Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, December 16, 1904, Image 2

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    1 t-v - nnrr n
Polk County Observer
Published Weekly at 11.50 per
Strictly in Advance.
The way to build up Dallas is 10 pat
rjnize Dallas people.
Secretary Henry E. Reed, of the
Lewis and Clark Corporation, esti
mates that the total attendance at the
Exposition next year will be some
where between 1,250,000 and 1,500,000.
Mr. Reed hits the nail squarely on the
head when he says that the way to
attract Eastern people to the Fair is to
advertise the whole Pacific Coast
country. The Lewis and Clark officials
have been pursuing this broad and
liberal policy, and, as a result San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle,
Tacoma, Spokane and other large
cities west of the Rocky mountains
are doing all they can to make the
Portland effort a success. To the
great majority of Eustern people who
ore coming to Oregon next year, the
country will be the real attraction. It
is, therefore, the d uty of every town
In the state to assist the Exposition
officials In the publicity work by con
tributing liberal supplies of printed
matter pertaining to their respective
localities. Every dollar spent in
advertising now will bo returned ten
fold next year.
Season Will Open With Game Be
tween Dallas Athletic Club and
Albany O. N. (J.
A historic log bloekhouso which
served as the headquarters of General
Phil Sheridan during the Indian wars
of 185S-5C, now stands in good condi
tion at a point about 15 miles from
Sheridan, Oregon. The Exposition
management may decide to move the
structure to the Portland Exposition
some time during the Winter. Besides
Its value as a historical relic.the struct
ure is picturesque and would no doubt
be an attraction of great interest.
While the people of Folk and ;Yam
hill counties realize that the old Sheri
dan blockhouse would be a great
attraction to Eastern visitors, and
whilo they would not stand in the
way of any movement having for its
object the success of the big Exposition
yet they-would regret to lose this his
torical relic, especially as there
iiuie liKennooa tnat it would be re
turned to its present site after the
close of the Fair. The Ohserveii sin
cerely hopes that the old blockhouse
will bo left standing where Sheridan'i
soldiers built it.
The basket-ball season is here
again, and lovers of this great indoor
winter game are happy. The first
game of the year will be played in the
College gymnasium tonight by teams
representing the Dallas Athletic Club
and Albany O. N. G. The people of
Dallas are liberal patrons of basket
ball, and the usual crowd of rooters
may be depended upon to be present
and help cheer the home team to
The Club team has been practicing
faithfully, and it is believed that the
boys will put up a fast, snappy game
The Albany military team nas won
the local championship in its home
town by defeating the two teams of
Albany College. It is safe to predict
that the contest at the College gym to
night will be lively from start to
A dispatch from Albany in Wednes
day's Telegram says : "The military
basket-ball team of this city, which
ha9 won the championship of Albany
by defeating the two teams of the
college by decisive scores, will play
its first out-of-town game of the sea
son next Friday evening, when it will
meet the team of the Dallas Athletic
Club in Dallas. The past two years
Albany teams have suffered over
whelming defeats at Dallas and the
military boys have little hopes of win
ning Friday evening, but they are de
termined to hold their opponents' score
down to a small figure. The Albanians
will go to Dallas with a crippled team,
however, as both Lee, forward, and
Stalnaker, guard, will be out of the
The Club line-up at tonight's game
will be as follows : Center, Lee Burch ;
forwards, Lloyd Coad, Aure Ford,
Floyd Myer; guards, Walter Wil
liams, Toney Teats, B. Southwick.
The game will be called promptly at
8:15. The admission has been placed
at 25 cents.
Dallas Boys and Uirls Give Pleasing
Rendition of "The Mystic
The stores in Dallas are in holiday
attire, and present a beautiful appear
unce, especially at night when they
are brilliantly lighted. Largo crowds
of Christmas shoppers are out every
evening, and the clerks are kept busy
until a lute hour. The Dallas mer
chants are paying more utteution to
the holiday trade each year, and people
do not find it necessary to go to the
large cities to find what they want in
the way of presents. A lively trade
Is expected for the next eight days.
J. he proof-reader on the Salem
Statesman should wise up a bit. For
three mornings in succession, he has
allowed his paper to say that Victor
F. Lawsou Is the author of VFrenzied
Finance," and that it is Victor F,
Lawsou who is leading the sensational
raid on Amalgamated Copper in the
Wall Street stock exchange. This is
unjust to the noted Chicago editor,
whose name and that of the Boston
bunco-steerer should not be mentioned
In the same breath.
Deafness Cured.
