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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1904)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Published Weekly at Jl.oO per Strictly In Advance. Yrr. DALLAS. OltE'JON. SBPT8MBKK :!0, 1'JOI. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. 4 Republican National TicKet . FOB PKESIDEXT THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. FOH VICE-I'ItKNIDENT CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS of Indiana. For Presidential Electors : O. B. Dimick, of Clackamas county A. C. Hough, of Josephine county. J. N. Hart, of Polk county. J. A. Fee, of Umatilla county. DALLAS' BANNER YEAR. City water-works, sewerage, ice factory, cold storage plant, oak saw mill, hardwood handle factory, en larged sash and door factory, large additions to two hotels, enlarged electric light plant, new church build ing, brick business block, several new stores, and soventy-flve new dwelling houses this is the record of the thriv ing town of Dallas for the building season of 1901, now drawing to aclose. The record is one of which every citizen may justly feel proud. In addition to tho above improvements, there has been a general brightening up Id tho appearance of the town that calls forth words of surprise and do light from every visitor. Business houses and residences have been re paired and painted, the streets have been cleared of rubbish, now side walks have been built, and scores of old unsightly yard fences have been torn down. Sprinkled streets have put an end to tho dust nuisance in the business district and made the town cool and pleasant during the hot summer days. Modern fire apparatus of the best obtainable make has taken tho place of the antiquated fire engine so long in use. With an abundance of wator for irrigation purposes, beautiful green lawns adorn the front of many homes, and hedges andorna rnoutal shrubbery are being plantedin numerous door-yards. Civic pride is thoroughly aroused, and more im provements aloug this line will be made next year than ever before. Tho railroad to Falls City, com pleted last year, and to the construc tion of which the people of Dallas contributed so liberally, is being ballasted with gravel from one end to the other, and this improvement is giving work to a largo number of men, at good wages. The Southern Pacific Company's long bridge inside tho city limits has been rebuilt, and presents an attractive and substantial appearance. Tho W. W. Johnson Lumber Company, whoso big sawmill is Dallas' most Important iudustry, has Bpent several thousand dollars In tho Improvement of tho plant this year, and the capacity of tho mill will be increased. The public school build ing has boon provided with u modern inside water system for protection from fire, and Dallas College has fitted up a largo and well-equipped gymnasium at un expense of soveral hundred dollars. Dallas is now tho center of tho network of telephone wires in Polk county, and the towns and farm homos in every precinct are in close connection with tho couuty aout. Tho County Court has kept (aoe with tho march of progress by Improving tho courthouso grounds, and no public square in Oregou will lucent a more attractive appearance next summer than will tho beautiful lawn that surrounds Polk county's new Temple of Justice. Evidences of prosperity are to be seen on every side. Tho mills and factories are running on full time the volume of trade in till lines is heavier than ever before, and, best of all, there is steady employment for all elasses of laboring men. Any man who is idle in Dallas is idl through choice, and not because of i Jack of employment. Tho remark is often heard that the year of 1;'2 was the most prosperous year in the history or Dallas. Tlii. statement will no longer hold good The people of Dallas are right now- living in the most prosperous era that the town has ever known. Get the Most Out of Your Food You dou't and can't if your stomach id weak. A weak Moaiach does not ili 1 ' t all that is ordinal ily taken into it. U iteU tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the sin of a weak stomach are uneasiness alter eating, lU cl ner vous headache, and disagreeable belch ins. "I have taken llmM' Saraanarilla at dinVmit Unit's fur stom;;ih troubles, and run K-iwn condition ( tho system, and have I jtfn greatly bem-tite-l ly Its use. I would not be without it in my family. I am trou bled especially in summer w ith weak stom ach and nan1 ami llndllood's srsH(varilla invaluable." K. H.1Ik k v.n. V .Chester, I't Hood's Sarsaparillu and Pills Strengthen and tone the stomach and tU whol digvtura yttom. The street committee of the city council is making a thorougn in spection of all the sidewalks Inside the city limits and will order all de fective walks repaired or rebuilt De fore the winter season begins. The council has been kept busy looking after water-works and sewer im provements for several months and have not had time to devote much attention to street improvements, and as a consequence, some of the side walks have become badly dilapidated. This condition of affairs will be remedied at once, and Dallas will maintain her reputation of having more miles of good sidewalk than any town of equal size in Oregon. The ,.!ti-ron- rrpnprallv are prompt to i"Lllu D respond to a request of the council for street improvements, and it seldom becomes necessary to pass an ordi nance compelling a property owner to build a sidewalk. A highly creditable publication is tho Portland Evening Telegram's Exposition number. Information respecting the resources of Oregon is presented in an attractive form, the . ni'nrwi rarl liV special leatutes ueiuy pn.