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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
Mrs. Dr. Perry has a large class in music here. Hiram Futritt had an old-fashioned bog killing one day this week. County Treasurer J. Beezley spent Sunday with his parents here. Superintendent C. L. Starr was in town on business one day this week. John Mover has several men at work painting and papering his house. The t Miipi-rauce meeting held at the M. E. Church Sunday evening was a success. Miss Sadie Myer, of Smithileld, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Seymour. Several carloads of lumber have been shipped from the Falls City mills this week. Frank Gibson, of the liickreall Milling Company, transacted business in Falls City, Monday. A shooting match will be held be fore Christmas, so that all may have a turkey for the Christmas dinner. A MOST REMARKABLE CURE OF HEART DISEASE Perhaps one of the most wonderful results on record is the wonderful cure of Mrs. S. E. Clark by electricity and medicines administered by Dr. Darrin. Mrs. Clark wa3 carried to Dr. Damn's office in an almost dying condition, afflicted with a complication of diseases. Here are her own words : UKIAH, Ore. To the Editor : My health began to fail over a year ago, I gradually fell away until I became very weak. I was suffering from lung, heart and stomach troubles. On the 24th of December, 1897, I went to Pendleton and put myself under Dr. Darrin's treatment by electricity and medicines, and began to improve from the first treatment andcontinued to improve. At the present time I have good health. My neighbors say they never expected 10 see me return home from Pendleton, and were greatly surprised at my recovery. Mrs. S. E. Ci.ahk. Six Years Later. UKIAH, Ore. Dr. Darrin: I am enjoying good health, and have gained 20 pounds in the past six years. I am entirely cured, and am very grateful indeed to have good health, after years f ...... !,..,, l.non 1 ,f . ... r, 11 u i of suffering with heart, stomach and attending Circuit Court in Dallas this . BU . ,? , ,, ,. week, some as jurors and others as witnesses. C. J. Pugh announces that he has everything you may want in the line of Jewelry for Christmas. Prices reasonable. Subject at the Christian church, Sunday morning: "The Pierced Hand;" evening subject, "A- Lost Opportunity." lung troubles : also diseases peculiar to women. I cannot praise you too highly. Refer to me. Mrs. S. E. Clark. An Ashland Patient's Card. Some time ago I contracted a severe cold on the lungs which being neglect ed became chronic. After vain attempts for relief I concluded it was death or Arizona, On learning of Dr. Darrin I consulted him. It is now one month COURT HOUSE NOTES. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Clinton J. Hanks and Martha Whitehead: John P. Doughty and OraM. Byers. John Smith and Ethel Martin. PROBATE Estate of David Reddekopp, de ceased final account set for hearing Saturday. January 7. at 10 o'clock . r a. m. Estate of John Ellis, deceased ad ministrator discharged and bonds men exonerated. Estate of Milton P. Jones, deceased Mary E. Jones appointed adminis tratrix; bond fixed at $2600: J. A W. US 3 CivV- aQr& $ This :jt money pre stock medicine ia a I saver for stock raisers. It j The ladies of the Rebecca lodge gave since placing myself under his care, a social evening last Wednesday, and I can truthfully say all morbid Many invited guests were present, and feeling has left my lungs and I feel I all enjoyed themselves. The committee of the Mutual Tele pnoue Company nas formed a new rule, which is that any party not an owner or lessee or a plione must pay 15 cents for the privilego of talking over the line. GRANGE ELECTS OFFICERS Frank Butler, Deputy State Master, Tells of Progress Being Made. Mono Grange, No. 25, P. of H., met at Lewisville on Saturday, December 3, and elected officers for next year as follows: W. M., C. E. Staats; O., I. M. Simpson ; L., Mrs. E. F. Butler bee, Mrs. Bonnie Smith; S., Percy Hadley ; A. S., F. M. Smith ; C, H lierry; T., Mrs. Simpson; S. K., irank Loughary; L. A. S Mrs. Uattio Williams; P., Mrs. Emma Haggard; F., Mrs. Anna nadley; C, Mrs. Mabel Staats. Over thirty sat down to a bountiful lunch, and a moHt enjoyable time was spent by all. The meeting of the National Grange in Portland has drawn increased attention to this order. Delegates from twenty-six states reported and showed us that although the Grange in uregon Is a small part of the order, yet we belong to and form an essential part of a vast association of those em ployed