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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
finfccpenCcncelRotc0 Miss Bessie ButliT has returned honu' from Prtl timl. Miss Cochrane and Mrs. Tuck were Salem visitors, Saturday. C. M. Idleniaii will speak in Inde pendence, Saturday. Miss Florence Wagoner returned from a visit In Portland, Monday. Dee Taylor purchased a half interest iu Moore's barber shop this.wcek. Mrs.' Babbitt and Miss Bow-den at tended a musical recital in .Salem, Wednesday. Mrs. EllaJ Irvine and Mrs. Sarah Yotnitfl visited relatives and friends here this week. Chester Stumburg' came up from Portland Saturday, and visited over Sunday with his parents. Dr. Withycombe and thirty-one students from'O. A. (!., passed through Independence, Tuesday, enroute to John;Stump's farm. H. 11. Patterson and'children eaine up the latter part of the week from Portland und visited at the home of D. Hedges. Messrs. Crowley, Coffee, Petteys, Numberger and Clark were delegates from Monmouth to the Y. M. C. A. convention at CJearhart. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Poppleton visited A. Huston and family this week. Mr. Poppleton is a brother of Mrs. Huston. Mrs. Huston's mother is visiting here, also. The Odd Fellows elected the follow ing officers at their regular meeting Thursday: N. CI., Geo. W. Con key; V. G., J. N. Jones ; see., E. L. Ketch u in ; trens., A. S. Locke. Tho Independence Public School graduates wet at Mrs. John Dickin son's Monday night and organized an alumni association with the following officers : President, Miss Edith Owen ; vice-president, Guy Walker ; secretary, Miss Francis Cooper; treasurer, Miss Belle Dickinson. The G. A. I!, and W. It. C. held memorial services here Sunday in the auditorium. Prof. Ncwbill read the Gettysburg address of Lincoln and Rev. Edtnundson conducted the ser- j vices. Special music and short ad dresses were interspersed in the pro gramme. The Fraternal Union elected officers as follows, Saturday evening: Fra ternal master, Charles Smith ; justice, Emnui Fennell; protector, M. X. Os born; truth, Minnie Hubbard; guide, W. F. Campbell; mercy, M. A. ltobin son; guard, F. F. Osborne; stewards, F. Fennell, J. Picken and H. Hirsch berg; sentinel, Etta O. Walker. Preparations are being niado for a fanners picnic and convention here about the 2Hh and 25th of Juno. The committee appointed on programme is John White, Wright Smith, W. A. Messnor, M. Merwin and Walter Lyon. U. L. Fruzier, W. W. Percival and Asa Taylor were appointed as a soliciting committee. PASSFD TO HFR RHST Mrs. Blanche Sanders Died of Con sumption, at Roscburg, Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Sanders, wife of Prof. A.M. Sanders, died at her home in Roseburg, ' Sunday, May ', of consumption, aged 2 years. She had been ill since the birth of her son, who had reached the exact age of IS months on the day his mother died. Her health had failed rapidly since the first of the year, and her mother, Mrs. Abel Uglow, was constantly at her bedside until the end came. The remains were brought to Dallas for burial, and arrived here Monday morning. Tho funeral was held from tho home of Mrs. and -Mrs. Abel Uglow yesterday afternoon and was largely attended by friends of the family. Burial took place in the Odd Fellow's cemetery. Mrs. Sanders was born near Dallas and spent her girlhood days in this city. She was an intelligent young woman, and was graduated with liign honors from LaCreole Academy. A few months after linishing her school work she was married to Prof. A. M. Sanders, the principal of the Academy. She is survived by her husband, son Wendell, and one step-son, Gail Sanders. Mrs. Sanders was an estimable woman, and her death is mourned by a wide circle of friends. - -at SEWER WORK BEGUN Workmen Are Laying Pipe for Out let at Foot of Court Street. Work on the Court and Mill street sewers was begun Tuesdav morning and good progress is being made in laying the pipe for the outlet. The contractors have live men at work', and the number of laborers will be greatly increased next week'. The pipe is arriving from Portland, and teamsters are hauling and distributing it along'the line of ditches. The con tractors expect to complete the work inside oi thirty days. Oscar llayter iu. ii. j ii v . iir' ii ii r -- -J-r r- yuui mien ii II ZXk evidence of IU ? S H I nov trouble; 44f W ! rr' -i frequent - -..-" .1,. ia and Don't Know it. How To X'iuti Out. Fill a bottle or ccTr.rnor. ;;l:is3 with your water and let it ciind twenty-four hours; a cf(.anti;i or sci- J!'