Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, January 27, 1905, Image 3

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isk your grocer for Star Bakery
;. O. Campbell, agent McMinnville
surance Co.
rake your prescriptions to the Wil
1 drug store.
Mrs. Claud Dunn visited relatives
Portland this week.
"cn:c;T.bcr yc- izz. get heaters nt
yr own prieo at Guy Bros.
Samutl Orr, a prominent hop raiser
Eickreall, was a Dallas visitor,
r. a. Oil
ek Cret !
Mr. a iil
)), a substantial farmer
pr, :, -a was a business
,!!.;-, !" nday.
H i i n and family, of
;;! ( visiting at the home
I rs. I. V. Lynch.
)ur Santos coffee has an aromathat
kes folks thirsty. Drink it and
l.will always buy it. D. C. Crider.
?he joy of living will be greatly in
ased if you buy your bread, cake,
i pies of D. C. Crider, at the White
)nt Grocery.
Irs. D. M. Metzger has almost
irely recovered from the effects of
recent severe illness, and is able
3e in her store again,
ralvanized Iron Gutter better than
only 10 cents a foot. Your house
lot complete without It. Vaughn &
:aver, at Wiseman's old stand.
lorn, January 14, to Mr. and Mrs.
I Simpson, of Dayton, Oregon, a
. Mrs. Simpson was formerly Miss
a V. Myer, one of Polk county's
mlar school teachers,
on't forget that the Hub Clothing
npany are still continuing their
5. Our coats and suits are as
up as at any place on earth, if you
a the quality into consideration.
Wanted, to contract for 5000 hewn
road, ties, delivered along our line,
n proposed extension. For further
tlculars address Salem, Falls City
festern.Railway Co., Dallas, Ore.
x. and Mrs. J, H. Dunn have
red to Portland, where Mr. Dunn
secured employment in Jones'
h Store. They will be missed in
rch, lodge and social circles in
las.and their departure is regretted
nany friends.
The Star Bakery's cookies can't
Bring your produce to D. C. Crider,
at the White Front Grocery.
. The Observer office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
D. J. Grant, marshal of Falls City,
was a county seat visitor Friday.
Henry Clanfleld, of Salt Creek, was
a business visitor in Dallas yesterday.
R. E. Williams has been attending
the sessions of the Legislature in
Salem this week.
A. N. Robinson, recorder of Falls
City, was in Dallas, Monday, on his
way to Salem.
Money of private parties to loan at
6 per cent od well-improved farms.
Sibley & Eakin.
The Star Bakery's ginger snaps are
the finest on the market. Ask your
grocer for them.
Write or call for prices and descrip
tion on Keystone and Peoria field
fence. Guy Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. White, of Falls
City, are visiting Mrs. White's father,
John L. Hyde, at Toledo.
Miss Elizabeth M. Pollock will give
a recital in the Normal chapel at
Monmouth tomorrow night.
Miss Fannie'Dempsey was called to
Portland Wednesday, by serious
illness in the family of her brother-in-law,
A. H. Boyd.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs TJglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone
A new donkey engine arrived this
week for the Coast Range Lumbering
Company and is beiDg gotten into
shape for its journey into the woods.
Falls City Argus.
To close out quickly, we offer a fine
line of lamps and fancy china dishes
at half price. .This is your golden
opportunity to get really fine ware at
a low price. Don't fail to see these
goods. Loughary & Ellis.
Visitors to the Angora goat show in
Dallas last week had the privilege of
seeing the sample of mohair that won
the gold medal at the St. Louis Fair.
They also saw the goat from which
the lock of mohair was cut. The
animal belongs to U. S. Grant, of this
D. J. Ruev. of Linnton. Orecon.
was a visitor in Dallas over Sunday,
Basket-ball tomorrow night Dallas
College second team vs. Salem High
The 1900 Washing Machine guaran
teed to please you or money refunded
Guy Bros.
The February term of County Com'
missioners Court will convene next
Prof. B. F. Mulkey, president of the
Ashland State Normal School, visited
relatives in Monmouth over Sunday.
