Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, August 26, 1904, Image 4

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Attempt Will be Made to Make Salem
Day at State Fair Great Suc
cess if Possible.
An effort of special nature la tube
made to endeavor to make the social
days at the State Fair worthy features
of that institution this year.
'llio various days are to be as
fillo.vs: Monday is opening day;
Tuesday is Woodmen's Day ; Wednes
day is to be Salem Day ; Thursday is
Portland Day; Friday is Children's
Day, und Saturday is closing day.
Especially interesting will no doubt
be Portland Day, when the metropolis
will send thousands of visitors to the
fair. It is said that this will be done
by the people of Portland because they
uiv In expectation of a great attend
ance from Salem and the valley
towns at the Lewis and Clark Fair
next year and the people of Portland
believe in reciprocity. Wednesday is
to be Salem Day and the mayor of the
city is to bo asked to issue a procla
mation to the business men and every
body else requesting them on that day
to all liiy aside their business and
other cares and all attend the fair.
On Tuesday the Woodmen of the
World will have an exhibition drill in
the interest of their order and on
Friday, which is Childrens' Day, the
littlo tots will bo allowed the run of
the crounds free gratis for nothing,
. but it is quietly whispered that their
papas and mammas are expected to
turn out in sufficient numbers on that
day to make up for the largeness of
heart of the management shown to
the children. The boys from the re
form school and the young jieople
from the Indian school and the bands
from these Institutions will also be
present on that auspicious occasion.
President Downing says that they
are going to have a very successful
fair in every way. Salem Statesman.
Miss. Agnes Westley
816 Yells oireei.
Special Train Service Now on Be
tween Portland and Clatsop
81G Wells Street,
Maiuxette, Wis., Sept. 2o, 1903.
I was all run down from nervous
ness and overwork and had torcagn
my position and take a rest. 1
found that I was not gaining my
strength and health as fast as 1
could wish, and as your V ino ct
Cardui was recommended as sr.cli a
good medicine tor uie ins w.
Sex, I bought a bottle and began w
using it. 1 was sausneu wuu iuu
-,,!fa frrnn thp use of the nrst
bottle, and took throe more and then
tored to ffooa hcaKu
and strength and able to take up
my work with renewed vigor. 1
consider it a fine tonic and excellent
for worn-out, nervous condition,
and am pleased to endorse it.
Bec7, North Wiecocain Holland Society.
Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui and a 2.x:. package of
Tnedford's Black-Draught today.
The Chattanooga Advertising.
The Chattanooga Medicine Company,
with laboratories and icenerul offices at
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and branch
houses at St. Louis, Mo., and San Fran
cisco Cal., has become one of the largest
proprietory' medicine concerns in the
world. In the growth of this great busi
ness two factors have been dominant:
The merit of its products Wine of Car
dui and Thedford'a Black-Draught
has been widely recognized and the
the original advertising methods adopted
have excited great comment.'. The pub
licity for these medicines does not consist
of the catch phrase and extravagant
statement, too often employed in adver
tising to-day, but instead the plain story
of experience with the medicines given
in the plain language of the people
themselves. The following letter is a
fair sample of the Wine of Cardui testi
monials published during the past
t wen iv years.
H008 Eastern Avenue,
Cimimiaii, Ohio, May 20, 1902.
I consider Wine of Cardui a most
excellent womau's remedy. It is cer
tainly a specific as a tonic and regulator.
For eight vears I suffered with female
trouble. I had intense pain in the hack
and head, leaving me so weak that I
was unable to stand at times. Medicine
did not seem to help me, but after all
remedies had failed me Wine of Cardui
proved my one great, true friend. What
a relief I experienced ! It came only
a few davs after I started taking it. I
used it faithfully for four months and
gradually grew stronger and better. I
am now regular to the day and for the
past two years have enjoyed blessed
good health. I certainly wish every
sick and suffering woman eould know of
your blessed medicine, how much pain
it would prevent, and what a difference
it would make in thousands of homes
where there in sieknesn and sorrow to
day, if they hail Wine of Ctv.nl ui it
would bring relief and joy inst.nul.
Margaret (Ireenmyer.
J. It. Cooper, of Independence, is
preparing to burn Hoo.ikmi brick.