To the Editor : For a long time my
father Hiruin Wood, living in Inde
pendence, Oregon, has been deaf in
ono ear. Through Dr. Darriu's skill
ful treatment, he is cured. I am also
rapidly improving uuderDr. Darriu's
electrical ami medical treatment from
the effects of stomach, liver and throat
trouble. I can recomineud the Doctor
as a skillful physician. Refer your
renders to me at North Dallas.
Fish and Poultry Market.
Messr. Haldeman X Buerer are
opening a fish and poultry market in
the Collins building on Court street.
They will handle llsh, poultry, eggs,
oysters, cheese, aud everything else
that belongs to a market of this kind.
Highest price will 1. paid fanners for
poultry and eggs and other produce
in their line.
People who failed to attend the
"Mystic Midgets" entertainment at
the City Hall last Friday and Satur
day evenings missed one of the most
praiseworthy performances that has
ever been given by home talent in
Dallas. True it is that the per
formers were only school children
aiiu mat some or mem aid not carry
out their parts with the ease and
grace of professional stage singers.
but the fact remains that the enter
tainment was full of pleasing features
from beginning to end, and that the
costumes und stage settings surpassed
anything of the kind heretofore seen
in Dallas. Seventy-five bright boys
and girls, ranging from tiny tots of
four and five years to lads and lassies
of twelve to fifteen, took part in the
cantata, and gavo a performance that
surprised and delighted every person
n the audience.
From the opening tableau, when
forty little girls were seen in artistic
pose until the final curtain was rung
down on a stace full of small bovs
transformed into bears, frogs, beetles
and grasshoppers, the scene was one
continual kaleidoscope of bright
colors and graceful motion. The
dances and marches were executed
with remarkablo skill and precision,
considering the fact that the children
had less than two weeks' training.
The music throughout was tuneful
and catchy, and the solo numbers
were all pleasingly rendered.
Owing to tho great expense of stag
ing this production, tho two per
formances of the "Mystic Midgets" in
Dallas wore not successful from a
financial standpoint, the box-office re
ceipts being barely sufficient to pay
mo Heavy bills incurred. This juvenile
fairy spectacle is seldom produced
outside tho larger cities on account of
this exponse, and it was ouly to fill in
some open time that Manager Collius
decided to put it on in Dallas. The
"Mystic Midgets" is the best amateur
musical production in the amusement
world today, and tho people who wit
nessed mo performances in this citv
will all testify that it is "worth the
Electricity.long used in the laboratory
fnr PYnerimental nurnoses only, is
fast coming before the public as an
agent of great value in tho affairs of
every day life. By electricity power
to drive machinery can be utilized at
the distance of miles from its source,
and by electricity thanks to Mr. Edi
son's recent discoveries our streets
and houses are lighted more brilliantly
than by gas. While all these results
are evident to the public at large there
is another field in which the use of
electricity is rapidly working a pro
found reformation the field of science,
The following remarkable cures
performed by Dr. Darrin at Hotel
Gail Dallas, shows the new uses for
Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption
Mr. Editor: I will lend my name
to the long list of cures performed by
Dr. Darrin. Fifteen years ago catarrh
and bronchitis troubles commenced to
annoy me, and seven years later a
complicated lung trouble showed
itself. All efforts to cure were fruit
less until coming under Dr. Darrin's
electrical treatment eight years ago.
I am happy to say I am cured
attribute my long continued good
health to the health influence of elec
tricity, which restored me to i
permanently sound condition. 1 am
news agent on the Southern Pacific
Railway and pass Albany daily, and
will gladly answer any question at
my home in Mount Tabor, Oregon.
Deafness Cured.
To the Editor: Gratitude to Dr.
Darrin prompts me to give this card
For about ten years I have been
effects of a discharge of the ears.
had dispaired of relief, but thanks to
Dr. Darrin's skill I am cured of my
deafness so I can hear a whisper. Re
fer anyone to me at my residence, five
miles southeast of Woodburn, near
Ex-Mayor John Eastou's place, who
was cured by Dr. Damn of catarrh
and discharging ears. H. KUNZE.
Granulated Eyes Cured.
Mr. S. W. Bowser, of Bruce, Benton
county, Oregon, writes: Dr. Darrin,
you cured my girl of granulated sore
eyes of long standing, one year ago,
and I am very thankful for what you
have done for her.
Kidney Trouble Cured.
Dr. Darrin, Dear Sir: I wish to
know if it is necessary to take the full
course of three months treatment. I
feel perfectly well of my kid ney trouble
and pain in the back.