.l 1 L ' j. ;!U!i', iiiuiuaica a.i unhealthy conrii- '(fiJJi:0von of. '!le ,ldd- .lams is kid- too desire to pain in rnnvinninc nroof that the kld'-.evs and blad- " oi derareoutof order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the I i .:J i: l.i.j! ....1 . i UaUft, ruuncys, nvr;i, uii;'.:..;i;i him cvcij' pan of the urinary passage. It ccirec'.s inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, vineorbeer, and overc-.:'rt that unpleasant necessity cf being cc:r.j:d.'sd to go often during the day, and to get up many limes during the nigi'.t. The rai'd ard the extra ordinary effect of Svnti-n Root is soon realized. It stands the highust for its won derful cures of the l.jost cases. If you need a medicine; yen ;;hcu!d have the best. Sold by drurgisls in 50c. .vi$L sizes. You may have a sample l.-tlle of this jfalte Cut? IWotce Several candidates have been in our town this week. Fred Coud, of Buell, has been in l'uils City the past week. Miss-Alta Hinshaw and Miss Nellie Ford each have new pianos. There will be a poverty ball at the Bryan-Lucas Hall tonight (Friday.) The Hell Telephone Company has placed about Ij new telephones' here. J. P. Starr, of Dallas, has been visiting relatives and friends in our town. Our up-to-date linn of Ford-Tyson and Company have purchased a "sub stantial safe. Mrs. William Alderman, who was hurt in a runaway a few days ago, is m ueli hotter. Henry Campbell, the rustling real - imiikis, whs in rails I ity, ednesdny. Jack Wagner will soon build for himself a dwelling house i, hjs property west of Fred Hohnan's. Our band boys will give a niusieale at the hall on June 11. Proceeds to go toward the expenses of the band. The teachers and pupils of our school, on Decoration Day. went to both cemeteries and decorated every grave. Major Kill feather gave a talk on the "Inconsistency of Local Option,'' nt the Bryan-Lucas hall Tuesdav evening. The Chapman surveying crew passed through here the first of the week, on their way to survev the im. luense tract of timber belonging to their company. C. L. Lyon has purchased of Zini Hinshaw the Falls City hotel. Mr. Lyon has hud experience in u,,, 1(lh, business and will keep up the record of the hotel, it being a lirst-elass J'o wok possession June 1. Bicycle races at Trainmen's Ex cursion. See the motor cvcle races at Train men's Excursion. Hon. Marion Huyden, of Alsea, was a Dallas visitor, Saturday. Judge Jioise held an adjourned term of Circuit Court iu Dallas, Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. J. I!. Thompson, of Dallas, were in Albany Saturday. Albany Herald. H. Ilirsehberg, the well-known Independence banker, was elected treasurer of the Oregon State Grange at Cor vail is, last week. F. W. Sitton, Sheriff of Yamhill county, and Attorney 11. L. Conner, of McMinnville, attended Circuit Court in Dallas, Wednesday. ueorge I'earee and family came over from Salem in their line new automobile last Friday, and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ii. Muir. While working on the Coad planina mill building in the east end of town, C. L. Hubbard met with a painful accident, Monday, by striking his head against a timber in the frame of the building. Ho was compelled to lay off from work for several days on account of the injury. The Knox-Kelsey Concert Company will give an entertainment in the interest of local option at the court house tomorrow night. Dan Poling, accompanied by the Dallas College quartet, will speak for the Prohibition candidate-sat Pertvilale toniirht. and G. W. Forbes and the Normal School quartet will appear at Airlie tomorrow niti'iit. wonderful discovery and a book that teih:''."'; .i...t....i.. a... i 'srtewia address Dr. Kilmer i; ,,-.-,., Pv.nniii-noot. Co., Binghamton, th Y. When writing men tion ibis f. r,-.c-. ousttfer in this paper, Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N Y., on every bottle. Prohibition Ticket. State Senator D. M. METZGEU. County Judge H. S.'PUTZ. Commissioner T. J. PETTIT. Sheriff W. P. MILLER. Clerk O. S. CLARK. Treasurer JACOB PiHODABAEGER. Assessor A. X. POOLE. The original Tennessee Troubadors at Trainmen's Excursion. Only one laugh, but it's two hours long. Chamberlain's Stomach and LivcY Tablets Better than a Doctor's Prescrintinn. Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va., says that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done him move good than anything he could get from the doctor, ft any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would produce such gratifying results in cases of stomach troubles, biliousness or constipation, his whole time would be used in preparing this one medicine. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Thrown From a Wagon. Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and severely bruised, lie applied Chamberlain's Pain lialm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babeock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. It will effect a cure in nnt- tbird the time required by any other treatment. For sale bv Wilson Drug Co. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas for if' 2. 50, good going Saturday P. M. or any tinin of Sun day, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people n chance to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. . Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor has sued me for $12.50, w hich I claim was excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says K. White, of Coacl.ella, Cal. "At the trial he prais ed his medical skill and medicine. J asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I hud good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better itmedv than this iu a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account the St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates : June 111, 17, bs ; July 1, 2, ii, August 8, y, 10 ; September 5, Pi, .7 ; October ;!, t, 5. Going trip must be completed with in ten days from date of sale, and passengers will be permitted to start on any dav that will enable them to roach their destination within the ten days limit, lleturn limit ninety days, but not later than December 31, lliut. For full information as to rates and routes call on Agent Southern Pacific Company. Triumphs of Alodeni Surgery. Wonderful things are done for the hu ll n body by surgery, (iijians are tak en out and scraped and nolishcd and put hack, or thev uuiv lie removed en tirely; bones are spliced; pipes take the place ot diseased sections of veins; an tiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries hefor inflammation sets iu, which causes them to heal without m tt uiatinu and in one- third the time required by the old treat ment. Cham berhiin's Pain Balm acts on tliis same piinciple. It is an antisep tic and when applied to such injuries. causes them to heal very ciuicklv. It al so allays the pain and soreness. Ktei a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffer ing which such injuries entail. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. TIM HER LA.XD. ACT JUNK .1, JlCS. Ori'KUii 'H'i Oreimn. m..v "it. ami. Noik'e 13 lu'ifl.y Kiven Hail in eumplitmcu Willi (lie .rovi-i.oia U llio uel ol 0 ciiKie " June a. 17. eiillllcl "An ma lur no bhioui timber iim.ix in Ihe Slates cil l'ulllor;ii, Oiytion, NVMuXml Wnslunmoii 'eriiniry, in ex lei id ea" lo nil llio I'lititic l.iuid States by net el Aim-ui. 4 l.Ml', William J. Hums, of .Miminoiilli, ;n y . ,, ,i. w,..,.. r iii'..imn. bus l Ins dHV tiled ill tldsoaiee'liissivoru stnteinent No. HWj, for Hie . ..... .j. ... . I. .'i.u .. ii... fi in rl ll ill V Ol Oie Duuiuniot .... ......... Xo ! in Township No. 7 South, Kittifre et-t. and will cilter prool to show Unit Die mill soiiKlit is more yiuiihuiu mr no "" ' v l mm lor iiKiicuiiiiini jiii w.-, . . ..i..; ...i.i unit In. nrii the htone n for iiKi'iciuliirai piirpuM'i', " estiibhsh his eliiim to M iHinl be lore ne ( OUlllV l KTK Ol I Ol K uunij, wi.-ri.m, . OreRoii, on Kridny, the lJlh day ol Aiigiist, l'.WI. lie mimes nt, wiineiM-s: K. llnriiiuii, ol .Mon mouth, Oregon ; J. Mover, of Kalis (ity. Ore-eon-II l'.oi-zlev, of Kill In City, Unroll ; iTiiuk llnnis, of Fulls City, oreeoii. Any and nil persona olaiinniff adversely the iihove-ileserihi il lauds are requested to tile, their ,.iii,, in ibis ollieo on or beloro said l'Jlli tiny n 1 1 i ' i? i.i vn v a lilM'Ssi' UcKinler. Notice For Publication. TIM UK It LAND ACT JCXK , 1878. United Slates Land Olliee, Oregon Cilv, OreKon. .March l'.KU. Nolice is hereby fin en Hint in compliance with the provisions of the act of Couniessol June ;l. 1S7S. entitled "All net for the sale ol limber lands m the Slates ot California.. Oregon, Nevada, and Wasliiiintton Territory, as ex tended loall the Public Land suites by act of Almost -I, is:'.', Conrad Siafiin, of Dallas, counly ot l'olk Stale of (irei;on has this dav liied in this olliee his sworn statement No. (mS'J, forthepurcliaseol" the K.'oi'S. K. '.