Wellington Dornsife, a brother of
Jerome Dornsife died August 7, at
Ukiah, California. He was a resi
dent of Indeendence several years
ago. Enterprise.
The Canadian Pacific llailway, be
sides possessing tho longest con
tinuous lino on tho American conti
nent, has issued a circular which
shows that it can almost claim to be
the leader in tho railway world in
aggregate mileage. Tho circular,
which has just been received at the
local ofliees, shows that tho mileage
owr.ed and controlled by this corpora
tion exceeds 11, (MX).
OnsF.avFR office for
blank notes, warranty and quit-claim
deeds, real estate and chattel mort
gages, bonds for deed and bills of sale.
Our blanks are excelled by none for
quality of paper, care in printing, and
general appearance.
The Summer Schedule of the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Company
has been inaugurated between Port
land. Astoria and Seaside in connect
ion with special round-trip excursion
tickets to all Clatsop and North Beach
points, and train leaves Lnion Depot
8.00 A. M. daily and runs ttirougr,
direct, arriving Astoria U :30 A. M. ;
Gearhart 12:20 P. M., and Seaside
12:30 P. M.
The Portland-Seaside Flyer leaves
Union Depot every Saturday at 2.30 P.
M., arriving Astoria 5.50 P. M., ana
runs through direct, arriving at Gear
hart 0 :40 P. M. and Seaside 6 :50 P. M.
In connection with this improved
service, sjieciai rounu-irip season
excursion tickets are sold from Port
land to all Clatsop and North Beach
points at rate of $4.00 for tho round
trin. crood for return passage until
Oct. loth.
Special Commutation tickets, good
for five round trips, ere sold from
Portland to same points for $15.00,
good to return until Oct. 15th.
Saturday Special round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.50 for
round trip. Tickets sold from Port
land to North Beach Points are issud
in connection with the I. R. & N.
steamers from Astoria and baggage
is transferred to and from depot and
steamer dock at Astoria free of charge.
and all tickets sold by the O. R. & N.
Co. from Portland to Clatsop and
North Beach points are interchange
able and will be honored on trains of
this company in either direction be
tween Portland and Astoria. Write
J. C. Mayo, G. F. &P. A., Astoria, Ore
for Seaside Souvenir of 1904.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
aeription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, August 80, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,600.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Uia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
Thev commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900
They interviewed ecores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable eases,
and administered it with the physician?
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
Der cent of the test oases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent ol
failures, the parties were satisfied am)
closed the transaction. The proceeding?
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will oe mailed free on up
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco. Cal.
The forest fires are subsiding.
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wail oft hues conies as
result of unbearable pain from over-tax
ed organs. Dizz'ness, Hackache, Live
complaint and Constipation. B"t thank
to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an
end to it all. They are gentle but thoi
ongh. Trv them. Only 25c. Guarantee
liy Belt & Cherrington Drug Store.
The corner stone of the Clatsoj
county courthouse was laid Tueg
day with appropriate ceremony.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine oi ever.
one hundred people wno navo iui
,.mmher when It was simple Indige
t.on. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic are not only
daceablo to, but re tho direct result of lndl-
.i aii tnnii taken Into the stomacB
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This interferes with the action ot
the heart, and In the course of time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
with It. 1 1 oo r.oaui ui'vv"
month! tnd it cured ma.
Kodol Digests Wnat Ton km
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Sire holdlnr 2H times trw
llze, wnicn sens ror out.
Praow-ffi by E. O. DoWITT CO., ohioaui
Portland and Return Only .sv
The Southern Pacific is now Bell
ng round trip tickets to Portland
from Dallas for 2.50, good going
Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun
day, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and
Monday in Portland. The same ar
rangement applies from Portland,
giving all Portland people a chance
io visit valley points at greatly re
duced rates.
Call on Southern Pacific Com
pany's agent for particulars.
I find nothing better for liver derange
ment and constipation than Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. L.F
Andrews. Des Moines, Iowa. "For Sale
by Wilson Drug Co.
The American Mining Congres
is in seesion this week with a large
attendance of delegates.
Notice of Final Settlement.
