MAKES VIGOROUS DENIAL Senator Fulton Says He Has Never Represented Any Person In Timber Land Matters. The following letter from United States Senu tor C. W. Fulton appears in Saturday's Telegram :' WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 20.-(To the Kditor of The Telegram) In a late issue of The Evening Telegram, of the 13th fast., I think, appeared ao article headed "Shadow on Hammond. Investigation to include Senator Charles W. Fulton," etc. I have not seen a copy of the paper, but a friend cut out the article and mailed it to me. It is alleged in substance that Ham mond's transactions in timber lands are under investigation, and I was his attorney. It is directly alleged that the combination was Hammond, Pillsbury and Kribs, and that "the attorneys for these manipulators were Mitchell and Tanner and present United States Senator Fulton." It is stated that "there is as yet no positive indication that Senator Fulton will be drawn into the Government's net, but his connection with Hammond's deal ings is under investigation, and if it i3 shown that in 1903 he received money from Hammond for his services he will be liable to indictment," etc. Under ordinary conditions on publi-; cation of such an article concerning me I would be justified in instituting an action for libel, but I realize that under the influence of the present. atmosphere la Oregon, charged as it is with rumors of impending revelations and fctartling developments, even newspaper reporters become hysterical and fail to observe that regard for private character that under different circumstances would control them. As a matter of fact I have never at any time acted for or been employed in the capacity of attorney, or otherwise, in any land matters, or in any matter whatever, by the parties mentioned, or any of them, excepting that I have represented Mr. Hammond and the Astoria Company in two cases in the United States Court, and have been attorney for the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company, in which he is Interested. Aside from those mat ters, I have never represented him in any capacity in any manner. So far as his land purchases are concerned I have never In any capacity repre sented him or advised him or any of his associates, or any corporation or pnrminnv In wMnh thov nr nmr -f I ..... j. .... j . . . " " ' J I . wuj vy jl them, are or have been interested. In making this statement I would not have you infer that I assume or be lieve that Mr. Hammond has been en gaged in any questionable transac tions in acquiring lands. Knowing him as I do, I am confident that he has not been soengaged. I wish simply to make it clear that I have never at any time, either before I was elected Senator or since, been in any capacity employed by Mr. Hammond or his associates, or any of them, or repre sented or advised him or them in re lation to any lands or land matters whatever. Indeed, this statement need not be restricted to them, for in truth I have never represented any person in the matter of acquiring public lands. Not but that I might properly have done so before my elec tion, but it so happens that I never did. Nor have Mr. Hammond, or his asso ciates, or any of them, paid me any money or other compensation for any services whatever since my election to the Senate. If ho or they have been interested in any lands, or land mat tors, pending before the Interior De partment, the General Land Office, or any local land office at any tiruo, I have not been aware of it. I cannot now recall that any of them have ever communicated with mo about any such matters, though, of course, it is pos sible that 8omo of them may have 1 written to me about some tract pond ing before tho Dopartment. It is my belief that none of them ever has, though it is. of courso. nossibla that. one or more of them should have done i A mInlatre mint in full working so, and in tho multitude of letters Pflration WH be a part of the Govern or a similar character such fact : n,ent exhibit at the Lewis and Clark a similar character such escape my memory. I am certain or this, however, that no person will say that he has ever paid mo anything for any work or sevices performed in or about any department of tho Govern ment Nor did your reporter possess any knowledge whatever or any Tacts mat jusuneu mm in makingthe insin- dead, of these complaints, and, although uations against mo contained in the I tried my family doctor, he did me no article mentioned. The mere fact that good ; so I got a 50c bottle of your great ho knew that I had represented Mr. j Electric Bitters, which cured me. I Hammond in some other matters did ; consider them the best monev on earth not Justify him in asserting that I j and thank .God who gave vou the represented him and his alleged asso- knowledge to make them." Sold and dates, or any of them, in tho land guarantee.! to cure, Dyspepsia, Bilious matters mentioned. That I did so ! necs and Kidnev Disease, by Belt & ' , 13 ,u " umeie post- meiy asserted, me only open quos- tion being whether I had accepted comifusation or iut Tt ,., t,, : " that the statement that I represented , eiuvmtuy took loss, and I DR. FENNER'S AND Also Putinis tub sm jA uJJ. II V- Don b.coni. dUcourag.d. Th.r. 1. a ear. for you. if (,sary wr!te Dr. lWr. tie Uaasl.t n J.fitlimi.uriiu; Just sui l. cus, s at y.mrs. A'l roinnluu kms FPFK, "I hare suffer for the past ten yaars with Wkache an kidney trouble, and tried many of the moat promtnent physicians in Boston and Omaha and ail the patent medicines I heard of m th hop of obtaining relief. Finally seeing your ad. I procured a bottle of lr. Fenner , Lidney and Backache Cure and I wish to thank you for the benefit I received therefrom. Two bo tl entirely cured me and I haven't pain or ache of any kind. I cheerfully recommend It to all auffenng friend. Most sincerely yoors, , , , . , . Miss ALICE MePONALD, 2954 Harney St Omaha. Neb." Bold by Druggist, 80c. and II. Alc tor Dr. Fenner". Almanac orCoik Book-Fwi. For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON J H fW Iff j 11 k HM m i i r i ' t ; i 1 1 1 Miss. A.mssvwstiey m VVciis 5trc2t ft Mavinetta.V.'iS. ? 816 Wells Street, Marinette, Yv is., Sept. 25, ICOo. I was all run clown from nervous ness and overwork awl had to resign mv position and tuka a rest. I found that I was not gaining my v strength and health as fast as I J could wish, ana as your huib w Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I boucht a bottle and bcran using it. 1 was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and tool: three more and then found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up m wnrl,- with renewed visror. 1 consider it a line ton ic and excellent $ . for worn-out, nervous condition, p and am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, BeCy.Xorth WtBconnln Holland Society. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 2."c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINE OF i'mi mil iaM'rfii,n know it was absolutely false. You have ever been kind and courteous in your references to me, and hence I am certain the article was not prompted by an unfrlendly disposition, and am confident that now I have called your attention to the injustice done me you will promptly and fully correct it. While the present perturbed state of public mind in Oregon, due to grave charges pending against number of prominent citizens, affords an opportunity for reckless and mali ciously disposed persons to put in cir culation groundless rumors and false reports, I respectfully submit that on the other hand it should prompt the censcientious newspaper to exercise an exceptional degree of caution against being made the medium through which publicity is given to idle or malicious charges. Very truly yours, C. W. FULTON Annual Telephone Meeting. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Liberty-Oakdale Mutual Tele phone Company will be held in the Liberty schoolhouse, Monday, March 0, 1905, at 7 o'clock p. m. Business of importance is to be transacted, and a full attendance of stockholders is de sired. G. W. McBEE, Attest : President W. A. Ayres, Secretary. Meeting of Qoat Men. The Folk County Mohair Association will meet in Brown's Hall, in Dallas, on Saturday, March 4, 1905, at 1 o'clock p. m., to make arrangements for the sale of the 1905 mohair pool, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. G. W. McBEE, H. L. Fenton, President. Secretary. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incredible brutal ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, M. l., had not done the best he could lor his Buttering son. "My boy," he says, cut a fearful gash over his eye, so 1 RppHed Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and eaved his eye. Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 25o at Belt it Cherrington's drugstore. Exposition. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says: "I was nearlv Sherrington, druggist, at 60o a bottle. More than thirty national conven c,. . ... . . wum ie scueuuiea to convene in Portland during the Lewis and Clark Exposition. All Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, female troubles. Q CARDUI i falls City Hot Mr. Lyons and family left Monday for Eugene. Ira Mehrling was a Portland visitor tho last of the week. Airs. H. P. Shriyer, of Dallas, visited friends in Falls City last week. Charles Pyburu has been very sick, but at present is reported better. Di. T. V. B. Embree, of Dallas, was a Falls City visitor, Monday. lialph Hall, the barber has returned, aud may be found at the old shop. Dr. Perry is working on his fruit farm near Salem, putting out a large strawberry patch. The Bryan-Lucas mill is running again. Our town brightens up when the mills begin to whistle. The teut-house, belonging to a Mr. Caster, across the street irom the creamery, was