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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
Polft County Observer J. C. HAYTER, KDITOK A XI J PUBU9HKR. Piiiilinlied Weekly at 1.50 per i trietly in Advance. Year. DALLAS, UKKGON, November is, 1904. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. EXHIBIT IS ASSURED Mrs. F. A. Wo'fe hau agreed to take charge of the preparation of a Polk county exhibit for the Lewis and f!Urk Fair, and the success of the movement is now assured. The com mittee appointed by the County Court to wait unon Mrs. Wolfe and ask her to take charge of the exhibit, visited her at her home near Falls City, Mon day, and were informed by that lady that she is willing to undertake the preparation of a display of the re sources of the county for the big 1905 Fair. She promises the people of Polk county that she will do all in her power to make a creditable exhibit, and all she asks in return is that she be allowed reasonable compensation for the time spent in collecting and preparing the display. This is cer taiuly a most reasonable offer, and it is one that will be favorably received by every progressive citizen of Polk county. Mrs. Wolfe has amply demonstrated her fitness for this kind of work in the preparation of two first-prize county exhibits at the Ore gon State Fair, and a grand showing for Polk county at the Portland Fair is now assured. It is the daty of all citizen to assist Mrs. Wolfe in every possible way, and to this end it is ex pected that the County Court will, at at its next meeting, appoint a special committee to aid in the important work. Three million dollars are to bo ex ponded on the Harriman lines in Ore gon in 1905. One hundred and forty eight miles of 80-pound steel rails will be laid on the Southern Pacific line, commencing at Ashland and running north. Eighty miles of track between Ashland and Portland will bo ballasted, and $870,000 is set aside for construction and repairs in the bridge department, for re-building wooden trestles with steel, and for making fills. It Is to be hoped that the company will continue tho good work of ballasting tho Yamhill divi sion between Dallas and Portland, and also oa tho Airlio end of tho line. A largo amount of gravel was hauled from the bar at Independence before tho rainy season began, and it is not unlikely that the work of Improving tho Dallas-Portland line will bo re sumed in the early Spring. The enterprising business men of Independence have contributed $080 for tho construction of a telephone lino to Monmouth and tho installation of a local switch-board. The amount was raised in less than two hours. Tho soliciting committee started out to get $ 500, but meeting such liberal and enthusiastic responses all along the line, did notecase work until $080 had been raised. Tho progressive Bpirit of these business men is de serving of tho highest commendation. It is tho spirit that makes thriving cities of country towns and villages. Tills number of tho Ouservkh con tains over 300 inches of paid adver tisements of homo merchants about twico as much homo advertising as is carried by any other paper published In the county. Tho Ohskhvur does not go outside of tho county for advertise ments of merchants who aro in direct eomiM'tition with our local business men. Tho way to build up polk county is to patronize Polk county pooplo. Tho Oregon City Enterprise, ono of the bright and newsy weekly news pa pers of Oregon, celebrated its thirty eighth birthday last week. The Enter prise is deservedly prosperous, and has recently added to its equipment a Merganthaler linotype machine. The Hood liiver apple growers culti vate and care for their orchards most religiously. Hon. E. L. Smith, Presi dent of the State Hoard of Horticulture, says the motto of these orohardists is "Let us spray." Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis tinction of being the great est curative end preventive medicine the world has ever known. It is on ell-round medicine, producing its un equalled effects by purify ing, vitalizing end enriching the Wood on which the! health end strength of every ! organ, bone end tissue do- J pend. Accept no suhsti- tute for Hood's, but in- iV-' (1 r . iAryS Mood's elst on caving Hood's AND ONLY HOOD'S. A DAY ON THE PIKE Mm. H. E. Koser Gives a Few Her Impressions of the St. Louis Fair. of DALLAS, Nov. 15 (To the Editor.) I hope that what will be said here will not lead anyone to suppose that thi9 brief sketch is a complete de scription of the St. Louis Fair. 1, therefore, modestly present a few notes of things that came under my personal observation and impressed me most, as I swept through the grounds, without rudder or compass, and was carried forward whither I had not dreamed. The eye can see and the ear can appreciate, but the pen is not gifted enough to describe the first impressions one gets of the magnitude of the grounds, architect ural grandeur, beauty of landscape and artistic grouping of statuary in one of the most