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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1904)
falls gity notes A Lodge of Pondo will be organized here soon. Fred Holman visited friends at Airlie last week. County Treasurer J. Beezley was a Fulls City visitor, Saturday. Mrs.Stfwart Montgomery's daughter, formerly of Portland, has returned to Falls City. Uilbeit Tyson, of the Ford-Tyson Grocery Company.iransacted business la Albany recently. Mrs. Graham has returned from Idaho, where she visited her daughter Mrs. Allan Travis. Hon. Frank Fawk, of F.ickreall, was in Falls City on a business visit, Tuesday. Clan-nee Aikman, of Sugarloaf, was here recently, and returned home with a load of supplies. Miss Hallie Reynolds, of Dallas, has been here the past week in the interest of the firm of Ellis & Keyt. The flagpole which stood across the corner from the hotel has been cut down, as it was considered dangerous, A family from Independence by the name of Lyons have moved into th new house recently completed by Mr Campbell, of Independence. There will bo Christmas trees at both churches Saturday night. All are Invited to attend and bring pies ents for anyone they wish. Mrs. Clav Courter. of Salt Lake Citv. accompanied by her little daughter, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calkins, in Falls City. Subject of morning discourse at the Christian church next Sunday, "A Five-pointed Prophecy ;" evening sub Ject, "A Question of Provisions." On ,next Friday afternoon, there will be a Christmas tree at the school house. Anyone having presents for the children may hand them to any of the teachers. A traveling show company played here one night last week, and all who attended were disgusted and wished they had their money back. This is the usual result of such shows. Clin rugn lias an excellent new phone in his store. It Is much better than the old one, and does not cause him so much work in his services as central for the rural lines. T. D. Hollowell is building one of the best green-houses in the county. It has glass on three sides, and glass roof on the south side. He will koou build two more for celery, tomato plants, etc. The officers elected at the Christian Sunday School last Sunday for the ensuing year are: N. A. Emmitt, superintendent; Park Calkins, assist ant ; Cecil Dodd, secretary, Mrs. N. A, Lmmltt, cor. secretary; Mrs. F. A. Lucas, treasurer; Alta Hinshaw, librarian; Mrs. Milligan, organist; Charles Frlnk, chorister. a pieasant surprise party was tendered to Misses Nollio and Lily Ross last Friday evening. The eve ning was spent in games and social conversation. Those present were; Lulu Kellow, Leona Ferguson, Alta Lock wood, Viola Gardner, Althea Gardner, Sadio Wheeler, Alma Mason, Maude Ferguson, Maude Lewis, Hazel Lewis, Elsie Allen, Nellio Ross, Lily Ross, Ernest Buell, Willie Tico, Ray Masters, Alfred Lewis, Ennis Frink, Glenn Ferguson, Leonard Frink, Ed George March, Geoige Taylor, John Tate, Jerry Morris. 1 HAVE FAITH IN MARKET Krebs Bros. Buy Hops, Confident Prices Will Go Higher. Because the liver neclected people 8 ith constipation, biliousness, headaches and fevers. Colds attack b the luntrs and contagious diseases take hold of the system. It is safe to say th if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illnew would be almost unknown. Thedford's Black-Draught is so successful in curing such sickness because it is without a rival as a liver regulator. This grem family medicine is not a strong and drastic drug, but a mild and healthful laxative that cures con stipation and may be taken by a mere child without possible harm. The healthful action on the liver cures biliousness. It has an in vigorating effect on the kidneys. Because the liver and kidneys do not work regularly, the f oisonous acids along with the waste from the bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed ford's Black-Draught removes the dangers which lurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroads of Bright's disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there