Harrisburg, Oregon.
Polk County Wins Prizes.
The first annual exhibition of the
Corvallis Poultry Association was a
highly successful affair, over 400 birds
being on exhibition. D. M. Calbreath,
of Monmouth, Polk county, walked
off with the prizes on Blue Anda
lusians, as usual, winning first on
cockerels, first on hens, first and
second on pullets, and first on pen.
No finer chickens can be found in the
world than those raised by Mr.
Pioneer Dies Suddenly.
James M. Morris, an Oregon pioneer
of 1845, and one of Marion county's
most highly-respected citizens, died
at his home three miles south of
Turner, Tuesday night, aged 80 years.
The old gentleman had been enjoying
good health this winter, and had but
recently returned from a visit to the
St. Louis Fair. His last illness was
of less than two days duration. Death
was caused by the rupture of a blood
vessel in the stomach. Mr. Morris
was born in South Carolina n 1824,
and came to Oregou from Iowa in
1845, settling in Linn county, near
Albany. He resided in Linn and
Marion counties continuously up to
the time of his death. He was a
veteran of the Indian Wars of 1855-56.
tns aged wire died two years ago. He
leaves several grown children, among
them being Charles H. Morris, of
this city. Mr. Morri3 was a good
citizen, and was respected by all who
knew him.
Tha tlie von w eirl lias of womanhood
is ot 8 M.,m uvaMi one. She learns
to know wi.-it headache means, and back
ache, .ml sometimes is sadly borne dowx
bv this new expeience of life.
'All the pain and misery which young
eirls commonly experience at such a
time, may in almost every instance be
vented or cured
by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion. It estab
lishes regular
ity. It tones up
the general
health, acd
cures headache,
backache, nerv
ousness and
other conse
quences of
womanly weakness or disease.
I received your letter some time ago, with
advice about vour wonderful medicine," writes
Miss Stella Johnson, of 28 llrady Street. Dayton,
Ohio. "1 was troubled with severe paius every
month when I wrote to vou for advice. Alter
receiving your letter and following its direc
tions, I ara now happy to say that alter nve
years of untold suffering I have not had any
pain siuee Crst usiuj vour Favorite Prescrip
tion.' I was induced through a friend to write to
you aud follow vour kind advice. I thanlc God
aud Dr. K. V. Pierce for the health I now enjoy.
I shall urge other women who suffer as I did to
u&e your mediciue."
"Favorite Presciiption " makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women.
Weak and sick women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. AH
correspondence is held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in
paper covers, or 3 r stamps for the cloth
bound volume. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce
Buffalo, N. Y.
157-18th St., Salem.
Bring yo'uTrTc. Crlder,
at the White Front Grocery.
Notice for Publication.
TI.MBLK 8lMlrtaui Ollice
December 9, UHH.
Notice b Hereby Riyen that m
w"h the Pvi.n. l the U of to.. o(
4, mi, Oliver "'" dHT jiled
il.,U,...milh WlVMliV"
Kanee n'o 8 W,aW w ill oner proof to Hl.ow that
S.a",.,,:,,;i 1 more valuable for its timber
0! - stone lliaii for agricultural purposes, auu 10
SJtSiduh l is claim to saui land before the
Ke&te and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon,
on Saturday, the ttih day of ebru..r, 19U. -
lie names as witnesses; George 1. 11 all-,
Mo .month, Oregon; C. D. T.,
OreL'OiKlra Mehrling. of alls Clt, oriMu,
Claanc'e Aikman, of Falls City, .0.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely t e
above-describeii lauds are requested to h e their
claims in this ollice on or beloro said tbilaj
of February, IMS. GEO. W. BIBEE,
The eminent and successful electro
and medical physician, Dr. Darrin,
has discovered and perfected a system
of treatment that has caused a revolu
tion in the treatmentof femalediseases.
Whenever his electrical and medical
treatment is tested and known it has
done away with excessive dosings with
nauseaous drugs and painful surgical
operations, whereby so many precious
lives have been lost.
As a discovery it ranks with Har
vey's discovery of the circulation of
the blood. It has proved in more
than a thousand cases of the worst
kind to be a positive cure for the fol
lowing female diseases: Ovarian
tumors.polypus.ulceration and dropsy
of the womb, inflammation, conges
tion and falling of the womb, painful
and suppressed menstruation, bearing
down pains, backache, headache.
racking cough, melancholy, absence
of ambition or desire to live ; or in fact
any complaint having its origin in a
disordered state of the generative and
accompanying organs, whether from
contagious diseases, heredity, tight
lacing or other causes.
