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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
DR. DARRIN GOING To Dallas October 30th to December 4th, Stopping at the Hotel Gail. Corvallii Gazette. Dr. Damn continues his stay in Corvallis until October 30th. After that date be will be iu Dallas October 31 to December 4. Dr. Darrin has now beeu at Corvallis for sometime, during which time he has treated patients from thesurronndingcountry and parts of the state. Mauy of these are among the leading people, and they cheerfully testify thut be has rendered them creat service. The doctor is enjoying his stay immensely, but is kept so busy that he cannot get much rest. Patients who eontcraplak' availiuc themselves of his services during the remainder of his stay, should bo prompt about coining in. His wonderful success here is such as has never been achieved by a member of his profession in this community. One of his cures is given as reference. Dear Dk. Dabiux: I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me. You deserve all the praise that has been given you in the press. I do not feel that I need to order more medicine. Words cannot express how much I enjoy my good health. I felt many times that my life was very short and that I soon would have to part from my loved ones. I could not help reeling un willing to go and leave them and still I wanted the Lord's will to be done, Again with heartrelt thanks to you doctor for the interest and help you have given mo in restoring my body to health I am always your friend. Nina L. Ckeicwton. P. 8. You are at liberty to publish this lotter and the facta of my case. N. L. C. ANOTHER ALBANY LADY I'BAISES DR. DARRIN. To the Editor Please add my name to the hundreds who have been cured by Dr. Darrin. For more than 30 years I have had u loathsome dis charge of both ears and for a long time ovarian complications, all of which Dr. Darrin has cured me. My daughter has been afllicted with dys pepsia, bloating constipation for four years. She has been cured also. Will gladly talk with anyone on the subject at 432 Second street, Albany. Mrs. Amanda Richardson. Dr. Darrin: Your treatment has cured me of kidney trouble, inflam mation at nock of the bladder, and diabetes. For years I have been obliged to relieve my bladder many times a day and night, rendering sleep almost impossible. I now feel like a new man. I shall never fail to consult you whenover I need medical am. ine treatment you gave me for my debilitated condition from the effects of tho grippe was entirely sue. cessful. I can bo referred to at any timo at Pendleton, Oregon. Ernest KHODEH. Tho doctor makes a seclalty of all diseases of the eye. ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, lagnppe, heart, liver, bladder and kid ney disoases; also genito-urinary and sKin diseases in either sex. Dr. Darrin is prepared to test and lit the eyes witli glasses in connection witli his regular practice. Dr. Darrin treats all forms of curable eye troubles well as chronic disoases at the .Li at : Tnrn body gets its We frra food proper', digested. IToaltliy digestion means pure blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness inc&tpvraiul etwv.ach disorders upset lift ontiro system. Improp erly inr.-.iitt'.L'cl food sours on tr.e stomach, causing distress? pains, iwlcliiuij ::m nausea. When vcr-oaliritf i3 persisted in the stomat'a becomes weakened acd worn out aud dyspepsia U,,,o t' n :m. Thedf orcl's uiacK-Lrauoi!.. j , cures dyspepsia. It frees tho stomach a: id bowels of congested AS; matter and jives t'-io . stomach (V new life. The stomach is quiucrjr rV invioruted o:id the Datura. stinmhtion results in a gooa appetite, with the power to thor oughly difCot food. You can build up your stomach with this mild pi nfvtural renWy. Try Thedforu s black Draught today. You can bny a package from your dealer for 26c. If he doi3 not keep it, send the money to The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., and a pviaga will be mailed you. ONCE DALLAS BLACKSMITH Discoverer Spent of Gold in California Winter of 1844 in Polk County. FORD S I P.1 TiiEK BiACK-BMUGKIl nam 3Bf)BEa Elkins, Charley Ferguson'Chauncey Fercruson. Leonard Frink, Ernest Buell. Kandall Buell. Simon Robin son, Percy Dodd and Chester March as Hotel