jfalla Cu Botes Tin Mehrliiicr was in Dallas Tues day on business. Several new houses are being built, and we need mure. The Fulls City baseball team will play the llickicall team at this place next Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Byron Nichols will soon move to Lebanon where he is to be a It. I. I. earl ier. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wright, of Rock Crook, have been visiting rela tives ami friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leavitt are here visiting Mrs. Leavitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frink. Mr. Leavitt was principal of the Falls City school two years, and last year principal at North Yamhill. He will go to Dayton next year, and have charge of that school. Our school closes next week. There .will be an entertainment on Wednes day night by the pupils of the school, and on Thursday and Friday nights will be the commencement exercises. The programs are as follows: NINTH Git AUK, THURSDAY NIGHT. March Orchestra. Invocation Elder Dodd. Male QuarMte. Salutatory, "Character," JosieEdna Mover. Oration, 'Elements of Success," Clara A. Montgomery. Cornet Solo Mr. Salisbury. Oration, "Our National Growth," Lulu Miller. Oration, 'Tanama Canal," Francis Georgia Luekey. Orchestra. Oration, "Self Improvement," Eva Fern Raymond. Valedictory, "Advancement of Civi lization," William Harrison Tice. Vocal Solo Rev. Williams. Address to Class D. A. Poling. Presentation of Diplomas Princi pal H. C. Seymour. Motto: "Step by St-.-p." Colors : Red and Gray. EIGHTH GRADE, WEDNESDAY NIGHT. March Orchestra. I n vocn t io n R e v. Williams. Instrumental Music. Salutatory, "Inventions of the Past One Hundred Years," William Oscar Ellis. Oration, "The Preserver of Our Nation," Mabel Ophelia Stoddard. Violin Solo Frank Miller. Oration, "Idleness, the Rust of Mind," Ralph Harrington. Oration, "Garfield," Betsey Milne. Orchestra. Oration, "Pilgrims," Alma Huseby. Class Prophecy Will Montgomery. Valedictory, "It's Here Our Tath Divides," Cora Belle Page. Vocal Solo Miss Angelina South wick. Address to Class Supt. C. L. Starr. Presentation of Diplomas Chair man M. L. Thompson. Motto : "Prepared for Better Th i n gs. " Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold. i BUSINESS LOCALS. J Raffia for basket work at Mrs. Metzger's. L. D. Brown, Notary Public; typo writing. With J. N. Hart. For a good job of wagon repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Oiliee over Wilson's Drugstore. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best liorse-shoers in the state will be found wwi king at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial aud be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories tit Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagner Brothers invite you to call aud inspect their stocjt of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or oiliee. The finest and most skillful woik guaranteed. Tliousaxids Trouble Try i J-v.-,- A U-Hti 1 V nrv's; " 11 stain i your linen it i nnC'rrll evidsnce of kid and Don't Know it. ITo.7 To r Ind Cut. Fcl a bottle or common jlass vl'.h your water and let it stand twe-.ty four hours; a soii'i.cnt or sct- ?-rr"n ilii-tr in. - irri an )lv-vii' 1,011 ct.tne : i . r.r- 'e- it it Ktmns is kid- I I ft i tml'.hle: too OA r. '. "" --- y-n V i frequent Gsctre lo J :.- pass it or pAin in the bade is abo convincing proof that ti e kidneys and blad der are cut of order. Wliat to Do. Thft-ft Is comfort iti the kno'.'.'icdce SO often expressed, that Dr. Kil.-ner's Swamp- i Sued by Mis Doctor. Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every ,i,K.t(,r ;as sued me for $;:'.50. wish in i-uiiiig "'"'''. r " : lii.-li T I'l.iini was tx--t ;?:tf l-r A C.lf DaCK, moneys, liver, vancer &.'a every pan j rl th iirtnurw ri'.:v II r.-'t.ls innl.iH'V i "I cll'denl III VI HV W. It.ui J ?j ... . . v. - . . j to hold water and cccluhtj rein in passing ; Coai-I.eli'a, C.i. It t; Notice For Publication. TIM UK It LAND, ACT Jl'NK ', j; OrcKou Cliy, Ori'Kon. May il, liW. Notice it; h.-rel.v (tivon Hint in fomplmuce wit i the .r vn-loiu i of the act of C.-nitr..-. of J. i 1U .-nutl.'