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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1904)
0 F Oiq sierra m D 1 , I J II A 1 1 it I-"" VW II JLOJ tU V Nik. VOL. XVII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 12, 1904 NO. 22 m AND s IN OUR NEW STORE EE US Buy your clothing of the Hub Clothing Co. and vote for your favorite for the "Free Trip to World's Fair". One coupon with each 25c purchase. We have Collars and Ties for the most fastidious Tr unks, Valises and Suit Cases for travelers art Schaffner & Marx Clothing SHOES for men and boys, including the ORTHOPEDIC, one of the best $3.50 shoes made. A Few Nice Outing Suits Left. FO?x. THE LADIES We have a line of the well known BLACK CAT HOSE, also a line of the very latest Blouses. acobson Co. Kif UpatricK Building. DALLAS, OREGON si 'IB Ice Cream of Quality" 'are, rich cream and the purest of flavors, blended with unsurpassed skill Swetland's Famous Ice Cream ...... RY A QUART FOR SUNDAY'S DINNER. WALTER WILLIAMS SOLE AGENT FOB DALLAS ----- OREGON Phen visiting Portland don't fail to call at SWETLA.NDS' 273 Morrison t, and present this "ad." You will receive FREE an attractive souvenir r the table. Dallas Ice 1 Cold Storage Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Cold Storage Rates are Cheap. Our Ice Is made of Pure Mountain Water. MEAT MARKET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONNECTED WITH OUR PLANT. We Guarantee the Choicest and Best Cold Storage Meats. Messages oyer Mutual Telephone at Our Expense V-e give a World's Fair Tour Coupon with every 25c purchase. Ben Phone 366. Mutual 21. Dallas, Oregon. PAINTS, WALL PAPER and . . . MOULDINGS A Jf New Wall Paper & Paint Store. iTl T H & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon 4 CAN BE CURED BT acS I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY v.VrnmJf?.,.,!.! Take Laiatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. e Immediate relief or mone . ,. . ,v ,, OUTING ABOVE THE CLOUDS Rev. W. T. Wardle Arrives Home From Trip to Summit of Mount Shasta. Rev. W. T. Wardle, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, arrived home from his trip to Mount Shasta, Friday afternoon. He great ly enjoyed his outing in the mount ains of Northern California, and while tanned by exposure to the winds that sweep across the lofty summit of Mount Shasta, presents a perfect pic ture of health and strength. Reverend Wardle left Portland with the Mazama party two week9 ago, and and was one of the fortunate, few that reached the top of California's famous mountain peak. The ten-mile trip from the railroad station at Sisson to the timber line was made by team over a wild and picturesque mountain road, and after this part of the jour ney had been completed the party spent several days in camp, resting and preparing for the steep and dangerous climb to the summit. While camping at the timber line, five miles below the summit, the party was enlarged by the arrival of several hardy mountain-climbers from South ern Oregon and California. The ascent of the mountain was be gun at 4 o'clock in the morning, and exactly eleven hours later Rev. Wardle and eight other climbers reached the summit. Forest fires in Southern Oregon had filled the air so thickly with smoke that little of the country north of the mountain could be seen. But the view to the south was grand beyond description and amply repaid the members of the party for the many difficulties and dangers encountered in making the ascent. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the party re mained on the summit only thirty minutes, and, after recording their names in a register provided for the purpose, started down the mountain for camp. In this first crowd, there were no members of the Mazama Club. Later in. the afternoon, two ox three Mazamaa reached the summit, but the greater number of the people from Portland abandoned the attempt when there was still an hour of hard climbing before them. The descent to the camp was made in three hours, although, Rev. Wardle, stopping to eat supper at the camp of a naturalist from the University of California, did not get in until 10 o'clock. Although greatly exhausted from the hard day's work, the members of the party were all in the best of spirits, and when they left for Sisson the next day not one of them was sorry that he had undertaken the - toilsome climb. The trip was pleasant throughout, no accidents occurred, and none but pleasant memories will remain of the hazardous journey to the snowy crest of Northern California's most lofty mountain peak. Enjoying Pleasant Outing. The writer, in company with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Uglow, enjoyed the open-handed hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ellis at their pleasant camp on the Luckiamute river above Falls City last Sunday. The camp is located in a shady nook near the Watkins planing mill, and is pro vided with all the conveniences of home. In this quiet, restful retreat, where the only sounds heard are the rippling of waters and singing of birds, it is easy to imagine one's self far removed from the busy haunts of men, and yet it is only five minutes walk from the camp to the postoffice in Falls City, and less than one hundred yards to the Watkins mill office, where telephone connection can be had with every town and city on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Ellis is thus enabled to keep in close touch with his business interests in Dallas while taking a much-needed rest from the active affairs of life. It is needless to add that his health, which has not been rugged of late, is steadily im proving, and he is enjoying every minute of his vacation. Camping with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are Mrs. Lydia D'Lashmutt, Mrs. Jennie Smith, Miss Mabel Guy and Everett Gwinn. Blank notes tor sale here. J. S. Hart and S. W. Hart, of Dallas, are in Albany for a short business visit. They expect to pur chase a crood farm near Albany, when they will locate here. Albany Herald. Rev. A. A. Winter, of Dallas, was i Newberg two or three days the last 'the week in the interest of Dallas College, with which he is connected along with his pastoral work. New berg Graphic. The Obseevee is prepared to print large orders for hop tickets on short notice, and guarantees to the growers first-class stock and first-class print- r. order too large ror our capacity, and none too small for our appreciation and best attention. Tickets ordered by mail will be promptly printed and delivered. You Know What You Arc Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that PLEASANT SUNDAY OUTING Excursion Train From Dallas to Palls City Carries Large Number of People. alias II eleplione Directory For the convenience of our readers in Dallas who are patrons of the Pacific States Telephone Company, we print below the following list of the 'phones in use in this city at the present time. The number of instruments now in use is 156. Preserve this list for reference. last The excursion to Falls City sunday was well patronized, con sidering the fact that a large portion of Dallas' population is just now scattered far and wide among the mountain and seaside resorts of Western Oregon. Two coaches were filled with Dallas people, and many excursionists boarded the train at way stations. The roadbed has been placed in excellent condition since last Win ter, and tno run to Jb alls City was quickly made. The comfort of the passengers was well looked after by Conductor John Woods and Vice President George T. Gerlinger, and the ride was one of the enjoyable features of the day. Arriving in Falls City at 9 :30o'clock, the excursionists scattered through the town, some going to spend the day with friends, while others took their lunch baskets and sought some cool spot on the banks of the Luckiamute river away from the heat and dust. A large crowd witnessed the base ball game between the Falls City and Sheridan teams at Butler Park in the afternoon. The grounds were in fine condition, and the cool, shady grand stand was greatly appreciated by the spectators. The game was closely contested from start to finish, and was won by the home team by a score of 6 to 5. Falls City's aggregation of ball tossers put up an exhibition of the National game that is well worth seeing, but the boys were not In as good form as they were earlier in the season when they had more practice. Harry Belt, the plucky little one armed pitcher of the Sheridan team, played a safe and conscientious game, while his brother Paul did great work behind the bat. The boys received wretched support however, and were unable to overcome the careless and indifferent playing of the outfielders. Leland Murphy, of Falls City, offici ated as umpire, and the conduct of both teams was quiet and gentlemanly throughout the game. The train left Falls City at 6 o'clock in the evening and arrived in Dallas half an hour later. Hump y I W.nTT'S FMItKlftN won't make a hump back straight, neither will it make a short leg long, but it feeds soft bone J and heais diseased bone and is among o the few genuine means of recovery in I . . i .1 I l! T. ' nuieu anu Done toiijumpuuii. Send lor tree sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. ana Ji.oo; au aruggut. Main 221 Allen D, W., confectionery B Main 23 Bee Hive store. " 20 Biddle Ed., residence " 54 Brown W. C, residence " 61 Belvedere saloon " 141 Brown Frank, residence " 144 Belt Charles, residence " 145 Black Joseph, residence " 146 Black's Livery Stable " 296 Brown Mrs. boarding house " 337 Brown H. M., residence " 301 Belt& Cherrington, drugs Farm 316 Butz H. S., residence " 317 Boals W. H., residence " 326 Boydston J., residence " 31X2 Blodgett J. L., residence c Main 86 County Clerk's office " 65 Castle John, feed store " 101 Cherrington, G. N., res. " 103 Chapman R. L., residence " 115 Coad C. G., residence " 124 College Dormitory " 133 Chapman F. J., furniture " 136 Coad & Jackson " 175 Cottage Hotel " 203 Carter A. R., residence " 204 Club Saloon " 236 Cary Dr. W. S., residence " 256 Chace Mrs. H. H., store " 273 Chace H. H., residence " 283 Collins A. H., residence " 366 Cold Storage Market " 11 Coulter M. D.. residence Farm 329 Cobb O. H., residence D Main 34 Dallas City Bank " 156 Dunn C. A., residence " 263 Daniel L. D., store " 294 Dunn J. H., residence " 331 Dimick H. C, residence Farm 32X2 Dyck Isaac, residence E Main 15 Electric Light Company " 56 Eakin H. C, residence " 93 Ellis Ross, residence " 246 Ellis & Keyt, store " 284 Ellis M. M., residence Farm 31X Elliott James, residence P Main 23 Finseth P. A., Gen'l. Mdse. 65 Feed Store, J. L. Castle " 84 Ford J. T., Sheriff's Office " 96 Fidler J. J., residence " 113 Fiske V. P., residence " 257 Fiske V. P., office " 121 Fuller's livery barn " 136 Foundry " 166 Fenton H. L., residence " 171 Fisher C. L., saloon " 174 Faull Wm., hardware " 245 Finseth P. A., residence " 361 Frakes J. H., residence " 366 Fidler & Marks Q Main 43 Hotel Gail " 46 Gerlinger L., office " 94 Gilbert W. E., residence " 116 Gooch Bros., residence " 135 Groves J. F., residence " 164 Gildner B., residence " 165 Guy Bros., residence " 215 Gerlinger Carl, residence " 224 Guy Bros., hardware " 365 Gerlinger L., residence Farm 341 Gilliam W. D., residence H Main 25 Hart J. N., law office " 36 Hawkins G. L., residence " 66 Haldeman & Murrell, mkt. " 91 Hayter J. C, residence ' 111 Hart J. N., residence " 123 Hayter Oscar, residence " 131 Hayter Oscar, law office " 201 Hayter Eugene, residence " 213 Hatton Robert, residence " 226 Hub Clothing Company " 231 Hayter Dr. Mark, office " 233 Hayter Dr. Mark, residence " 235 Hanson E. S., residence Farm 311 Holman J. F., residence " 319 Hibbard E. H., residence I Main 254 I. O. O. F. Hall " 366 Ice Plant Main 226 Jacobson R., Clothing " 16 Johnson Lumber Co " 125 Johnson George, residence " 304 Jackson W. C, residence K Main 53 Kerr George, residence " 63 KerslakeF., furniture store 71 Kirkpatrick, E. C, res. ' 73 Kirkpatrick E. C, office " 211 Kozor H. E., residence L Maiu 44 Loughary & Ellis, grocery ' 83 Loughary U. S., residence " 161 LaCreolo Club " 217 Lyons W. F., residence M Main 61 Matthews & Madison, saloon " 334 Marks J. H., residence " 330 Mitchell J. W., residence " 274 Madison D. A., residence N Main 23 Farm 314 Main 151 " 153 " 181 Main 13 41 134 261 264 Nordby & Finseth, store Nunn J. B., residence o Osfield H. J., residence Osfield H. J., grocery Observe it, J. C. Hayter P Main 114 Postoffice Farm 313 Phillips T. D., residence " 31X1 Plaster E. T., residence R Rich Fred R., residence Riggs T. A., grocery Reynolds W. I., residence Riggs T. A., residence Roy W. H., confectionery Farm 328 Rempel J. G., residence " 32X1 Rose H. J., residence " 32X3 Richmond Ed, residence " 32X4 Reddicopp Peter, residence Main 303 Reynolds E. J., residence s Main 35 Starr A. P., residence 51 Sibley & Eakin, office " 55 Sibloy J. E., residence " 81 Shultz A., residence " 86 Smith E. M., office " 243 Shultz J. 0., saloon " 16 Sawmill office " 24 S. P. Depot " 46 S F. C. & W. R. R. office " 154 Simonton Willis, residence " 244 Starr C. L., residence " 255 Smith Ollie, residence " 265 Sauvain Sam, residence " 260 Shriver H. P., residence " 285 Stafrin Conrad, residence Farm 325 Schmidt Chas., residence " 327 Shaw J. D., residence T Main 33 Tatom Win., residence ' 45 Toney Dr. H. L., office u Ullrey Wm., residence V VanOrsdel J. G., office VanOrsdel J. G., residence w Main 21 Woods I. N., residenco " 31 Williams Walter, residence " C4 Williams Walter, store " 173 Williams O. E residence " 291 Wagner Fred, residenco " 293 Wagner Bros., blucksmith " 155 Wagner W. J., residence " 223 West's Livery Barn " 234 Wilson Drug Company Farm 32X Windover H. W., residence Main 214 Main 235 " 271 FREE WORLD'S FA TOUR A World's Fair Excursion to St. Louis and return, and $100 Additional Ex pense money. Contest Now Open PRIZE Will be awarded to any lady in Polk County receiving the highest vote. WE GIVE COUPON 5 With Every 25C Purchase- The Bee Hive Store Dry Good3 Clothing Shoes T. A Riggs Groceries Guy Brothers Hardware Frank J. Chapman Furniture The Hub Clothing Store Exclusive Men's Furnishings A. H. Harris Jeweler Optician Miss Bertha Collins The Leading Milliner Meiser & Meiser Crockery Notions Heath & Cornes Exclusive Paints Wall Pap" Lee Smith's Cyclerr Bicycles Repairing Series Frank icns Dallas If dnc Cold Storage Co. Cold Storage Meats Walter Williams Cigars Confectionery Tee Cream Belt Cherrlnston. UaJlaa fall to mre E. W. Grove'i aliroatur I m mti hert tit It Is frimnly Iron and Qutntn In a tat- nt forwl Nn Cnr No PT tr '1 la handsome tin boxci