Gall, Dallas, until December 4. jfalls Otv Botes Ben Beezley was in Dallas on elec tion day. Superintendent C. L. Starr was in town Tuesday. Andrew Syron hus gono to Oregon City to work in tho paper mills, B. M. Guy, of tho Dallas hardware linn of Guy Bros., was iu town Fri day. Zim Hinshaw and family have moved Into tho Andrew Syrou dwell ing house. Thomas Edgar is repairing aud im proving the property purchased from Mr. Van Riper. The new crosswalk in front of tho Christian Church is an improvement that will be appreciated by all. Fifty of our young iooplo chartered a special traiu and attended the per formance of the Margarita Fischer Company in Dallas, Thursday night Tho Ford-Tyson Grocery Company Is building a barn west of Gilbert Tyson's residence proorty. The burn will .. I 9 ... ..1. .1 . . i . .. "in w imeu iui sueiieriugino uenvery wagon und team. The recital given by Miss Elizabeth M. Pollock, of Dallas, in the Christian Church last Friday evening was well uttended, and all went away more than pleased. Miss Pollock's recital was the best ever given in Falls City. The pupils of tho Fulls City publio school are taking a vacation this week. Tho teachers are iu Dallas, attending the Teachers' Institute, and Jurine tl..i- ..l T ... i.u it ciu.inai.- isiiues r eiguson are ceiling the rooms and hull of the schoolhouso. Messrs. Paul are paint ing and pairing the building on ttie inside. These are much-needed im provements. Last Thursday being the 17th birth day of Miss Lena Ferguson, a number i of her schoolmates met at her homo in the eveniug aud gave her a surprise party, ihe evening was spent in games, after which a lunch was served. The young lady received many beautiful presents. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Misses Alta Hinshaw, Eva Cha In, Mabel Stoddard, Hazel Mont gomery, Cecil Dodd, Lena Ferguson, Leda March. Grace Stoddard, Matie Fvrguwn, Messr. Georgtj March Otto COURT HOUSE NOTES. NOTARIAL COMMISSION H.Hirschberg, of Independence. MARRIAGE LICENSE Jesse W. Chamberlin an i Odelia M. Gosser; Alexander H. Anderson and Lillie A. Gerth. PROBATE Estato of Mary E. Gibson, deceased inventory aud appraisement mod; executor charged with $5900.22. Estate of James I. Ball, deceased- sale of real estate approved; adminis trator directed to make deed to purchaser. CLAIMS ALLOWED. Wm Riddell, salary etc f 14 00 Seth Riggs, same ; ' 12 00 J T Ford, telephone 7 05 H Hirschberg, tax rebate 14 87 C L Starr, salary . . 85 57 Enterprise, election acct 44 72 R L Chapman, coroner acct 8 20 Dr B II McCallou, same 8 20 F K Hubbard, road acct 4 G8 F J Morrison, same 28 50 J T Ford, salary 177 86 J C Talbott, road acct ; 55 00 Bryan-Lucas Co, same 4 00 Wm Faull, same ... 3 30 Ellis & Keyt, mdse 11 00 Coad & Morrison, repairs 154 00 J L Condron, bridge acct 185 00 E M Smith, telephone 3 80 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alice Groves and hd to R E Williams, tract in t 7 s, r 5 w, $5200. Israel Hart et ux to Mrs M Murphy, lots 1, 2, 3, block 15, Thorp's Inde pendence, $500. A J Sobriiig to W T Turner, G8.32 acres, 1 9 s, r G w, $100. United States to John V Jtotico, 1G0 acres, 1 9 s, r 7 w, patent. C A Clark et ux to A W Peebles, 12 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $450. Cora Ball and hd to John Simmons, lot 4, block 2G, Thorp's Independence, $15. James Simmons to C E McPherren, lot 4, block 2G, Thorp's Independence, $50. Daniel Hering et ux to C C Lock hart, 105.50 acres, 1 0 s, r G w, $3700. II Fruin to Suver Camp, M W A, lot 4, block 1, Suver, $75. During the past week baleni was honored by a visit from the old Tolk county pioneer, Smith Gilliam, the first sheriff of that county, says the Salem Statesman. Gilliam came to Oregon with his parents in 1844, bein then 13 years of age. The family settled on the present site of Dallas i the Spring of 1845, when there wen but few settlers anywhere west of the Willamette river and south of Yam hill. In fact Gilliam s mother was the first white woman to locate permanently south of the Rickreall on the west side. A fact not generally known to Ore conians is that James Marshall, dis cj coverer of gold at Sutter's Mill, California, in 1848, crossed the plain to Oregon in 1844 and spent the w inter in an improvised camp near wher Dallas now