.i "An a.'t for th.' .Mleof umber ami ml he Stilus of Oilllortiia, Ory. . iil 10 nil tno I'ul.l io l.iiiui StutrB hynct ol .Um-iift . ... ;n.. I l'.,irn ,f ,01 HIOU ill. COIltlty i l'oik, IHW of own. baa tlna.ly t led this oiliee Ins oru mmemt-iii So. uU. lor the unrvliBM ot the SouthH.-it otie-foiirt i of s"vtloi. .No. a! i Township No 7 WutU. Kynw No x Wt-t. .111.1 " ill ort. r rivH.f toho' tliHtthe an.t sjiiKtit is nioro vnlniible for its timtH'ror UtMiie than for Hirnoultuml iiuroo. " " Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now gell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for f-'.oO, good going Saturday P. M. oi any train of Sun day, returning Sunday aud Mon day, giving t.11 day Sunday and Monday in Poitland. The same ar rangeinent applies from Portland, giving till Portland people a chance 1 1 : . . t rti ' .... I . . loc ..lo I 1 E I til fell 111 to Visit Vili.ey l-t.. ai U''i " 1 oumv rloVk of l'..;k lro.mt.v, tr..n. at l'all. ,1. ,,.,! rnfHS lrvo i Kri'l.v. the r.'tli .lay oi , Lail on olluiein taum vo.x. . ; ; - - - -Fl.BIlk pany's asrent for particulars. Ill aj t X : us." J..vs K. Wiii-e. t . n ,ihov..'.' h 1 1 H r II 111 1 1 . L'l .'M'il 1 III1 i tl H'.'' as "I" 1"' !.,..: fi. r..m- muhiU. ,.r.vu: J Mover, ot r'-l t ity, on; i eim: i;. ii.,xle.tf fii City, Oregon tl.oris. oi $ fl.v. Vrvt-'U. Viv u ail iet-n e.aniiuiir aitverM'ly the .e..le.Tit.-t UuJ are re-iue.-t..! to tile their caiv.s m iliisoitit on or Utfiwe aid l-'tn Uay otAu.w-4. vu;t;..N0N & i)KE,ki:. Kevihter. A he it, or bad effects fc e cf Hqucr, i , tioa reccirig The Observek job office has a fin stock of emblem cards lor .Masons, Don't make anv rr.h Odd Fellows, Elks. Knights, (i. A. 15., : the name,' Swan-.p-R and other fraternal oruanizatioiis. i bwamp-hyoi, una u. The prices are reasoituble, and th stock is strietlv first-class. vine or beer, and overcomes i . r. t vr.plcisant necessity cf being corr.j.tllf J to 3 cf:ca during the da;', a::J to c'-t P "ar.y times during the night. The r.iiM ar.d ths txtri ordtnarv effect cf Sw!rKoot is s:ca realized. It stands uie r derfu! cures cf ths n:? If you need a ntedWne yea ik-yi'i I :.v-2 a best. Sold by drug'gists in ; . :;s. You may have a sa:r.p'; lo::'s cf :h:s v- vonderful uir:ovr.iy f ';'.- and a bock that r-f"" - : Kc more about it. tc-'.n ssr.t absolutely free by rr.a;i, i adoress vr. NUir-tr cc i Co., EingkamtDn. Y. .Notice f:cr Publication. :m3 ;,?ke.l hi Coii.'. c: he list .: : it i.vn:.' act c i' N K i. :. I ui:eJ Sia:e Lu-J I'rtu'e, OHO-i i-v- or.ifoti. .M.irva l-.ut. ., v a.en to cottii'iiaucv Notice PorJPubllcntlon. TIMltl'lt I. AM1, ACT .ll'NK a, tH7. IIMHI.U I.A. (..ilti siiU,B , H11(1 0iu.ti OreKini t;'lv, Oi.'Koii, AnriK".'. IlKll. Voilce is hereliv itiven tliiil In omli"''-; h. rla...l'l Ute St,.!e of O.l.fori, n, uro iron, Neva.la uml MKliini' on lerr I ij, a extoiile.1 toall the mime i.u' V -or la I x ...... t ui H iitiif ii Mr vnlit il I "ri '" county oi Mullrn'mah, State of Oregon, li '" dy tihi in tl.,.o..ie i" (illti. for the purehane of the . K. '4 of m n No ltlin Towni-h pNo. B S., milieu " and will oin'r VUl to if.ow that the ami soiiL' hi is niiiM-vm mi Hue ior im h"..f'.r.".i-.- !,lpnrpof,-.-,..n.ltoeSt1il-lil! her claim to. I . - ta-h-r.' (" "... Kl,.,.lv.'r of lh. al Oregon City OirKOI. on Vt'.lnes.tiiy. loe ..inh ilay o Jnly, I.MI o. u .,. u.ln.'.U'X n. .1. lliiriinutoii f'i.'n cue. Oieiron: H. J. llee.U-y. ol fiilla City Uroe.-if; (ieore l!ece!e, of Newport, Ore .1... lib, iiiin of lloi'l-li. (lri'fcfi-11. . .'. i on ,n -1 ii i 1 1 1 1 ir Hilvei'sely tlie ahove ilisi'iil'-Hl lnn.Uare re.(iieste.t to llle their elniii in tins ollue on or ueioio aiuo -uui ony "U"1Wl- Al.tiKltN'oN 1'Kl'ssKlt, liegthter. Notice to Creditors. 11 : Li .!.:..: . :i l ' :i..or . .k, .., ; . u i . i s.au- t aet of v:. in-Hi s::n. o; I '!. !;,.( oi vrvicva Sa l'. l HttfV l.s H'.'i'l latfHKUt No. ii ) ,.-1 :.le j ! - K. : . ot No. ' v.'.:.i. i& :ie No. " Notiee is liereby Riven Unit the uiiileinlifiieit ban been lnlv appointe.l a.iiiiiiiiairaior oi uie estate ol .Iiinies 1. Hall, tleceiiM'il, hy I ho County . .inrt .o Hi,. siiii nf (Iri'iiiiii. lor l'oik Cotinly. All persons liaviiiK . liiims ii!iiiil ll-e wil.l dtit" ..r.. h. ri'li.' lliitltii'il lo lirt'Hellt the SIIIIIO mi.., I rol-rihiT uiih iln oriiin'r vonelieia iVuiftvseol ; Uufefor.tii Hie iilMleralcliiHl, at Ills reaiili-lice al t.v.e ei , Ha,,,., jn fKiii l iiiiiity, within six intuit 1m i.i.irvin.'.., . ,,,,,, ii,,' .lute nf this niitlee. l'i.tfvl ami tirst i-ul -I lsl n-.l April l'.m-l. I KANK II. KAWK, AilminiMrnlor ol I he .Millie of Jiinios I. Hull, ilei'.'iisi il. Adafe.-s Ii. I-., liiekreiill, Oregon. 0Hr Haytor, Altorney. Ml ai . .---3 L-r. : ton Y., or. ever- rvt"..e. i.r!"M, itr:-i i.: -is -.- s". ::t:i,'rv ;:;,.f ou;'ty ' Kr. ii. ii I'm -M. t,-.-vv8. e:: i j a : t 4. :.ii:i;i5, i.i; L'tt 'rei'-.". , vrnt-a: fc- us tiia- , . c i rii'u f a.ivtrsely the a r'.'.,'j :i-i! to : t t.-tvir x :::; a.ii.1 .flu ciaj o ii.V.'N j .-KKKtiEK, hesister. Hack For Sale. Fine two seated hack and set light harness for sale at a barga Inquire of Frank Kerslake. of Chamberlain's Stomach sal Ut Tablets Better t -.an a D Precrirtic-r. Mr. J. Vn". T : - . : ' i. Sisyf Oh..:. :.? r :oi ': .; Wool Wanted. I will pay you the highest :.: : : price for your wool. Do o-.-i sI h--foreseeing me, as I am in a ; to pay you more than you cut. ' where. J. L. CATTLE, Dallas. Otvg.'::. Good Farm at a Bargain. 286-aere farm, 4 miles from Dallas . 50 acres in cultivation; lu acres ir, hops ; good ho house ; plenty of fruit : well watered by living water; several springs on place : good pastures, and: plenty of timber; one mile from Kail-: road; house, barn and outbuilding?. A Dice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address vr. a. ayi;e, Dallas. Ore . .: v- ' .d Clot is br i: wCe ir Publication. r.sis: ..ano. .vTJf.NE;!, is:. L'uHtfit Mutes l.ai..l Ollke lireKoU I llv, lrel"ll, April II, 1WI. - --..v Kivcil thai lo eompllatue V...I ,u- ot Hie net of Oniiress ol . i.ie i, J?7v e..tia.U '".Vn ael lor tile Nile ol ..-.. ... - ni ujc .-inks of i'alitortiia. Orctron, 'ii,; .: o as : in a tun Territory," as extend !. . : :''-t'iie Uili-t Mates by net oi Auieuat . ,,. cr -. ii-iT.i II. i-ie, oi' iMiiiis .'ouiuy of : . i ? : orv-oii halinsilHy lile.i m this i s.'O.-.i stateineiit No. Uli-, lor t lie pur ..:.jt v: ijt Vpt C, i.f Noitliwi-st '4 .Noilh .: N. r::;tst t au-l -Nortliwesl '4 N.-.ic. tl t ol pee. No. atu l'owusliip No. i S, ii: t- N 7 ii , will otter proof to simw that -i-i -.".ieut is more uluab.e for lis timber .-.. u- ... a :or aurieiilliirai purposes, anil to t.. ii..: M- eiaini to i-ail laml bef.ire the :'..::i i ! . ri t 1 i'oik eottnty, Ori-Kon. al I'hIIhs, . on U viiueM'.uy, tile 0! h .lay of .1 lily, 1'AU v.. a nwivUM; Oliver 'l. I'ln.'se, ol - o-.'t'. u. Oi'o. i . i iileo. .ii i'allH.-. .iief-'oii, : I Is . ity, liregon, Frank Hub- :.-.r ; o: i'Ml.-,t. orriri'ii. A:; t.d kit per.-n'i s t lahninir n.lverseljr the sL-., -.it 5.r:t'Ci are r. ijuesti-ii to t i lot hoi r i. .aims m t:n o:t:ee on or U'lore --ant ot Ii ilav ot i Notice For Publication. rnir.vu land, act ji xk :t, ists. I inte.i Stales I. anil oiliee, Ureiton Cit v, (Ireuiin. May J, I'.ml. N. :i. e : h.-ret-y uivi'it tliat in eonipliniire 'i;ti tin- pr"ii":! of the mi of Cont;re.sn of June o. iv-, eiiiit.f'l "An ael for the sale of utiH-er latuls in the Sta'is of I aliwrniii, Oro tri.o:. N.-vaiia. ai'.t ii"hi iiiiton lonitorv," as . t. n.ivl t" ail the Pet- le l.ali-l Males by act of A-!.".:'. 1. i-1-', lleiman I!. Nelirlii.", oi Mini uumtli. loiiiily ol l'oik. Mate ot .ri'lf"ii, has ttusiin hi. .1 in this oiliee ins suorn statement No. I.I.I', lor the pinehase of thu N. W. '.of Section No. .' in ToM iislup Nil, !' S., Itanite No. ;W,,aii l mil oiler proof to sho.v that the liinil soiithi is liiore ahiahK' for its tin.h: r or stnne lliuu for aim. n liirai pnrpi-sea, ami to eiaiili.-li Ills eiaini to s.'ipl laiiil belore the K cisier ami Iteecii er of this oiliee at Orei;on City, (Mt-Koii, on 'ne.-iliiy, the Jut ii ilcy ot July, l'-Ol. 1 1 o l i ii iti . s as .illnesses: s. il. leihi'row. of Falls City, I'reL'oii: Ailiert llni'liaiil,. of l'eilee. dree hi; F. K. Ilubi.nr.l. of l ulls ( 'it v. Orceon ; A It. Urown, oi l ulls City, liiei.