K n lniiu i
i ivcii Uial 1-
" u. " . . - .1.. ..I ..fifi'titi-
execa.or.,aeteu ?r&',uii of
el. li uw ' fig lli.nl nccount m
Oregon, for Polk iii, the24tli day
Buch executor, aiin that totwaiiy. i f
of September 1 wrt.yr the hou w by
settlement then of Al roi are
nv VSZV w y . "d accoun t should not be
DUICU unui" - .;-Li KErcUl Mi
Executor of the mute of
Itfluc .Mattinon, del-eased.
Oscar Huyter, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Kiven that the County Court
,7r " c eci-Ksed. All persons having c i j
irf ..mfp are hereby nouuen u F'""
. - vurliimi sa bv law
the tti lllc iO lie m i,,,,,,,!,,,,,
ffii.1' oZ l Orem with six m-mUm
from he date of the firs, publication of this
"Sited this 8th day of W-LA1ieoSt
Administrator of the estate
of Levi Taylor, deceiised.
McCain & Vinton, Attjs. for estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
'la'Kiaintiir, vs. Krsnk Welch.
Defendant. .
To Frank Welch, Defendant :
In the Name of the Slate ol Oregon: ou are
hereby requTred to appear and answer the com
"h int Hied asaiust vou, in the f above , enti led
suit on or before the last Hay of the time pn
W in the order for publication o ;
to-wit: the 2nd day of September, 1 M, a d f
vou fall to answer for want thereof the laiiitii
1 will take a decree against you.o7,V";i"
r.. . i . i . ...... nnw ..ylHili it oeiweeu
you and plaintiff, and KivinR to ph iniill the
fare and custody of the minor chi d Harrj
"lch and for cwU and disbursements herein.
By order of the Hon. id V. Coad, Cm nt
Judge of the County court of the State of Ore
eon; for Polk County, made on the JOth day ol
luly. 1901, it is directed that publication of the
summons be made in the l'olk i ounty Observer,
a weekly newspaper published in said county,
once a week for six consecutive weeks, ine
Brat day of publication being theZinddayof
July, 1901. x.LBUTLKR,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Christian Church.
Bible School at 10 a. m. Junior C. B.
at 3 :30 p.m. Senior C. F, at 6-30 p. in.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Preaching services every Sunday at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School;
lla.m.,p.eachin(r;7:30 p. m., Epworth
l.eHuMie;(3:30- ,., (.reaching ; ThurHday
7:30 p. m., piy' meeting.
.Iamkh Moohb, PiiHtnr.
Adventist Church.
Sablia h School at 10 a. i
study from 11 to 12.
United Evangelical Church
uhi In-Ill ns follows: S. S. 10
a in. Preachiiur. 11 a. in., and 7:30 p.
m. K. L.C. E., 6:30 p.m. Y.M.C.A,
.lunior Endeavor, 3:00
Praver meetine, Ihursuay,
A. A. Winter, Pastor.
Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath services: Bible study at 10
a. in.; Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30
p' m. ; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. in. ; Senior
Endeavor. 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
W. T. Wardlb, Pastor.
Baptist Church.
Bible school at 10 a. m.; B. Y. P. U.,
6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. ni. and
7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, u euiimuu v
at 7:30p.m.
j. nr. uKBitn, j. kdiiui .
The hop vines
free from vermin.
are remarkably
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi
cant cuts or puny boils have paid the
deith penally. It is wise to have Huck
len's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the
best Salve on earth and will prevent fa
tality, when Burns", Sores, Ulcers and
Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Belt & Cher
rington Drug store.
All In Line.
A Montana campaign poet is
responsible for this outburst of eu
thuslasm :
American, German, Italian, CeP,
Norwegians, and the Uanaua Belt,
All the Westerners, you bet your pelt,
Are going red-hot for Hoosevelt.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease has lost its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy came into general
use. The uniform success which attends
the use of this remedy in nil cases of
Ixuvel complaints in children has made
it a favorite wherever its value has Ik
come known. For sale by Wilson Drug
The Pacific Coast Indian Insti
tute s in seesion in Newport this
week, with a good attendance.
A Summer Cold.
A summer cold is not only annoying
hut if not relieved Pneumonia will be
the probable result by Fall. One Minute
Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws
out the inflammation, heals, soothes
am) strengthens the lungs and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure is an
ideal remedy for the children. It is
pleasant to the taste and perfectly
harmless. A certain cure for Croup,
Cough and Cold. .Sold by Belt &
Much valuable green timber was
destroyed by the recent forest fires
in Linn county.