beautiful natural parks in the world, gemmed with shining lakes, sunken gardens filled with choicest flowers and cooling fountains, electric launches, and gon dolas rowed by Venetian boatmen, (guaranteed to be the real imported article) upon the lagoons. "Beautiful as the spectacle is by day, surpassing all former attempts of the kind, it takes on new splendor at night, when the electric illumination adds its glory to the scene. Every great building is outlined with myriads of lights. The illumination ot Festival Hall is the great center piece of the Exposition, and becomes an indelible picture in the mind of every visitor. The many towers of the Palace of Machinery become shafts of fire in the evening sky. The Palace of Electricity has the largost display of electrical machinery and appliances ever presented. There are novelties without number in this inteiesting division. The Palace of Agriculture covers 20 acres, and has four miles of aisles. Missouri, Iowa and South Dakota have fine corn exhibits. In the Illinois section is a pyramid of large, yellow ears of corn, furnished by 8000 boys, each contributing 10 ears from seed furnished them. Some of the decora tions made of corn husks, cobs, tassels and kernels aro wouderftil novelties. Figures made of prunes, cotton, nuts and butter contribute to tho attrac tiveness of the display. In the Oregon section is a largo figure of President Roosevelt on horseback, representing tho butter product of Oregon. In this section , they were also giving demon strations with prunes, from 2 to 4 p. in., daily. On tho north side of the Agricultural Building is tho Horal clock. The dial is 100 feet in diameter, the minute hand being 50 feet long, and weighing 2500 pounds. The face of the clock Is made of growing Huweis ; the figures are composed of red flowers, and are about four feet in length; the hour and half-hour are noted by a huge bell near by. The most extensive, and in some respects the most interesting exhibit at the World s Fair is that of the Philippine Islands.costingoue million dollars. This exhibit consists of nearly 100 buildings, and occupies 47 acres, housing 1100 representatives or tho different tribes of Islanders. The Walled City aud its approach form tho main entrance to the grounds. This wall is a reproduction of the wall encircling tho City of Manila. The southern shores of Arrowhead Lake aro dotted with tho bamboo hutsef tho Moro, tho Bagobo, and tho Visayan villages. In the center is a massive stono bridge, a reproduction of the Bridge of Spain which crosses tho Pasig river at Manila. Here we find the largest collection of shells in the world, some as largo as a tub. The Palaces of Arts consist of four buildings, costing $1,000,000, and con taining 135 galleries filled with raro paintings from all parts of tho world. The Palaco of Varied Industries, one of tho three largest buildings, has a large center court. The ornamentation of this enormous building is so elaborato and artistio as to excito the wonder and admiration of every visitor. Japan. Great Britain. Persia. Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Den mark, and other foreign nations have line exhibits peculiar to their countries. The Administration Building con tains Queen Victoria's jubilee c;ifts, made in caskets of nianv beautiful esigus in gold, silver and raro woods, inlaid with ivory, pearl, and studded with diamonds and other precious stones. The most costly of these gifts came from India. Each casket con tains an address from tho oountrv presenting it. The Alaska exhibit is extensive and interesting. An exhibit of native huts made of lAlaska gold, silver, copper, oal, and other native minerals, and the llora of the country, attracts much attention. Gaudy-colored totem poles standing guard about the native huts weite curiosity.while the crude Indian livings are of social interest for their novelty, rather than their beauty. (CONTIXI KD XKXT WEEK) Rally Day ervice. A Rally Day service will be held la the M. E. Church uext Sunday morn ing at 9 :45 o'clock. An excellent pro gram has been prepared, in which some of the best musical and literary talent in Dallas will participate. Short talks will be made by Hon. G. L. Hawkin-s J. M. Pollock aud Rev. James Moore. Miss Hallie Morrison, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. J. C. Uglow will sing, and Miss Elizabeth Pollock and others will recite. All are cordially j invited to attend. 