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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
COUN Observer TY rvi YVii DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, DECEHBER 9, 1904 NO. 2? "MYSTIC MIDGETS" TONIGHT REMEMBER THAT THE ALTERATION SA ill oil at our store. We have decided to add other lines of merchandise to our stock of clothing and in order to do this we will be obliged to reduce the largest ion of our stock and remodel the store to make room for the new lines. Sdo commenced Nov. 12, to continue 30 days --If yon want Genuine Bargains, here is the place and now is the time to buy make it easier for you to do your buying, we have divided the Clothing into three parts as follows: Have Made a Deep !ut on Our Entire : Now on Hand. Note the Prices the Arrangements Supposing an article larked $10.00, 15 per . off would make it cost $8.50; 20 per cent off, be $8.00 or 25 per cent. 7.50 The Celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing will be reduced First lot a reduction 1 C of.. Second lot 30 Per cent Third lot 25 Per cent- Kingsbury Hat, the best in the World, 10 per cent off. All other Hats and Caps 20 per cent off. All wool-underwear 15 per cent off. Celebrated Black Cat Hose 20 per cent. Oil Clothing 10 per cent. Umbrellas 20 per cent. Trunks and Cases 15 percent. The best cotton ribbed and fleeced Underwear, Cc each. - - - - - All Silver brand Shirts, regular price $1.25 now, each -All $3.50 shoes, per pair, Black Clay Worsted Suits regular price $10.00 now '- - and other goods in proportion. This will be the big gest cut in the state as all are new and good goods. $1.00 3.00 7.50 YOURS RESPECTFULLY, e Hub Clothing Company 'Kpaincir Building. Dallas, Oregon. P. S. Arrangements already have been made with Mr. Frank Morrison to remodel the store. ELECTION IN SALEM ans Carry City With Ex tion of Three Aldermen. inual city election was held i, Monday, and resulted in a lan victory with the exception Aldermen. ius (Bep.) defeated Skipton 3r City Marshal by only eight ;hough Salem has a normal ;an majority of 300 to 500. Waters was re-elected Mayor, Moores, Recorder, and Frank :, Treasurer, all without n. was the only Republican e for the Council who won opposition. Including hold je City Council has ten Re 3 i f -;r Democrats. There i-.k ra? e xcitement and some a the f v ;j 1 Ward over the lent of t' i (barter provision ment of tu; city poll tax of $3 :ificaUon for voting, who offered to vote were re l this account, and Charles has brought suit for $600 ! against Election Judge n J G. P. Litchfield for reject ee t ilk of litigation to : u'ionof Cornelius for f r the reason that he Lit it two years ago de-'-" ii resident of Cor t, -bington county, ' r requires a resi : - as a qualification Cornelius says i c the state and ia hington County, ' i that his affidavit i .. ion that he was a to ..ty. Uur,i recins ? Cit7 ti.r" ii:g xu'j: iek-t not ii be cl ef tL: c tr. t River Valley. - 1 I ' r? Boyer came out i I ads on the head- a River, Monday, two-horse wagon, ' ' ' ia one day. They - iver toll-road in 1 say that Polk county is making some excellent road improvements on the Grand Ronde reservation. John Boyer has a fine claim in the river bottom, and is clear ing a large tract of land for a meadow and garden. He says that the land in the Salmon River valley is very pro ductive, and well adapted to fruit raising and dairying. He raised one cabbage this year that weighed 22 pounds. The country is rapidly fill ing up with settlers, and is destined to become one of the best farming and stock-raising portions of Western Oregon. RUSSIA AT THE EXPOSITION Czar's Ministry of Commerce Cables for Space at Lewis and Clark Centennial. Russian participation in the Lewis and Clark first despaired of on account of the war with Japan, is now assured. Secretary Reed of the Exposition has received a cable gram from the Czar's Councillor of Commerce, Edward Grunwaldt, stat ing that the invitation sent by the ex position has been accepted and inquir ing as to the allotment of space. The cablegram stating that the Russian Empire would make an official exhibit came as something