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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
Jfalls Cits Botea Joe Stowe and family have been vibiting friends in McMinnyille. Vm. Ellin uud family have been visiting with relatives and fripnds in Portland. Mrs. Wolfe is having a dwelling byune erected on her lots opposite the creamery. John Mover sprained and bruised hid leir while work ins at the mill a few days ago. Si-bool Superintendent C. L. Starr viited bis brother, Harry, in Falls City, Tuesday. Presiding Elder Hollingshead, of the M. K. Church, is holding a meet ing in Falls City this week. Miss Bessie Milne spent the vacation week visiting with her sister, Mrs, Charles Curtis, at Siuithfleid. The school house is at last supplied with u number of new seats, which have been needed for some time. Russell Davenport is having handsome dwelling house built on the lot west of the Christian church. Mr. Miller and family, who have been here for over a year, have moved back to their home at Newberg, where he has hotel interests. Our sehoolhouse is now papared and painted on the inside, and all unite in saying we have one of the prettiest Bchoolhouies in the county. At the Christian church Sunday morning. Elder Dodd will present the subject, "A Woman's Perception" and in tho evening, "A Fatal Halt." SI. L. Thompson has received several now show eases for the drug store. They are fine ones, and make a great Improvement in the apjearance of the store. Mr. Cohn, who is taking the pictures of all the schools for the Lewis and Clark Fair, visited our school last Monday and secured several photo graphs. A sign painter visited our town the last of the week, and as a result, sovcral or our business nouses are decorated with beautiful signs, stating what is for sale within. The supporters of Roosevelt nearly tore down the town Saturday night. All the bells were rung for about two hours, and at the same time anvils werellred in all parts of tli town. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins, who has been teaching in the school here for the past two years, has, owing to ill health, resigned her position as teacher of the fourth and tlfth grades. Htet Cook, while working on an eugine at the Watkina' mill, received a blow on tho head, which has com pelled him to stop working for a few duys. He is much better at the present time. An ordinance has been passed by our council and signed by the Mayor, forbidding minors from loafing on the streets after 7 o'clock in the evening during the months of November, De cember, January, February and March. W" jar LW9 Club Elects Officers. Tho Independence Lewis and Clark Club met at the home of Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Wednesduy afternoon. After ari interesting session and the dis cussion of various possibilities, the club elected tho following oflieers: Mrs. J. S. Cooper, president; Mrs. O. I). Butler, Mrs. J. K. Hubbard and Mrs. W. O. Cressy 1st, 2nd and 3rd vice-presidents ; Mrs. W. It. AUiu, sec retary ; Mrs. S. K. Owen, treasurer. Independence Enterprise, Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kansas, writes: "My husband lay sick for three months. Tho doctors suid that he had quick consumption. Wo procured a bottle of Ballard's Hoivhound Syrup, and it cured him. That was six years ago. Since then wo have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it For coughs and colds it has no equal." 2oe, 0(k) and $1.00. Sold bv Wilson Drug Company. Mil Wine of Cardui g Cared lies. 213 South Trior Street, f?' Atlanta, Oa., March 21, 1903. T suffered for f jur months with extreme nervousness a:a ij.ssiluuc. l - jr: J I hud a sia!:iiij fxilng in my stonuxh which no nrxltcine eoenvxl ; ( 0, to relieve, and Lsir.q my appuite u : I became veal: and lost my vita!- '- f y 'i ity. In thrre wec!:-s I lwt fourlsea ' pounds of !l-:.:h and felt that I must ' 'A find speee'j- relief to regain my 1 health. Having heard Wine o f .' v.