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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
PolR County Observer rSJ,prhU" 'tised hi9 way into the Governors chair. He bought newspaper space, J. C. HAYTER, 1 and lota of it He bought it Dot only EDITOR AND publisher. ' jn the Democratic newspapers, but in ' ' the Republican papers as welL Thou- PablUded Wkiy at $1.50 per Strictly in Adrance. Year. ' DALLAS. OBEiON.SovMBE U.1WL ri(r o Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. V 7 i sands of columns shouted his praises ! throughout the campaign, and when j ! the polls were closed and the returns! were in, Douglas had votes a-plenty , and to snare. In the faoe of a 90,000 j ! plurality for Roosevelt, be carried his j 'state by 20,000. The result proves (that the millionaire shoemaker made; no mistake wheo he decided toj i make a printer's ink campaign. Ad- vertising did the work. j Oregon's superiority over the East- em aoa jiiuaie omvra tsa. ; T "L?"552 i country was never more clearly dem-j i ' castrated than at the Angora show Ti ! v,nM in T,miis when ! William Riddell's buck "Joe" was i ruled out of the contest on account of ' j the length of his fleece. The judges (all Eastern men) declared that such !a growth of hair since the regular . it ci.rt. Drocirirnt ' Snrin s-hearioz was impossible, and ineoaore kwwycii . r---c . , . . . . I . . M. lit:7 : J . i I ci- -r-iy 2-fd?"J ss ffl I SOI! ft Bead 0 I meD Dr. Darrln' Cures. Conrclli Times. Dr. Darrin. the truly eminent phy sician and specialist, whose offices are located in the new Hotel Corvallis, is in this city, for about a month, is now ready to attend to patients afflicted or suffering from any special disease Th numberless testimonials which ne bears from all parts of Oregon aside from the great number which he has I published in the "Times", during the j past year is wholly sufficient to con Ivince this community or any other, i that his ability in his profession ranks I very high, the cures in which he j has been successful by his treatment with electricity and medicine, have ' been exceedingly astonishing. The following lesuiuuumi one whose truth and veracity has not-or hn Questioned in this city ior the 14 years he has been among as, ; and is therefore an impeachable testl i menial. We refer to James E, Dur ihara, of this office. He says: JAMES E. DURHAM'S CARD. "For a long time prior ! under Dr. Darrin s and promptness ot -irh rheumatism and kidney trouble. In all departments of active service stand in need of the readiness of miad to going treatmeut, one sorely afflicted REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE one of the officials laid down the ! absurd rule that an Angora's hair will not make a growth of over an by the Qreatest Majority In the History of the iatton. With the election returns still jnch a month. This rule may hold action which depend on a healthy nerv- j Jt wag a)most impossible to walk, ous svstem. Let a railroad man be "rat- : DurinK Dr. Damn's last visit, I took tied," and every life depending on him j hjs ele5trjcai and medical treatment, is in danger. A gTeat many railroad j aDJ arter a few weeks my rheumatism men have found in Dr. Pierce's Golden ; aQd kidnev complaint was a thing of Medical Discovery a valuable tonic for ; hg L "Furthermore, I will state the overstrained nervous system. ; tDal i was frequently sorely attacked builds up the body, purifies the blood, . h crampg u mj- feet, ankles and nourishes the nerves, and induces a caives 0f niy legs with such force, healthv appetite and refreshing sleep. . j waa 0hij wd to jump out of bed I suffered for x yr with constipation tad ; nd go hard were the .sri' fl' hffS;hPv Wod often leave the eii. of Eureka fffi stM.ts ouite sore for more than press SUCn an opinion 1U s, Cairoil Co.. Ark. "I felt that there ir. t neripnppd even all Indications, will exceed 1,800,000- 0reg0Q would get laughed at for his j jP?! Stch affiiioo siuce I placed my- Ural ' te rioor. Two vear azo I commenceo iati-s incomplete, the plurality for fresiaeni ! jn feome states, but a man whoi erai phN-sician but they could Roosevelt in the Nation, according to Jwould express such an opinion in j U"J FEtrMto.: ArkPPlM ' an AUiencau gDorance. The editor of the R I Northwest, in commenting upon the vote ! iniustice of the decision, says: '"Every received i n o-h.i Unnws William P.idrlell knows the greatest ever given candidate. TIib nearest approach to this was In 