of a surprise, because Russia made no official participation in the World's Pair at St. Louis. Japan arranged several months ago for space and has planned aa elaborate exhibit ANOTHER BUILDING FOR FAIR Mr. and Mrs. Benton Embree, of King's Valley, visited relatives In Dallas last Friday. W. D. DeVarney, of the Independent telephone company, has been out of town this week, looking after the work of connecting up the Independent lines from Corvallis with the Airlie, Kings Valley and other lines. Two more rural lines are also to be con nected along the Philomath route of the company. The net work of Inde pendent lines is rapidly taking in the whole of this section of the country. Corvallis Times. (Jreat Demand For Exhibit Space Makes Additional Structure Necessary. The great demand for floor space at the Lewis and Clark Centennial has made it necessary to construct a new building for the accommodation of exhibitors. The executive committee, at the urgent solicitation of President Goode, has voted to construct an exhi bition palace which will provide 60,000 feet of additional floor space. Nothing has been decided as to location or cost, but it Is expected that at least $50,000 will be expended on the new building. Work will be begun as soon as possible, and the building will be ready for exhibits at least a month before the Fair opens June 1. It is thought that the additional 60,000 feet of floor space will be sufficient for the accommodation of exhibitors. The Christmas Dinner. In spite of the fact that the word dyspepsia means literally bad cook, it will not be fair for many to lay the blame on the cook if they begin the Christmas dinner with little appetite aud end it with distress or nausea. It may not be fair for any to do that let us hope for the sake of the cook! The disease dyspepsia indicates a bad stomach, that is a weak stomach, rather than a bad cook, and for a weak stomach there is nothing else equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It gives the stomach vigor and tone, cures dyspepsia, creates appetite, and makes eating the pleasure it should be. Death by Suffocation. B. B. Barnes, a prominent farmer residing six miles southwest of Albany, met death by suffocation in a tile ditch last Friday. The old gentle man was laying tiling in a ditch 10 feet deep, and while working in a stKpicg position was covered up by the falling of the wall, the cave-in coming so suddenly that he was com pletely covered up and suffocated be fore help could be given him. Albany Herald. One Hundred Dallas Boys and Girls Will Appear In Grand Juvenile Fairy Spectacle. A large advance sale of seats is re ported for the first performance of "The Mystic Midgets" at the City Hall tonight. One hundred boys and girls of Dallas will take part in this juvenile fairy spectacle, and a production by home talent larger than anything hitherto attempted is promised. The young people have been rehearsing faithfully for the past two weeks, and the audience may expect to witness a smooth and finished performance. "The Mystic Midgets" is conceded to be the greatest of all juvenile pro ductions, and has received the highest praise of the press and publio in every city where it has been presented. The libretto was written by Eugene Bertram and Bassett Willard, and the music was composed by J. M. Smith deal. The elaborate costumes, catchy music, special scenic effects and cal cium lights all combine to make one of the prettiest attractions ever offered to the publio. Mr. R. E. Collins, who will direct the performance tonight and tomorrow night, has produced this cantata in nearly every large city in the United States, including such Western cities as Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane, and from every place visited he brings letters of recom mendation and newspaper clippings praising the excellence of the enter tainment "The Mystic Midgets" will be pre sented in Dallas tonight and tomorrow night. The price of admission is 25 and 60 cents. Reserved seats are on sale at Belt & Cherrington's drug store. The following is the CAST OF CHARACTERS Prince Obdillous, Ruler of the Mystic Midgets. . ..Edna