( of See. No. ii in Township No. 7 South, Hauiro No. (i Wesl, and will oiler proof to show Unit the land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim lo said hn.d before llio County Clerk of l'olk Counly, OreKon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, the 'JOtli day of June, l'.KU. He. names as witnesses: dco. Coulee, ol Dallas, Ori".;i in ; Fred Hughes, of Dallas, Oregon; David Meadows, of Unci, Oregon: Kllas Hin shaw, ol Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ubovo-desi ribed lands are reiUcsled to lile their claims In thinollice on or bcloresaid ath day o June, P.MI, AI.CKUNON S. DUKSSKIt, Kegisier Notice Tor Publication TTMiiKlt I ANIi. AI'T.ll'NK a, 1878. HMIlUt ,'AYnlte.lStnU'8 blind Ollieo, Oregon C'itv, (iregoii, r' . ....ii .im null. Notice is lieri'I.y srlvt-ii tlu.t In V'"Vi''""'.V .i..,i...r lands In the states ol ( aliloriila, (iro ' i ivu.i.Onriiiii lerrllorVi as oiiiplliiuee (ingress u tho sale ll irnla. Ore t in icr lamis ill uie nm, . ' gon, Nevada and Wash ng en " ..xi. nded to all the l'nhlie baud s by Upstairs In Campbell bullatng DALLAS, Ml ttoknkvm at law, 1.110. for llio purclmse of the N. K. 1 , ' '"011 Slhlnv fr l. No. 10 In Township No. 11 .. Kang( ' "v J aKl(1 and will oiler prool to show that tho land rpe only rellnhlA -t . ' o oVht 1 more v'aluable for lis timber or rtjjmi "Sy Offl,?. ' kh than for agrlcull nrnl purposes, Mini to ' 1 "1K county. Oflleo on Court uT DALLAS, July, imi. She names as witnesses: II. J. "arri ngi i. of Kalis Clly, Oregon; . J. Ileezley, ol I'"" City Oregon; (ieorge Ileccles, ot Newport, Ore gon; Clarence Aikniali, of Itocca, Orel"'"- ., ...wl nil imrMOllH 1-1 ll I 111 1 M If HllVPrSI'ly tllO iivimiiiiMl loa l the runue i.auii " " . of August I, 181L', Illanehe McKone, ol roioa ., coin y of J ultnoniah, State of Oregon, has I h In v .. .Y..V i.. n.iu i. hi. uw.n-ii hlateuienl No. v n in iino ,i,,v .... , tf Anv anil an iierptoiift i iiuhhmm ' 1 :. ,J. . . abovo-dcscrlbi'ii iiuuisare leuiicxicu i . claims in nils oince on or ociuiu onui i Heglsler 'ITOUNBV AT LAW Notice to Creditors. it ..j.. .. i.. i ....... i . i,.,, ii Hull tint iiiiiini'wtiriiftil i i .....w. ti.i. .,1 ml iii I ii tul nitiir nf tl)i HHP IH-CII mill n i'i'uin'i ---- t'stato oi Jiimm'b . Hall, di'cciiM'ti, by tno i uiimy I Oliri Ol Ml' Mill' Ol wiri;un, ' iniv v mmi. . All porstins imvnu,' clttnna iiuniiiM uie mm , CKlHltMirt' hcri'hy nollllt'il lO pitmciu hid anmv tul it viMdml (iiirci lnr vi if h (he nroitcr voiicluMH . 1. . "...f.... t . ll... . .,,!....ol iinil ot liiu l'.iuil(lill(N lit UR'iriui .hi tut; uudi ijiiu,in .a ... OtU; (irovo, in mux ( ouniy, w llinti tux immuis Julius N. JIAUt o m UsHold Bun., I IkOOlll 1, DALLAS, OREc: ft ri.n.i. ll t.t ... .... " " I LAW, Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all whom it mav concern, that I, Paul Ii. Wallace, have been ap pointed administrator with will annex 'd of the lait will and testament :of Thomas C. King ilcceaseil, by the honorable Countv Court vl folk County, Oregon. AH llfTKHIIK llllcillDr i.1.,i,v,t. ....... will present them to me at my olliee in the City ...... uuioiu.yireun, uuiy verinen as by law required, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 31st day of May, lao). , . PAUL (. WALLACE, Administrator with will annexed. Notice for Publication. TIMDL'R LANK, At T JI'NH ;!, 1S78. United States Laud Olliee drcgon Citv, Oregon, April 11, latll. with the provisions of the act of Congress ol tiuiii-, 1010, iTiimiiu .111 in l on ine sine oi timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon, .emui, aim wisningiuu leiruory, asexieuu ed to ail the Public Land States by act of August i, I.-.;'-, iruiuau it. uie, oi lianas, county oi l'olk, state ot Oregon has ibis day tiled in 'this oiiku nissHuiii siatuiueui -o. o ioj, lor ine pur cuase oi uie . esi '., ol ."somiwcsl '.. .Norm east '.. ol Northwest '., anil Northwest '.'of Northeast '.i ot Sec. No. 'is in Toii nshiii No. ; s Range No. 7 , ainl will oll'ei proof lo show tlial II.,. I,uwl .mi.rl.l iu I,,,,,,. i, l or stone than lor agricultural pnrjioses, anil lo iaii-ri.3ii i,i iiniiii stiiu laiiu ueiore ine county clerk of Poll; county, Oregon, at Dallas, v-i . r-11, " .i nv.-i-ia.. , i lie ill ll on I Ol ,1 Illy, HUM ne iiiuiies us n iiuesses; (.uver v, inise, ol 1 In Hid lllliir.tll I.iki I . hi Im, .,1 I l .... ...... ..... (leo. Viek, of Kails City, Oregon, Frank liub Any mid all persons claiming- adveisely the il,.,v.. i i. ......I ... .ii.. .i. ... ........ ... u. . , u .. no ,1, v 1 1 ij u. anil i(. ine 111(11 cbiiins ill tins olliee on or before said (ith day ol j uiy, r.iei. ALCLKXON S. KKKSSKIJ, Ivegislvr. Notice For Publication. Tl.MBKIi For sick houdaclio talie Cliiiniberlniii's Stomach nnd Liver Talilets and a quick cure is certain. For sale Lv "Wilson Oruif Co. Driven To Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family is often (Liven toilcgpcuttion in caseof accident, restiliiii! in Liuiis, Cuts, Wounds, Ul cers, etc. Lay in a supply of Ducklen's Arnica .Salve. It's the l.t't-t on earth, -oc, at licit .t Chei rinoton Druj .Store. Tliat Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave yon, if you used Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. Thousands of sullcrers have proved their matcldei-s merit lor Mek und Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and huild tin your health. Only L'5 cents, monev back if not cured. SoM bv licit ec Chcirine- ton Druggist. An Alarm Clock for 25c. If you want to cd tin unlv nnd feel ijood all day take a Little Karl'y Riser or two at bedlime. These f:iin,.iw i;hu Belt & Cherrington. ask the readers of this paper to teet the value of Kodol Dysitensia Cure. Those persons who have used it, and who have been cured by it, do not Hesitate to reco mmend it to I heir friends. Kodol di gests what you eat, cures indigestion, dyspepsia ai; 1 all stomach troubles. In creases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to contribute to the blood all of the nutriment contained in ihe food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant and palatable. For a Hundred Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has been recognized as a superior remedy, but it remained for K. ('. Do. Witt it Co. of Chiago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics, in the form of n salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The hir-li stai'dine of this salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look out for the name "DeWitt" on the package. and accept no other. .Sold by Belt & Cherrington. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is In reby given, that, I, Ole Aurland, executor o the last win ,uu testament of ole bampsou, deceased, have tiled my final account and report in the mutter of the estate of Ole Sampson, deceased, with the Countv Clerk of folk County, Oreiou, and the ('ou'ntv Court has fixed the lSth day of June A i) i "oi at one o clock p m of said day, m the' County Court louse m Dallas, l'olk County, Oregon, as the time and place when said thiol account will be iH'llm. All titi(iii(i ti :.. - , x..Uv-.iU 'lei- oini UlfiUJII, IU Tii account slnuiidnm be anowX and l,e execu ...o...,,,,cl., nun ins uoiiusmen released from lurther liability therein. "-c-astu I'liieu ..itiy o, I'.'Ol. OLK AUItLAXD, Lxccutorof the last will and tcsta- Tllelil ..t' 1 11.. . . 1 v ir,-f i.i .Tiniiiiauii, ueceaseu. i. N. Hart, Attorni'v. LAND ACT JUNK :, JS7S. L lilted Stales Land Olliee, Oregon City, Oregon. ... . , April J7, l'.KU. Notice is hereby piven that iu conipliuncc uitli the provisions of the act of Congress ol June ;i. lS.s, entitled ".An Ael for the Sale ol limber Lands in ihe States of ( nliioriiia, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory ,'' as ex tended to all the Public Laud stales 'bv act of August 4, IS'.il', Kosaliu James, oi Sulein,' county oi Marion, state of Oregon, has this dav filed in this olliee her sworn statement No 0:; n for the purchase of the N. W. t ol See No -'i in Township No. 7 S, itange No. 7 W, and will oiler prool to show that the land Bought ismort valnablc ior iu tiiul..,i.,,i. .I...... ii...'.. - eul ural purposes, and lo establish her claim to - I,... , ,c u,e negi.-ier aid Keeciver ol this olliee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday the l.ith day of July P.MI. She names as witnesses: llenrv A. Hanson ol BUlem, Oregon; Clia.s. W . Jaine.s.'of Salem Ore gon ; Cnulield Marsh, of Salem, Oregon: Sonhiu M. Mar.h, ol Salem, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ubove-described lands are requested lo lile their claim in this olliee on or before said 15th dav ol July, P.iUl. ALUKIiNON Sj. DKKSSKH, Ket;iBter. Notice For Publication. TI.MI1KR LANll," ACT JCNK ,'), 1S7S United States Land Ot'lice, (Jregon City, (iregon, Notice is hereby given that in 'compliance Hlth t h provisions of Ihe act of Congress of Hn'.0 lsf'.'Hle.l "An net for lE, Uu o N -1 "'"'f !!' U,1L' H,,lU's f California, Or ego August 1, 1W. I'red Hal d e m , ,o , , 1 L?1 of l'olk. state of o,,: " ":"uVlJ' n -. , ... Vl V oni ine uiiiiMii iiiib in. hi c, Daleil and lirst published April 'J'.', P.MI. 1.1. , V I.' 11 I.' . W I.