16S6, when McKinley a plurality approximating 850,000,and ' tjjat e ,3 tDe jrsonification of honor In 1872 when Grant received ibi.JJi. aDd jntecrritv. Moreover he could Interest centers in Missouri and Maryland. Late election returns Indicate that the former state is in the Republican column so far as Presi dential electors are concerned, but that Joseph W. Folk, the Democratic candidate, has been elected Governor by 30.000. In Maryland the Presidential vote will probably be cast for Roosevelt. In the other states i.t is simply a question of pluralities. The figures show but 12 states with 133 rotes for Judge Parker. President Roosevelt carried all the Northern States swept them, In fact, and has 343 electoral votes. The banner state is Pennsylvania. Twenty-four hours after the polls closed the returns from this state indi cated that Roosevelt's plurality would reach 485,000. Next comes Illinois, where the Presi dent polled approximately 225,000 more votes than did Parker. Ohio gave Roosevelt 200,000 and New York 174,000. President Roosevelt ran ahead of his ticket in many localities. In Massachusetts he had a plurality of 88,000, while the Republican candidate for Governor was defeated by 35,000. California is Republican by 100,000 Colorado by 15,000; Idaho by 25,000; Montana by 10,000 ; Nebraska byTS.OOO ; Neyada by 2,000; Utah by 12,X0; West Virginia by 20,000; Indiana by 75,000; Wisconsin bv GO.000: Wyoming by 6.000. Roosevelt's majority in Washington will be about 45,000. Mead was elected Governor by a plurality of 14,000. The Republicans elected every mem ber of the State Senate and all but six members of the House. Late returns show that the Repub licans will have over 100 majority in Congress as against 34 at the last session. Election returns in Oregon Indicate that the Republican plurality will reucb perhaps 43,000. Roosevelt carried every county in the state, and in several counties Parker has run be hind Debs. It Is believed that Parker's total voto in the state will not exceed 15,000. Seven counties have adopted prohi bition Gilliam, Yamhill, Jackson, Benton, Tillamook, Coos and Curry. Sixteen counties have rejected pro-hlbltlon-Clackamas, Columbia, Lane, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, Linn, Mal heur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wasco and Washington. It pays to advertise. W. L. Doug las, the newly-elected Democratic Governor of Massachusetts, has always been a firm believer in the efficacy of printer's ink. and has used it liberally in calling atteution to his $3. CO shoes. Theio is probably not a mau, woman or child between Port land, Maine, and Portland, Oregon, who is not familiar w ith the wooden faced countenance of the Brockton niilllonare shoemaker. Year after year, his photograph has appeared in all the leading magazines and news papers, along with those of Aunt Lydia riiikham.Talcum Powder Men uen, old William Quaker Outs Penn, aud the Gold Dust Twins. The same methods that won him fame and for-' tune in the shoe business were readily have shown an abundance of disinterested witnesses that his ex hibition goats, including Joe, were properly sheared at the regulation time. If this unjust decision as to the time of shearing had not been made Joe would undoubtedly have taken either second orthird premium." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ana m- tie pellet.' and improved from the atari. Al ter taking twelve bottle of the ' Diacovery ' I was ahle to do light work, and ha ye been im proving ever since." Send 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing and get Dr. Pierce'a Medical Adviser in paper covers, free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y. Speaking of the proposed county ex hibits for the Lewis and Clark Fair, the Salem Statesman says editorially : "There, is going to be one of the greatest contests for supremacy in this matter that has ever been seen in any state." The Statesman is right. The signs of the times point to a con test that will be led hot from start to finish. And other counties in the Willamette Valley are going to make Old Polk hustle to retain the title of the "Blue Ribbon County of Oregon." Marion county has appropriated $1000 for an exhibit The Clackamas county court has appropriated a like sum, and Lane county comes to the front with $500, and a promise of $500 or $1000 more, if needed. Over in Eastern Oregon, Wasco county has appropri ated $400, and the business men of Hood River