Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 10, 1905, Image 4

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Conditions at Uwls and Clark Fair
Ground Are Wholly Without
U., r !.,;,-,,. TJliillina
PORTLAND, Or., March l.-With j
the opening day of the Lewis and j
Clark Exposition rapidly approach-j
ins, it '3 gratifying to the official;
and tin eople of Portland to note ;
that the work has ad va need to such
extent as to surpass the most sanguine
hopes of all.
If current r'-iioits may he accepted
as a criterion, such a condition isj
wholly without precedent. It is uni
versally known that in the instances
of the Chicago, Atlanta, Buffalo and
St. Louis Expositions, upon the open
ing davn, much remained to be done.
There was a deplorable absence of the j
finished appearance which will prove
a marked feature of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition.
According to an official report of
the percentage of completion, issued
by Director of Works Oskar Huber,
the buildings and landscape garden
ing of the mainland and the decorative
work is advanced in excess of 90 per
cent. In St. Louis within three months
of the opening day, work was ad
vanced but 80 percent.
The mere fact that the Centennial is
advanced to such extent within four
months of Its opening day, is in all
probability due to the Ideal climatic
conditions which unquestionably have
materially facilitated the work of con
struction. In Portland there are none of the
climatic disadvantages which so
greatly retardid the progress of
previous expositions. From the day
that ground was first broken, work
has continued unceasingly, with the
result that little other than the install
ing of exhibits now remains to be
When the gates of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition are thrown open to
the public on June 1st, visitors may
walk through both buildings and
grounds and to the most remote parts
of the fair site entirely unhampered.
All debris which necessarily accom
panies the hurried construction ot ex
position buildings will have been
removed, and the great exposition
commemorate of the famous expedi
tion to the Northwest will be wholly
The large forces of workmen which
in previous expositions were putting
forth superhuman effort to expedite
completion, and unconsciously serv
ing to mar the gala attire which
should be characteristic of such enter
prises upon their opening days, will
not be iu evidence at the Lewis and
Clark Fair.
On the mainland, the principal ex
hibit structures are practically com
pleted. In some of them are at present
stored divers exhibits waitine; to be
assembled and installed. The Admin
istration group and the Imposing
Colonnade Entrance are finished.
Thoso buildings which were recently
deemed necessary, Inasmuch as the
magnitude of the enterprise was
necessarily enlarged and for which
contracts were let for their construc
tion only within u few weeks, are be
ing erected as fast as possible. Aside
from these the construction of a great
number of state buildings has been
commenced and is being advanced
with all reasonable haste.
The work of the landscape gardeners
is almost finished, their efforts having
been crowned with a most worthy sue
cess, and the result will prove a very
agreeable surpriso to the visitors. In
no exposition have the natural features
been so unusually common as they
have in Portland, und these, with the
conceptions of some of tho most able
landscape gardeners in tho world, will
give the Lewis and Clark Exposition
a garb that may not be equalled.
Phenomenal has been the progress
in constructing tho government build
ings on the jieninsula. Little more
than two months ago this tract was
nothing more than a barren waste.
Today tbo structures have assumed
such proK)itious as to present an im
posing apjearaneo when viewed from
tho grand esplauade. In the course
of another month their facades will
have been covered with staff and the
Ideas of the architects may bo pre
sented as realized. The following
excerpt from Director of Works
Huber's report gives an intelligent
idea of the progress up to date :
Landscaping us
Buildings 95
V. S. Government buildings 70
Bridge of Nations 80
IJecorations and statuary '.to
Electrical illumination ;o
State buildings (12) 07
American Inn 30
Esplanade and terraces 80
Also Priama Tin: Pi.ood.
oa 1 tcom discouraged. Thr Is a cure for you. If o,tary write Dr. Fennor
b husixmt i:ri-lbn curing Just such rttst-s as yi.urs. AM ctmsnUaUohs TEEE.
I w fHtPtd with Wldnry dlsrase and prnrel ami prowlnc constantly wtw. Finally
One of tlie jravyU l.xltl lu my bUiluYr and I w:w uU'iit t,. have a stirv'U'al oiTnUcn to
rcmur It. 1 was InUuci'd to try lr. tenner s Kltlmir auJ Hai ka. liot'i:r" and afU'r vising
few bottle I pa-fits a sump half as large aa a tuarble. Tiie medu ine nn-vented further
formation and eifecu-U a cure. V. T. OA Iv KS. Orrix, Va."