-vu j men who aro peculiarly qualified to handle their respective subjects in an ntelligent and entertaining manner. The Exposition number of the Tele gram differs from ordinary advertis ing editions in that boom rnetnoas and extravagant statements are care fully avoided. The entire paper is written in a sincere and dignified style that will not fail to impress the people of the Eastern and Middle States with the truth of the informa tion set forth. Thousands of these papers will be distributed at the St. Louis Fair, and will prove an effective advertisement of the Lewis and Clark Fair and attract widespread attention to the resources of Oregon. ZJ-! We are not prepared to give an opinion on the relative merits of the county exhibits at the Oregon State Fair this year, but think there is no loubt of the fact that the Polk Couuty exhibit, which was awarded first place, was better than it was last year when it also secured first premium. From general appearances we would say that no other exhibit had more im provement over tho last year than Polk County. Mrs. Wolfe, who has for a number of years prepared the Polk County exhibit, has learned a great deal about tho business, aud it will bother any inexperienced person to match her in making an exhibit. II. M. Williamson, editor Rural Northwest. Has Otto Gilstrap been added to the staff of the Evening Telegram? The Saturday number of that excellent daily says : "Verily, it is a fact that Chairman of tho Republican State Central Committee Franklin Calhoun Baker was in action. Perspiratory exudations in form globular and in numbers multitudinous sparkling like effervescent dowdrops under tne ridoseent rays of tho matutinal sun stood forth on his alabaster brow, while at right angles with the circum ference 'of his cranial slope 'each particular hair stood on end likequills upon the fretful porcupine.' Otto, in hispalmiostdays, never perpetrated anything more atrocious than this. When a woman gives up it is because she lias gone to the utmost limit of streii"lh and endurance. It is a marvel how women will stagger on under the dai'.v household burdens when the whole bcxi'v is racked with pain. Icr the nervous, run-down condition which so manv women experience, as a result of overstrain in household cares, there is no medicine can equal Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strengthens the weak stomach by cur ing diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It purities the blood of poisons which cause rheumatism and other painful difeuses. It nourishes the nerves, ajid builds up the body with sound, leultliy flesh. ''"here is no alcohol in " Golden Med ical Discovery" and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other nar cotics. Accept no substitute for the " Discov ery." There is nothing " just as good" for weakness, nervousness and debility. I want the whole world to know what Dr. p'erre'H niediciues have done for me." writes tirt. Helen llardirrove. of Bangs, Knox Co., O., "I !ia;i m-inv of the ills of woman's life. My lun-'s ami thiw.t troubled nie besides, and I Bad rheumatism. About a year ago I had to give up work I was so bad. I had heard so muca ahout vour medicine I thought I would try it took fuur bottles of your 'Golden Medical Dis covery' and 'Pellets.' and by the time I had taken hair 01 the first bottle I began to gain, and kept on genii, 'better. And now I have no more ol mv oM ailments aud am entirely cured of rheu matism. ! feci like a new woman." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps lo pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth Litiding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. in Dallas she made many friends, and was respected by all for her good qualities. Independence has no vacant dwell ings this Fall, and the people are worryiug over tho problem of shelter ing the new families that aro con stantly arriving. Do like Dallas has been doing for tho last throe years: Put two or three families into one house until new houses can bo built for their accommodation. Tho price at which many Polk county hop men sold their crops before the picking season began don t look much like 30 cents, but soino of these same growers feel about liko that amount of money just at the present timo. ATTENDANCE IS LARGE Dallas Public School Opened Monday Morning With Two Hundred and Seventy-Two Pupils. Two hundred and seventy -two bright 1. 1 :1. .... , A rt.