will add few to the county's donation. Two hundred boxes of Hood River's choicest apples have been placed in cold storage for the exhibit. Othercounties in Eastern and Southern Oregon are joining the movement in earnest, and the result will be one of the most strenuous con test j for first place ever heard of in a competitive display of county pro ducts and resources. As we remarked at the outset, Old Polk will have to hustle to retain her present proud position in the race. Other counties are after the honor, and are spending their money to win it. Cottage Hotel Changes Hands. Messrs. Wendelin & Tari have re tired from the management or the j Cottage Hotel, acd Mr. and Mrs. J. H. j Dunn are now in charge of that well known hostelry. Mr. Dunn is an obliging and courteous gentleman, and has a wide acquaintance through-! out the county. Mrs. Dunn will have j eeneral suDervision of the kitchen and dining room, and this is ample assurance that the guests of the house will le well fed. The Cottage Hotel will doubtless grow rapidly in public favor under the new management. self under Dr. Damn s eiecincai treatment. He who is afflicted with : the same ailments will miss it if he . fails to place himself under the doctor s treatment during his stay here. I : recommend the doctor with full con fidence to all afflicted. I am connected with the Corvallis Times and can be found there at any time by any one ' who would like to hear a verification ! of this testimony by word or mouth i or by letter." i James E. Durham, j Corvallis, Oregon. DR. DARRIS'S PLACE OF BUSIXESS. i Dr. Darrin is located at the Hotel (Gail until December 4, and will give free examination to all. 10 to o or tu 8 daily. The poor free and those able to pay at the rate of $5 a week or in that proportion of time as the case mav reauire. All curable chronic diseases of men and women a specialty Eyes tested and glasses fitted at reasonable prices. DALLAS TEAM WINS Local Athletic Club Detents McMInn vilie in Motly Contested Foot ball Game. The Dallas Athletic Assocmtion foot ball team defeated the HiKh School by a score of 10 to 0, m a Sedgame played in this city last Saturday afternoon. Though having no recularly organized team, tne huskygDallaJs lacfs demonstrated the fact that they can play football w ith out any great amount of practice The game was lively throughout, but was free from wrangling. Morton, Coad, Castle and Stiles di3 good work for Dallas, and Dennis was the star of the visiting team. The line-up : Dallas Position McMina Fisher O Stewartson Francis R. G. L. Hauser Ky L. O. R Ballinger Castle R.T.L S. Simons Barrendrick....L.T. R -Akin Launer R. E. L Howe r,h T,. E. R Calavan t. rrf" ' R.H. L Houser T. H R W. Simon C Coad.'.'.'.'.". F.B ..Dennis Morton Q. B. . . .Maloriey T?0for John P. VanOrsdel. Um pire F. B. Patty. REALESTATE! 78 acres Nice Homelike place, with good buildings and feuces in arroa in rMilti vation lots of fine i tisoo 5 acres with a good little House onH Ham-all fenced and under nnltivntinn nnlv VU J tract, finely sit- atwiwnrth .U) Der acre only $ 32 U L-- '"-'- - g vino inn aere farm, well im proved $o000 Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 TMnplv inmroved farm of 460 aeres $9500 stvk Ranch 900200 acres under cultivation Can't bo beat $9000 Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. 164 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place cheap as dirt only $1500 Here is the cheapest place in Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn, and other improvements worth $1200 at least for only $800 I have all classes of Ranches and Farms for sale I can suit you in quality or price. HENRY CAHPBELL, DALLAS, OREGON. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS FOR POLK COUNTY NOVEMBER 8, 1904. ft -I As predicted by the Obseeveb last ) week, a large number of Polk County Democrats stayed at home on election j day. A comparison of Tuesday's vote with that of last June shows that fully one-third of the Democrats in ! this county did not take part in the! National election, and a considerable number of those who went to the polls cast their ballots for the Roosevelt electors. The Bryan Democrats of! West would have none of Parker, and , it doesn't appear from the general re- turns that the man from Esopus was j overly popular in the East I Republican : ' G. B. Dimick 51 65 42 J. A. Fee i 50 65 42 J. N. Hart : 52 64 43' A. C. Hough ; 50 63. 