsy,
rheumatism, backache.
C. UUUUit.
female troubles.
N.d,l niiiriiivTi'iiHof I'r.l'i'iuieriiN.i
IKVifif mid everv -i Iwis N n rurrd 1 y iu
,UK,iUi5. ALUiK-CLAUK i'HIKJ t.O..A krvl" O.
Startling Mortality.
StatUties show btartling mortality,
rom appendicitis and peritonitis. To
prv ni mid core these awful diseases,
here i-1 one rr liaMe remedy, Dr.
Kinii's New Life Pillc. M. Flannerv, of
14 Custom House Place, Chicago, sayB:
'They have no equal for Constipation
and Biliousness." 25c at Belt &
Cherrington, druggist.
Fruit raisers of Pierce County.Wash
ngton, will give away apples and
strawberries at the Lewis and Clark
Exposition in order to convince
easterners that Pierce county is an
unsurpassed locality for raising these
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. B. W, Evans, Clearwater Kan.,
writes, My husband lay sick tor tnree
months. The docturs said he had quick
consumption, lie procured a bottle ol
Ballard's Ilorehonnd Syrup, and it
cured him. That was six years ago and
since then we have always kept a bottle
in the house. We cannot do without it
For coughs and colds it has. no equal
25c. 60c. and S1.00. Sold by Wilson
Drug Co.
An interesting display at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition from the Navajo
Indian Reservation will show Indian
blanket-weavers making the rugs that
have made the Navajos famous.
Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved
The excruciating pains characteristic
of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly
relieved by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. The great pain relieving
power of the liniment has been the sur
prise and delight of thousands of suffer
ers. The quick rehet from pain wincn
it affords is alone worth manv times its
cost. For sale by W ilson Drug Co.
A model postoffice will be installed
at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. It
will prove interesting as an exhibit,
and useful in handling the immeuse
amount of mail matter received at and
sentoutfrom Exposition headquarters.
Invaluable for Rheumatism.
I have been suffering for the past few
years with a severe attack of rheutna
tism and found that Ballard's Snow
Liniment was the only thing that gave
me satisfaction and tended to alleviate
my pains. March 24, 1902: John 0
Decnan, Kinsman Ills. 25c, 50c, end
$1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Co.
Work on the California Building at
tho Lewis and Clark Exposition is
progressing rapidly, and the building
will be completed by May 1.
For a Weak Digestion.
No medicine can replace food but
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets will help you to digeBt your food. It
is not the quantity of food taken that
gives strength and vigor to the system
but the amount digested and assimilated
If troubled with a weak digestion, don't
fail to give these tablets a trial
Thousands have been benefitted by tbei
use. They only cost a quarter. For sale
by Wilson Drug Co.
Chelan, Wash., is preparing to send
an excellont exhibit to the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, of her fruits,
vegetables, grains and forages, fish
and gamo. Photographs of her famous
lake will be another feature of the
Incredible Brutality.'
It would have been incredible brutal
ity if Cms. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse,
N. Y., had not done the best he could
for his suffering son. "My boy," he
says, cut a fearful gash over his eye, so
I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which
quickly healed it and saved his eye
Good for burns and ulcers too. Only
250 at Belt & Cherrington'a drugstore
Five hundred thousand eggs are to
bo stripped from stool-head salmon at
tho Yakima hatchery for the Fisheries
exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Ex
The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo
from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a
recent letter, he says "I was nearly
dead, of these complaints, and, although
I tried ray family doctor, he did me no
good ; so I got a 50o bottle of your great
Electric Bitters, which cured me.
consider them the best money on earth
and thank God who gave you the
knowledge to make them." Sold, and
guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Bilious'
ness and Kidney Disease, by Belt A
Cherrington, druggist, at 60c a bottle,
With the work of landscape garden
lug at the Lewis and Clark Exposition
completed, the department of works is
now devoting its attention to finishing
the driveways.
Striks hidden Rocks.