burned last Monday. Fred West, the head man of the Dallas Electric Light Company, paid a flying visit to Fails City, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Richmond, of Perrydale, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Richmond's brother, Harry Starr. Mr. and Mrs. George Conlee and daughter, Mrs. Hinshaw, have been visiting at the home of Uncle Peter Syron, who kas been very sick. The timbers for the piers for the railroad bridge across the liver above town have nearly all been delivered and the piers are about completed. William Ellis has had his land south of the river surveyed into lots of from 1 to 6 acres, and linds a ready sale for them, as they make excellent homes. Mr. Lewis, who has been living in one of Mrs. Wolfe's houses north of the Christian church, has moved to the residence property across the street from the Ford-Tyson grocery store. The subject of the sermon at the Christian church Sunday morning will be: "An Important Appoint ment;" evening, "Remaining Young vs. Growing Old." Hugh Black, who has been book keeper for the Bryan-Lucas Lumber Company, has.accepted a similar posi tion for Horst Bros., on Dove's Island. Mr. and Mrs. Black made many friends while in our town, and all re gret to see them leave. Those wearing the Liberty Bells for work done during the month of Feb ruary are: Vera Stowe, Mildred Chapin, Mabel Grant, Edith Harris, William Ross, Eva Chapin, Sadie Boughey, Alberta Hart, Elmer Barn- hart, Cora Page and Clara Mont gomery. Striks Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better, when I began to take Dr King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me.' Sure cure for eore throat, bronchitis coughs and colds. Guaranteed at Belt & Cherrington's drug store, price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A native Filipino theatre, in which amusements peculiar to the in habitants of our island territory will bo presented, is to be one or the many excellent attractions or the "Trail." Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater Kan., writes, My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. That was six years ago and since then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Sold bv Wilson Drug Co. The Government Fisheries exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Ex nnsitfrm will show the evolution of a Royal Chinook Salmon, from the embryo to a well matured fish. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been sufferinc for the past few years with a severe attack of rheuma tism and found that Ballard's Snow Liniment was the only thins; that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. .March 24, 1902: John C. egnan, Kinsman. Ills. 25c, 50c. nd $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drng Co. The model dairy farm at the Lewis and Clark Exposiiion in which every thing pertaining to scientific dairying methods, the result of recent agri cultural research is to be shown, will prove of particular interest to those interested in dairying. Advertising News of the World, $2. Advertising is what keeps the cash register clicking. It is only the short sighted business man who neglects to keep in touch with advertising. The leading ad journal or Western Amer ica is Pacific Coast ApvEnnsiso, pub lished monthly at 228 Mercantile place, Los Angeles. A subscription to this magazine will keep you thoroughly in touch with advertising developments and will give you many practical hints that you can turn into dollars. It treats advertising rrom a Pacific Coast standpoint. No free copies, single copy 20 cents, coin or stamps. Sub scription f 2.00. Early Risers Uttl Th famous little pills. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To p.eventandc.ue these awful diseasee, there is jnsi one reliable remedy, Dr. Kinti'a Kf w JL FI",,"UI V- MCuttoui House Place, Chicau-o, eays: "Tht-ylmve no tqual for Constipation and Biliousness." 25o at Belt & Chei iington, druggist. But seldom are some of us afforded an opportunity to hear the World's famous bands. Many of them have been engaged to play at the iair, mnn? them being In nes'.DeCaprio's, Ellerv'sand the Hawaiian Imperial band. Portland and Return Only $2.50 The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. orany train of Sun Sundav and Mon- vij i - o f all Hav Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance ir visit, vallev noints at ereatly re- - j i duced rates. flail on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk Comity, Department iNo. -. Carrie I. Ward, riuintill', vs. Manuel A Wurd Defendant. , . To Manuel A. Ward, the above-named de- fomlfl lit ' in the name of the Slate of Oregon: You are hrdiv iwniired to aDDt'ar and answer the com pluint riled against you in the above-entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date if the tirsi, nnhlieiition of this summons, to-wit: on or before the first day of April, 