Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 10, 1904, Image 3

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    fpolfc Count? bcervcr
Blank notes for sale hero.
Take your prescriptions to the Wil
son drug store.
Place your orders for Oak Wood
with T. A. Riggs.
Frank Gilliam, of Tedee, was a
Dallas visitor lust Friday.
. 'Mrs. T. W. Nordby, of Fortland, is
visiting relatives in Dallas.
Dr. L. Pfaudhoofer, of Falls City,
was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday.
Mrs. J. C. Allen, of Lebanon, is the
guest of Mrs. J. B. Thompson, in this
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keeney,
formerly of Falls City, are now living
iu Kent, Sherman county.
Van B. Sears, of Ballston, came to
Dallas Mondav nicht. to hear the
election news of Polk county.
Mrs. Jennie Smith, of Seattle, is
visiting at the homo of her mother,
Mrs. E. L. Delashmutt, in this city.
Beginning Saturday, Juno 11, Mrs.
Chace will offer her entire line of
Trimmed Hats at greatly reduced
Miss Persephone Butler, a teacher
in the Baker City public schools, is
spending the Summer vacation at her
home in Dallas.
George Stoll was releasod from the
county jail Wednesday, after serving
a 30-davs' sen to nee imposed upon hiiu
by Judge Burnett at the May term of
Circuit Court.
The Dallas public school closed
Weduesduy. The commencement
exercises will be held in about two
weeks. The program will be pub
lished next week.
Dr. E. It. Todd, Physician and
Surgeon; graduate of . Willamette
Medical College. Oilicc upstairs in
Uglow building. Calls promptly at
tended, day or night.
The Lincoln and Zena public schools
will hold a joint picnic iu the church
grove at Zena next Saturday. State
Superintendent J. H. Ackerman will
be present and deliver an address. A
good program has been arranged.
The gravel roof on tho Kirkputrick
brick building is nearing completion
and the front wall is being treated to
a cout of cement. Work on the in
terior of tho building is being ruthed,
and tho store rooms will soon bo
ready for occupancy.
Jack Spere and Polly Long, dusky
children of the forest, were made man
and wifo according to the American
plan one day last week. Tho ceremony
was performed by Justice Hardy Hol-
on the banks of tho LaCreolo, near
the wagon bridge. Great preparations
had been made for the happy event,
and the ceremony was witnessed by
numerous relatives of the contracting
parties. Mr. Spore, accompanied by
Mrs. Spere, who wasn't Polly Long
after Justice Holman arrived on tho
scene, departed at onco for their new
homo on the Grand Rondo reservation.
Try Observer legal blanks.
Garden hose at Vaughn & Weaver's,
on Mill street.
J. C. Coekerham, of Butler, was a
Dallas visitor, Tuesday.
The Observer office wants tho print
ing you are particular about.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Keyt, of Perry
dale, were Dallas visitors, Wednesday.
Call and see the bath room fixtures
at Vaughn & Weaver's on Mill street.
We have a complete lino, and will do
your work as it should be done.
Dr. H. L. Touey, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ofllce up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone
Dr. Lee Steinor was elected to the
lower house of tho Oregon legislature
from tho Twenty-iirst Representative
District, comprising Klamath, Lake,
Crook and Grant counties.
Jesse A. Applegate, a Polk county
pioneer of 1843, orders his Observer
sent to him at the Soldiers' Home at
Itoseburg. He has been living in
Klamuth Falls for many years.
Ilov. G. L. Loodell will preach in
the Christian Church next Sunday.
Morning subject, "A Good Record;"
evening subject, "Creeds; their Use
and Abuse." All are invited.
Mr. Joseph Radek and Miss Sarah
Cook, recently from Wisconsin, were
married last Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuchs,
by Rev. William 1'. Wurdle.
Try those new cream stand caramels
at Williams' confectionery store.