42j Democratic ' i T. H. Crawford 17 22 IS' W. B. Dillard 1 22 19! W. S. Hamilton 17 23 1S J. A. Jeffrey ; 18 22 191 Prohibition ' I. H. Amos 2, 4 l! Leslie Butler 2 4 1 W. P. Elmore j 2 4 1 T. S. McDaniel i 2 4 1 r. i i . Socialist ! C. W. Barzee j 2 7 l Wm. Beard j 2 7 l J. C. Herrington 2 7 ... S.H.Holt j 2 7,... People's j , 1 J. L. Hill 2 ... L. H. McMahan !.. 2 ... P. E. Phelps i...' 2 ... G. F. Schmitlein 2... 51' 52' 46 so: S ! 8 i 9 o ! i c 56 87 56! 86 12 11 11 12 j 3! 2 2 o 56, i 20 21 22 21 I 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 o 87 87, 22. 32 32 32 47 12C 47 126 47 126 46 125 ! 29 30 29 29 i 3 3: 3 3 i I 2 2 2 2, 1 1' 1T 1! o2 so ; si; i 2' 2 2! 2i i t 17! 20. 19; 17, 84 84; 83 : 84 43 43 4o 2 2 3 2 6 6 6 5! I 3 2 2 2 40 41 39 39 23 24 25 23. 6! 6 7 6 21 91 2 2 i: i! i; ii n ii ii i i i i 98 100 98 97 56 56 55 56 18 19 18 18 14, 14 14 4' s 4 1 1 1 32 111 32114 32110 32108 140 124 139125 139 122 136121 16 17 1U 17 23 23l 23! 22 24 26 26 25 7 6! C'i 6, 52 51 50 50 20 20 21 20 14 15 14 15 3 31 o H 71372 7l380 1363 1350 509 521 CIS 517 116 118 120 115 116 126 122 117 27 27 26 24 The Oregonian puts the whole situ ation in a nutshell when it savs: "Nobody wanted Parker, not even the Democrats." Late election returns indicate that the Solid South is a thine of the past. Has anyone heard of a precinct in Oregon carried bv Parker? Buys Fine Lens. A Dallmyer Grade A lens is the latest addition to the equipment of I. J. Cherrington's photograph! gallery. This is the most perfect lens made, and is also the most costly. Mr. Cherrington says it is doubtful if there is another Dallmyer Grade A leus in any town of Dallas' size in the United States. The fact is, there arehjl I out xew ot mem in use in any large t : 4 i j I ; t ! : ! ; i ! i t employed In making him Governor of ! ' - lUe Use 01 lni9 1003 11 13 Ps" the Baked Roans State Douglas i l bUin a cIearness of det'l didn't waste any money in touring the aDj f fioish that caDDOt stute, or in paying for brass bands r""" """"""""J l'luer ,eus iiiumv. vut-i i lugiuu is a pnoiog- grapher of progressive ideas and methods, and does not let money stand in the way of securing the best photographic equipment manufact ured. World'a Fair Vote. Miss Nora Robertson 13,454 : Mis Rose Bronken 11,415 1 Miss Hallie Reynolds 1012 iMiss Lilly Baxter 31 Rheumatism b ona of the constitutional diseases. It manifests Itself la local aches and pahs, laHamed joints and stiff muscles, but it cannot be cured by local applications. It retires constitutional treatment acting through tha tloOd, and the best h a course cf the great medicine Hood'sSarsanariDa which has permanently 'mQ8tbpid p 10 d,f- tb For tstimoaIal of rmarfca! carat to4 tot Book oa Kbumtism. Na. T. S2." ! 'or the OBSERVER ml the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to tale j advanUee of thii liberal I I offer, your tnbecription to the Obscitei j Qnor.IInutoCouhCuro For Couh, Colds snd Croup. i2! I i v i iji !! ' i 1 7; New Shoe Store WILL OPEN Wednesday, Nov. 16 IRVIN (S PETTEYS Practical Shoe Men Leaders in Up-to-date Footwear. NEAR P0STOFFICE DALLAS. ORE. New Grocery lartmem DeiD M Vu have our New Store in the GroCf Department iiiccly arranged. They do say we sell our Groceries withe profit but you see we sell a great manj them. We offer our customers the best 11 j.i i can get an tne time, ana our very reasonable. pneeg In the Store we are now opening one of the finest sti of General Merchandise ever offered in j citv. V especially excel in : : Clothing and Shoes and our prices are away below anyt that you will find anywhere, and ti "Star Brand" and "Packard" Shoes and Hoffman $ Rothschild Clothing'. are the very best made, ELLIS Phone 246. KEYT HAIN STREI ' " ' ' ' " ! 1 ALL THE NEW BOOHS- LATE COPYRIGHTED AND STANDARD WORKS From 15C Up. Just Received a New Line of Boob ( from the East. Your Patronage Is Solicited Wilson Drug Company CONRAD STAPRIN, Mgb. Court and Main Street. - - Dallas, Oregc- Take the Trouble i to investigate our lines and find that our goods and on: are right. C Our Fall and fi' Goods are now New Lasts, Stylish P Repairing Neatly and prompt 2 Dallas Boot and Shoe Store MRS. J. C. QAYNOR, Proprietor. WAGNER BR05. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, f Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, " with Extension Head. : : : : : : ''' ', All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and every', cultivate a hoFyard or orchard. f COR. OAK and MAIN STDcctc Tl A T.T. AS. f'i '