-i V,.a L'Oyij UIIU 1113 giceieu lliuii LCttii;io at tho opening' of the Dallas public nohnnl. Mniuluv mnrnincr. The chil dren were all gathered in the assembly 1 .1 . i 1 1 ..11 11 room, anu inougn we hhu an mo extra chairs and benches around the sides, there was not seating capacity fir -ill Th rmrrill mpnt. nf nnriila on the opening day this year was about 30 more than on the first day a year ago. The open in a exercises were highly enjoyable. County School Superin tendent C. L. Starr made an appro priate address , his text being "What Is There In It?" His talk was full of good points for pupils, teachers, directors and patrons, llev. A. A. Winter, or uauas uouege, was canea upon ana spoke encouragingly to tne boys aud girls, urging them to im prove the opportunities that have been provided for them. Chairman William Grant spoke in a happy vein, and said he was not prepared to talk, as ha hnil ovnnftrrl Hirnnrnr T-TawL'ins tn do the speech-making for the board. lie saiu tnat tne .Directors naa pro vided everything to make a pleasant and comfortable school room, and that the teachers, pupils and patrons must make the school. About thirty visitors were present a good showing and we were glad to have them with us. W. I. EEYNOLDS, Principal. World's Fair Vote. Miss Rose Bronken 0357 Miss Nora llobertson 5944 Miss Hallie Reynolds '. . .1012 Miss Lilly Baxter 377 5 BUSINESS LOCALS. For a god job of wagon repairing, go to X. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see thoae fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of tath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry .u. il t t,ir nn tlm West Side. They have engaged the services or a first-class pilimoer. auu pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way or water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office, lne finest and most skillful work guaran teed. For Sale. One licrht work horse; 50 head of Angoras, all does J. iU. UUKlOnu, idiiao, vi. Trespass Notices. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, for sale at this office, llain will not injure them, and, if properly put up, they will last for months. Goats and Sheep For Sale. I have 23 head of goats and 30 head of stock sheep for sale. T. D. Phillips, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. Two Cotswold bucks, seven Angora buck kids, fifteen Poland China pigs. All of these animals are bred from choice registered stock. James Elliott, Dallas, Oregou. Notice to Customers. For the remainder of the season, the Dallas Ice Factory will make onjy two deliveries of ice each day one in the morning, and the other in the early afternoon. FIDLER & MARKS. Auction Sale of Stock. I will sell at public auction at Sado'f cattleTl50tastock iheep?50 tad ttocA should all attend thistle. Notice to Hop Orowers. on Mill street. For Sale. A desirable home in tho town of ahvavs good. Two hop houses, large storeroom, one new 'Morrison hop press, good barn, dwell ug house, quire 01 orecron. Wanted. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of t.runes at my dryer in Dallas, as soon "tbeyareipe.5 Will either buy -or dry them on the shares. Will give U pounds to the bushel.p KiMBALL Milk Cow For Sale. One good young fresh cow and calf, for sale. James Elliott, viuma, For Sale. My acre property in Dallas. Will accept best offer submitted within next fifteen days. qilmORE, Hennessey, Okla. OREGON SCHOOL RECOGNIZED Junior Student of Dallas College is Permitted to Enter Junior Class of University of Nebraska. Tho friends and patrons of Dallas College will be gratified to learn that tne work done by tunc institution is recognized by tho University of Nebraska, ouo of the foremost educa tional institutions in America. Alex VanOrsdel, who completed the Fresh man year in the Dallas College class leal course last June, writes Dean Metzger tnat ins stanajng was recognized bv tho biff University and that ho will be permitted to enter as a Junior in tho classical courso of the .Nebraska school ; In other words, that hfs work in Dallas College is accept able to the University, and that no preparation will be necessary to en title him to enter tho Junior class of that great institution of learning, The young man had expected to be re quired to speud at least one year in preparing himself for tho Junior year in the Nebraska school, and was greatly surprised and pleased when he found that tho work he had been doing in Dallas was the same work that is renuirod bv the Nebraska uni versity. Tho faculty of Dallas College are highly gratified to K-arn of this recognition by one of the great universities or tne united States. Passed to Her Rest. Mrs. Hiram Burt died at the family home in this city Monday, September J(. IO114, after a several months' ill ness, agvd 70 vears. The funeral services were conducted bv Rev. W. T. Wardlo, Tuesday afternoon, and a large number of neighbors and friends accompanied the remains to their lust resting place in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. jus. Hurt, whose maiden name was MinnieS. Kinney, was born iu Warren county, New York, on February 20, 1834. She was married to Hiram Burt at Benson, ermont, iebruary lt, lSl. The family came to Oregon in March. 