Headquarters for everything that's
"swoet and good to eat." The only
place in the city where it is possible
to obtain Swetland's famous Ice
Albert Meier was up from Portland
on a business visit yesterday. He is
planning a trip to his old home in
Switzerland this Summer, and will
probably go by way of the Phillipines
and return across the Atlautic, thus
making acomplcie tour of the world.
Tho picnic at Ridder's grove, on
Soap creek, last Saturday, was a
highly enjoyablo affair, A largo
number of people from Polk and
Benton counties were present, and
there was plenty of amusement for
all. The picnic was given by Suver
Camp, Modern Woodmen of America
The Observe is requested to
announce that a citizens' meeting will
be held in the City Hall on Thursday
evening, Juno 1G, at 7 :30 o'clock p. m.,
to consider matters connected with the
election of a school director at the
annual school meeting. All parents,
and the members of the present school
board, are requested to be present.
"Edwin Ressler, pres'dent of the
Monmouth State Normal School, from
Newport last Thursday, where he had
gone in the interests of the Lincoln
County Teachers' Institute. Mr.'
Ressler ia in great demand as a
speaker and instructor on such occa
sions. He is still a young man and
has won considerable distinction
along educational
Oak Grub Wood. T. A. Riaas.
H. G. Campbell, agent McMinuville
Insurance Co.
Pleasant Wright, of McMinnviile,
visited A. F. Toner Thursday.
If you once buy Aldon's chocolates,
you will buy no other. Agency at
Walter Roy's confectionery store.
California "Home Brand" and
"Heinz" Pickles at Loughary & Ellis'
Walter Roy has the Dallas agency
for Aldon's celebrated chocolate
creams. None finer made.
Mrs. Albert Martin, of Junction
City, is visiting at the home of her
parents, Judge and Mrs. N. L. Butler.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hayter went to
Portland Thursday for a few days
stay. Dr. Hayter will preside over
tho annual meeting of the Oregon
State Dental Association.
Hon. J. S. Cooper, Joint Repre
sentative-elect from Polk and Lincoln
counties, was in Dallas, Wednesday,
and was warmly congratulated upon
his success in the recent election. Mr.
Cooper received handsome majorities
in both counties.
Frank H. Thompson, of Browns
ville, is in Dallas in tho interest of
the Provident Savings Life Assurance
Society of New York. Mr. Thompson
is a veteran of the Spanish-American
War, and served with the Dallas boys
in the Philippine campaign.
The town is much more cool and
pleasant since M. D. Coulter has
begun operating his big street sprink
ler. The clouds of dust that have
blown through the town since the
warm weather commenced have made
life almost unbearable, and the
change to sprinkled streets is appre
ciated. The official canvass of the vote in
Polk county was made Wednesday
afternoon by County Clerk U. S.
Loughary and Justices Hardy Hoi-
Monmouth Normal School Term
tended to Four Years.
The course of study of the Oregon
State Normal School at Monmouth
has been increased from three years
to four years, with a view to pro
viding a course for teachers who in
tend teaching in high schools. This
action was taken by the Board of
Regents at a meeting held in Salem,
Wednesday, unaer tne new course
two new diplomas will be. granted,
one of the kind now issued and one
showing graduation from the ad
vanced course. The course will com
prise four years' work above the
eighth grade of the common schools.
I The Board of Regents also made a
rule providing that no person shall
be engaged as an instructor in the
; State Normal School who has not had
two years' experience as a teacher in
i the common schools. This rule was
made for the reason that those who
! have had actual experience in the
schoolroom are best fitted to instruct
those who are preparing themselves
to be teachers.
National Bank for Dallas.
A Washington dispatch in Friday's
jOregonian says: "The application of
i R. W. Hoyt, R. L. Durham. J. Frank
I Watson, George W. Hoyt and S. C.
' Catching, of Portland, to organize the
Dallas National Bank, at Dallas, Or.,
with $25,000 capital, was today
approved by the Controller of the Cur
Justices and Constables.
The vote on Justices of the Peace in
Monday's election resulted in the
choice of Hardy Holman, B. Wilson,
William Ridgeway, J. R. Shepard,
A. J. Syron and H. G. Keyt. The
constables elected were D. G. Meador,
F. H. Muscott, William McQueen and
man, or uaiias, ana a. vvuson, or j. t. Chamberlain. The vote for C. C.
Independence. The count was com- Garfield and A. J. Smith forconstable
pletedinfour hours. The official re- in Spring Vallev aud Eola ia a tie.
turns are printed in full on the first each having received 137 votes.
page or tnis paper.
Geo. K. Rogers the W. O. W. or-
The Trainmen's excursion to Salem
ganizer, has been transferred to the; last Sunday was well patronized by
head office at Denver, and will go: people living along, the Yamhill
there to reside. He will be succeeded division of the Southern Pacific rail
by F. B. Tichenor, a rustler and live , road. A large number of people went
young man, who has had great success from Dallas, Independenee and Moo
in his work in California. Albany mouth, and all report an enjoyable
After two busy weeks of opening and
marking goods our splendid new stock of
is now open and ready for your inspection. Everything in the etoro
is new and all goods are of the very latest styles. We cordially in
vite you to come in and louk through our stock and see the hand
some goods that we offer to the men and boys of Polk county. The
most fastidious buyer will certainly have no trouble in
he wants in our stock.
finding what
A FEW Hoffman & Rothchild's Clothing,
E. W. Collars and Cuffs,
SPECIALTIES Bernsten's Neckwear, Florsheim Shoes,
Stetson Kats.
These lines are carried by none but the leading, clothiers in
the large cities, and on many of these articles our prices are much
lower than you are asked to pay in the large city stores. Our ex
penses are light, and we have marked our stock down to the very
lowest prices that good goods can be sold for.
Now, that the election is over, the
business men of Dallas should take
up the movement for a big Fourth of
July celebration and carry it through
to a successful conclusion. The plan
to hold a three days' celebration is a I i
good one, and no trouble should be j j
experienced by the finance committee
in raising a neat sum of money to de- JJj
fray expenses. A pioneer and soldiers' ,
reunion on Saturday, a big camp
meeting and an excursion to Fallo
City on Sunday, and a rousing cele
bration on Monday would bring an
immense crowd of people to Dallas
and make the 1904 celebration the
lines. Corvallis biggest thing that ever happened in
'Polk county.
trip. The Dallas Boys' Band accom
paniea tne excursionists and won
many compliments for the excellent
music furnished.
Dallas Candy Factory
"It's a fact
Well understood,
If you buy home-made
It's always fresh and
Dallas Woodmen Pay Tribute to
Memory of the Late William
J. Starr.
SATURDAY, MAY 28, we commence a slaughter sale on Ladies'
Tailor-Made Suits, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Silk Waists, Wash Suitings,
Organdies, etc The season has been very unfavorable for summer stuff; our
stock is very heavy and we are forced to make EXTRA HEAVY reductions.
We are naming prices on certain lines that you cannot afford to let go by and you will find a
selection equal to many city stores.
Ladies' Tailored Suits
All the Latest Styles and a Very Good
Selection. All must be sold bt Eastern
Wholesale Prices.
10.50 Suits Reduced to $ 8.50 Alterations
free of
charge on
all suits.
15.00 " " " 10.50
18.50 " " " 13.50
23.00 " " " 16.50
25.00 " " " 17.50
30.00 " " 18.50
35.00 " " " 22.50
Shirt Waists
Don't try to make your own Shirt Waists
you can buy good ready to wear gar
ments at -about half of former prices.
Note Reductions.