in agriculture?, the lending and most important industry of any iSation. I ho delegation were delight ed, and so expressed themselves, with their reception. the .Lewis and Clark Ladies' Club chartered cars and took the visitors all over the car lines and to the site of the Exposition. What amazed and pleased the visitors from East of the Rockies were the roses in full bloom luxuriant ivy, and the strawberries and cream with each meal. inc tour on the Southern Pncific railroad to Corvallis and back on the East side, was a great success. Every where welcomed with enthusiasm, our friends could not say enough by way of appreciation. At McMinnville, each delegate was presented with a small boquet of carnations and roses, and one lady delegate, from a full heart, said to the presents, "Oh, you are the dearest things in Oregon!" Many expressed the intention of coming to our Fair next year, and this visit of the National Grange will cause acces sions to the order. Pomona Grange will meet in Inde pendence on Wednesday, January 4, to install ollieers, and after this cere mony is over an attempt will bo made to start a Grange near Independence. Any persons desirous of joining will please attend at that time and give in their names to me. FRANK BUTLER, Deputy State Master for folk county. am on the road to a permanent cure. I am now able to work every day at hard labor. Furthermore, I will say in addition to his electrical and medical skill Dr. Darrin is a man with a human heart and is unusually reasonable in his charges. I knew Mr. C. Carey, of Sam's Valley, Ore gon, before and after his cure of almost total deafness. Refer to me at Ashland, Oregon. Earl Clixe. Discharging Ears Cured. To the Editor: I wish to make known through your widely circulated paper what Dr. Darrin has accomp lished in my case, that others similarly afflicted may avail them selves of the doctor's great skill. For many years I have been annoyed with a loathsomo discharge from my ears from the effect of measles. All reme dies 1 have tried seemed to fail until I went under Dr. Darrin's electrical and medical treatment. I am now cured and feel thankful to Dr. Darrin. My hearing has greatly improved. I reside at Adams, Oregon, where my father keeps the Hotel Oregon. Can be referred to by letter or in person. Bert Kihby. A Dallas Lady's Experience. To the public: My daughter, ten years old has been sorely afflicted the past eight years with deafness and lischarging ears. Through Dr. Darrin's electrical and medical treat ment I am happy to say she can hear about as well as anyone and the dis charge of the ears has stopped. I can recommeud Dr. Darrin at Hotel Gail. I will answer all questions by letter or in person at my residence on Court street, Dallas, where I have lived fourteen years. MRS. JNFXLIE If. U.URD. We regret to announce that Dr. Darrin's stay in Dallas is limited to December 211, only, and parties wish ing to consult this famous physician should do so at once. He has made many wonderful cures in this vicinity, as the testimonials heretofore have shown. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at the Hotel Gail, Dallas, Oregon, until December 23, from 10 o'clock to 5 daily, evenings, 7 to H, Sunday, 10 to 3. The doctor makes a specialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, lagrippo, heart, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, liver, bladder and kidney diseases. All nervous, chronic and private diseases of men, and all female troubles are confidentially and suc cessfully treated. Most cases can re ceive home treatment after a visit to tho doctor's office. All business re lations with Dr. Darrin strictly con fidential. Charges reasonable. Wolf, James Matthis and i Flanery appointed appraisers. Estate of Hankerson Read, de ceasedfinal account approved and estate closed. Estate of Gilbert McCabe, deceased hearing of final account continued until first day of next regular term of court. Estate of Mary S. Leigh, deceased final account set for hearing January 13, at 10 o'clock a. m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lydia Plummer and hd to Byron Branson et ux, 1 acre near Ballston $160. Jacob Brown to John W Allen, three-fourths of lot 3, block 7, Mon mouth, $1. Mrs C C Marks et al to John W Allen, three-fourths of lot 3, block 7, Monmouth, $1. G H Carlson et ux to Mrs Pearl Matney, 62.50 acres, 1 9 s, r 3 w, $ 1 A J Goodman et ux to L E Purvine, tract in Hill's Independence, $100, S Ward et ux to John F Watts, 163.63 acres, 1 7 s, r 6 w, $550. W E Wann et ux to J W Norwood, tracts in 1 7 s, r 