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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
falls gity notes Josh Talbott was a Dallas visitor, Saturday. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. David Grant, a daughter. Mrs. Lowe has been very sick for several days. The council is ordering many im provements about town. Mr. Deit Wonderly's mother ha3 been mnking her a visit. Falls City was favored with a special train one day tills week. Mrs. U. L. Hopkins, who has been wry sick, Is able to be out again We have a new d ctor. whose office is over the drugstore. His name is Holland. F. H. Morrison, of Dallas, was a business vistor in Falls City one day this week. A union temperance meeting will be held in the M. E. Church next Sun day evening. Roy McMurphy has men working on the foundation of a house just west of the Argus office. The Rathbone Sisters will give a basket social in the Wagner Hall next Saturday night. i Mr. and Mrs. Shepard have bunt a u ice home across the track from tli station at Bridgeport. Mrs. William Ellis has been staying in Dallas for some time with her mother, who is very sick. frank Montgomery s nana was seriously injured by coming in contact with a saw in the Watkin mill. The- council now has the fire-bell up, and at 7 o'clock sharp Marshal Grant rings the bell and the boys know it is time to go home. Subject at the Falls City Christian church Sunday morning, "An Im portant Hecret JJisclosed. Ail are invited to hear it. Merton Ellis, a Falls City boy, who has been keeping books for a hard ware firm in Portland, is now doing similar work for a mining company in Butteville, Oregon. The vacancy in the Falls City Public School, caused by the resignation of Mrs. Hopkins, has been filled by the election of Miss Hallie Morrison, of Dallas. Miss Morrison comes well recommended. Mrs. John Moyer gave a party last 11. I 1 r A'riuay evening. xne evening was spent in games and social entertain ment. Those presents were : Misses Bessio Milne, Maymie Fugitt, Alma Husoby, Maud Montgomery, Ida Waters, Pearlo Bryant, Messrs. Fred Holman, (J. S. Talbott, James Stewart, George Taylor, Oscar Sampson and Harry Lowe. The following is the report of the .talis City School for the month of November: Number enrolled, 158; average daily attendance, 150 ; tardy, 9; number of visitors, 21; neither absent nor tardy, 119. Those wearing the Liberty Bells given forthe highest standing for the month are: Tenth grade, Maud Montgomery; ninth grade, Cora Page ; eighth grade, Otto Elkins; seventh grade, Cecil Dodd; sixth grade Eva Chapin; fifth grade, Lloyd Ellis and Glenn Stoddard, (a tie); fourth grade, Edith Harris; third grade, Mabel Grant; second grade, Mildred Chapin; first grade, Mattio Ferguson. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Yoa Miserable, i f&'U t I (I'M Coughing Spell Caused Death. "Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years, choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his homo, in tho presence of his wife and child. He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to it. Yesterday lnominer Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know ol tne wondenul cures maae dy ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy It Is the preat medi- cal triumph of the nine- i teenth century; dis- covered afler years of J)sjl J scientific research by HI r Ss Dr Ki,mer- the emi ' UAciJ. nent kidney and blad-"Ji-- - (jer specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uilc acid trou bles and Bright 's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s bwamp-KOOt Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found fust the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send vour address to Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,Bing- &tSHHfi' i . . m -n L.vr,"i