4 1 4 J '4 i iji I OnoHIZnuto Cough Curo For Coughs, Colds and Croup - ; mj.f". i1 1 "V"" "iiS."; . Will be paid by the Wot-Id's' Diswnsarv MeiiK-al Association, Buffalo, N. Y., if tbev cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. For about two years I Buffered from a very obstinate caceot dvspepsia." writes R. E. Secord. Esq.. of 3 hasiteril Ave.. Toronto. Ontario. "I tiled a t;reat number of remedies without suc cess. I fiiwllv lost faith in them alt. I was so f;;r g'me that I couid not for a long time bear anv solid food in mv stomach: felt melancholy aud depressed. Sui'ne four mouths ago a friend rtronmiendi d vonr Golden Medical Discovery.' Altera wtik s 'trentmeat I had derived so much benefit that I continued the medicine. I haw taken iliree Ixmles and am convinced it ha in mv m. accomplished a permanent cure. I can conscientiously recommend it to the thou sands of dyspeptics throughout the land." A man can succeed and be strong if he heeds Nature's warnings. When there is indigestion, loss of appetite, ringing in the ears, dizziness, spots be fore the eves or palpitation of the heart ; any or all of these symptoms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. "Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is strictly a temperance medicine. Accept 110 substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good " for diseases of the stomach. The " Commo nSr use Medical Adviser," 100S pages, in paper covers, is sent free 011 receipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay evpi'nse of mailing only. Address Dr. Pv. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Polk County School Officers Effect Permanent Organization. As a result of last Saturday's meet ing, the Polk County School Officers' Association is now a permanent organization. Officers for the ensuing year were elected, and a plan of work agreed upon. The county was divided into ten districts, in each of which local institutes will be held as often as once a year. Tho attendance at Saturday's meeting was good, many of the teachers having remained over from the institute to attend the session. Subjects of interest to school direc tors and clerks were discussed, and valuable talks were made by Super tendents Ackerman, Hartranft, Starr, and Hon. George Myer. Among the suggestions was one for a law leaving the school money in the hands of the County Treasurer, to be drawn out as required by the Clerks of the districts. The law would apply only to districts of the second and third class, Mr. Ackerman gave as a leading reason the doing away with the system of giving bonds by the Clerks of the many small districts. Officers were elected as follows: President, William Grant; secretary, C. L. Starr. Vice-presidents for the various institute districts were chosen as follows: Rickreall, George Myer; Eola, T. W. Brunk; McCoy, S. L. Stewart; Harmony, J. K. Guttry ; Salt Creek, R. A. Campbell; Falls City, Frank Butler: Airlie. A. Womer: Buona Vista, J. M. Prather; Elkins, H. W. Dickinson ; Zena, J. R. Shepard. White Front Barn Sold. E. West has sold the White Front livery barn to Messrs. Croft and Wool scy. Mr. Croft is a recent arrival fromVashington, and his partner is from Oklahoma. Tho new firm has taken possession of the property. Mr. West will probably continue to make his home in Dallas. 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 NEAR 4 4 4 4 J 4 4 I 4! UNHEALTHY KIDNEYS n- rwrin savs That "Thousands have Kidney Trouble and do not Know it." "Yes " said Dr. Darrin to our re porter,'"kidney and bladder diseases are more prevalent than most people suppose. The symptoms are so numerous and diffcrentthat thousands suffer and do not discover the real cause or their trouble until they are in the fatal grip of Bright's disease or diabetes. "The warning of kidney trouble is backaches, aching pain over the hips, swollen ankles, sediment or deposit in the urine, bloody or highly colored urine, scanty urine, voracious appe tite, thirsty, mouth dry, tongue furred and swollen, weakness and wasting of flesh, skin pale, waxy or dry, bad odor of perspiration anu puffiness under the eves. "Advice and treatment should not be neglected by those having any one of the above symptoms, which can be easily cured, otherwise will result in a fatal malady. "I have for years," continued the doctor, "made a specialty of success fully treating all forms of bladder and kidney diseases, and will be pleased to talk with anyone regarding their nnspnnrl ffivn mv candid opinion, or 0 ., . . render any service they may require. Another Salem Testimonial. Mr. Editor: Thirteen years ago Dr. Darrin visited Salem and cured my daughter, Martha Dove, of diabetes. She was unable to retain urine and had to get up many times night and day. Dr. Darrin cured her so she ha3 never had any return of the symp toms. Mv daughter resides in West Salem, Oregon. G. B. Dove. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at the Hotel Gail, Dallas, Oregon, until December 4, from 10 o'clock to 5 daily, evening 7 to 8, Sunday 10 to 2. The doctor makes a specialty of all diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, lagrippe, heart, liver, bladder and kid ney diseases, or those who suffer from apathy or indifference; also genito urinary and skin diseases in either sex, such as blood taints, seminal weakness and lost vigor, varicocele and stricture. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Dr. Darrin will treat all who may apply before December 4th at half his former prices. REALESTATE! 