3 w, $1200. H A AdkiDS to Mary A Stine, tract in Monmouth, $600. Laure Adkins and hd to Mary A Stine, 2J acres in Monmouth, $250. J A Adkins et ux to Mary A Stine, 2.39 acres in Monmouth, $150. H S Montgomery et ux to G B Masters, one acre, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $80, H S Montgomery et ux to Maggie Masters, 2.50 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $280. Gilbert Tyson to Annie Aurland, 6-10 of an acre, 1 8 a, r 6 w, $60. Teter P Fnesen to Frank Frieseu, 45 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $2025. Peter P Friesen to David Nachtigall, 40 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1700. U G Heffley et al to John W Allen, three-fourths of lot 3, block 7, Mon mouth, $1. Nancy Gibson and hd to N O Clod- felter, lot 3, block 2, Hall's add to Independence, $50. Minnie A Campbell and hd to Frederick Phillips, lots in Ballston, $250. H S Montgomery et ux to G Sowers, lot 1, block I, south side, Falls City, $200. Phillip Heinrich et ux to Mrs Harriett Orchard, lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, block 4, Ballston, $200. G S Dutton to S T Haynes, 20 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $450. S T Haynes to Thulia Haynes, lots 16 and 17, block H, first add to Falls City, love and affection. Julia I Courter to H C Courter, lots 14, 15, 16 and east half of 13, block L, t alls City, $1. United States to Edward Horan, 160 acres, 1 7 s, r 8 w, patent. condition powder. Tliou.ih put up j in co" rser form than ThedfcrJV Blask-Drans'-t, renov-Tied for the ..'euro of the digestion troubles of y 'ty persons, it has the fame qualifies ; of i;ivi?-r,U!:-g digestion, stirring ;.j up the ' to-pi'l liver and loosening thecoi -d Ixwclafjr all scotl . 'and pom;,,.,. It is carefully pro- a pared av.d its action is eo healthful L S? that p' grow and thrive with an (.'- occasi.-:ul dose in their food. It Vr. 1 (Mires hog cholera and makes hogs $ 1 grow fat. It cures chicken cholera p' ?1 and roup and makes hens lay. It 2 cure? constipation, distemper and . 1 colds in horses, murrain in cattle, I .1 and makes a draught animal do ,.' 1 more work for the f:wd consumed. : It pives animals and fowls of all -:. kinds new Ufa. Every fanner and jf raiser should certainly give it a trial. It cestn 2.5c. a can and eaves ten j times us price in proiit. Pittsburg, Kas., March 23, 1904. I have been nma your Elao't-Draught ! Stock and Pou':y Medicine on my s ?a stock for somo '.i:ne. I have used au H kinds cf stock t..od but I have found that yours is tne nesi lor my purpose. i J. 8. HAaBUJN. - A-rmr i. it. imu m DKAI.EK IN LIVESTOCK Mutton ami Stock Sheep. e. ami fliil)H IWs, 1 j ' ...... I.... in iin tllgneSl lllt" vt r paid at ul. times, iauress, k. f. n, NO. 1, DALLAS. OR RGON BJ J , IB DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING G00D5. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon 1 '"-v iAvwiwywgvi,y.'i' Remarkable Cure. "I was much afflicted with sciatica," writes Ed C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg wick, Co., Kansas, "going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which relieved me. 'I used three bottles. It is the greatest liniment I ever used; have recommended it to a number of per sons; all express themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. is? -3 HE EVIDENCE YOUR EYES R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. Dallas Cil; hiL Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. is all you need weigh when selecting a Simmons chain. Its perfect workmanship and long wear are absolutely insured by the makers. Simmons Watch Chains are unconditionally guaranteed. Holiday Goods! AT C. H. MORRIS, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Dallas, - - Okegox THE BEST WATERPROOF CLOTHING III THE WOKL0 ,.. KAMTJIIJTOADEMtf hAHH tlMKMVtuM TAUNOSVBffirVTCS ONSALCCyERTWHUC uTAkocuoren 'M SrtOWINfi'FULL UNEOP 6ARMLNT3 AND tWJ A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON. MASS., U.S.A. TOWCA CANADIAN CO.. LTD., TORONTO. CANADA. JX H Siirfc Cuna j-aww- - w Sore Com n Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lama Back m Frosted Feet, Burns, Scalds, etc. ' m m, AN ANiiatfiio inat siops irritation, suhd.,..!. mation, and drives out Pain. PENETRATES promotes a free natural elasticity. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED I) CURED raw lam. ES the Pores, loosens the Fibroin T;. circulation of the Blood, ffivintr th li r - - "MUM SCIATIC RUEULUTIS1 Mrs. E. A. Simpson, 500 Craig St., Knoxvilt. Tenn., writes: "I have been trying the bathiol Hot Springs, Ark., for Bciatic rheumatism but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried Inclosed find postoffice order for $1.00. Send mt large bottle by Southern Express." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $lfvv BE SURE YOU OET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celt cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors i its manufacture. ; SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUSI LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Notice of Final Settlement. $2. 00 1'nys for the OBSERVER and tho Weekly Oregonlan one year. In ordor to take 1 ndvantiiKo of this liberal off or, your ! subscription to tho Oiiskrvkr must bo 1 pnid up to dau Subscribe now. Woodmen Elect Officers. Dallas Camp, Xo. 20!, Woodmen of tho World, has elected officers for the ensuing tonn as follows: Council, W. A. Ayres. Advisor, Frank Kerslnke. Hanker, Joseph Craven. Clerk, W. O. Vassnll. Escort, Dr. II. Ifc Toney. Watchman, W. R. Coulter. Sentry, John Klauck. Manager, O. N. Cherrington. DR. FENNER'S Coughing Spell Caused Death. TT -1 ii . jiuii.y AuuKweii, aged as years. choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home, in the presenceof his wife and child. He contracted a slight com a few days ago and paid but little attention to it. Yesterday morning he was seized With a fit Of COUtrhinff he courthouse in nlla8 a the ilCe for the Which pontinnorl fr Cn,,1Q tt '!? f ..!"d. L amount, ,ul the settle- - - - M.VM. UWlllW J.X1S wife sent for a physician but before he could arrive, another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation. St. Louis Globe Demo- crat, December 1, li)01." Ballard's Horehound Syrup would nave saved him. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. MUiee is hereby given that the uniiersicned administrator of the estate of Mary 8 Leiirh deceased, tins tiled his final account as such oV "inaiiiuni in ilic U 1 1 1 ( H III TUP I mint, t 'l.l- oi rontoumy, Oreeon. mid that KVi.fov ., 13th day of .lanniirv. imK .t ,1,0 1 ..,,,,. ?. '. , 5 :" "xe" oy me Honorable ..1..... i.iiiiu 111 Bum (-UU11IV IIS in Mm. meiH inereiii. All persons having objections to w" ' i"vi'uiu nic 1 1"( 1 II I rl'f I rn ni'imun u.. same at s.iid time and place. i""" "ie lmieu ims utn day of December, 1'KM . , ... 1- E- BKKDAS, Adminiotrator of the estate of T v 11 , ,,Mary8.Iigh, deceased. J. N. Hurt, Attorney. NEW TRUCK and TRANSFER COMPANY. Chapter Elects Officers. 1 ne new elective officers for Ains- worth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., are : H. P., Oscar Hayter. King, Dr. B. H. McCallon. Scribe, N. L. Butler. Tieasui-or, William Faull. Secretary, Willis Simonton. W Having purchased a first class outfit, I am now pre pared to do your hauling in a prompt and satisfac tory manner, and at the most reasonable rates. A Share of Your Patronage ii Solicited. R. COULTER, DALLAS, OREGON. JenningB Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. R. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, First Thursday of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. ii simonton, see. aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E.S., stated i meetings Second and Fonnh Tues days of each month. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, W. M. Mrs. Libbik Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. ggpgfe Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets Ralph Hill, N W G. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. Walter Roy, ut'' Dallas,, WAGNER BROS. y y CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing h Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivator?, Peg Ik Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, revets with Extension Head. : : : : All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything neeil cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OEEGO! WM$iM JW&W& waWA'8MM?W!'i J. U. VANURSDEL eta DEALERS IN timber and J&tm Dn4$ and City Property. PROPRIETOR OF Dallas electric till Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. jareoie encampment, No. 20, meets ucouuu aim rourin Monday of each F. H. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe. jlmira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets i imajj evening. Mrs. Pauline Williams, N. G. Miss Mina Hughes, Sec. Woodmen of the World. Dallas Camp No. 209, meets in Odd 'res, C. C, W. G. Vassall, Clerk. jyiistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. O W and Fourth Wednesday eTch' month Mrs. Nellie Tato.m, G. N. U1UIUD- Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccab Man Happy. For the good of the AND Backache Also PcKiKiis thu Pi.oon. All Disoasea of th kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, pravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, female troubles. A Dallas To the Editor: afflicted public I wish to say that Dr Darrin at Hotel Gail, has about cured me of a troublesome cancer, liver complaint, dyspepsia and dizziness. I reside one mile east of D.iIIau. an,i will converse with anyone on the re sults of Dr. Darrin's Electrical and Medical trsatnient I cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Darrin. Ia PARRISH. Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. aw i om aucourasea. TneM 1. a cure for you. ir rcosarr Tix Dr. Fenncr B l fl ,i,"c J"" uch AU r..i...itt ion FREE. 1 have tkvo a aufferer from rheumatism for W yoars and ha often been oennm-d to the house and aometim,-. to wy d f,.r mveral H:,ys. I ommonor-d takiiijj Dr. Fonners Kidner and Backache Lure wheu I was suffering intensely. It afforded roli.f at once. I now fJ well I kare in my life. ADA BL.l'K E1X. Kansas t itv. Jio. "I eurfereJ from kidney xnd bladder trouMo until life was not r.orth bring. I begun usimr Dr. Kns!,'r's Kid .icy and Bui'kai'he Cure and ii a sit.rt time n.'ti,vd a gr'at imnnivement I wa soon prsoanentlr curr'J. HOWARD illTCHOi Kansas Ctr klo ' " Sold bj iTuUifWU, iuc nU H. Aak for Dr. Ktuuet i Almanac or Cook Book-Kk. " For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON O Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Horse Medicine and Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow Old Band Hall Corner J. L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon uay, returning Minuay and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance ! to visit valley points at greatly re-: duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. KILL the COUCH amp CURE the LUNGS WIT" Dr. King's How Discovery fCRL '0NSUMPTI0K OUGHS and J0LDS Price 50c Ml. 00 Free Trial. Sureat and auicieat Cure tor THKOAT and 1X700 I.X3, or MONEY BACK. ees. Si 'a S: . P"eu Second .vuiiu inursaavs of each ST month ml O.O.F.hall. h J. n.CoNKBr, S. K. Com. I. If. Woods. T? TT Tkilae Hive, No 28 T n t m "on Secondand Fourth Thuruav T noon of each month. iCursday after Mrs. Eva Hayter, L. C Mrs. Blanche Eakix, R. K :JL f r f 1 S f S s s y r ry ?' r r f f rrTlHL - O. H. COBB H 4 O. H. COBB & SON W MANCFACTCKEES and bepaieers of Wagons, Carriages, Buggies and farm ffltf fiorse Shoeing and Plow Work a Spccialljj We have one of the best Shoers in the State. -New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. , gj Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, 011 A. 0. U. W. H. L. Fentox, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No Sfl n niu First and Third i H"' ffieet8 month. DU lblrd Wednesday of each Alice Groves, C. of II. Emma Coad, Fin. United Artisans. HARNESS flflD SflDDliES. I have illSt IPi-piirarl .. lr: XT c t, 6? 8,1,1 Saddles and 'nvite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the nnest line of saddles rvpi- .iin ; P..11, dS-n.They are 8triutl-v "Jown-to- aate in everv rennet r"' HORSE BLANKETS nnTif..a8Snrtinen,tPrice8 according to fitted with "Double Sur cmgles, a new feature which everv SrtLtlreadi,yappreciate- co- harness OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. TTOK.NKY AT LAW . Oscar HayW- Upstairs in Campbell bul DALLAS, 3, TTOBNKYS AT LAW. bur Sibley & Eakit- Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. - . . 11. mat Itt A" The only renarjie -- - P.iUr rnnntv. umce w" 01 DALLAS, TTOHNEV AT LAW Ed. F. Coad Office in Couth T 1 Ky DALLAS, ft' TTORNKY AT LAW. N. L. Bcnff-I Office over DallM 03 v DALLAS, Effective November 1. 'xcept Sunday. A. M flssembly Xo. 4&-meets Firn "day of each month. "WTllis Simostox, M. A. Mrs. Ella J. Mktzg Toes- eb. Sec. Fraternal Union ofAeri TIME-TABLI Dnllj Wcst-Bornd: Lt. Dallas TeaW siding Bridgeport r. FALLS CITY.... Est-Bound: Lt. FALLS city.... Bridgeport... Gillisms.. Tests' Sidinir ' Ar. Dallas .' Trains Stop on Sieuai'onVv. L.GERIIXGER, Jr.. General Mannrer. .7:19 7:55 8:05 A. M. 9:2U 9:30 9:. 9:39 ...9:55 P. M. 1:20 1:S6 1:39 1:45 1:55 P.M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:20 5:35 n rntist. Office over WUso"' v. DALLAS, Wm. MUSCOTt Triieliinan, KHY8ICAS AXD & m. L. N. Woods, ' Does treneral practice the county. Office cn DALLAS, hauling of all kinds M PIANO OLIVE C teacher oi ( f . J. Wagxir, F. 3J. Mks. S. E. Morbisos, See, at reasonable OREGON. ?tudio, DALLAS. Room - .., DALLAS,