When your ship of health strikes the
hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu
monia, etc., yon are lost, if you don't get
help from Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. J. W. McKinnon,
Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had
been very ill with Pneumonia, unde
the care of two doctors, but was gettio
no ln'tter, when I began to take Dr
King's New Discovert1. The first dose
gave relief, and one bottle cured me.'
Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis
coughs ami colds. Guaranteed at Be'
A Cherrington ' drug store, price 50c
and fl.00. Trial bottle free.
Exhibits for the Lewis aud Clark
Exposition are arriving daily ly the
trainload and the compu ted exhibits
structures are boini? utilized for
Keep your bowels regular bv the use
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. There is nothing belter. For
sale by Wileon Drug Co.
i J. BHD
The largest and best stock of
Materials for Fancy Work
in the city.
Dallas, Oregon
A reputation extending over
sixty-six years and our
guararuee are dzxck. or
v every garment bearing the
UIVJ1Y W I I IL. I 11 I.
'There are many imitations.
' 5e sure of th? name
T-f A CLT-I t 1 .
ivyi-k on ins." uuuuni
A. J. TOWtft CO.. BOSTON. MAS&.U S. A.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon.
for the County of Polk.
jn the matter ot tne esiaieoi narris u. vhiik,
To Mrs. M. Doehmer. hllas wohliremutn, ben
jiimin Wohlgemuth, Liebush Wohlgemuth,
Mrs. Harris iseiucil. 3irn. Aaron ounueriHnu,
Mrs. E. A. Hepner, Mrs. Marcus l.ivshitz, Miss
Leah Abelson, Jacob wnir una luuskuh
ShHiiedlintr. Greeting:
In the name oi tne state ot ureaon, iou are
herebv cited and required to niipear in the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
f:iiintv of Polk at the Courtroom thereof, at
lianas, in tne i.ouury oi roiK, ou iuouuay, me
First day of May, 1905, at One o'clock in the
afternoon ot tnai uay, men auu mere to snow
cause, if unv vou nave, wny an oraer snoum
noi be granted to A. Wing, the administrator of
said estate, to sen tne real property oi me
estate of said deceased, at private sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, said real
uronertv being described asioliows:
An undivided one-hali interest in and to
611.02 acres, described as beeinning 2.88 chains
North of the Southwest corner o( Section No 12
in Township 9 South of Range 6 West of the
Will Meridian; thence South 88 degrees Kast
69.57 chains ; thence soutu ono degree twenty
four minutes West 80.20 chainB; thence North
8H degrees West J0.22 chains; thence North 51
degrees thirty minutes West 16.l6chains;thence
south 12 degrees loriy-nve ininuies nesi u.oi
chains: thence North 88 degrees West 26 chains;
thence North one degree 24 minutes East 80
chains thence South 88 degrees Kiist 11.06 chains
to the place of beginning, and known and
designated as the D. L. C. of Andrew J. Welch
and wife. Not. No. 5075. Claim No. 41; also th
following Darcel: Beginning at the Northwest
corner of the R. L. Hasting's land claim, being
Dart of the D. L. (J. of John Lewis ana wile, in
t. 9 S. of K. 6 W. of the Will, Mer. ; thence E. 20
feet; thence South full length of the west line
of said Hasting's claim; thence West 20 feet to
Northwest corner of said claim; thence North
to the nluce of beginning.
Witness: The Hon. Ed F. Coad
Judge of tho County Court of
tne suite oi uregon, lor me
County of Polk, with the seal
of said Court allixed, this 29th
day oi aiarcn, a p., rju.
Attest: E. M. SMITH, Clerk
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that Alice E. Townsend
as administratrix of the estate of James H.
rownsend, deceased, has tiled m the County
Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Polk county,
her iinnl account as such administratrix, aud
that Saturday, April 8, 1905, at the hour of one
o'clock p. m. of said day, has been appointed by
the Judire of said Court as the time for the hear
ing of objections to the said final account and
the settlement thereof. All persons are there
fore required to appear at said lime and show
cause, if any exist, why said account should
not be approved and the said administratrix
Dated this 10th dav of March, 1905.
