:oUi Counts boervcr lay your tents at Dodson's. ur bread and cake none better, !33. . O. Campbell, agent McMlnnville u ranee Co. ocha and Java Blend, 25 cents per nd. Eiqg3. . S. Smith, of Lewisville, was In oughary & Ellis carry Lucklamute , Perrydale flour. o to Dodson's for hop gloves and tw cuffs for hop picking. ist Rimdiiv dinners in the city at i. Brown's bearding house. ie Oil si -.:'.v i office wants the print- you aio i'urticular about. is3 Eftie Brown is clerking in the Mai merchandise store of Ellis & t. ayor and Mrs. J. S. Cooper, of ;pendence , spent Sunday in New lester Gates returned home Satur from Lebanon, where he has i visiting relatives, its pressed at Uglow Clothing se. Special rate by the month, lire for particulars, jghary & Ellis will soon open two crates of dishes the sweilest that hit the town. See them before buy. A. Koser, a leading stock breeder hop raiser of Polk county, was up Bickreall on a business visit, nesday. W. Percival and C. L. Fitchard, linent hop raisers of Indepen p, were in Dallas on a business Wednesday. . H. L. Toney has returned from ling trip to the headwaters of the k river. He caught many fine and greatly enjoyed his outing. J. Goodman, a former Inde ence hardware merchant and jngaged in the same business in leton, was in Dallas, Wednesday. E. E. Todd came down from rn Oregon this week and will be office a short time before going new location in Adams, Umatilla ,y. and Mrs. Walter Williams, nd Mrs. G. N. Cherrington, Mr. Irs. W. E. Gilbert and Tom C. well came out from Newport, ay. i Bee Hive Store's big Fall and sr stock is arriving from the and the clerks are kept busy ing the goods and placing them 3 shelves. ave just returned from a little own in California and looked up itest styles in photographs in rgest cities, and now if you want test, call in. T. J. Cherrington. Observer office is turning out a amount of job printing for ners all over Polk county. This did just $10 more than three as much work in July, 1904, as in July a year ago, and the i of August will show almost as an Increase. The Observer has st equipped job printing office y interior town in Western n. Shingles and lime at Riogs.' Lipton teas at Louehary & Ellis.' Auro Ford went to Newport, Tues day. Take j'our prescriptions to the Wil son drug store. Miss Bose Bronken Is visiting friends In Portland. Suits pressed in the neatest style at the Uglow Clothing House. Hon. George Myer, of Smithfleld, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Wilson and family and Gus Olin went to Nestucca beach this week, T. D. Hollowell, of Falls City, was in Dallas on a business errand, Wednesday. . H. B. Flanery, a prosperous farmer of Perrydale, transacted business in Dallas, Tuesday. Dr. M. L. Thompson, druggist and postmaster at Falls City, was a county seat visitor, Friday. . Prof. A. M. Sanders, principal of the Roseburg public schools, is visit ing relatives in Dallas. Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury, will speak in Salem on Thursday evening, September 1. Miss Bnttie McDevitt, of Portland, accompanied by her sister, Emroy, left for SanFrancisco on a visit to relatives, Wednesday. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 1 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. M. M. Ellis and family returned from their outing in the mountains above Falls City, Thursday. Mr. Ellis is greatly improved in health, and enters upon his office work with renewed energy. .Marriage is not a failure. It's your own fault if you fail to make your home happy. Comfort and luxury are within your reach: wealth isn't necessary. The greatest Furniture Bargains at Frank Kerslake's. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Paulson, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. P. A. Finseth, for the last four months, left for their home in Porter, Minnesota, Monday. Mrs. Finseth accompanied them as far as Portland. Eugene Hayter returned home from the coast Saturday seriously ill with hemorrhage of the bowels. He was confined to his bed several days, but is able to be out again, although very weak from the effects of . the attack. City Marshal D. W. Gibson, of Salem, has sued the publishers of the Capital Journal for $5000 damages for publishing an article accusing him of kicking a dog to death. The Journal printed the complaint in full in Tuesday's paper. The County Court has ordered the courthouse square graded and placed in readiness for seeding to lawn grass, and a force of men is engaged in do ing the work, under the direction of County Surveyor John P. VanOrsdel. The surface of the ground is being brought to a uniform grade, and dirt is being placed in the park strip be tween the cement sidewalk and the gutter. Polk county will have one of the prettiest courthouse lawns in the All kinds of Bee Supplies at Castle's Feed Store. The best shoes at correct prices, at Dodson's. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Madison are attending the regatta in Astoria this week. J. A. Comes and family arrived home Sunday from an outing at Slab Creek. A few Ladies' Waists left at Dod son's. Values to $1.50.- Your choice at 65c each. Miss Hallie Reynolds visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lucas in Bickreall over Sunday. Boom and board, good accommo dations, at Mrs. Brown's boarding house, one door West of Feed Barn. The Observer job office is prepared to print hop cheiks either box or weight checks on short notice. Printing, stock end prices are right. Creamery butter and watermelons on cold storage at Factory. Come and and melons fresh and cold every day Buggies at Cost! We are selling all buggies and hacks at cost to. close them out. Some great bargains can be had, if you call early. Wir. Fadll. W. A. Wash and family are enjoy ing the ocean breezes at Newport. They have a pleasant camp on the hill between Newport and Nye Creek. Mrs. H. L. Veazie returned to her Clarence King, of Portland, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rich. - Mrs. G. N. Cherrington is suffering from a severe attack of muscular rheumatism. Mrs. C. S. Baskett and grand' daughter, Miss Katie Fox, of Rickre all, were visitors in Dallas, Saturday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown died Tuesday morning after an illness lasting only a few hours. Burial took place in the Brown cemetery yesterday. A. H. Boyd, manager of the Port land branch of the Pacific Coast Syrup Company, accompanied by his traveling salesman, was in Dallas visiting the trade yesterday after noon. The current number of the Oregon Timberman contains an entire column of news items concerning Dallas saw mills and factories; also, interesting the Dallas Ice descriptive write-ups of the sawmills get your butter at Fails City, Polk county. Willis H. Shriver, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting his cousin, H. P. Shriver, in this city. These two gentlemen, accompanied by R. A. Kirk, of Salem, j weut on a fishing trip to the little Luckiamute river, Tuesday, and caught a fine lot of mountain trout, Mrs. Jennie Turner and daughter, Pauline, of Livingston, Montana, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to to to wjr yrs trr I Jnlo, For T to to to to to to to to to to to to to to he Now is the time of the year when you are thinkingof taking a vaca tion at the beach or in the mountains. You will want suitable clothing for your trip, and here is the place to get it. Our Line of OUTINQ SUITS FOR HEN AND BOYS cannot be surpassed for style and dura bility. They have a dressy "swell" effect, and yet are not expensive. Just the garments you need for Dress Wear at the beach. home in Portland, Tuesday morning, - H- Cobb- Miss Turner has been a state when the work is finished. after spending a pleasant vacation on the Lyle farm north of town. Her daughter, Mrs. E. R. Bryson, returned to her home in Corvallis. W. W. Miller, a prominent hop raiser of Pedee, was in Dallas, Tues day. He reports his yards to be look ing fine, and expects to harvest an average-sized crop of excellent hops, Any persons having work by which students at the college can earn their board, or earn money for a part of their expenses, will confer a favor by giving notice to Prof. C. T. Whittlesey, north end of Railroad street. T. J. Graves, a prominent hopraiser of McCoy, was a Dallas visitor, Wed nesday. He has a good crop of hops this year, and is well pleased with the outlook for a profitable price. He says the grain harvest is about over in his neighborhood. George W. Derrick, traveling organizer of the Order of Lions, is in Dallas this week. He is meeting great success in securing new mem bers, and expects to double the membership of the local lodge before leaving town. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Courter, J. R. Ford, Gilbert Tyson and W. H. Livingston, of Falls City, were among the witnesses for the prosecution in the action of the State of Oregon vs, F. Garrison, in Justice Holman's court last Friday. A fire broke out in the roof of A. Shultz's warehouse west of the public school building at 5:30 o'clock Fri afternoon. A brisk wind was blowing at the time and for a few minutes the building was threatened with destruc tion. People living close by formed a bucket brigade and succeeded in keeping the fire. down until the hose companies arrived on the scene and finished the work of subduing the flames. The damage is nominal. OUR. MID-SUMMER. "LEARANC1 SALE SATURDAY, JULY 16, we will commence our Mid-Summey Clearance lie. Everything in the line of Summer Merchandise will be sold at a great tcrifice. We must have room for our Fall Stock soon to arrive. Lien's Suits at a Great Reduction. 6.50 Suits, this sale at ...... $4.25 7.00 Suits, this sale at 4.75 10.00 Suits, this sale at 6.50 12.50 Suits, this sale at 7.50 Summer Wash Goods must be sold regardless of value : : : : : : 10c and 12c Lawn at.. . 5c a yard 20c and 25c organdies, 10c a yard 15c light colored Percale 10c a yd. 20 Suitings at 15c a yard Galatin Cloth 15c a yard 25c Crash Suiting 18c a yard Adlors Famous Tailor Made Suits at $10 and $12.50 A 1 line of CHILDREN'S SHOES sold regularly at from $1 to $1 50. in is sab at 50c a pair. lit: ction on all our LADIES' SANDALS and OXFORDS 75c to $1.50 Dr. All cur FANCY SILKS regular price $1.00, 1.25 and 1.48 during this le at roc a yard. LADIES' Neck Wear, Cotton Gloves and Underwear greatly reduced. ALL TRIMMINGS at greatly cut prices. SHEET WAISTS at prices less than material would cost you. BEST BARGAINS AT BEE irll VE STORE DALLAS, OREGON. telephone operator in Livingston for the last five years, and is now enjoy ing a well-earned vacation Services at the Christian church Sunday. Subject for morning dis course "The nature and effects of Sin ;" evening, "Our years." Special music. There will be services at the Oakdale schoolhouse Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Jesus a Saviour." Q. L. Lobdell. I have received my Optical Test Case, and am prepared to examine your eyes. No charge for examina tion. If your eyes bother you, call and have them examined, as it is dangerous and expensive to delay. All work guaranteed. A. H. Harris, Jeweler and Optician, Main Street. ' Mrs. S. E. Huelat, of Salem, an nounces the engagement of her daughter Miriam Bolt Huelat to William Alfred Morris, of Portland. Nuptials at St. Paul's Episcopal church Thursday evening, September 1st, at 8 o'clock. No cards. Miss Huelat is a niece of Charles F. Belt, of this city. The Observer office has done more job printing this summer than ever before, having kept two presses run ning almost constantly during the months of July and August. Just now the orders for hop tickets are keeping the printers busy from morn irg till night, and there are many large orders for commercial printing on hand, Horatio Morrison Is down from Waitsburg, Wash., on a visit. Among former Polk county people now living in and around Waitsburg, he mentions Rev. Barton Z Eiggs and family, Ralph Riggs, Forrest Guthrie and Joseph East and family. He says they are all in good health and prosperous. Mr. Morrison went to Pioneer, Tuesday, to visit his uncle, Barney Morrison, for a few days, A complete list of the patrons of the mutual telephone lines centering in Dallas will be found on the first page of this pajier. This form will be put on the press in our job office today and copies of the directory will be printed on cardboard for free distri bution. Any person desiring one of these directories can get it by apply ing to the central office in the Wilson drugstore. D. W. Sears, the well-known capi talist of Independence, was in Dallas on a business visit a few hou rs Wednesday- afternoon. Neither he nor his aged mother have been enjoying good health this summer, but both are feel ing better than they were a few weeks ago. Mr. Sears says that the wind storm at Independence on Saturday did no serious damage to the hop yards. The strong sea breeze of last Friday afternoon did quite a little damage to the hop yards in the vicinity of Inde pendence. Poles were blown down in the yards of Walker Brothers, Patton & Sloper, John Burton, R. D. Cooper and others, the damage in most cases, however, being slight. The hops were not damaged in the least, and nothing worse than a little trouble and ex pense of redriving and propping poles resulted. If you buy elsewhere, you will always wish you had seen our line first. Pack your clothes before starting in one of our Handsome New Grips. We have them both in Alligator and Buffalo-genuine leather-no make-believe about them. to 0 t ' 0 to side! to to . to to to to fto to KHAKI SUITS, OUTING HATS AND CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. "BOSS OF THE ROAD" OVERALLS and Gloves for Harvest Wear. SUITS PRESSED BY WEEK OR MONTH. UGLOW CLOTHING H0US1 MILL STREET DALLAS, OREGON to to I BUSINESS LOCALS. I j Blank notes tor sale here. For a guod job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, 81DKS, toilets, etc, as tney now carry the largest stock on the West Side. rney nave engaged tne services or a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaranteed. H. G. CAMPBELL LOANS, INSURANCE MILL STREET, NORTH Or" COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure, fyuit and. nut flavors used in its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOE SALEM LAUNDRY. Wanted. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of prunes at my dryer in Dallas, as soon as they are ripe. Will either buy or dry them on the shares. Will give 12 pounds to the bushel. S. P. KIMBALL. Walter t?oy, Uglow Building;, Main Street Dallas, Ote. Do You Want Lumber? We have all kinds; also Moldings and everything needed in building. All made of soft Yellow Fir at lowest prices. Send us your specifications and get our figures. BRYAN-LUCAS LUMBER CO. R. E. Bryan, president of the Bryan Lucas Lumber Company, of Falls City, left Monday on a business trip to Salt Lake City, Denver and other cities in the Rocky Mountain states. He may decide to visit Kansas City and St. Louis before returning home. Mr. Bryan says that the demand for the lumber cut by the mills of his company is constantly increasing, ana ne minus tne output tnis year will be fully fifty per cent greater than that of last year. Ray Craven and Elmer Newbill, of Ballstou, were business visitors in Dallas, Tuesday. Mr. Craven, who manages the Ballston warehouse for bis father, says that harvesting is well advanced in the north end of the county, and that the average yield of wheat will not exceed 15 bushels per acre. The berry is plump, however, and weighs out well. Oats are almost an entire failure, and many farmers will have to buy. Last year the Ballston warehouse took in 23,000 bushels of oats, but so far dodo have been offered for storage this season. Ilodo! Dyspepsia Curo Notice to Hop Growers. See Vaughn & Weaver before buy ing Hop pipe. Guy Bros, old stand on Mill street. Horse and Buggy For Sale. Horse and buggy for sale. Inquire of E. M. Smith, County Clerk's office, Dallas, Ore. Dallas College : : : and La Creole Academy. Classical, Scientific, Business and Elementary Courses. FACULTY SPECIALLY TRAINED IN LEADING COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Careful attention paid to individual needs of body, mind and character. Library, Gymnasium, Laboratory and Dormitory privileges for both sexes. EXPENSES LOW. Fall Teim begins September 21, 1904. For catalogues and other information address, PROF. D. M. METZGER, or PROF. C.,T. WHITTLESEY, Dallas, Oregon. Canary Birds For Sale. Canary birds for sale by Mas. Frank Fcchs, at Star Bakery, Dallas, Or. Goats For Sale. Sixty goats for sale half wethers and half nannies ; also, one registered Billy from the J. B. Stump herd. In quire of F. J. Coad or J. V. Lyons. Stock For Sale. Fifty head of sheep to sell or let on shares; also, two brood mares weigh ing about 1300 each for sale: also, some good cattle. Geoboe Cutler, Dallas, Or. Just Arrivei At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full . line of Men's 'Walk-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. For Sale. A desirable home in the town of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres in hops, good for 100 bales; quality always good. Two hop houses, large store room, one new Morrison nop press, good barn, dwelling house, plenty of fruit For particulars, in quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. J. u. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS IN Cisifccr and Tarn Unit ana City Property. PROPRIETOR OF D3!! Occtric CijSt Plsst Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. Jlodol Dyspspsla Czrd Digests what you eat Btgost what you eat.