DeWitt Is the Name.
When you go to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name Da WITT on
every box. The pure, unadulterated
Witch Hazel is used in making D"Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which is the best
salve in the Aorld for cuts, burns, boils,
bruises, eczema and piles. The popu
larity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,
due to its mai.v cures, has caused
numerous worthless counterfeits to I
placed on the market. The genuine
bears the name K. C. IeVilt A Co..
Chicago. Sold by Bolt A Cherrington.
X mmm iwuium l m ar
--4. at rar U a an m
Copyrights Ac
AnTrtntwift!n anketrh and dwrpitn ma
fltittAir -riMin our otiiMn fnnj whether an
liivtnttn is prvtmMy pi entail. xmmurttc.
tiiaitrtct)r emMntaJ Handbook on Patent
en I fre. Dhleat mtnef for MH-urinir pa tern a.
Talents taken tiirxMJtrtt Wuuit A rwcetrt
Scientific Jltitcricam
A hni1.)niFlr lllnirll weklr. I trn
.lUtlnii of mnj -ifitine ttKiml. vrtuK 13
-r: four moniiu, L SuMtijKll nvvMiMiar.
how About Your Summer Vacation?
Newport on Yaquina Bay is the
ide.il seaside resort of tho North
Pacific Coast. Hound trip tickets at
frreatly reduced rntos on sale from all
Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on
and after June 1st Ask agents for
further information and a "landsonvly
illustratiHl souvenir booklet, or write
to Edwin Stone. Manager C. & E. R.
R of Albany, Oiv., or W. 11 Coniati,
O. P. A., S. P. Co., Tortland. Oregon.
sold on a positive ruarmnte. Cures heart
burn, raisin of the food, d'str aftci
eating or any form of dyspepsia. One
littl tablet Uvea Immediate relief, a
eta. and cU. B:t Cherrintoi
DailjLa. Orecea
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured
by Chamberbaln's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and
Perhaps a Life Saved.
"A short time ago I was taken with a
violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I
would have died if I had not gotten re
lief," says John J. Pat ton, a leading cit
izen of Patton, Ala. "A friend recom
mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a
tweuty-Gve cent bottle and after taking
three doses of it was entirely cured. I
consider it the best remedy in the world
for bowid complaints." For sale by
Wilson Drug Co.
Spring wheat and oats are far
below the average in quantity, but
above the average in quality,
Sick Headache.
"For several years my wife was
troubled with what physicians called
ick headache of a very severe character.
She doctored with several eminent phy
sicians and at a great expense, only to
grow worse until she was unable to do
any kind of work. Ahouta year ago she
began taking Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets and todav weighs more
than she ever did before and is teal
well," says Mi. (ieo. E. Wright of New
London, New Yoik. For sale bv Wiison
Drug Co.
End of Bitter Fight.
"Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lung," writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont,
Ua., "and gave me up. Everybody
thought my time had come. As a last
resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. The benefit I received
was striking and I was on my feet in a
few days. Now I've entirely regained
my health." It conquers all Coughs,
Colds and Throat and Lung Troubles.
Guaranteed bv Pelt & Cherrington Drug
Store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles
Reports come from England to
the efect that the hop crop is
damaged by aphis and lice.
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system,
set the liver to action, remove the bile,
clear the complexion, cure headache and
leave a good taste in the month. The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. Bob Moore, of
Lafavette, Ind., says: "All other pills
I have used gripe and sicken, while De
Witt's Little Early Risers are simply
perfect." Sold by Belt & Cherrington.
The Portland league baseball
team has pulled up to third place.
county, Washington,
will have about nine million
bushels of first-class wheat.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will interest many. A run down sys
tem, or despondency invariably precede
suicide and something has been found
that will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take Electric
Bitters. It being a great tonic and ner
vine will strengthen the nerves and
build up the system. It's also a great
Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator.
Only 50e. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Belt A Cheriington Druggist.
The public land salea in Oregon
are the greatest in the Nation.
