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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
WORLD'S FAIR TOUR A World's Fair Excursion to St. Louis and return, and $100 additional expense money. Contest Now Open PRIZE Will be- awarded to any lady in Folk County receiving the highest vote. WE GIVE COUPONS with every 25c purchase. The Bee Hive Store Dry Goods Clothing Shoes T. A. Biggs Groceries Guy Brothers Hardware Frank J. Chapman Furniture The Huh Clothing Store Exclusive Men's Furnishings A. H. Harris Jeweler Optician Miss Bertha Collins The Leading Milliner Meiser & Meiser Crockery Notions Lee Smith's Cyclery Bicycles Repai ri n g S u ndries Frank Fuchs Star Bakery Dallas Ice and Cold Storage Co. Cold Storage Meats Walter Williams Cigars Confectionery Ice Cream Heath & Cornes Exclusive Paints Wall Paper WILL BUILD THE KOAD County Court Decides to Open Public Highway Between Inde pendence and Sidney. Hon. Ed. F. Coad, county judge of the court of Polk county, and Com- William Riddell of the same court, made a careful examina tion of the route for the proposed route for the Independence-Sidney road, last week, and after examining carefully the matter they decided that the con struction of this road is a matter peculiarly in the interest of Polk county, and that it will be built. Thin road will open up an immense expanse of country that at present is very difficult of access, and will lead to Independence without the interven ing of a hill, the only drawback being the ferry at the river. The town of Sidney is on the Wil lamette river on the Marion county side, about six miles above Inde pendence. It is the center of a very vn.liin.hlf district and among other things has a flour mill there that took in 27,000 bushels of wheat last year. In addition to the farming of the cereal class, there are a number of fine hop farms and others of that character. BOOKS!! Cloth Bound Books by standard authors, (full size 7J x 5J) only ioc We have the same titles in better editions if you wish them. our lino of School Stationery. includes many new articles. Meiser and Meiser NEWSPAPER FOR RESULTS Minnesota Merchant Says Adver tising Is Necessary to Success. John Gately, general manager of fifty retail stores in Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, says : "Judicious ad vertising is as essential to business success as a postage stamp is to the Inttor one drons in a postoffico. Some people plod nlong with business and fail to use the newspaper columns to tell the people what they have to sell or about the bargains they have to offer. These neonle can never be called successful men in any com munity. "There is advertising and advertis ing, and abovo all other advertising conies that which is read in the news paper. While one cannot always tell what cortain advertisement produces the most results at a given time, there is a positive certainty concerning the steady advertising in the newspaper One must advertise to get business.' m j. ib DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon DONT WATCH! your old time-piece to see if it is keeping correct time, but buy a reliable Hamilton Railroad Watch or a Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of the best material and a 25-year guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep the White Metal brand Knives, Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Call and See My Line of Goods CHARLES II. MORRIS JEWELER. DALLAS. OREGON BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre emotion, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin anil stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia beteB, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the epeeifiu Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed ncores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable eases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There beine but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will oe mailed free on ap Dlication. Address John J. Fulton Comi-any, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS House Medicine and Stock Toon of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow- Old Band Hall Corner J. L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon A. It. BROWM DEALER IN LIVESTOCK Buys and ships lings, Mutton and Stock Sheep. Highest market price paid at nl. times. Address, R. F. D. NO. , DALLAS, OREGON KILLthe couch AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Br. King's Now Discovery FORCi rONSUIHPTION OUGHS and OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. FACULTY SPECIALLY Dallas College: : : : andL a Creole Academy. Classical, Scientific, Business and Elementary Courses. TRAINED IN LEADING COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Careful attention paid to individual needs of bodv, mind and character. Library, Gymnasium, Laboratory and Dormitory privileges for both sexes. m EXPEXSKS LOW. rail Term begins September 21. l:04. For catalogues aud other information address, PROF. D. M. METZGElv, or TROF. C. T. WHITTLESEY, Dallas, Oregox. r. J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son -DKAI.IRS IN Clsfecr aai Tana im aud City Prcrcrty. proprietor of Dallas Gcctric Elgin Plant Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. FUnAtcrA'a TOarlr-Drauffht comes fhfi entire system r. and keeping the body in health than jr any other medicine made, it w tu always ready in any emergency to y treat ailments that are .frequent m any family, such as indigestion, 4 biliousness, colds, diarrhea, and Q stomach aches. , . n. Vi Thedford's Blark-Draoght is the m standard, never-failing remedy fcr fi stomach, bowel, liver and Sidney fc. troubles. It is a cure lor me uum i:c ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It is as ood for children as it is for grown pereons. A dose ot this medicine every day wi.l soon ..a tio rnnak nrmrinate case OI UJ&- pepsia or constipation, and when R taiten as uirecwru u uiy XUXTILLtt, III., Ixxs. 23, KZX Tbodford's Elack-OTaugK has boon cur fnnii. doctor for iiv yuan, u " " " -"- ji no othar. When any of us fool boxlly no take a ilrwo hik'i uro all ngtn m i-..oi ;,i U)ur. Wo have !i!)ont, lots of money for Amur bills, hut l!ut Itlong just BS TTC1. A wltn BlttCk-lJruuBbt. jha II. BADEtt. Ask your dealer for a packatjo of $ Thedford's;:i aim " does not keep it send'iic. to The Chatta Muiicinono.. nhattanooca. Tenn. 3 and a package will be mailed to you. The Corvallis Times and Corvallis Gazette have long couuuu -earnest and intelligent campaign for mountain water, and it begins to iook as if their efforts are to be rewarded tho installation of a tirst-ciass gravity system, the water to be brought from a fine mountain stream weou Corvallis. The business men of the Agricultural College town have de cided to assist the council in securing uch change of the city charter as win nermit the issue of bonds for mountain water purposes, and it is altogether m-obable that the new system will be built next vear. McMinnville is also taking steps toward securing moun tain water, and the two excellent news papers published in that city are lead ing the movement. Emergency Medicines. It is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight injuries and ailments. A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite u not household necessity is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one-third the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning. When Tain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated before inflammation sets in which insures a auick recovery. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. 10 COURT HOUSE NOTES. PEOBATE Estate of Anna M. Bigler, deceased finnl nnnmint set for hearing on October 29, at 1 o'clock p. m. Estate of Sarah Jasperson, deceased estate closed and administrator dis charged. Estate of Isaac Mattison, deceased estate closed and executor discharged Estate of Lee Short, deceased in veutory aud appraisement approved administratrix charged with $287.95 petition to sell real estate set for hear ing October 8, at 10 a. m. Estate of Mary S. Leigh, deceased D. E. Berdan cited to appear on October 21, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be removed as administrator of said estate and some other person appointed. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Christina Gage and hd to A E and C E Lombard, 54-100 acres, t 8 s, r w, $3.24. Oliver Stump ot ux to Julia A Ellis, tracts in Dallas, $1400. Harvey Gage et ux to J J McBee, acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $505. H M Peebles et ux to Mrs Frances E Nye, 4 acres in Dallas, $1275. W H Livingston et ux to H E Grant, lots 1. 2. 5. G, 10. 