His method of treatment is harm
less, pleasant and mild. It is applied
directly to the parts; can be applied
by the patients themselves, thus se
curing local treatment at home, and
application is easy and simple. Its
curative action on the inflamed, con
gested and ulcerated parts is immed
iate. Dr. Darrin refrains from making
public the names of hundreds of
ladies who have been restored to
health, with due deference to the
delicacy of their afflictions.
The following card was voluntarily
offered by a lady desirous of helping
others similarly afflicted.
To the Ladies.
Dr. Darrin, Hotel Gail, Dallas,
treated me two years ago for catarrh,
neuralgia and rheumatism, scalp
trouble, deafness, general nervous
debility, female trouble, and paralysis
of the neck of the bladder, with
marked success. I feel that words
are inadequate to express my grati-
Notice for Publication.
United Sthtes Lund Ollice,
Oregon Uty, Oregon,
July 5, law.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June;!, li78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the I'ublic Land States by act of
August 4, 18H2, Henry Wiprut, of halem,
county of Marion, State of Oregou, has
this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement
No. CSofi, for the purchase of the SE i of sec
tion -No. 20 in township No. 8 S, range io. 7 W ,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or sloue than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon on Saturday,
the 4th dav of March, llJ05.
Hb names as witnesses: F. W. Robinson, of
Fulls City, Oregou; A. N. Robinson, of Falls
City, Oregon; Herman Hirschberg, ol Inde
pendence, Oregon; Morris Wiprut, of S.ilein,
Oregon. .
Anv and all persons cluiming adversely
the a'bove-descilbed lands are requested to tile
their claims in this ollice 011 or before said 4th
day of March, l'JOo.
Notice For Publication.
United States Laud Ollice,
Oregon City. Oregon,
Hec. 14, i'JU-l.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, und Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1811'-', George T. Hale, of Monmouth,
county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this ollice his sworn statement No. tifiiio,
for the purchase of the Northeast ) of Sec. No.
m lowuBinp iNo. ., Kunge o. 8 vt est, and
will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
01 mis omce ill Oregon City, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 25th day of February, l!Wa.
He names as witnesses; Oliver E Leet, of
Portland, Oregon; C. v. Tice. of Falls City, Ore
gon; Ira Mehrling, of Fulls City, Oregon;
Clarence Aikuian, 01 raus uiiy, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this ollice on or before said 25th day of
78 acres Nice Homelike 'place,
with good buildings and fences
iu acres in cultivation lots of fine
timber $1500
5 acres with a good little House
and Barn all fenced and under
cultivation, only $ 650
Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit
uated worm !f-5U per acre only $ 32
Fine 100 acre farm, well im
proved $5000
ell improved farm of 117 acres $2500
Finely improved farm of 400
acres $950o
.Stock Ranch 900200 acres under
cultivation Can't be beat $9000
Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100
Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres
a diek nailing good place at a
164 acres 30 under cultivation
Buildings-Fenced-a good place
-cheap as dirt-only $1500
Here is the cheapest place In
Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn,
and other improvements worth
$1200 at least for only $ 800
I have all classes of Eanches and
J; arms for sale I can suit you in
quality or price.
Dallas, Oregon!
World's Fair Contest Will Be Closed
December 31, at 3 o'clock P. M.
Is Qm constitutional disease
originating in impure blood
ana requiring constitutional
treatment acting through
find purifying the blood for
its racicol and permanent
cure. Be sure to take
NuI and other local forms of catarrh
ar quickly relieved hy Catarrk,
which alby inflammation and deodorUe
Mood Srvr-arin, a.3 AvgaltU. SI.
Catarrirtj, mail order only, SO cti.
For testimonial! of remarkabl cures
Mod for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4.
C L Hood Co LoweU, Mass.
The merchants of Dallas who are
ivlng away voting coupons for the
World's Fair contest have decided to
close the ballot-box on Saturday, De
cember 31, at 3 o'clock in the aftcr-
oon. The small number of ballots
remaining iu the Dallas City Bank
nave all boon taken out by the mer
chants, and are ready for distribution
among tneir customers. No ballots
will be counted after the hour adver
tised for the close of the contest
As the voting in Dallas did not be
gin until late in the Summer, it was
found impossible to close the contest
and send the winner to St. Louis
before the Fair was over.and the ruer
ehaiits have decided to
full amount of cash instead to the
young lady receiving the greatest
number of votes. The prize will
amount to about $175.