Hon. I. L. Patterson, collector of
customs at Portland, attended the
Angora goat show in Dallas last week,
and purchased some fine stock for his
Eola ranch.
George T. Gerlinger, trustee of the
coast Kange sawmill property at
Falls City, was a Dallas visitor,
Monday. He is preparing to operate
the mill to its full capacity.
Wanted, to contract for engine wood
(old-growth fir) delivered along our
line, or on proposed extension, in any
quantity. For further particulars
address Salem. Falls City & Western
Railway Co., Dallas, Ore.
Chester Stumberg, a former Inde
pendence young man, was married to
Miss Telka Mackie, of Duluth, Minn.,
Jn Portland, Saturday evening. Mr.
Stumberg is a resident of Vancouver,
Wash., where he is engaged in busi
ness with his father, Henry Stumberg.
Desiring to close out my entire line
of Ladies' and Children's Underwear,
I have decided to offer the same at
specially reduced prices. I am also
going to give a handsome paper doll
with every Child's garment sold. Do
not fail to inspect my stock before
looking elsewhere. Mrs. Ella J.
Metzger. -
D. C. Crider has sold his bakery to
Frank Fuchs, proprietor of the Star
Bakery on Mill street. Mr. Fuchs has
moved the entire plant, with the ex
ception of the oven, to his Mill street
building. Mr. Crider will continue to
sell bread, cakes and pies, buying
them fresh from Mr. Fuchs as needed.
The change is highly satisfactory to
both parties, as Mr. Crider will now
be able to devote hisentire attention to
his grocery business, and Mr. Fuchs
will be in a shape to operate his busi
ness on a larger scale.
Basketball tomorrow night.
Miss Lina Stouffer went to Portland
Wednesday for a short visit.
Read all the bright new ads of
Dallas merchants In this paper.
James Simonton and F. A. Koser,
of Rickreall, were in Dallas yesterday
Glenn Zumwalt,a prosperous farmer
and stockman of Perrydale, was in
Dallas on a business errand, Monday.
Sam T. Thurston, formerly a mom
ber of the Thurston Lumber Company
in this city, was greeting old-time
friends here yesterday. He is now a
resident of Eugene, and is selling
lumber, both at wholesale and on com
mission. He left for Portland yester
day afternoon.
A large assortment of second-hand
cook stoves and heaters are offered for
sale by Vaughn & Weaver. Some
great bargains are offered in both
lines, and if you are needing a stove
of any kind you will never have
Deuer opportunity tuan tins to secure
one ror a small amount of money.
Don t fail to call and look them over
They must be sold to make room for
other goods.
The Dallas College second basket
ball team will play a game with the
Salem High School team in the Col
lege gymnasium tomorrow night.
This promises to be one of the lively
contests of the season. The Salem
high school boys have played ten
games this season, and have been
defeated but once. The Dallas College
second team has also been putting up
gilt-edged ball, and a lively game is
promised when the two teams meet.
The game will be called promptly at
8 :15 o'clock. Admissson 25 and 35
Mrs. Mary Hurley, grand banker of
the Women of Woodcraft, paid a
fraternal visit to Mistletoe Circle, No.
33, Wednesday night. A" large num
ber of lodge members were present to
welcome' the visiting officer, and a
pleasant social session was enjoyed.
Delegates to the district convention to
be held in McMinnville were elected
at this session of the lodge. This con
vention will choose delegates to repre
sent Oregon at the next meeting of the
Head Circle. The Dallas delegates
are Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Mrs. G. N.
Cherrington, Mrs. Frank Kerslake
and Mrs. V. P. Fiske.
nnaal Clearance Sale
years of experience
md conscientious eflort m
mastering our trade enables
is to assert positively that
iur line of Merchandise is
he best and most satisfac
ory for you to buy.
Clearance Sale
to 50 per
n all Men's
uctions from 20
Clearance Sale
n Men's Overcoats. We offer
he best Overcoats in town at
,'holesale prices.
3" f
n all Children's Suits and
)vercoats -the best chance
ou ever had to buy good
oods at such great reductions.
Clearance Sale
n all Gents' ' Furnishing
oods, shirts, suspenders, ties,
loves, hosiery, underwear,
Third WeeK of Our
Great Clearance
Sensational reduction of price will continue all
next week and the balance of the month of
January All winter goods must be closed out
to make room for our spring buying The public
at large are taking an unusual interest in our
progressive idea of merchandising and our 6th
Annual Sale is a record breaker in the history of
the store. Every article in the House at re
duced prices except on a few items where the
price is controlled by the manufacturers.
The Bee Hive Store
We have selected for Spring
the largest stock of Men's
Clothing ever sold to any
Dallas firm 3rou will appre
ciate the assortment later on,
when 6n display. In order
to make room for the new
stock every Suit and Over
coat in the house must be out
of the way. Reduction of
from 20 to 50 per cent.
It's about now that cold storage weather packages are due from Manitoba.
Never mind, we have an Overcoat waiting for you. IT'S ALL READY
to move into at a moment's notice.
Here are the made-to-order styles and qualities of Winter Overcoats at
half the made-to-order cost.
Our assortment includes full-back, broad-shouldered sacks (the pride of
dressy young men); medium length sack Overcoats (for quiet dressers) etc., etc.
When you bur an Overcoat here you need not be afraid of comparing
notes with anybody either in
Style, Quality or Price
We start in our Overcoat show at $7.00, and wind up at $18.00, but there
are plenty of stopping points in between where most people purchase.
' W
Clearance Sale
on all Ladies' Skirts and
Waists all new Fall styles
at a heavy reduction.
Clearance Sa I c
on Ladies' underwear, hosiery,
neckwear, belts, and other
furnishing goods.
Clearance 8a le
on "Sorosis" Underskirts and
all Silk Skirts.
. t 1 '
nice Sale
a Men's
ress s!
;hocs in high cuts,
. working shoes
eavv l oots.
Clearance Sale
a all Ladies' and Childrens'
Clearance Sale
Blankets, Comforters. Bed Spreads, Table
Linen, Towels, Curtains and other Housefurnish-
ing Goods.
Clearance Sale
on Muslin Sheetings, Sheets' and Pillow Cases,
Gingham, Calicoes and all other Cotton Fabrics.
Clearance Sale
on all Wool Dress Goods,
Silks, Suitings and Waistings.
Clearance Sale
on Laces, Embroideries and
all kinds of Trimmings.
Clearance Sale
on Umbrellas, Gloves, Rib
bons and Notions.
continues during all of the Month of January.
o re
Take Notice
.s on Buttericks Patterns, W. L.
aud "Gordon" S3.00 Hats.
As per Contract
no reductions caixbe given on Butterick Patterns, W. L.
Douglas Shoes, and Gordon Hats.
Charles Chace left for Portland for
an extended stay this week.
T. J. Cherrington returned from a
business visit to Portland, Wednes
The Margarita Fischer Company
went to Newberg, Wednesday morn
Blank notes, deeds, mortgages, etc.,
can be had at this office in anyl quan
tity desired.
Hereafter when a taxpayer goes
before the Sheriff to pay his taxes that
official will make his place of resi
dence a matter of record, by virtue of
of an act of the Legislature, provid
ing the Senate concur, as it probably
will. The House has passed a bill
authorizing the taking of addresses,
as a matter of convenience in keeping
the whereabouts of taxpayers known
to the sheriff.
Prospects for a 30 days' session have
begun to look faint and far away.
Today marks the half-way point of
the 40 days' route, and the end is no
where in sight. Not only that, but
old-timers in the House declare that
the Legislature is a week behind the
record of two years ago. So far the
number of House bills has reached
the 245 mark, few of which have been
passed and comparatively no Senate
bills read.
Legislature Will Be Asked to Invest
igate Management of Oregon
Physicians Express Belief That Scar
let Fever Will Not Spread
The scarlet fever scare in Dallas
is subsiding, anil it is believed
that the disease will not spread beyond
the homes already Infected. The
number of cases in town does not
exceed ten, all reports to the contrary
notwithstanding, and most of the
cases are of a mild form. It is a sig
nificant fact that no new cases have
developed this week outside the homes
where the disease already existed.
Two deaths have occurred, one of the
victims being the little daughter of
Mrs. Cal Hutton, and the other the
small child of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Matheney. All of the homes infected
have been quarantined, and the public
school has been closed as a pre
cautionary measure. County Health
Officer W. S. Cary, the city officers,
and physicians of Dallas are co-operating
to keep the disease in check, and
will endeavor to do everything
necessary to prevent a further spread.
The health officers will endeavor to
pursue the same course that was
followed a few years ago when Dallas
was visited by small-pox, namely, to
conceal no facts, but to give out the
whole truth concerning the extent of
the contagion, and to take every pro
caution considered wise and necessary
in stamping out the disease. It is the
plain duty of every citizen to lend all
reasonable assistance in this work, as
the officers desire to do only what is
best for the town and Its people, and
no attention should be paid to wild
street rumors circulated by excitable
and Irresponsible persons. It Is
proper to use every necessary precau
tion to prevent a further spread of the
fever, and this can only be done by
pursuing a calm and sensible course.
Again, but this time in the form of
a petition to the Legislature, comes
the charges of misadministration
against Superintendent C. W. James
and Warden Frank Curtis of the pen
itentiary, which will be presented to
the Senate this morning bearing the
signature of Attorney L. II. Mahon,
of Salem. The petition will probably
be introduced by either Keuator
Howe or Senator Wright aud another
will doubtless be presented to the
House of Representatives later iu the
The petition contains substantially
the same charges against the head
officials of the prison as were con
tained in the communication from
Mr. McMahon as published by the
Statesman about a year ago. They
are also the same as the charges made
in the recent action brought by J. K.
Sears in the circuit court against the
prison management.
In substance the petition charges
the wrongful application of about
$2000 of the penitentiary betterment
fund by Superintendent James to his j
personal use, in the purchaseof furni
ture aud provisions for his house-'
hold and that of Warden Curtis and
that the two officials have been using
the convicts as menials about their
respective households, contrary to the
laws of the state.
The charges are couched in terms of
anything but a mild nature and ask
that a joint committee from both
houses be appointed to make a full
investigation with power to subpoena
witnesses and take testimony under
oath as to what they know of affairs
at the penitentiary. It is understood
that a resolution has been prepared
and will be presented by another
Senator providing for the appointment
of this joint committee. Thursday's
"Hello, Central."
The Falls City, Dallas & Lewisvillo
Telephone Company Invite the direc
tors of, or delegates from, all Mutual
lines centering In Dallas to a Confer
ence to arrange for Interchange of
service and other important business,
at the Courthouse, in Dallas, on
Wednesday, February 8, 1905.
Attest: Frank Butler, Chairman.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 VV. 34th St.,
New York, at one time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure it, until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
25c at Belt & Cherringtoa's drugstore.
Legal Blanks for sale hero.
Dallas Ice 1 Cold Storage Co.
Cold Storage Rates are Cheap. Our Ice is made of Pure
Mountain' Water.
We Guarantee the Choicest and Best Cold
Storage Meats.
Messages over Mutual Telephone at Our Expense
We give a World's Fair Tour Coupon with
every 25c purchase.
Bell Phone 366. Mutual 21.
: Dallas, Oregon-
Beautiful Frames and Mouldings
You wish to beautify your home. You will be very
much disappointed if you do not avail yourself of
peinff our complete stock of Pictures, Frames and
Mouldings. Ae guarantee you satisfaction and
. again ask you to come and see us. Pictures Framed
Mill Street. - - - - Dallas, Oregon
No Lengthy Argument is Necessary.
The man who can do the best up-to-date Sign Tainting and
Decorating is the man you want to do your work. All this
claim and ail we ask is a chance to prove what we say is true.
fmr kUdrnt fm, ntft Jg plat