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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1904)
I! i hi DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 10, 1904 NO. 13 VOL. XVII NEW FRATERNAL ORDER Lodge of Lions Organized in Da! las with Twenty Charter Members. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS ;S IT IS A FACT THAT THE HUB CLOTHING COHPANY will soon occupy its now Store Room where they will bo able to fit out all mankind with tho very best of CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS and FURNISHINGS, etc. but we must' dispose of all the goods wo can before wo move. So we have beeu cutting prices for sometimo and will continue it until we move. Don't be late in coming in for your Summer Suit,etc.while you can buy them at reduced prices remember we carry all first-class Clothing and Furnishing Goods-goods that you can rely on to fit and that are durable, select from than any House in Folk county. We have more goods for yoa to iHan Schaflnet Hand Tailored WE HAVE A 1VIG LINE OF STRAW HATS 3k Af v y 5w TO CLOSE OUT AT v, 111 -"W .j-rtpW Pi in o FF l H ) Km. . I Hit,"- , h.Ug, l Ilk if 'i'iI V it,',,,.!' f -J 'i I I IPw ' 'i iff n all over 50c. Now is your opportunity. Go to the Hub for your Clothing and all Men's Goods. mi Copyright 1904 br Ilirt SchaitMi Hu OF THE COUNTY OF POLK. JUNE 6, 904. JACOBSON CO. G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. Dallas, Oregon For congress : II Gould Bineer Hermann . B F llamp It M Veatch .... alias1 Best Grocery Store Only first-class lines carried in everything in tho way of eatables, and sold at prices lower than can be ob tained elsewhere. Wo invito especial attention to our ONOPOLE," "ROYAL CLUB" and "PREFERRED STOCK" Canned Goods. We arc closing out a stock of 40-ccnt Mocha and Java Coffee at 25c. Come quick, as there is only a little left. Large Invoice of "M. J. B." Coffee to arrive soon-none better in the Market. LOUGHARY & ELLIS, N NO. 44 - . - - DALLAS, OREGON. 7nll Paper! Wall Paper! Wn have received another large consignment of wall paper direct from the largest factory in the world. We now have without a doul .t. one of the largest and best assortments of wall paper to be i,y.;- i in the valley. We bought these papers at the right prices and i k advantage of the car freight rates to Portland, which is less than one-half local rates. Thus we say : HOW WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD OH GRADES OF THE SAME QUALITY We also carry a large line of sample-books of latest novelties in papers and house decorations and can get anything you want in the-e iines. Our stock of paints, varnishes, stains, colors, etc., we have selected with care as to quality, for we believe the best is tho cheapest ai3 New Wall Paper & Paint Store. IE ATM & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon DON'T WATCH! your old time-piece ta see if it is keeping correct time, but save time and money by buvinsr a reliable Hamilton Railroad Watch or a Faillard Non-Magnetic Watch. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of the best material and a 25-year, guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep the White Metal brand Knives, forks, lea and Table Spoons. Call and See My Line of Goods CHARLES H. MORRIS JEWELER DALLAS, - OREGON Good Quality, Up-to-date Styles, Low Prices. Hammocks! Hammocks! Buy uow while the assortments is nearly complete. We are out of only a few lines now ; and the reserve supply is greatly re duced. Meiser (Eb Meiser. nor - VDACHE ABSOLUTELY and ' cured by using Mokl Tea. erb drink. Cures constipation ion, makes you eat. sleep, py. Satisfaction guaranteed ck. 25 cts. and 60 eta. Belt a. D&lla-a. Oregon. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that It is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste less term. No Cure. No Pay. Ma BU J. USD DEALER IN Justice supreme court: C J Brinht O C Mikkelsen Frank A Moore ... . Tl'ios O'Day LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon Food and dairy: J W Bailey I W Berry . . S M Di.nglav . N RasmuHPii Circuit judges : It P Boise G H Burnett . . B L Eddy . . . Wm G.dloway . l)i.-trict attorney : J II McNnry J J Whitney Joint representative: A H Clarke J S Coi.per Senator : Oscar Hnyter . . U S Lougliary I) M MrtZfeer... Representative : F II Fawk D LKeyt Judgn; , II S Buiz E F Coad .... J D Smith ... Sh.r.ff: J T Ford W P Miller . . M Scrnfford . . Clerk : O S Clark . E V DaltOll E M Smith Treasurer : J E Bee zley E B Jamison. . , J Rhodaharger Assessor: C S Graves F E Myer . A N Poole Sclx ol Supt J W Butler. C L Stair . . Surveyor: L Ground J P YauOrsdel. Coroner: R L Chapman . . Commissioner: JH Mulkev.... J T Pt-tit . . . . Wm Ui.lilel) Local option : Yes No Direct primary: Yes No State printer; Yes No 63 Ed 02 o ) 7 63 70 69 70 26 86 JiO 67 51 75 3 31 10 29 22 106 10 AO 21 11 40110 16 121 6 41 27 86 103 24 68 10 11 5 125 47 43 131 93 30121 22 I 51 23 32 119 86 94 45:117 87 68 3 64 49 47 56 17 35 U 60 9 57 9 60 62 53 68 10 100 27 32 108 16 108 9 48 14 7 117 43 103 11 40 8 32 128 107 78 115 51 61 129 40102 5 18 42 110 38;107 22 45114 311 97 68 107 11 81 102 32 4 43 42 123 .26 76 11 136 80 96 101 10 38 19 130 86 83 116 44 60 114 74 97 12 74 99 32104 22 8 122 58 106 4 72 3 109 73 119 59 8 50 4 06 5 2 62 60 53 32 124 10 47 33 12 120 44 115 30 40 11 34 80 55 67 60 64 6 35 126 66 117 117 63 56 137 10 6 2 3 95 6 114 7 96 111 9 139 6 85 11 118 50 65 102 75 6 10 73 45 86 74 24 24 54 56 46 23 89 128 12 122 94 91 110 5 93 83 109 64 6 86 94 6 72 98 63 104 158;137 4 72 53 80 98! 30 89 108 28 132 49 90 25 92 26 74 105 89 19 108 126 87 60 10 101 97 76 76 97 6 72 95 52 109 137 50 12 101 82 66:128 55 51 7 23 65lU4 05 2 40! 79 57 64 26 40 148 73 6 12 12 71 97 84 115 92 102 130 80 109 108 7 129 94 7 137 76' 7 5 142 82 125 9 76 8 46 130 251122 4411 139 71 75 155 118 108 G 117 116 93 4 124 2 106 U6 105 111 3 93 121 64115 91 69 43150 85! 43 9 38 9 1 It'U Li U8U0 11 106 7; 102 8il0l 10,106 36 3 80 4 67 5 4 83 61 68! 3 55: 6 37 86 67 86 11 SO 5 40 20 13 3! 6 11 144 83 '24 U 111 8 95 128 59 30 50 8 38 6 18! 26 79 72 59 53 51 112 33110 5 11 30144 31 81 91 40129 156 78 29 90 13 10 92 2 103 14 124 16 27 81 22 27 92 82 24 113 AW 91 35 139 95 4 108 118 66 94 56 50 88 129 3 86 -58 64! 41 93! 77 44 43 52 12 45 50 2 38 2 48 5 5 42 41 39 38 28 55 35 43 49 40 41 44 23 1 23 9 99 3 61 8; 4 03! 34 34 52 73 74 4 43 72 4 S3i 59 64; 43 5 17 65 72 133 103 25? 96 4' 7, 43118 34107 2310Q 68 44 80 69 321 2 26 77 38 67 2 54 38 42.1 45 59 69 34 79 27114 18! 49 13 20 27125 3 50 37 38 46 4 39 45 i 39 47! 41 43 27 21 26 3 18 1 27 20 24 23 27 20 1 24 20 17 27 95 59 121 45 56 113 63 109 6 78 8 93 7 66 101 109 62 6 62! 32 63 4 70! 49! 52 41 4 44 18 57 115 51 103 120 3 47 31 48 30 46 4 26 14 50 44 35 51 30 35 46 31 47 2 1U 61 2 50 27 45 5 32 34 48 52 20 1 40 33 1 42 39 19 60 60 10 1 51 48 185 1364 95 1052 179 94 1461 971 1325 166 879 98 21 56 41 69 6 40 60 312 490 446 560 1641 1192 1340 1491 970 1137 1491 1211 1334 169 1338 1332 164 1499 1017 1081 148 521 354 123 60 9 39 6 57 46 1458 151 1101, 108 1271 1327 63 6 27 102 80. 08 3i 70: 27 591 15 14 20' 14 46 52 10 55 44 452 357 1353 1196 137 1382 1187 133 44! 1160 56 157 195 60 14r! 257 531096: 51 76 40146,105; 93; 83j W 29j 24 10, 6. 3; 7 30119 5! 17 73! 78 65 10 4! 6 61 22 3 24 51 43 25 36 22 1413: 317 1861 54! 106-1 9't 157 441344 48! 24 53 45 8 10 1447 941 1580 404 1336 246 280 506 1176 1090 The Children. (For the Observer.) Long years ago, when they were yet quite young, Alljucked HWay at night in cozy bed, Their wildest fancy then Seemed tuned and strung: They aktd lor stories this is what they said : ' "Tell us a story, papa, ere we sleep; Just anything we'd like so much to hear: Of scenes in earth, or sky, or stormy deep j Of things you've seen in travels far and near. Tell ns of bears in caves or jungles wild ; Of lions iu their lair, so fierce and strong; How eagles carried off some hapless child; How swans are thought to sing their own death-song; And those weird scenes of which the poets sing, Where sybil words are found on falling leaves; And In the flowery dells sweet echoes ring, And sparkling waters fall o'er mossy eaves. I'd give a world of wealth, if it were mine, To have their childhood days back as before; To have their love-light 'round my path to shite As in the unforgotten days of yore. For memory calls them np and will not die; And, liae the notes of some entrancing strain That floats o'er island seas, 'neath wooing sky, Once sung in love, then ne'er is sung again. J. A. CRUTCHFIELD. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure E. W. Grave's signature Ua esvclt box. Uo. Excursion Rates to Yacjulna Bay. On June 1st tho Southern Pacific Company resumed sale of Excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquinu Bay. Both Season and Suturday-tQ-.Monday tickets will be sold, This popular re sort is growing in favor each year, hotel rates are reasonable and the opportunities for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unexcelled by any other resort on the Pacific Coast. Horace Webster came up from Port land to vote and visit his parents for a few days. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for fre sample. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemista, 49W15 Pearl S:rt, New York, joc. and t'-ooi all druggist. County Clerk Loughary ' issued license to wed this week to W. M Crawford and Etta Sunderland, Jack Spore and Polly Long, Joseph Eadek and Sarah Cook, W, Ii. Allin and Florence I. Wagoner. Fred J. Oberer has purchased a large tract of choice oak timber on the Luckiamuto from James Helmick, and-has moved tho Charter Oak mill from its former location near ville. Mr. Oberer is making a sue cess of the business and finds a ready market for all the lumber he can cut J. A. Laurenson, of Albany, has moved his family to Dallas, and has purchased lots near tho Dallas & Falls City railroad depot, where he will build a dwelling house. Mr. Lauren- son was the successful bidder for the construction of the concrete sidewalk around the courthouse square, and will begin the work iu a few days. He is well uleased with Dallas, and iutends to make his permanent home here. A lodgo of the Order of Lions was organized in Dallas, Monday evening, by J. F. Smith, of Portland. The, lodge starts out with a charter mem bershiD of twenty -five, and a number of applications from persons desiring to join tho order are in the hands or the secretary. Tho Lions will meet in the Odd Fellows' hall on the first and third Monday of each month. The officers are as follows : Chesley Embree, president; Mrs. P. A. Fin seth, vice-president; Mrs. Mattie Wagner, past president; Ketta Camp bell, chaplain ; C. T. Whittlesey, secretary ; Mrs. Gates, treasurer ; Ernest Hanson, sergeant-at-arms ; Mrs. W. C. Bignold, assistant sergeant at-arms; Mrs. Rowland, musician; Dr. B. H. McCallon, physician ; board of trustees, W. C. Bignold, P. S. Chase and E. H. Buchanan. The charter will be open for thirty, days, and a beautiful gold Lion emblem will bo presented to every member bringing in three applications for membership. Life. The poets exclamation : "O Life ! I feel thee bounding in my veins," is a joyous one. Persons that can rarely or never niake it, in honesty to them selves, are among the most unfortu nate. They do not live, but exist : for to live implies more than to be. To live is to bo well and strong to riso feelinc enunl to the ordinary duties of the day, and to retire not overcome by them to feel life bounding in tue veins. A medicino that has made thousands of people, men and women, well and strong, has accomplished a ereat work, bestowing the richest blessings, and that medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla. The weak, run-down, or debilitatod, from any cause, should not fail to take it. It builds up the system, changes existence into life and makes life more abounding. We are glad to say these words in its favor to the readers of our columns. Barbers' Notice. Dallas, Or., May 30, 1904. We, the undersigned barbers, here by agree as follows : That all Dallas barber shops shall close every night at 8 o'clock sharp, except on Saturdays when they shall close at 11 o'clock sharp and pull the blinds: and. when through, the blinds to be raised and left open during the day of Sunday. It is further agreed that said shops shall remain closed on Sunday from and after this date. It is further agreed that a copy of this agreement shall be published in the local paper, and that cards shall be procured and placed in the windows of each shop stating the time of closing. (Signed) Shultz Bros. J. A. Lynch T. H. Williams 0. F. Davis Frank Syron, witness. The election returns occupy several columns in this week's paper usually devoted to local news items, and local happenings have to a certain extent been lost sight of in the excitement of the hour. We take it for granted, however, that our readers are more interested in the election returns just now than in any other news or tne county and state, and we are pleased to be able to give the complete official count at this early date. The work or putting these returns in type has re quired many hours of painstaking labor, but there is compensation in tne belief that our readers will appreciate tho returns in tabulated form and that many of them will preserve this copy of tho OnsEitvF.n for future reference. Joo Hirschberg, the Independence banker, was iu Salem Friday. Per haps Mr. Hirschberg will one or these days extend his Independence-Mon- mouth-Dallas motor line to balem, and then ho can come to tho Capital City in hi3 own conveyance. Salem Statesman. The Western Loan & Savings Com pany is the best in existence and ab solutely safe ; 20 cents a day pays the shareholder $1000 in 100 months; 40 cents a day $2000 in 100 months about 12 per cent interest. Shares GO cents a month each. Any number of shares may be taken, and the number may be increased or decreased attheoption of the holder. For particulars, see Davis the Barber, next door to Fenton's office on Court street, Dallas. California "Home Brand" and "Heinz" Pickle3 at Loughary & Ellis' grocery. Walter Eoy has the Dallas agency for Aldon's celebrated chocolate creams. None finer made. There is some satisfaction in eating a chocolate cream to be able to dis tinguish the different flavors by the flavor not by the name. You will find this true only of a hand-rolled cream as sold by Marks & Dunn and made by the Dallas candy factory. EXPERIENCE 13 THK BEST teacher. tta ArWr'i English Remedy In any caa of couens. cold or croup. Should It rail trivm immcdlats relief money re funded. 25 eta. and 0 eta. Belt Cbtr- rlarton. Delia. Orecoa. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raisina; of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. eta and SO eta. Belt Cherrlnctoo Dallas. OraaTon . tmm 1 i : ' n