-nn. Any ami all pcisoim elniiniii'i iithersely the atiovc-desi rilH-il lands are I'l'ijiiesteil lo lile'tlielr i laiins in this oiliee on or before saiil JOth .lay of July P.VI. Ai.i.KKNdN s. ih;i:s.-i-:i:, Jlettisler. Salem. Falls City & West era Railway Co. TIME TAlll.i:, Filec'.ive April 1. lai!y except Siitnlny, Jl TT0RNEY AT LAW. Oscar 11 ay tor. Upstairs In Campbell bullding DAT.T.AH REac, toll I 4 TT0RXKV8 AT LAW. Sibley & Kai(ini xne oniy reliable set of 8t. REQ0i Polk county. Office on n.?""ractl DALLAS. TTOKNKY AT LAW Julius N. um Office upstairs In Osfkia Kooiu 1. Dulldi DALLAS, OREQOt' TTOlt.NKVW AT LAW. BlITLKIt Sc (Jc oad. Office over Dallas City iw ' DALLAS, TTORNEY AT LAW . A. IIUJtLKY Ileal Ksttito, Loans and Tno... Notary Ii,bli INDEI'ENDKNCK, 0npftfi ENTIHT. M. I lay tor, Office over Wilson's Drui Rt nunc IIYHICA.V AND SlTKliKON. L. N.. Woods, M.D. Does greneral practice In anv the county. Oflico on Main street DALLAS. ' OREGO: Thrown From a W'sgon. Mr. Cie.oo K. Uulcck v.-as tl.r-. u. Ho ;if'i Milk Cows For Sale. Two good milk cows for sale. JOHN' TEAL. Falls Cirv, Ort Hop Sprayers For iale. Two second-hand ruyullup ho sprayers for sale. C. X. McARTH I'll, F.ickreiill, Oregon. : ever Use!. oi' !zrll ! .V,j: .l ii; Ii -tr.iiii i',;ll.i: I .- l'i , ;i'i 1 uraisri. It ii ", : St.ilJ toe :ifiur re I : t!fata.-r.t. ir t-0. 'ti :.n l te C'haiiiiirri.ii ays it is the l-.ti M : . iV. !,.... k i-a tvly !-ir.ise.l i lVi't la'.n iiiir.ti,t So .e!i l;iiu. : . I:.- :c i: .. ' ''? ' t y ;wi',j tieat- :;--!. r. v'...:m : t'..;n' l'.iin Balm act J -i: t:.-: aoit- j-iii.c:t:e. It is tin anti?t- tu an J when to such injuries',! l'.'.c,-,'s slit-in ; - JamI very quickly. Hal- j allays tLf i -:.iii and soreness. Keep j a ti.itiu- 1 .uti l.tu:u in your lnim- ut.d it sjvt: '! ihiie h n.l thotiey, m it.et.ta.i'i the it.i-.ijivc i.h-iu-e and sni'er- in.' wiiieL sr.cli ii.j-irp. t ntaii. . y Wiis'i:, I , .- t' .. AI.OEKXOX MtFSSKi:, KtVisler. Notice f or Publication. In theSceotiJ district W'i will have 10.000 -ritv. Belt & Cherrinsrton. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a pat ty of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitheito incurable diseases. They commenced the 6erious investi gation of the specifle. Xov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on Hip treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25. eiglity-seyen per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will ne mailed free on up plication. Address John ,1. Fri.Tox o.mpaxv, -k'0 Montgomery .St., San Francisco, Cnl. For Sale. Breeding herd, (all ages), of pure bred Shorthorns, with registered 3- ycar-old bull, for stile about 25 head. Frank Bctlkh, (near Falls City, Folk county, n railway point.) Postal ad dress, Dallas, 15. F. I). No. 2. Polk -county, Oregon. Notice. The accounts of the firm of Knox & Murrell have been placed in the tiands of Lott Brown for collection. Persons indebted to the old firm may call and settle with him at their convenience. Attention, Horsemen! The imported German Couch stallion j "Alban" will make the season of i 1904 in Dallas. Terms, 830 to insure, ; r':i ' this for tbp spncLiin .vith ii.fnrii i .-:iin . f k" . i ,! T i---... privileges. ! persons wh.haveuLd J. P.. Ht'BCARP. i , .... W. II. JIcDaxiix. ! Urc" cure 1 L? ' 'jo n'-' j tutiien j it '.'j ihe:r fr: For sick headache takeChauiberlaiics jges:- :.it you t..:. e Stomach and Liver Tablets ami a quick j dys.j-:a a:: I -im cure is certain. For sale hy Wilson 1 .rirs strrt.-.:. ':. v e.-i.i: Drug Co. iin;.;;;:itt;;t,s t- Driven To Desperation. i Uwi n'.'. oi xl.i nu-.riti Living at an out of the way place, re- j 5,,'e ,"'J- ,v mote from civilization, a family is often i ljitraaiu and P'a:a'.ir driven to desperation in ease of accident, I res'iiltiiK' in Hume C'nts W'.'iin,' !"! cers, etc. Lay in a'supply ot Buekien's hendj hasa majority onS.OO-J. .irnica eaive. it s tliu nest on earth. 25c, at Belt .t Clieiringtoti Drug Store. l tO test t:;c :.; Cute. Tho-e :t, an I ho hnvc rrti:.ite to t -i.os. Kodo! oi- :. :r ::: V. I:.- .ir.z th? s: 'tn.ii-h s.a C JJm". "iJ.Y ;' T1MKKR I.AXD ACT Jl'NK ::, I'nileil Siutes l.nmi niiice, c'retten City, (ireunii. Aarll L-7. I'hh j Xetiee is lierely given Hint in comi'linnee -it to I Bitli the i rovisimis oi tile act .