- Adniinistralor of Hie cslate of .In 1 1 icH I. Hall, deceased. Address It. I''. P., Itickrcall, Oregon. Oscar llayter, Attorney. Notice For Publication. 'I'luni.'ii i tvn act irvi- a ists I'nitcil sialcs Laud ollieo, Oregon Cilv, Oregon. i,,v . HI . V,,.lr.i tu .inn. bv' iilii.n (bill ill ii .III ItUiltii.e with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . SiS. culitled "An acl, lor uie sine ol limber lands in the Sla'cs id ( aliloriila, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington lerrilorv, as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of Aiiciiut .1 1S! llen.t.iii i! ',li....iu lit' Mini. mouth, county of l'olk, Stale of Oregon, has this day hied m this olliee his sworn staleincnl No. nr.'o, lor tne pnivnaso ol Uie N. .',ol Section No. I'.' in Township No. '.I S., Itangc No. 7 Vi., and will oiler proof lo shmv that ihe land souaoi is inure viiiiiiioic ioi lii uoio r or sioue Ihr.n for agtleiillural purposes, and to establish bis claim lo said laud bclore the liegistcr and Keeciver of this olliee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tue-day, the 'Jiilii dry ol July, Pmi. lie names as iiltnessef.: S. il. 'I'eiherow, of l allh City, Oregon; Albert lliirbank. ol I'cdi Oregon; K. K. Hubbard, of Kails Citv, Oregon A 11 1 1 i . ill l.'.i I t l I ' i I i' 1. ,.,..,, '. .,' ,i .1 ,,'ll ,,l.'.,- .'..1 ....!.. ll... above-dcscrilieii IiiikIh are requested to lllc'tbelr ciauns in mis omee on or oeiore sain .'dill (lay oi .i ii i y i. ALiilCliNON S, DUKSSKIt, llegisicr. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. T1.MIC-TA11LK, Kllcctivc April 1. Daily except Sunday, DALLAS, BUTLKU A Contl Office over Dallas City Bank, OREc, TTOltNKV AT I, AW -J. A. IJUJilJCY 110,11 KBt"fc Tiouhb und iDsur, Notary rublic INDEPENDENCE, OREO KNTIKT. c M. Havter. . Office over Wilson's Dm b... dallas. yaw. j JJUVHTCAN AND HUltOKo.N. L. N. Woods, M. I) Docs general practice In Bnv ... llio county. Ollieo on Main Mn. DALLAS, Wcst-Itouml: ,. j. p. j. 'v. DALLAS 7:::o' l':L'o' Teats' Siding y -1,; o'iIliiuns 7; pi l!ridgeport 7:.Vi 1 : 1.'. Ar. FALLS CITV s.or, Kast Hound: a. M. P. M, l.v. FALLS CITV IIridgciort (i:;;o .; i;, ( i i! Hums ;:: .;,'i Teals' Siding r : : .;, Ar. DALLAS i);;,,-, 5.'j Trains Stop on Signal only. L. ClOliLIN'iiKK, Jr.. 'icneriil Manager. . ,i my ou. eeuons, ll anv nimi :.. .i.;.. . i ii , mis uiey nave, and lo show caiif-e why said limil , : , . " ""'e; o sviorn siaienient .No. U:l.'kS. ....i .i... .uiiuiiauu i lie ii esr. ' . ni v..,ti i. J2. .11 loWMS 111! o 7S O.. ...... - . . will oiler prooi to siiow'that tiie'la'nd sought is .oi iiBoinoer or stone than for agricu tural purposes, and toestablish hise lai n to said land bclore the Itegister and Receiver vv,. i,"Si"'"m "li V1'"" ''y- Oregon, on HednuMlay, the Uth day of July, p.KU. ' He liaines ts witnesses; A. Haldeman nf alias, Oregon; Karl Klein, of Po - land regon; ,to l.e,,er, of Portland, ore, Z Charles L hlenherger, of Dallas, Oregon L""' ...... an (icisons eiauning ailverselv tbp above-, escribed lands are reputed t, Mle thei? JUI, l'.KU. ALOKKNON S. DKESSKK, Kegister. Admiiiistrator's Notice. .- r Tradc Marks Designs ATlTOtlAflfin.initf m .Ld.h -... -t ..... - -" " "hu .iTH-riinion nisT mU.-Uy iLvvrnon our ofiiin.n irw whether hi. Miv..i.n,,.l ,s ,.r,,hHl.lT r ilentalil... '..n,n...H" ioni Vr .' r'Viir"; '" on I- Vt Z ci t IreA oMv-n nupiicir for securing Munita l'.u.;ii. iak,n u,r..iich .Mm.,, & ruTVecwlVe tfx-n.U if iltce, il hout cl-nnv In tlia Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption Counlis and Colds to be uneqtialed. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland Bentorviile, Va. serves as an example. He writes: "Iliad Bronchitis fur three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then 1 begun taking i'r. Kings ev Discovery, and a fe.v me." Equally eli'eetive in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Urip. Guaranteed by Belt ci Clierrin"- ton Druggist. Trial bottles tree, regular sizes fiOV, and f 1.00. XOiici1 in Imrnhv- iim., ti... r i signed, Adolph Aebi. have been duly appoint?..! as administrator of the estate of Anna M Pig. Jer, deceased, by t ho Conntv r,,,.t ,.r u. ,,. mKJ,-,lL a" !'ers""s hviir claims ... -uiue ine rei iii'ii lo present the RX. 