POLK COUNTY OBSERVER supplement OCTOBER 7, 1904. BLOCK'S RECITAL I;.-:::stic Reader r,t M. E. Church I May Night. Will Ap. Next Shingles and lime at Kiaos.' Mrs. R. L. Chapman la visiting friends in Portland. William Livermore has returned to the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg. E. B. Jamison, a former warehouse man of Monmouth, has moved to Portland. Mrs. George Conkey, of Inde pendence, visited relatives in Dallas E. I! ar.: & of Dallas will be pleased t Miss Elizabeth Mae Pol- ' ated dramatic reader and r, is 10 give a recital In i t Friday evening. This 'i , st appearance in regular this week, t her home town, and a Mrs. Julia Con noway, of Portland, ? people will be anxi- is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r. Miss Pollock has Samuel Coad , ad expression in some Dr L. pfandhoefer and Frank ... . j. TT iJ 3 I cities in me unueu Butier of Fan8 City, were Dallas ! ngagement Deing in ). icl' Jlood, principal of the 1 of Oratory, Chicago, )ol Miss Pollock grad s Miss Elizabeth Mae jpon the platform to her read in gts, all feel anly, genial presence, ostess welcoming her ading is delightfully is an entire absence d an ever present sense ppreciation for, and literature which she It 'is almost needless Pollock enters into I ' v with her audiences and k i i v ith her to the end." i p,ni -k will aDDdar under the lilies of the Epworth League, in ..E. Church, nextFriday evening, ler 1 J. Admission, 25 and 15 cents, frosnina will be published next )M0NA GRANGE MEETS i . I. M. Simpson Elected Master For Terra of Two Years. ciona Grange of Polk county a session in the Odd Fellows' I in Independence, Wednesday, meeting was largely attended, and imber of visitors were present, n? whom were Mrs. Clara M go, state lecturer and Miss Waldo. ers were elected for two years, as jws: l. Simpson, master; W. O. Mot- overs 'fr ; E. F. Butler, lecturer; Ok Bur! r, secretary; J. C. White, lain ; V. TI. Eobertson, treasurer; D. Fl!:':, steward; Mrs. M. L. jpton, assistant steward ; Clara h, gatekeeper; Mrs. Williams, bnix ; Mrs. Simpson, Flora ; Mabel b, Ceres ; Mrs. Clara Staats, lady itant steward. e next Sf-ysion will be Held on nesdny, January 4, 1905. visitors, yesterday. Read all the bright new ads of enterprising merchants in this num ber of the Observer. Rev. P. S. Knicht, of Salem, is the new moderator of the state association of Congregational churches. Mrs. A. L. Shreve and children, who have been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. R. Hubbard, returned to their home in Stayton, Saturday. The women of the Christian church will serve a chicken pie supper in the Collins building, west of Mrs. Chace' millinery store, tomorrow (Saturday) evening, commencing at 5:30 o'clock Subject of morning discourse at the Christian church next Sunday ; "The Light of the World ;" evening subject, 'Be sure your sins will find you out, All are invited. G. L. Lobdell, Pastor, The annual meeting of the Oregon Press Association will be held at Hood River, October 14-15. An attendance of 100 members is expected, and the session promises to be of more than usual interest. George Ball, of Ballston, was county seat visitor, Wednesday. Mr, Ball has moved his family to Mc Minnville for the winter and has em ployed a man to take charge of the farm during their absence. The season for sowing grain Is here. Farmers can buy Formaldehyde at Belt & Cherrington's drugstore for 40 cents a pound, or two pounds ror 75 cents. Never a case of smut known where this preventive was used. The annual run of silverside salmon in Yaquina Bay has commenced. Ed win Stone, manager of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad reports that the fishermen are enjoying all kinds of sport. A large number of men from the Valley go to Yaquina every year during the salmon fishing season, as trolling for the silversides is con sidered fine sport. Andrew N. Martin. Andrew Nicholas Martin died at his home in McMinnville, Monday, aged 52 years. He formerly resided in Polk county, and at one time owned the land upon which the town of Falls City now stands. He afterwards -t I to town with reports of in- moved to Ballston and opened a ; success. not some un- rroneral merchandise store. He was Mo cause, the pheasants are Li80 associated with Dan P. Stouffer t'jan usual this year, and few hn the management of the Ballston rds are to be seen. The sea- warehouse. He became a resident of v lose December 1. McMinnville about fourteen years rrKlmnrrv. of Lebanon, has aero. Mr. Martin was an invalid for .. t 1 It -wrrr .1 a 3 O- I . I , i. a 1 .-..,.. Vi ! r. 1 I fr 1 1 r-i i n it a tne nanas 01 weamenoru v ine la&i iweivo jcais ui mo mo, uo.u8 nlnim for S&50 damaeres afflicted with a form of paralysis. He ire sfiison for killing China itsauts o; oned last Saturday, and jjos l.wal hunters were afield early ie morning. None of them ex- li d any difficulty in keeping 1 he limit of ten birds, and all t the drivers of an automobile, that on Saturday evening the frightened his horses and Aiem to overturn the buggy. 3 sons were thrown into a ditch, jy bruising one, and knocking the r insensible, and shattering the tv. Mr. McElmurry formerly re- 3 near Independence, in Polk was a man of fine literary attainments, and spent a great deal of his time in his library after he became unable to attend to his business affairs. He was a pleasant, companionable man, and bore his long illness without a complaint. He leaves a wife and two daughters Mrs. J. C. Uglow, of Dallas, and Miss Viola Martin, of NEW HARDWARE i una We have opened up a first-class Hard ware Store in connection with our Plumbing and Tinning business at the Wiseman's old stand. G a complete stock of Hardware We will carry eneral Including the celebrated Universal Stoves and Ranges Our "TRILBY" Heaters give more heat and require less wood than any other warming stove made. IMpiiH WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT, AND ASK A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE. Vaughn & Weaver DALLAS, OREGON dies. Attention La New Arrivals this week. Walking Skirts, long delayed but here at last. New line top collars from New York's best Neckwear House New Caps, very pretty. NEW THINGS IN DRESS GOODS This week and next will sell, 52-inch Broad cloth, $2.00 grade at $1.50 $1.50 grade at $1.25 Pollock's Cash Store UGLOW BLOCK, DALLAS, ORE. ity. McMinnville.