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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
11:17 Observer cock hard-wheat flour at Lough- ; Ellis' Pr your produce to D. C. Crider, 1 White Front Grocery. s Obhehvkti office wants the print- 011 are particular about. ge J. E. Sibley went to Portland ausiness visit, Saturday. ami lurs. E. C. Kirkpatrick visitors in Portland the first of eek. ngs good to eat for breakfast, r and puj r. ;r at Loughary & and : City, w Am Hinshaw, of alias visitors, Fri- istmas silverware 1847 Rogers era at Chase the Jewelers, Mon 1. and Mrs. Van B. Sears, of ;on, were Dallas visitors, Wed- . Cuace announces a heavy re m in all lines of millinery, i on all goods have been cut U - Nothing is reserved. joy of living will be greatly in d if you buy your bread, cake, ies of D. C. Crider, at the White Grocery. Nehrbas' new dwelling house nmouth is nearing completion, ill be one of the finest residences Normal School town. ). Mulkey, one of the prosperous rs residing near Amity, took a )f turkeys to McMinnville just Thanksgiving for which he re- 140.60. Amity Advance, o'traeted meeting is being held 1 Evangelical church in Mon 1. The pastor is assisted by Jessie Cornelius, a talented con singer of Salem, H, L. Tonoy, dentist ; graduate 1 Arbor, Michigan. Office up- Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 ;o 5. Examinations free. Phone you going to pick up some of bargains at the Hub Clothing If you are, you would better it, for the goods are moving nd the sale may not last much essor T. J. Gill, principal of the school at Eickreall, was a 1 visitor, Saturday. He reports ie school is well attended, and aod progress is being made by pils. . J. D. Lee has been elected nent secretary of the Portland of Trade. Mr. Lee served as tnt secretary for two years, and omoted to his present position cent meeting of the Board. srs. Eakin & Dick, the enter l merchants at Eickreall, will a special sacrifice sale next ty in order to reduce their stock, encing on that date, every in the store with the exception ir, sugar, tobacco and thread 9 sold at a discount of 16 per f the regular selling price. The af the sale are produce or spot H. O. Campbell, agent McMinnville Insurance Co. New line of standard patterns at Mrs. Metzgers. M. McDermott, of Crowley, was a county seat visitor, Monday. Mrs. H. H. Chace, the milliner, re turned Tuesday from a business trip to Portland. Chase, the Monmouth jeweler, has all kinds of silverware suitable for Christmas presents. Entirely new: The "Town and Country" shirt for Ladies just in by express. The Bee Hive Store. Our Santos coffee has an aroma that makes folks thirsty. Drink it and you will always buy it. D. C. Crider, Andrew Vercler, of Polk county, left Saturday evening for San Fran cisco, where he goes to meet his wife, who is enroute home from Illinois by the southern route. Salem States man. It is very seldom that the people have an opportunity to get new goods and such a lot to pick from as they have now at the Hub. This sale is not to get rid of a lot of old goods, but to reduce our new line. A. J. Byers, of Independence, called on Dr. Darrin Monday for his third treatment for total deafness. He was hearing ordinary conversation and reports his son's cure of total deafness as permanent. He was cured by Dr. Darrin in 1902 in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lucas and warren Jjurcn, or Kickreall, are sojourning in California. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas will be absent three weeks, and will visit San Francisco, Los Angeles and other points of interest. Mr. Burch expects to visit relatives at Stockton. Jewelers from many western cities have sent orders for Lewis and Clark souvenir gold dollars to be used as Christmas gifts. The coins are being mounted and used as tie and scarf pins, watch charms, brooches, and in many other ways. Miss Bertha Collins desires to announce that until further notice she will sell all hats, plumes and other millinery at heavy reductions from regular prices. Eare bargains in stylish millinery can be had at her store. The ladies are invited to call. Eev. M. J. Ballantyne, presiding elder of the United Evangelical church, will preach in the College chapel Sunday morning and evening. This will be the third quarterly meet ing, and a full attendance of members is desired. The residence of A. J. Shipley, two miles west of Monmouth, burned' Monday. Mr. Shipley was one of the jurors drawn for the December term of court and was in Dallas attending court when notified of his misfortune. He carried no insurance. Inde pendence Enterprise. With but one ticket in the field, the Independence city election was a quiet affair. Notwithstanding the fact that there was no organized opposition to the Citizens ticket, the heaviest vote that has been polled in Independence at a city election was cast, 223 citizens exercising the elective franchise. The ticket was printed in the Observer last week. Codfish and mackerel at Lougharv & El'is.' Take your prescriptions to the Wil son drug store. Bargains in Holiday goods at the iJee Hive Store. A few second-hand heating stoves at almost your own price, at Vaughn & Weaver's. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ellis and son, Floyd, visited relatives in Portland ovir Sunday. Ladies shirts latest styles in mo hair and fancy flannels now on display at the Bee Hive Store. Galvanized Iron Gutter better than tin only 10 cents a foot. Your house is not complete without it. Vaughn & Weaver, at Wiseman's old stand. C. II. Morris, the jeweler, baa the largest stock of cut glassever brought to Dallas. Nothing is more elegant and appropriate for a Christmas gift. Subject at the Christian church Sunday morning "From the Depths to the Heights; evening, "How to getl the most out of life." G. L. Lobdell, Pastor. W. F. Brock, well known in Dallas as the circulation manager of the Oregon ian, has secured employment with the Sacramento Union In a similar capacity. Mrs. David Sellers living near Dallas called on Dr. Darrin Monday, and reports her relief from eczema of the face and ear. Dr. Darrin's cures are certainly marvelous. Mrs. E. J. Metzger nas received from Portland a complete stock of cardboard for picture mounting; also, a fine assortment of material for all kinds of fancy work for Christmas presents. Call early while the stock is complete. Albert Martin, the Siletz Indian charged with the murder of U. S. Grant on the Siletz Eeservatiou a year ago last October, has been discharged from custody by Judge Bellinger, on account of insufficiency of evidence to convict. C. N. McArthur, of Eickreall, was in Dallas on a business visit Satur day. He spent the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of his mother in Portland, and reports an enjoyable weeks' visit with old-time acquaint ances and' friends. After deliberating thirty-five min utes, the jury in the United States district court returned a verdict con victing S. A. D. Puter, Horace Mc Kinley, Emma L. Watson and D. W. Tarpley of conspiracy to defraud the United States governmentof its public lands. Miss Marie Ware was found not guilty. It is said that the cases of the four convicted conspirators will be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. Many of the lodges and fraternal orders in the city will hold their elec tions this month, and the Observer will deem it a favor if the various clerks or secretaries will report the new lists of officers promptly, in order that wo may be able to make the necessary changes in our Lodge Di rectory. This directory is printed free of cost to the lodges, and all we ask in return is that the lodges help us to keep it correct at all times. Surprise Sale on Clothing Our Surprise Sale on Clothing has created a wonderful activity in our Clothing partment. Suit after Suit has been picked up, even by people who had no inten n of buying. MORE SUITS AT HALF PRICE. $10 Suits at $5 $12.50 Suits at $6.25 $15.00 Suits at $7 50 Men's Ail-Wool Suits at $5.00. Jow, did you ever hear of such values? You will find everything as advertised. Surprise Sale on Adler's Tailor-Made Clothing. When you buy an Adler's Suit or Overcoat at this store, we will give you free of '3 Gordon Hat. However, should you prefer a reduction without the hat, n the prices will read: rge $10.00 Suits at, $12.50 Suits at, $15.00 Suits at, $18.00 Suits at, $ 7.00 9.50 12.00 15.00 When we fit you to an Adler Suit or Overcoat, you have found the very best. We can prove it by comparison. Surprise Sale on Men's and Boys' Overcoats Boys' Coats, all new styles at 20 per cent reduction. Youths' Coats all late styles, at 20 " " Men's Overcoats all weights and styles at a redution of from 20 to 40 per cent. Greatest Overcoat Bargains ever shown in this locality come early and get your size. irp I:e Sale on Shirts Surprise Sale on Hats narch t hirts-New fancy Styles- . An our 2 5Q Hats at $200 up-to-date patterns equal to any , $1.25 garment on the market A11 our $2.00 Hats at..... $1.50 Surprise Sale 75c All our $1.50 Hats at $1.00 BEE DALLAS, H VE STORE OREGON. The "Mystic