The vote for the two leading candi
dates this week is as follows: Miss
Nora Robertson, 1S03S; Miss Rose
Rronkeu, 1 2. 1 f7. i
Would Not Take $1000.
About three years ago my left ear
became deaf and continued to grow
worse until I could scarcelv near a
sound. Of late my right ear begun to
go the same way. I applied to Dr.
Darrin in the Hotel Gail, Dallas, De
cember 15, 1004, and was cured in both
ears in thirty minutes. So acute is
my hearing now, I can hear a whisper
in an adjoining room. I would not
take $1000 and be placed back where 1
was before being cured. Refer to me
at Salem, Ore. I reside five miles
north of Salem. F. Prince, of Salem,
wituessed the cure. A. W. Frooley.
Galvanized Iron Gutter better than
tin only 10 cents a foot. Your house
is not complete without it. Vacous &
Weaver, at Wiseman's old stand.
15 to JAN. 1, 1905.
An opportunity to buy a Fancy Lamp (a fine
Amas present for less than cost
Considering the quality and prices we offer
you the best bargains, in fancy China and
Dishes offered in Polk county.) : : :
Mill! CTnrr m 'WVJ
tops tixm cough and lallunfa
Orders taken for Oil and Watercolor
Tainting, Crayon Portraits from
photographs, and all kinds of Fj-ro-graphic
work. Lessons given in
Fainting, Drawing, Pyrography
and Embroidery.
MRS. M. E. WEAVER, Ahtist. i
Studio at residence. West of College-, j
V wimi
The Year
to & Close
and wo . take this opportunity (,f ,
friend-' and customers for all favors we'h
from tin 111. Our support from them in
way has been splendid indeed.
Now we havo arranged to distribute
customers somo Gifts or Tokens of 0ur
At considerable expense, wo have had
500 Souvenir Plates, a Plaster I
Our Court House.
To each of our customers that purchase of 1
worth of goods, we will present one of tlleSj
We have also had manufactured for us iy
some very pretty
Novelties in Lacquered lor
Very Useful Articles.
To each of our customers that purchase of
worth of goods, we will present. one 0
Japanese Novelties.
We have also arranged to get a number of
Lewis and Clark Souvenir Cold
one of the handsomest gifts that will be pi
to any one this coming year.
To each of our customers that purchase froc
worth of goods, we will present one of these
the value of which, even in the near futu
make them very precious, As long as tli
with us, you are welcome to them.
There is no use to say to you that ourgii
the best, and we do sell cheaper than our1
(the other stores.)
You Know This as Well as w Di
Yours truly,
Phone 246. flAIN STI
Christmas Tree Bu
direct from Japan must be seen to be fully appreciatec
lowing is a partial list and prices :
Spice Cabinets, 8 drawers, in
neverai catchy Ui'sigut, l.-5 to
TT J I 1 . . .
iitMiiiHi-rcMi'i jioxes from 00c 2J
Jewelry Caskels from 12
Crumb Tray apd Brush
Necktie Hoses up
Work Boxes, from 1.00
CulTs and Collar Boxen froi
60c to
Wine Truy from 75c
Besides other beautiful as well as useful hand carved
LATEST PERFUMES-Our showing of Perfumes is
and a greater part of this line is packed in Holiday
and can not help but make a pleasing Xmas preset
are from such noted houses as : Paul liieger & Co.
and A. 8, Hilbert & Co., of Milwaukee,
0ur Holiday line of Children's Books are proving tol
the people want-drop in and see them,
Gem Safety Razor $2 and up.
Court and Main Street. - - . - P:
Dallas Ice i Cold Storage Co.
Co.d Storage Rate, are Cheap. Our .ce Is mad
Mountain Water.
of Pure
00 Tays for the OBSERVER
and the ttVly Oregonian
one year. In order to take
advantage of this liberal offer, your
subscription to the Observer must be
paid up to date. Subscribe now.
We Guarantee the Choicest and Best Cold
Messages over Mutual telephone at Our Expense
We give a World's Fair Tour Coupon with
every 25c purchase.
BeD Phone 366.
A few of the many You can f
Fancy China of every kind,
Matted Pictures, Medallions,
Books, Box Tapers, Dolls,
p . Fine Bohemian Glassware
costal Lards, China and Pictures with Oreg
just the thing for eastern friends.
Dallas, Oregon
Mutual 21.
Quality - Style Com
are the three main points to be cor
sidered when you buy shoes.
PRICE is another one which we corr
bine with the above to give you tu
bes t value for your money.
Practical Shoe Men