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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
WORLD'S FAIR TOUR A World's Fair Excursion to St. Louis and return, and $100 additional expense money. Contest Now Open PRIZE wm hi. 11 warded to anv lady in Polk County receiving the highest vote. WE GIVE COUPONS with every 25c purchase. The Bee Hive Store Dry Goods Clothing Shoes T. A. Biggs Groceries Guy Brothers Hardware Frank J. Chapman Furnituie The Hub Clothing Store Exclusive Men's Furnishings A. H. Harris Jeweler Optician Miss Bertha Collins The Leading Milliner Meiser & Meiser Crockery Notions Lee Smith's Cyclery Bicycles Repairing Sundries Frank Fuchs Star Bakery Dallas Ice and Cold Storage Co. Cold Storage Meats Walter Williams Cigars Confectionery Ice Cream Heath & Comes Exclusive Paints Wall Paper papers I 4 Ike- 1 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- is SUre tO Know 01 ins wunuciiui cures made vy vr. i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver J. and bladder remedy. fc cal triumph of the nine Ijijt teenth century; dis ! , covered after years of 111 Hntific research bv Dr. Kilmer, the emi- i y y (Si . nen. kjdney an(j tlad-jL'--9 ' der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brighfs Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouDie. n- K-iimorV Swamo-Root is not rec- j omm'ended for everything but if you havekid- ney, liver or bladder trouoie u win uc iuuuu just 'the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to finH nut if vou have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and tarA umir aAArftss to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- igj;j: hamton. N. Y. Theii roemtar fiftv cent and Homeof Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. DALLAS ART STUDIO... Orders taken for Oil and Watercolor Paintings, Crayon Portraits from photographs, and all kinds of Pyro graphic work. Lessons given in Painting, Drawing, Pyrography and Embroidery. MRS. M. E. WEAVER, Autist. Studio at residence, West of College. KILLthi COUGH AND CURE THE LUNUS WITH r. Kings ilciv Discovery rONSUMPTION OUGHS and OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. w feed ai m store Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Horse Medicine and Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow Old Band Hall Corner J. L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon Slump in Chlttlm Bark. A slump in chittim bark prevails at this time, and 4e is about the ruling price. A mistaken idea as to the value of the bark became prevalent in the Coast counties this season, and a great deal of bark was peeled in the expectation of Gc to 7c a pound. Con sumers of chittim bark seem to be supplied at this time, and there is no demand apparent, while stocks have piled up in the warehouses. Chittim bark has been worth as much as lGc a pound within the past few years. Eve ning Telegram. Defeated in Practice Game. Willamette University defeated the Oregon State Normal School football team in a practice game on the varsity gridiron, Saturday afternoon, by a score of 12 to 0. The Normal boys put up a good fight, but were handicapped by the inexperience of nine new men. Coach Greene is fast getting the team into shape, and good reports from the Normal eleven will doubtless be forth coming later in the season. iu j. id DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors used its manufacture. in SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter Roy, Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, Ore. O. H. COBB O. W. COBB O. H. COBB & SON MAN I'FACTUBKKS AND REPAIRERS OF Wagons, Carriages, Buggies and farm machinery fjorse Shoeing and Plow ttlorK a Specialty. Wo have one of the best Shoers In the State. New und second-hand rigs to sell or trade. North Dallas, Oregon K Q Phone Farm .120. Dallas College : : : andL a Creole Academy. Classical, Scientific, Business and Elementary Courses. FACULTY SPECIALLY TRAINED IN LEADING COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Careful attention paid to individual irhhIs of body, mind and character. Library, Gymnasium, Laboratory and Dormitory privileges for both sexes. KXPKNSKS LOW. Fall Term begins September 21, 11)04. rues aim oiner information auaress. PROF. D. M. METZGER, or PROF. C. T. W HITTLESEY, Dallas, Oregon. 