namion, in. i. me regular fifty cent and Home of Bwamp-noot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET Regular December Term of Depart ment No. 1, Will Open Mon day, December 5. The December term of Circuit Court for Polk county, Department No. 1, George H. Burnott, Judge, will con vene Monday, December 5. Cases have been docketed to date as follows : 1 Thomas Burrows vs A..Heise, action for money. L. H. McMahan for plff. 2 Alba R. Morgan vs Susie H. Best, action for money; Charles E. Lenon for plff. 4 John Rickard vs A. Haldeman ana e. Miirreu, action lor money; Oscar Hayter for plff. L. E. Knapp vs M. J. Cunning ham, action for money; N. L. Butler and J. E. Sibley for plff; Oscar Hay ter for deft. G R. E. Williams vs T. A. Riggs, action for recovery of personal prop erty ; Oscar Hayter for deft. 7 A. C. Dimick, respondent, vs W. W.Johnson Lumber Co., appellant, appeal from Justice Court; Oscar Hayter for plff; N. L. Butler and Ed F. Coad for deft. 8 A. S. Newton, appellant, vs Wm. A. Scottt, respondent, appeal from Justice Court; Oscar Hayter for plff; N. L. Butler for deft. 9 H. B. Kelso vs T. J. Gilpin et al, action at law ; Oscar Hayter for plff. 10 John R. Dimick vs James Plant, action for money; John R. Dimick for plff. 11 H. G. Campbell vs. Marie E. Koennamann, action for money; Oscar Hayter for plff. 12 Martin & Blodgett vs Nixon & Dunn, action for money; Oscar Hay- r for plff. 13 H. S. Smith vs J. S. Cooper, action at law: Oscar Havtcr for plff. H E. Bement's Sons, a Corporation, vs John Ebbe, action at law; J. N. Hart for plff. 15 State of Oregon vs F. S. Garri son, transcript from Justice's Court; G. A. Hurlev for biff. lt State of Oregon vs J. L. De oung and Charles Forbes, transcript from Justice's Court; G. A. Hurley for plff. 17 H. G. Campbell vs E. II. Hih- COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE Estate of Robert Farley, deceased final account approved ; administrator to be discharged when vouchers from John M. Farley for $306.C0 and from C. R. Farley for $229.95 are filed. Adoption of Charles Weston.a minor, petition of G. S. Hoaghn and Arrain ta Hoaglin for adoption of said minor, and that his name be changed to Charles Weston Hoaglin, granted. Estate of Newton Putnam, deceased final account set for hearing Janu ary 9, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. L. W. Waller et ux to I H Fream, lot in Monmouth, $30. Friendship Lodre. No. G. I. O. O. F. to George Howe, cemetery lot, S3. F. B. Lewis et ux to H. H. Jasper- son, a acres, r, a s, r i w, $ juu. F. K. Hubbard et ux . to Joseph Floria, lots 4, 5. 1G and 17 block T, first add to Falls City, $100. Albert Teal et ux to J. B. Teal s e see 2G, t 8 s, r 7 w, $500. Julia A Ellis et al to William Ellis, trustee, 88 acres t 7 and 8 s, r 5 w ; also, lots in Ellis add., $1 A. W. Snydtfr et ux to Charles H Lovett, 1G3.G8 acres, 1 7 s, r G w, $1500, G. W. McBee et ux to I. G. McBce, 3.00 acres, t 8 s, rG w, $40. Frank Butler et ux to John Dorton, 3.87 acres, t 8 s, r G w, $232. C. E. and Nellie Graves to W. II and Ida Sportsman, lots 1 and 2 block 21, Thorp's Independence, $300. MARRIAGE LICENSE. License to wed was issued to Guy I TAK& I '3 1 fhi L W S! r. I Are you a r: ::'.? 'f... it Has yct-r Ubr been unjtic- . ' tret It :;:fcr to i:0: ;e? 0 women Jiavo CurJiii from and have cured Lome, of such, bearing i pains, leueor- Has yct r Wou!;!.. f I'M yo( -AT Near! UC0. bouIit V.';:.-j c themselves f.t trouLiej as peri down anil uviu'.a rlinii, l;anx:.iK..:s, nervousness, dizziness, n:-'f.i and despond ency, caused by female weakness. These are not easy caaes. Wino of Cr.rdui cures when the doctor ccVi. Wine of '.;.;! docs riot irri tate the ciraiw. rj here is no pain in tho treal mt :;t. It is a eooUing tonic of heali.,.;; ' i i;s, free from strong and cL-.. j drug;;. It is successful bee;..