-i Coneress ol ! .lune :;. -.., eimile'.t "An Ael lor the Sale ol i limber I. an, is in the Mutes oi I nlifciriiiM. n.-. l or sale ! ?. Xeva-ia ami Wasliiiiitou Territorv," us ex- ; temie.1 to ai. the 1'uljlie Luiul suites 'ny net ul ! AiilUsI -1, ,v.i Jtusiilni James, oi Salem.' cuinitv -- - ! Marion, .-lute oi oiegon, lias this ila'y , . . . j lilvJ lu ihl-j ottiec lier sworn sttttelitelil No., OtU'i Administrator S Noike. ior the n:rUiase oi the N. W. i4 of ee. No. L'l j in Tou nsh i f . No. 7 s, Jttwue No. 7 V, iiuil will "iter ir-.iui to -Lou- that the- luinl sou it lit lsmort itvvj ! e v. hoia it niny j viiluuiile ior its timber or stone than ioi agri- c- it. 'A :.i:..i e. !a.ve been ,- i t-uituml i'Uri,os, s, ami ui establish her eiaim to ' vitliy.!.; ant, ex il t-ltbe I tit himi betore tlv Ket'istei iiiel Keeeiver ol :.:.! t-.;a:v.: tt ;i-bji.s V. Kit p. lliwoiliw m tirvz-m Citv, Oregon, on l-'rnlav, ' :.!! v:'..e '. o'ii.ty Court ..i 1 the lMli .lay m July l'.H'l. a:y . "r-? :.. j Slie ntiiaes as iwt'm ss, s: lienrv A. ltauson, ol :.-. !-. jisir e.aitn.- scaii.n sai-1 estate j .-alein, -rwoii; (.'has. XV. Jnines,"oi Saiem, Uie- ' !:: t:-"::: t ' i--e ! ''' ia the i ity .' iron: Caniieb.l Marsli, oi Saiem, nienoir Siiilua ; 'lei-ei:. uii.y v.-n-!.-.t as by : v. i -M , Maish, oiaiuai . Orctron. . v six j. ir,.:.i t:e date of; Any atnl till i.ersotis claiming ailverselv Ihe I abovc-Ueseribed lamls are re.iuestv.1 lo tile their e.; i:n in this otliee on or beiore sai.l 1'ith ilav ii. t I,-:,- oho , i i v o v. i v - ,.!.... .... J m . .ii,ui.ii.'y.i . iiivr.s.T-r I ;-t , lt-i.a I AI L li. U .U.I..UE, '..'.or v.ith ivi.l annexe,!. , 1 '.'!. Al.OEItN'oX Notice oi Final Settlement. eiv-:!. ti.at 1, U- Atirlcn.l, it ai i :m te?;imeat oi ole v'-' my ;ai! aei omit :..:i::.-r i f tav e-:ft:,. oi ole '.'.ity i Oetk ttesj inter. Notice For Publication. TIM HER LAN I', ACT Jf.NE 3, 1S7S. L'liited States I.auil Otliee, Oregon city. orei;.iii, April 7, l'.nil. ce is iieicuj alien imu Ju eoiniiiianee Ju-.Ige F. A. Moore for the suprec:e That Throbbing Headache. ! Would quickly leave y.iti, if y,iu use l I Dr. King's Neiv Life Tills. Thousands! of su nereis have i, roved their matchh-s i ..:. i .. c!..i i ,,. , . ! ('tf:( uieiii ioi c.i k imu .eious ijeaiitii-li.s. They make pure hiood and build u;. Only L'o eenls, inonev Lac!; For a Hundred Years. For a hundred years or in ore Witch Hazel has been recognized as a sui ei i' i remedy, but it ivniained for E. C. Ib- -a;-i , l.,a0 '-.e at. ; -: ra. a : ; -'-: to ai a-;-' li a v-. a.', ! ;.. jiu -ii u.'i " a;--a-ir -. a;; in iart:.. r Ha'.;".: I-atvii M:'V oe. 1 .... Witt .V: Co. of Chilian, to discover hoiv to cotnhine the irtues of Wii.-h Haze! with .tntiseptn-s, in the form of a salve. en : t ' N". Hurt. Att'.ra. -in ur.i th- . o,r ;v C'liin I V He l:r.. visions of tne act of Colore of : .!:, a j'-i ,,. one ; o , "i "'I"1""1 "A" et for the sale ol - ''- the i I,;.-; I ,mKrl",'f? Hie Matesof California, Ok-k..u, ,.a ,,,;,,, ; aVt;.J l-V'-aaa.m.; Uasluntton Territory," as e.xteiab a f-i : htaii u. out wi i i-i ', 1,,V;""i Iu"'9 ljy ct o. ? " s--! lie rem L 1 -U ",",,'' 1 rt'J Hal.ieinau. oi Hallas, county an i - ' c i.- ' --.aie oi oreuon. lias tin .I,.,- ;' eaV-e w:.v'ia.l heal 1 l,v",m ,0,lU'e '.,is sw,,ni Matemt-nt No. oa.'.s", the , : I"' l!-e.rr.'haseo. the West !, f Northwest 1 bcasaivn ekis:, dH-Y.?. '" U of section .Nt r. ia. , ' lo.M.tiiip No. , Kanee No. 7 West, ami ; will oto-r .r"oi to show that the land sought is . ! Here a, nable lor us timber or ntnnc ilnii, a.. ":''. ..'oia .... i ?n..-u.tu:al ,..,ri...M..s, an.l t.u-Mablisl. hiselaim ... . ... ..i.i a .1 t.'M?- t.. K.i-1 Itnal beiore the Register and Hi-eeiver - -'aiij s, n. deeei.sed. , w tins- "thee at Oreem, Citv, Oreeon ,m West ltoiind; A. M. I'. M. l.v. DALLAS ::;w l:-M 1 toita' .-nihil; 7; a; I'ilh'niiis 7; hi i r.'j Itridi'iiort .... , 7;,',,'i 1:1,", Ar. FALLS CITV sai", :,v, East lloiiml : , jj. ' , I.v. FALLS CITV o.bju .:;r, bt iik'e.ort ;i:;;o , ;, liilliams ;i;,,r, Teats' Siding ;i ,;, ..,-, "A"-!'A- !l :.V ;,:'; Trains sin, on signal only. I.. (.EltLINOF.K, Jr.. ieneral .Mauai;er. HARNESS AHD SADDhES. I have just received a Fine New Stuck of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call ami examine them as to stvle, workmanship and juice. 