Midguts" tonight. George Kelty, a prominent slock buyer of McCoy, was a Dallas visitor, Friday. Prof. H. C. Seymour, principal of the Falls City public school, was in Dallas, Saturday. Messrs. E. C. Apperson and Walter Link, of McMinnvile, were Dallas visitors, Sunday. The Falls City orchestra will give a dance in the Bryan-Lucas hall on the evening of December 26. Hon. G. G. Bingham, the well known Salem attorney, attended Cir cuit Court in Dallas yesterday. Representative-elect Frank Fawk of Rickreall, is recovering from severe illness in a Portland hospital The complete porceedings of both the Circuit and County Courts up to the hour of adjournment last evening will be found in this paper. An Independence dispatch in the Telegram says that D. B. Taylor has Dougnt tne jsorman L,uiy rarru near Corvallis, the consideration being $9000. Forty acres of the 145 are in hops. Jack Sibley, a nephew of Judge J. E. Sibley, arrived in Dallas from Fairfield, Illinois, Wednesday eve ning. The young man will attend Dallas College, and may decide to re main here permanently. The four Presidential electors from Oregon will meet in Salem on the second Monday in January to decide which of their number will be the lucky man to carry the vote to Wash ington. The trip is one to be desired, and the electors will probably make a selection by "drawing straws." John P. Doughty and Miss Ora M. Byers were married in Independence, Saturday evening, Dr. E. J. Thomp son performing the ceremony. The contracting parties are worthy young people, and have the best wishes of many friends in their new relation. They will live in Monmouth. A. J. Gump has sold his fine farm two miles east of Dallas to Clement A. Ramsey, a recent arrival from Kansas. This farm contains 199 acres and cost Mr. Ramsey $10,000. The place was formerly the home of the late Robert Clow, and is considered one of the best tracts of land in the LaCreole valley. Supreme Master Artisan H. S. Hud son, of Portland, paid an official visit to Dallas Assembly, No. 46, Tuesday evening. A social session of the lodge was held, and refreshments were served during the evening. Mr. Hud son made an interesting talk in behalf of the order. The Artisan lodge in Dallas is highly prosperous. The Russell Comedy Company will present the comedy-drama "Peck's Bad Boy" at the Dallas City Hall next Monday evening. The advance agent was in town yesterday making ar rangements for the performance. Singing and dancing specialties will be introduced throughout the play, Admission 35 cents; children 25 cents Lloyd Rice, a young son of Charles Rice, fell from the ladder in the pub lie school gymnasium Wednesday afternoon, striking the floor on his back and head. The force of the. fall rendered him unconscious, and he was carried home on a hastily impro vised stretcher. His injuries were not serious, however, and he was able to return to school yesterday morning. Coos County will spend $10,000 on a county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. The feature of the display will be a building finished entirely in Coos county woods, myrtle, oak, maple, yew, alder, ash, chittim, fir, cedar and hemlock. A plot of ground 100x100 has been accorded Coos county by the Fair management lor this building and in it will be exhibited specimens of all the products of the Coos Bay country. A series of special revival services will be held at the Christian church during the holiday season. Mrs. Lob dell will be with us, and will sing a beautiful gospel song each night. This being our only available time for a meeting, on account of our school work, we welcome the oppor tunity and will do our best to have a good meeting. We extend to all a hearty welcome to attend. G. L. Lob dell, Pastor. The Dallas Athletic Club is pro gressing nicely, already naving a membership of over forty. At their last meeting they adopted their Con stitution and By-Laws, and elected the following officers : President, Dr. H. L. Toney ; secretary and treasurer, A. N. Holman ; manager of athletics, Aurie Ford. They are remodeling the Gymnasium, with all the modern improvements that go to make an up- to-date Gym, and expect to do great things in the future. The basket ball team has been appointed, and the manager thinks he will have a fast team. He is open for challenges from any and all teams. Their opening game will be played with the Albany O. N. G. at Dallas, December 16. The Dallas team will be taken from the following line-up : Teats, Ford, Guy, Southwick, Burch, Myer and Carter. The Club-men are practicing hard for the game, and as Albany has a fast bunch of players, a lively game is promised. $ I -AW B'W '& i'i 4 ill ! CLOTHING FOR LITTLE MEN A as tits $ MILL STREET DALLAS, OREGON a t'H w v! f vt a (is m tls th th 4 tus to m th to ft to to to to to to to to to to to- to ft to ft. to We want Mothers who have Boys to clothe to know all about the preparation we have made for the Little Men for Fall and Winter seasons. We have everything for the Boy who wants things like Pa's, and for the Little Felluw who has just stepped out of dresses. Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Waists, Ties, etc. We make a study of clothing for boys of all ages, and EVERYTHING THE BOY WEARS IS HERE Very few stores are able to show the variety of handsome wearables that can can be seen here. Our prices always please, for they are never extravagant or unreasonable. It's seldom, if ever, that a Mother brings her Boy here and does not find exactly what the wants, at the price she wishes to pay. BEGINNING WITH DECEMBER. 10, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY With every boys two or three piece knee pant suits, ages 3 to 1 1 years, we will give free of charge a good suitof cotton fleeced or woolen underwear, or if you prefer a pair of our Security School Shoes. The Best Boy's Shoe in Dallas. UGLOW CLOTHING HOU SE BUSINESS LOCALS. Call For Bids. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned till 12 M December 20, 1904, for one hundred (100) cords of grub oak wood not less than two inches in diameter; also forty (40) cords of good body fir wood. Said wood to be delivered, corded in base ment of Normal building, not later than September 1. 1905. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. J. B. V. BUTLER, Sec Regents. For a good job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' Bhop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see, those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would bo pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaranteed. Do You Want Lumber? We have all kinds; also Moldings and everything needed in building. All made of soft Yellow Fir at lowest prices. Send us your specifications and get our figures. BRYAN-LUCAS LUMBER CO. Notice to Water Consumers. Your attention is respectfully called to the use of shut-off valves during the winter months. By the use of thesevalves on cold nights, you can keep your service pipes above ground from freezing. W. L. SOEHREN, Superintendent. House For Rent. For rent, six-room house, best of finish Inside and outside, on Mon mouth county load, two blocks from Uglow house. Address J. V. Ito.vco or Wm. Uixrey. Cider For Sale. Parties desiring pure cider made from apples that have been sprayed four times this season can have it de livered on Wednesdays aDd Saturdays of each week. I would Kindly ask parties desiring any, to order a day or two ahead, eo they can have it de livered the same day it is made. James Elliott, Phone 31X. Hunters, Attentionl Hunters are hereby warned that all trespassing on my premises is posi tively forbidden. Every trespasser will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J. M. BURFORD. Farm For Sale. A 5C5-acre farm, near Ballston, for sale; or will trade for a smaller farm, with difference in cash or good notes. A fine chance for some one who wants a large farm. Over 400 acres in cul tivation. As good land &9 there Is in Polk county. JJAX V. OTOCFFEK, Dallas, Oregon Estray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned, one stray billy goat, marked with crop, UDderbit and slit in both ears. Own er can nave tne animal uy proving his property and paying for this notice. Tatte . V errs tiie i rouble 4 43.39 to investigate our lines and you will find that our goods and our prices are right. Our Fall and Winter Goods are now ready. Now Lasts, Stylish Patterns. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Dallas Boot and Shoe Store MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Vaughn & Weaver TINNERS AND PLUMBERS now carry a complete and first-class line of. Heavy and Shelf Hardware Including the celebrated Universal Stoves and Ranges ll:!iii:iM, i '.vs.. Our "TRILBY" Heaters , give more heat and re- quire less wood than any other warming stove made. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT, AND ASK SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE. WISEMAN'S OLD STAND, DALLAS. OREGON . 1 C0N j PAINTS, WALL PAPER and . . . MOULDINGS The New Wall Paper &. Paint Store. 1 HEATH & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon 8 Abmoxd Gltheie.