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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
" .- . ..)... j - - ' " "' ," i - ii I'" ' u '" "" " ' " OREGON GOLD ON DISPLAY Fine Exhibit cf Minerals at St Louis Fair Attracts Many Visitors. (.Special Correspondence). Oregon V mining exhibit, while not as large us some, at St. Louis, is never theless complete in every detail and never fails to produce a favorable im pression on World's Fair visitors. As with all other Oregon displays, efforts have been made to make the showings esiiwially attractive. Some states have installed exhibits, whieli though com plete and very large, are unattractive and fail to secure the attention of Kirrhtm'crs. Exhibits above all must -" n ( interest people, and when they fail in that particular they cease to be a bene fit to the state. The part of the Oregon mining ex hibitthat is most popular is the dis olav of five gold. But few states have good exhibits of the yellow metal in its native condition, and Oregon is one of the number. Colorado has a magnificent display, probably the b?st on the grounds while Utah nnd California also huvt many nuggets on exhibition. One of the most interesting is a safe full of dust and nuggets from the Klondike, exhibited in the Canadian department. The gold is in a safe with heavy plate L'lass and steel liars in front. Heaped up around the safe is ore of every kind, except in front, where an open space has been left for visitors to get a look at the precious metal. Orecon s trold is on display m a prominent place in the Mining Build ing. It consists principally of uuggeta from various placer mines through out the state, in addition to free gold from quartz diggings. To Easterners, who seldom see gold, even in coins, the metal display is particularly interesting. In the center of the Oregon display, a small pavilion has been erected, the outside of which is covered with quartz sH)cimer.s from all parts of the state. Within, Superintendent Fred Mellis, of Baker City, who has charge of the exhibit, has a small office, where he entertains visitors and tells them about the wonders or Oregon mines and the treasures that remain buried underground in the Blue Mountains and the Cascades. A large display of cinnabar, the mineral from which quicksilver is extracted, occupies a prominent posi tion in the showcases. Cinnabar is found in but few places in the United States, and the Oregon display is good. The stone is gray, with pink streaks of sulphide of mercury, and is very pretty. Photographs of Oregon mines and large ore displays from all parts of the state go to make up the rest of the show. Considering the short length of time that Oregon mines have been extensively operated, the exhibit is excellent. The Mining Building itself is very handsome, and is considered one of the best pieces of architecture on the fair grounds. At each door stand obelisks which give the structure an Oriental effect that is very attractive. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Better than a Doctor's Prescription. Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Vu., says that Chamberlain's Stomach am) Liver Tablets have done him more good than anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would produce such gratifying results in cases of stomach troubles, biliousness or constipation, Ids whole lime would be used in preparing this one medicine. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Baby Seal Washed Ashore. At Newport, u baby seal was washed ashore Wednesday and was captured by the son of the baker at Nye Creek. The seal was less than two feet long, and when it was first seen had been cast up by a wave and was crying pitifully. Several people attempted to throw the small stranger back into the sea, but the little fellow would not remain in the water and was finally taken home by young Bayn. The seal belongs to the fur variety, and is one of the sights at Newport for this season. The owner of this strange let feeds it by means of a bottle, the seal taking kindly to sweet milk through a tube. The little pet attracts all visitors at that seaside resort, many of whom have never befoie seen an animal of that variety. Albany Herald. A Strong heart. is assured by perfect digestion. Indi gestion swells the stomach and pull's it up against the heart, fhis onuses short ness of breath, palpitation of the heart nnd general weakness. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure cures indigestion, relieves the stomach, takes tne strain oil" the heart and restores it to a full performance of its function naturally. Kodol increases the strength by enabling the stomach nnd digestive organs to digest, assimi late anil i! p rupriate to the blood and tissues all of the food nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organs, bold by licit A Cherringtori. Trade Marks rMMv Copyrights Ac AnTin sending a pketrh nd decrtptton mnf qntrkiy asertJiiri our opi'iton free whether an iiiv'tiiiiFi m pmhuMj paietitnhle. Cniniunfn titmf nrtly ctiMenttHl. lliai'lhook on t'Ateuu fit let. tlleM Mtrem'V fur voturitiic patent . 1'ilentfl taken trin.uch Min:n Co. receive a DESIGNS ::!:c Jfciirlcan. A handsomely lllntrtl weektr. T irwent clr. ?ula:im of an? m-ienittio journal. Term, t-'i a year: four months, (L Sold by alt newsdealer. MUM Co.",B New York Unovb O&oe, 3 F St WasbUtftuo, U U J . I r Railroad to Nye Creek. Newport may have a miniature rail road in the near future. Luhrman Bros., of Salem, have been working on tho stock for the past three months The engine w ill not bo expected to gen erate over six horse power, and the cars will hold only eight people. The road will probably be built between Newport and Nye Creek and maybe farther up the beach. It will add much to the convenience and pleasure of Newport visitors should it be placed there. The coachors are already fin ished, being painted in red and green. Corvallis Gazette. Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account the St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates : June Ifi, 17, 1H; July 1, 2, 3, August H, !i, 10; September 5, li, 7 ; October :), 4, .". doing trip must be completed with in ten days from date of sale, and passengers will be permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within the ten days limit. Heturn limit ninety days, but not later than December l'.W4. For full information as to rates and routes call on Agent Southern Pacific Company. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1001. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $1 12,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, l'JOO. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on Uip treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favoiahly. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will oe mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Company, 41'0 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Belt & Cherrington. ask the readers of this paper to test the value of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie. Those person? who have used it, and who have been cured by it, do not Hesitate to leeo mmend it to their friends. Kodol di gests what you eat, cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. In creases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to contribute to the blood all of the nutriment contained in the food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant and palatable. Mr. and Mrs. Cass Kiggs, of Crowley, attended the pioneer re union in Portland this week. For sick headache take Chambei Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ami a quick cure is certain. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Four acres of strawberries near Freewater netted the owner 517. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sull'erers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, monev hack if not cured. Sold by Belt ic Cherring ton Druggist. The baccalaureate sermons will lie heard, but not much heeded, re marks the Portland Journal. An Alarm Clock for 25c. If you want to get up curly and fee good all day take a Little Early Riser or two at bedtime. These famous little pills relax the nerves, give quiet and re fresh'n sleep, with a gentle movement of the bowels about breakfast time W. II. Howell, Houston, Tex., says, "Early Kisers aie the best pill made for constipation, sick headache, biliousness etc." Sold by Belt & Cherrington. Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEHAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber ( ! noils repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Cre. Mil m m sees m Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS HoifE Mkdu'ixe and Suhk Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow One Poor west of Hub Clothing Store on Oak StitH-t. J. L. Castle, . Dallas, Orezon ulodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. . Thousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Kncv? it. now To Imi:1 Out. Fill a bottle or common gtara vith your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a seaiincnt or w tlnifr Inri'rfltftS an . I ' . I if . " ' f e.y , imlif-allhv condi- r A ivr, v ' tion of the kiq- j : : , . , 1"' .. A ncys; u u siums your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In thp hark is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being con -palled to go often during the day, and to get i:p many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. !t stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. r.;id$l. sies. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderfu discovery r ierful discovery r-''u a book that tellsJrfjlS s about it, both sent fe;;r ;;;;:i:it!4j and a book that more absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer ct Ti(,m -jt sn-atnp-itoot. Co., Binghamton, M. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N Y., on every bottle. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Baker City, has been appointed chaplain for the Oregon Grand Lodge of Masons for the thirtieth consecutive time. Driven To Desperation. Living at an out of tho way place, re mote from civilization, a family is often dt i ven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ul cers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the hest on earth. 25c, at Belt & Cherrington Drug Store Two brothers of Albany expect to harvest 50 tons of chittem bark. The present price is only 5 or G cents a pound. Thrown From a Wagon. Mr. George K. Bahcock was thrown from his wagon and severely bruised. Me applied Chamberlain's Tain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. It will effect a cure in one thiid the time required by any other treatment. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. President Joseph Smith, of the Mormon Church, has been in conference with members of his church at La Grande. For a Hundred Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has been recognized as a superior remedy, but it remained for E. C. De Witt & Co. of Chiao, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics, in the form of a salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, barns, bruises and piles. The high standinir of this salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look out for the name "DeWitt" on the package, nnd accept no other. Sold by Belt ifc Cherrington. Salem papers are striving to arouse public interest in a railroad from Salem to Dallas. Portland Telegram. And that's about all it appears to amount to. Startling Evidence. Fii eh testimony in great quantity is constantly corning iu, declaring Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be uneqi'aled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland Bentorville, Va. serves us an example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a fev bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles. Consumption, Pneumonia and liiip. Guaranteed by Belt &. Cherring ton Druggist. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and $1.00. Hartley Mulkey and Miss Veda Guthrie were married at the home of the bride's parents in Mon mouth Wednesday, June 15, at 2 p. m., Rev. J. A. Brown officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Guthrie, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mulkey, living two miles north of Monmouth. Independence Enterprise. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything lie worse than to feel that every minute w ill be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. IP Xeweon, Decatur, Ala. ' Foi three years" she writes, "I endure insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I am com pletely recovered." For Liver, Kidnev, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Hitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Belt & Cherrington Druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Guro Digests what you eat. "mm mm Portland and Return Only .ao- The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for 2.f)0, good going Saturday P. M. orany tiain of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly duced rates. re- Cull on Southern Pacific pany's agent for particulars. Cotn- Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor has sued me for $12.50, which I claim was excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says It. White, of Coachella, Cal. "At the trial be prais ed his medical skill and medicine. asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it wa not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a ease of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Have You Received the Seaside Sou venir for 1904? The A. & C. R. R. will mail to your address free, copies of their Summer Booklet contain ing: 30 pages of half tone engravings of Columbia River and Clatsop Reach scenery. Address J. C. Hayo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, Ore., or Mr. C. A. Stewart, Agent, 218 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Triumphs of Modern Surgery. Wonderful thiut's are done for the hu man body by suryery. Organs are tak en out and sciaped and polished and put back, or they may be removed en tirely; bones are spliced ; pipes take the place of diseased sections of veins; an tiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, which causes them to heal without ni duration and in one thiid the time required by the old treat ment. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on ttiis same pi inciple. It is an antisep tic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It al so allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffer ing which such injuries entail. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given Unit I, Oliver E. l.eet, executor of the last will nnd testament of Mary J. I.eet, deceased, have filed my tinal account nnd report iu the matter of said estate, with the County Clerk of i'ulk County, Oregon, and 'he county Court of said County, has fixed Satur day, the 2.ird day of July, W04, at one o'clock p. m. of said day at the courthouse in Dallas, in said County, as the time and place when said tinal neeomit shall be heard. All persons interested therein are required to appear and tile objections, if any they have, ami to show cause why said tinal account should not be ap proved, and the executor discharged, and his bondsmen released from further liability there in. Dated this Juno lStb.,1904. OLIVER E. LEET, Executor of the Inst will and testa ment of Mary J. I.eet, deceased. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, assignee of the estate of D. M. (iuthrie, in solvent debtor, has tiled his Una account in said estate with the County Clerk of Polk County. Oregon, and will on the Kith day of July, lt)i)4, or so soon thereafter as the same can be heard by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for I'olk County, make application to have said final account approved, the estate closed and the assignee discharged and his bondsmen exonerated from further liability under said trust. All persons interested in said estate are therefore notified to appear on or before said time and make objections, if any they have, why said account should not be allowed una said estate closed. M. M. ELLIS, Assignee of D. .M. Guthrie, insolvent debtor. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is In reby given, that I, Ole Aurland, executor of the last will and testament of Ole Sampson, deceased, have tiled my final account and report in the matter of the estate of Ole Sampson, deceased, with the Count v Clerk of coir- lounty, orccon, and the County Court has fixed the itrd day of July A D. 11)01, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the' County Court House in Dallas, Polk Comity, Oregon, as the time and place when said final account will be heard. All persons interested therein, are re- (uircu to appear and file objections, if anv tbey nave, and to show cause whv said final account should not be allowed, and the execu tor discharged and his bondsmen released irom iurtner natality therein. Dated June 18, 1H04. OLE At: Ri.Axn Executor of the last will and testa me nt of Ole Sampson, deceased. i. nan, .-iiorney. 222 South Teoria St., Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902. Eiplit months ago I was so ill that I w as compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and upset that 1 could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so muck that my throat and limps were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Briplit'a disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they cabled it and I had no de sire tj live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardni. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. Don't you want freedom from pain? tVine of Card-.i i -id mate one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can Lave a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day? T'J .11)1 I .in ii ill fTitiZti" i-V', si!! tZ. '1 Notice For Publication. TIMBER "MD ftffle6l cut-son city. ? June 7, 1!HH. Notice is hereby given tW I ja with the provisions of he et .ong ruu June 3, miV-r huuis iu the States oi CMU Oregon, h. ..( u.i .,.,) Washington lcrritor, " i . .1 UTw ulilll fll "All mn MasuuiKUMi ;,,. Washington tended IohII the tun "rV.Vf. . . t... l..i.)i l-ntul MH.ll Augu.1 4. - :ion Dili WJn hiTom her sworn statement No. wV ",l Proof to .how that the land sought is more valua ililu for its timber or stone souglil is more ,i,lluli than lor agricultural purposes, ami to eslHOUSii h,? .laim ro said lamf before the County clerk ,7 t Dullas. Oregon, oil OI 1 Olit tuillliji ' ' , . . unit Wednesday, the 31st day of AuKUst. 19W. She names as witnesses: H. ey mom, ,,f halls Citv. Oregon; Ira Mehrling, oi miiib Cits- Oregon! U P Coulee, of Ih.llns. Oregon; ' "'""fl.'adv.rsely the I'itUILiS in iiimuuiiv w August, VM. EBS0J, 8. DRESSEK, Register. . . ..i ... ii.i.nilinu on nr hfori! SlllU J181 U Wl Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK .t, 1H7S United States Lund Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon. May -li. l'JO-1. Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ol Congress oi i.,.. -i i:s ..milled "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon v.....,.i., .,.,,1 w .ihMiL'ton Territory, as extend ed to ali the Public Land States by act of August 4 lh w illiani J. liiirus, oi .Momiiuuui, u'f I'olk, State 01 Oregon, lias this day tiled in ..,,..u l.iaflU'nrtl HtHtClllCht NO. ( Ito. Or tllC purchase of the Southwest one-fourth ot i.i,. vn ' in Tim nsnii) No. 7 South, ltange No. 8 West,' and will oiler proof to show that the .and sought is more valuable for its timber or kt i him i linn for agricultural purposes, and to ..o,.,r.iiai, Ma ,.lii ni to said laud before the Countv Clerk of Polk County. Oregon, at Dallas Oregon, on Friday, the llit li day of August, 1W4 lie names as witnesses; r.. iniruiaii, m mouth, Oregon; J. Mover, of Kails City, Ore gon ; D. lieezlev, of Kalis City, Oregon; Hank Harris, of Kails City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are rcipiested to tile their claims iu this ollice on or belore said l'Jtli day of August, JiW4. ALCERNON S. DUKSSEIt. Register. Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE ;), 1878. United States Land Ollice Oregon City, Oregon, April 11, 1(104. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the prqvisions of the act of Congress of JuueS, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to ail the Public Land States by act of August 4, ISirJ, Truman H. Ide, of Dallas, county of Polk, slate oi Oregon has this day tiled in tins olhce his sworn statement No. tilOJ, for the pur chase of ihe West of Northwest North east !4 of Northwest t and Northwest of Northeast of Sec. No. 28 iu Township No. 7 8, Range No. 7 w , and will oiler proof to show- that the land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to establish hid claim to said land before the county clerk of Polk county, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Wednesday, the lilh day of July, V.KII He names as witnesses; Oliver P. Chase, of Dallas, Oregon, Geo. Coulee, of Dallas, Oiegon, lieo. Vick.of f alls City, Oregon, Frank Hub bard of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or belore said (ith day of July, l'J04. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Laud Ollice, Oregon Ciiy, Oregon. April 21, P.nji. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the Sale of T imber Lands iu the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada und Washington Territory,'' as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18H2, Rosalia James, of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon, has (his day tiled iu this ollice her sworn statement No., litnb for the purchase of the N. W. J.J of Sec. No. 21 in Township No. 7 S, Range No. 7 V, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought isinort valuaule for its timber or stone than foi agri cultural purposes, and lo establish her claim to said laud belore the Register and Receiver ol this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, oil Friday, the loth day of July 1SK14. She names as witnesses: Henry A. Rawson.ol Salem, Oregon; Chas. W. James,' of Salem, Ore gon; Caulield Marsh, of Salem, Oregon; Sophia M. Marsh, of Salem , Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested lo tile their claim in this oltice on or before said 15th day of July, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3,1878. United Stales Laud Ullice, Oregon City. Oregon, April 7. l'.lol. Notice is hereby given that in compliant' with the provisions of the act of Congress of June o. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds m the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory ," as extend ed to all the Public Land Stutes bv act oi August 4, lbH2, Kred Haldemun, of Dallas, county of Polk, Stale of Oregon, has this day weu iu mis uniue nis sworn statement io., lor ine purensse oi me West of Northwest ' and West J-j of Southwest of Section No, l, in Township No. 7 S.. Ranee No. 7 West, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuaoie lor us tun uer or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on ieunesuay, tne liin day ot July, 1(104. He names ts witnesses; A. Haldeman. of Dallas, Oregon; Karl Klein, of Portland Oi'on; otto Leper, of Portland, Oregon Any und all persons claiming adversely the above-descriued lands are requested to hie their Ciaims in this ollice on or before said 6th day of July, 1(101. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, iihi icb E-uieuuerKer. oi uallas. urei?on. Kegister Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187S. United States Lund Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 11, KMH. -Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, is, 8, entitled "An act for the sale of wooer ianu8 in tne states ot California, Oregon Nevuda, and Washington Territory," as extend eu 10 an tne public Land Slates by act of "BU" . ueorge v. liooen, of Portland county oi Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement iu. v-r.v, lor me purcnase of tbe .N IS ; of sec tion No. 10 in townshin N'n 7 si nrnuuVn r vi and will otter proof to show that tbe lanil innoht' is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agiiuuiiurai purposes, ana to establish bis claim to said land before the Register ana Receiver of !ic.e at Oregon City, Oregon on Thursday, the th day of July 1904. lie names as witnesses: George K Lowe of luiwaiiu, ureKuu; james Hayes of Dallas. Ore- Ibi'Ar iho !stlf Vf D"a"s- 0re8" ! J- f i'coon old of Sugarloaf, Oregon; the above-deseilbed lands are requested to tile AMY ana A ncrurtnu ,l,m,,i ..A ... V'"' ,, " , , "' reon t" Deiore said 7th ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND,ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United Slates Land Oflice, Oregon City, Oregon, Uh'Vi? 