is no cure. Ask your dealer tor a 25c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught. DALLAS WATER IS PURE ROOSEVELT REMEMBERS FACE State Senator Howe, of Oregon, R .cognized as Harvard Class, mate. State Senator Howe, of Carlton, Yamhill county, went with Senator Fulton to call on the President a few days ago. As he entered the Presi dent's office, Mr. Roosevelt took a good look at Howe, and then, as a welcoming smile spread over his face and his hand shot forward, exclaimed : "What position did you play on our football team? Oh, yes ; you were left center." Senator Howe was surprised and gratified to find the President should remember him. They had been college mates at Harvard years ago, but we in different classes. Though they had not met since collecre days, the President recognized Senator How instantly. He said he remembered Howe in old the days. He had admired Howe for his fine physique and prowess as an athlete. Then they had a long chat about old times. No. 7472. TBEASI-RVDEPABTMESMFFIgKOrTHK COMJM'ROLI.fcK O inc. v HI' Knvll. 1!I04. .... V"UlY. .r.;;rVnce printed ,o ihe Kfe it h-i been -PPe.' that i lie "DnllHS National Bank, lw.ite in e Citv of Uulliii. In the County of Polk ami hum , or eon h s complied with all the provi. o it I heliums of the d States require to be com .liid with befoie an usso elation slial be "...i. i ..mmnce the business of Buk- HUlll'.'lluu "w .v . i Thorn. p Km.e. Demitynnd ii'r "th. currency, d'o hereby eVrti ? th The "Dallas National Balf loc.j n.ii.. in rhpl iimitvof rolk ai Stto of oreeoii. is authorized to com me nee the luiinesi of anking ai provmeu iu v-'i . i,.,n,i,oH ..mi mxiv nine of the Kewnea Statutes of the I'niteU Statu. . i.. ,.i.m..i.viwrwif. uitneis my hand an Seal uf office this 14th day of -Nve!nl J,! im reputy and Acting Comptroller oi the Currency. Seal Notice For Publication. State Biologist Finds City Supply Free From Contamination. Krebs Bros, today bought from J. It. Linn 20,(X)0 pounds of prinio hops of the crop of 1904, for delivery by Feb ruary 1, nt2Hj cents. From the nature of the transaction, it is apparent that the purchase is a pure speculation. "Yes," said Conrad Krebs, when seen Thursday night, "wo bought the hops and wo are in tho market Tor 100,000 pounds more on the same terms. Wo have faith iu the market ami are will ing to buck our judgment. In viow of tho fact that the world's hop crop has been short three years in succession aad tho brewers have beeu brewing on their supplies of olds and old olds, wedou't seo how this market can fail to go up to 33 cents at least. "No, I don't expect nu advance be fore the first of the year, though I would not le surprised at a material raise duriug the holidays. The brewers have bought only enoutrh to last them for a short time, and when- j ever they begin to buy again prices j cannot do otherwise than advance." 1 Friday's Oregonian. ! r , x I Legal Blanks for sale at this office i Tho second biennial report of Albert R. Sweetser, State Biologist, was re ceived at this office this week and proves to be an interesting and valu able document. For the past two years, I'roressor Sweetser s work has been given to the investigation of the water supplies and an examination of the water of several large communi ties. These places have been visited, some of them several times, and ex aminations made on the spot. The result of these examination?) are set forth in full in the biennial report. Professor Sweetser made two exami nations of the Dallas mountain water supply one on' March 2(1, 1004, and the other on September 12, 1!)04 and each test showed the water to be of remarkable purity. He says : 1 his has every evidence of being an excellent water. The supply is taken from Can von Creek, several miles above the city. It is piped into a reservoir situated on a hill at the edge of town. This reservoir is circular in outline, havintr sides nd bottom lined with cement and uncovered. "Canyon Creek is a wild, mountain ous stream, flowing through an iin- n habited region, and the intake is in canyon