Administratrix of the estate of
James II. Townsend, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Polk County, Department jso. .
Carrie 1. Ward, Plaintiff, vs. Manuel A Ward
To Manuel A. Ward, the above-named de
In the name of the Slate of Oregon: You are
herebv required to appear and answer the com
plaint hied against you in the above-entitled
Court and suit within six weeks from the date
of the first nublication of this summons, to-w it
on or before the first day of April, 1905; and i
vou fail so to answer, for want thereof tbt
phaniill will apply to the Court for a decree as
prayea tor iu suiu cuiiipiMiiii, lu-nit: xiiai um
marriage contract nowexistiug between plain
tilt and defendant be dissolved ana hi. nulled
that the plainlirt' have the future care and
eustodv of the three minor children of the
marriage of plaintifl and defendant, vu.,Kerth
M. Ward. Mildred I.. Ward and Doris M. Ward
that plaintiff may have and recover of and from
the defendant her costs and disbursements in
this suit, and that she may have such other and
furtner relief as to the Court may seem mee
with euuitv and good conscience.
This summons, by order of the Hon. Ed K.
Coad, Judge of the County Court ol the state of
Orvgon, tor Polk County, made at chambers a
Dallas. Oreiron. ou the 14th day of February
19u5, is served upon you by publication thereof
tor a period oi six consecutive ana successive
weeks immediately prior to the firsi day of Apn
1905, in the "Polk County Observer," a news
naixT ofiieneral circulation, published week 1
at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first
publication of this summons is February 17,19U5.
UM 11 A 1 i r. K,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice For Publication.
l uited Slates Land Orhce,
liregon Cily, Oreron,
Febrnnrv 2, l..
Xotii" is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the aot of Congress ol
June ;, 17S, entitled "An aet lor the ale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Ore
on, Nevada, and Washinston Territory," as
extended to all Uie Public Land States by aet of
August 4. 1N, tred F. I'rinee, of talis lliv
comity of Folk. Stale of cremii, hns this da
tilel in thisortice his sworn stalement No. lisi
lor the iHirehHM? of the St.1. of Section No. 1
in Township No. S . Kanee No. s W.. and will
Oder prvt to show that the laud nmeht is more
valuable for lis timber or stone than for agri
cultural pnrpses. and loeMabiish his claim to
said Innd beiore Kceu-tcr and Keceiver at Ore
ron t'ltv. Orwron, ou Monday, the 17ih day of
April, l'wfc.
He names as w it ncwes: Afreil Farley, of
Rooo. t'recon; James Hayes, of Da'las.reen ;
J. I. Mci).mi)d. of lalI4.reeoii: t". L. I'rim-e.
of Salem, Oirsvn.
Any aud 1 persons claiminc advere!y the
aNveMlewnbe.1 landaare reuetevl lo n-e their
claims in this ottice on or before aid 17th day
of April. IaiY.
00 Tays for the OBSERVER
aua the eekly urefonian ,
one vear. In order to take
advantage of this liberal otTer, your
subs.Tiption to the Observes must be
paiJ. up to date. Subscribe cow.
l tll
Portland and Return Only $2-50.
The Southern Pacific is now sell
ing round trip tickets to Portland
from Dallas for 2..r)0, S"d &0,,,e
Saturday P. M. orany train of Sun
day, returning Sunday and Mon
day, givii.2 l11 day Sunday and
Monday in Poi Hand, inesame ar
rangement applies from Portland,
giving all Portland people a chance
to visit valley points at greaujr in
duced rates.
Call on Southern Pacific Com
pany's agent for particulars.
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway to.
TIME-TABU Effective November 1.
Dailj txcept Sunday,
A. M.
P. M.
P. M.
Teats' Siding
Pacr.Rnnnii A
Bridgeport a:''u
Gilliams 9:3f
Tenia' Siding
Trains Stop on Signal only,
General Manager.
