Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, July 15, 1904, Image 4

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Estate of William McMillan, deceas
edreport of sale of real property set
for hearing on Saturday, July 22,
at one wVlick p. m.
Estate of Levi Taylor, deceased
bond filed and approved; Lee Rowell,
Sam Pettyjohn and Louis Pettyjohn
appointed appraisers.
Estate of Thomas C. King, deceased
inventory and appraisement filed
and approved.
J T Cooper ot ux to WG and Jose
phine Stanton, lots iu West Salem,
R C Craven et ux to Emma Dunn,
Int. r,, block 14, Imp Co add to Dallas,
Coast Lund and Livestock Company
to James Mel Wood, agent, 23,198.40
acr-s in Polk, Benton and Lincoln
c unities, $1.
S C L Moore et ux to Mrs M A Simp
8 n, 5 acres, t H s, r 5 w, X).
P H Johnson et ux to C H Eboe,
tract in Monmouth, GOO.
Pierre Traglio et ux to Paul and
Arthur Tragi io, 85 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w,
Anna Craven and lid to E N Hull,
lot 1 and part of lot 2, block 3, Love
lady's add to Dallas, 375.
W J Steel et ux to Arthur O Porter,
lots in IJuena Vista, s150.
Henry Hill et ux to Mabel Creasy,
lot H, block (3, Hill's Independence,
O H Horsfall, $G ; F J Morrison,
11. GO; L W Hampton, 0; Fred Wit-
icnstrom, $G; J L Morrison, $G; C.
Aikman, $G; Judges and Clerks of
Election, $712 ; O L Buchanan, $5.30;
J R Shepard, $2.50; J M Larsen, $2;
Wallace Yates, $5.40; H Holman, $3;
J Wagoner, $2.50; Rickreall Hall
Association, $2.50; J M Hamilton,
$2.50; fi A Hurley, $15.S0; D L Keyt,
$2.50; Belt & Cherringtou, $2.55; D A
Critchlow, $32.50; C W Pagett, $5.G0.
Johnson Lumber Co., $3.4G; A
Simpkins, $48.75; D C Walker, $1.50;
J A Dickey, $37.50; R Brunk, $112.50;
J R Shepard, 15.10; H T Bidders,
$8.30; R M Wude Ac Co., 3.28; Pedee
Lumber Co., 130.41.
T B Huntley, salary, 50; J T Ford,
overpayment tax receipt, $15.80.
California Prunes Are "Doctored" in
France and Re-Shipped to
United States.
That French merchants have learn
ed the trick of "redoetoring" and re
packing California prunes so as to
make them look like the genuine
Bordeaux article is ro-asserted by
United States Consul Tourgce, at
Bordeaux, France.
The Consul was asked to explain the
statement in his annual report that
"California prunes are imported to
Bordeaux, are there repacked to main
tain the superiority of French prunes,
and are then shipped in large quanti
ties to the United States, where they
compete successfully with the Ameri
can fruit whieli lias not incurred the
cost of double exportation."
lie produces evidence in support of
Ids assertion. Although the crop of
prunes in France last year was, he
says, almost a negligible quantity,
the export of ''French" prunes was
not materially less than in past years.
Consul Tourgce confesses that he
does not understand the process of
transformation applied, but ho insure
of its existence.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, clumped hands in Sun Fran
cisco, August 30. 1001. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock !f 1 12,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for I'.rijjlit'a Pieeune and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the sorinus investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, WOO.
They intei viewed scores of the cured
and tried ii out on its merits by putting
over three dozen eases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable unset!,
mid administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the lest cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
Theie being but thirteen per cent ol
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will oe mailed free on up
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 4-20 Montgomery St., San
Francisco. Cal.
No Pity Shown.
I' or years fate was alkr me contin
uously, "w rites F. A. (inlledge, Verbena,
Ala. "I had a terrible ease of Piles
causing L'l tumors. When all failed
Biicklen'H Arnica Salve cured me'
Equally pood for Horns and all aches
and pains. Only '.',icat Belt i Cht rrinjf
ton I 'rug Store.
kM4 so YEARS'
4 Tninr Marks
9 9 M i 1 Copyrights Ac
Anrnno iMn1!n7 a dVHrh and dwrfptlnn may
ffnK'klr juf rtnui our opinion fr whether an
i.vMit't'm is nrohahly patent hMp. Vmnmntr.
I it im irtcttrotM't-loniiaJ. IliuilUMk ou IV'tnita
-tii irvrt. oMi-t neem-v fr tttvurtiiir lutein.
J' ti':. in l-.'U iltr.iUi-li Jtunu Jt Co, rtKtilTt
iie American.
A hndomlT ll!lltrti '
klr. I nrrrot cir
culation of iiir iMMentidt1 journal. 1rnt. a.i a
"ir: four months, (L Bold by all newwiiu.
Umiak bffio. C4 W IU WMhlsciwa, D. C.
u Mi
fit v
"I was troubled with stom
ach trouble. Thedford's Blaek
Drauyht did me more good
iu one week than all the doc
tor's medicine I took in
year" MRS. SARAH E.
BHIRFHSLD, Ellettsville, Ind.
Thedford's Black Draught
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cure3 even chronic cases of
indigestion. If you will
take a small close of Thed
ford's Black Draucht occa
sional!.'.' you will keep your
stoiiihc'i aiiil liver in per
fect condition.
51 iVtJNSikWm
Mori; sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
ether disease. Tliedford's
Black-Krausht not only re
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhea and dysenfery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All d.-nggists sell
25-cent packages.
"Thedford's Black
Draught is the bf-t medi
cine to i-.'nlate tiie bovvi Is
1 have tvir used." MRS.
A. MM! KANT, Suuads
Ferry, N. C
Two cases of smallpox have been
discovered it: Benton county. Pre
cautions have been taken to pre
vent the disease spreading.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all nightlong,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex
andra, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so had that
if I walked a block I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but when all otnei
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles ot
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 58 pounds." It's abso
lutely gtiarant ed to cure Coughs, Colds,
La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat
and Lung Troubles. Price 00c and !f 1.00.
Trial bottles free at Belt & Cherringtou
drug Btore.
Benches in the park at Salem
are now being whittled to nothing
ness. Piles Upon Top of Piles.
Piles upon top of piles of people have
the Piles, and De Witt's Witch- Hazel
Salve cures them. There are many
different kinds of Piles, but if yon get
the genuine and original Witch Hazel
Salve made by E. C. DeWitt & Co. of
Chicago, a cure is certain. II. A. Tisdale,
of Summerton, S. C, says, "1 had piles
20 years and IleWitt'a Salve cured me
after everything else had failed." Sold
by Belt & Cherringtou.
It is asserted that the next
session of the Legislature will have
to provide more accommodations
at the insane asylum. The build
ing has now about all the patients
it can conveniently care for.
When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Side
by Wilson Drug Co.
Harvest is now
Umatilla county.
humming in
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Ten Years of Suffering.
"1 wish to say a few words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Ma It if
Binge, of Martinsville, Vu. "I siidercd
from chronic dian hoi a tor ten years and
dining that time tiied various medi
cines, without obtaining any permanent
relief. Last summer one of my childiet:
was taken with cholera morbus, and I
pniciire'l u bottle of this remedy. Only
two doses were required to give ler
entire relief. I then decided to try the
medicine myself, and did not use all of
one bottle before I was well and I have
never since been troubled with that com
plaint. One cannot say too much in
favor of that wonderful medicine."
This remedy is for sale by Wilson Drug
The liver at llarrisburg is full
of logs, moving down to the mills.
Mow About Your Summer Vacation?
Newport on Yaiiiina Day is the
ideal seaside- resort of the North
Pacific Coast. Hon ml trip tickets at
greatly reduced rates on sale from all
Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on
and after June 1st. Ask agents for
fut'theriiiformtitioti and a handsoiu-ly
illustrated souvenir booklet, or write
to Kdwin Stone, Manager C. & K. 1!.
K., of Albany, Ore., or W. I".. Coinan,
(i. P. A.. S. P. Co., Portland, Oregon.
II 1 i: . i
nuuu iiver people are in
pendent of the dry weather, ha ving
plenty of water for irrigation.
One Lady's Recommendation Sold
Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
I have, I Ulieve, sold fifty bottles of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets on the recomendation of one ladv
here, who first bought a bos of them
alHiut a year ago. She never tires of
telling her neighbors and friends ubout
the goo-l qualities of these Tablets.
P. M. Siiork, Druggist, Rochester, Did.
The pleasant purgative effect of these
Tablets make them a favori'e ith la lies
every w here
ForSaie by Wds.-n D. ng j
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
Chests what you eat.
wonting iii&iu j
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Tills. These pills change weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c a box. Sold bv Belt &. Cherr
i ington.
Ashland is supposed to be a dry
town, but a man sold wet goods
openly all the Fourth, and left the
town the next morning with a good
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for persis
tent and unmerciful toiture has perhaps
never been equaled. Joe (iolobick, of
Colusa, Cal., writes. "For 15 years I
endured insufferable pain from Rheu
matism and nothing relieved me though
I tried everything , known. I came
across Electric Bitters and it'sihe great
est medicine on earth for that trouble.
A few bottles of it completely relieved
and cured me." Just as good for Liver
and Kidney troubles and general debil
ity. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed
by BeitA Cheriington Druggist.
Hood River apples sold for 10
cents apiece or over in New York
last winter and spring. Another
big crop will be harvested this year.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This remedy is certain to be needed in
almost every home before the summer
is over, It can always be depended up
on even in the most severe and danger
ous cases. It is especially valuable for
summer disorders in childien. Why
not buy it now? It may eave your life.
For sale by Wilson Drug Co.
A Linn county newcomer, being
sick, and in a hospital, five of his
neighbors turned to and did his
The pill that will, will fill the bill,
Without a gripe.
To cleanse the liver, without a quiver,
Take one at night.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small
easy to take, easy and gentle in effect
vet thev are so certain in results that no
one who uses them is disappointed.
For quick relief from biliousness, sick
headache, torpid liver, jaundice, dizzi
ness and all troubles arising from an
inactive, sluggish liver, Early Risers are
unequalled. Sold by Belt & Cherring
tou. For land that he paid $8 an acre
for 11 years ago, a Hood River
man received last week $200 an
Belt & Clierrington.
ask the readers of this paper who are
Buffering with indrgstion or dyspepsia to
call on them at once and get a bottle of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If you knew
tne value of this remedy as we know it,
you would not suffer another day.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough
digestant and tissue-building tonic as
well. It is endorsed peisonally by hun
dreds of people whom it 'has cured of
indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation Of
the heart and stomach troubles gener
ally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat. It is pleasant, palatable
and strengthening, .
People of Union and vicinity
may try to form a new county.
Union wanls to remain a county
Safeguard the Children
Notwithstanding all that is done by
hoards of health and charitably inclined
persons, the death rate among small
children is very high dining the hot
weather of the summer months iu the
large cities. There is not probably one
caue of bowel complaint in a hundred,
however, that could not be cured bv the
timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoet Remedy. For sale bv
Wilson Drug Co.
Fast races for the State Fair are
not filling with entries to the satis
faction of the secretary, says the
Salem Statesman.
Weak Hearts.
are caused by indigestion. If you eat a
little too much, or if you are subject to
attacks of indigestion, the stomach ex
pandsswells, and puffs up against the
heart. This crowds the heart and short
ens the breath. Rapid heart beats and
heart disease is the final result. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat,
takes the strain off the heart, cutes indi
gestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and
coiitriiuites nourishment, strength and
health to every organ of the body. Sold
by Belt & Clierrington.
No trace has been found of the
individuals who cracked the safe
in the Xewberg postoihee.
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
The Southern Pacific Company will
soil round trip tickets at greatly re
duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago
account the St. Loui Exposition, on
the following dates: June Hi, 17, 18;
July 1, , 3. August S, 0, 10 ; September
5, fi. 7 ; Oetolier 3, t, 3.
Coing trip must be completed w ith
in ton ilays from date of sale, and
passengers will bo permitted to start
on any day that will enable them to
reach their destination within the ten
days limit. Return limit ninety days,
but not later than IVovmbor 31. r.HH.
For full information as to rates and
nil's call on Agent Southern Pacific
v onipatiy.
!IcdoI Dyspepsia Gzro
digests what you eat
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
v'f'Z' & disappear when the kid
feSJt'N neys are out of order
cwXTf Z')?22' C diseased.
"Mlb Kidney trouble has
ffiai'J: ' ' becom so prevalent
' y "'Y I that u is not uncommon
VV'N. n I for a child t0 be born
J tJ afflicted with weak kid-
W K VV'iuif"-- neys- If the child urin-)Jbfei---
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition ofthe
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same treat remedy.
Th mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty- M
and one dollar
frf also namnhlet tell- Homo ot SwaiupRoot.
ing all about it, including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. Binehamton, N. Y., be sure anc
mention this paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham-
ton, N. Y., on every Dottle,
Have You Received the Seaside Sou
venir for 1904?
The A. & C. Pi. E. will mail to your
address free, copies of their Summer
Booklet containing :0 pages of half
tone engravings of Columbia, Eiver
and Clatsop Beach scenery. Address
J. C. Mayo, (. . & P. A., Astoria,
Ore., or Mr. C, A. Stewart, Agent, 248
Alder St., Portland, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Riven that the County Court
of Folk Countv. Oregon, has appointed E. t
Larnson ndininistrntoi of the estate of Levi Tay
lor, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notilied to present
the same to the undersigned, verilied as by law
required, at his place of residence at villamina,
Yamhill County, Oregon within six months
from the date of the firs', publication of this
Dated this Sth dayof July. l'.WI.
Administrator of the estate
of Levi Taylor, deceased.
McCain & Vinton, Attys. fo.r estate.
7 f
"It's a bad time
to swap horses when
you are crossing a
That was Lincoln's famous reply to
those who urged him to make a change
in generals at a critical period of the
Civil war.
Lincoln's saying is worth remember
ing, especially when you are asked to
"swap" Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for a bootless bargain, de
scribed as "just as good," at the critical
time when health is at stake.
; Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery is a medicine which has a record of
.ninety -eight per cent, of cures. It is an
absolutely reliable family medicine, non
alcoholic and non-narcotic. It always
helps ; it almost always cures. . Why
should any one who is seeking a cure
for sickness, and is persuaded that the
" Discovery " will cure him, "swap" the
substance for the shadow at the risk of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov.
ery cures diseases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition.
What is popularly termed "weak" stom
ach is the common cause of various forms
of physical weakness, such as "weak"
heart, "weak" lungs, "weak" or slug
gish liver, "weak" nerves, etc. The
entire body and its several organs are
dependent for strength upon the food
prepared in the stomach. The "weak"
stomach cannot provide the food-
strength for the various organs, which
in their turn become " weak " and unable
to accomplish the work for which they
were designed. "Golden Medical Dis
covery " cures through the stomach dis
eases which have their cause in a dis
eased condition of the stomach and the
allied oigaus of digestion and nutrition.
It enables the perfect digestion and
as.umulatioi; o food bv which the body
is built up into a condition of sound
health. It purifies the blood, driving
out the poiaons which breed and feed
Preferred io BFs.
"Have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medici! nis-covt-ry
and it did me more good than ai: i:.i;!g I
could Stt." writes Mrs. Julia A. Wilcox. ofVvfttet
Wood Co., Ohio, K-ix 25. ' I doctored u ii:i three
diikrent doctors t, we.ik he:irt. but thev did
me no .good. I was so tired and e.i-c. invu'cd ii I
had had my choice Io live or die I twuid have
pretertd to die. My husband heard of C.elden
Medical Discovery' and he bought me a boule
I took that and the first half seemed to help me'
I took six bottles before I stopped. I am -ier-fcL'.iy
Me'.l and am cooking :or boarders il have
si and am c... inc in ra-!iin K-sides.' I will
truly say I think your medicine wi". do a!', it is
recomui ended to do, and more. It l-:-,s en's
God-send to inc. I will be- willing to answer
any tetters 01 i:;qnirv Cut a:n-one .-. ii;t inc to
If you think this will he the lne'ai"; of I . l;-iue
any poor siirierine woman to ohtc.in ret- f vol
may print it and make ar.v honest use of it
you wiih to.
Was Bedfast.
I had been sick for more than a vear with
kidney trouble." writes Mrs. Lacv II ivter i f
Jacksboro. Jack Co.. Texas. "Several uuicr'eut
duclors treated me, but uor.e did me anv i;cnd
One debtor said I never could be cure.!," that i
had I'.nu'.n's Disease. I sutiered nearly death
at time; had spells the dctor called spasnn
Was bed last most of the time for si ",,!iM-s
.1 . . . 1 -1 1 i-ej;ei i.'.e IO I IT IT. fit PCe S Go'l ea
Medical Discover; v. With b it liit'.e hcuc I wrot
tei- Dr. Tierce and he said he could ev're me I
beqaa to lake his T.o'.ien Meeiic.d m ,.-e'rv
nd s!t!i-v.i;h I had civen up to ,:ie. ! bc-i" to
improve ::..m the start, an.i bv the t:-..ie "i h-,i
taken twenty-two bottle I was entir -lv re.re"d
I thank I'.od for the (".olden Meelicl lnevcrv '
I weiqh more than ever before iu mv life .--iid
believe I am entirely we;i." " '
Dr. r-crce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, containing 100S pages, and ovei
-oi ii'.tisti. tioiis. is sent free on r .-- i-.t
oi stamps to defray expense of mall-rig
cn'v, Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper cover, cr3i cents tor the
book in cloth binding. Address Dt,
K. V. Pierce, BuSaIo, N. Y.
sizes. You may have a vMrZ,.&fi
sample bottle by mail -UirjE:,
Portland and Return Only $2.50.
The Southern Pacific is now sell
ng r. und trip tickets to Portland
from Dallas for $2.50, good going
Saturday P. M. or any train of Sun
day, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and
Monday in Portland. Ihesame ar
rangement applies from Portland,
giving all Portland people a chance
to visit valley points at greatly re
duced rates.
Call on Southern Pacific Com
pany's agent for particulars.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is lifrebv given, tlmt I, Ole Auriainl,
ewutor of the lust will and testament ol Ole
Sampson, deceased, hnve tiled my liaal account
mid report in the matter of the estate of Ole
Sampsou, deceased, with the County Clerk ol
elk cniintv. Oregon, and the County Court
has fixed the 2Ilrd day of July A. D. I'.KM, at one
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the County Court
n... i, itniiuu elk county. Oreeon. as the
time and place when said final account will he
heard. All persons mtercsieu inerein, iuc i
u Hired to appear and lite objections, if any
they have, and to show caui-e whv said tlnul
account should not be allowed, and the execu
tor discharged and his bondsmen released
from further liability therein.
Dated June 18, l'JUI.
Kxeeutor of the last will and testa
ment of Ole Sampson, deceased.
.1. X. Hart, Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
assignee of the estate of D. M. tiuthrie, in
solvent debtor, haB filed his final account 111
said estate with the County Clerk of Folk
Countv, Oregon, and will on the liith dny ol
July, i"J(it, or so soon thereafter as the same can
be heard by the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Folk County, make application to
have said final account approved, the estate
closed and the assignee discharged anil his
bondsmen exonerated from further liability
under said trust. All persons interested in
said estate are therefore notified to appear on
or b'-fore s;iid lime and make objections, it any
they have, why said account should not be
allowed ana said estate closed.
Assignee of 1. .M. Guthrie,
insolvent debtor.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given tlint f, Oliver E. Leet,
executor of the last will and testament of Mary
.1 l.i.... ilii:iised. have filed lnv linal account
and report in the matter of said estate, with the
County Clerk of I'olk County, Oregon, and 'he
day, the 2.ini day of July, lVilt at one o'clock
cnnntv i itm-r ot sum i ouniv. uas nxeu nioui-
n m. 01 KHid diivnt the eourtliouse in Dalitis, in
said Countv, as the time und pluee when siiid
linul necount shall be heard. All persons
inierested therein me required to appearand
lile objections, if any they have, ami to show
eunso whv said linal aeeoimt should not he ap
proved, and the executor discharged, and his
bondsmen released from further liability there
Dated this June lstli,l!K)l.
Ol.l YEK E. LK ET,
Kxeeutor of the hist will and testa
ment oi -Mary .1. I.eet, deieased
Notice For Publication.
United Slates Land Ollice,
Oregon City, Oregon.
April 27, l'.W.
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the urovisions of the act of Congress 01
June Ii, JsTS, entitled "An Act for the Sale 01
Timber Lands in the States of ( alil'ornia, Ore
iron, Nevada and Washington Territory,'' as ex
tended to all the Public Lund States by act uf
August 4, 181)2, Kosaliti James, of Salem," county
of .Marion, state of Oregon, has this day
filed in this ollice tier sworn statement .No., ftij
for the purchase of the N. W. J- of Sec. No. M
in Township No. 7 S, Knniie No. 7 W, and will
oiler proof to thow that the land sought ismort
valuable for its timber or htone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim' u
said land before the Register and Receiver 01
this ollice at Oregon City, Uregon, on Friday,
the loth day of July liml!
She names as w itnesses: Henry A. Rawson.ol
Salem, Oregon; Chas. Y. Jnincs, of saiem, Ore
gon; Caulield Marsh, of Salem, Oregon; Sophia
M. Marsh, of Salem , Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested Io lile'theii
claim 111 this ollice on or before said 15th da
Notice For Publication.
I'niled States Land Ollice,
Oregon City, Oregon,
... , , June 6, HI01.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress 01
June :s, ls;s, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the Slates oi California, Oregon,
-Nevada and Washington Tcrrimrv." m i.vir.nH.
ed to all the Public Land Stales by act of August
t, LS',i2, Thomas 11. .March, of linoll. count v 1.1
Polk, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this
oince 111s sworn siiuement io. till,,, lor the pur
chase of the H. W. of Section No. 20, in Towir
ship .No. S., Kange No. ti W., and will oiler
proof to show that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or 8tnn Minn fur agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
sain ninii oeiore t lie Kogister und Receiver at
urogon iuy, ureeon, on inuisilav, the Sth dav
of September, 11101. '
He names as witnesses: If. W. Bennett of
Buell, Oregon; R. W. March, of Ruell, Oregon;
. . , e."i.ie-e;, ui nucii, uregon ; ueorge Coulee,
of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons clainiiiiL' adversclv Hw.
above-described lands are requeste J to file their
ennuis in mis omce on or beloresaid 8th dav oi
Scntomlipr. Pull 3
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Ma,. -W 1.U,
Notice i3 hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a 178, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
:T a'fi "l'WaliiiiBton Territory," as extend
1 , V. l",c 1 ub,"c UlKi s,,U(;s tiv act of Augiibt
4. IS!)'. 1)1 lllllll .1 llnrnu ,,f l ....... .... . i. ?
'. .. .Turn niuuiii, COUIllV
ot l oik, state of Oregon, has this day filed in
this oihce his sworn statement No. (ii:i5, for the
, i- " .souinwest one-fourth of
vn i v w" 22 1" Township No. 7 South, Range
No. 8 est and will oiler proof to show that the
.and sought is more valuable for its timber or
1 "sncuuurai purposes, and to
estab hsh his claim to said land be ore tl e
County Clerk 01 i'olk County, Oregon, at Dallas,
Oregon, on Friday, the 12th dav of August l'i4
He names hn u iiiik.w,.. v lt 5 '.
mouth, Oregon ; J." Mover, of Fal ' Ciu- 'Zl
gon; H. lieezley, of Kalis City, Oregon; JFrank
Hams, 01 l ulls City, Oregon. , naii
Any and all persons elaiinino- nv0.i
llSM'' tmnrt to flleWir
ofAugusViL "IU day
Notice For Publication.
I nited States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
. ",0li.c.eis h"" Riven that in' eomudane,.
tendWl t. 1 .T "i'.V.'f:"" '"niory," as ex-
. 4, 1 umu; lj& m Mates hv HPt nf
August 4, lsiy, Anna Jlehrling, of Falfs citv
county of I'olk State of Oreeon has V is
If? t" office her .womtatcment No
W.4, or the purchase of theS.'iof N.W of see
No. 111 Township No. 7 South. Ranee Nn -
f&1ie,'aie witnesses: H C Seymour
Pa.va for the OBSERVER
and the Weekly Oregonian
one year. In order to take
advantage of this uoeral
offer, your subscription to the Observer
a paid P t0 date. Xow is the
time to subscribe.
Notice For Publication.
11M united States Land OHIce,
Oregon Cilv, Oregon,
Aprils, I'Jol.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act pi Coi.Kreso
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the i sale of
timber lands in the States of Ca lfornia t Ore
gon, Nevada and Washing on lerr lory . m
extended to all the Public Land States I
of August 1, lS'.lA Blanche McKonc. of l'prll. ml.
county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this
dav Bled in this ollice her sworn statement No.
Bill), for the purchase of the 5. L. U of Section
No. 10 in Township No. 9 S., Range Np. 8 YV..
and will oiler proof to show Unit the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said I ud before the Register and
Receiver of this oitn eat Oregon City, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the anh day of July, HUH.
She names as wHiiei-Hes: B. J. Ilarnnglon.
of Falls Citv, Oregon: U. J. lieezley, of l'lillB
City, Oregon'; Oeorge Heceles, of Newport, Ore
gon; Clarence Aikman, of Koeca, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described landsare requested to tile their
claims in this ollice on or before said 20th day
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it may
r p.,,,) u U'ulliifp. hnve been au-
pointed administrator with w ill aimexod ol the
! . . .mi i i.,.idiuiil ill ThmniiK C. King.
lasl will mm unmiiiw.. ... ---- ------j
,i,.,.oH,l. bv the honorable County i ourt of
Polk County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against said estate
win present mem io me in mj nn ... ... .
nail III nnieiu, "m""i - , . ', .,
required, within six months lrom tlio .dHte of
mis nonce.
Ilated this 3.st day of Jfay, 1001. ali acEi
Administrator with will annexed
Notice For Publication.
United Stales Land Oihce,
Oregon City, Oregon.
iMay 2, l'.WI.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June li, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands iu the Sla'es of Caliloruia, Ore
eon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as
extended to all the Public Land States by act ol
August 1, iS'.L', Herman li. Nehrbas, of .Mon
nrouth, county of Folic, State of Oregon, has
this dav filed ill this office his sworn statement
No. til'JO, for tlie purchase of the N. W.'.of
Section No. 12 in Township No. 11 S., Range No.
-t w ...,.i ..ii'i.r ,f,, ,,f 111 rihine thai the hind
SOU,, III I. ill' 11. 1 nmnui --- - - -
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to saiii land before the Register and
Receiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon,
on 'L'ueMiav, the 2i!tii day of July, I'.Kll.
lie names as witnesses: H. il. 'Tetherovv, of.
Falls Cilv, Oregon; Albert Hurbank. of l'edce.
Oregon;!'. K. Hubbard, of Falls Cily, Oregon;
A li. lirown, of Falls City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to lile their
claims in this ollice on or before said 21III1 day
ol July 1!K)I.
.v....... , ol.l. , f,.r ilu tim)i:-r Of HtllUC
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIM E-TAIiLE, Ell'ective April 1.
Daily except Sunday,
West-Round: A. M. P.M.
Lv. DALLAS 7:30 l-.'O
' 'i'ents' Siding 7: III 1:1111
i alliums 7:19 1:3'J
Bridgeport 7:55 1:45
Ar. FALLS CITY 8:05 1:55
East-Ilound: A.M. P.M.
I.V. FALLS CITV 9:20 4:35
Bridgeport 9:30 4:45
Milliams 9:30 4:51
Teats' Siding 9:3!) 1:54
Ar. DALLAS 9:55 5:19
Trains Stop on Signal only.
(icuc-ral Manager.
I have just received a Fine New Stock
of Harness and Saddles and invite you
to call and examine them as to style,
workmanship and price. I have tin
tinest line of saddles ever shown in I'olk
county. They are strictly "down-to-date"
in every respect.
A bi assortment prices according to
quali'y all litte.l with "Double .Sur
cingles," a new feature which even
horseman will readily appreciate. Conn
and see them.
HARNESS OIL, Best Grade,
Fran Ei A. Stiles
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of everj
one hundred people who have heart troublo
can remember when it was stmnu
hon. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
iCri uisease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but re the direct result of indl-
Pestion. All fnnA lolr.n 1. .u- .
Sui u i . , imu mo siomacn
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
enrolls Iks xaU rri
Z . l,Tlu,"a"' FUIIlng up against the
neart. This interfftrcs nitt, u.
the heart, and In the course of time thai
m VU , . ' organ Deomes diseased.
months mdTt r,.; -u w "bout foui
Kodol Divrests What Vn c,
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottlejonljr. $1.00 Size holdinj 2H times the trial
Prepared by E. O. DeWITTA CO., CHIOAQO.
Christian Church.
Bihle School at 10 a. m. Junior C E
at 3-3(1 n m eQn:-n c nn
' ' . -"" v. ii. at, u-au p. m.
Prayermeetinjs Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
f i ounuay at n
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School;
U a.m., preaching; 7:30 d. m., Epworth
raKUe ; G :30 p.m., preaching ; Tl.ursdav
I :du p. m., prayer meeting.
James Moore, Pastor.
Adventist Church.
Sabliath School at 10 a. m. Bible
study from 11 to 12.
United Evangelical Church
SefvicM aro t.Dl.l en .
Y " W 0 4C' Eh 6i:3 p" 7,' Y-M- C A
i - - A. and J umor Endeavor 3 -00
P.m. 1 raver meetine, Thursday', 7 ;30
A. A. Wixtkb. Pastor.
Presbyterian Church.
Sabliath services: Ril,l c, . ,a
a. m.: IVonnhi,, ,, . r'uu-' ' 1U
t : ' "i. n a. m. ami 7.511
D. HI .Till. inr t'n l o B"U ' U
u , '.ii'iMiur.sn.m Sunin.
Endenvnr fi-qn .enior
Thursday at7:30pm.r8rer mmin"'
W- T- Wabdlb, Pastor.
Baptist Church.
v 1U D'-; k. v p v
6:o0p. m. Preaching at li a m '
T 1 r i-
Oscar Hayter.
Upstairs in Campbell building, ta.
Sibley & Eakin. ;
The only reliable set of Abstr.
Polk county. Office on Court 8t ;
Julius N. Hart
Office upstairs In Osfleld BuUji
Iloom 1.
Butlek & Coad.
Office over Dallaa City Bank.
Ileal Estate, Loans and Insure
Notary Puhlic
M. Hayter,
Office over Wilson's Drug store
L. N. Woods. M. D :
Does general practice In anypartli
wuuiy. uinco on Main stwf :
teacher ol
Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson B,V
Ft. C. Craven, Pres.
R. E. Williams, f
hllu Hit; W:
Exchanges bought and sold out
points. Special attention paid to .
Wm. muscott,
Does hauling of all kinds at reasomi
Masonic Calendar.
Jennings Lodge, No. 9, tit .
o.......i .
UUllI 111 U 11 IVJilLIUllD, cruuuu u
urth Iridavs of each twr
R. L. ClIAi'MAN. W. M.
Ainsworth Chapter, No. li
A. M., stated con vocation, F:
Thursday of each month.
Willis Simontos,!'.
Haotni Chapter, No. 22,0. R.8.,
meetings Second and FouHhTs
days of each month.
Mas. Ella J. Metzgeb, W.I
Mrs. Libbie Muib, Sec.
I. 0. O. F.
i&iftf&i every Saturday evening
-ntM 0. 0. V. Hull.
Hokacb Webstkk, N. G.
W. A. Ayrks, Eec.Sn
IkaCreole Encampment, No. 20,
feecona ana fourth juonaayw
F A. Stiles, Sen
n lmira Lodge, No. 26, D. of E.,
"everv Eridav evenins.
Miss May Shklton, iN. G.
Miss Eloise Piiiixim,
Woodmen of the World
fyillas Camp, No. 20i, meets it
w Fellows hall every Thursday eve
G. N. Chkkrington, C. C,
W. G. VAssALi.Cle
jUfistletoe Circle, No. 33, W.O.'
4"Ameets in Odd Fellows' hall,
and Fourth Wednesday of each ts
lUuo TNT,., t... 'n w
Mrs. Axxy Dl'NX, Cif S
Knights of the Maccate?
iiuui lent, io. o,
emu rourni xnui'iD -
month in T n O. F.hall.
G- W. Conkey, S, K. Com. ,
I. N. Woods,
T kilac Hive. No. 2S. T.. O. T. "
"on Second and Fourth Thnrsdsj r-
noon of each month. .
Mas. Eva Hayter, L. C. 5,
Mrs. Blaxchb Eakis,
A. 0. U. W.
Union Lodge, No. 35-Meft1'
H. L. Fexton, M. V. r
F. A. Stilss.'
f-rystal Lodge, No. 50, P. of
Firstand Third Wednesday1
Alice Groves, C. of II. f
Emma Coad,'
United Artisans-
nssembly No. 46 meets Fir
day of each month.
"Wnxia SmoxTox, M. A-
Mas. Ella J. Metzgk-'
Fraternal Union of A-
Fkodee No. 144 Meets Third T- ft
of each month. -W.
J. Wagxeb, F. M. .
r f -n nTCil
jx. ubees, Pastor.
AlBS. . t..