1 have "the finest line of saddles ever shown in l'oik county. Thev are strietlv ", I, -i,, date" in every resnect. HORSE BLANKETS A bit! assortment nrices in-.v.r.limr i, quality all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horsenutn will readily appreciate. Cotn'e and see them. HARNESS OIL, Rest Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stilt MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. Administrator's Notice. voiir health it not caieil. Ion In ni'L'ist . i Beit Ch. i rii ii- ! saliv in the world for &,: t-, cuts, tiinns, : briii-es and piles. The hiyli Mai-.lii.a o! ' I no- s.oie n.is siv-ti '11 t inti-rb its, ai. I !:;' tei.-lii- is , ivisi- 1 to J ,k on' t,,, Aa-ltla- n. one ' 1 1.- i t ; ' " on th,- i,aci.a-i- centered on Galloway, and JuiL"-! ai,i' i"'t'l'l't other. Sold l.y Belt ' Hnise riina f,,r 1,-1, ;,1 n,,,l .i" i Cherrinitton. ..... j . -.niii a nil i-Ti Lit. t'eatetl. , w,i,,..i.,v , h.. . ... . yeguu, on ............. ,,iu 't, Ol .1 111V, I'.HIl, ' i l? """,';s ts wnuesses; A. Ihiidemaii, of ; "!:;. ,.r,l;K"I,,; K"rl 'v"1- of J,uaii'i i ,. ,: : , ,; - '"' """a urenoll. ! ,A" w;U ."i J'ers nis eiaitning adversely -1. aai- aly. i..d The 1). uiociatie -ftrt t . t i i Air le and v v Bivp'. ib-.t i ,, !-.. -oe-.e-ueiM-ni-eu lumis are to. it;i i l:-a.,ni t: ' i'"iiiity Can of I-,,.k An i-er-.i s i.ia. r . ciaims I ure r,-.j .ir.-,, to i-rcs' iit the : iwnriwi Bdiainistriitor at I iiv. i ii-,.t-,.-i ,h-:v -.,.i,. ,. I i:i-d as n-iiniriil l.v !,,- i.i.i.. ! ,i.c,-,.. ,, .' ;. "" -i 1 1 1 . ii sixi ".oi.oiii n.f uai'-oi uie nrsr ia tiling adverse!.- thp - reu nested to an, (i,.,i s in this othee on or before said ct'h rinv of ALoLl'.N'oX S. UltKSfjKR" Keeister. th- -tin,' to the . I'..:a c Notice for Publication. An Alarm Clock for 25c. If you want to pet up early and feel (rood all day take a Little Eaily Riser or two at bedtime. These famous little pills relax the nerves, jtive -jniet and ic freslrng sleep, with a gentle movement of the bowels about breakfast time. W. II. Howell, Houston, Tex., says, "Early Risers are the best pill made for constipation, sick headache, biliousness. etc." Suld by Belt A; Cherriiiton. From repot ts from the five counties of the Third Judicial G. b. Wright, Republican nomi nee for joint Senator, is tl-'-'cated in his home county, Yamhill, but pains enough in Tillamook and Lincoln to win by 500. jit,rt. , ..... ,., !!,,. ieiuion j Dated A i-th, i:,j. ADOLPII AKEI aiiaistr.-.torof the .state of ma. er. deeea.-ed. Ai Am: Startling Evidence. I rsh testimony in groat quantity is constantly coming in, dt-laring Dr. king's Xew Discovery for Consumption Cfiii.-hs and Colds to be utu.iealed. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland In titorville. Va. serves as ttti example. Hewiit.s: "I had Bronchitis for three years mid doctored all the time without hi liur liPntint.i l riw.., 1 1 i II II . L fill.. S I It- f ' I I ' r'fTI-l ll'PMI ' fl.. -- ... .ti ui uvii-s oi iani; y aero? in JiuJue over K.hlv i. i . J f"ynl- inVJ IH'P Ii Oil SOS. IU! il r.cp., a For Sale, A desirable home in the town of 1 district, it is apparent that Hallo Dallas, Tolk county. Orctron. coiwUt. ! , I'.n-u.cii , ami a le-.v cttrel me." Kotiailvl or perhaps ; r"ll uu 1:1 cnnng all Lung and Throat - T i . . t.,illi.!, I Y. ..... .. ..,....-. Tl.. . .i store mm., r.,... At , I more. r-.iav carried .Mnnon ,v ""-"'i-i.n, i iier.moiiia ami i press; p,x,d barn, clvvVnin' houlj fnearly 700,' but lo.-t all tl; ' Kv Helt Cherrint.. j rlenty of fruit. For particulars i " counties, including bis own. Uur- ZSi . S i l",re of ln.lt l!n , 1... i... .... i ' 1 ...... --'', imj a i,uj;e puir.uiiy. ; j A ;rm. Hrf ' I Worst of A!1 Experiences. i !SS. CECELIA STOWS, Oraiir, Katre Sous Club. hott'es wholly J. f. ur.ovus, Dallas, Oregon. J EXPEJ-.-i.iCS ; is assured hy perfect di j Can anything he worse than to f,.,d ' H 'l''1" I'm! n.vii- nit, ii, iii ...:ti l . l'estluti a ih c, ......... k ....i r. .-. i " . JUI al - i'"'"'i ii .I1H jilllis i ii,, ii,' . I ii lI tl... 1. ....... n : . . - . s r U"l l- -V .... ... II . . -.-.v-.., mill, .All. .-.j 170 Wr.rr..T Arenne, vj CiiK A.io. I:.i.., Oct. 2'2,lfio-2. "; , 1 or ';e.-ir:.v four years I suffer-.! t. lJ0:n i:vari'1" tryiil.lci. The .!.-:-j tor insisted o:i an cpertition as th ';" way tor.-t well. 1, however ;tro!s-!v o!-;-v!e'l to an t-p. -ratio: V. -it litis! ".i:d ielt disheartened r. 2 wt.I as 1, i ,r home with a sic1, t v.-oinan :s a .li..v!iso!ate flare i . - I . . f .I 1 ' 1 . . -- I' It'll, il V TIM UEB I.ANli. A.'T JL'NK 3, IsTs. t nited sti.tes l.iiiul oiliee. Oreeon city, Oregon, tin be r ,ai, in ,,e stie of California, Oregon NeNiida flnu Uashmirtoii Territory," asexte- d-' ed to nil the lo.hlic Land Sta'li's bv ael ,,f August 4. jvi-j, (iuorgv w. Itodei i, iff 1-ortl. , d county 01 .Multnomal,, Stale J"""1 nils day hied in this othee hisrn "mem ii?;, v - lllc l'""1"' of the N E ' of sec ii , v IVU t"w,',shiP No- 7 rainre .o 7 W i ' more v . tTJ7'JOi '8h?lv thut tlle land sought mere nluable lor its Umber or stone th.V.i i r I K"1!"" '".ri-os.-s. and to establish hi v a m the Tth day of juTv j 'h ' U 11,u"Jay, He names as wiuiesses: (ieor-e F tm.- oUosueaj trc?!!'' liefoSd TUi AUtEUXOX s. DRESSER, Itegister! ::l to e, teii'liy liruerist ndvisei! t a buttle of Wins (i i. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAXI),1ct JfXE tt is- I nited States Land oiliee. eneeon l ite, orepron ; Thaoc Ma aits Dcsigns Copyrights Ap Anon"nt"K a .krth ind dwrnption miiT Such was the experience of Mrs. S. IF ' Foi three :y.ar5 the writes, "I endure iiisullVr able pain from indigestion. st,mn.-h n.l tgcstmn, rehev.s the !, i ,,.,i,i., i, ........ .. . . .. .. I stomach, takes tne strain ol. the heart S i ,!,,." land re-turi, ... ., f..t, ,! uwlyr iul" 1111 I'eme.lies lai'e,! " --Ju i'ei i' u nianee en ! T t f O 11. ! ,, .,..,.,-..1'.. i- i , - ! ..,. ii.iii,ii. rvoiini increases i i the ttrcneth by enaliling the s U j t . . ., i ariltn i-,r me to try. and ,n ilhl iS-H'-r I lu't"! of ,,r,i"!'. l-aipitatu.il uf the heart jaii.1 general weakness. Kod..l Ihspep. sni l ure cures liid:L', sti.n r, !! At length I was induced to trv n.vt ne uters mil the result im i.iir.i.'iil.i, ! stomach ; r i-r ..... i .,, .... , . x !" -IIMVU ill I'lJlf 2111, ri.lW -im n,,in. uicestive organs to dinest. assimi-' , Jlv recovere 1 " v Ptir. r I ;V'''',r',emil,u,,,1?' late and appronriate to the tA.o.1 ml " rtl0,0reJ- te-r Liver, kidney, I- ..-.,.. tuk, n truch )iun iKti thssties all of t he fool n o rt . t t " l oweI troubles FJeetrici tr-"i.w..i,..utcn.rV;a.iutbevo-rei1T H'il1 ineiooi nu.rtmetit. Tones . j;i,teM ja the , ,-. , i Ct.4Hf TltiAM "ie etoniaL'h " Jitf tive ora.in- Sold ! r,-. , H t I 0nl o0c' ! VV6ilI.V !.:JnCiltt I'.v IVtl A CheninJtnn. ! 8 gnaran,lH"J b-v IVlt Sherrington I tin .lie-, of nut fM-if'tilli 'umaj. -lrmv a ifan in..",-..,-., .f,... j... i j t -'-i ui.iii'w .lavsar,' iiiyre.X'Vciy was vi-ry rapid. V,":i. II ;n.eu.L:.n we,ks I was a.iotLe .Mr county nf Miilii,n,..i, day ti ,.,i i -'"','- for ,he ,ure K MW.ICt No. Xe, 10. in Towns, in vn r Weak Hearts nr!KUeJ 'ndigestior'- Ninety-nine of even one hundred people who have heart troubii can remember when It was s!mp!e lndi " ton It Is a scientific fact that all S heart disease, not organic, are not onlv traceable to, but re the direct result of indb gestion. All food taken Into the stomarh which falls of perfect digestion fermenu aS Kthffifh,' pu;fir't up neart. This Interferes with the action ol the heart, and in the course of 5m thai de'lca' but vital organ becomes leased Mr D. Kauble. of Nsvada, O say.. I t,S ? v troubla and was in a bad atiu i 1" a V""1 stomal with It. look Kodol Dy w5iCfa?riL??Vbl months nd It cured ma. for bout lwx Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervotu strain and the heart of all pressure. Spared by E. O. DeWlTT & Co'., CHIOAOOt "Jl & CHEKRINGTON CHURCH DIRECTORY AI. OI.I VK SMITH teacher of PIANO AND 0RGAK Studio, Uooi.i Xo. 2, Wilson B!to DALLAS, OliKtlON R. C. Craven, Pres. R. li. Williams, Cam I Dallas Ciiv hii Exchanges bought and sold on i points. Special attention paid to col lections. Wm. MU SCOTT, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. A .Jennings Lodge, Xo. 9, etat communications. Second ami Fourth Fridays of each montli K. L. t ii.M-.M.ix, W.M. O.sc.ut Hayter, Set Ainsu'orlh f'liimlpr n .17.1 A f clnlod eolieruilltinn Kir.' r-i"17 I hursdav of each month. OliCAIt IlAVTKK.H.r. Wll.I.IS ISl.MOXTON', Sfc Haoini Chaiiter, Xo. 22,0. L.S.,rtafc ineetiiiKS Second and 1'oii.th Toe days of each nionlh. Mits. Ei i.a J. Mktzoeh, W.M. Man. LiuniB MtiR, .Sec. I. 0. 0. F. - '4s3' - Friendship IahIkc, Xo.6,m O? '- every Saturdav evening in ). O. F. Hull. IIoHACK WEIlSTKn, X. G W. A. Ayiies, Eec.Sec. TkaCreole Encampment, Xo. 20, i Second and Fourth Monday of eac: month. F. H. Morhisox, C. P. -F A. Stiles, Serine. Almira Todge, Xo. 20, 1), of R., me Ol'ncv liri.tii nnr.nii.if Miss May Siikltox, X. U. Miss Ei.ot.se I'hu.i.ii'S, Sec. Woodmen of the World. and win oik' . Of Kfliiw. Vrt - i- iM ir : f.Mir mi.inii, L 6ojd tijill rfiMium "f J B l MUN,mo. New York c Dw?SPe.ps,a CaroiKcdo! Dyspspsla Curo r?. t-t...vi? s letter shows i vtrv f otnati li.-w a h.w. ia c.,,i.i.i i ! female weaknosan,! li.,.,.,.'.i ...c. il woinati how a h,i!:.,. ;s .... H.ll!:iK-;-iJ ,' me of C.-.r i'm-.j .i...i , t-i . , , , . ; '" ' mill SK'K- ik and lirntp bea!;h and hanpi- ll ness sura-n. Ii0 iK,t Fo on sutler- li x. io o;ir flracrrrwt-. tn.1-,,- l'i o- '1'0-3 bottle o AVi,le l Snliolil 4 " . """' Ui.ui for aeru'iiliiiVo ,'.r,i"r 1,s llm r r Hone ' Servi. o, i - : n. and a, on ni I Y n ol n ir.in: .1 n i.. '-,l"s. oi 1'allas. e- I. I- ..stle.of rhVi;..- "I.5u?arl0f. Oregon i P- m. Christian Church. at M 001 c 10 a' m- Junif,r C. E. at 3 ,u0 p. ni Senior V. E. at 6 -80 n m rraver mpt ti i ... '' . iK.es everv Mim av at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ' J Methodist Episcopal Church. cuiiuay, mo a. m., Sundav Pc-hool- 7 ,'jii ' 1 ' l"eacuing : T iurilav 7:30 p. in., prayer meeting. '"aj James Moore, Pastor. Adventist Church. SatilmtK C..1 i studv ,' ' , ,uVi"lu a- Bible " ' II) United Evangelical Church s. s. 10 i.i.c!ai , h'"' W"".-.""! ZtMZn . ru T.8 ar.e."eW follows: Keiviver ni .ii... ,c ':. i.eeiMer and vminB. II a. n ,...1 - Tlnirsiiiiy.the fth- ,l ,T,lil0" ,!,-T-gor.,on ? . K. L. C. E..B-3rtn ' P' li vv f t , .-x . . . i m ' V Ju"10r Kn'lcavor, 3 -00 " uurejay, , :S0 p. .i.. i ... , . . "Hiifssus: Ct-oree W , ."iiuilli . ,r,'irn,i- 1.... . '. r. Ort-sun: j. I, su V,.. V "as. J Hallos. I -n an.j All pt'o,,, ,.,.., , t've il.'.-crilie.i lnniK T ' . ""'erxiy the chtinis in Ihi.VaWet'.lS ot Juiv, l'.nu """'w an dav ALGERNON S. DRESSER Register! fays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to tat- advantage of this liberal your eubscription to the -nstbepaidnp to date. time to subscribe. offer A. A. Wixtep.. Pastor. Presbyterian Church. m., lreaehtng at 11 a. m a'n,l-."ri P. m.; Junior Endeavor, 3 p m in W Endeavor, 0:30 n m Pr.'' "10r Thursday at 7:30 P m. " me6tlng. W- T- Waedle, Pastor. Baptist Church. i.ioie KhN at 10 a. m.: b Y P r i 6:30 p.m. Preachintr at f; . ,' ' :30 p. m. Praver uJLi1 ?' I at 7:30p.m. ' eunesJay J. M. Gree.v, Pastor. Dallas Camp, Xo. 200, meets in f Fellows hall every Thursday evens G. X. CllEKItlXCiTOX, t'. C, W.U.Vassall, Clerk. Ttjristk''e Circle, Xo. S3, XV. 0. 4VAmeets in Odd Fellows' hall, Sec and Fourth Wednesday of each nion Mrs. Nellie Tatom, G. X. Mrs. Axxy Duxx, Clerk. - Knights of the Maccabees. j-r:. Dallas Tent, Xo. 3, meets Secosj ami Fourth Thursdays of e ES? month in I. O. O. F.hall. G. XV. Coxkky-, S. K. Com. I. X. Woods, K. k- T Lilac Hive, Xo. 28, L. O. T. M., "on Second and Fourth Thursduya"e noon of each month. Mas. Eva Hayter, L. C. . Mrs. Blanche Eakix, K-6 PH A. 0. U. W. Union Lodge. Xo. 35-Meets W 1 and Third Wednesday of 0" w month. H. L. Fextox, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fm- (Crystal Lodge, Xo. 50, l. of H-. Firstand Third Wednesday. ol month. Alice Groves, C. of H. r; E.MMA CoADi ' United Artisans. Assembly Xo. 4i3meets Fir-- T0 vi cn.il ujuiuu. Willis Simoxtox, M. A. Mrs. Ella J. Metzgeb Sef. tat s; Fraternal Union of Amertf . OI Kodge Xo. 144 Meets Third Toe-1- ,r "of each month. r W. J. Wagxer, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Mobrisos, Sec