I have iust received a Fine New Stock
of Harness and Saddles and invite you
to call and examine them as to styie,
workmanship and price, i nave uie
finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk
county. They are strictly -uown-tu-date"
in every respect.
A biff assortment prices according to
nualitv all fitted with "Double Sur
cingles," a new feature which every
horseman will reaany appreciate, wmc
and see them.
HARNESS OIL, Best Grade,
Frank A. Stiles
Many a man i9 looking out for his
health, but looking lor disease in the
wrong direction. He takes medicine for
his ir.Tves, which seem "gone to pfeces."
lie "doctors" for his heart, which is
acting irregularly. lie constantly stirs
up Ins liver witu pills ana powder. But
he does not ect any better. He is look
in;; for the cause of his complaints in
ta wronsr. nirecuon
It is a c.mimon thing for some one
who lias used Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery for "stomach trouble" to
find that when the diseased stomach is
cuitf'l the "weak" heart is made sound
the s!u.sis'i liver stimulated, and the
thr ibbiujj nerves tranquilized. This fact
alone stiirvjcsls the truth which even-
lcitiliug medical scientist knows and rec
ognizes that diseases which seem re
mote from the stomach are often caused
by the disease of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
me iiiseaseu stomacn ana tne digestive
and mUntive system are cured of disease,
the other organs are cured with them.
lood is the basis of life and of
strength. But it is not the quantity of
food e.den which supports the life and
ne.iu:i oi tne noitv. lhe bodv is sus
tained by that portion of the food which
alter neuis eaten is converted into
nourishment and Tjronerlv assimilated
When the stomach and its allied organs
of digestion aud nutrition are diseased
or " weas, only part of the food eaten
is converted into nutrition, and the bodv
and its organs are therefore only partly
nourished. Dr. Pierce's Golden
ical Discovery cures the diseases of the
stomach and digestive and nutritive sys
tem which prevent the proper nourish
ment of the body. In that wav the
body is one; mors strengthened in the
oiuy way possinie, Dy lood properly
digested and perfectly assimilated
Any person suffering from disease in
chronic or aggravated form, is invited to
consult ir. i'lerce bv letter free Al
correspjiidcnce strictlv private and con
fidemi.il. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Biittalo, .N. v.
There is no alcohol in "Golden V..L
ical Discovery," and it is entirely free
iroin opium, cocaine, and all other nar
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Di-covery." The main motive of
substitution is the desire of the dealer to
make a little more profit out of cu bv
eiiing you a less meritorious medicine.
Mr. John L. Coughenour, of Glenarr.
Somerset Co., Pen,,... wntcs: M had bn
doM .r-.:I7 f .r about a vear and a ha.f
nal..e to wd-V mo of the time. T!-.e doctoi
l.d I had heart disease and indion i,
bejan with a choking andor-preWl feeliiir in
the chert : later on I was tnxibfed with VhnV"
feeune. and I seemed to be raw from trv f
clear down into my stomach. MT air' -ie "
nujually poor. 1 waa wk and- n
my heart kept throbbina; commuallv. ,nd
rEhkbu. I OTderb,;"V
I? ""l.1"1 hr11 u " After sil,"
three bott.ea I began to improve s:o"v S
soon went to work, and I hl kJ ' "sd I
vet nce.-
I feet that I would be doinir an ;:. -Too
if I d,.l not .J m 'u'-cet
bead : heart Vai t.-w. . .
ft .l
.. , w ret
ctue. I ertrnmroevd to w Dr
il to ttt .boJ, s. siTP
I.. .1,. j J f "Dt Pt-.lrt.
h.or-.f'tJi0fit- than I
Dr. Pierce I Pleasant Pelie's tt,
ld w.li it whta . Uxxdy, u netded.
n.' Sin DTif w. r.uKf of H.i, "
Frjnkha Ca, M1M. M h.d UwSStS,
InJigrslioB. Krenrthicr th.t 1 .i's l i,
IB BIT hea.-f hMr. K. i - w ---U.: Pff
I w -"
for Rheumatism, Cuts,
A Sure Cure iazt
Galls Bruises. Contracted Muscles, Lama Back, Stiff Joints,
Fr0ieNANtfs Irritation- 6ubdues Infla""
matipENEVRATsS?einpores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues,
promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles
natural elasticity.