-J Cardui pra;!:wl by several of ruyt'l fii menus, i fniiji .,'' . ... i ... i iii ii. - j . certainly v.?ry plcaso with the ij' ? results. Y ilka threo clays my ' appetite returned and my stomach f - troubled W3 no r.ioro. I couir! digest my food without difficulty "' ?1 and the nervousness frrmlually . j 3 diminuJied. "attire performed F hi.r fniirtinMsl without difficulty I k 14 and I am once more a happy aud F well woman. t OLIVE JOSLTII. Treaa, Atlanta Friday Night Clnit tii o - r ii n.n. r ijvwui w u vuiiui Lsyj 1 1 1 v ui Wine of Cardui Today. t.l . , -T..-. nm.t STOCKMEN ENTHUSIASTIC Lively Interest in Live Stock Show of Lewis and Clark Exposition. TORTLAND, Nov. 15. Stockraisers not only over the whole United States, but also in Canada and Mexico, are displaying a lively interest iii the big livestock contest which is to be a fea ture of the Lewis and Clark Fair at Portland next year. Richard Scott, of the Oregon state commission, who has just returned from St. Louis, where he went in the interests of next year's stock display at the Centennial, says that he found the stockmen there en thusiastic about the Fair, and that he feels confident that the number of exhibitors next summer will be large. The management of the Exposition has appropriated a $10,000 fund to be distributed as prizes and premiums, and this fact has been responsible to a large extent, for the interest shown by owners of various kinds of stock. The apportionment of the $40,000 fund, as recently made by the executive committee is as follows : Horses, class A $12,000 Cattle, class B 10,500 Sheep and goats, class C fi,500 Swine, class D 3,500 Poultry and pets, class E 1,500 The conditions governing the ex hibit and the classification of awards are now hi preparation. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET Regular December Term of Depart ment No. 1, Will Open Mon day, December 5. Good Season's Run. M. G. Flynn, manager and one of principal stockholders of the Benton County LuihIkt Company, of Philo math, Oregon, in writing to renew his subscription to the Observer, says : "We are still running on full time, and will continue to do so until the end of the mouth. Wo will cut about 4,000,000 feet this year. One-half of this amount has been sold to the local trade, which U a big thing here. Lumber h very cheap this year, but tlm outlook Is lietter for next season. Tomorrow is election day, aud I ntv going down to vote for Theodore Roosevelt, I must try to go to Dallas when wo close down this winter, as I still feel that place my home." Subject of morning discourse a' Christian church next Sunday, "The Narrow Way;" evening subject, "lnree Great Losses." A hearty wel come to all. G. L. Lohdku, Tastor, Upon returning from pulling a train of heavy stone to Dallas to bo used on tho Southern Tackle bridge at that plaoe, Friday, the axle to the front drive wheel of the big engine recently acquired by tiie 1. M. road, broke down. The break w as close up to the wheel. It was a complete break, not a thread being left unbroken of the massive piece of steel. Fortunately, the engine was off main track, moving at a slow pace on a switch, and traffic was not seriously, interfered with. The eugiue was taken to Portland on tho remaining wheels, for repairs Saturdsy. EfiUrpris. The December term of Circuit Court for Polk county, Department No. 1, George H. Burnett, Judge, will con vene Monday, December 5. Cases have been docketed to date as follows : 1 Thomas Burrows vs A. Heise, action for money. L. H. McMnhan for pi IT. 2 Alba R. Morgan vs Susie II. Best, action for money; Charles E. Lenon for plff. 4 John Rickard vs A. Haldeman and F. Murrell, action for money: Oscar Hayter for plff. 5 L. E. Knapp vs M. J. Cunning ham, actiou for money ; N. L. Butler and J. H. Sibley for plff; Oscar Hay ter for deft. i It. E. Williams vs T. A. Iiiggs, action for recovery of personal prop erty ; Oscar Hayter for deft. 7 A, C. Dimick, respondent, vs W. W. Johnson Lumber Co., appellant, apjieal from Justice Court; Oscar Hayter for plff; N. L. Butler and F.d F. Coad for deft. 8 A. S. Newton, appellant, vs Win. A. Scottt, respondent, appeal from Justice Court; Oscar Hayter for plff; N. L. Butler for deft. ! H. B. Kelso vs T. J. Gilpin et al, action at law; Oscar Hayter for pi IT. 10 John R. Dimick vs James riant, action for money; John R. Dimick for plff. 11 H. G. CamplHll vs. Marie E. Koennamann, action for money; Oscar Hayter for plff. COURT HOUSE NOTES. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Thomas J. Marks and Verna M Walker: George H. Bronson aud rvrr.i F. Smith: Fred G. Werner and Elva Richardson; Calvin D Shepard and Frances Siefarth. PROBATE Estate of William McMillan, de ceased semi-aunual account filed. Estate of Paiience Bentley, deceased inventory and appraisement filed. Estate of Henry Hill, deceased in ventory and appraisement filed aud approved ; administrator charged with $20,778.71 ; petition for allowance to widow and sale of certain eisoiial prox;ity granted. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to John V Ronco, 100 acres, 1 9 s, r 7 w, patent. United States to John Dyer, 100 acres, 1 9 s, r 0 w, patent. United States to Frank J Chapman 100 acres, t 8 s, r7 w, patent, F B Burnett to J G Barker, lots 5, 0, 7and 8. block 2. Patterson's 2nd add to Independence, $1. Washington Nat'l B, L & I Associa tion to A Shultz, lot 2, block 11, Levens LaCreole Hd add to Dallas, $550. Rachel H Smith et alto W W Miller 100 acres, t 9 s, r 5 w, $2100. L E Boman et ux to Eloise aud Marietta Fhillips. tract in t 7 s, r 5 w. $210. Orlando Martin et ux to H Hirsch berg, 10.52 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $95. J H Frakes et al to Warren Frink, tract in block 19. Land Co add to Dallas, $450. A A Cattron to Ida M Scott, tract in Monmouth, $12. A H Ohms to Emma Ohms, 22.70 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $000. W E Doty et ux to Frank L Price 40 acres, 1 10 s, r 7 w, $125. George Rogers et ux to George W DeBord, lots 1 and 2, block 20, Talm age, $25. W A Morehead et ux to Frank Price, 314.75 acres, 1 10 s, r 7 w, $1000. Mary E Williams et ux to Alice E Townsend, 38.75 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $1200, Alice E Townsend to Mary E Wil liams, 75 by 150 feet, Isaac Levens d 1 c, $1000. Mary Leach to Milton Booth, 50 acres, t 6 s, r 6 and 7 w, $400. G W Gardner et al to J M Card, 197 acres, t 8 s, r 0 w, $2000. Alice E Townsend to D W Sears, 284.81 acres, t 6 and 7 s, r 5 and 0 w, $5. D W Sears to Alice E Townsend, 145.57 acres, t 6 s, r 5 w, $5. G N Townsend et ux to D W Sears, und. one-fourth int 430.38 acres, t G and 7 s, r 5 and 0 w, $2250. Emma G Latham to Allen A Mc Lean, 123.93 acres, t G s, r 7 w, $500. J R Olmstead et ux to Allen A Me Lean, 80 acres, t G s, r 7 w, $700. DON'T BE A KNOCKER Printed As An Original Editorial in One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Oregon Newspapers. If there is a chance to boom busi ness, boom it. Don't be a knocker. Don't pull a long face and get sour on your stomach. Hope a bit. Get a smile on you. Hold up your head. Get a hold with both hands. Then pull. Bury your lnitchct. Drop your tomahawk. Hide your little hammer. When a stranger drops in tell him this is the greatest town on earth. It is. Don't get mulish. Don't beef. Be jolly. Get popular. It's dead easy. Help yourself along. Push your friend witli you. Soon you'll have a whole procession. Be a good fellow. No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down. No man ever got rich trying to make people believe that he was the only good man on earth. You caift climb the ladder of fume by stepping on other people's corns. They're their corns ; not yours. And they're tender. Keep off the corns. All men are not alike. Once in a ; while you may find one who is very much alike. But some are different. You'ro not the only shirt in the wash. If you don't like their style, let 'em alone. Don't knock. You'll get used to it. There's no end of fun in mind ing your own business. And it makes others like you better. Better have others get stuck on you than get stuck on yourself. Nobody gets stuck on a knocker. Don't be one. Be good. Legal Blanks for sale ver Office. at the Obskr- The wo den walks and platform at the Southern Pacific depot in Mon mouth are being replaced by decom Ksed granite. i) DR. FENNER'S AND QJ Backache Ai-"o IVkikiks tub Blood. TV All Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, female troubles. Over-Work i'eens jure Blood. v ihinea'.thy S!i.i i'V All t!'