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
The Southern Pacific Company will
sell round trip tickets at greatly re
duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago
account the St. Louis Exposition, on
the following dates : June 16, 17, 18;
J uly 1, 2, 3, August 8. 9, 10 ; September
5, C, 7 ; October 3, 4, 5.
Going trip must bo compk-Utl with
in ten days from date of sale, and
passengers will be permitted to start
on any day that will enable them to
reach their destination within the ton
days limit Return limit ninety days,
but not later than December 31, 1904.
For full information as to rates and
routes call on Agent Southern Taciflc
Taken with Cramps.
Win. Kirmse, a member of the bridge
gang working near Littleport was taken
suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps
and a kind of cholera. His case was so
severe that he had to have memh is of
of the crew wait upon him and Mr.
Gifford was called and consulted. He
told them he had a medicine in the form
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought
would help him out and accordingly sev
eral doses were administered with the
result that the fellow was able to he
around next day. The .incident speaks
quite highly of Mr. Gilford's medicines.
Elkader, Iowa, Argus.
This remedy never fails. Keep it in
your home it may save life. For sale by
Wilson Drug Co.
Notice For Publication.
United States Luml Oltice,
Oregon City, Oregon.
June 7, l'J04.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions oi the act of Congress ol
June 3, IS7S, entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon,
n,,ri Wnsliimrton Territory, as ex
tended 'to all the Public Land states by act ol
August 4, 1892, Anna Mending, of Kails City.
county of Polk State nt uregon nus w
day tiled in this ollice her sworn statement No.
6444, for the purchase of the S. of N.W. of Sec.
ISO. I 111 lOWUSIUp XV, I OUUtii, .vniifis. .w. .
West, and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before the Count)- Clerk
of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tlie 31st day of August, l'J04.
She names as witnesses: H. 0. Seymour,
of Falls City, Oregon; Ira Mehrling, of tails
l itv, Oregon; G. P Ccinlee, of Dallas. Oregon;
Ellas Hinshaw, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to rile their
claims in this ollice ou or before said 31st day of
August, 1901.
Notice For Publication.
r have hist received a Fine New Stock
of Harness and Saddles and invite you
;all and examine them as to styie,
workmanship and price. 1 have the
finest line of saddles ever shown in 1 oik
touiity. They are strictly "down-to-
late" in every respect.
big assortment prices according to
quali'y all fitted with "Double bur-
eingles, a new leature wnicn every
horseman will readily appreciate. Conn
and see them.
HARNESS .lib, Best Grade,
Frank A. Stiles
United States Land Ollice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
June 6, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that la compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 3, 1878, entitled "An ai t for the sale ol
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of August
4. 1892. Thomas H. March, of lluell, county ol
Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this
umv.c lilt, nvvuiu akntciiiuut uri.,, 11,1 liic jjiu-
chnse of the S. W. of Section No. 20, in Town
ship No. 7 S., Range No. 6 V., and will otle;
proni to sh iw that the land sought is mon
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said iani bclore tlie Kepisler ami Kecelver at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th daj
of September, 1904.
He names as witnesses: II. W. Bennett, of
liuen. Oregon; K. w. Jiarcn, oi nueil, Oregon;
Melvin Conlee, of Buell, Oregon ; George Conlee
of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tin
above-described lands are requested to iile theii
claims in this ollice on or before said 8th day oi
oepiemuer, rjut.
is Si Elite HiU
A tornado in the city of St. Paul,
Minnesota, Sunday, caused a logs
of nearly three million dollars.
A Sweet Breath
is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is bad the
stomach is out of order. There is no
remedy in the world equal to Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders.
Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Tlains,
Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic
for years; tried all kind9 of remedies
hut continued to grow wotse. By the
use of Kodol I began to improve at once,
and after taking a few bottles am fully
restored in weight, health and strength
and can eat whatever I like. Kodol
diaest9 what you eat and makes the
stomach sweet. Sold by Belt & Cherrington.
Corn and hops are standing the
dry weather belter than was expected.
rermflnenry cured by using Mold Tea.
A pleasant brrb drink. Cures constipation
and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep.
ork and liapTT Satlsfartton tru ranted
or monty back. eta. and M eta. Belt
CbM-rtoa-toa. Dallam. Oracva
Have You Received the Seaside Sou
venir for 1904?