78 acres Nice Homelike place, with good buildings and fences 10 acres in cultivation lots of fine timber , $1500 5 pcres with a good little House and Barn all fenced and under cultivation, only. '.$650 Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit uatedworth $50 per acre only $ 32 Fine 100 acre farm, well im proved $5000 Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 Finely improved farm of 4C0 acres $9500 Stock Ranch 900200 acres under cultivation Can't bo beat $9000 Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. Ifi4 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place cheap as dirt only $1500 Here is tho cheapest place in Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn, and other improvements worth $1200 at least for only. -. $800 I have all classes of Ranches and Farms for sale I can suit you in quality or price. HENRY CAHPBELL, DALLAS, OREGON. Our New StocK Is Open and Ready for Your Inspection IRVIN , PETTEYS Practical Shoe Men Leaders in Up-to-date Footwear. P0ST0FFICE DALLAS, iiinn Thanksgiving Service. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Baptist church next will be taken. All are invited. ; BUSINESS LOCALS. For a good job or wagon repairing, gotoN. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see thowe fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock or bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services or a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Ranch For Rent. Hill ranch of 160 acres ror rent. Apply to J. W. Robixson, Dallas, Or. Milk Cow Wanted. Wanted, to purchase a good, fresh milk cow. Address, Box 72, Dallas, Ore. Show Cases For Sale. Two 6-foot, nickel-plated show cases for sale at a bargain. M. L. Thompson, Falls City, Oregon. Do You Want Lumber? We have all kinds; also Molding and everything needed in building. All made or soft Yellow Fir at lowest prices. Send us your specifications and get our figures. BRYAN-LUCAS LUMBER CO. Estray Notice. Strayed from the French place one registered Angora nanny goat, about five years old ; hole in right ear which has been torn out; tag in left ear, numbered 5201 ; initial, A. G. B. A. ; end of one horn broken off: had bell on. Return to or notify W. A. Avres, Dallas, Or. Notice to Goat Men. The Polk County Mohair Associ ation will meet in Brown's Hall, in Dallas, on Saturday, December 3, at one p. m., to elect a committee to make arrangements for the Goat Show, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. G. W. McBEE, H. L. Fenton, President. Secretary. Cider For Sale. Parties desiring pure cider made from apples that have been sprayed four times this season can have it de livered on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. I would kindlv ask parties desiring any, to order a day or two ahead, so they can have it de livered the same day it is made. James Elliott, Phone 31X. ORE. .5 I I N til 5f The Year is Dra and we take this opportunity f thanki, frieti'N and customers for all favors Ve from ti.i-m. Our support from them inafc 'fi way has been splendid indeed. : Now we have arranged to district ' customers some At considerable Germany Gifts or Token expense, we 500 Souvenir Plates, a Plaster Our Court House. ; To each oi our customers that worth of L'oods, wo will present onn nf ik I We have also had manufactured for us i,, some very pretty Novelties in Lacquered Wort - To each of our customers that purchase of i worth of goods, we will present ono nf Japanese Novelties. i0, We have also arranged to get a number nftL.' world-famous Lewis and Clark Souvenir one of the handsomest gifts that will be to any one this coming year. To each of our customers that purchase fi worth of goods, we will present one of these 3 the value of which, even in the near future ec make them very precious, As long as fcJoi with us, you are welcome to them. There is no use to say to you that omyii 1 tho best, and wo do sell cheaper than (the other stores.)' You Know This as Well as we Yours truly, ELLIS KEYI Phone 246. ALL THE NEW B001 01 LATE COPYRIGHTED AND STANDARD WORKS From 15C Up. Just Received a New Line of Boob from the East. Your Patronage Is Solicits Wilson Drug Compaq CONRAD STAFRIN, Mgr. Court and Main Street. TaKe the Troublf 1 Dallas Boot and Shoe SW MRS. J. C -1 WAGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Plows, Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, . Five-Tooth Pill iiro tn.o IV c r Pll Uivatorf. ' arrows. Snrintr Tu tr TTarrOff-1. r with L iwLii 1 1 M rnm w I y i . n' -iiension Head. Ill 1 . hinds Of Plmi-c U n,1 rvtW cultivate a hopyarj or orchard. r,f cor. oak .nd main streets. D ALLAS, to a Close ir S Of On, havo had )iirchasfi nf,.c tli o Very Useful Articles. D !r ; !hi va 3a JOl pre;.01 1 jit ;lu OlJrjJOl lo r oti tee rll J. ro ar fl in re i c e riAiN m h o 1 i X). 3 -is: 31 Dallas, Off: to investigate our lines find that our goods ami are right. " 1 Our Fall and Goods are now res; New Lasts, Stylish' , and Pro1 Repairing Neatly GAYNOR, Proprietor. , ,-th.r.