- .e it cures ia a natural way. Wine of Cardni can be bought from your druggist at 1.00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it? Ixx cases requiring special directions, addresn, glvlnff syni;.Mms,T!io ladles' Adnsoiy Dept., Viie Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. i. IS. mw w n DBALKR IN LIVESTOCK Clly. and ship HnW. Multoti and Stock Sheep. Hiyhest market price paid at al. times, iddrees, ft. F. D. NO. 1, DALLAS. ORKGON II IUJJ 1 J. BE DEALER IN week. SALT RHEUM CURED The hollo-wins: Letter speaks Vol- umes For Dr. Darrin's Mode of Treatment. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell- Walker and Kathleen Ketchum this ing round trip tickets to Portland rrom JJailas lor Tz.ou, good going Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit vnllfiv nuint-i nr. orpnr.lw rp It is with great pleasure and a thank ful heart I wish to inform you that I Call on Southern Pacific Com- am cured of salt rheum which I have pany's agent for particulars. suffered with for 25 years, at times so bad that my hands would crack to the bone, and my body was also affected I have no words that can express my thankfulness to you. Mrs. K Sher- retts, of Vancouver, Wash., has known my condition and can be referred to. Refer anyone to me at 3778 Ruby St., Oakland. Cal.. formerly lived at Gardiner, Oregon. Very respectfully yours, Mrs. Martha Daily, LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon Ft. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier hi!:: lit; hnt Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. Remarkable Cure. "I was much afflicted with sciatica," writes Ed C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg wick, Co., Kansas, "going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which relieved me. "I used three bottles. It is the greatest liniment I ever used ; have recommended it to a number of per sons; all express themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm," 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. WAY GET SOAKED '' YfHIH l I jmm 1bw$ frl OILED H CLOTHING II ftLACHOBTtUOtV I1 lift! I aaa IN THE HARDEST STOm 10OK FOR MOVE TBAM HAM UWARC WIHITATIONi CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS.. U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO , LTD., TORONTO. CANADA Do Not Neglect a U ..... a ii a . . v Every com weaKn m uungi, lowers the Vltm system less able to withstand each sucpboi-. V H paving the way for more serious diu,, CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CHI'. ihmih"""'""' " ' """"""Jl"" ih-ii f PERMANENTLY CUROi Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Son Asthma, Croup, Whooping Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore S' EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT BALUm? HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES dZS CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POsS CURE CROUP AND WHOOPING COUoh MRS. 8ALLIC LOCKS Att, Ooldthwalto, Tex .. have used llallard'n Horehound Syrup in my fnmllr w'.. t BlWJi KIVB inuniJAumni. t, 11t.Il IUQ CUUurpn k.j i, f Whooping Couuh It always relieved them at once, and i ,' I. In . I. . mi u A afliria ll.'U'll t ... a . . T'UUflb. and It always irivei BatlHfaotlnn .. ........... .. 4. " urnnu:." WltllOUC IC 111 mouuusci MlbU bliv illiljJHJVHJ fc-il Best Remedy for Children. Every Bottle Cmn!81 .... , ww- VI.O0, 10 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO.,ST.L0Mr t ii fiiii'rtl SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We arc sole agents in Dallas for tl cream. Only pure fruit and nut fiavf0 ' its manufacture. fe SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM W LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Tfie Farmer's foes are weeds. Unless they are kept down, they divert the nu trition which the 6oil provides from tne growing crops and ruin their pro- uu.u v cucaa. Diseases are to the bodv what are to the soil. Thev divert the mitri. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and fourth Fridays of each month lv. lv. t'UAPMA.V. W. M Oscar IIaytub, Sec, Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17. R A. M., stated convocation, First inursaay ot each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simonton, Sec. laomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated nieetingB Second and FonnhTues- aays ot each month M. Mrs. Ella J. Mktzrbp w Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. ho was seized with a fit of coughing bard, action at law; Oscar Hayter for which continued for some time. His wifo sent for a physician but before ho could arrive, another coughing spell cunio on and Duckwell died from suffocation. St. Louis Globe Piino crut, December 1, VM1." Ballard s Horehound Syrup would have saved him. 25c, COo and $1.00, Sold by Wilson Drug Company. Seeks Lost Parent. Mrs. A. F. Gardner, of 177 Franklin Avenue, Hartford, Conn., is anxious to learn the whereabouts of her father, Christopher C. Stream, who emigrated to Oregon or aslungton in 18S8 and has not wen heard of siuee by his relatives. She writes that her father Is a Norwegian by birth, and former ly lived in Ontario, Canada, and St. Louis, Missouri. He was an Odd Fel low and a Mason, being u member of Northern Light Lodge, No. 505, A. F. & A. M of St. Chnzy, N. Y. When In the East, ho worked at the cabinet makers trade. Called as Experts. U. S. Grant and Wilson Ay res were called to Seattle this week by the Car bou Cattle Company to pass expert judgment upon a tloek of Angora goats over which a dispute lias arisen. Tl,., ...... -I i . . luuri.ui iiumre oi wieir errauu is not known, but it is reported that these men were called to settle a ditll eulty between the company and a Ann of stock buyers as to the qualify of the animals in question. Mr. Grant was the official inspector for the American Augora Goat Breeders' Association when the goats in Oregon, Washington and California were registered a Tew years ago, and his work gave excellent satisfaction. Mr. A j-res is also an experienced goat breeder, and his judgment of these animals is considered excellent by gtnt men all over the state. plff 18 Lnure Adkins vs City cf Mon mouth, action for damages; Holmes & Holmes for plff; Butler & Coad and M. L. Tipes for deft. 19 W T Bean vs L. B. Denny, confirmation ; Oscar Hayter for plff. Promising Crop Conditions. If the Willamette valley does not raise a larger crop of wheat, oats and barley in 1905 than ever before, it will be no fault of the farmers. They have had ideal conditions for getting in their grain, and they have been living fully up to their opportunities. Aside from the largely increased acreage in grain the prospects are excellent for abump- er crop, for tho fields look 11 no now. The growth so far is nil that could be desired. Salem Statesman. A Dallas Lady's Experience. lo tho Public: My daughter, ten years old has been sorely afflicted the past eight years with deafness and discharging ears. Through Dr Damn s electrical and medical treat ment I am happy to say she can hear about as well as any one, and the dis charge of the ears has stopped. I can recommend Dr. Darrin at Hotel (rail I w ill answer all questions bv letter or in person at my residence on Court street, Dallas, where I have lived fourteen years. Mrs. Nellie B. Baird fTc ILL the COUGH Uso CURE the LUNGS OnoHTInuto Cough Curo For Couh, Colds and Croup. WIIHDr.Kiris:'s Now Discovery 0NSUMPTI0SI Priet OUGHS and 0LCS 60c Ml. 00 Fret Trial. ! Sureet and Uuicieat Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TBOTB- A-ta, or moNEY BACK. EDITORIAL ENDORSEMENT The following is from the editor