Sold! hy Prngg's). NY. km,) f 1. Ask for Pr, Fcnmr's Alntsnao or Cook !oo'k Five
For Sale by BELT &
Vierniisfl the liver ia
ti? wrnl rvrir in fii iPP v
with const! ution, biliousness,
beadatheb 6i fawn. Colhai:a-fr
Oal'ieis and contisi.'ious d.i'e.;.' 3
take hold of the svst.-.ci. It n r.:
to say tlitft if the liver were always
kept in prrmcr wc:-king ori'.rr,
iilncM woul 1 be almost unknown.
Thcdford's Black-Draught ii to
miceessiul in curing such r;'-.:ifrs
4 because it ia without a r'.-rA v.s u
i liver regulator. This pr fam.'.y
' medicine ia not a strccT o:r.l
1 drastic drug, but a miiJ ar.d
i healthful laxative that cures con
stipation and may be taken by a
.3 mere child wimout possum
; harm.
j cures biliousness. It has an in- rl
A vigorating effoet on the kidneys,
: Because the liver and kidneys do .'. j
ihR nomiliiui action on iue iiyji 1 s
' 1 ila olntirr wilh tlie waste frcin :
the bowels get back into the blood , '-
and viralent contagion results. L
Timely treatment with Thed-
ford's Black-Drauaht removes the
dangers which lurk in constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and will I
positively forestall the inroads of jL
Bright.'? disease, for which dis- l
ease in advanced stages there is
no cure. Ask your dealer for a
25c. package of Thedford'B Black-
Draught. Fv.;
imHijjipiijjii 1 ii.iiw.i .. "i.'L-ijf
ir OT 11111U 'I'tiIi 1. uii ii
falls City notes
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker visited Dallas
on last Saturday.
Mr. Williams and wife were Dallas
visitors, Saturday.
Mrs. Yocum was a Fall3 City visitor
the first of this week.
Dr. Holland made a business visit
to the county seat, Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Watkins and children
visited in Portland this week.
A. Aurland lias placed a hedge in
front of his property upon the hill.
Grant March, of Sheridan, visited
his brother Herb March, of this place
last week.
Earl Kuhlmann, of our town, has
secured the upper Salt Creek school
for the Spring term.
Miss Mina Alderman has accepted a
position as the primary teacher in the
Ballston public school. She is one of
the pupils of our school, and we pre
dict for her success.
Every citizen of Falls City who has
a piece of ground large enough for a
row of beans is making garden. All
report the ground to be in excellent
All of the teachers of the Falls City
public school attended the teachers
meeting at Dallas last Saturday and
received some good pointers which
they will use in the work of the Lewis
and Clark exhibit.
Incredible Brutality.
It would have been incredible brutal
ity if Cms. F. Lembemer, of Syracuse,
N. Y., had not done the best he could
for his Buffering son. "My boy," he
saye, cut a fearful gusli over his eye, so
I applied Bueklen'B Arnica Salve, which
quickly healed it and saved his eye.
Good for burns and ulcers too. Only
25o at Belt it Cnerriimton's drugstore.
Advertising News of the World, $2.
Advertising is what keeps the cash
register clicking. It is only the short
sighted business man who neglects to
keep in touch with advertising. The
leading ad journal of Western Amer
ica is Pacific Coast Advertising, pub
lished monthly at 228 Mercantile place,
Los Angeles. A subscription to this
magazine will keep you thoroughly in
touch with advertising developments
and will give you many practical hints
that you can turn into dollar's. It
treats advertising from a Pacific Coast
standpoint. No free copies, single
copy 20 cents, coin or stamps. Sub
scription 12.00.
The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo,
from Liver Hnd Kidney trouble. In a
recent letter, he says "I was nearly
deail, of these complaints, and, although
I tried my family doctor, he did nie no
good ; so I got a 50o boltle of your great
Electric Bitters, which cured me. I
consider them the best money on earth,
and thank God who gave you the
knowledge to make them." Sold, and
guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Bilious
ness and Kidney Disease, by Belt A
Cherrington, druggist, at 60c a bottle.
All Diseases of tha
kiJucvs, bladder, &nd
urinary organs.
AUo catarrh, heart
Qy 1
disease, gravel, dropsy.
beuroatim, backache.
female troubles.
sold manv dtueusof lr. rnner'st. Yuua
Dvcitic and vrrv cam hus ltni'tin-tl or IL.
blessiuK. Allxn-Clahi LKCuCo.Akroo.O.