stands. In his train were the Gilliams. John Minto, the Shaw and many others of the famous imm gration of that year. Marshall was a carriage maker by trade, aud during the winter of 1844 worked at several small jobs in his line for the settlers in Polk county Cornelius Gilliam, the father of Smith, went to the Methodist mission below Salem and bought the irons necessary to make a plow, such as was know in those days as the "wooden mould board" style. He then secured Mar shall to make a beam and other wooden appurtenances which went in to the construction of that well remembered type of agricultural im plement. As a workshop Marshall used large oak tree which stood near Gil liam's house, and, cutting a notch in its side, used it to hold the beam while he fashioned it into the proper shape, Forty years afterward this tree still stood, and though the notch cut by Marshall in the winter of '44 was overgrown, Gilliam kept the tree mind until, during one of bis visits to Dallas a few years ago, he noticed that the tree had fallen a victim to the demands of latter-day progress. He greatly regrets that he did not pur chase it and present that part contain iug the notch to the Oregon Historical society. This tree is well remembered by Hon. W. H. Holmes, of Salem, who, while yet a boy, in common with his chums, used to admire the tree which the tatnous discoverer or gold once used as a carriage shop. Marshall only remained in Oregon during that winter. In company with three or four friends he lived in a small cabin near the Rickreall, aud in the sprin the party went to California. An English Author Wrote: ; sso snaao, no snine, no iruit, no flowers, no leaves November! "Many Americans would add no freedom from catarrh, which is so aggravated during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There abundant proof that catarrh is a con stitutional disease. It is related to scrofula and consumption, being one of the wasting diseases. Hood's Sar saparilla has shown that what capable of eradicating scrofula, com pieieiy cures catarrn, ana taken in timo prevents consumption. We can not see how auy sufferer can put off taking this medicine, in view of the widely published record of its radical and permanent cures. It is undoubt edly America's Greatest Medicine for America's Greatest Disease Catarrh Oregon Log Cabin Sold. Oregon's log cabin building at the St. Louis Fair was sold by the State Commission to a St. Louis man, Thursday, for $1000. Dr. Lowe, tho eye specialist, puts tho cream of over 18 years' experience into his glasses. Neuralgia Pains. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to tho penetrating in fluence of Ballard's Snow Liniment It onetrutes to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into tho blood, its healing probities are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some wonderful cures. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Wilson Drug Company. Johns Elected Mayor of Baker City Hon. Charles A. Johns was elected Mayor of Baker City, Monday, by 376 majority over F. M. Saxtou. The elec tiou was the most exciting contest ever held in Baker Chy. Friends and sup porters of the successful candidate held a grand jubilee at night, and bombs, skyrockets and Roman candles were gred by the hundreds. When the news of Mr. Johns' election reached Sumpter, 250 of his friends chartered a special traiu and went to Baker City to join in the celebration Mr. Johns' victory was hiclilv nlon- --cj j i ing to ins old-time friends in Dallas, many of whom have known him since his early boyhood. Salem Hop Market Quiet. lho h veiling Telegram's Salem correspondent says : "The only sales of any consequence in the hop market reported of late, were the purchase of an aggregate of 1500 bales on Satur day by K. C. Herren and E. C. Kirk patrick. The hops were bouerht for London delivery, and the price ranged from 30 to 31 cents. The market is quiet aud featureless here, though very strong." Dr. Lowe does not sell all the good glasses, but all his glasses are good. TL DR. FENNER'S AND 0 Backache ALSO l'fKIFH-3 THE Tlood. AH Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, female troubles. is is Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Ilnov it. Hon To Fiud Out. Fill a botDe or common j-tess with your onH it it s'nnd twi.i v-iour hours; a sediment or set Cc1 ' t'int i;iHir.ates an neys; if it. stains vour linen it evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to Dass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What lo Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy tumiis every wish in curin? rheumatism. Dain in the back, kidnevs. liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects following use ot liquor. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times durin?the nicht. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swemp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases, If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druecbts in 50c. and $ 1 . sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f'Kgr? ana a oook urai icusr.-'j-r7t((i,jsiM more about it, both sentgi;gjCT ausuiuiciy ucg uy man, - address Dr. Kilmer &l Homo of swamp-Hoot. Co.. Binphamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Summons. r the State of Oregon for Portland and Return Only $2.50 The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for 2.50, good going Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon dav. eivinor all day bnnday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland giving all Portland people a chance to visit vallev Doints at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. R. J. F. Thurston and sister-in-law, Miss Clara Robertson, started to St, Louis Saturday, where they will view the Fair and from where Miss Robert son will return to her home in Canada Brownsville Times. Luscious red raspberries on a stem that also had on it green berries and blossoms, were on exhibition at the Horning grocery this week. The fruit was picked Tuesday from bushes be longing to Mrs. Groves. Ripe straw berries were also gathered from the vines a few days ago by H. L. Hall, on his ranch a mile west of Corvallis, Corvallis Times. DONT GET WET!5 ASK YOU& DEALER f 0& THE MADE FAMOUS BY A REPUTATION EXTENDING OVED MOPE THAN HALF A CENTURY TOWER'S torments and 1 itou ore mouts ui utc material in blacK or yellow for all kinds of wet work. MTOrACTION IS GUASAHTEED IF YOU STICK TO . JTHt SIGN Or THE FISri i Tower Canadian caamd. Toronto, can. VERT-LINK GUARANTEED If you buy a Sim mons chain, you will have positive assur ance that it will give perfect satisfaction indefinitely or another chain will be given you for it. The makers guar antee renders Fimmons Watch Chains as safe to buy as diamonds of the first water. Cut Glass and Silverware? C. H. MORRIS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Dallas, - . Oregon IN mm TU.Ch.fa 1, rarruiud to ,lv, ntlrt wlifacliog 1 I Uw wmnr I . . - . i i r-nnrt of Polk county, Di'PU'wn j ha HlopL;r H. HJiwuwrir., i.TiuhHiidt Jo'"'. Burfonl and hum Burfurd una Airs iloiiiT ner iiiihunim. - c.inTte W. hnrlonl M W"e ,S'-ri. . r Simmons her l.uf- Julia PUiiiu Rn,i jr9. Tmimfis j. bund, rrmmns. J. Unrf r 1 n I r Hur. ford hi wife, ihn W. bhUU . , liriive. Hfi 'l,i"''""'llis " if,, Grunt S lelton Mm. Curtis M. Shel n 1. s U t w 111 on ,Hl Mrs. Grant Mill "n '" leH shellon and Mrs. Hurt Shelton lis fe, ' and Mrs. H1 iss i',u" """Alfred Shel Wiseearver and. Mr. "rvur - " " p Lena Sea.ey ana Vv7iT. 11 Brovlllq and; . To Martha spc - , - iurIorl, husuana, o...... "",- ,,lld Mrs. (ieorge ins who, "',"-..' m.nmnim and Sy W. hur pran " " , Thomas J. Hur vestersimmuiia i .-.i i,i ivife. J. M forda.idk.rB. inoi. . - - Jolill w Hunoruui . a--ri,prt Graves 8"e''v " '.I M"hurtli M. Shelton curu.,m." v.V' T in :n,nt shell' 1 e(; , lS , ' d M. Hert Shelton IB liv. , , li t. r, ,n" r i aWl-rver ami Mr. i8eearyer her K""!'