11 and 12, block A, Falls City, $950. Conrad Stafrin et ux to Silas Orchard, tract in block 10. Dallas, $800, M P Masterson to Lovina Perry, lot 1, block 11, Hill's Independence, $550, Jonah Lowe et ux to H P and H Bogart, lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, block C, First add to Falls City, $525. J H Dunlop to Florence McEae, 82 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $500. W P Bevens et ux to Peter F Ducep, 4,00 acres, 1 9 s, r 4 w, $150. A Milne to Jacob H Eempel, acres, t G s, r 5 w, $1C50. United States to A L Mills, trustee, 322 acres, 1 7 s, r 7 w, patent. A L Mills, trustee, to F P Drinker, 320 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, $1. Capital Lumbering Co to Spauldin Logging Co, 100 acres, t 9 s, r 8 w, $1 A N Moores et ux to Spaulding Log ging Co., 100 acres, 1 9 s, r 7 w, $1 Henry Howe to George E Cutler. 2.25 .acres, t 7 aud 8 s, r 5 w, $5. State of Oregon to Zim Hinshaw and B F liopzJey, 83.55 acres, 1 8 s, r w, $104.44. P A Syrou et ux to 51 M Stewart, acre, t 8 s, r G w, $150. 1 KM Portland and Return vmy The Southern Pacific is now sell . . ... .:,.i.i in Portland ing round trip uc.c from Dallas for $2.50, good going Saturday P. M. or any train or sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, givingall day Sunday and Monday in Portland. idb- " rangement applies from roru giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points ai Biet.j - duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific com pany's agent for particulars. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, n brief was the condition of an old soldier by name oi o.o. .ivC.., .ailiPB.O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neuneruuew.. nn, medicines gave him relief. Atiengm p triPil Electric Bitters. It put nun u.. hi feet in short order and now he testi lies- "I'm on the road to complete re- u f,x.. T.i,'Pi nnn .. Kacr nil fill i.ii 1171 ai.w. coveij. - Kidnev troubles and all lorms m nuu. .ml Rowel complaints. Only 50 cents. fio,..m.d bv Belt & Uherrington, Druggist. 62 Fire Causes Little Damage. Albany hunters who have returned from the Cascade mountains are authority for the statement that the recent rains have effectually ex tinguished all fires in the mountains, and there is no farther danger from this source to the green timber in the Cascades this year. The damage done thus far, says the Albany Herald, is very little, as all the fires east of that city were in old burns, and instead of loss, owners of the lands burned over are really gainers, for the fires have burned away the brush and old stumps and the country over which the fire raged will now he bettor for the loss of the brush. No green tim ber has boeu destroyed where these hunters went, nor could they hear of any losses of that character. Blank notes tor sale here. Negotiations have been closed be tween the Lewis and Clark Exposition nnd Frederick N. Innes, of the famous Innes Band, to furnish music for the opening ceremonies of the Ex position. The contract provides that Mr. Innes shall furnish music for the Exposition between the dates of June 1, 1905, the opening day of the Fair, and June 28, following. The band comprises 65 players. Gnor.i!nuioCouoiCuro For Coughs, Colds and Croup. is Seeding on summer fallow progressing nicely. Fall seeding in the Columbia River valley doing well. is When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab Iet3. They are eapy to take and produce no eriDine or unpleasant taste. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. while the recent rains were generally insufficient to place th soil in condition for plowing, they cleared the atmosphere of smoke started grasses on the ranges and pastures, and revived all vegetation Sour Stomach. When the quantity of food taken is too lare or the quality too rich, sou stomach is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly, Let five hours elapse between meals.and when you feel a fulness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may be avoided. For sale by Wilson Drug Co, Threshing will be completed i Eastern Oregon this week. The yields continue to fall below the average, but the quality is good In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy "Allow me to give you a few words praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mr. Joh Hamilton, of Eagle Pass, Texas, suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine withou getting any relief, when my friend, Mr C. Johnson,' a merchant here, advised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taked the third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of mankind." For sale Wilson Drug Co. Relinquishment For bale. Relinquishment on 160-acre home stead for sale. Settler has lived on place six years. Four acres In cult! vation : seven acres in pasture ; all kinds of fruit; house, barn, and out buildings; good river-bottom land; road