of the Gold Hill News, and goes far to substantiate the remarkable cures of deafness performed by Dr. Darrin now tit the Hotel Gail, Dallas. Mr. Carey's cure has created great excite ment among the deaf afflicted in Ash land. Mr. Carey's cure was witnessed by Mayor Neil, of Ashland. He Can Hear a Whisper. Gold Hill News. One of our friends and subscribers, Mr. C. Carey, of Sam's Valley has been losing his hearing for about a year, lie visited the News oliice a few months ago, and the subject of treat ment for his malady came up, when we recommended Mr. Carey to wait for Dr. Darrin's visit to Southern Ore gon. Mr. Carey visited the doctor at Ashland, and was so much benefited that before leaving the doctor's he could hear a w hisper. Such cures are wonderful, yet this one is undoubtedly true. Mr. Carey said he had treat ment from a number of physicians and spent all he had in paying doctor bills, and so informed Dr. Darrin, who kindly consented to treat him free of charge, which was inagnani' mous of tho doctor. tion which is necessary to sound health, and flip hnrKr itt.,.i rtf i : and hardy, drags out a sickly existence. djgS&i r,endffip Lodge, No. 6, meets nd the -Potf F. Hall ",ng l' vvuen stomach is riiseusp,! nnrl nntri are involved with it, there is a constant ether .. ,..,:is of ditrestion and Ralph Hill, N. G. W. A. Ayrks, Rec.Sec. ikai-reoie Encampment, No. 20, meets oc;unu aim rOUttn Mnndav nF oo..V, rH, UIUU til. F. II. Morrison, C. P, F A. Stilus, Scribe. jImira Lodge, No. 28, D. of R., meets ' j ' "uaj evening Miss Mixa Hughes, Sec. Woodmen of the World. loss of nutrition bv the bodv. Th cw, ache and its allied organs are not able to L lc luuus into nourishment, and hence the bodv and its deprived of the necessary elements of vitality. What is known as veak heart or "weak" luns. "uvtn j , o " tea aiio oiner ionnsot so-called weakness, are generally caused by "weak" stomach. iwien me siomacn and tlie other ortrans Mns Plm m w, . ' xt of digestion and nntriri uura uibt-uscs are curen with it Dis eases which are caused hv n condition of the stomach are cured '' u f stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Judical Discoverv cures disp.n,.a u l"e "omacn ana its associated organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures uirougu tne stomach diseases of heart lungs, hver and other organs. It inl urc .-.euviiy or tile blood-makine glauds so that the whole body is nour- snea oy an abundant supply of pure Mistletoe Circle, No 35 W n w hood nch m the bngIlt reduP,es , n wd'FJf-J W. OJ There is no alcohol in "Golden Med- 'q? month ical Discoverv" and it .f: lAo. tr- JX. y.mui,ii.1.aiiip, nor any other narcotic. ... n leniperance meclicin Persons KinToT'...r v... i i c V. wv' turonic I'arms are invited to consult Dr I lerce by letter. All correspondence strict! v private. Addrpc rv i r Buffalo, N. Y. rce, M?,8 Ca,Jlp,', No- 205' meets in Odd W. A. Avres, C. 6; y emng W. G. Yassall, Clerk. hall, Second Mrs. Ann'y Dunn, Clerk. Walter f?oy, "fiXS? Dallas, AQNER BROS. ini CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ! W Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing S. Plows, iive-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivator?, ci) Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, rev id with Extension Head. : : : : All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything w: cultivate a hopyard or orchard. D N COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, 0BE& s G. J. Van Orsdel & S;t DEALERS IN timber and farm tanas and City Property. ritOriUETOB OF Dallas electric ii Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. ZJ f r s r. y 77 f r r riLli. H. COBB O. H. COBB & SON! MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OF i Wagons, Carriages, Buggies and Tartu w hers Stwiihi and Vm Uorka ztim !lc TTT 1 .. . , .w. ..... Ofnfo v o nave one or trie oest snoers in iuo epj New and second-hand rigs to soli or trade, Phone Farm 320. North Dallas, I at Suffered for Years. l1MfV,i,Ud.e to"ou and your 'Golden Med- tc;.. i .ui. miss 1 w . . LIT"' K0; 28. L. O. T. M Knights of the Maccabees. l1"' I?' 3' .met8 Second j-umiu xnursaavs of eacli month m I. n n r i.