. Vf'iS. : TL AidaiileMrrLo rayand Cal vin Seoville the above named dele " ;.. .i r tiwiStuta of Oreeon: ion an " . ereby required to. appear and answer tlieaniended complaint filed agi iiibi JSS iii the above entitled suit in the abo e named court on or beUre six weeks from tht da of the lira! service of this vou bv the publication tiiereof and if o fail, neglect or refuse so tc i appear and a nswi r the plaintiff will take a decree against J ou as r i f. ., i.iu ii.iiiii, unit herein, lo-wlt. mat Slaintil V s the owner in fee simple and en titiea to me v premises to-wit Mr A titled to the possesion 01 me iuuuiKi" b to-wu: , . , . the Northeast quarter o Section 11 i Joy I sh P S South of Range 4 West of the VUU Mer. in Polk County, Oregon, and tlnt you and each ol vou be by saw ueeree jornvui ui . joined from claimiiiB any right, titleor interest i .. ani.i ...i firuiniHi'fl or hiiv uart thercot, and for such other and further relief as to the court niav seem meet with equity. This summons is published for a period of iv vwti in t ie ro K unuuiy uubcivci, uj ,.i.,r ni umi if.i V Cnad. Judec of the County i...,Mt ot nAu- ('nnntv. Oregon, made at chambers at Dallas, Orej-on, on the 27th day of September l'.HJI. The date ot tne nrsi piioiicuuou is September l'JOJ, and the date of the last publication will be jovemuer n, isiui, SiiiLEV & KAK1N, Attorneys for plaintiff Notice For Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. October 8, VM. Notice is lierebv given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proot win be maae ueiore l ouuiy Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas. Oregon, on November I'.i04. viz: Sherman L. Schooley H. E. No. 12581 for the S. W. !.i of S. W. ' of Sec 22. T.7S.. It. 0 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, vin: Stell McCartcr, of Dallas, Oregon: William Eofl, of Dallas, Oregon: George Selby, of Dallas, Oregon; D. . Dunn, of Dallas, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is lierebv given that the undersigned as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Robert Farley, deceased, has tiled his nnal account in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday. the 2(ith day of November, i'.KM, at the hour or' 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room ot saw county court has been ap pointed by the Judgeof said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the saiannai account anu tne settlement thereof. WILSON A. AYRKS, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Robert Farley, deceased. Oscar llayter, Attorney. Dated and lirst published October 21, 1901. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stated communications, Second and fourth Fridays of each month R. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec, Ainsworth Cliaoter. No. 17. 1? A. M., stated convocation, First iuursaay oi each month. Oscar Hayter, H. P. Willis Simonton, Set!. fliaomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated 1 meetings becond and Fourth Thl days oi each month. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger, V. M Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. Friendship Lodee. No rfJf"-iS-. i. . ' ' ' j&$WTy oamniay even ne in I -'li .T ft f nil w j. y. r . nan. Ralph Hill, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. baOreole Encampment, No. 20, meets wvu ailKl x uurtii lvionaay ot each F. II. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe, fllmira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "every Friday eveuing. Jins. v aulixe Williams, N. G. miss Mixa Hughes, Sec. UU1F n-r v"vm'' "courgta. Tner Is K enrs for you. If necessary writ Dr. Fenner li. ha spent a lfl., riirlllff Just ,uch ca!R.8 as A ' enner "I w tffllcted with kidney disease and prarel and jrrowin constmntly worse. Finally meolthegrarels lodgt-d iu my Madder and I was about to have asurgical om-ration to Ana a u..,, ,u mj i-muutT una i wm iioouho nave aun:u'al oiM-ratum to . r i ;" iwirjr k'v. retime s iv inner aau if.ickariiet'uiv ana aftor tisin wi uibiuius ruu cucvicu a cure. , w OA Iv K DALLAS ART STUDIO... Orders taken for Oil and Watereolor Paintings, Crayon Portraits from photographs, and all kinds of Pyro graphic work. Lessons given in Painting, Drawing, Tyrography and Embroidery. MRS. M. E. WEAVER. A T1TTCT Studio at residence, West of College. Woodmen of the World. Dpif,8 CamP', No- 20&. meets in Odd WThnr,d,veTOnin fRES, C. C, " G. Vassall. niprb IWTistletoe Circle, No. 33, AV O W 4 eet8uin 0dd Fellows' hall, Second aMRFs nS ,ne8d of each' jirs. Nellie Tatom, G. N. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. ?K?.n.tiSe:8'eeta Second - im inursaavs of month in I. n n e k"n G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com. " 1. N. Woods each R. K. T kilac Hive, No. 28 L O T at on Second andFounATuVaVXJf noon of each month. """yaner. Mrs. Eva Hayter, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eaki.n, R. k A. 0. U. W. FkT I AND ( KILLthe couch AND CURE THE I IINrc Ak f-r Pr. F. further W. T. OAKF.S, Urrii. Va." t' Aln'.aTKu or Cook r.Mk Fre ST. VITUS' DAfiCLiSS For Sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON sM nianvlitiisif Dr. F u-r'sSt-Viiii n'tMHoand evtrv rse hs !.. ipnlhff it blossiuK. A L.LKX -Clakk LHl;oCo.Akoa;o. W,IH Dr. King's Noiv Discovery I t: Iij rONSUMPTION OUGHS and Priet 50c 1 $1.00 Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cum .11 THROAT and LUSC1 TT?nTTu LES, or MONET BACK. t. Union Loige. x0. 35-Meeta Fir0. frntihirdwed-j ofss H. L. Fenton, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Qrrstal Lodse, No. 50, D of H Firstand Third vLL'1 !"' mee,s month. "uay ot each Alice Groves, C. of If. Emma Coad, Fin. A Sure Cure Calls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff 2' Frosted Feet, Burns, Scalds, etc. ; AN ANTlotri iv mat siops uniation, subdues Infl, mation, and drives out Pain. lnl,il PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissi, promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the MuscS natural elasticity. 91 BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED CURED SCIATIC BUEULUTISi Mrs. E. A. Slmpion, 500 Craig St., KnoxvUie Tenn., writes: " I have been trying the bathsol Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried Inclosed find postoffice order for $1.00. Send me large bottle by Southern Express." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $I.oq BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY HAZELW00D ICE CREAM. We are sole agents in Dallas for this cell' cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors if-' its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUKDf Walter-f?oy, "STSK?- Dallas,! O. H. COBB licit O. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OP Klagons, Carriages, Buggies and farm mucMui' Rorse Shoeing ana Plow lUorka Specialty. We have one of the best Shoors in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, Ore? J. Q. VanOrsdel & DEALERS IN m timber and farm Eands and ity Properly. PROPRIETOR OF Dallas Cleciric EPF. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. SADDLES. I have iust received n Pino of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them ae to style, workmanship and price. I have the nnest line of saddles ever shown in county. They are strictlv "down-to-date" in everv resnpet HORSE BLANKETS bie assortment, quality-all fitted with "Double Sur cmgles, a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS aud ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. TTORNBY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs in Campbell building DALLAS, TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of M Polk county. Office on Court S DALLAS, 0E United Artisans. Tneg. rj ssembly Xo. 46 meets r;,.. Mday of each month F'm Wnxis Simoxton, M. A. !liiiilifjzGER sec. Fraternal Union of America SeleJm0ti?;;;r . J. NVaossr, F. M. BALIAS M 1 m STORE Hour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS ttoiisK Medicine and Stock Food of all kinrlo We buy Wool, Hides, Furs' and Tallow Old Band Hall Corner L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective November 1. DALLAS 31- Teat.'Si,iing. -.illim,. ':4b 'Bridgeport... 'J r. FALLS CITY.... ' f. r. 8:05 Lt. FALLS CITY.... Hri,l. . Oilliim8 Teat' Sidin2.. Ar. Dallas TrainiStop on Si'gai onl'y. L GERUsger, Jr.. general Manager. TTOBXEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad Office in Courthouse DALLAS, OE A TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City DALLAS. KXTIST. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson'i DALLAS, Dm!' r MHYSICAN AND SCBGK0S. L. N. Woods,M-riI Does greneral practice to the county. Office on Xy- DALLAS, M. 9:30 9:36 .......9:39 .9:55 P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P.M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:20 5:fc 52." aye tor the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of thi Hw. yoursubscrintinn , offer, OLIVE SMI1 teacher of PIANO AND 0B5 Studio, Room Xo. DALLAS, OBB HI R. C. Craven, Pres. K. E. Willia"' Dallas Cit? Ihe Exchanges bougm points. Special attend lections. Wm. MUSCOfl Does hauling of all kir-3 rates. $ DALLAS, JSOX. Si ec Itunetombscribe. the