runs through place; on mail route, ani ciose to scnooi: near neighbors. Will sell cheap for cash, or will trade. Inquire of W. V, Fuller, Agent, Dallas, Or. by Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account tho St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates: June 1G, 17, 18; July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4, 5. Going trip must be completed with in ten days from date of sale, and passengers will bo jtermitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within the ten days limit. Return limit ninety days, but not later than December 31, 1904, For full information as to rates and routes cell on Agent Southern Pacific Company. What Is Lite? In the last analysis nobody knows.but we do know that it is under strict law Abuse that law even slightly, pain re suits. Irreeular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Consti pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. Kina'i JTew Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It gentle, yet thorough. Only 25e at lelt iv Chernngton's drugstore. I w 1 1 wM4 BO YEARS' VL V EXPERIENCE 'I. . Designs n l1 Copyrights Ac. Anmn landing a PkMrh n3 dtwerrption may antoklT jkortin onr ctHiiton fn wnetbr u invention ts prohabty paiemM. Oommunif. I h t net It oonMt tai. H ani hook on Patent c:it f ne. Cl 1et arencT for secunii ptem. Patents taken thnnrh Mann A Co. rcJ.Y9 mm A. Scientific American, rw'-u, ft nj Boenttfic JrvraiL Term. S3 a Tfr; i;r cK.if, JL S0J4 brail nuaier. KUS!I ft Co -wKew York fnwk COM. t t SU, Waafcuwuw. U. (L Late apples promise an abundant yield. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With familv around expecting him to die. and a eon riding for lite, 18 miles. , ut n- k- nu's New discovery 101 finnsnmntion. CoughBand Colde, W. H Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma j but this .,..iQ-ft.i mpdipinp trave instant reiiei and eoon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night. Like of Consumption, Pneu monia. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove it matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles, uuaranieeu bottles 50c and 1.00. Trial bottles free at Belt & Cnerrington's drug store, Dairymen are busily engaged in filling their silos. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Burns Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions, infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents at Belt & Cherrington, Druggist. A SADDliES. u... ,-.,. waived a Fine New Stock of and Saddles and invite you nj Hom no them as to sty e, r5i.-rp .ni prlc. I b.. date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment pr ,""v'r""E ,,. nualrfv-all fitted with "Double bur ffl" . new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stiito of Oregon for ,.iir rnnntv. Department No. 2. Yfwf, IMalntill, vs. Marina oioper Polk county ..S- A"r wBSlo,.er her hUBbnnU Dcpartmcn John M ,K- . . . , .... ii ... r Burfonl and Kmnm Uurfom ' jrii wife llurford nd Mrs. Ueorw "ZtVtXnll Julia Simmons " , ' , m" Th imas J. hand. Tiiomin j. "".": ' :.: ; rf, r.l his wife. J M- Hurioru aim u. f.,-ri hlu wife. John W. Sheltoli. tiraves, Herbert Graves, Curtis M Thomas J. Shelton and V,'",;.;!. M Hhelton his wife, Grant She tou nrtrr (!raiit Shelton his wife, iiert Shelton and M s'Ct Shelton his wife, Hollis Hhelton and Mrs. Holli SheUou s wife Arthur SI .elton and Mis. Arthur Hhelton Ills wife, Allred fahel ton and Mrs. Alfred Hhelton his wife, Lacy O. wfseearverand Mr. Wisecarver her huHband Lena Seaicy and Mr. Hearcy her husband, A. I). Sir. A. (1. Nye. Aids, Seovllle and Mrs. Lola Gray and i:lyinScoville,IMciidiiutB. To Martna sioner aim uo .... husband, John M. llurford and Emma Burford his i wile, Georse W. llurford and Mrs. Geor(re I' u,fmri wife. Julia Simmons and feyl- Thomas J. Bur- Light frosts occurred on one or two mornings last week in scattered portions of the Willamette Valley Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly. Joseph McEi.hiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by Wilson Drug Co, In Southern Oregon, the thirtj crop of alfalfa has been secured in good condition. i a;w.v.s.n(i ln.r ImalmTld. rJi Thnn,.. .1 llurford his wife, J. M Burford and Uura Burford his wife, Jo in VV Hhelton. Thomas J. Graves, Herbert ;ras. CurtL M. Hhelton and Mrs. Curtis M. She ton h swife.GrantSheltonaiid Mrs. Grant H ie ton hii wife Kert Shelton and Mrs. Bert She ton his wife Hollis , Hhelton and Mrs. IIollisHhelton his wife, Arthur Hhelton and Mrs. Arthur Hhel ton his