.e your kiisey- o mm vr tcdy p.-saes through rrv !'''iee r.iii ules. fin kicivsys are your Lk od purifiers, ihey fil ter out ihe waste or impurities in the blood. If' they are sick or out tf order, they fiil to do their work. Fains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess cf uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble pauses qv.ick cr unsteady heart beats, and makes cr.e feel ?.s though they had heart trouble, bcoa.-e the heart is over-working in pumpir.j ti.ick. kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that r.eariy all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary ef:ect cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the grest kidney remedy is scon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits f"j- by all druggists in fifty- f1rSr- cent and one-dollar siz- gf-Htj feift4j es. You may have a-icts sample bottle by mail Home of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for f'2.')0, good going Saturday P. M. ur any train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all clay Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. Neuralgia Pains. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic rmins vield to the penetrating in fluence of Ballard's Snow Liniment, It penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some wonderful cures. 25c. 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. Judge William Galloway received a letter from C. V. Galloway this week saying that he has the best display of fruit for Oregon of any state in the Union. Tho fruit displayed at the Hood River Fair was sent to him, and at once settled all question as to which state had the finest display of fruit. "ALL 5KNS FAIL INADftYW THE SCN OF IHE FISH NEVEB FAILS INA WET TIME. Remember this whenyou buy Wet Weather Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the button This sidn and this name have stood for the 5E5T during sixty-seven .years of increasing stde.v If .your dealer will not supply ou write- for free tatalodue of blwk or vpllnwwAtoK. proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and horse floods for all kinds of wet work. A. J. TOWER CO, THE WO OtTON. HAM. U.S.A. OIGN TOWEB CANADIAN COl i TORONTO. CAN. !""". Its gift prob lems are easy of solution here our holiday stock is full of suggestions. No gift more beautiful or more practical can be chosen than one of the many patterns in our line of iimmons Watch Chains Holiday Goods! Our stock was never more complete and up-to-date. We have a nice line of Cut Glass and Silverware? c. II. MORRIS, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Dallas, - - Oregon vou i oecoma aiscourajea. Tfier Is a cure for you. If necessary write Ir. Feuner Ue has 8'iit a l.M In.o riiriiig Jusl urh cases v yours. AH consuUuUotis FREE. "I had suffered for long time anj for three weeks was down in bed, unable to move with out great pain because of pains in my back, which several doctors pronounced lumbago. They failed to give me any relief whatever. A samplo bottle of Pr. Fenners Kidney and Backache Cure groatly relieved me. I bought and nsed two more bottles ar.J was completely cured, al though my occupation at a dyer requires me to be much about water and often my clothing becomes damp or very woL I havo sufforod tio return of the trouble nor any sitss of rheum- "i w v , Yours tru!r- KRED BRANDT, 213 N. Elbright St., Muncie, Ind." ttold oy DrussUt Sue. aud tl. A sk for Dr. t enner s Almanac or took Book-Kreo. For Sale by BELT & CHfRRINGTON DALLAS ART STUDIO... Orders taken for.Oil and Watereolor raintings, Crayon Portraits from photographs, and all kinds of Pyro grajdiie work. Lessons given in rainting, Drawing, Tyrography and Embroiderv. MRS. M. E. WEAVER, Aktist. Studio at residence, West of College. Does Manhood Fall? It may sometimes owing to ucivous disorders, but it is hardly ever lost ex Z t nea renu-old age. What isknown 'rely weakened power. Underneath the ashes a fire remains aglow. It re .aires careful scientiilc treatment to fan it into a bright flame o f life and energy For these cases which have been hitherto the despair of a phy sician, nothing equals the application of electricity, if by proper current and exact dosage, in combination with the scientific adumbration of spec. lc medical remedies, which penetrate the secret ambush of diseases, extermi nating it, root and brand), forever. A rejuvenation follows its use. It pro duces results because it replenishes the vital tonicity requisite to the ner vous svstem. According to Dr. Dar rin's peculiar and scientific method of administration, it is a powerful vital ize r, indicated in diseased conditions due to all kinds of excesses. Dr. Danin gives free examination to all, aud when necessary gives medicines in connection with electricity. The poor treated free, from 10 to 11 daily, except medicines. Those willing to pay, 10 too; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 3. Errors of youth, blood taints, gleet, impotency, varicocele, deafness, ca tarrh and stricture a speciality. - All chronic male and female diseases at $5 a week, or in that proportion of time as the case may require. No case published except by permission of the patient. All business relations with Dr. Damn strictly confidential. Letters of inquiry answered. Circulars and question blanks free. Dr. Damn's offices are at Hotel Gail, Dallas. Notice For Publication. KILL the COUCH CURE the LUNGS "IH Dr. King's lev Discovery AAUCIlunTiAu . ' FcaU CONSUMPTION OUGHS and ,'OLDS Price 50c &$1.00 Free Trial. faurest and auickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TEOTJB LES, or MONEY BACK. Land Oltice ut Oregon City, Oregon. October 8, 11KM. Notice is hereby given that the following numed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that, said Lroof will be made before County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oregon, on November 21, l'.W, viz: i-lierman i.. unouiey; H. E. So. tim for tho S. W. 4 of S. W. i of Sec. '. T. 7 S.. II. (i W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuoUK residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz; Stell McCarter, of Dallas, Ororon: William Kott. of Dallas. Oregon ; tieorge Selby, of Dallas, Oregon; D. W. Dunn, of Dallas, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRKSSER, Register, Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Robert Farley, deceased, lias tiled his final account m the County Court ot the state of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the L'Gth day of November, I'JO-t, at the hour of 1U o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the Court room of Baid County Court has been ap pointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. WILSON A. AYRES, Administrator with will a inexedof the estate of Robert Farley, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and iirst published October 21, 100-1. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. R. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscak Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., Etated convocation, First Thursday of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simoxton, Sen. Jaonii Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated K "-meetinBS Second ami Fnnrth Tnm. days of each month. Mrs. JiLLA J. Metzger, W. M. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. I. O. 0. F. 4gp&, Friendship Lodge, No. 6, meets o!o!Haff.8y 6Vening L Ralph Hill, N. G W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. baCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets uu ruurm ivionaay ot each month. F. H. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe. 13 lmira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "every Fridav evening. Mrs. Pauline Williams, N. G. miss iUrxA Hughes, Sec. Woodmen of the World. Dpi?,8 Camp,', No- 20&' meets in Odd NfxrYRK;;c:c!inur8dayevenin6 W G. Vassall, Clerk. jUristletoe Circle, No. 33, W O W , ciiuws nail. Seennrt . .........IE. AA1U.,1( yj Mrs. Anky Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees? Dallas Tent No. 3, meets Second and Fourth Thursdavs of each month in T n c t i ,. clul r, . v. j. r. nail. G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods. R. K Jilae Hive No. 23, L. O. T. M., meets "on Second nn,I l'n,(l, tl. , ' u'eele noon of each month. " aTS. Mrs. fcvA Hayter, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eakin, R. K. A. O. U. W. Union Lodge. No. 35-MeetsFirflt Wnl Wednesday H T EV. r ... F. A. Stti pa r;.. n " , A 111. month. inesuay of each Alice Groves, C. of H. Emma Coad, Fin. United Artisans. nssembly No. 46 meets Fir-t t rtday of each month ' Twb' Willis Simoxtox, M. A. paternal Union of America otoPTuey W. J. Wagxkb, F. M. Mks. S. E. Morrison, Sec Do Not Neglect a Cojj Etfery cold Weaken the Lungs, lowers the Vitality , j system less able to withstand each succeeding coM i. nuincr thn wav fr.r mora serlaiia hi... u"jiuiih -mioasg CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CKA;-- 3 PERMANENTLY CURES Ssa Consumption, Coughs, Colds, ore tv Asthma, Croup, Whooping Com Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Lu EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT BALLARD'S iL HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES, DOES ll CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POSITIVE! 7 CURE CROUP AND WHOOPING COUCH, MRS. 8ALLIE LOCKBAB, G old thw alto, Tex., tl have unert ISallard's Horehound Syrup In my family for ,e "i ami It alwayn Rive satisfaction. When the children had (",n Whoopinir Cornell It always relieved them at once, and i W(),,u ,1 without it lu the house, asltl the UKSX MKUIC'IXB Ve Best Remedy for Children. Every Bottle Guaran THREE SIZES t 2Bc, SOo and 91.00. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO.. ST.LOPISn SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for tliistt cream. Only puro. fruit and nut flavors ; its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAD; Walter Roy, v'ZsZT Dallas, 0. rl. COBB 6.1 O. H. COBB & MANUFACTURERS AND RKPA1KERS OF ma$cn$, Carriages, Buggies and Jum Rtt Ror$e Shoeing and Plow Klerk a Specif We havo one of the best Shoers in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, Or J. Q. VanOrsdel&S DEALERS IN timber ana farm Eands and City Property. PROPRIETOR OP Dallas electric Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. HARNESS AD SADDLES. I have just received a Fine New Slock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the hne8t line of saddles ever shown in Tolk county. They are strictlv "down-to-date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment prices according to qualily all fitted with "Double Sur cingles, ' a new feature which everv Horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter Upstairs in Campbell to DALLAS, ; TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sibley & 1$ The only reliable set of J Polk county. Office on DALLAS, TTORXEV AT LAW Ed. F. Coa: Office in Courts W 1 M STORE Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS iionsE Medicine and Stock Food of all u-inria We buy Wool, Hides, Furs' and Tallow Old Band Hall Corner J. L. Castle. rn- udiias. tirptrnn DALLAS, TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butlc Office over Dallas 0; DALLAS, ENTIST. M. Haykr Office over Wilson'' DALLAS, Salem, Falls City & West- cm Railway Co. T1ME.TABI.E, Effective November 1 Lt. DALLAS..' 'eats' SUing .... -iiiiama ;;;;;;; Ar. falls city.";.'.'."" V.f. Kast-Bound: i-v. falls city 9:36 9:39 Trains Stop on Signal onlv : L. GEKLINGER, Jr.. .. General Manager, IpHYSICAN AND SUBGIOJ' L. N. Woods, Does general practice ' the county. Office on J DALLAS, (jilliams. Teats' Siding.. Ar. DALLAS P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P.M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:20 5:35 Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In cjhler to take Ri 1 vn n 1 1 r... . r ... r mis iDeral offer. vourBnhan,;.; .. M. OLIVE f tcacber PIANO Am) J Studio, Koora DALLAS, 0F.E- R. C. Craven, Pres. . Dallas lit!! Exchanges bought points. Special aeDD lections. Does hauling of U ZPKdDp t0date- ! the! tune to subscribe. rates. DALLAS,