' 1 . . .1
J A Yeness and wife to Lula E
Dornsife, lots in Dallas, $C50.
I V Lynch and wife to John A
Lynch, lot in Independence, $700.
A R Lewis and wife to W C Lewis,
land in 1 6 s, r 4 w. $500.
J T Ford, sheriff, to R M Fowle, land
111 19 s, rC w, sheriff's deed.
II H Jasperson and wife to J M
Gentry, lots in Independence, $42.".
J M Gentry and wife to Joseph M
Pickens, lots in Independence, $575.
H G Campbell to Coast Range
Lumbering Company, lot in Dallas,
J B Smith and wife to I F Yoakum,
32.41 acres in t 8 s, r6 w, $1500.
D J Holmes et ux, et al to Florence
Laberee, 8 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $350.
W C Brown to Florence Laberee, 16
acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $1.
S C Irvine to Marsl ft! E Merwin, lot
in Independence, $200.
Ja3 Pierce and wife to John EboralU
80 acres in t G s, r 8 w, $240.
Peter Cheekee to John Eborall, 40
acres in t 6 s, r 7 w, $240.
Alsea Bill and wife to John Eborall,
40 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $240.
James Foster and wife to John
Eborall, 40 acres in 1 6 s, r 7 w, $240.
James Foster and wf to John Ebor
all, 40 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $240.
John Eborall to Maude Eborall, 160
acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $9G0.
Henry Hill and wife to Samuel
Fisher, lot in Independence, $200.
W N McLaughlin and wife to Chas
J Schnabel, land in t 9 s, r 4 w, $1.
Chas J Schnabel and wf to Wm N
McLaughlin, land in t 9 s, r 4 w, $1.
John Quiring Jr to Agatha Dyck,
30 acres in 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1.00. 1
John Quiring Jr to Angenatha Red
dekopp, 40.87 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1.
John Quiring Jr to Katharina Roth
40.10 acres, 1 7 s, r o w, $1,
John Quiring Jr to Margaret Redde
kopp, 49.87 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1.
John Quiring Jr to David D Redde
kopp. 51.62 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $1.
John Quiring to Mary Reddekopp,
50.55 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1.
Madaliue Hipp and husband to L
McCandless, 2 acres, 1 8 s, r 4 v, $400
T B Huntley to H Hirschberg, 2
acres, t 9 s, r 4 w, $1.
Jackson Baker to G W Siefarth,
73.07 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $2234.
Jackson Baker to William Ellis,
7G.49 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $2265.28.
H A Thomas and wife to Emerson
L Harris. 100 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, $1500,
Striks Hidden Rocks.
When your ship of health strikes the
hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu
monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't (jet
help from Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. J. V. McKinnon, of
Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had
been very ill with Pneumonia, under
the care of two doctors, but was getting
no better, when I began to take Dr.
King's New Discovery. The first dose
gave relief, and one bottle cured me."
Sure cure for eore throat, bronchitis,
coughs and colds. Guaranteed at BeH
& C'herrington'B drug etore, price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Elliott at Perrydale was gladdened
Thursday evening by the arrival of a
daughter. Mother and child are doing
nicely. Mr. Elliott is employed in the
Perrydale grist mill in the capacity of
foreman. Amitv Advance.
Invaluable for Rheumatism.
I have been suffering for the past few
years with a severe attack of rheuma
tisni and found that Ballard's Snow
Liniment was the only tiing that gave
me satisfaction and tended to alleviate
my pains. March 24, 1902: John C
Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 25c, 50c, und
$1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Co.
Portland and Return Only $2.50
The Southern Pacific is now sell
ing round trip tickets to Portland
from Dallas for $2.50, good going
Saturday P. M. orany train of Sun
day, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday anc
Monday in Portland. The same ar
rangement applies from Portland
giving all Portland people a chance
to visit valley points at greatly re
duced rates.
Call on Southern Pacific Com
pany's agent for particulars.
Legal blanks for sale here.
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABU F.ffective November 1.
Dull ixcept Snnday.
Weit-Bornd: A.M. P.M.
Lv. DALLAS 7:30
TetSi,ling 7:-K 1:36
i;il;!am 7:49 139
Bridgeport 7:5o IV.