Mrs. E. A. Simpson, 500 Craig, St., Knorville,
Tenn., writes: " I have been trying the baths of
Hot Springs. Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I
eet more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment
than any medicine or anything I have ever tried.
Inclosed find postoffice order for $1.00. Send me
large bottle by Southern Express.
THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
We are sole agents
cream. Only pure
its manufacture.
Walter f?oy,
i w
Single Shovel Plow?, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel
Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible
with Extension Head. :::::::::::::
All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to
cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
tv t t a n nnnn nT
Masonic Calendar.
A Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated
communications, Second and
x Fourth Fridays of each month.
R. L. Chapman.. W. M.
Oscar Hayter, Sec.
Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R.
A. M., stated convocation, First
First and third Fridays of each
Oscar Hayter, H. P.
Willis Si.montox, Sec.
fA aomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated
meetings Second and Fourth Tues
days of each month.
Mrs. A. S. Filler, W. M.
Mrs. Libbik Muir, Sec.
I. 0. 0. F.
gMifo. Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets
5every Saturday evening in I.
o. 0. F. Hall.
N. L. Guy, N. G.
W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec.
KaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets
"Second and Fourth Monday of each
J. E. Sibley, C. P.
A. W. Teats, Scribe.
n Imira Lodge, No. 20, D. of R., meets
every tnday evening.
Miss Ella Carpenter, N. G.
Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec.
Woodmen of the World.
Jallas Camp So. 209, meets in Odd
Fellows hill every Thursday evening
W . A. Ayres, C. C,
W. G. Vassall, Clerk.
lUTistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. 0 AV
rmeets in Odd Fellows' hall, Second
and Fourth Wednesday of each' month
-Mrs. Mary Starr, u. N.
Mrs. Axxy Dunn, Clerk.
Knights of the Maccabees.
W a"J Thursdays o each
month in I. 0. 0. F.hall.
i. . Con'key, S. K. Com.
I. N. Woods, R. K.
Ikilac Hive, No. 2S I O t m
M3 Blanche Eakin, L. C
Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, R. k.
A. 0. U. W.
W:iJW Wednesday of each
H- L. Fen ton, M. W
j F. A. Stiles, Fin.
. Qstal Ii,e, Na. 50 D of li .
; vHm nd Thir i ' meets
month eJnesday of each
Mr., f. J. Coad. C. of H
M,is- K- F. Coad, Fin.
! United Artisans
; nml'lv v,v ... . ""7:
rne.W;fS;,S and
njjs SiMosTo.v, H. A.
Gcs Oux, Sec.
in Dallas for this celebrated
fruit and nut flavors used in
Dallas, Or
JJ JLl Ll H.Q , UAIiUUll
Fraternal Union of America
Tjodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday
-of each month.
W. J. Wagner, F. M.
Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec.
Oscar Hayter.
Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill St
Sibley & Eakin.
The only reliable set of Abstracts U
Polk county. Office on Court St,
Ed. F. Coad
Office in Courthouse
Office over Dallas City Bank.
M. Hayter,
Office over Wilson's Drug Store
L. N. Woods, M. D,
Does general practice In anf
the county. Office on Main street
R. C. HUNTER, M. &
Orliiee upstairs in Crider Bn
Mill Street. . u.
Calls will be answered ni?Mru-
R. C. Pr iron TrPK. ' .
W G. Vassall, Cs-- j
Dallas .C i lM
Eichanges bought and
points. Special attention pa"
teacher of r
Studio, Room No. 2, Wis
Wm. muscott,
Dots hauling of all kin-Is it
rates. rS;;!