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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1904)
S i Pclfc County Observer J. C. IIAYTER, KUITOH AND PUBUSHKR. Puljliitict Weekly 8t $1.50 per Year. Cirtctly i" Advance. DALLAS. OKEOOX. Skktemhek Z, 1904. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat renht Dallas ptopk. Republican National TicKet FOR PKES1DEXT THEODORE KOOSEVELT, of Now York. FOH VK'E-PRKHIDENT CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS of Indiana'. For Presidential Electors : Gh B. Dimick, of Clackamas county A. C. Hough, of Josephine county. J. N. Hart, of Polk county. J. A. Fee, of Umatilla county. POLK GETS FIRST PRIZE State Fair Board Over-Rules Protest of Lane and Marlon Counties. The protest of C. T. Bonriey, of Marion county, against the awurd of the first prize to the Folic county exhibit at the Oregon State Fair last week was heard by the board Thurs day evening, and the action of the judge was sustained. The task of judging the relative excellence of the county exhibits this year was a diffi cult one, for the reason that all the competing counties made flnedisplays. Mr. J. N. Grieve, of Alberta, Canada, was chosen to act as judge because he was competent and because being a Canadian, he held no local prejudice In favor of any county and no person al feeling toward any exhibitor. It is highly gratifying to note that the people of the competing counties have accepted theflndingsof the judge with good grace, and that the matter has been settled without bitterness or jeal ousy. The Albany Herald, published in the county winning the second prizo, says: "Linn county had a good exhibit at the fair, evidenced by aj bright red ribbon, showing second place. It would have been very satis factory to the people of Linn had their county exhibit been awardod first place. But it is no discredit to be second to any one of several excellent county exhibits. W. A. Eastburn, who had charge of the Linn exhibit is entitled to credit for the good display made and the place secured in the awards." The Corvallis Timos, commenting upon the result, says: '"Critics say that the specimens shown in the Benton exhibits were often superior, but that her failure to get a hotter grading than fifth was due to the smaller number of articles displayed. The success of Polk county, winner of the first both this year and last, is ascribed to the larger amount of its articles, rather than to any superior ity, olther in the quality of articles or their arrangement. The exhibit was collected by a lady, whose activity seems to bring out co-operation from the citizens and the- result is a big and winning exhibit." ThoHalom Statesman, ever neigh borly and courteous in its attitude toward the peoplo of Polk county, finds no cause of complaint, and takes a practical and broud-minded view of the result. That paper says : "Tho protest made against awards on tho county exhibits at the Fair illustrate the difficulties that always arise in suoh matters. Few exhibitors see any defects in their owu displays or auy particular excellence in those of others. "And tho worst feature about this sort of a situation is that it is a prom inent ingredient iu tho make-up of human nature. One man's squash may bo larger than that of his com petitorit cannot be denied but he will claim the award on quality and symmetry of outliue. He can easily and honestly seo the superiority of his spoeimen and tho judge who cannot is plainly biased. "Any woman on earth can easily perceive thut her own baby is the one, and the only oue, that is entitled to tho prize iu the beauty show. If she were so deficient in that womanly vtrtuo that she couldn't, she would have remained a sour, pessimistic and uninteresting old maid all her days though, come to thiuk of it, there are Jin Mncient Foe To health and happiness is Scrofula as ugly as ever since time immemorial. It causes bunches in the neck, dis figures the skin, inflames tho mucous membrane, wastes the muscles, weak ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and develops into con sumption. "A bunch appeared on tlie left side of my nock. It can-nil irivui puin, was lanml, and became running sort. I wtuit into a general dtvline. I ' persuaded to try HixkI'j Saraaparlila, and when I had taken atx bottles my nock was honied, and I have never bail any trouble of the kind since." Mas. K. T. SxvDKit, Truy. Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills will rid you of it, radically and per BtuM&Ujr, m thty hava rid thousands. myriads of old maid3 who are con spicuously sweet, perfectly optimistic and always interesting. "But the man who will voluntarily accept an invitation to act as a judge in a baby show forfeits his reputation as one of sagacity or of prudence. "In the case, however, of the county exhibits the judgehad an exceptionally hard task. With unusual tact in arrangement and a great variety of exhibits, he was up against the real thing. Some fault is found with the fact that he is a citizen of Canada. In this respect, we have no sympathy for him, for the man who will go away from home, and into a foreign country, besides, to get into such a thankless task a3 this, deserves all the humili ating annoyances that are attendant upon such imprudent recklessness. "The writer recalls a Fair many years ago when he was associated with the late John Daly, or Dallas, and Col. R. A. Miller, or Jacksonville, on a committee whose duty was to de termine the relative points or excellence between a display of geese, and neither of the judges ever recovered from the ill-feeling which it was freely said cropped out from the alleged unjust decision. "The Statesman is in receipt of a communication from C. T. Bouney, the superintendent of the Marion county exhibit at the State Fairin which he gives his version of the de cision by which he lost the first prize, and, indeed, the second, also. "Mr. Bonney had a good exhibit the best, in our judgment, Marion county has had for years. We are free to confess that it would have been difficult for us to have decided against itand in favorof auy of its competitors, but in these matters it is best to sub, mit gracefully to the decision that is handed down and quietly saw wood with the tools that are at haud. "For these reasons a desire to not unnecessarily cause hard feelings against the Fair management, the judge, Mr. Bonney or the Statesman we have thought it best to let the matter drop without printing the com munication of our good friend from Woodburn, whose exhibit, we repeat, was a credit to himself and the county he so well represented." Tho Populist party has been resur rected, and candidates for Presidential Electors will be placed on the official ballot by petition. The candidates are : P. E. Phelps, or Malheur county ; Dr. J. L. Hill, or Linu county ; L. II. McMahon, or Marion county, andG. F. Schmidtlein, or Jackson county. Tom Watson, the standard-bearer of the pariy will be brought to Oregon for a number or speeches. This revival or Populism is not hailed with joy by the Democrats, who have been trying to line up the Populist vote for Parker. The registration books were opened Tuesday, iu compliance with the pro visions or the new election law, and will be kept open 30 days, or until October 20. Electors who registered before the June election will not be required to register again, but all others desiring to vote in November will have to come forward now and get their name s ia the book. County Clerk Smith is or the opinion that the registration in Polk county will be light, as there are thought to be Tew voters who did not qualify last Spring. The average citizen of Polk County is carrying his chest well in front these days. That political subdivision of the greatest state in the Northwest has walked away with the highest State Fair honors two years in sue cession. May the excellence of her products and the shadow of her people uover grow less. Portland Telegram Fairbanks and Dolliver will speak iu Portland on the evening of Satur day, October 1. Republicans from all parts of the state will bo in attendance, and the meeting will probably be the lartrest political gathering ever witnessed in Oregon. JfeK, Com JjEdV Corel. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attaiiiL-d, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United Slatca, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap sus or Falling 01 Womb which they can not cure. All they a9k is fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. 1 used four bottles of your ' Favorite Pre scription' anil one of 'Golden Medical Discov ery ' " writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount hope Lancaster Co.. Pa., "and can say that 1 am cured of that dreaded disease! uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Every one who knows me is surprised to see me look o well In June I was so poor in health that at tinieTTI could not walk. To-day I am cured. I tell everybody that Dr. Pierce's medicines cured me." Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviieris sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. The SALE IS ON!! Everything moving; goods going out and goods . .i,et pvprv (lav oi Express packages umiw j the newest novelties. Silk waistings in the daintiest of patterns. An other line of DRESS GOODS just opened-Swell nn stun. Our Shoe trade is booming Yours for business coming in and we keep them coming Pollock's Cash Store UGLOW BLOCK, DALLAS, ORE. NEW HARDWARE STORE BUSINESS LOCALS. For a giyod job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. j Dr. Havter. Dentist. Office over j Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, siuksand lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful. work guaran teed. Wagon For Sale. Light 1 inch wagon, nearly new. Inquire of S. A. Houser, Dallas, Ore., or White Front Livery. For Sale. One light work horse; 50 head of Angoras, all does. J. M. Bukford, Dallas, Or. Trespass Notices. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, for sale at this office. Bain will not injure them, and, if properly put up, they will last for months. Notice to Customers. j For the remainder of the season, the i Dallas Ice Factory will make only! two deliveries of ice each day one in j the morning, and the other in the ! early afternoon. I FIDLER & MARKS. I We have opened up a first-class Hard ware Store in connection with our Plumbing and Tinning business at the old Wiseman stand We will carry a complete stock of ware General Hard 1: Milk Cow For Sale. ; One good young fresh cow and calf, for sale. James Elliott, Dallas, Or, For Sale. Two Cotswold bucks, seven Angora buck kids, fifteen Poland China pigs. All of these animals are brod from choice registered stock. James Elliott, Dallas, Oregon. Including the celebrated Universal Stoves and Ranges Our "TRILBY" Heaters give more heat and require less wood than any other warming stove made. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT, AND ASK A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE. Vaughn Weaver DALLAS, OREGON Many Paying Taxes. The last half of tho 1903 Tolk county tax will become delinquent on Tues day, October 4. All sums not paid prior to that date will have both lenauy ana interest aauea. Uut or a total tax of $121,(X)0 on the 1903 roll, less than $12,000 remains unpaid, and collections continue fairly lively. Sheriff Ford believes that the de linquent usi win do small tins year and that but little land will have to be sold for taxes. Headquarters Tor good teas and coffee. Louohary & Ellis. REALESTATE! 7S acres Nice Homelike place, with good buildings'and fences 10 acres in cultivation lots of flue timber $1300 5 eeres with a good little House and Rai n all fenced and under cultivation, only $ 6"0 Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit uatedworth $50 per acre only if 3- Fine loo acre farm, well im proved $5000 Well improved farm or 11" acres $2o00 Finely improved rami or 400 acres $9500 Stvk Ranch !KK 200 acres under cultivation Can't be beat $',HXX Nice little Home or 13 acres $1100 Stock and drain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. lt4 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place cheap as dirt only $130 Here is the cheapest place iu Oregon til acres. House, Barn, ami Diner improvements worth $1200 at least for only $ 800 I have all classes of Ranches ami minis lor sale 1 can suit vou in quality or price. HENRY CAT1PBELL, DALLAS, OREGON. 1 & $ s. c. CO. Wc have just received a line line of New Nobby Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts and put Iheiit on. sale at the right prices. Also a new line of Ulen's Clothing, no shelf worn goods as we have never handled Clothing before. Come in and see for yourself. agents We are for the celebrated American Beauty Corset All styles, priced at from 50c up THE RADCLIFFE SHOE for Ladies, sold here, is the best $2.50 Shoe on the market. Four styles to se lect from; widths T5 to E. New styles of golf Shirts Elk Head Brand ranging in price from 50C to $1.50 These are dandies. If yon want the best brand of Rubber Boots, buy Ihe Mycr boot, sold only bv n we never Out of 30 pairs sold last year it! a complaint. Without a doubt the best boot on the market at the price. 5. C. DODSON & C07 Hew Grocery Department 11 ii c We have our New Store in the GroCtJ Department nicely arranged. ?: They do say we sell our Groceries with' profit but you see we sell a great nian them. We offer our customers the best," can get all the time, and our priCes . LI- V1 very reasonuuie. p In the Store 8t we are now opening one of the finest of General Merchandise ever offered in ir city. We especial!' excel in : Clothing and Shoes n and our prices are away below anyfljE that you will find anywhere, and fa "Star Brand" and "Pacllarfi Shoes and Hofimani $ Rothschild Clothing are the very best made. : I UK roc m ot ur will be here in a few days, and all Hop Checks i' a be good at our store for 55 Cents da: Hop Picking ;L aii ro Phone 246. I IAIN SWd iei eel O. H. COBB 0. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS 0P Wagons, Carriages, Buggies and farm ltta fiorse Shoeing and Plow WorR a Special! We have one of the best Shoers in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, 0: I WE WANT YOUR TRA at the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store WALKOVER SHOES, FOR MEN ST. CECILIA SHOES, FOR LAI! . LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. Also full line of Children's School Shoes We Have the Hood Rubber Goods. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STO . MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this ft cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOB SALEM V$ Walter Pov Ug,ow Bui,d5n' Dallas y Main Street L'Cil t 1 WAGNER BROS. ww - I T CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plow,, Double Shovel Plows, Mows, Five-Tooth f!nlt,v.. n.,n,wnrs. V r . V T a II II n. 1 7 I M . t ylliLUM"" ' I JuT' Spfing Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, p I w"h Extension Head. : : . . . : : : : : I cultivl? f Pl0WS' Hamws'. Cultivators and everytl j COR. 0AK nd MA,N STREETS. DALLAS, 0