East-Bound: A. M. P. M.
I t. FALLS CITY 9:A 4:00
BriJeeport 9:.so 410
Oi'iiim 9:: 4; 17
TeaW Siding 9:3s 4:ji
Ar.PAl.LAS :S5 5:.V
Tratns Stop on Sinl 011W.
Uenrrtl Manager.
Thousands Hare Kidney ?mMe
and Don't Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common ;lass with your
water and let it stand twtty-u.jr hours a
cuviunnit Or sot
tling indicates an
1 lit.. onii
KVtion of the kid-
X n.a.,c- if it stains
your linen it is
1 evidence 01 n-
r irtoKlA too
lj frequent desire to
pass n ji pa"
th hack is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out ot order.
What !.' 1)0.
the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great Kianey runicuy iu.m..- - ---j
-,:u in murine? rheumatism, rain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage, it corrects u;
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, ana 10 get up iu.ui
t Thp. mild and the extra-
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
... ... ! .i . t Ht i, un
realized, it sianas ine nigne.M iui m
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by drurgisls in 50c. snd$l. sizes.
You may nave a sample uciuc ui u
wonderful discovery.
and a booK tnat cr.sr--.,.&--A'.
more aDout it, Doin sem:
absolutelv free by mail.
rir kilmr Rr iT.nnp r.f Swamp-Root
ftUUll. t. .v ........ - .
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Vhen wriung ...ca
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
Cured Consumption.
Mrs. I!. W. Evans, Clearwatpr Kan.,
writes, My husbaml lay sifk for three
months. Tlie doctors said he turn qnieK
consumption. We procured a bottle of
Ballard's Horehound byrnp, ana 11
.nrird him. That was six years ago and
since then we have always kept a bottle
in the house. We cannot do without it
For coughs and euMs it has no equal.
25e, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Wilson
Drug Co.
Lepral blanks printed on good stock
sold at this office.
Startling Mortality.
Statistics show startling mortality,
from appendicitis and peritonitis. To
nrevent and cure these awful diseases.
there is just one reliable remedy, D
.,. ' f
M. Llannerv,ol
. . .
King's New Life Pill
14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says
1 "-j
"1 hey have no quai tor tonstipaiion
.. n i, o
and Biliousness.
too at Kelt
Cherrint'ton, druggist
Many a t.ian is looking out for hi.
health, but looking for disease in tin.
wrong (lireclion. He takes niedirina fo:
his iutvls, vvliicli seem "gone to jifeces.'1
II;- "doctors'' for his heart, which i
acting i. regularly. He constantly stir:;
up his liver with pills and powder. Bu!
ha dots no: get any better. He is look
i: g for the cause of his complaints ii
t'u- wrong direction.
It is a c minion thing for some one
who has used Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery for " stomach trouble " to
find that when the diseased stomach is
cu.ed the weak" heart is made sound,
the slug ish liver stimulated, and the
throbbing nerves tranquilized. This fart
alone suggests the truth which every
leading medical scientist knows and rec
ognizes that diseases which seem re
mote from the stomach are often caused
by the disease of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
the diseased stomach and the digestive
and nutritive system are cured of disease,
the other organs are cured with them.
Food is the basis of life and of
strength. But it is not the quantity of
food eaten which supports the life and
health of the body. The tody is sus
tained by tint portion of the food which
after bein,; eaten is converted into
nourishment and properly assimilated.
When liu .Ni'jinach and its allied organs
of digestion and nutrition are diseased
or "weak." only part of the food eaten
is converted into nutrition, and the body
and its organs are therefore only partlv
nourished. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery cures the diseases of the
stomach and digestive and nutritive sys
tem which prevent the proper nourish
ment of the body. In that way the
body is once more strengthened in the
only way possible, by food properly
digested and perfectly assimilated.
Any person suffering from disease in
chronic or aggravated form, is invited to
consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All
correspondence striclfv private and con
fidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce
Buffalo, N. Y.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is entirely free
from opium, cocaine, and all other nar
cotics. Accept no substituU for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." The main motive of
substitution is the desire of the dealer to
make a little more profit out of ou by
selling you a less meritorious medicine.