The A. & C. E. R. will mail to vour
i address free, copies of their Summer
Bookli-t containing 30 pages of half
tone engravings of Columbia River
and Clatsop Beach scenery. Address
J. C. Mayo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria,
Ore., or Mr. C. A. Stewart, Agent, 243
Alder St, Tortland, Ore.
Use Acker's English Remedy in any
ease of coughs, cold or croup. Should tt
fail to gi Immediate relief money re
funded tt eta. and M eta. Belt Cher
rtngtOB Daliaa Orasoa
.12:45 P.M.
. 1 :45 P.M
. 5 :10 P.M.
No. 2 for Yaquina
Loaves Albany
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Yaquina
No. 1 Returning
Leaves Yaquina 7:15 A.M,
Leaves Corvallis 11 :30 A.M
Arrives Albany 12:15 P.M
No. 3 for Detroit-
Leave Albany 1:00 P.M,
Arrives Detroit 6 :00 P.M.
No. 4 from Detroit-
Leave Detroit C:30 A.M.
Arrives Albany n-.is A.M.
Train ho. 1 arrives in Albany in
tune to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
ttiree hours in Albany before depart-
ture oiib. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P,
trains at Corvallis and Albany givinc
direct service to Newport and adjacent
Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush
ana otner mountain resorts leaves
Albany atl :00 p. m., reaching Detroit
about 6 .00 p. m.
For further information apply to
tuuwLX STONE, Manager.
1. COCKKELL, Agent, Albany.
H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1.
Daily except Sundav.
Teats' Siding
Lt. falls city
Teats' Siding
Ar. Dallas
Trains Stop on Sigma:
General Manager.
A. M. p. m.
:30 1:20
: 1:36
7:49 1:39
7:55 1:45
8:05 1:55
A.M. P.M.
9:2" 4:2.
9:30 4:45
9:36 4:51
9:S9 4;j4
9:55 5:10
Oscar Hayter
UpBtalra hi Campbell bulij,
Sibley & Eald
The only reliable set of u
Polk county. Office on CoJ
JuLIUs N. Haut
Office upstalra in OsflBM , ,.
Room i.
N. L. Butler 1
Office over Dallag City L!
Eeal Estate, Loans and fc1
Notarv Pnhn
M. Hayter,
DASl,over wlIson' DrV
L. N. Woods, M. I
Does eenprnl nriu i- ..
in uj,
the county. Office on Mains'
are weeds. Unless
they are kept down,
they divert the nu
trition which the
soil provides from
the growing crops and ruin their pro
ductiveness. Diseases are to the body what weeds
are to the soil. They divert the nutri
tion which is necessary to sound health,
and the body, instead of being strong
and hardy, drags out a sickly existence.
When the stomach is diseased, and the
other organs of digestion and nutrition
are involved with it, there is a constant
loss of nutrition by the body. The stora
ache and its allied organs are not able to
convert the foods into nourishment, and
hence the body and its several organs are
deprived of the necessary elements of
vitality. What is known as "weak"
heart or "weak" lungs, "weak" nerves
and other forms of so-called weakness, are
generally caused bv "weak" stomach.
When the stomach and the other organs
v. uigcauuu anu numuon are cured, men
the other diseases are cured with it. Dis
eases which are caused by a diseased
condition of the stomach are cured
tnrougn the stomach. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discoverv
of the stomach and its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition. It cures
iiirougn the stomach diseases of heart.
""6, "vci anu oiner organs. It in
creases the activity of the blood-making
glands, so that the whole body is nour
ished bv an abundant siirmW
i . f Jr V vi
blood, rich in the bright red corpuscles
VI lltTcUUi.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery and it contain-, neither
opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic
It is strictly a teniperar.ee medicine.
xersons suiienng from chronic forms
oi disease are invited to consul: Dr.
"V "3 luKiynr, .-in correspoi'iu-iice
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce
Huffily XT t . ii..v.c,
j ...... . , , .
Suffered for Years.
My gratitude to you and your ' Golden Med
...... yroutcy in so great." writes Sir.
Martm, of Arlee, .Mason Co.. West Vircrini-
... a t,:v. lu uiiu WOrUs lO
fool i ti rr T rr i t-
...h "r ' " oi years
...... ,... uii.u, iroi-.mcs, anil coclon...!