-1. aLtl j , v ill . I. N. Woods, R. k. Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Horse Mepicixe axd Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow jpccia&is. but KorioMShfSlS"! n, ;f,- 5'. GoUk" Mical DiscovervT in fat h ta? I have uVad0wor0vJ'OUrmedlal1 and Mnk Torpid Liver Cured. I was a sufferer from torpid liver for on,Wn.n,i fZLZIi. . iu-' meets m nf k Vurin Anursday after n of each month. ' lcr Eva Hayter, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eakin. R, noon Mrs K. over Co.. In.) r,,r "atneia. mt verv li Ml, V.u" MeeP "or t Pierce, which I M.i I-'a"," l? wr,,e to Dr. letter advising me to take hii '&SI?VE? A. 0. U. W. and fleets First SSf mM. " ""suay of each H, month. L. Feston, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Old Band Hall Corner L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon $2. 00 Fays for the OBSERVER and the eekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. ical Discovery - and also his " "p?eaa, ,n , : .Aft.elLhrd token.only Haifa bottfe?"' greatly 01 the wo vtals of the One r.llnuto Cough Curo For Coughs, Colds and Croup. uffered. For two nights ad two davs I u,d rot moxt wnhor.t it i:earlv ki.led n?e f? ,1 .uffermgT Thi"weatier wT S .nd'"1' 01 that it . almost too taTforT o 1 ,T me instant relief. I n,;.? that I have trie,! it f,, w , ' P;1:ns We teen, lmt.i- f .i. . "e ":airic. house afl rhr.V. t".-3:4 ' in the inouch for wh. h. v.. lalBr- w . - - - -- ...... uuuc lur me-w Con;Hr.Mtir V, i ... 1 , . , auuuM count p mn. Krquences. Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Tt-'Iets cure constipation and cure its consZ tjuences. They should always be used with "Golden Medical Discovery.- wh the use of a laxative i indicated. iTrystal Lodtm v rA n Firstan.1 TKiT, 1 v ". meets month. 'iceuay ol each Alice Groves, C. of H. Emma Coad, Fin. United Artisans. TT Esemllv m . n.,lov u "wis t irat emu montn. "Willis Simostok, M. A. Mrs. EllaJ.Metzger, Tues- !ec. , Fraternal Union of America each mnnt h T ... "aon-er, F. JI 88. s. e. ii0BRI SflDDLiES. I have l'ust. l-pnoivor) V, c 1. to tall and examine them as to style, ; P and price. I have the m fr J J 6 8addle8 ever 8hown Tolk tounty. Thev are strati,, .i . date' in every respect. TTORNKY AT LAW. em lic ee i nel Oscar Hayfc ait Upstairs in Campbell lhc DALLAS, TTORNEYS AT LAW. I A. ":ith Itic !la HORSE BLANKETS HARNESS OIL, Best Grade. WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stales MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Salem, Falls City & WesT ern Railway Co. T1ME-TABI E, EBective November 1 Lt. DALLAS A J1- Tets-Siding.' ,:'iiiam,..." i46 Ar. FALLS CITY...." East-Bound: Lv. FALLS CITY 'Bndptport Gilliams... Teau'sidin-., Ar. DALLAS Traim Stop on Sienal onl'r L.GER LINGER, Jr.. Genoral Manager. n-i i ... f, Tollat mo ley & DALLAS, nr. The only reliable set ot t. Polk county. Office on x-. lea ay TTOEXEV AT LAW Ed. F. Office in Court!; DALLAS, or ley TTORXEY AT LAW. N. L Office over DALLAS, caj 8:ttj A. M. 9:2U 9:30 9:36 9:39 .9:55 P. SI. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P. sr. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:20 5:35 Wm. MUSCOTT Truclunaii, I hauling ... ... ' Dots hauling of all kind at reaaonable ESTIST. ir a hi d a iT: Havter of Office over WU0'1 he DALLAS, t pHYsrcASAXD s10 L. N. Wooa;Lt Does general pra.cti crl; M. the county. DALLAS, M. OLIVK teacher Xl-: sr. ' d;, Cu:; PIANO Ct sos, Sec ludio, DALLAS. OREGON.