Morrison Commodore of the Mystic Ship Phantom Walter Ballantyne FROM THE NATIONS. Uncle Sam, America. .George Gohrke John Bull, England. .Clarence Elkins Terrence McGinty, Ireland Harry Critchlow Rob Roy, Scotland. Alma Elkins Karl Von Krause, Germany George Morton Policeman, Same Everywhere Ray Adams Carlos Zorilla, Spain Ira Long Gaetanio Bananio, Italy .... Ralph Whittlesey Count Pierre Coutard, France.... Laird Woods Major Dolittle, Military Comman der Curtis Hauser Ivan Ipanhoff, Russian . .Fred Frakes Not Worth a Cent, Indian . .Una Burk Hop Sing, the Mystics' Washee Washee Carl Williams Tiko, Japan ". . . . .Eunice Canfield Sambo and Quimbo, Two little Coons. The Pullman Pets Norval Gates and Harry Madison Uglio, the Ogre Dean Collins GNOMES IN THE SERVICE OF 0OLIO. Pick Frank Fisher Nick Hector Frakes Trick... Clark VanOrsdel Slick Harold Weaver Stick George Fuller Quick Frank Jones Stinger, King of the In sects. Fred Guy Titania, Queen of the Fairies Einroy McDevitt Tinymite and Tiddlewink, Wee At tendants of the Queen .Helen Casey and Vera Hasbrook Psyche, Queen's Companion, the . embodiment of Love. . .Nola Coad THE TINY BUTTERFLY GUARDS. Silverwing Elizabeth Haldeman Bluespray Gladys Loughary Lightfoot Fay Harris Tippytoes Virginia Miller THE QUEEN'S FAVORITES. Sparkle Elma Harris Eyebright Ava Coad Spottilla Letah Grant Rainbow Roberta McCallon Roseleaf Myrta Carter Goldenhue Buena Fiske Violet Leone Williams Silverspray Pearl Foland Goldenrod Cora VanSkike Buttercup Lilah McDaniel AMAZONS AND ARCHERS. Edna Holmes, Ethel Rowell, Nettie Wells, Maude Fisher, Ruby Fiske, Iva McDaniel. SPECIALTIES "The Message of the Violet" (From the Prince of Pilsen), Emroy McDevitt. "Kararaa" Georgia Shriver Florilla Sextette Frankie Hayter, Virgil Chambers, Viola Grant Bertha Paul.Almeda Fuller, Neva Chambers. Fairies, Midgets, Archers, Amazons, Grasshoppers, Frogs, Beetles, Wasps, Hornets, etc,, etc., Grand Chorus of 100 Voices. PART ONE. The Coral Cave. Uglio in possession Song, "We'll Boil Them in a Pot" March, Amazon Guards. Song, Psyche, "Ask the Stars." Prince gives key to chest Off to fight Song. Iloguifeh Little Maids." Tambodanoe. Funny insect dance. Kidnapping the Queen. The Queen uses the key. The war at end. Uglio and gnomes turned into donkeys.dogs, bears, hogs, frogs. etc. The Queen gives her hand to the Prince, forever uniting the Mystic Your Wife, Mother or Sister Will greatly appreciate an elegant piece of furniture, for Christmas and her smile of appreciation will amply repay you for the small outlay required to procure one. UtocEtcrs, both wood and reed, Sideboards, Princess Urcsscrs, Carpet Sweepers, Hugs, Etc., 11 Eiffels, Center Tables, ILaee Curtains, are only a few of the many things that are appropriate for gift giving. Why not buy something useful every day in the year and that will always be a pleasure and constantly remind the recipient of the giver. You are cordially invited to call and "look around." : : We are still framing pict ures. Bring your orders in early. Vault J. Chapman COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHER. We have a nice display of both fram ed and un framed pictures. All Goods Stored and Delivered When Desired. Midgets and the Fairies. PART TWO. The cantata opens on the "Isle of Flowers." Meeting of the Fairies. The first of June. Grand entree of the Queen. Butterfly march, song and dance. The Mysterious Visitor. An approaching storm. Arrival of a carrier dove bearing a message from the "Mystic Midgets." Uglio and his gnomes appear in conjunction with the storm. Song, "A Set of Bad Elves." Arrival of "Mystic Midgets." Song, "The Mystic Band." Uncle Sam wel comes them to the New Columbia. Song by the Prince, "My Lovo I Sing to Thee." Meeting of the Fairies and Midgets. Commodore introduces to the Queen and Fairy Court the repre sentatives of the different Nations. Each Nation responds in dialect. The Chinaman's song, "Washee Washoe's Toast." Presentation of the Golden Chest. Two little Coons in song and dance. Midgets repair to ship, Fairies to the Palace. Uglio steals the Gold en Chest. Grand linale. Fine Vegetable Display. H. G. Campbell, the real estate dealer, has in his office window a col lection of vegetables showing what can be raised in Oregon in a dry year. Five potatoes of the "Yielder" variety tip the beam at 8i pounds. These potatoes were raised by W. G. Campbell on a hill ranch two miles south of Dallas. From the W. W. Miller farm eastof town, Mr. Campbell has secured a sugar beet weighing 22 pounds and 10 ounces. This weight would be con sidered extraordinary for a mangel wurtzel, and few people have ever seen a sugar beet of this size. Local Lewis Society. J. W. Lewis, secretary of the Polk County Pioneer Association, was in Dallas, Saturday. He says that the movement to organize a Lewis Society in Oregon is rapidly taking shape, and that prospects point to a large membership. The management of the Lewis and Clark Fair have named August 12, 1&05. as Lewis Day, and it is expected that the Lewises from all parts of Oregon will gather in Port land on that day to honor the memory of Captain Meriwether Lewis, the leader of the famous exploring expe dition. Mr. Lewis says that people of this name are scarce in Poik county, the only ones he can call to mind be ing his own family, the Lewies on the Luckiamute, and George Lewis, of West Salem. He requests ail the Lewises in the county to report their names to him, and he will forward the list to Portland to bo placed on the membership roll of the state society. Mr. Lewis is a 6on of the late William P. Lewis, one of the prominent early pioneers of Polk county. Legal Blanks for sale at this office. REV. DR. DOANE Rev. N. Doane. D. D., Dean of the theological School of the Port land University, Celebrated His Golden Wedding Last bummer. This worthy man has been at the head of the Methodist church in the Northwest over 40 years. He had a double reason to be congratulated on this occasion as he was totally deaf for years, and in spite of his advanced age, his hearing was restored by Dr. Darrin, now located at the Hotel Gail, Dallas. No one will attempt tc ques tion the reverend gentleman's word, as his unblemished record is well known. He tells his story below in his own words. University Park, Portland, Oregon, April 26, lnw. To whom it may con cern and encourage, to friends who have suffered like myself, the loss of hearing. On April 24th, I called on Dr. Darrin, whom I believed to be a skilled auristand physician, to restore my hearing. He applied his remedies and electricity to nn ear and cured the deafness in a fw minutes. Then he turned his attention to the other ear, which did not seem to yield so readily. For this ear the doctor gave me medicine to use at home, which I am now using. I think it the duty of all who are afflicted to have their hear ing restored if possible, and I know of no one whom I think more skilled than Dr. Darrin. What Further Treatment Did For Rev. Dr. Doane. To the Editor: Some timo ago I said something of regaining my hear ing under the treatment of Dr. Darrin, of which I had suffered for several years. On the first application the deafness of one ear was cured. I applied the medicine faithfully and went again to the do-tor who sucecedxl entirely in restoring the lost sense of hearing, so that when I went out on the street it seemed to be the noiscst city I was ever in. My hearing still remains distinct in both ears equally good. Nehemiah Doane. Mr. Darnell's Experience With Dr. Darrin. For two years prfor to going under Dr. Darrin's electrical treatmont 1 was afflicted with heart trouble, sour stomach, dyspepsia, bloating and pains. Dr; Darrin has cured me. Re fer anyone to me at my home in Med ford. Oregon, or by lotter. I most earnestly commend Dr. Darrin as a skilled physician. J. K. Darnell. Mrs. J. R. Brown, of Pedee, Polk county, has sent us a few limbs of red raspberries which are. well loaded with ripe berries. This is something that can be shown In very few countries at this time of year. Lebanon Advance. For THira Babies Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of label is on the wrapper of tirrj bonis oJ Emuision you buy- Scott 4- Hotvns Chemists 409'41S Pmart Jr Xai York EOc. and $1 CO Ail Druggist T 1 1 i . ! i 4 t t, i