'e "niltrfl 'lministra r at Airlie, Poll; County, Oregon, duly made out and vended as required by law 'Vi s x inouths irom the dale of the first publication Dated April l.sth, l'.KU. AliOLPII A EH! Administrator of the estate of Anna M. Digler. deceased. FEMALE V Uho I I'l. Is relax Ihe nerves, give i,j.,.t and le- bottles- !..!!, ....,! ..v ,fi iiiti, wiui a gentle nioveiiu lit of the bowels about breakfast time. U'. II. Howell, Houston, Tex., says, " h'isers arc the best pili made for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, elc." Sold by lielt A Cherrington. A Strong Meart. is assured by perfect digestion. Imli. geslion swells the stomach and purls it up against the heart. This causes short ness of breath, palpitation of the heart and general weakness. Kodol Dvsneii- B19 1-9 r.,, cl T :lrLAX;D- AlAlSfB. Oct. 17, 1902. f" Icoa-.iaor ,1D8 of (.'ardni superior fat '"-r,s mediciiu 1 ever itxed f -: fLk'low ''"e'"-'f I speak. h t-d u e b' completely pro,f N b fuH.?'""1, sVie3 "'"llwould have I ? S..UI u , and 1 v.-ould feel so west I '""'f!' I natural"y felt tj the h"''A1 ,'l 1 seemed 1 be bynd R'i t u L . ""u"nii 10 me. 1 t--It . a ehvigo f-r tho better within a i c'.. !tef 'J'",,.p 'n dnystreatm- nt o.,;",' '' 1.,v'':t'1''ut sutterinir tho F? C?A'?n-fl w;ilh0;l,,Pn- Wine of tlia; : ,11 ?p y "'lerful and I wish quAlitiS"'5 womekof its orst of All Experiences. Can anything he worse than to feel tiiateveiy minute will be your last? Such was Ihe experience of Mrs. S. IV -ew son, Decatur, Ala. 'I'oi three years" she writes, "I endure insuper able pain from indigestion, stomach and 1 eria. f ;i a iiii.ii.., ...,',;:";. .7. v i,,,,,,. ' " Imuran newsnciiie. KUKH S Co.3B,B'. New Ynrk ilrwich OMca, U3 V St, WuhUniron. I). C. ..oinach, takes tne strain olr the .T ' '-l.8een,ed inevitable and restores i, to a fuil performance o V Z 1 "" , , hM its fundi,,,, ni.,,,,,11.. i-.. i ., : . .. At k'"Kth 1 vv;,s lxd to try Electric Hitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I am com pletely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and l'.owel troubles Electric Hitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Kelt & Cherrington Druggist. its function naturally. K01M ineieases the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimi late and appropriate to the blood and tissues all of the food nutriment. Tones Ihe stomach and digestive 010a us. .void by Kelt A: Chen inaton. pisdc! Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ' Is. fjfi S p i reuror, i-ort land Economic League raiiulicil headarhes tell of f... ,na,e 'sknoss. Wine of Cnrdui cires pernianeutly nineteen out of c" J ' V-uy cases ot lrrerruiar H menses, bearinc down pains or '!'!?;!-'-V"'a!feH- " are ft '' " '''- 't and doctors 1i3vp H I, ' Vr11 13 lhe reason in I ' ,lr' "S""1 yi should try Wine of t-'ard-j! a. otr. s r.:.;;ii Roic.eraber that t, r...,,.,i ,-1 F: llodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. !M ill spm rsfiftift I t N l s r '",- i t'-X-J Hf. f .2 VJ Zi il Notice for Publication. TIM UK it LAXiCACT JUNK 3, ls7s I nitcd states I.ioid Ollieo Oregon city, Oregon, S.;.iJ;!"l!.."AV';pr thosnle of NL-v, d ' vV ?:; ". l "'nia, Oregon A'uJuV, 1 -.Vct''oi countv i it Z i";,1:""' 01 I'orthind, this dnv in,, rr, : u "" ;...r...ot urn, i,ns No. for Ihe n c , ' ,f?' fItt"t Hon .No. HI in townshi.. x ,V ,... -A. " SV.9' and ill oiler proof Unit the land soueht Ihe 7th dy of July ii' UR'g" " T1'UI8'J"J -. i.iiiiiio n iinoiscs: Ccor"c V in..-. .1 I'orthind. iin.i.n.,. i.i ...... 1, i I-owe of K.m:J. 1, r,:7n. m"0' Vl'so1 Ore- old of Suearioaf, oreiim ' on-J- -'Uo... ,,Any and ill jiersons chiimioo. ..,.. ine iinovi'.o..v...ii,.L,i 1 1 .....t.Duiy their clnimV ,', "': '.'SHre requested to file day of J, v e on or oeiore said Till ALC.ERXCiX S. DRESSER, . Hegintur! Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND.TtT JUNE It. 1.S7S tinted Slates Land ot'lice Oregon City, Oregon rovi Neva.hi. n,i -Vi l.s,S't-?.llf'"'nia, Oregon. countv of Multiinm. ., 5. ,' "e ot Cortland, than forag "enlturi , nrl i'S tln"er or 6t0c his claiin 10 i d hin i, KF;;'1'1n"i,0.e',t,,l'lisl' heceiver of this 0 liw an . t "'f. .Kegister and oree.-.n: I n Z ;",n,les. ' "Ves. oi Dallas. "' ' e. of 6:okZeaTlnf SOi above detcH UlainK lfliminR 'ver,ely the claims in Hikoffiw n Mr;teU l, B-!? lhe cf July, lWi. vu,Leoa r oeiore said 7tn day ALGF.R.NOX S. DRESSER, Register! HaHess ahd SADDLiES. I have iimt rmmi V1..I .. 1.';.... v j ..... ..,,, ClOCK of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to Htyle, workmanship and price I have the nest line of saddles ever - -"vnu in 1 vm county. lhey ure striutlv "down-to-date 111 every rcsjiect. HORSE BLANKETS A bitr assort qunliiy-all fitted will, "Double Sur cingles, a new feature which every horseman will i-....,i;!, , , v......,,, .i..n;i;uil,(... VjOIlie and see lliem. HARNESS OIL, I5est Grade, WHIPS and H0I5KS. Frsuak A. Siilcs MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. WeaR Hearts one hundred people who have heart troubU can remember when it was simple Indies tion I Is a scientific fact that all S fcwf,3 .no1 ureanic- are "ot on? which f i, of "3K the heart. JI Z " aclIon 0 delist. K ,r 7.;." .l'Yur5e 01 ,lrne thai ii. rl ir l , ,al u,ea" oecomes diseased Mr. D. Kauble, of Nevada, O., ssys- Tr,H u' troubls and was In a bad sta . 1 1' j '. had stornch Wthlt I took ItodolDySS CS?Ae,ulSbta months and It cured ms P P Cur9 for sbout . Kdo1 Diseste What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart nf oil ' nervou Pr.p.r.d by E. O. D.W.TT4 CO., CHIOAQOt tt (JHEKKINOTON CHURCH DIRECTORY Christian Ch urrh Bible School nt. in e. m t nl 9. -JO o uuinor J. li. at 3 .JO p. m. .Senior V. E. at.0-30 n m Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 1, ' Preachine sprvif-oa c-.,..' c ' ! .V n m .i 7.0,-, : "'"'uay at 11 Methodist EDisconal Sunday. 9:45 n m c. ,' , U . . ' 'ju'i'iuy r.enooi a. m.. nreae , no. 7.0H , "u".' Zb,'?'i "'-.r.pworth 7:30" n '' "V'""g; mursday Fioici iiieetine. James Moore, Pastor Adventist Church. KaM.ntl. C!..l. , . stndv V 1U m- Bible United Evangelical Church Services are held as follows: S fi in M. OUVK SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room Xo. Wilson m,' DALLAS, ORKdON ! It. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cate Jill:: Citv Sail Kxehanjros bought and sold out points. Special nttentlon paid toco, lections. but cut in ren yoi soli Wl Wm. iMUSCOTT. Tviivhman, Does hauling ot all kinds at reasonaWi rates. DALLAS, OREOON LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, stale cotiimunieationB, Second an: Fourth Fridays of each moult H. Ij. Chapman, V. M. O.SC'AK Hayter, &( Ainsworth Chapter, No. J7, E A. M., stated convocation, Fir; Thursday of each montli. OSCAU llAVTKIt, H. P. Simontun, Se Huomi Chapter, No. 22, 0. E.S., state UieetiilL'8 .Second nod hnnrthTw days of each month. AlllS. l',l.I,A J. JlKTZUKIt, W.M.. Mks. Lihhie Mum, See. , I5f Is I. 0. 0. F. all th- Friendshifi Ixultje, No. 6, me -every iMiturdtty evening m (). (). F Mull II011ACK Wkbsthh, N. (,. ' W. A. Ayuks, Kec.Sec. wmm IjaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meet! "Second and Fourth Holiday of eact month. 11 F. II. Morrison, C. P. F A. Stiles, Scribe. 1 lniira Lode, No. 20, I), of fi., meet "every Friday evening. iUiss May Nuklto.v, jv. G. IdrHS Ki.oisk l'uii.i.ii'8, Sec. . ijl! ra-vs for the OBSERVER UU and the Weekly Oregonian rl oneyear. In order tr. tai. advantage of this liberal or, your subscription to the Observer must bepaidupto date. Now is the time to enbscribe. a m i l- lunuiie . r. 1U m k lTpn7lna-m-'and 7:30 P. Y v p 1 L'i 6r:30.p- m- Y. M. C. A , 1 W . U A. ad Junior Kndeavor 3 -on P.m. Prayer meeting Thursda ?S A. A. Winter. Pastor. Presbyterian Church. 1 Smp' 8erK-iceS: Bible BtQJv at 10 . m.; Preaching at 11 a. m and 7 An P. m.; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m SeniS tadeavor.6-.30 D. m. Prayer mefun Thursday at 7:30 n m "it-eung, T. Wardle, Pastor. Baptist Church. Bible school at 10 a. m.; B. Y P U 6:30 p.m. Preaching t 11 ; ;r' L-; Woodmen of the World, hq Jnllas Camp, No. 209, meets in OJ: Fellows hall every Thursday evenia G. N. CltHItltl.NGTON, C. C, W. G. VA88AI.L, Uien. lUIistletoe Circle, No. 33, W. 0. 1 4,Ameets in Odd Fellows' hall, Secon and Fourth Wednesday of each moult Mrs. Nellie Tatom, G. N. Mrs. Assy Dus.v, Clerk. Knights of the Maccabees. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Sea fjM and Fourth Thursdays of ead Zf month in I. O. O. F.hall. G. W. COSKEY, S. K. Com. rxjr. I.N. Woods, R.K. ON'1' Kilac Hive, No. 28, L. O. T. 51., nieetw uon Second and Fourth Thursday ' V v IIOOII nf pach m.intli Mits. Kva Hayter, L. C. Mrs. Blanche Eakis, E- A. 0. U. W. MZi. Inion Ixxlge. No. 33 Meets Fii '.j and Third Wednesday ol e" month. H. L. Festos, M. W. F. A. Stiles, Fin. rrystal Lodge, No. 50, D. of II. . First and Third Wednesday of m . month. Alice Groves, C. of II. Emma Coad, Fin. "W fr. do fo ar lei United Artisans. . . 1 Z3 ssembly No. 40 meets Firt Tn "day of each month. 1 llr Willis Simoxtox, M. A. m - - Mrs. Ella J. MetzgebS Fraternal Union of America Tjodge No. 144-Meets Third Tuerftf . "of each month. W. J. Wagner, F. M. Co, j. .... Mrs. S. E. Mobrisos, see- J. M. Gree.v, Pastor.