Pmiins, urn. ..,1 no ocitfT 'j-;
j - r nerce s Ooklcn
and alter usim it I ..tC
all faith that it hs snvH ', 1
I have one of your medical books
it a grand work."
press li-. v cue
in I
ally relieved. 1 ha
and think
Torpid Liver Cured.
auuerer irom tnri.;,! r
Pays for the OBSERVER
and the Weekly Oregonian
one year. In order to take
advantage of this liberal
r, your subscription to the ()nEBff
mnstbepaid np to date. Now is the
tune to subscribe.
distress I tried .p, "L"
letter advising me to take his mv ' re;e'Vef
ical Discovrrv-, li:e ''""-en Med-
Alter I had .it ''-. IVH-
Ufe and fr, i ti,,; , V ?ra as 15 tvcr ;" my
n!a luiK vere cold which re-
suffered 'w.'. .. "S ? 'lot. tell what 1
not move
my hu.
thai it was almost too 4.H "f "l "'y
miles to town, but he .vim ... 5
Dr.. iharce's Extract c-f i-'i'
me instant rel ef. I can sav ihf rZ "
that I h.ive tried it f r i, t,, 5 , , P
We keen a 'o V' e - lv '' '"a-iric
house a ! the time I m?,. fc ,n thr
enough for what f; .c5"ot,,hanc Dr. rierct
- - ,n,ir tor me-w
ConstirKition Viae
cure constinalinn ,n ".
ouenr-pc Tt. , . 1 ':; lt! CoilF.e-
i,'tCV ,j - M,uia always be used
. v's-"-s ina twoduvs I i-ould
without it nirl,. i-iii.j . . . .
and I could :V "C- ..'.
11" The 'r nirnt ol
teacher of
Studio, Room No. 2, IVils
R. C. Craven, Pres.
R. E. Wanfjji"
D al la. : Ciiik!
Kxchances bought and mil
points. Special attention (til:
Wm. muscott; i
Does hauling of all klndt at n
Masonic Calends
Jennings Lodge, No.!
coniuiunications, te
Fourth Fridays of
K. L. CiiaVmanJ'i:
OSCAE lill'
Ains worth Chapter, V 14.
A. M., 6tated convoeT
Thursday of each Bin1
Willis Shi
lyiaomi Chapter, No. 22,01
A "-meetings Second and For
davs of each month. . .
Mrs. Ella J. Muraii"1"'
Mrs. Libbik Muir, Sec.
i. o. o. r.
Friendship LodgcDA
ari every Saturday eiu
--tiwwf (jt (j, f . nan. u" u
Kalph Hill, N. G. an
W. A. Airb! the
I kaCreole Encampment,!
"Second and tourtn i
I? H MnnRTSOK. C. P.
F A.SHU-I & r
lmira Lodge. No.26pD.olU
Lfiil.itf oupninff.
Mrs. Pauline Williams, M
Miss MinaJI' c
Woodmen of the!
Dallas Camp, No. 209, t VIK
Fellows hall every Tlmi
W. A. Ayrks, C. C,
W. G. Vassi-
TlTistletoe Circle, Np. S'
rAmeets in Odd Fellows i
and Fourth Wednesday oi?
Mbs. Nellie Tatom,
Mrs. Ankt "t- ,
Knights of the Matfes
Dallas Tent, Np-S.
and Fourth Thur
m , r n.O.'-1
T Lilac Hive, No. 28,L- -Ip
"on Second and Fourth V
noon of each month. .
Mrs. Eva Hayter, h- -
Mrs. i3LAXCHtt
Union Lodge.
tfB and Third Vedn
month. ,
II. L. Fextos.M. 'AiSf
Crystal Ige..),tt
First and Third
month. ,a
Alice Geoves, C. ot
United Artg
Assembly No. 46-mett
day of each moDtn.
Willis Simostoj?,
TwodgeNo. 144-MeetsEC4,.
"of each month. '
W. J. Wagser,
MBS. Sj,yEr
"Tc v
-w. -w- -m- ar I I I I II l U '.
JJAliLiAO wlia
2nd and 4th luw?
- u indicated.
TTnH C. T.