with precipitous sides. There little danger, therefore, of any contamination with pathogenic germs. ' A ditch is dug across the canyon eight feet wide and down to bedrock. he down-river side of this ditch has been tamped with clay to hold back all the water. In tho bottom of this trench is a screen pipe, about a foot square and running across the canvon and minating at its lower end in a ver- cal branch. The intake starts a short distance upon this branch, and n this manner a sand-trap is formed. ho ditch is filled with rocks and ravel, forming a sort of screening bed. The water is cold, of excellent ivor, and very clear, and keeps this condition at all times. In this respect it differs from some mountain streams whose waters, while pure and whole some, may quickly be disturbed and rendered turbid. "The supply is sufficient for all de mands for some time, and can be augmented at any time by going a little farther up stream. Tho head is very satisfactory, being sufficient for all tire purposes." Coughing Spell Caused Death. "Harry Duckwell, aged 25 year choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home, in the presenceof h wife and child. He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to it. Yesterday mornin he was seized with a fit of coughin which continued for sometime. His wife sent for a physician but before he could arrive, another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation. St. Louis Globe Demo crat, December 1, 1901." Ballard's Horehound Syrup would have saved him. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. Remarkable Cure. "I was much afflicted with sciatica, writes Ed C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg wick, Co., Kansas, "going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which relieved me. "I used three bottles. It is the greatest liniment I ever used; have recommended itto a number of per sons; all express themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm.' 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. Portland and Return Only $2.50 The Southern Pacific is now Bell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. orany train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. KILLthe COUGH and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's Now Discovory rant fONSUMPTION 0UGHS and OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all raauAT and L.TJ.NG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. TIMliKR LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1R78. tnitea omieb iiinu vmi, Oregon City, oreeoii. Julys. liXM. V.i,.a I: horohv iriVPIl that ill COM Dill! UO with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a. 17. entitled "An act for the Bale of timber limits in the States of California, Oregon Wviirifl. and W as minion Territory, ao eieuu m(1 in all the. Public l.aud States by act of Augm 4, IbK, Louis L. Wiprut, of lii'iepeiideiice.i'oiinty of Polk, State 01 Oregon, uusinmuay " ii,ia miipp his sworn statement No. OiW, for th ni.rM.... of the Northwest one-fourth K.-otinnVn. 14 in Townshlu No. 8 South, linllge Xo. 7 West, hihI Hill otter proof to show that the .and sought is more valuable for i is timber or wiimi. limn fnr flpririilturHi Duriiu&e.s. an psiaiilish his claim to said laud before th Ueirister and Kcceivci at Oreeon Citv, Oregon wumr.lni' the ith dxv of .March. HM,. He names as w itnesi-es: F. W Kobiiison, of Falls Citv. Oregon: A. N. Robinson, of lulls Citv, Oregon: H. Hirschbcrg, of Independence nr,.ffmi- 1 U'inmt nf Snlpin. Orcpnn. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this olhce on or before said 4in aaj of March, M5. GEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Stutes LandOllice, Oregon City, Oregon. December 15. 1004. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore eon. hevuda. and Washington Territory," extended to all the I'u blic Land States by act of August 4, 18!K, Rachel m. Aikman, ot Fans City, county of Polk, state of Oregon, has this dav filed in this otlice her sworn statement No. (1538, for the purchase of l.ots 7, 8, 11 and 12 of section ro. 19 in township No. a s.. Range jso. 8 W and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to taid land before the Register and Receiver at Oregon city Land omce on Satur day, the 2.1th day of February, 1'JO.i. one names as witnesses: ucorge T. ua e, of Dallas, Oregon; Oliver E. Leet, of Portland, Oregon; Vuliiam enter, of Dallas, Oregon; Jacob Cabe, of Falls Citv, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this omce on or before suld 2oth day of February, l'JOj. UKO. W. lilBEE, Receiver. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, Dec. 14, 11HJ4. Notice is hereby L'iven that in comnliannn with the nrovisions of the act of Oiiiltmik nf June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of umoer lands m the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory ." us pyiimkI. ea to an the Public Land states by act of August 4, mr' beoree T. Hale, of Mniinmnth county of Polk, state of Oregon, lias this day iiicu iu tins omce ins sworn statement iso. iMSo, for the purchase of the Northeast V. of Sec. No. 10, in Township No. 8 S., Range No. 8 West, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stoi.n th.m w agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to said land before the Register and Receiver ui una uuice at, uregon city, Oregon, on Saturday, the 25th dny of February, l'JOo. lie names &s witnesses- oiu-er v lout nr roruana, uregon ; o. v. Tice. of Fulls City, Ore gun; in Meaning, oi rails City. Oregon lurence Aikman, of Falls City. Oregon. Any and all Dersoim clniminir n,lv,.ru,.l,. tl.o above-described lands am rennet,.,! t, ia ,i,i claims in this office on or before said 25th day oi February, l'JOo. GEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. A. K. BROWN DKAI.KB IN LIVESTOCK r.r and l.i Hone, Mutton and Stock Sheep. Highest market price pHid at al. times, kddress, B. F. D NO. 1, DALLAS, ORKGON M 1 17B DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon A Sure Cure pfe:I0 Galls. Bruisea, Contracted Muscles, IHt.WJ Frosted Feet, Burns, Scalds, etc. CK AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation. 8u , mation, and drives out Pain. 8ul PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fik, " promotes a free circulation of the Blood trivi T IS ' natural elasticity. ' slvlntholi BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC RIlEUj Mrs. B. A. Simpson, 500 Crate St r.,i Tenn., writes: " f hae been trfiife11'! Hot Springs Ark., for sciatic rheumafe7L,S get more relief from Ballard's Snow Tini than any medicine or anything I have ever S . C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. Dallas City hii Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. NEW TRUCK and TRANSFER COMPANY. Having purchased a first class outlit, I am now pre pared to do your hauling in a prompt and satisfac tory manner, and at the most reasonable rates. Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. t inted States Land Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon, Notice is hereby siven that in ;'.. ith the provisions of thn not nf rnnam i une 3, 1K7S, entitled "An act for the nf ...uci imiuu in me oiHiea ot (jailforma, OreKon evada. and Waahinrtnn Tipiinn i ,.?..., ... ..11 .L .. . .. . UO CAbUlU' mi niB ruDiic i.and Kim,' hv ot t v nenry Hiprut. of K.i r.m unty of .Marion, State of Oregon, hai ".,y. V omce ins sworn statement j. uuuu, IU, till; LmiCIJHKK I IT IMP X M 1 ' nf tion No. 2n in tiiivnahin v ou . and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more vuluable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of the 4th day ol MarTr eg0n " tatUrda fiTk . i , ?, ""'"es: r. . Robinson, of ('ilV (IrJonn. Tl ..; I : - V1 "I'll .,, , iiciumu xiir&cnuerg. of liuli. Oregon.'6' 0Kt"'' M"U WiP". SateS Alltr 'nA 11 , . niX persons ciuimine Hdversplv d "of MHreMiro: r W,ore S81d 4lh GEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. Eastern Star Election. Naomi Chapter. No. 22, O. E. S., the following now officers : W. M., Mrs. A. S. Fuller. W. P., A. B. Muir. A. M., Mrs. Alice Koscr. Sec, Mrs. Libbie Mnir. Treas., Mrs. Eliza Fuller. Cond., Mrs. Maggio Ilayter. A. Cond., Miss EdnaSimonton. Adah, Mrs. Pauline Williams. Kuth, Miss Flora McCallon. Esther, Mrs. Mamie Williams. Martha, Mrs. Rachel Hawkins. Electa, Miss Persephone Butler. Chap., Mrs. Josephine L. Biddle. War., Miss Adela Simonton. Sentinel, J. L. Castle. Organist, Miss Olive Smith. has DR. FENNER'ft ' 7 O Tl AND QS A Share of Your Patronage it Solicited. . R. COULTER, DALLAS ART STUDIO... Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 United States I.and Office Oregon City, Oregon, v,iti j.. u , December 9, 1H04. "K'-s lvcn '"at in compliance with the provision!! ,.f n.o M muL? June 3. 1878. entity "An ...V V"" o 1 f XS "te; br t oi. August" i S W.-.e'. rtland, coumf oi in Th ; A7,V..' ."""""B "is this day tiled the purchase of i h v",.. l0r i ,. .:. -'v' iiuruieast unri .lonu oi .v n . x of Sec. No. 21 in T o n Range No. 8 W. nni-ill .r... Jr.", "1 f.- the land sought is m v 'P" or stone than for irrir,,i.,.ro. , ' l ""oer establish hi, claim to sV., V'ffBlB:f a"a.,t0 Register and Receiver at Oregon Citv Oreem, on Saturday. theMth riv nf kh,.Y."-: .' ,"!?on HeilHlllPM na vi,nnA..... J. V- Any and all aoove-desc orders taken for Oil and Watpmnlnr Oregon; i T),: r, .. . Clarence -iuyou i-onraits rrom photographs, and all kinds of Pyro.,'. .... 1. T t,'"t'" num. l-iessons given in tainting, Drawing, Pyrography anu t,nioroiderj'. MRS. M. E. WEAVER. Abtist. otiulio at residence. West of Collcffe Monmouth, Oregon; C. CeOri? T lain f c- O. Tiee, of Falls C ty ra Mehrhng, of Falls Citv, Oreeoii Aikman, of Falls City, Oreeon S ' rilJ ZVZ8.Claimiug "dversely the claims in this ol) ice o or before Taid oZiT' of February, liH)5. fiud 2-,hday GEO. W. BIBEE, Receiver. Notice to Creditors. Backache Aro I'l-Rirna Tin: T.ixm). Out All Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, grave), dropsy, rheumatism, backache, female troubles. jus: Ta'4 V . "",Bjurt.ucl.c-,yiir A'l uniiuliaiioii FKEE. Wd brPniwsK.nn H. A.V fr pr. F,norM Almnr or T.C.L- Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. ' LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Horse Medicine and Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow Notice is hprphv ( u ... . Court of the State of' OTnT&r Polk Coum7 All persons having claims aeain-i XI . h estate are hereby i.otirted to vJSen tl- Mld at West Salem, in said County within 'fl from the date of this notice. "X " ",al puDiisntd December 10 1904 a ii x t. JONES, Administratrix of the estate of . a . ; p- Joilt's, deceased. Address H p n v . 0.1V: ' dcr Hayter.'AttorneV " m' Ureg0n- M m J I KM MOOB THAU ' ,5 t 't'-Af- I AJTOWfR CaJO5T0N.rW5i.UJA u'v"'!- rmomiminiammm. '-rL-v';:T"r--. at t . . 1 J c 1 1 , inciuscu uuu pusiumcc oraer lor fl.OO, genj large bottle by Southern Express." ' THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND si i RP Vftll ACT Tur 'W -ww "U utnUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Cn f k - - , SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY HAZELWOOD ICE CREAK We are solo agents in Dallas fortius, cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavm, its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM lit: Watte foy, Uglow Building, Main Street I y y Dallas, AQNER BROS. K32 W&W&w&WQApW&'$ 'mmiir,: LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. A Jenninga Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and fourth Fridays of each month it. L,. Uhapman. W. M. Oscar Haytkr, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. a. iu., Biaten convocation, First liiursday of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simonton, Sec. Maomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated -uiceuiigu cecona and i-onnhTues uay oi eacn month. MBS. &LLA J. AlKTZGKR, W. M. mrs. IvIbbib muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing L Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Pt Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, m. with Intension Head. : : : : All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything us cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OEE! J. Q. VanOrsdel & S DKALKR8 IN j timber and farm Eands and 0ity Property. ! PROPRIETOR of Dallas electric W , Friendship Lodee. No. 6. C1 . " . f n W oalurlay evening in I. v. v. r . nail. Ralph Hill, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. w ry i r jkareo.e encampment, No. 20, meete F. H. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stiles, Serine. JJIruira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R meetg r nJ """J evening. Mrs. Pauline Williams, N. G miss mina Hughes, Sec. Woodmen of the World. n UVlF;, i0- i meets in Odd vfTAYR,c:crnur8dayevening W. G. Vassall, Clerk Mistletoe Circle. "meets in Odd VpIITV ' , "avejust received a Fine N nd Fourth Wednesday of each Z nh Z Zf and SaddIes Mrs. Nellie Tatomg N nth- w?tiBndi Xamii,e them 89 1 "IKS. anny Ucnn, Clerk. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. O. H. COBB ' 0. H. COBB & SON manufacturers and repairers of Wagons, Carriages, Buggies and farm IIU Rorse Shoeing and Plow WorK a $0 We have one of the best Shoers in the State. . New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas,!) ' HARNESS flJSiD SflDDUES. Knights of the Maccabees. ye just received a Fine New Stock vite you orkmanshin , ."J ?,lu ' ' fineat i; Jt V,T h11-". 1 uave tne nnest line of saddles vni- i..,n. county. They are stri ,t v m in every respect. date' TTORNKY AT LAff. A Oscar Hayfc Upstairs in Campbell b DALLAS, VI n eavi each ."l Second "t'lu AU"rsaavs of month m T n n r u. f, ' G. W. Conkey, S, K. Coni. I. N. Woods, R. K. I k"ac Hive. No. 28. T. r T on Second and Fo Th-. m,eets noon of each month 'y aiter- Mrs. Eva Hayter, L. C Mrs. Blanche eIvt o .i j xv. HORSE BLANKETS TTORNEY9 AT LA". K. Old Band Hall Corner L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon $2. 00 ST. VITUS' DANCES For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON "' "iivl;.i-rn:mf ir. Fmni-rV-t Vim IHVHic ili.l tlrn lias Imtii hv it. ewiu. Ai.LK.-Clars 1 KI'UCX A krou.O Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take auiauKiiH'i mis uoerai oner, your subscription to tho Observes must be paid up to dau Subscribe now. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hpivl (V Divan !,. . !3Ih 1t of i,,7rv io.V?.."1.?'. Kndy- the o'clock i. m.. h.s hV. '"e I?"' of 10 same at mid time nd piesent the Pated this snh day of IVcember, lnu . . . . i- t. BtRDAX. 21".tI"?r ?' ,he te of J. N. Hart. Attorney"" ' U8W- o. u. w. H. L. Fenton, M. W. F- A. Stiles, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50 D of w First and Third vLi I mee(8 month. blrd "nesday of each Alice Groves, C. of H. . Emma Coad, Fin, United Artisans. TT ssemlilw V Aa n.A a - - "J '-meets vi cni-ii month. First Taes- "Wiixis Simoston, 'll. a. JiRs. klla J. Metz ger, Sec. FoiEYinniniYOns roimnoifErTAT! ?L5 of America Ijodge No. 144 Meets TK- . "of each month et8 Thlrl Tuesdav A i; oual f ."Tlfi!r P"ce. according to i uii 11 I. l.r- 1 U'lih 1.1 ' 5dS"S! readlly appreciate-Come HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABI.I Jjfftgtjf November 1, Dam (vnt c.. . West-Born. ' " Dunaay- lt. Dallas... a,m Tu.'o..i Gilliams 'BrideeDOrt Ar. FALLS CITY.!.'.' East-Bo trnrf - Lv. FALLS CITY Bridgeport Uilliami! Teaui' Sidinir Ar. Dallas Irtinastopon Sieual on'lV L. GERLIXGER, Jr.. General Manager. nov The only reliable . Polk county. Office on jasn DALLAS, TTOBXET AT UW Ed. F. W Office in Courts DALLAS, TTORNEY at W. I N. L. But: Office over DaU 05 ' DALLAS, 7:40 7:49 7:53 8:05 A. M. 9:20 9:30 9:36 9:39 9:55 P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P. M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 ,4:20 5:35 KNTIST. 5. Office over DALLAS. 41. Hayter- HYSICAN ASD L. N. Woods, Does general PcUct,( T. the county. DALLAS. Office on Wm. MUSCfiTT M. OLIVE w t teacher of f, ya ar Triickinan, haul l no- . . . . AT) t , J. AGSKB, F. M 11T T ... PIANO E- Moeri 8t haunr of au Uarla 90s. Sec. at reasonable Studio, Kooni "- DALXAS, nilf l?. Vv- rl-' OREGON.