wife, Alfred Shelton and Mrs. Alfred Hhelton liis wife, I.uey O. Wisecarver and Mr. Wisecarver her husband, Lena Hearoy and Mr. Jearcy her husbnnd, A. 1). Davidson, Mrs. A. G Nye, Alda Seovllle, Mrc, Lola Gray and Cal vin Heoville the above named defendants, In the name of the State of Oregon; on and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above named court on or before six weeks from the date of the first service of this summons upon vou by the publication thereof and if you fail, iieeleot or refuse so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take a decree against you as prayed for in his complaint herein, to-wit: that plaintiff is the owner in fee simple and en titled to the possession of the following real premises tn-wii; The South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeasl quarter of Section 11 in Township 8 Kouth of Kange 4 West of the Will Mer. in I'olk County, Oregon, and that you and each of you be by said decree forever barred and en joined from claiming any riht, titleor interest in or to said real premises or any part thereof, and for such other aud further relief as to the court my seem meet with equity. This summons is published for a period of six weeks in the i'olk County Observer, by order of Hon. Ed F. Coad, Jude-of the County Court of I'olk County, Oregon, mado at chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 27th day of Beptember l'.XH, The date of the lirst publication Is September :iu, litoi, and the date of the last publication will be November 11, 1901. SInLEV & ISA KIN, Attorneys for plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaquina Leaves Albany 12 :45 P.M. Leaves Corvallis 1 :45 P.M. Arrives Yaquina 5 :40 P.M. No. 1 Returning Leaves Yaquina 7;15 A.M. Loaves Corvallis Jl :30 A.M. Arrives Albany 2 ;15 P.M. No. 3 for Detroit Leave Albany l :00 P.M. Arrives Detroit C :00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit Leave Detroit , .. 6 ;30 A.M. Arrives Albany 1J ;15 A M Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before depart ure of b. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P trains at Corvallis and Albany eivine direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No.3 for Detroit, Breitenbush ana otner mountain resorts leaves Albany atl :00 p. m., reaching Detroit about G .00 p. m. For further information apply to JJW1K STONE, Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CROXISE, Agent. Corvallis Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co, " " 1 - -u TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1. Daily except Sunday. West-Bound : Lv. DALLAS Teats' Siding Ciilliams v Bridgeport Ar. FALLS CITY East-Bound: Lv. FALLS CTY Bridgeport. Gilliams ......... Teats' Siding Ar. DALLAS ...... . Trains Stop on Signal only. I- GEBLIXGER. Jr.. General Manager, A.M. ....7:30 ....7:46 ....7:49 ....7:55 ....8:05 A.M. ....9:20 ....9:30 ....9:36 ....9:39 -..9:aa P.M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P.M. 4:35 4:45 4:51 4:54 5:10 Wm. MUSCOTT Truckman, Doe. hauling of all kind, at reasonable OREGON. do r.!Inuto Ccuh Cure . r wu5n, woia and Croup. Notice is hereby given that Adolph Aebi as administrator of the estate of Anna M. Bigler, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for I'olk County, his final ac count as Kuch administrator, and that Saturday, the 2Uth day of October, 1904, at the hour of one o'clock n. m. of said day. has been appointed bv the Judge of said Court as the time for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. All persons are therefore required to appear at said time and show cause, if any exist, why said account should not be approved and the said adminis trator aiBcnarReu. Dated this 21th day of September. 1004. ADOLl'II AEBI, Administrator of the estate of Anna M. liiglei', deceased. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. beptember 17, l'.KM. Notice is hereby eiven that the following named settler lias filed not(ce of hs intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said piooi will be made before the County iierK ot i'olk Countv, at Dallas, Oregon, on November 3, 1904, viz; Stephen P. Hubbard tt . t. AO, 12419 for the N. W. yS of Sec. 4, T. S H. R, li w. ' He nauioia the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 nam lanu, viz; joiin .Martin, oj Dallas, Ore gon: Wm, Bird, of Dallas, Oregon! A. E, Campbell, of Dallas, Oregon A. P, Burnett, of ALGERNON B. PRKSBKR, Register. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby eiven thnt T Alipo v Tm, send, have been appointed administratiix of the estate of James H. Townsend, deceased, by the Cpnnfy Court of the state of Oregon for Polk county. AH persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to nie, properly verified as by law required, at the ottice of J. N. If art, (n Dallas, Polk county, Ore- 6 . ; '- I'!"ioiib iroin mo ante ncreol. Dated this September O. luiii. ' ' ALICE li. TOWNSEND, Administratrix of the estate of t v . . J"meB II. Townsend, deceased. J. N. Hart, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of the estate of James H. Townsend incompetent, hna tilol in (hnm, .i ... clerk of Polk county, Oregon, her final account h. . 1 ?"""'". ""o mat Saturday, the 15th day of October, 1904, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m has been hxed by the Honorable County hm,iy, T. ., unlV 118 time, and the court Hnnt , ' '-S1 "8 I8 lhe l,la,e for hearing objec uonfjosaidhnal account, and the settlement ro h k PrMns interested in said matter to ,Virf .i 1 e Y "Jfcext their objection to said final account, if anv they have, to eai( co"n,ly court at said time and place Dated this 12th day of September, 1004 ALICE K. TOWNSEND, C.uardiau of the Estate of Haid James H. Townsend. Notice of Final Settlement. T1 1- 1. . 18 nereoy given that the undersigned ceaed18brasnle0d ffill n8t"fe ' Jhn Ellsfdf teaseu, nas nied his hna account aa mmh ad miinstrator in the ottice of the Countv Se?k oi house in Dallas as the place for the I, count are ,Z" " T ac- timeand niV,. "me at said Pated this 12th day of September 1004 WILLIAM ELLIS Artmjnistratnr of the estate J. N. Hart. Attornpv . Phased. Executor's Notice. claim, aeainst Lid es lie am J0? havin signed at r kran Poluhc0enn,r; n ,he nnder" FRANK GIBSON Eecntor of the Last Will and Frank II, ?SS rank Holmeg, Atlorney. V Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take .vantage or IIIktr! r:.!",,8:riontoOBsKKVK, A TTOENBY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, Upstairs In Campbell bulUn, DALLAS, lti TTORNEYS AT LAW. , Sibley 4 Eakin S The only reliable set of u". Polk county. Office on Cofffc TTORNKY AT LAW 0R& 1 Julius N. Hart Office upstairs In Oefleld itoom i. DALLAS, 0 TTORNEY AT LAW , Ed. F. Coad Office in Courthouse OREft; DALLAS, i- a i a dt in TTOBNKY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank DALLAS, ORES HirtS TTORNEY AT LAW O. A. HURLEY , i Eeal Estate, Loans and Inaus H Notary Publlo M: INDEPENDENCE, OBB ENTIST. M. Hayter, Office DALLAS, gBHVSICANANn 8UHGSOK. L. N. Woods, M. D, Does sreneral nrnrtinji i the county. Office on Malnifc TV ATT i n k . in. M. OLIVE miw teacher o PIANO AND Studio, Boom No, 2, Wltst! ye DALLAS, OREGOS ; R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. William, Cit Dallas Ci',;!ii, j, Kxchangeg bought and sold rroii points. Special attention pall It lections. moi LODGE DIRECT0E1 j i l) Masonic Calendar. II Jennings Lodge, No. 9, i communications, Second Fourth Fridays of each i R. L. Chapman, W.M, USCAB liAYTU Ains worth Chapter, R A. M., stated corivo&tiot , Thursday of each monlL Oscar Hayteb.H.E. Willis SimoW idaomi Chapter, No. 22,0.18,1 I "-meetings Second arid hvi days of each month. Mug. Ella J. M?iGB!,l. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec I I. 0. 0. F, Dn All pg. Friendship Lixlge'oi; every Saturday em u. u. v. nan. Ralph Hill, N. G, W. A. Aybe8, B! T kaCreole Encampment, U9mmm "Second and Fourth Mondj month. I mf F. II. Morrison, CP. v. F A. StmA": Almira Lodge, No. 23, D.qlB,: iwerv UYirlnv fivenilllJ. Mas. Paplinb Williams, N.fl. ' Miss Mina Hps C Woodmen of the D -WHO alias Camp, No. 209, me PaIIowb hall evervTlimw?' W, A. AyRup, C. U, . W. G. Vassal TUTistletoe Circle, No. 33, fr; V1meets in Odd Fellows' Ml and Fourth Wednesday of end' Mrs. Nkixie Tatom, (j. JN. .. Mrs. Anny h Knights of the Macca Dallas Tent, No.8, b:. and Fourth Thtiroi month in I. O. 0.t. W.CoNKEV.S.K.Coni; I. IN. VY W"l Tilae Hive, No. 28, L 0. I-J,1 "on Second and Fourth lb noon of each month. Mrs. Eva Hayter, L.t. ,B Mrs. Blanche Jw-' G. A. 0f U. is the Jg&fi. Union Lodge, No. mM and Third Wednesday month. h.l. my-$xw: Crystal Lodge, No. 50, p.of; First and Third WednenW month. u Alicr Groves, C. oi n. Emma x United "Artisan Assembly No. 46-meets W day of each month. "VTiixis Simontos, .t Mrs. Ella j. At Fraternal Unionj? T.odgeNo. 144-MeetsTbiEAI of each month. mmmms W. J. Wagner, '-J1',. Mrs. S. E. M Er -:,r's I": TnrlpnPTiflfiTlt OTt'Vl F - eor.ts niTTld TOr.GE 'V'tn . "" "Piu op to date. Now timetoirjhaeriri 2nd and 4th Tuesday HalL O. T. WHirH