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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1904)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, KDITOR AND PUBU8HER. Published Weekly at $1.50 per Strictly in Advance. Year. DALLAS. OREGON, DECEMBER 30. 1901. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. EXIT 1904 ENTER 1905. This is the last issue of the Observer in 1904. Millions of "last events" are now being enacted in a year that has been fraught with events, many of which have been most wonderful and stupendous. The close of the year brings feelings of awe and sadness, intermingled with many sensations of joy, as well. While old 1904 hus witnessed rapid strides of advancement the world over, we are prone to believe that no one section of the civilized world has en Joyed a more rapid, substantial ard healthy growth than has this locality. The improvements are not noticeable discussed, but the visit Is believed to have been iu reference to the Senator's expected apiearance before the grand jury. Perhaps among the other things which were talked over was the fact that President Roosevelt has not. as yet sent to the senate Mr. Hall's name as a recess appointee, It has been expected for some time that the President would send in Mr, Hall's name, but why be has not done so la puzzling Mr. Hall's friends. Perhaps Senator Mitchell will be in no great hurry to have confirmed the appointment of a man who is trying so strenuously to indict him for com plicity in the notorious Oregon land frauds. The Polk County jail is without an occupant; in fact, it is empty about three-fourths of the time. This is certainly a healthy showing for the morals of the community. We know of no guaranty more substantial to prospective settlers in a county than this absence of the criminal element. It not only guarantees the safety of the newcomer, but plainly shows that the existence of a sound moral condi tion such as we have within the couuty limits is decidedly discouraging to vice and crime of any and every kind The real estate men of Polk county could not do better than to call especial attention to this condition of affairs in their correspondence with possible latidbuyers and hqmeseekers. STEEL IS ARRIVING Dallas & Falls City Railroad will Be Extended into Big Timber. In anv one direction Darticularlv. but In everything. In the way of public The Dallfl8 & Falla City Kailroad buildings, improvements, etc., the Company, operating nine miles of showing is something wonderful, to standard-gauge road between Dallas say nothing of the thousands of acres and alls Cltv is makingactive prep aration to extend its system farther into the timber of thelCoast mountains. on the headwaters of the Little Lucki amute river. Heavy steel rails for the four-mile extension have been arriving in Dallas for several days, and another large shipment is ex pected in the near future. When com pleted, the road will tap one of the finest bodies of standing timber in which are being transformed from wild forest land into fields of nodding grain or picturesque orchards and hop yards. The oitizens of Polk county, taken as a whole, have a great many rea sons to look back on the year 1904 with feelings of gratitude for the many good things which have resulted from its passage, ana snouia reel no misgivings in lookinar forward to the We8tcrn 0reKn newcomer, 1905, which, from all Indi- A larSe amount of work has been cations, will outshine its predecessor. aone on tne roadbed between Dallas In consideration of the past year's anu aus wty uunnS tne year just good fortune, let us make our resolu- drawing to a close, and the track is in tions and cherish our hones, aspira- excellent snape for heavy traffic. Wil tionsand ambitions for making this lamette rivcr ffravel fl'om tho bar at I T .1 1 ............. . 1 ii 11 . new year the very best of our lives Aimepeuueuce was useu ior panast in Having mndo our resolutions.let us do the cuts and on the heavy fills, and all In our power to keep them. We rooK rrom tno Vuckiamute was spread wish our readers a happy New Year over Ul remainder of the road. The and a prosperous one trains are all running on schedule time, anu no trips have been missed It is a fact worth v of nnto that. since the rainy season began. nearly all the towns In Oregon own. 1110 Passenger business of the road ing and operating their water nlanta ia steadily increasing, and the freight . " i j,. h i i... .i i . have general tax levies highor than 11 uuuanuu uy umi oi any that of Dallas, where the water system otnor nine miles or railroad iti West is operated bv an Tn ern Oregon. The sawmills at Falls some of these towns the total levy for City sllip many cai'oads of lumber general purposes is s nr in miiu -'" . wo ui ium m mantis whereas in Dallas it is only 0 mills' croate8 a steady demand for logs The claims of the u1v,.ente nf m,m tne oak timber near Bridgeport, municipal ownorshio" to the err. A lar8e amount of local freight is also that the waterworks in neighboring handll1 for the merchants of Dallas towns are not only paying expenses antl Falls Cit When the four miles but are yielding a handsome addi- 0 track bevoml lalls Clty are coin- tional revenue do not. tn ha Piotea, tno freight business of the correct, in the fnon nf thn mv invite, company will show a substantial that are reported from t.he tnwna gain. Not only are tho levies for street and general purposes higher than in FOR SALE ORGAN $10 imuus, put in many towns the water tax itself Is nearly equal to that Terms $2.00 Per Month No Interest recently leviod by tho Dallas council Tho average citizen will naturally be Organs, good ones, that have been inclined to ask "why is uny water taken In exchange as part payment tax necessary in a town where tho tor pianos, waterworks is self-supporting?" A ast week I received in exchange water system to bo self-supporting 11 veor these organs in Dallas, My must yield an incomo sufficient to pay urm wants to sell them, and sell them all running expenses, wear and toar, hore- Do you want one? If you do, intorept on bonds, extensions of Kot bus,y and follow the directions mains, and must, in addition to all given below. The prices range from inese items, pay a profit that will bo lu upwards about one-fourth of sufficient to put in an entire new plant tuoir value, l will be in Dallas, Mon- SECOND TEAMS PLAY NEXT Dallas College and Hultnomah Club will Meet on Basket-Bali Court Tomorrow Night The second basket-ball teams, of Dallas College and Multnoman Athletic Club will do battle in tne College gymnasium tomorrow (Satur- "I am Yv-ell now and eir oying better health t.h-m ever before in my whole life." That is the statement of a woman who hal "ever been well until she was made ii ... ,.- Tlr Pierre's Favorite WCll u wit . , . , ... , . ..i. A nn Prescription. There are a great many aay; nigni, anu a iusi iu """"6 otlw-r women in like case, iney nave mft s pvneeted. liotn teams are alwaj s been sufferers from disease. jrhej ' trQ than they were idst year, hav, never Known u,c juy . - - from the portlan( neului. , . . j l'or all such women Dr. Pierce's Fa- boys by only two points, and the out- vorite Prescription holds out tne pros- come ot tomorrow night s contest will Ttcpl ol terieci and permanent uranu, "j ...i .i K " f - n ' n, AiaaacM wMrh ue wuieueu nnu iu iciest,. iiie cure ui tne v. wuiti.j . ... ...... i weaken women. It esi-blishes regular- The Oregoman says : "The second ity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam- basketball team of Multnomah Ama- niatiju and ulceration, and cures female tour Athletic Club is composed of weakness. It makes weak women strong .,..,,. ..,otl rntninl forward: Robert Krohn, coach; O. Kerrigan, center; Allen, guard; Frank, forward. This team has re mained intact for two seasons, and is today one of the fastest in their line. The only game played so far this sea son was with the crack Tigers of the Y. M. C. A., who were defeated by the Multnomah boys. The team will go to Dallas to play on New Year's eve. This second team has worked hard and consistently this season, and is putting up a fast, snappy game. While and s.ick women well It irives me oleasure to let you know of the riiipi nul the n!vice which von so kindly sent, wrii. Mr Hi-rtie Parker, ol Bonnam. rannin Co., Texas. " I took your ' Favorite Prescrip tion.' 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and 'Pleasant Pellets,' and followed your advice regarding the 'i.ntinn Tablets' and am cured. I hl Men treated l.v different doctors and soent one hun dred dollars lor treatment and medicine, but received verv litUe relief. . I have only spent seventeen dollars and fifty cents for your medi cine mm it lias c urea me in inree or lour niomns of ulceration and falling of uterus. I sutlerea eevcre misery in my back, also irregular periods. Had beanntr-down in lower portion oi ooay ana preat pain all through my body. Pain iu uterus was very severe. Had smotherisg spells, breath was very snort all the ttme, nna pain in stomacn, nam in mv thichs. tiaiu in breast, also between my shoulders. Bowels constipated. I am well in my whole" life. Am happy to tell you that the individual players have establish- i wnscureo ny yoirgoou .vice ano Soou ...:..- , rcyri,,tnT:na in rha,r Coach Krohn has not overlooked the the vital point of team work, and the boys are rapidly nearing the mark of perfection in this. It is expected that this team will bring more than ordin ary honor to the club." The doors will be opened at 7:30 o'clock, and the game will be called promptly at 8 :15. General admission, 25 cents ; reserved seats, 35 cents. Seats are now selling at Belt & Cherring' ton's drugstore. cities, the ' Favorite Prescription,' Golden Med ical Discovery.' 'Pleasant Pellets' and 'Lotion Tablets.' These medicines cured me and will cure others also." The dealer who offers a substitute for " Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His protit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels, WITH APPROPRIATE SERVICES Evangelical Church Will Be Form ally Opened Next Sunday. ; BUSINESS LOCALS ; Foraged job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or offlco. The finest aud most skillful work guaranteed. Notice to Water Consumers. Your attention is respectfully called to the use of shut-off valves during the winter months. By tho use of thesevalves on cold nights, you can keep your service pipes above ground from freezing. W. L. SOEHKEN, Superintendent. Milk Cow for Sale. Fresh milk cow for sale. Frank Rowell, Dallas, Oregon. Horses and Wagon For Sale. Span of horses, harness aud light wagon for sale at a bargain, by I. H. Whealpon, Dallas. The United Evangelical Church of Dallas will be formally opened next Sunday. This house of worship is one of the most neatly arranged in the Willamette Valley, being fitted throughout with the latest creations in church furniture. The seating capacity of the main auditorium is 350, with sliding partitions which may be removed, throwing the church, Sunday school and infant-class rooms into one large room and increasing the seating capacity to 700, The floor of the main room Is covered with a carpet of tasteful design, pre sented by the Ladies' Aid Society. This carpet contributes greatly to the beauty of the Interior. The members of the Junior Christian Endeavor have contributed their mite in the shape of two handsome and sub stantial pulpit chairs upholstered in leather. The chairs are fitting com panions for the simple though elegant PNEUMONIA CAUSES DEATH Mrs. George Whitehorn Passes Away Atter Few Days Illness. Mrs. Mary E. Whitehorn died at her home in Dallas, Tuesday, Decem ber 27, at 3 a. m., aged 36 years, 7 months and 18 days. Her death was caused by pneumonia, and her illness was only of a few days' duration. Mrs. Whitehorn was born in Dakota county, Nebraska, May 9, 1868. She came with her h usband, George White horn, to Dallas about twelve years ago, bhe leaves to mourn their loss a husband, three small children, one sister and two brothers, When about 15 years of age, she united with the Lutheran church, but since her residence in Dallas she had been a member of the Presbyterian cnurch, eminently faithful and work ing with rare zeal. Her constant ex- nmnln lfl..t. .1 . ,t pulpit, the latter being presented by 7 i ""T, uev0ll0D 10 0lQers' DittmarBros., of Williamsport, Pa., herread obedience to any human and the designer of the church, John f eed'.and aun ever-consuming passion Winter. The building will be heated to-. T, 0th?rs, t0 her Savior were hv hot-air f,-nn 1.-,. Fuuuipies sue naa learuea rrom the throughout by electricity, the center PId Bool; She was a regular attend- of the auditorium beins? fitted with a " . 1 lUB seivices i tne cnurcn chandelier containing sixteen lights. tu1"e '"Deral Bervices were held in The specially designed windows in r6 f resbvteri ch"ch at 2 o'clock, the east and south are of lanre size Wednesday afternoon, her pastor. and beautiful design, while the , v' u "arcUe preaching from smaller windows are no less beautiful, e text' Luke 10:42 "Mary hath all depicting some great and good eh0Sen that g001 part which sha11 nt lesson. be taken away." The remains were The services for next Sunday will glven mteint in the Odd Fellows' be as fol OWS: Morning nprviVo nk 11 . Clydesdale Stallion For Sale. Registered Clydesdale stallion for sale by J. G. Robinson, three miles south of Dallas. Farm For Sale. A 505-acre farm, near Ballston, for sale; or will trade for a smaller farm with difference in cash or good notes, A fine chance for some one who wants a large farm. Over 400 acres in cul tivation. as good land as tnere is in Polk county. Dan P. Stouffeb, Dallas. Oregon PITH T WWW DEALER IN wnon tho old is worn out. The Ou server will make the assertion, with out fear of successful contradiction, that not a single llrst-cluss water plant in the state of Oregon, owned and operated by tho city in which it is loonUxI.ia yielding revenue sufficient to outitle it to bo classed as a "paying investment." The "municipal owner ship" plan has some advantages over tho "Individual ownership" plan. On tho other baud, there are many an?u monts In favor of private ownership anu control, tins paragraph is sug gested by the high tax levies reported in nearly all of our Oregon exchanges this week, and the comparison with the low levy of Dallas is mado merely to show that there are two sides to every queatiou. Senator Mitchell had many callers at his apartments in the Ilotel Port land on Christinas day, among the number being I'nited States District Attorney Hall. The Oregonian says; "It Is not known how long the confer ence lasted, or what matters were uay, January 2, and if you will mail your address to me at once, I will call and make arrangementa for you to see the instruments. There is among this lot a fine six- octavo organ ; also a solid oak piano- caso organ that was made here and sold not very long ago for $125. A chance like this would not occur again in a lifetime. Make your terms and give me what the organ is worth to you. Note : The organ will be taken in ex change at any time at the price you pay towards the purchase price of a piano. Address, J. C. GALLAGHER, Dallas, Oreeron Polk County representative of the greatest piano house in the West. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Portland, Oregon. o clock ; afternoon at 3 o'clock, and evening at 7:30 o'clock, with the Key stone League meeting at 6 o'clock. Rev. H. L. Pratt, presiding elder of tlie Portland district; Rev. J. Bower sox, of Portland, and Rev. J. M, naiiantyne, presiding elder of the Dallas district, will be in attendance, and will deliver interesting and in structive discourses. A special choir has been engaged for these services, It is safe to predict a large attend ance, with a goodly following for all future time. SURE SIGN OF GROWTH Hood Receipts of Dallas Postofflce Steadily Increasing. Are Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis tinction of being the great est curative end preventive medicine the world has ever known. It h en c!l-rmmrf medicine, producing its un eqsaHed effects by purify ing, vitalizing end enriching Ikn ftl f A -1 . .V wwa on wnicn tea health end strength of every organ, hone end tissue de pend. Accent no snltl. tcte for Hood's, but in-! AND OfiLY HOOD'S. WKII.. .1 : " iuo lucrvaseu Dusiness in Dallas has been generally felt and eommeuted upon by all citizens, the actual gain is more clearly shown in the increased receipts of the postofdee man by any other basis of reckoning. This is true for a number of reasous, the most important being that a state-' ment from that institution can be relied upon as unbiased. The follow ing figures furnished by Postmaster C u. Coadshow again over 1903 from one quarter to another, and show the entire year's business. TOTAL RECEIPTS. quarter ending 1903 March 31 $S55.4 June 30 8S6.11 September 30 ..S29.22 December 31 1008.83 .Money orders to the amount of $1036 were issued during the year a agaiast 13331 iu 1903. Hobos Are Plentiful. Hooos are becoming more numerous iu Dallas every week, and Marshal Grant is kept busy ridding the town of these undesirable visitors. Four tough looking customers slipped into the boiler room of the Johnson saw mill Tuesday night and made their beds on top of the boilers. Wbr- dis covered by the night watchman and ordeied to vacate the premises, they refused to obey. The watchman kept nis eye on tnem until morning, being unable to drive them from their lodg ing piace. xney came up town Wed nesday afternoon and were given their walking papers by Marshall Grant. Mrs. Whitehorn was a member of Mistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. O. W., ana carried insurance in that order to the amount of $2000. PIANO $125 Terms $6 Per Month. It is a Fischer upright piano and was taken in exchange by me as first payment for a new piano last week. This instrument is very well worth $200; in fact, would be an exceedingly good piano investment at that price. Someone gets it and a bargain. If you want it, mail your address to me at yuue, auu 1 win call and make arrangements about your seeing the LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING OOODS. The largest arid best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon IJLETIDE 3 instrument home. Address, J, and delivering to your Painfully Injured by Fall. While engaged in her household duties Tuesday afternoon. Mr A Shultz slipped and fell to the floor in such a manner as to seriously injure her hip. So severe was the hurt that she was partially paralyzed for a few hours, and it wa3 feared that owing to her advanced age, the accident might result seriously. Medical aid was promptly summoned and every care was taken to make her condition oowiuiuuuuw aa possioie. sne was reported to berestingeasieryesterdav. and it is believed that no permanent injury has been caused and that she will soon recover from the effects of the fall. C GALLAGHER Dallas, Oregon. Polk county representative of the greatest piano house in the West EILEES PIANO HOUSE, Portland. Oregon, For Sale. A few choice young goats. Z cm walt, Perrydale, Oregon. G.B. FOIITSHOIJEFEAR tr ckUdfnf tof; ur. Mo oplaUt Its gift prob lems are easy of solution here our holiday stock is full of suggestions. No gift more beautiful or more practical can be chosen than one of the many patterns in our line of Simmons Watcncbairio CLOCKS! Although we sold out nearly completely every line, we find the holiday trade leaves us with more clocks than we wish to carry. There fore we will offer you some rare bargains in Clocks from $1 TO $10. C. H. MORRIS, JEWELEK axd OPTICIAN Dallas, - - Oregox. Notice to Creditors. 1901 9S1.19 1026.15 934.91 1115.51 flO!H).79 Notice is herchT riven that ih. nn,i ; . ma bn duly ipuoluted eseontrix ol the esme of Cbarle K. Vnrley, deceased. Ijy the County Court o( the State of Oriiron. for Polk Countv immiK riaimi imntl th said eatate are hereby notitied to prvaent the aame duly veritied. together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undeiined. at her residence m tho City of Dallaa, in aaul Countv, within aix months from the dateof thU notice Dated and (irst published December's) 1SC4 MAY FARLEY, Exeeutrix of the eatate ot ,, . Charles R. Farley .deceased. -Mr imj ur, auoruey. j tops Ui ootstf ix tad feoalaluttf a SHOES We carry the best makes in both r0 Ladies' Shoes, in the latest styles, and best leathers llcmwi pair 01 shoes we sell to give satisfaction. we guarantee ti IRVIN m, PETTEYS Practical Shoe Men NEAR POST OFFICE. DALLAS, OREGON