Mr. John L. Coughenour, of Glensava-e
Somerset Co., Pemia., writes: I had been
doct .niitr for nbout a rear and a half, beiug
"''I ?7?r!i J"? o' time. T!,e doetoT
Mid 1 had heart disease and indigestion it
beSan with a choking and oppresstd feeliii" in
tne chest ; later on I was troubled with a hi. "rv
feehnc. and I seemed to be raw from mv throat
cear down into my stomach. Mv ai netite -
unusually poor. I was weak and' nerVo , i m'J
my heart kept throbbine continual!,-. aud
lhort of breath. Finally I wrole' to von 1W
leal Discovery and beitan its use. After usine
three bottle. I tau to imPro slowW and
yon if I did not send to,, . statement of mv
SV , 7r:irs Nir W. Guice. of llaaW
I-ranklm to.. Mm "I had Hver comP!a,rJ
indjResuon. Kvemhin? that I ate disaj
with me. I suffered ,11 the time with swmuuTn
in my head; heart beat too fast- mv f, 11
hands were cold all the time" rhTnoT.wi!
we 1 a, ail. ws .ble to ret about bm 'vfrv
little. I commenced to use Ir Pierii-. CtJV7
Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Te.'ein
JtftJLT "d 7, I could bepn to
et about verr well. Have been dome mvVork
mSfL Feel bene?hln I
- ..IUvio mu wr.o are trou".! , t
1 f . nT,w 'xty-one year, old and 1 ti-ark
Toumoa kmal, tor the hiFPy relief and rt
Dr. rterce-i rieasant PeUeU assist the
ttton of the - Discovery MJ should be
iKd with it when a laxitm it oeedtd.
111 a 1 xur&E? r
1 ife Guards.
The Life Guard8 are two regiments
Uuaftben,. Sot only fl;K8
household, but yours, o Hf
body's should have its life to
e need of them is especially great
when i greatest foes of life, diseases
Snd a lief in the very elements as
coTds, innuenza, catarrh, the gnp, and
pneumonia do in the stormy month of
March The best way we know of to
guard against these disease s is to
Length,,, the system with Hood
r sitn-tlm Greatest of all lire
naisnj"'" ji(inain
cruarcib. uv"u , . f
hich these diseases make their most
successful attack, gives vigoi auu
t0e to all the vital organs and func
...i I,.. mum a cenial warmtri
m thn blood, llemembcr the weaker
the system the greater tlie exposu.c
disease. Hood's sarsapaima u,u.
the system strong.
Inthv Circuit C.urt of the State of Oregon
'tamiel A. Ward, the above-named de
feiulniit: .,..,.....,,,. vmi nre
1 n the name r.l Y.r 1 1 e eont-
hereliMe.Uireuioup . , w.-ntitled
pli.int tiled iikhiiim juu v.- r" ,r". ,iBte
Court mid suit within M(t i ' ','-'
f the first publication o. " "
on or befi.re the tirst day of Apr 1, IWo, ni H
von fttil so to answer, for want tliuioi tne
,h ntill wiU apply to the Court lor .lee ee as
prayed for in said complaint, to-u it. 1 hat UK
marriaVe contract now existing between p ul. ;
T,md defetutant be dissolved and annulled
hn the plaintiff have the future care a d
ens odv ot the three minor children of the
marrh,Re f plaimill and defendant, vu.,Bt;rtha
l W rd. Mildred I.. Ward and Hons M. Ward
that ulai itiif may have and recover of and from
e dCtldant her costs and disbursements in
this suit, and that she may have such other and
further relief as to the Court may seem meet
with equity and good conscience.
This summons, by order ol the Hon td K
Coad, Judge of the County Court 01 the State of
r,. . (, inlk Cnimtv. made at .chambers at
'".p '. 11.1, .!.., r.f ljliriinrv
Dalla-i, Ureuon, 011 me nui ""j
1'JUo, 8 served upon you uj jjuunumio..
; ' 1 ...1 i i ti.pniivH mid successive
.or a i'uiiwu ui d.a w...-.. -
we-ks iiumedirttely prior to the hist day of April
1WJ.), 111 the "l-oiK ouiu) uw "1 .
n,inpr nfi'l'IICTHl circulation, published wccki
at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first
pu blication 01 this summons 10 j 1,
univ ......
Attorney for Plaintiit.
Administrator's Notice.
j- i i... ;,.v tViut tlio nniliirsianotl
whs, on i ne -m" ircv.tiui, ;
. .t... ir.. inntv i'iirr ni I'm b 1'nnnlv.