A line of colored waists, last season's styles in plain colors,
also white sold formerly at $1 up to $2 your
choice during this sale, each 5
THe Latest Styles in Waists Are Reduced
$ .75 values at $ .50 $1.75 values at $1.25
1.00 " " 65 2.00 " " 1.50
1.25 " " 75 2.50 " " 1.75
1,50 " " 1.00 2.75 " " 2.00
Your choice of any $3.50 to $4.50 Waist in
this sale, at $2.50
Silk Waists in Colors Only--$6, 6.50 and 6.75-speciaI, $3.85
Special in Wash Suitings,
our best styles fancies, 35c
values will go at 25c
Ladies' Wool Shirts our
entire assortment at a heavy
Organdies and Dimities at
half price.
During this sale no Garments can be taken out on
approbationcome prepared to try them on, its always more
satisfactory to have them fitted here.
The monument at the grave of. the;
late William J. Starr was unveiled j
with the beautiful ceremonies of the:
Woodmen of the World by the officers
of Dallas Camp, No. 209, last Sunday
afternoon. About one hundred mem
bers of the Camp, headed by the
ladies of Mistletoe Circle, No. 33,
Women of Woodcraft, formed in pro
cession in frout of the hall and
marched to the Odd Fellows' cemetery,
where the unveiling exercises took
place. After the monument, a hand
some shaft of Barre granite, had been
unveiled, Eev. James Moore delivered
a beautiful and impressive oration,
and Oscar Hayter read the 'poem
"Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be
Proud?" The Woodmen then marched
slowly around the grave and laid
their floral tributes upon the mound
of earth covering the mortal remains
of their deceased brother. The graves
of other dead neighbors were also
decorated before departing from the
Vndor Porch 8lisilcs,
BM Stoves soul Chirs,
Woven Wire snatl
Canvas Cots,
Adjustable Window
Screens, Croquet Sets.
Commencement Sunday.
The services will be held in the M. E.
Church. The Methodist, Presbyterian,
Baptist and United Evangelical
churches unitiug in the morning
services. President Chas. C. Poling
will preach the sermon in the
morning and Rev. Edward Curran,
an alumnis of the school will
preach the sermon in the eveningl to
the Christian Associations. All are
invited to attend these services.
Telephone 133.
On June 20, at 10 o'clock a. m., the
County Court will receive bids for
building a new three-bent bridge and
making a 46-foot fill at the Osborn
place on the road from Independence
to Salem ; also, for making a concrete
arch and fill at the Hirscliberg place
on the Independence and Salem road.
The Court reserves the right to reject
any and allfcids.
Tj just Arrived
Jig. At the Dallas Boot I
f l and) jShoe Store a full
I JL lineof Men's
A social dance will be given in
Dallas tonight by Prof. Frank Miller,
of Rickreall. A six-pieco orchestra
will furnish music, and a pleasant
social time is assured to all who
Liberal Prize Offers.
Prizes of $500 are offered to the
person who writes the best answer to
the question, WThat are the advan
tages and disadvantages of this sec
tion? The money is offered by Orange
Judd Farmer, of Chicago, to draw out
plain and truthful statements from
actual experience of practical farmers
as to the merits of this and other sec
tions of the country, lhat paper
proposes to publish the best of the
replies. The answers should be
expressed in not to exceed 500 words,
and should be sent in to Orange Judd
Farmer, Chicago, 111, as soon as
possible. It a large number of
replies are forwarded, it is possible
that Orange Judd Farmer's special
commission of land experts may make
a personal investigation of this region,
preparatory to setting forth its advan
tages through the columns of that
widely circulated periodical.
'Walk-Over' Slices
also a fullfline of Ladies', Misses
and Children's Shoes and Slippers
p MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done.
Sale first, fire afterwards. In anticipation of
having to move out while we have a new
Brick Building erected, we desire to reduce
our stock as much as posible. Beginning
Saturday, May 7
We will sell at a greatly reduced price all of our
large stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Tents, Stoves,
Tin and Granite Ware.
Be Sure and attend This Sale
Kodcl Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eat.