1U05; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court fur a decree as prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: That the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and detendant be dissolved and annulled; that the plaintiff have the future care and custody of the three minor children of the marriage of plainiili and defendant, viz.,Hertha M. Ward, Mildred L. Ward and Doris M. Ward; that plaintiff may have and recover of and from the defendant her costs and disbursements in this suit, and that she may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seein meet with eouitv and good conscience. This summons, by order of the Hon. Ed K. Coad, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Folk County, made at cnainoers at Dallas, Oregon, on the Ulh day of February, 1905, is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately prior to the first day of April l'JOT), in the "folk County Observer," a news paper ofgeneral circulation, published weekly at Dallas, in said County. The date of the first publication of this summons is February 17,1905 OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for Plaintiff. J3:n'..i Many a man is looking out for his neaitn, out looking for disease in the wrong direction. He takes medicine for his nerves, which seem "gone to pfeces." He "doctors" for his heart, which is acting L regularly. He constantly stirs up his liver with pills and powder. But he does not get any better. He is look ing for the cause of his complaints in tlu wrong ili.-cction. It is a ctmiion thing for some one who has us.-(l Dr. Fierce's Goldeu Med ical Discovery for "stomach trouble" to find that when the diseased stomach is cm-ed the weak heart is made sound, the sluggish liver stimulated, and the throbbing nerves tranquilized. This fart alone suggests the truth which every leailiiig medical scientist knows and rec ognizes that diseases which seem re mote from the stomach are often caused by the disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. When the diseased stomach and the digestive and nutritive system are cured of disease, the other organs are cured with them. Food is the basis of life and of strength. But it is not the quantity of food e.iten which supports the life and health of the body. The body is sus tained by tii it portion of the food which after bcin-; eaten is converted into nourishment and properly assimilated hen the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition are diseased or "weak," only part of the food eaten is converted into nutrition, and the body and its organs are therefore only parti v nourished. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures the diseases of the stomach and digestive and nutritive sys tem which prevent the proper nourish ment of the body. In that way the body is one; more strentrthpne ; .1... only way possible, by food properly digested and perfectly assimilated Any person suffering from disease in chronic or aggravated form, is invited to consult Dr. Pierce bv letter free All correspondence strictly private and con fidential. Address Dr. R. V Pierre Buffalo, N. Y. ' m There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other nar cotics. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med leal Discovery." The main motive of substitution is the desire of the dealer to make a little more profit out of you bv elhng you a less meritorious medicine. ACLE TO WORK AGAIN Mr. John t. Cooghenour, of Glensavicr. Somerset Co., Penn., writei : I had doctoring for .bout a yr and . ,tr f!" .d I had h LSLt,Aif ?!. "octo? gwtion. It the ch ; later on I waatrouEhMt Ti'ng ,n feeling, and I mJtonJj1" clear 3own into my .tomacWw?Sitt.h nnusua y poor. I waa w.v ' p u' wa aoon went to work, and I hive h-r. -" u d ver ain. 1 bKa working "SUFFERED ALL TNE TIME." I feel that T vmU K. j: Ta if I did not M '"JMtice U casc.-.nntcs Mrs. David" W Guice. nf IT .. i lit M. rraniim to.. Ansa. Indigestion. Everrthing- that I ateri?.. 2 with me. I suffered" all the time Lit frr1 in my head; heart beat tVk hands were cold all th. ., . iJV" lc and complaint aud weU at .1L Was ab e to M aboJt T ,iep little. I commenced ZLvl fP" but ry Medical Mbt, iSo' uiscovery and -Pleaaant P,ll.. ft about very well. ever since except waahing. Feel better "fi. . have for several ' !UCT ,h,n I was. I am now sixtv-one yeara old an i i ,, , youmo Londly for the ha'ppyfd' 1t. Pierce't Pleasant PeIIit .o v. iwd with tthea a Uxatiro k aeedtd. vj -mM 1 LWI ( mi MY w WASHINGTON Whereas, by Vu i,, b been made to appear lo the uwdcrsifiiyd, it li a - ' , tert Mi the hit ihe " 1 h 1 1 ii s N a ll 'rj 0 , j 1 1 y of' I'ollt "tB City of Dal as. h' '"'iVh all the provisions of Oregon ieu wii.. - , ,,.urt f the Statutes c i - -, ()SBO.illtlon shall Kmefhe business of Haul the St,uuu s oft l.e ' nu'" ,.'(!,, shall be authorized to ing; No fl, w therefore . Tnomas P Jr herv cling Comptroller of the 'L, k ,.loeated Acting Wf T r, ,slio 1 Baiik'locate. the Citv of Dalias, in tlieco p ..V. ' of Oregon, Is authorized to con siness of ankingas provided in faj ? hundred and sixty nine of tl eminence the Sta Section l'liiy biisii: the Revised k r.mesoilho i nili'd States. In iesinii"iiy wh'-ruot witness my nano auu lethisHthdayofNovelaJlWl. Seal of olli Seal Deputy and Acting Compiro.iK. of the Currency. Notice For Publication. TTUHFR LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 178. HHBhK J'A (ed stateB jjlim, othce, Oregon City, Oregon. July 5, 1S04. Sd IS ell the PnTTllo liud States by act of August flstf' "o is L. iprut, of Indcpendencecounty of Polk "state of Oregon, has tins day Wed In this oihce his sworn statement No. iu.!7, for tne mirchase of the Northwest one-fourth of Section No. 4 in Township No. 8 South Kange No 7 Wet '" ollur l'r00f f" tll!'t.t " and sought is more valuable for its timber or He Uian for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land befo re lie Register and Receiver at Oregon City. Oregon, on Saturday, the 4th day of March, x k. He names as witnesses: K W. Kobinson, ot Falls City. Oregon; A. N. Kobinson, of tails CitV Oregon: H. Hirschbcrg, of Independence, Oregon; M. Wiprut, of Salem, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this oHice on or before said iia day of March, 1905. 0E0. W. BIBKE. Bx-eeiver. , ... i MWritorv." asexienu- Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 United States hand Oilice, Oregon City, Oregon, JulyS, W04. Notice is hereby siven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public hand States by act ol August 4, 18!1'2, Henry Wiprut, of Salem, county of Marion, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. tioSti, for the purchase of the S E H of sec lion No. 20 in township No. 8 S, range No. 7 W, and will oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oilice at Oregon city, Oregon on cauiruay the 4th dav of March. l!H)f. He names as witnesses: F. W. Robinson, of Falls City, Oregon; A. N. Robinson, of Falls City, Oregon; Herman Hirschberg, of Inde pendence, Oregon; Morris Wiprut, of Salem Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-desciibed lands are requested to tile their claims in this oltice on or before said 1th day of March, l'JO-3. CEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned was, on the 29th day of December, 1904, by an order ol the Hon. County Court oi Polk County, Oregon, ouiy appointed administrator ot th estate of Thomas L. Butler, late of said County and State, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notihed to present the same duly verified to the under signed, on or before six months from the date hereof, and all persons knowine themselves in debted to said estate are hereby notified to call and settle the same on or before Bix months from the date hereof. Dated at DallaB, Polk County, Oregon, this ii3k.ii uay oi January a, it. iyu. THOMAS J. BUTLER, Administrator of the estate of T. L. Butler, deceased, Sibley iSi Eakiu, Attorneys for estate. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. T. A. Ireland, Plaintiff, vs. Louis Sachse and Maria Sachse, Defendants. To Louis Sachse and Maria Sachse the above uameu cieienaaiits: in tne name of the State of Oregon : You are ueiruy lequireu io appear and answer the com plaint hied against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on or before six weens trom the date of the first publication of niio numinous upon you, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take a de cree against you as prayed for in his complaint herein, to-wit: That plaintiff is the owner in fee simple and entitled to the possession of the ""!"" ucBciiueu reai properly to-wit: Be ginning at a point 5 chs. South of the quarter Sec. cor. on the E. boundary of Sec. 1, in T. 9 S P, V of the Wil1- JIer-; thence running S n n 111 K- c.or- of tl,e "in. Mason " " 20 -J ens. on s. boundary 5Vi "im, lo lne " boundary of the J. E Elkins D L C ; thence N. 4.1)5 chs. to the N. E along the N. boundary of said Elkins'll. L. C. to IU1. U BtllU IMK1T1H ) I. I ' It.inna M7 U in ih ' vt ... 'J"J 111 "le - r' K- K- risrht of way; thence N. 30 degrees 40 minutes E. 3 chs. along said nehi nf un,.. ti,,...,,., xi o chs. along said riirht of wov tho.,7... n c h wv- th?.!'lu v8 W.- 67,chs- alon said rW't of tneuce Js.SG.Ofieha. tn tIam r.i kdi.. r" "' -j , ....,., v ou imn. Liience i. ri.TH pho taininglll.n acres mnr(mi..Tj t'.T; ...... x,y ue, reiormed and that defendants be forever barred ,,i Ti.vii from claiming anv ripht iition ?nVJ?S?id..p"SllKf.? P"rt thf. nd lor ma Tseem proner"" rQer aS 10 tile Polk . nn,-,fVfl?;iU1?e of l',e Count, Court of it. . - vuuuii wuocrver, i v i rncp nl Dll., ii.r.?.l! l"uae lI Vnmhers at and the first dilTaluiVVJm SIBLEY & EAKIN. Attorneys for plaintiff, Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 I nited States Land oilice Oregon City, Oregon! Notio i i,.. .. February 2, 1905. with the provisions ,L " , ,comP'iance f . a.aa:. and Washington Terriinr . AuTOS . Jtates ii act of wii i y oiroik, state of iir,.n, ' i,:.. i . . . . ' . 1IUUK. Ill KUIIu fit.. ,- Ut.. Offer nnvif i.. Vi.n .u . . . . - valuable for its timber or ston. more He names na ulh,.,.... .,. . of Salem, Oiegon. "reKon; C. L. Prince, aboWribeilad' claims in this office on or J.h'e 'heir oi April. 1905. inn day ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. HARNESS flflD SflDDliES. offcSrnTSAwSlock to call and examine them as to st" workmanshin a .V' m style. finest line uJ'..1 b the countv. Thev are Znl?, ,n Polk Jate-'in evereAcf1011' 'i0Vn HORSE BLANKETS an.l .ee "hem 7 apPreciate. Coml HAS01 Be,t Grade. W HIPS and K0BES. . has co"ii"v' P.iniiired to Voti.e ia hereby given that in compliance with th'pro"sionsfeof the .ct of Congress o ,in u p .1iiii,vl "An act for the saleoi ,"'VL, , ,r ,e sratcs 'California, Oregon, "or .;enPs ate in Townshir X Z .Ti l l 'on No. ly w and will Frank A. 8tHcs ST.. DAUs, 0RE w g a", Jim i tpv r i b f A Sure Cure S3r Galls, Braises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back cv;- i a J E1. Duma C9 Ha M. UVji Otlft 1. . Frosted Feet. Bums, Scalds, etc, Hn ii wi.r uiau di,uj irniation, 61 mation. and drives out Pain. a at AUTICCDTIC .f T . , ,. PFNETKAita ttia Pores, lnoean. u. promotes a free circulation of the Blood, fiivirurTK natural elasticitv. ""fc. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC QilEBj Mrs. B A. Simpion, 500 Craig St., Kao r, Tenn. , writes : "I have been tryim, the K.. S Hot Springs, Ark. large bottle by Southern Express. THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND Sir BE SURE YOU OET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment f ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUO COMPANY HAZELW00D ICE CREAl We are sole agents in Dallas for ftj cream. Only pure fruit and nut flair its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM Lif ' Walter-Roy, & Mis, WAGNER BR05, y v CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plow?, Double Shovel Plows, ffinj: Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Pt; Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, is . with Extension Head. : : : : : : : : ; : All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everytijtd cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, 01 LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. It. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar IIayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar IIayter, II. P. Willis Simonton, Sec. aonii Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated i meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M. Mrs. Libbib Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. aSs-. Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets rwevery Saturday evening in I. O. 0. F. Hall. N. L. Guy, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. JjaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets becond and Fourth Monday of each month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A. W. Teats, Sen he. 13 lmft a Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "every Friday evening. Miss Ella Carpenter, N. G, Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec. Woodmen of the World. Jallas Camp, No. 209, meets in Odd fellows hall every Thursday evening W. A. Ayres, C. C, W. G. Vassall, Clerk. lypstletoe Circle, No. 33, W. O W A "meets in Odd Fellows' hnii sZh and Fourth VeHnno,i.. t .L' " T Mrs. Mary Starr, G. N. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Ti n ... j V. ' iu-i meets second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in T ct n v i ii ti. tV . Coxkey, S, K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. "ins. iLVA Haytpp t r Mrs. Blanche eIki.v, R. K. A. 0. U. W. ft S080-35- First Slh d Wedne8dy of each H. L. Fextov w xv rENTO. M. v F. A. Stiles, Fin. Krnaneh D-ni-. ets nth nd Thlrd Wednesday of each month. Mrs. F. J. Coad, C. of H . Mrs. Ed. F. Coad. Fin. United Artisans. and forsciaticrhettnlataT i N ai Fraternal TkOdge No. 144-Meelil "of each month. W.J. Wagnee,F.M, v T ME8.8.K.K S Jj TTORNKY AT Uff. Oscar Hart Upstairs In Campbell W DALLAS, A' TTORNEYS AT UW. Sibley & U The only reliable !etfl! Polk county. Office on CSS DALLAS, ' TTORXEY AT LAW . Ed. F.CsM! Office in Com DALLAS, ttorney atuw. N. L. M IK Office over Dallas C DALLAS, .A D ENTIST, Office over I DALLAS, gHYSICAN AND L. N. Woo3M Does general prtftW " the county. um u" DALLAS, 0- 16 I HJHYSU.1. ai . ,T wn Tl. C. HUNT iiai fit: Offiice upstairs iu;trt t- Calls will be anf'lut JJAli - Ha: ha r n Cra ven. Vt- B. & "h Dallas Ciig T7wrtl-i r tl CPS bougw -;s. ports'. Special Ill" lection a, 'sci: OLlVf'ie; AI. PIANO AI har f ou Studio, Room So. S5 M. Havt'inc Wilson"' i: r of " " V ILL1S SlMOSTON, M. A. Ges Olin, Sec. Dots hauling rates. DALLAS,