. . .1 1. I. A,.,.. IWmml.l.X UlllJ tlV Hll
Orcffon, duly unpointed uduiinwtrator of tlie
esttue of Tluuims L. Butler, lute of sidd County
j f. .1 n.. A ,wl nil ..iraniia hitvilitT
anu oiuie, ueirenseu, aim an i-io
elftiins HMlUfcil taia eeiaie Hre nereuy inJMiivu
niiu oiulc, nii vy -
present tne
. ..1.. ....jllu.l lit t l,u mtHnr-
oi-ued, on or belore six iiidiitliK from the dte
hereof, and all persons Knowing ineiiiBfivi-s in
ilHhtcil to said estate are hereby imtilieil to call
and kettle the same on or before six month
iriilll Hie utile iicicui.
Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this
z-yia unv oi jauuai v ., u. i-juj.
Administrator of the estate
of T. L. Butler, defeased.
Sibley it Kakin, Attorneys for estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Polk Countv.
T. A. Ireland, Plaintiff, vs. Louis Saehse and
Maria feac hse. Defendants,
To Louis Saehse and .Maria Saelise the above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
herebv reuuired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you iu the above entitled
suit in the above entitled court on or before six
weeks from the date of the lirst publication ol
this summons upon you, and il you fail so to
appearand answer the plaiutill will take a ile-
crte against you as prayed for in his complaint
herein, to-wit: That plain till' is the owner in
fee simple and entitled to the possession of the
tollowmg described real property to-wit: be
ginning at a point 5 cbs. South of the quarter
ec. eor. on tne n.. oounuary oi sec. t, in i. a ft.
K. 5 IV. of the Will. Jler.; thence running S
:2 (i9 chs. to the S. K. cor. of the Wm. Muton
D. L. C; thence W. iS.ij chs. on ri. boundary of
said claim, to the E. boundary of the J. K.
r-iKins u. l. v.; tnence r. 4.uj ens. to tne ji. k.
cor. ot said Elkins D. L. C; thence W. 8.12 chs.
along the N. boundary of said Elkins 1). L. C. to
tne a. oounuary ot tlie s. r. K. K. right ol way
thence . SO degrees 40 minutes E. 3 chs. along
said right of way; thence N. 3 degrees W. 11
ens. along saia risrht ol way. thence N. ede
grees 30 minutes W. S.67 chs. along said right of
ay; mence t. ub linns, tnence .V &.7s chs.
thence E. 30.06 chs. to place of begining, con
taining 111.11 acres more or less, and that the
certain deeds recorded in Vol. 15 at page 202
and iu Vol. 10 page 179 be reformed and that
defendants be forever barred and enjoined
from claiming any right, title or interest in
or to said premises or any part thereof, aud for
such other and further order as to the court
may seem proper.
This summons is published for a period of six
weeks in the I'olk County Observer, by order of
Hon. Ed K. Coad. Judge of the County Court of
Polk County, Oregon, lmide at Chambers at
Dallas, Oregon, this 0th day of February, 1905,
and the lirst date ol publication is Ee'bruary
10, 190j, and the last date of publication will be
the 24th day of March, 1903.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice For Publication.
I'nited States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
x- . . . , February 2, l'Joi.
,'Se ls h"eby given thRt ia compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3 ls,s, entitled "An act for the tale o
timber lam sin the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4 1892, Fred F. Prince, of Falls C tv
lied in this ptlice his sworn statement No. (11
lor the purchase of the S. K. i , of Section Nn vi
in Township N. 8 S., Range n'o 8 w. . and will
0rtfr 'k,00,1 '0-8how that the lnd sought is more
va uable for its timber or stone than for agri!
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land beiore Register and Receiver ' at Ok
Apfil"?011'011 Jl0"d"-V' the n'h day of
"""''" 88 witnesses: Alfred Froglev of
fefi JatTs, Ha5-e9-oS lallas,0 egon!
of Sale'ito';' DaUa8' C-
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to hie their
oflpVU8 HiCe " r bef0re W ITth'day
00 PaJ"3 lor the OBSERVER
4 and the Weekly Oregonian
one year. In order to take
advantage of this liberal offer your
subscription to the Observer must be
paid up to date. Subscribe now
to call and examine hem as to ttvu?
workojBMhip and price I have tlfp
finest line of saddles ever shown in P i!
county. They are strict ! "do.
date ' in every respect. " uown-'0-
A b-V assortment prices a -r
quality-aii fitted P", "'ng to
cngles," a new fea Je h SUr
hodman will readily apprS? Z
nd see ihera. appreciate. Come
WHIPS and kobe" '
Frank A. SUIcs
Do Not Neglecucis
iery cold Weaken the Lungs, lowers the Vltaiih
svstem less able to withstand each succeed
paving the way for more serious disease i 81
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Soro'n1
Asthma, t Croup, Whooping Colh
Dronchftis, Hoarseness, Sore lS
MRS. SALLIB LOCKBAIt) Ooldthwalto, Tut.,,,"
have uk1 lllrd' Horehound Syrup In my family for'."", W
and It ulivnyn give satisfaction. W hjB the children had cS
Whoonluir Oousrh It always relieved them at onee, and I '
without it in thehouge. .ltl the UESt MEU1C1.NB
Best Remedy for Children. Every Bottle Cte
THREE SIZES I 2SC, COo and $1.00. ;
BALLAKD 5NUVY iinmEfi i cu.,ai.LOUB-j
We are sole agents in Dallas for this--"
cream. Only pure fruit and nut flave
its manufacture.
Walter. Roy, T.T"rf Dalte,
Single Shovel Plow?, Double Shovel Plows, ffin;.
Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Ps
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, ti
with Extension Head. : : : : : : : : : :
All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything";
cultivate a hopyard or orchard. JJ
Masonic Calendar.
Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated
communications, Second and
Fourth Fridavs of each month.
11. L. ChaVman. W. M.
Oscar Hayter, Sec.
s X 7 A. AI.. Htiitpif cnnvocatinn. b lrBt
lH )hV Pirsf hihI tliinl Vriilnvs nf oach
v-f -
3 nmnl .
Oscar IIaytkr, H. P.
Willis Si.monton, Seit.
lylaooii Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated
lmeetings Second and Fourth Tues
days of each month.
Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M.
Mrs. Libbie Mcir, Sec.
I. 0. 0. F.
-5S, Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets
WJe$every Saturday evening in I.
X. L. Gey, N. G.
W. A. Ayres, Eec.Sec.
IjaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets
"Second and Fourth Monday of each
J. E. Sibley, C. P.
A. W. Teats, Scribe.
nimira Lodge, No. 215, D. of R., meets
"every Friday evening.
Miss Ella Cari::xter, N. G,
Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec.
Woodmen of the World.
Jallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd
Fellows hall every Thursday evening
W. A. Ayres, C. C,
W. G. Vassall, Clerk.
lyristletoe Circle, No. 33, V. O. W.,
4 "meets in Odd Fellows' hall, Second
and Fourth Wednesday of each month.
Mrs. Mary Starr, G. N.
Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk.
Knights of the Maccabees.
.0 Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second
13 and Fourth Thursdays of each
W month in I. O. O. F.h'all.
G. . Coxkey, S. K. Com.
I. N. Woods, R.'K.
Jilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets
on fcecond and Fourth Thursday after
noon of each month.
Mrs. Eva Hayter, L. C.
Mrs. Blanche Eakix, R. K.
A. 0. U. W.
fttr. TTnin.ir.i -v- - . .
OsS J rr?. i0- 00 Meets t irsx.
S AIra Wednesday of each
x"1 month.
H. L. Fextox, M. V.
F. A. Stiles, Fin.
CSt?' Le 50, D. of H., meet
month Wednesday of eacl
ilas. F. J. Coad, C. of H.
Mrs. Ed. F. Coad, Fiu.
United Artisans.
AxhW X t6-"" Fir.-t and
lhird Tuesday of each month.
Willis SniosTos, M. A.
Gus Olix, Sec.
Fraternal Union oi.
Uodge No. 144 Meets t
of each month. i
W.J. Wagner, F. M,
Oscar HajliJ
Upstairs In Campbell lii- Wl
Sibley &
The only reliable set
Polk county. Office onCHC
Ed. F.fe
Office in Court .
N. L. Bnt
Office overDallaiC-i
M. Hayl4S
Office over WU'an
L. N. Woods, I,
Does general pracU6
the county. Office o
R C. HUNTfl3a
Offlice uPS.t;
Calls will be'.rtrl'
R. C. Craven, Pre- - ju
Exchanges 7
points. Special tl ,g
jr. uLiar,
iUU die
Studio, Boom ' Fou
Ym. Ml--
t 4' ' '
Does hauling r