'S lle-eby Biven that lcVmplian'ce . u. he,K?SUVI8,.-'r," .oI ,he Act of Congress of June 3, lb.h. entitled "An act for the sale of lwe,r lan"? I? StRtes of CalifrniaVo?egon Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend X Just l ?flic USd by of August 4, 1892. George K n. nr u,...i county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day hied in this ollice his sworn statement No u fn 'iT1" the N W i of Section No. 10, in Township No. 7 S. of Range No. 7 W and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone his clflirJfn1kCi1ralAnrP'ses'l1 to ''h ms claim lo said lend belore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon t ity.Oregon on Thursday, the 7th day of July, pnii '"rtion'0" lie names as witnesses: George W. Boden of Portland Oregon: James Haves of Iioiio. Oregon; J JJ. McDonald, L. t astle. of Dall of Sugarloaf, Oregon; Any and all Dersnim ..l . i above described 1 , , ii . " S. lVX 'ne claim, in this office " V t a 'WT! of July, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this i: -..i offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid np to date. Now is the tune to subscribe. Notice For Publication. TIMBERLAND.M'Ti!aie0i Oregon Citv. tiivgon, April l'-IH-vmlco is hereby given, that In npllHin-e rim.-.,!, ids in the States of California, ure- M on ed to al he I'ublio Land States by aei ofAo'g'ustVtH jncvhi a aim i"""f " .. i ,i. .ut., .,., 11 territory," as has th COutliy OI iWiimiuiMflN, - r- . day fifed in thlsoltice hjiwn f ' Aim ,,r the purchase of the N. K. ! " - ' No. 6110, for the purchase of the N . ft. U 1X" No. 10 in Township jvo. "" - , , mid will oiler proof to show that tho lumi ought is more valuable for lis t mbcr or o .... .hill fur HL'ricu ltur- purposes, and to cstiui.isu ,ciii..?u.i-i.i i J i-U ,iV:!fiC.gon Receiver of this oilnv hi Orego i Hy, rtgo n, on Wednesday, the JUih day of July. ,,,. She names as witnesses: B. J. Har rir igt i. of Kalis City, Oregon; U. J. ccx y, of ' City. Oregon; in-orge aw; , i gon; ( areuce AiKiiinn, "i ....j..., " ,. Any and all persons claiming ad y. rs y t he ahovi-Ucscribed lands are reuuested t 1 le .tlulr claims in this ollice on or before said JOlh da of July, 1001. ,GKKN0N y DKKSSKR, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all whom"it may concern, that 1, I'aul It. Wallace, have been p polnled adminislrnlor with will annex.'d ol the last will and testament of Thomas C. Mug, deceased, by the honorable County I otirl ol Polk County. Oregon. . , ,,.,.,, All persons having claims against Raid ciOUi will present them to ine at my ollice in the ( ity Hall al Salem, Oregon, duly verllied al by law required, within six months from the.,date ol this notice. . Dated this Slst day of Map UML j ,(, Administrator with will annexed. Notice For Publication. TI.M11KR LAND, ACT JUNE :l, 187S. I lilted Stales Land ollice, Oregon Citv, Oregon. May 2, Km I. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the oct of Congress ol June it, lisTH, e. nil led "An act for the sale ol timber lands in Ihe Siit'es of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public l.aud states by act ol August 4, l.S'.U, Herman It. Nehrl-as, of Mon mouth, countv of I'olk, Slale of Oregon, has IhiBdav tiled in this ollice his sworn statement No. (il'iu, for the purchase of the N. W. '.ol Section No. K2 in Township No. 1) S., Range No. 7 V., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish bis claim to said land before Ihe Register mid Receiver of this ollice al Oregon City, Oregon, on TuoKlay, the (.lilh dry of July, K'lll. He names as witnesses; S. il. Tetherow, of falls City, Oregon; Albert llurbank. of Pedee. Oregon; K. K. Hubbard, of Kails City, Oregon; A 11. Drown, of Kalis City, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested lo tilcthcir claims iu this ollice on or belore said '.'nth day of July ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Salem, Falls City k West ern Railway Co. TIM K-TAKLE, Ellective April 1. Daily except Sunday, West-Hound: A.M. P.M. Lv. DALLAS 7:110 1:'.'0 Teats' Siding 7:40 1:36 Oilllams 7:19 1:H9 llridgeport 7:.V 1:4" Ar. FALLS CITY 8;U"i 1:,V Enstllounil: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 9::'U 4:3s Bridgeport !l::!0 4:45 (iilliams (i::;u 4:."d Teats' Siding ll:.TJ 4:54 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 5:10 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. (iEHLINGER, Jr., General Manager. HARNESS AND SADDliES. I have just received a Fine New Slock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine theui as to style, workmanship and price. I have tht finest line of saddles ever shown in I'olk county. They are striutlv "down-to- date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment prices according to qualiiy all htted with "Double ttur eingies, a new feature which everv horseman will readily appreciate. Cotnt and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nino of every one hundred people who have heart troubla can remember when it was simple Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This Interferes with the action ol the heart, and In the course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble of Nevada. O., says : I had stomach troub a and was In a bad stata as I had heart troubla with It. I topic Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul months and It cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. . Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2 M times the trial wito, which BCiisior ouc. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT ft CO., OH10AQO, BELT & CHERRINGTON CHURCH DIRECTORY Christian Church. T) l i r. i i oioieocnool at 10 a. m. Junior P. V. at o :w p. m. .senior (J. K. at 0 -30 n. m grayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m i reacning services everv Sum av at n a. ra. ana :au p. m. . ... n - - " " Methodist Episcopal Church. bunday, 9:45 a. m.. Sundnv ii , . ' j , a, i.j., ifurtiuuiiifcr : Trill n m f.'rvn.u , or? ' v' Preacl""g ; Thursday :dU p. m., Draver meetino- ... o James Moore, Pastor Adventist Church. at,,.!,, I . " uaunnill 13PnO0 at a m D:t.l United Evangelical Church -v.. me neui as toiiows: S. S. 10 . K. L. C. E-.R-SOr. V nr ry .P " " n,,u Junior endeavor, 3:00 " layer ineeiin?. fin . .oa m. ' ' ou A. A. Winter, Pastor. Presbyterian Church. caooatn services: Bible stndv ot in m. ; Preachinc nt ii o ra.; Junior End m. and 7:30 fcndeavor,G:30 d. m. Pr'"T Senior Thursday at 7:30 p. m. """6, W. T. Wardle Baptist Church. T:i.i . . . Tastor. uutc ecuuoi at iu a. m R 6:30 n m Pi.:. " a- Y. P. U. TTOBNXY AT LAW. Oscar Haytor. Upstairs In Campbell bulldlnj, nU DALLAS, TTOIINEYS AT LAW. i Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of Abstran " Polk county. Office on Court Bt, TT- DALLAS, OREQoH A TTORNKY AT LAW Julius N. Hart Office upstaira In Osfleld Bullrin Room 1. 1 DALLAS, OREQok jTTOUNKYS AT LAW. Butleu & Coad. Office over Dallas City Bank. ! DALLAS. OREGON 4 TTORNF.Y AT LAW G. A. HURLEY lleul Estate, Loans and lusurati. Notary Public INDEPENDENCE, OREGO) KNTIHT. M. Hay tor, ' Office over WUson'B Drug Store DALLAS, OREGOJ JJllYHICAN AND HUltUKON. L. N. Woods, M. D., I Does general practice in any paru tho county. Office on Main street DALLAS, OREQOK M. OLIVE SMITH i teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN; Studio, Itooin No. 2, Wilson Bltti" DALLAS, OREGON R. C. Craven, Prea. R. E. Williams, Cmitr. 3:11:: City hil Exchanges bought and Bold on ii points. Special attention paid to de tections. Wf. MUSC0TT, Truck man, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonablt rates. DALLAS, OREGON- LODGE DIRECTOR 2J Masonic Calendar. JenniiiKu Lodge, No. 9, Btats communications, Second it. Fourth Fridays of each monti K. L. Chapman. W. M. Oscar Haytkb, Stt Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17,1 A. M., stated convocation, Fij Thuradav of each month, f OBCAR llAVTIilt, 11. P. Willis Simontos" aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. fc.S.,Btit 4meeting8 Second and Fourth Ts days of each month. Mas. Ella J. Metzger, W. 11 Mas. Libbib Muir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. ps&K Friendship Lodge, No. 6, met?' efSK every Saturday evening iii O. 0. F. llnll. . C Horace Webster, N. G. W. A. Ayrks, Rec.Sec. IjaCreole Encampment, No. 20, m ".Second and Fourth Monday of w C month. F. H. Morriso.v, C. P. F A. Stileb, Sent nlniira Lodge. No. 2(5, D. of K., "every Friday evening. Mtss .May Shelton, N. G. Miss Eloise Phillips, Ser- K Woodmen of the World, ftallaa Camp, No. 209, meets in Oi Fellows hall every Thursday evenia G. N. Ciiehhington, O. C, W. G. Vassall, Clerk. Ilristletoe Circle, No. 33, W. 0. VAmeets in Odd Fellow s' hall. Secon and Fourth Wednesday of each niont! MRS. JNELLIE TATOM, G. JN. Mrs. Anny Dunn, Clerk. ; Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Seoooj and Fourth Thursdays oLe month in I. O. O. F.hall. W. Oovkev. S. K Cam. I. N. Woods, E. I Ijilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. M., , uod Second and F'ourth Thursday aftf noon of each month. Mrs. Eva Hayter, L. C. J Mrs. Blanche Eakin, B. A. O. U. W. Union Lodge, No. 35-Meet FW and Third Wednesday of month. H. L. Fenton, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. Crystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of H., Firstaud Third Wednesday ol e month. Alice Groves, C. of H. . . EMMA KjOAVi United Artisans. Ta IE n ssemblv No. 45 meets Fir Willis Simonton, M. A. Mrs. Ella J. Metzgeb, lei Fraternal Union of Amen It a -Meets Third To!-' ici Tvodge No. 144- vnvil LUU1I IU, W. J. Wagner, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Morrison,: J. M. Greeji, Pastor. J