1 and located in Dallas. Besides her husband. Mrs. Butt is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Burt was a kind, Christian woman, and lived a long and useful life. During her two years' residence Do You Want Lumber? We have all kinds; also Moldings and everything needed in building. All made of soft Yellow Fir at lowest prices. Send us your specifications and get our figures. BRYAN-LUCAS LUMBER CO. Osteopathy In Dallas. I wish to announce that about October 4, I will open offices in the Uglow Building, and invite all who would learn more concerning this treatment to freely consult me. All curable diseases successfully treated without use of drugs or knife. Office hours, 8 :30 a. tn. to 5 :30 p. m. ; eve nings by appointment. S. A. BARTLETT, Osteopathic Physician. Rooms 1 and 2, Uglow Building, Phone Main 45. REALESTATE! 78 acres Nice Homelike place, with good buildings and fences 10 acres in cultivation-lots of une timber ldUU 5 acres with a good little House and Barn-all fenced and under cultivation, only bM Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit uated worth $30 per acre-only M Fine 100 acre farm, well im proved !,u000 Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 Finely improved farm of 400 acres 1)u00 Stock Ranch 1)00-200 acres under cultivation-Can't be beat frMOO Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. 164 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place cheap as dirt only $1500 Here is the cheapest place iu Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn, and other improvements worth $1200 at least for only $800 I have all classes of Ranches and Farms for sale I can suit you in quality or price. HENRY CAHPBELL, DALLAS, OREGON. Hop Land to Lease. ! Frank Butler, of Falls City, has 15 1 or 20 acres of fertile creek-bottom land, : all plowed, to lease for hop-yard. i Mrs. Dr. L. N. Woods will leave ; tomorrow for an extended visit in j Iowa and Pennsylvania. The SALE IS ON!! Everything moving; goods going out and goods coming in. Express packages almost every day of the newest novelties. Silk waistings in the daintiest of patterns. An other line of DRESS GOODS just opened Swell stuff. Our Shoe trade is booming and we keep them coming. Yours for business Pollock's Cash Store . UGLOW BLOCK, DALLAS, ORE, 11 CO Wc have jisst received a line fine of New Nobby Tailor-Made Suits and Shirts and put them on sale at the right prices. Also a new line oi Men's Clothing, no shelf worn goods as wc have never handled Clothing before. Come in and see for yourself. agents We are for the celebrated American Beauty Corset All styles, priced at from 50c up THE RADCLIFFE SHOE for Ladies, sold here, is the best $2.50 Shoe on the market. Four styles to se lect from; widths T to E. pfpff New styles of golf Shirts Elk Head Brand ranging in from price 50C to $1.50 These are dandies. If you want the best brand of Rubber ISoots, buy the Myer boot, sold only by us. Out of 36 pairs sold last year, we never had a complaint. Without a doubt the best boot 011 the market at the price. 5. C. DODSON & C07 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4! V New Grocery epartmen We have our New Store in the 0r, Cii Department nicely arranged. yi They do say wo sell our Groceries with-' " profit but you see we sell a great maDl ci them . We offer our customers the lH ?u can get all the time, and our priCes, ui ' Pr very rcusuutiuiu. s a : la ? c. i foi ;bo ; ( ' w;i eo' ,: att ! fai b the Big Store we are now opening one of the finest st Bo of General Merchandise ever off city. We especially excel in : Clothing and Shoes miof. sta ; ; anc 45, C dir dis the and our prices are away below any.'. 801 that you will find anywhere, andij "Star Brand" and "Pachari- I; her Boi lea' hus Klo Ind Shoes and Hoffman Rothschild Clothiq are the very best made. Hop Picking will be here in a few dars, and all Hop Cli be good at our store for 55 Cents Phone 246. T 5 twei : Pac Moi fer thai cha into the ; A 8J Tul All prot Kept Beai Bea' and time McjV A. trie relai imp H8 01 has arc f nAIN STRKc: Instf his c ', O. M. COBB 0. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OF Olagons, Carriages, Buggies ana farm I1W fiorse Shoeing and Plow UJorka Special We have one of the best Shoers in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, WE WANT YOUR TR at the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store WALKOVER SHOES, FOR MEN ST. CECILIA SHOES, FOR LAI LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. . Also full line of Children's School Shoe We Have the Hood Rubber Goods DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE SB MRS. d. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this cr cream. Only pure fruit and nut rlavo its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOE SALEM V? Walter Pov Ug,w Bui,din2' Oallss, Main Street UClu 5.'9 ''aart , . , - .; "Sy Qf: 1 I $ Single Shovel Plow.-, Double Shovel FloM, W S. flows, Five-Tnntv. ri..i..-.. v viuuyators, vise Ksuw i TT' Sprh,g Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, 5 ' Aiension fpaH : & All Irino f r.i t,r! " WAGNER BR05 WW " T CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF wHh Extension Head. Ill 1 . g cultivate a hopyard or oVchaT 5 rnn j, and MAIN STREETS. Ail kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and every sL , AIN stReets. DALLAS, v'v;: '