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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
jolfc Counts Observe Shingles and lime at Rigos.' II. Q. Campbell, agent McMinnville nsuranco Co. Mocha and Java Blend, 25 cents per ound. Riggs. Bliss Hallie Beynolds visited friends 1 Portland over Sunday. The Obseeveb office wants the print- ig you ttio particular about. William Alderman, of Falls City, as a Dallas visitor, Monday. Judge William Galloway will holr is first, term nf circuit court in Linn Dtinty on July 28. - Mrs. J. H. Dunn and Mrs. Claude hid n loft yesterday for an outing at ewport beach. Dr. and Bits. W. 8. Cary, who are sittug relatives in Ohio, will return Dallas about August 1. J. Ii. Chapman, a. substantial citt n of Eola precinct, was in Dallas on business errand, Wednesday. Mrs. W. D. Fenton, of Portland, sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . L. Fenton the first of the week. Mrs. Minnie Ralph and little grand merhter, of Portland, are visiting at e home of her brother, E. Cad well. Commuuion services will be held at e Presbyterian church next Sunday jrning. Special sermon. A large tendance is desired. Samuel Orr, a prominent hopgrower Rickreall,1 was in Dallas on a isiness visit, Wednesday. He was companied by Mrs. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Marwin and ildren, of Sacremanto, California, 3 visiting at the home of Mr. and 8. J. C. Shultz. Mrs. Marwin was merly Miss Grace Burnett, and is a ter of Mrs. Shultz. ilrs. H. H. Chace and son, Charles, 1 probably not spend the Summer Shasta Springs, California, as her sband writes her that he will not ve steady employment at that place 1 the next few months, 'rof. D. M. Metzger and family re moved into their newly-pur-ised dwelling house on Oak street, nes Hayes and family, who have n living in the house, have gone to 3hats to spend the Summer, r. and Mrs. Chester A. Wbiterqore, 'ortland, were Dallas visitors over iday. Mr. Whitemore is, a prarn t businessman of the metropolis, ag President of the Irwin-Hodson qpany, blank book printers and ographers. He was favorably iressed by Dallas' prosperous ap ranoe, and says that no town in gon is making more rapid progress he way of pubho and private im vements. iarry L. Day has been appointed anizer for the Woodmen of the rid for Portland and the West Side nties. He will visit Dallas Camp, 209, in his official capacity next irsday night. Mr. Day is well and rably known in Dallas, having valuable assistance in making a jess pt the Woodmen carnival in city last year. He will be given jnthusiastic reception by the mem i of Dallas Camp when he visits n next week. Our bread and cake none better. Rigos. Garden hose at Vaughn & Weaver's, on Mill street. Get your candidate ready for the World's Faif contest. Miss May Shelton visited relatives in Portland this week. Several neat dwetung nouses are being built in the Improvement Com pany's addition to Dallas, Sewer pipe of all sizes for sale by Vaughn & Weaver. Let us figure on your sewer connections. Vaughn & Weaver. Miss Ola Grant, who has been visit ing relatives and friends in Portland the past week returned to her home in Dallas, Thursday. George Fitzgibbon, the popular traveling salesman for Fisher, Thor sen s company, or .Portland, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday, Hon. Frank W. Waters, Mayor of Salem, and Webster Holmes, an attorney of the Capital tiity, were business visitors in Dallas, Monday. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs TJglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. Say, if you want good Shingles, Ce ment, Lime, Sand or Brick, go to A. Shultz, for he don't carry any but the best. When you see his goods, you will say so. Near the public school. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Starr are visit ing friends in Salem this week. They will go to Newport soon, for a Sum mer's outing, in the hope of benefiting Mrs. Starr's health. Mrs. Cynthia Gray is visiting in Dallas at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Rich. Mrs. Grav has pent the last twelve months in North ern Montana, where her brother owns a large cattle ranch. O. E. Leet, of Falls City, left on Friday for Salt Lake City, where he will make his future home. Mr. Leet esided in Falls City for several years, and was a leading dealer in real estate in that enterprising town. The newspapers of Oregon without exception are commending the action of the Dallas city council iu taking steps to abolish the confetti nuisance, The practice of throwine confetti. while comparatively harmless, is annoying and senseless and encour ages aots of hoodlum ism. Dallas will have no more of it. T. J. Cberrington informs us that he will not be absent on his outing trip to Southern Oregon more than three or four weeks. His business in his photograph gallery demands so much of his personal attention that he will not be able to stay away long. He will be back in his gallery before the hop-picking season begins. Chester Gates stepped on a rusty nail one day last week and is nursing a very sore iooi as a result, tie was working on the Fletcher farm near Lafayette, and was doingchores about the barn when the accident occurred. He returned to his home in this city by the first train and called a physi cian to dress the wounded member. It is believed that the wound will soon heal and that he will be able to return to his work in a few days. World's Fair contest will open Mon day, All kinds of Bee Supplies at Castle's Feed Store. Good span of work horses for sale. Inquire of Wm. Tatom Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moyer, of Falls City, were Dallas visitors, Wednesday. Claude and Harry Dunn have gone to their mines in the Cascade mountains. Miss Ella Carpenter is attending Professor Traver's School of Methods in Salem. Norval Gates is visiting his grand parents, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Ho- berg, in McMinnville. Call and see the bath room fixtures at Vaughn & Weaver's oo Mill street. We have a complete line, and will do your work as it should be done, Messrs. H. C. Eakin, Charles Me- Devitt, H. E. Kozer and George Hagood left for the Freeland mines in the Cascade mountains. Wednesday Buggies at Cost! We are selling all buggies and hacks at cost to close them out. Some great bargains can be had, if you call early. Wm. Fauix. Dr. E. R. Todd, Physician and Surgeon; graduate of Willamette Medical College. Office upstairs in Uglow building. Calls promptly at tended, day or night. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Burkhalter. Mr. and Mrs Walter Campbell and 'Mrs. Walter Williams are camping in the mountains near the Hallock mill H. L. Fenton, of Dallas, and Frank Gilliam, of Pedee, have eone to Belknap Springs for a month's out ing. They were accompanied by Mr. Gilliam's mother, Mrs. Sarah Price. Mrs. Jjenton and son, Carl, will go to Newport next week to spend the Summer. William Trent, or Hmitxineid, was appointed janitor of the courthouse by the County Court, Monday. Mr Trent is a recent arrival in Oregon from the state of Tennessee, and has been employed by the Southern Pacific Company as a section hand. Milo Woods, the retiring janitor, held the position four years and did his work well. He kept the big county build ing clean and in the best of order.and was oourteous and obliging at all times. It is with genuine regret that the officers see Mr. Woods leave the courthouse, and it is hoped that the new janitor will perform his duties as capably and well T. A. Riggs returned Tuesday from Toledo, where he went to attend the trial of his damage suit against Hall Brothers, of Siletz, in Judge Hamil ton's court. It will be remembered that Mr. Riggs sued Hall Brothers for something like $2000 for failing to deliver several tons of chittim bark under a contract made and entered into by and between the parties. At the trial held several months ago, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Hall Brothers, but this verdict was so manifestly unjust that the trial Judge set it aside and ordered a new trial When Mr. Riggs arrived in Toledo a few days ago, he held a conference witn tne defendant Arm aod a com promise was agreed upon. The Ask for World's Fair coupons, Take your prescriptions to the Wil son drug store. o. a. uidsod, or wiuamma, was a Dallas visitor, Friday. R. Jacobson & Company are mov ing their stock of clothing into the Kirkpatrick building. Oscar Hayter, who has been attend ing circuit court in Lincoln county, returned home Wednesday. Ernest Hanson is seriously ill with peritonitis. He was taken to a hos pital in Salem yesterday afternoon. J. C. Cockerham and John Shep herd, prosperous farmers of Douglas precinct, were Dallas visitors yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Reece Robbins desire to express publicly their appreciation for kindly assistance and sympathy shown them during their sad ber ave ment. Julius Wolf, a Siiverton hop mer chant, was a Dallas visitor yesterday He made arrangements while here to sell Morrison hop presses for Biddle & Coad. A steady rain fell all day yesterday, breaking the long dry spell in the Willamette Valley. The shower will benefit hops and vegetables, but will not help late-sown grain to any great extent. All members of Dallas Camp, 209, are requested to be in the hall promptly at 7 o'clock next Thursday evening, as the Camp desires to march in a body to the depot to meet Organ lzer Harry Day. J. B. Nunn has about finished marketing his black Logan berries. These berries are large and delicious, having much of the flavor of a black berry, and are considered by house wives to be superior to the red Logan berries. There are few who can resist the charm of the exquisite pieces of cut glass comprised in our assortment, The designs are new, the cuttings are rich and deep, and the prices are ex tremely reasonable. C. H. Mohbis, the Jeweler. We can show you a most attractive collection of single pieces of silver- either solid or fine plate such as butter knives, pie servers, cheese scoops, and spoons, forks and ladles for all sorts of uses. The prices are interesting unusually so. C. H, Mobeis, Jeweler. (is ( m (Is as tits (h (is (Is (IS (IS (h (IS (IS (IS (is (h (is (Is (IS (Is (h (Is i (fs (is I UGLO ft (Is (IS or itie Seaside! I Now is the time of the year when you are thinkingof taking a vaca tion at the beach or in the mountains. You will want suitable clothing for your trip, and here is the place to get it. Our Line of OUTING SUITS FOR HEN AND BOYS cannot be surpassed for style and dura bility. They have a dressy "swell" effect, and yet are not expensive. Just the garments you need for Dress Wear at the beach. If you buy elsewhere, you will always wish you had seen our line first. Pack your clothes before starting in one of our Handsome Kew Grips. We have them both in Alligator and Buffalo-genuine leather-no make-believe about them. KHAKI SUITS, OUTING HATS AND CAPS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. "BOSS OF THE ROAD" OVERALLS and Gloves for Harvest Wear. CLOTHING THE UP-TO-DATE STORE HOUSE MILL STREET DALLAS. OREGON it AS PLAIN AS QRISW0LD Correspondent invites Our Attention to the Lucid Aspect of Per fection and Velocity. The writer is in receipt of a letter from Germany that throws con siderable light on places that were heretofore dark. The communication is as follows : "To the Mr. Mayor, Esquire, Dallas, Oregon, U. S. A., iionorea ir : Trusting to your kindness I take the liberty to beseech you for the favour to apprize all the poor and rich, young and old (for we cannot but speak the facts of divine mercy, which we have seen and heard :) differences were soon amicably settled The lovely, lucid aspect of heavenly , the best ,B existence nd ftb. onH tIq omf nrao H i c rvt i o n -! I rrrn r s-1 -i 1 1 omif.nt 1 I BUSINESS LOCALS. I L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; type writing. With J. N. Hart. For a good job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or, vi. iiayter, uentist. umce over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Oo and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. The Western Lean & Savings Com- OUR. MID-SUMMER. EARANCE SALE SATURDAY, JULY 1 6, we will commence our Mid-Summer Clearance Sal?, Everything in the line of Summer Merchandise will be sold at a great sacrifice. We must have room for our Fall Stock soon to arrive. Men's Suits at a Great Reduction. 6.50 Suits, this sale at $4.25 7.00 Suits, this sale at 4.75 10.00 Suits, this sale at 6.50 12.50 Suits, this sale at 7.50 Summer Wash Goods must be sold regardless of value 10c and 12c Lawn at.. . 5c a yard 20c and 25c organdies, 10c a yard 15c light colored Percale 10c a yd. 20 Suitings at 15c a yard Galatin Cloth 15c a yard 25c Crash Suiting 18c a yard idlers' Famous Tailor Made Suits at $10 and $12.50 A line of CHILDREN'S SHOES sold regularly at from $X to $1.50, in sale at 50c a pair. Induction on all our LADIES' SANDALS and OXFORDS 75c to $1.50 pr. 11 our FANCY SILKS regular price $1.00, 1.25 and 1.48 during this at 50c a yard. LADIES' Neck Wear, Cotton Gloves and Underwear greatly reduced. ALL TRIMMINGS at greatly cut prices. SHIRT WAISTS at prices less than material would cost you. BEST BARGAINS AT '.he EE mi v ii DALLAS, OREGON. beauty (holy angels : flry wheel with many spokes turning off backwards lasde above early) I dare admire every hour. The Lord Christus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them, that know not God, obey (Phil. 2, 10; 3, 17-21) and believe not. They shall be punished with everlasting destruction worse than a wounded warrior's sight and plight; trembling and sighing in anxiety without dying from the presence of the Lord, at that name every knee should bow (order, con dition for every one). H. H." We don't exactly like the tone of this "flry wheel" chap's letter, and are fervently hoping that he will turn his attention elsewhere. His motives may be good, but his ideas are in cendiaryentirely too much so for our peace of mind. Whether this letter is to pave the way for a bundle of religious tracts, or whether it is to be followed by a dynamite bomb, is something that is causing us no little amount of uneasiness. We wish this foreign gentleman would transfer his attention to Jim Cooper, of Inde pendence, or Bancroft of Falls City. solutely safe; 20 cents a day pays the shareholder $1000 in 100 months; 40 cents a day $2000 in 100 months about 12 per cent interest. Shares 60 cents a montb each. Any number or snares may be taken, and tne number may be increased or decreased at the option of the holder. For particulars, see Davis the Barber, next door to Fenton 's office on Court street, Dallas. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side, They have engaged tne services or a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Chittim Bark For Sale. Five tons of chittim bark for sale. Address me at Dolph, Oregon, and H. G. CAMPBELL FARM fA.IfPS LOANS, INSURANCE MILL 8TREET. NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. UnJy pure fruit and nut flavors used its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter f?oy, Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, Ofe. Free Trip to World's Fair. A free trip to the St. Louis Exposi tion will be given away by some of the leading merchants of Dallas. The trip will be offered on the popular vote plan to any lady residing in Polk county. The contest will open next Monday, July 18, and a voting coupon will be issued by these merchants with every 25-cent cash purchase, and the contest will close when sixty thousand (00,000) coupons are issued. All railroad transportation to St. Louis and re. turn, and also $100 expense money will be awarded to the lady receiving the highest vote. Get your candidates ready for Mon day. Always call for the coupons, and vote for your favorite candidate. A complete list of the firms eivine World's Fair coupons will appear in next week's issue. Watch our local columns for standing of the votes each week. Milk Cow For Sale. Fresh milk cow for sale. J. W. ROBINSON, Dallas, Oregon. Hcdcl Dyspepsia Gsiro cigesM what you eat. state price. F. B. HASTINGS. Found. A silk watch fob, with charm. Owner can have same by proving property at Harris' jewelry store and paying for this notice. Hack for Sale or Trade. A hack for sale cheap, or will trade for hay ; Is in good condition. J. Fubminoeb, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. A desirable home in the town of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres In hops, good for 100 bales; quality always good. Two hop houses, large store room, one new Morrison hop press, good barn, dwelling house, plenty of fruit. For particulars, in quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. Just rrivei At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's Walk-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Deafness Cannot be Cored by local applications, u they cannot reach ih iiaeaxed portion of tu ar. There i only one wav to cure Deafness, and that it by conatita lioiial ruaieiliea. Deafness ia cauurd by aa in tasnid condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When t:ii tube getstinfiamed ,ou have a rumbling aound or imperfect bear ing, and when it ia entirely eloaed Deafneas if the result, and onleet the inflammation can be taken ont and this tube restored to iu normal condition, hearing wiil be destroyed forerer; nine case out of ten are caused by eatarrn, which ia nothing bat an inflamed condition of the mncous surfaces. . Wewi!lg One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Bali's Catarrh Cure, bend for oircuistrs. free. F. J. CHETBT OO. , Toledo, O. Irr T)nvri. We EaU's Family Pills are the beet. STILL in BUSINESS at the old stand on Main street, and selling better Furniture for less money than any other store in Polk county. I can furnish your house or office with anything needed in the way of Furniture. A large shipment of goods arrived this week among which you will find many new and desirable articles. Frank Kerslake, PHONE 63 DALLAS, OREGON