1 1 For catalog J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DKAI.BKS IX Cisrtcr and farm Eands and City Property. PROPRIETOR OF 03113$ ICCtfIC iO.M PlM Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. M i Si J COURT HOUSE NOTES. COMMISSIONERS' COURT In the matter of the petition for the establishment of a county road to be known as the Sidney road ordered that the road be established as located and described, and that the county pay the costs of the survey of said road. In the matter of the petition of J. L. Caron and others for the establish ment of a county road petition granted and road ordered established. Ordered that $30 be transferred from the General Road Fund to Road District No. i. Ordered that the sum of $11,307.17 be transferred from the Geneial Fund to the Called Warrant Fund, and that a warrant issue therefor to be cancelled by the Treasurer. PROBATE Estate of Charles G. Fisher, de ceasedexecutor discharged. Estate of Marion Brower Weider, deceased first semi-annual account filed. Estate of W. M. Cooper, deceased bond of B. Wilson, administrator, ap proved ; J. H. Moran, C. McBeth and W. P. Haley appointed appraisers. Estate of Mary S. Leigh, deceased final account set for hearing on November 19, at 1 o'clock p. m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs H H Miller to C L Gentry, lot 7, block 24, Thorp's Independence,, $200. May Babbitt to Amy C Wilson, part of lots 7 and 8, block 8, Hill's Inde pendence, $1500. Rena D Hart to E C Kirkpatrick, 100 by 100 feet, Solomon Shelton d 1 e, $1000. Fred R Rider to O D Rider, tract in Independence, $1200. State of Oregon to N Craven et als, 100 acres, 1 9 s, r 7 w, $750. , Emma J Smith to George A Wells, 520 acres, 1 9 s, r 4 w, $10,000. A S Locke'et ux to T W and Luella Hart, lot 5, block 16, Hill's Inde pendence, $100. G W Johnson et ux to G W Gosser, lots 11 and 12, block C, West Salem, $100. T J Gill to Sarah E Marks, lots 1 and 2, block 8, Levens L. H. add to Dallas, $250. Jacob Smith et ux to J H Garrett, one acre in Ballston, $275. United States to I F Yoakum, 160 acres, 1 7 s, r 8 w, patent. W J Farley et ux to C R Farley, 294 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $500. D B Taylor et ux to Israel Rehaume lots 3 and 4, block 3, White's add to Independence, $100. George F Vick et ux to J B V Butler, 40 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $275. The Royal Month and Royal Disease. Sudden changes of weather are especially trying, and probably to none more so than to the scrofulous and consumptive. The progress of scrofula during a normal October is commonly great. We never think of scrofula its bunches, cutaneous erup tions, and wasting of the bodily sub stancewithout thinking of the great good many sufferers from it have do rived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whose radical and permanent cures of this one disease are enough to make it the most famous medicine in the world. There is probably not a city or town where Hood's Sarsaparilla has not proved its merit in more homes than one, in arresting and completely eradicating scrofula, 'which is almost as serious and as much to be feared as its near relative consumption. Will Open Branch in Salem. George M. Hylaud, of Portland, was in Salem, Friday. Mr. Hyland was formerly with Olds & King in Port land and ho will bo remembered by Salemites in connection with the civic improvement worn. iur. nyianu is manager for the Northwest of the Viavi Company's business. Yester day he leased one of the front suites in the new Breyman building, near the Statesman ofliee, for local offices of the Yiavi company. A little later he expects to open Turkish baths here for women. Salem Statesman. :"J Tli-a jTfej etock medicine is a ,o,-.-r t.-- otnrlr raisers. It? munuy r.- i t j3 a medicine, not a cheap food or-: M condition powdnr. Though put vj 'ri in cofirrer form than Thedford e , JJ'ack-Dranprht, renowned for tbej. ' care of the digestion troubles of otnons, it has the same qualities 0f invl- ernv.ig digestion, stirring $ -1 tho"t -t; Oliver and loosening'. thocorsti'ed bowels for all stock? It is carefully pre- g Portland and Return Only $2-50. The Southern Pacific. is now ing round trip. tickets to Portland from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. orany tra.n oi Sun-,..-: SunHtiv and Mon day, returning , i day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in roruauu. iu rangement applies from Portland. giving all Forwanu p'- to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Facinc oom- . i pany's agent for particulars After Advertising Fakirs. The Portland Chamber of Commerce has passed a rule that all doubtful schemes of advertising and of charity must be endorsed by a committee specially appointed to investigate thein before they can receive support from any members of the organiza tion. In so doing it goes without saying that there are certain well known charities and well established advertising mediums which will nat urally not be affected by this plan and these are left to individual judgment to pass upon. What is aimed at in to provide against doubtful schemes of which there are so many, the applica tions of which are so wearing and dis turbing to business men. Doubtful advertising schemes of traveling fakirs have become very numerous and aunoying to the merchants in every town in Oregon. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks , Designs 'MiM' Copyrights i 4 c Anron wndlna a sketch and dcTintkin m qiitefct ajk-rtm our o(nun free whether an invention is pivbaMj patentable, Conmiume-ttondMriotlTtNrt-lentiai. IlandNiokon Pmtenu scut fr. (l.lM nirnrw fw mnnff txMem. latent taken thmueh Munn & Co, reeelr fpr.U Httfict without chnrva. hi the Scientific Jltucilcan A hm1smelT illnstnWwl wffllr. I arrest rtr r r : f ar months, f 1. &Hd b j !! TiesesieriL Inmt UH t St, WakbiBiiua, U U and "its action is so healthful 1 i fi... j. ,r rhnvA Wltn an re j occasional dose in thsir food. It -ures Log cholera and makes hogs i -"rrow fat. It euros chicken cholera w nnil r.mlrpfl hens lav. It 1 , :1 cui-e3 constipation, distemper and 1 colds in horses, murrain in catue, t and makes a draught animal do .1 Q -nrlr fnr the food consumed. -j It fives animals and fowls of all i,; ,i r,Q-. lifn Kverv farmer ana raiser should certainly give it a trial. It costs 25c. a can and saves ten times its price in profit. PrrrsnDno, Kas., March 25, 1904. I have been us!;iB your Black-Draught & of -tock food but I have , tound that yours is we ucoi ;-!!;; I Eastern EM Beautiful- Columbia River Folder. The nassenerer department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany has just issued a beautitul ana eostlv panoramic folder entitled "The Columbia River, through the Cascade Mountains, to the Pacific Ocean. From Arlington to Portland and from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of interest are shown, while Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens, per petually covered with snow, stand out in their beauty. On the back of the map is an interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beaches and the San Francisco trip by ocean. A copy of this folder may be secured by send ing four cents in stamps to pay postage to A. L. Craig, General Pass enger Agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Portland, Ore gon. By sending the address of some friend in the East, and four cents in postage, the folder will be promptly mailed. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaquina- 19..,pM Leaves Albany f- Leaves Corvallis : - Arrives Yaquina B.40 1.JU. No. 1 Returning- Leaves Yaquina ? .1j Leaves Corvallis H A.M- Arrives Albany 12:lo P.M. No. 3 for Detroit- Leave Albany 1 P.J L Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit Leave Detroit C30 A.M. Arrives Albany n-.m a.ju. Tmin Kn i arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south l,nn,l rrnin. as well as giving tVO 01 three hours in Albany before depart ure of S. P. north bound train. Trnin No. 2 connects with the b. i. rrnin n.t. Corvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Jireitenmisn and other mountain resorts leaves Albany atl :00 p. m reaching Detroit uhnnt fi .00 D. 111. For further information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis SADDUES. r have just received a Fine New Stock Sty They ue triotly "down-lc Jate" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment-prices acoording to i.,iLlall fitted with "Double bur- rinelea " a new feature w hicn every Seman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. FrniiEt A Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. A Upstairs DALLAS, Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon : In the matter of H. D. Brunk, bank rupt. To the Creditors of H. D. Brunk, of Eola, in the county of Polk, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of September A. D., 1904, the said H. D. Brunk was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Dallas, in Polk County, on the 22nd day of October A. D., 1904, at 2 :30 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. R. E. WILLIAMS, Referee in Bankruptcy. October 10, 1904. Notice oi First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon : In the matter of Harriet R. Brunk, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Harriet R. Brunk, of Eola, in the county of Polk, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of September A. D., 1904, the said Harriet R. Brunk was dulv ad judicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of her cieditors will be held at Dallas, in Polk Countv, onthe22nd day of October, A. D., 1904, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. R. E. WILLIAMS, Referee in Bankruptcy. October 10, 1904. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre eeription, changed hands in San Fran Cisco, August 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock f 112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific lor Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15. 1900 They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it oat on its merits bv mittino over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. Thev also eot nhv sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up tn Aug. 25. eiebtv-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied anH closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will oe mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fcltos CoMPAsr, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1. Daily except Sunday West-Bound: LV. Tents' Siding.. Bridgeport. . Ar. FALLS CITY. East-Bound: Lv. FALLS CITY A. M. P. M. .7:30 1:20 .7:46 1:36 .7:49 1:39 .7:55 1:45 .8:05 1:55 A. M. P. M. .9:20 4:35 ..9:30 4:45 .9:36 4:51 .9:39 4:54 .9:55 5:10 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GERLINGER, Jr.. General Manager. THERE IS NO SLICKER LISE. Forty years & and after many yews of use on the eastern coast. Tower's Woterproof Oiled Oats were introduced in the West and were called Slickers by the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic name has come into such general use' that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the genuine. LooK tor the Olgn of the rish,anc ui wave ivrrcr n uvi puuuiu. HADE IN BLACK AN& YHLOW AND 301D BY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE A.J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS.. U.S. A. TOWER CANADIAN CO, L.tratd. TORONTO. CAN. Summons. . .... ,.i.n rtnf the State of Oregon for l'"'?.'''''! IPM Martha Sloper 1 V , I ,, W fel . W " her hUHlmnd, John M. and Oeorge . "'"I", .i ,ir)f.. :wpW. """'TV i ji.,.,ir.r Kimmons her bus- iZV T r AS. and M- '; Burfqrd ins wi.e. j. ' "''" " " Thm. j. (SveriS Mrs. Curt s a. h ie . .. " ,nd J rs.ura niom. , : 5 n on SMrHorfisSheUonK,AV and Mrs. Arthur ;sne on . , " f - ton and Mrs. Ainva biiuhuu m , i M. U',,,.Bre;.l' hPT llUHbund. Davidson, Mrs. a. h. i-ye, n " ' husband, John M.Burford and Emma B'jrford his wife, (ieorse jiurioru -"n," W. nrf?rd JjU wife, Julia , u -ml byl- ford and hirs. Tlioinas J. Bur ford his wife, J. M. liurford and Laura liurford his wife, Jo m W. mipltou Thomas J. Graves, Herbert (.ravta C r M. HIu.ltMnnn,l Mrs. Curtis M. She ton hiswife.drant Shelton and Mrs. llrunt S helton his wife, Bert Shelton una """ f """" his wife lIolliK Shelton mid Mrs. llollishlielton UI...H,,,. ...1 Mm Arthur S hel- 1118 W11U, A I mill oiiti'ii ....... --- ton his wife, Alfred Shelton and Mrs. Alfred shelton his wife, Luey v. Wiseearver her nusuauii, i.eim cenii :earcy her uuhdriki, a. u. uiiviufuu, mm. n. ; Nye, Aida Seoville, Mrc. Lola Gray and Cal in Seoville the above named defendants. In tiie name of the Slate of Oregon: You and each of you are nereoy reyuiieu iu nnd answer uieameimeo coiupuuui lumusniusi vou in tne aoove euiiueu nuii m ni 3 .p ),.f.,i.ii ui v u'liulrw frnni T.llR 1UIIUUU VUUIL Ull l'i wv.,. - date of the first service of this summons upon you by tue puuiieunuu niciui uu.i n i.-, neelect or refuse so to appear and answer the , ...ill i..l.n n ,l,,.,r,ii iiirui.ldl VAI1 AH piaitlllll V1JI laivc v.n.ivv T. - prayed for in his complaint herein, lo-wit: that pluinilll IS tne owner 111 lee buiiuc ohu en titled to the possesion of the following real premise to-wit: The South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 11 in Township t,...,.i. r.t A VVu( r,f lho Will Mpr in n nuuiii ui iniiir, ' ..... ... ... .11. ...,.., ii.i.l flint vrti mul nnnh nl l UlU V.UllliLJ, VIUftWll, vi. i t jvi. ,. . vou be by saiu decree lorever imrieu nun un- joineu irom ciumiuuk any iikiil, iincur imciwi 111 Or tO SU1U ILill JllCIUlOl O HI llllj yak v mvivvi, oi.fl for uiHili (UliHrnml further relief as to the I'nurr. niflv seem meet with euuitv. This summons is published lor a period oi SIX WeUKB III II1U llilft ljl,lllll. wuoi-ivvi, ij nriicrnf Hon. Ed F. Ciiad. Judge of the Countv t Unll. linn,.,.. IWi.nfiii miirl.i at VjUUlll lii lUin uuuinii VllVH, .1.,.., m chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 27th day of September litO t. The date of the first publication is September :), 1901, and the date of tho last UUUllCHllUll Will ue nuvt-'lll'N.l 11, imM. SI.iLEY & KAKIN, Attorneys lor plalntill'. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that Ailolph Aebi as administrator of the estate of Anna M. Bierler, deceased, has Hied in the County Court of the state ot ureeon, lor i oik County, his mini ac count as such administrator, and that Saturday the 2ttth day of October, 1901, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, has been appointed bv the Judge of said Court as the time for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. All persons are therefore required to appear at said time and show cause, if any exist, why said account should not be approved and the said adminis trator msenargeu. Dated this 2-lth day of September, 1901. ADOLI'II AEIU, Administrator of the estute of Anna M. liigler, deceased. Notice For Publication. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. October 8, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas. Oregon, on November 21, 1901, viz: Sherman L. Schoolev; H. E. No. 12.581 for the S. W. 4 of S. W. U of Sec. 22, T. 7 S., It. 6 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Stell McCarter, of Dallas. Oregon: William Eoff, of Dallas, Oregon : George Selby, of Dallas, Oregon; D. Y. Dunn, of Dallas, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Street Improvement Notice. To Dr. V. Fink, O. E. Leet, Coast Range Lumbering Company, Mrs. Anna Clark, M. A Churchill, Mrs. Genevra Howe, Miss Ellen Collins: Notice is hereby given, that the City Council of Cie City of Dallas, Oregon, contemplates the passage of an ordinance requiring the improve ment of those certain streets or parts of streets in said city, adjacent to or adjoining the here in below described lots or parts of lots or parcels of ground, in the manner following, to wit: By the construction of a new sidewalk 5 feet 4 inches wide on the West Bide of Levens street adjoining Lot S, block 12; on the East side of I-evens street adjoining Lot 3, block li on the West side of Hayter street adjoining Lot 9, block 6; all in Levens LaCreole Homestead addition to Dallas. Also on the East side of Levens street and south side of Washington street adjoining Lots 2 and 3, block 5, in Levens 1st addition to Dallas. Also West sido of Lvle street adjoining Lot 1, block 19, D. L. & I Co 's addition to Dallas. Also West side Robb street adjoining Lot 23, Academy Block. Also, North side Clay street adjoiuing Lots 4 and 5, block 1 Gem addition. Also, a new sidewalk s feet wide' on West side of Main street adjninine Lot 7 block 9 Miller s L. H. add. All in he lily of Dallas. Oregon. ' That said sidewalks will be constructed of lumber at the time and iu the manner to be hereafter prescribed by said Ordinance That the cost of said sidewalks will be assessed to the above described property front me and abutting thereon: 1 That theCity Council will sit in the Council A Dmiw?t -a. 7 ? -th17lh of October A. D. 1904 at , :30 o clock m the evening, to hear ?hj,.T-(nmne bJ;ti"' and remonstrances thereto, if any there be; and That all owners and other persons in interest may attend at said time and place andZiw eus iy they have, why said sidewaS should not be constructed "'uenaiks lone by order of the City Council of the City of Dallas, made on the 3rd day of October A D Witness rny hand and the official seal of the said city of Dallas, this 6th day of October a! l l8"1) DAN P. STOUFFER Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas. Oregon. Wm. MUSCOTT, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable DAlS. OHEGON. Cnar.IinuteCounhCure Fop Couohs, Colds and Croup, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon September 17. 1 H01 Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County uerK oi I'olK county, at Dallas, Oregon, on November 3, 1901, viz: Stephen D. Hubbard ri. K. No. 12419 for the N. W. U of Sec. 4, T. 8 8., it. ( w. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upuii and cultivation of said land, viz: John Martin, of Dallas, Ore gon: Wm. Bird, of Dallas. Oreenn: A. K. Campbell, of Dallas, Oregon; A. D. Burnett, of iniins, uitguil. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Kegister. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, Alice E. Town wnn hutra I aion nmit.i ,..1. i. uviii HruiUbCU aUllllIIlHtrHtl IX OI the estate of James II. Townsend, deceased, by i 11, vuun vi me buue ot uregon ior win, wuihj. An eiBuiis naving ciaxms iigain Slllfl AStflta 11 ra rm. t . .. 11.. . v-v-vv .,v- w preertriit uie (same 10 met properly verified as by law required, at the nliini. nt 1 V II.,-. in i.n i, I ; ... .inn, ,i, iunuH, rui county, ure- -ou, within six months from the date hereof, -.mi. buia oGinumimr Jt lyui. ALICE E. TOWNSEND, Administratrix of the estate of t . J,lraes H. Townsend, deceased, J. N. Hart, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned EUarnijin nt tho ua,a r t t. m . . v tomic ui tinitfu xi. lownsen lneomnotiint h.. i,i i.. .1 . . r, " "t:" nuiTAi Vr 1,1 "'Bomceoi tne county clerk of Polk county, Oregon, her final account Z:. , f"arniin. '"id that Saturday, the 15th " o'clock r,;v; V u u 11,0 "onorame county E"? 'id county as the time, and the court tinn. tn 1 e '"aee tor Honrlnjf objec S? said final account, and the settlement ire iw?, h, 11 'erti0?8 interested in said matter to s M rfce'llre(lt Present their objections viiiit mm piace. Dated this 12th day of September, 1904 ALICE E. TOWNsEND, Guardian of the Estate of Said James H. Townsend. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate -i Ti S ".. le?.6f.' Ms Una) account as Inch il isimiiir in me omce of the Countv Clerk of ,M n.i1)allas "8 tn place fr the hearing of Dated this 12th day of September, 1904 WILLIAM ELLIS, ' Administrator of the estate J. N. Hart, Attorney. K1Us' Deceased- Executor's Notice. habenUrthe,reby gien that the u i?l and" tSZJ?!!!. Exenjtor ureyon lor Polk countv ill z. claims aeainst ih U1l- A11 Ve" o present the 1 h" ."? nertby i.. . ; I?".roll5 county, O rT.T j.L " lrom lne date of this Dated th 10th day of September Eiecutor of the Last --...,.nrufc ui .uary rw , on, deceased. Frank Holmes, Attorney. mderaign - l,T I DU Gibson, ned the lust son. de. State of Having J ..UllllTTU together with O IhA llnHn. Oregon, with notice. Ktfi gib'son; st wm and Ellen Gib- m fin Pays for thfi K UU and the Weekly ifHt one year. In advantage Ar '-v ."i in i uucr-yonr 8UIIS.T tti..n t I iiic tnnet K. i f"" e paia up to date, time to smbeoirih OBSERVER uregonian to take liberal Observer ow ia the order this Nt TTORNBY AT LAW OscarHavter in Campbell buil J TT0HNKY8 AT LAW, Sibley & Eakin ' only rellahio . ' county. Office on Ca,. The Polk Julius N. HaRi r stairs taO, xtoorn l. DALLAS, Office OBft k TTOBNEY AT LAW Office in Courthouse L Oli DALLAS, TTOBNKY AT LAW. N. L. BUTLEB, Office over Dallas Cltv L ua DALLAS, fen TTORNEY AT LAW A. HURLKY t Real Estate, Loans and IBIE I Notary Public ; INDEPENDENCE, 0E,- 4 KNTI8T. 1 M. Hayter, Office OVer Wilann'o T.. DALLAS, HYBICAN AND SUHQKON. L. N. Woods. 1U Does general practice in the county. Office on Uaiu j DALLAS, it f wi M. OLIVE SMJJB teacher oi PIANO AND m Studio, Room No. 2, m DALLAS, OREGOS ; R. C. Craven, Pres. R. B. WIlliamB, & Dally Exchanges bought and loll; q points. Special attention paid t lections. m( LODGE DIRECTI h ) Masonic Calendar, Jennings Lodge, NoJ,i cominunications, W Fourth Fridavs of each - R. L. ChAI'MAN.W.SIi Oscar IIaiic Ainsworth Chapter, St A. M., stated convocalt Thursday of each inoni: Oscau Havtkr.H.P. Wilms Shose Naomi Chapter, No. 22,O.E.S, meeting Second ami Fort davs of each month. Mrs. Eixa J. Metzgki, Mrs. Libbib Muik, Sec. -VvH I. 0. 0. F. R.E' vBSK?" Friendship TjotlRe, Smies'erv Saturday eff, . 'Mitm o. 0. F. Hull. s Ralph Hill, N. G. W. A. AyrbsA' T aCreole Encampment, No.J AAQpprtrirl and Fourth. Monoij- month. Me F. H. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stubs, Almira Lodge, No. 26, D.oii every Friday evening. ' Mrs. Paulinb Williams, Miss Mixa Hcffl Woodmen of the W Dallas Camp, No. 209, me 'Fellows hall every Thorsda." W. A. Ayres, C. C, W. G. Vass. istletoe Circle, No. 33, J UlCCkO in i and Fourth Wednesday! em. Mrs. Nkllie Tatom, . Mrs. Anky w Knights oftheMacj W, Dallas Tent, No 3 Sand ourin month m 1. 1. IJ.W.CONKKY.S.. Twilao Hive, No.28,L "on Second and Fourth W" , noon of each month. . i Mrs. Eva Haytee, 1- Mrs. Blaxchb Union Lodge, No. and Third Wedne month. H.L. Fknton.M. W-a Crystal Lodge, No. 50, First and Third Uedn- . i- UJUI1LU. , o Alice Groves, C. ot i " " United Artig T 1 1 h - r-' -1 1 rrembly No. "day of each montn. 1 g WHXI3 SlMONTOS, M" ' If Mrs. Ella -i-rvever ra or: 'for i com Fraternal Union Todge No. "of each month. W.J. r . ..-: Wagnkb, F.J;. Ari, ,r Mrs. S.t-;- Ian IndependentOr!1 DALLAS LODGt.;i5l 2nd and 4th T"' Hall. O. T. BIT: