olk County becrver Buy your tents at Dodson's. Our bread and cake none better, II. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville nsurance Co.- Mocha and Java Blend, 25 cents per jound. Riaas. Loughary & Ellis carry Lucklamute tuu Fei'i-ydaie flour. Go to Dodson's for hop gloves and straw cuffs for hop picking. Best Sunday dinners In the city at ilrs. Brown's boarding house. . 1h')( ' . i'.ER office wants the print- ngj'.M - particular about. Job n B. Teal, of Falls City, was HisinoHs visitor in Dallas, Tuesday. Mrs. J. II. Geil, of Portland, is ruest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dunn and ?racy Staats returned home from New iort, Wednesday. S. L. Stewart, a substantial citizen f McCoy precinct, was a county seat isitor, Monday. Suits pressed at Uglow Clothing ouse. Special rate by the month nquire for particulars. County Clerk E. M. Smith issued cense to wed to E. R. Lewis and usie Freatn, Monday. Loughary & Ellis will soon open two all crates of dishes the swellest that rer hit the town. See them before on buy. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Starr returned om Newport, Monday. Mrs. Starr's ealth improved rapidly during her ;ay at the beach. The Statesman says counterfeit half hilars are in circulation in Salem, he spurious coin has every appear ace of the genuine, excepting that it not stamped as sharply. The P. M. Kirkland Drug Company is movedinto the new brickbuilding, jilt by J. W. Kirkland, in Independ ice. The room vacated by the drug ore will be usedby W.A. Messner for grocery store. un August is, 1U04, tnere were Ivertised letters in the Dallas post- fice for Mrs. Ensign, Mrs. Hannab ickson, Farnsworth Boels, L. Y. iirlieh, S. A. Elton, Sannie Elton, E. Elton, E. W. Hall, David Rich ond and Everett Wall. C. G. Coad, st master. at & Ben Dice, of Salem was arrested onday upon a charge of beating his iter, Mrs. Stephen Steiger. Mrs. iger alleges that a dispute arosp er property in which both are inter ted, and that Dice, losing his temper, zed her by the throat, choked and :?ked her, as a result of which legpd assault she complains she ffered the f ractu re of one of her ri bs. rhe city council has made arrange uits to have the Court and Mill eet sewers flushed twice a week un conneetions are made with all the siness houses. At the present time, t water from sinks and toilets is not fflcient in volume to carry away all the sewage, but when the use of the vers becomes general this lack of ter will be overcome and less flush j with hose will have to be done. Shingles and lime at Rioas.' Lipton teas at Louahary & Ellis.' The best shoos at correct prices, at Dodson's. Take your prescriptions to the Wil son drug store. Mrs. William Tatom is recovering from a severe illness. Suits pressed in the neatest style the Uglow Clothing House. Deputy County Clerk A. N. Holman and family are camping above the Hallock mill. Mrs. H. H. Chace went to Portland this week to select a choice stock of Fall and Winter millinery. P. A. Finseth went to Oregon City this week to make final proof on his homestead in Lincoln county Sewer pipe of all sizes for sale by Vaughn & Weaver. Let us figure on your sewer connections. Vaughn Weaver. A forest Are has started on the Grand Rondo reservation and has burned considerable timber. Aside from this no damage has been done, Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. Dr. George Russell, of CoquilleCity, and Miss Ida Childers, of Salem, were married in Rosebug, Thursday. The bride was formerly a nurse in a Salem hospital, and has many friends in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Simonton and Miss Fannie Dempsey joined the colony of campers below the Hallock mill this week. Mr. Simonton makes daily trips to and from town on his wheel. Subject for Sunday morning dis course at the Christian church, "The Last Words of a Great Man ;" even- ng subject, "God's Writing on the Heart." Special music will be one feature of these services. A hearty welcome to all. G. L. Lobdell, Pastor. Floyd Blake, who was painfully iDjured last week by the breaking of a cable in a Columbia River logging camp, is improving, and the doctors have pronounced him out of danger. The cable struck him across the stomach, and for a time it was feared that he might be seriously injured internally. His mother returned to Dallas this week. Death has again entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Craven, at Ballston, this time claiming their re maining twin son, who was three months old. The little boy passed away Sunday, August 14, just one week after his brother died. The loss of their two children is a sad blow to Mr. and Mrs. Craven, arid the sympathy of the entire community goes out to them in their bereavement. H.W.Bancroft, mayor of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. He says that both saw mills in Falls City are running on full time, with a plentiful supply of orders on hand. The new sawmill of the Oregon Lumber, Wood and Light Company, south of Falls City, is'ready to begin opeiations, This mill has a capacity of 20,000 feet per day, and will depend largely upon the local market for the sale of its product. All kinds of Bee Supplies at Castle's Feed Store Good span of work horses for sale. Inquire of Wm. Tatom. A few Ladies' Waists left at Dod son's. Values to $1.50. Your choice at 65c each. It. E. Williams, cashier of the Dallas City Bank, returned home from an outing at Newport, Monday. Room and board, good accommo dations, at Mrs. Brown's boarding house, one door West of Feed Barn. County School Superintendent C. L. Starr went to Parker Station on busi ness connected with his office, Wed nesday. Call and see the bath room fixtures at Vaughn & Weaver's on Mill street. We have a complete line, and will do your work as it should be done. The Observer job office is prepared to print hop checks either box or weight checks on short notice. Printing, stock and prices are right. Creamery butter and watermelons on cold storage at the Dallas Ice Factory. Come and get your butter and melons fresh and cold every day. Buggies at Cost! We are selling all buggies and hacks at cost to close them out. Some great bargains can be had, if you call early. Wm. Faull. Any persons having work by which students at the college can earn their board, or earn money for a part of their expenses, will confer a favor by giving notice to Prof. C. T. Whittlesey, north end of Railroad street. I he Port Towsend gravity water system will be constructed by th Jacobsen-Bade Company, the Port land firm that recently put in the Dallas sewerage system. The contract price of the Port Townsend waterworks is $244,000. Come to the Observer office for blank notes, warranty and quit-claim deeds, real estate and chattel mor gages, bonds for deed and bills of sale, Our blanks are excelled by none for quality of paper, care in printing, and general appearance. I have received my Optical Test Case, and am prepnred to examin your eyes, jno charge for examina tion. If your eyes bother you, cal na nave tnem examined, as it is angerous and expensive to delay All work guaranteed. A. H. Harris, Jeweler and Optician, Main Street. a Del ugiows oriclc buildings on Main and Mill streets are being re painted, and present a greatly improved appearance, although they were neat and attractive before. No interior town in Oregon has finer bus iness structures than theUglowbuild ings in Dallas, and their owner takes pride in keeping them In a good state of repair. The two Masonic lodges in Albany Corinthian No. 17, and St. Johns No, 62, have decided to consolidate and at a joint meeting to be held on the even ing of September 3. the details of the consolidation will be completed and name forthe new lodge will be selected At that time a new set of officers wii be elected and other business in con nection with the consolidation will be disposed of. This movement wil make the Albany lodge one of the strongest in the state. Albany Herald. MAY PICK BY WEIGHT Polk County Hop Raisers Will Meet to Consider Advisability of Change. OUR. MID-SUMMER. CLEARANCE SATURDAY, JULY 16, we will commence our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. Everything in the line of Summer Merchandise will be sold at a great sacrifice. We must have room for our Fall Stock soon to arrive. Men's Suits at a Great Reduction. 6.50 Suits, this sale at $4.25 7.00 Suits, this sale at 4.75 10.00 Suits, this sale at 6.50 12.50 Suits, this sale at 250 Summer Wash Goods must be sold regardless of value :::::: 10c and 12c Lawn at....5c a ya rd 20c and 25c organdies, 10c a yard 15c light colore"d Percale 10c a yd. 20 Suitings at.... 15c a yard Galatin Cloth 15c a yard 25c Crash Suiting 18c a yard Adiers Famous Tailor Made Suits at $10 and $12.50 A line of CHILDREN'S SHOES sold regularly at from $1 to $1 50, in this sale at 50c a pair. Seduction on all our LADIES' SANDALS and OXFORDS 75c to $1.50 pr. All our FANCY SILKS regular price $1 00, 1.25 and 1.48 during this sab at 50c a yard. LADIES' Neck Wear, Cotton Gloves -and Underwear greatly reduced. ALL TRIMMINGS at greatly cut prices. SHIRT WAISTS at prices less than material would cost you. BEST BARGAINS AT EE HIVE STORE DALLAS, OREGON. A movement is on foot among the bop growers around Dallas to have their hops picked by weight this year instead of by the box. A call for meeting of the growers to consider the advisability of picking by weight has been issued, and the matter is being generally discussed. The meeting will be held in Dallas on Wednesday, August 23. Picking hops by weight has been steadily growing In favor among Ore gon hop raisers, and the method promises to eventually take the place of the box system. Many hop raisers in the Ballston and Salt Greek dis tricts, in Northern Polk county, have been picking by weight for several years, and say that the results are satisfactory in every respect. The pickers prefer this system, especially where the hops are small, and the growers favor it because each picker Is paid for the exact amount of hops picked, and a less number of yard hands are required in harvesting the crop. Under this system, no box emptiersare necessary, tuo hops being emptied from the pickers' baskets directly into the sacks. While the weight system has its advantages over the box system, it is not certain that the change will be made this year. The pickers in and around Dallas have always been accustomed to picking by the box, and the growers may decide to continue the old method. . w lit as ti as is Ik flo, For The Seaside! Now is the time of the year when you are thinking of taking a vaca tion at the beach or in the mountains. Yuu will want suitable clothing for your trip, and here is the place to get it. Our Line of OUTING SUITS FOR HEN AND BOYS cannot be surpassed for style and dura bility. They have a dressy "swell" effect, and yet are not expensive. Just the garments you need for Dress Wear at the beach. If you buy elsewhere, you will always wish you had seen our line first. fjS lack your clothes before starting in one of our, 'Handsome New Grips. We have them both in Alligator and Buffalo-genuine leather-no make-believe about them. M . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft U ft TAKE WISE PRECAUTION Dallas Public School Building Is Pro. vlded With Excellent Proction From Fire. The Dallas public school building will be provided with excellent pro- tection against fire and an am pi supply of water fordrinking purposes when the improvements now under way are completed. A sftind-pipe will be erected in the building, with a hose reel and a plentiful supply of hose in the attic, in each hall, and in the basement. Water will be supplied through a two-in eh pipe from the city main on Ash street. Drinking taps and wash basins will be liberally dis tributed throughout the building. The plumbing is being done by Wag ner Brothers, of this city. Director William Grant, who superintending the improvement, in forms us that it is the intention of the School Board to put in a service that will reduce the risk of loss by fire to the minimum and at the same time furnish pure, mountain water for the students to drink. He says that the Board will probably recommend that a fire company be organized among the students of the seventh and eighth grades, and that these boys be thor oughly drilled In the use of the fire apparatus. If this course is pursued, it will be next to impossible for fire to destroy the big school building, and the lives of the children will be safe at all times. KHAKI SUITS, OUTING HATS AND CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. "BOSS OF THE ROAD" OVERALLS and Gloves for Harvest Wear. is PLEASANT SOCIAL AFFAIR Mrs. P. A. Finseth Entertains Mem bers of the Order of Lions. Mrs. P. A. Finseth entertained the members of Dallas Lodge, No. 79, Independent Order of Lions, in a social session at her home on Tuesday evening. Lodge work and the reception of new members were the subje(ts under discussion, and many new and mportant points that will be of benefit to the order were brought out. After rving light refreshments, the hosted entertained her guests by several selections on the pianola. The mem bers departed for their homes at 10 :30 'clock, expressing their appreciation a very enjoyable and profitable meeting. The Lion's lodge is the youngest in the city, and, having had the encour agement of rapid growth, is destined to become one of the leading social nd fraternal organizations of Dallas, of EARLY MORNING BLAZE Robert Howe & Son's prune dryer n the south part of town was totally destroyed by fire between 6 and 7 'clock this morning. The building was half burned down before the larm was turned in. The firemen ucceeded in saving the dwelling house a few feet away, despite the ntenseheat. The furniture was also saved. The house escaped with nothing worse than a severe scorching n the side next to the drier. The rigiu of the lire is uukown. World's Fair Vote. Miss Nora Robertson 1672 Miss Rose Brooke n 10(11 Mrs. V. P. Fiske 942 Miss Hallie Reynolds 646 Miss Lilly Baxter . .106 SUITS PRESSED BY WEEK OR MONTH. UGLOW CL0TfiIM G MOUSE MILL STREET DALLAS, OREGON ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i h ft As ft Rural Carriers Organize. The rural mail carriers of Polk county met In Independence this week and organized an association. A con stitution and by-laws were adopted. and officers were elected for one year. The purpose of the association is fra ternal, and for the study and adoption of the best methods of performing the duties of the Rural Free Delivery Service. The officers are: Carrier Frum, of Parker, president; Carrier Parker, of Independence, vice-presi dent; Carrier Docksteader, of Dallas, secretary and treasurer. Faces Charge of Burglary. Franks. Garrison, of Falls City, was arrested Wednesday morning on a charge of burglary, made by J. S. Courter. Mr. Courter alleges that Garrison entered his barn Sunday night and stole twelve sacks of chittim bark, and that he brought the bark to Dallas and sold it. The accused man will have a preliminary hearing before Justice Hulraan at 10 o'clock this morning. H. G. CAMPBELL FAltM E.AIS LOANS, INSURANCE Dallas, Oregon MILL 8TREET, NORTH OF OOURTHOUSE BUSINESS LOCALS. Blank notes tor sale here. For a good job of wagon repairing, go to N. H0GHES, Dallas, Or. Dr. Uayter, uentist. umce over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine buth tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do youi work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call nd inspect their stock of tath-tubs. the largest stock on the West Side They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would b pleased to call and figure with you on unv work von rrmv have in the wnv of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. Th finest and most skillful work guaran teed. HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors used-in its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter t?oy, Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, Ote. si Canary Birds For Sale. Canary bird for sale by Mrs Frank Fucns, at Star Bakery, Dallas, Or. Qcats For Sale. Sixty goats for sale half wether and half nannies ; also, one registered Billy from the J. B. Stump herd. In- u ire of F. J. Coad or J. V. Lyons. Ira Mehriing, of Falls City, was a business visitor in Dallas, yesterday, Mr. a i d Mrs. C. P. Bestow, of Port- and, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pollock the first of the week. Iiapid progress is being made in he construction of the vault for the new National Bank. John Olin is doing the brick and concrete work. Fidler & Marks, proprietors of the Dallas Ice and Cold Storage Company, are fitting up a neat business office in their factory building on Main street. Marriage is not a failure. It's your own fault if you fail to make your home happy. Comfort and luxury re within your reach: wealth isn't necessary. The greatest iurniture Bargains at Frank Kerslake's. Stock For Sale. Fifty head of sheep to sell or let on shares; also, two brood mares weigh ing about 1300 each for sale: also, soin grtud Cattle. GEORGE CUTLER, Dallas, Or. Fur Sale. A desirable home in the town of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres in hops, good for 100 bales; quality always good. Two hop houses, large store room, one new Morrison hop press, good barn, dwelling house, p'enty of fruit For particulars, in quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. Dallas College: : : : and La Creole Academy. Classical, Scientific, Business and Elementary Courses. FACULTY SPECIALLY TRAINED IN LEADING COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Careful attention paid to individual needs of body, mind and character. Library, Gymnasium, Laboratory and Dormitory privileges for both sexe.s. EXPENSES LOW. Fall Teim begins September 21, 1904. For catalogues and other information address, PROF. D. M. METZGER, or PROF. C. T. WHITTLESEY, Dallas, Oi:ev10n. ust Arrived At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full lineof Men's 'Walll-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses 3 and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. t J. G. VanOrsdel & Son 7-odo! Dyspepsia Czro Digests what you eat. "DEALERS I.V wimccr ana rarm Lana$ ana tfiiy rrcpeny. n PROPRIETOR OF ClCttflC EigM Plt Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon.