Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 03, 1904, Image 3

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Ipolft County bservcr
Blank notes for sale here.
Baseball at Trainmen's Excursion.
Take your prescriptions to the Wil
son drug store.
Place your orders for Oak Wood
with T. A. Biggs.
Mrs. J. B. Stump, of Monmouth,
visited relatives in Dallas this week.
Hon. II. V. Gates will deliver a
political address in Albany tomorrow
Fig the most healthful of - all
Nougats, at Williams' this week.
Fresh taffy, pure cream penocha
and caramels every day at Williams'
confectionery store.
Joseph Turnidge, formerly a resi-
j dont of Polk county, died in Lebanon
."thisjreek, aged 59 years.
Miss Katherine Simonton, of Port
land, visited relatives in Dallas and
Rickreall during the week.
Frank Kersey and Walker Strauss
are over from Salem on a visit. They
will leave for Chicago in a few days.
. W. M. Jones contemplates taking
up his residence in Eastern Oregon
for the benefit of his family's health.
Thomas Brunk, of Eola, is seriously
ill with stomach trouble, and fears
are entertained that he will not re
Mrs. Warren Cressy, of South Bend,
Wash., arrived in Dallas, Wednesday,
to attend the funeral of her sister, the
late Mrs. A. M. Sanders.
Mra. Alice Townsend, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bich
mond, has returned to her home at
Oak Lodge, near Perrydale.
Dr. E. E. Todd, Physician and
Surgeon; graduate of Willamette
Medical College. Office upstairs in
Uglow building. Calls promptly at
tended, day or night.
J. L. Castle has sold the Falls City
meat market to Grant & Barn hart,
and will devote his entire attention to
his feed and seed store in Dallas. He
is also buying wool and hides.
Judge and Mrs. George H. Burnett,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weller, Mrs. S. E.
Huelat and daughter, Mina, of Salem ;
Mrs. Louise Bickford and Will Morris,
of Portland, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles F. Belt, Sunday.
The rural telephone line between
Dallas and the Luckiamute country
will be ready for business tomorrow.
Mort Staats, of Airlie, has charge of
the construction work, and says the
line will be first-class in every respect.
Messrs. J. W. Lewis, George McBee
and G. W. Myer were in Dallas, Tues
day, making arrangements for the
annual reunion of Polk County Pio
neers, to be held in Dallas on Satur
day, July 2. They are making an
effort to secure Governor Chamberlain
to deliver the annual address this
year and hope to be successful. J. C.
Hayter, of this city, will deliver the
occasional address. The full program
will be published soon.
Try Observed legal blanks.
See Pollock's new ad in this paper.
Garden hose at Vaughn & Weaver's,
on Mill street.
I. L. Stoddard, of Falls City, was in
Dallas, Wednesday.
The Obbebver office wants the print
ing you are particular about.
"Portland's Best," the Bonbonnlere
ice cream, at Marks & Dunn's.
J. C. Talbott, of Falls City, was a
business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday.
California "Home Brand" and
"Heinz" Pickles at Loughary & Ellis
H. C. Seymour, principal of the
Falls City public school, was a Dallas
visitor, Wednesday.
Hon. J. M. Stark, proprietor of the
Palace Hotel in Independence, was a
Dallas visitor, Wednesday.
Walter Boy has the Dallas agency
for Aldon's celebrated chocolate
creams. None finer made.
Homer Kirkpatrick returned to his
home in Los Angeles this week after
a nine months' stay in Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tuck, of Mc
Cormack, Wash., are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins.
A. H. Boyd, manager of the Port
land branch of the Pacific CoastSyrup
Company, visited relatiyes in Dallas,
Notice the ad of the Dallas Candy
Factory elsewhere in regard to those
"new process" creams they are mak
ing. The sugar-coated kind.
John Castle arrived home this week
from an extensive trip through West
ern Washington. He says Dallas Is
the best town of its size in the North
west. Eev. J. M. Ballantyne, prepidiag
elder of the Dallas district, United
Evangelical Church, will proach in
the College chapel Sunday morning.
D. A. Poling will preach in the eve
ning. All are invited.
Dr. Mark Hayter will attend the
meeting of the Oregon State Dental
Association in Portland next week
and desires to inform his patrons that
his office will be closed from next
Thursday morning until the following
Wednesday noon.
There is some satisfaction in eating
a chocolate cream to be able to dis
tinguish the different flavors by the
flavor not by the name. You will
find this true only of a hand-rolled
cream as sold by Marks & Dunn and
made by the Dallas candy factory.
Miss Sadie M. Francis, the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Francis, formerly of Dallas, has gone
on a three months' visit to relatives in
the East. She went by way of Canada
to Chicago, and will return through
St. Louis, Denver and San Francisco.
The Salem Statesman, in its report
of the Bepublican meeting in Dallas
last Saturday night, says two bands
from Portland furnished the music
This is all right and reads well, but it
isn't true. The music for the occasion
was furnished by the Monmouth
school band and the Dallas boys'
band, and it was good music, too. '
Oak Grub Wood. T. A. Biggs.
H. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville
Insurance Co.
Miss Rebecca Gates is visiting
relatives in Lebanon.
Forrest Craven, of Ballston, was a
county seat visitor, Wednesday.
Mrs. Claude Dunn visited relatives
in Woodburn the first of the week.
Andy Wilson, of Independence, was
greeting old-time friends in Dallas,
You can visit the public buildings
at Salem by going on the Trainmen's
If you once buy Aldon's chocolates,
you will buy no other. Agency at
Walter Boy's confectionery store.
Mrs. A. B. Muir returned home
Monday from a ten days' visit at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Jacobson, in
It only costs $1.50 to take the trip to
Salem and return on the Trainmen's
Excursion and see the best show of
the season.
Mrs. J. Viggers came up from
Portland this week for a visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. V. Lynch.
Call and see the bath room fixtures
at Vaughn & Weaver's on Mill street.
We have a complete line, and will do
your work as it should be done.
Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up
stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12
and 1 to 5. Examinations free. .Phone
On June 1, 1904, there were adver
tised letters in the Falls City post
office for Mrs. Helen B. Harford and
Mrt.. Lizzie Bower. M. L. Thompson,
The monument at the grave of the
lata William J. Starr in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery will be unveiled
Sunday, June 5, by Dallas Camp, No.
209, W. O. W. All members are re
quested to meet in the Hall at 1 :30
o'clock of that day.
Frank Motter, reading clerk of the
senate in the last session of the Ore
gon Legislature, spoke in behalf of
the Bepublican ticket at Falls City
last night, and will address the voters
of Luckiamute precinct, at Airlie,
Williams is now stocked with Aldon's
Creams, but will close them out as
soon as possible and carry in
preference Brown's full line of hand
rolled Fruit Creams. They will all be
the new process creams which Brown
has recently been making the sugar
coated kind. ,
While there was no public ob
servance of Memorial Day in Dallas,
a large number of people visited the
cemeteries and decorated the graves !
of deceased relatives and friends with I
flowers and evergreens. Dallas has
no G. A. R. Post, but the old veterans I
made it a point to see that no soldier's !
grave was passed by without a flower.
Memorial Day is becoming more j
popular each year, and the time is not
far distant when it will be publicly
observed in every village and hamlet.
New dwelling houses are going up
in every part of town.
H. W. Bancroft, Mayor of Falls
City, was a Dallas visitor yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Barnes and little
daughter visitod In Falls City, Mon
day. Rev. James Mooro has returned
from Los Angeles, where he attended
the Methodist conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Harris, of
Oak Grove, are In a hospital in Salem,
suffering from typhoid fever.
A large number of Polk county
people will attend the picnic at Kid
der's grove, on Soap Creek, tomorrow,
if the weather is fair.
Chester Gates, W. E. Critchlow and
Harrison Barendrlck are delegates
from the Dallas college Y. M. C. A. to
the conference at Gearhart.
Mrs. Lu Magruder, of Portland, has
returned to Dallas after a several
weeks' visit at the mountain home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Teal, near Falls
City, and is the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
E. Cadwell.
Rev. A. H. Dodd, of Falls City, will
preach in the Christian church in
Dallas next Sunday. Morning sub
ject, "Safety in Service;" evening
subject, "Falling on God's Mercy."
All are Invited.
The mutual telephone switchboard
in the Wilson drug store is now in
operation. Conrad Stafrin is the
agent of the mutual companies in
Dallas. So many mutual lines are
being built into this city that a central
operator will doubtless have to be emr
ployed in the near future. mi
Miss Nellie Clark, of Salem, teacher
of the Summit public school, will
close the term of school today. The
event will be celebrated by a grand
picnic in the neighborhood of Pop
corn. There will be a good literary
program, and in the afternoon a
game of baseball between the teams
from West Salem and Popcorn. The
ladies of the church will conduct
stands and booths for the sale of
various refreshments during the day.
The Western Lean & Savings Com
pany is the best in existence and ab
solutely safe ; 20 cents a day pays the
shareholder $1000 in 100 months; 40
cents a day $2000 in 100 months about
12J per cent interest. Shares 60 cents
a month each. Any number of shares
may be taken, and the number may
be increased or decreased at the option
of the holder. For particulars, see
Davis the Barber, next door to
Fenton's office on Court street, Dallas.
0 pe n
After two busy weeks of opening and
marking goods our splendid new stock of
Dallas Candy Factory
J5 No microbe-filled starch used $
tin the manufacture of Brown's g
hand-rolled creams. The cen-
$ ters are sugar-coated before 2
dipping. Starch is the cause jj
of that flat tat to so much dis- if
T liked by every one. $
9 Try those New Process Creams. D
$ They are Fine and Healthful.
is now open and ready for your inspection. Everything in the store
is new and all goods are of the very latest styles. We cordially in
vite you to come in and look through our stock and seo the hand
some goods that we offer to the men and boys of Tolk county. The
most fastidious buyer will certainly have no trouble in finding what
he wants in our stock.
A FEW Hoffman & Rcthchild's Clothing,
E. W. Collars and Cuffs,
SPECIALTIES Bernstein's Neckwear, Florsheim Shoes,
Stetson Hats.
none but the leading clothiers in
These lines are carried by
the large cities, and on many of these articles our prices are much
lower than you are asked to pay in the large city stores. Ou ex
penses are light, and we have marked our stock down to the very
lowest prices that good goods can be .sold for.
T-)T TOTH.TT700 T fn A T O f II
SATURDAY, MAY 28, we commence a slaughter sale on Ladies'
Tailor-Made Suits, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Silk Waists, Wash Suitings,
Organdies, etc The season has been very unfavorable for summer stuff; our
stock is very heavy and we are forced to make EXTRA HEAVY reductions
We arc naming prices on certain lines that you cannot afford to let go by and you will find a
selection equal to many city stores.
Ladies9 Tailored Suits
All the Latest Styles and a Very Good
Selection. All must be sold at Eastern
Wholesale Prices.
10.50 suits Reduced. to $ 8.50 Alterations
15.00 " " " 10.50
18.50 " " " 13.50 MC
23.00 " " " 16.50 free of
25.00 " " " 17.50 rhmtmi
so.oo - " 18.50 cnarScon
35.00 " " 22.50 all suits.
Shirt Waists
Don't try to make your own Shirt Waists
you can buy good ready to wear gar
ments at -about half of former prices.
Note Reductions.
A line of colored waists, last season's styles In plain colors,
also white sold formerly at $1 up to $2 your ,
choice during this sale, each
TEe Latest Styles in Waists Are Reduced
$ .75 values at $ .50 $1.75 values at $1.25
1.00 " " 65 2.00 " " 1.50
1.25 " " 75 2.50 " " 1.75
1,60 " " 1.00 2.75 " " 2.00
Your choice of any $3.50 to $4.50 Waist in
this sale, at $2.50
Silk Waists in Colors Only$6, 6.50 and 6.75-special, $3.85
Special in Wash Suitings,
our best styles fancies, 35c
values will go at 25c
Ladies' Wool SKirts our
entire assortment at a heavy
Org'andies and Dimities at
half price.
During this sale no Garments can be taken out on
approbationcome prepared to try them on, its always more
satisfactory to have them fitted here.
Raffia for basket work at Mrs.
L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; type
writing. With J. N. Hart.
Tor a good job of wagon repairing,
go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or.
Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
One of the best horse-shoers in the
state will bo found working at Wagner
Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be
Go and see those fine bath tubs,
sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros.
A first-class plumber is in their em
ploy, and will satisfactorily do your
Wagner Brothers invite you to call
and inspect their stock of bath-tubs,
sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry
the largest stock on the West Side.
They have engaged the services of a
first-class plumber, and would be
pleased to call and figure with you on
any work you may have in the way of
water pipes or plumbing of any kind
for your house, store or office. The
finest and most skillful work guaran
The Obsekveb job office has a fine
stock of emblem cards for Masons,
Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights, G. A. It.,
and other fraternal organizations.
The prices are reasonable, and. the
stock is strictly first-class.
Hack For Sale.
Fine two seated hack and set of
light harness for sale at a bargain.
Inquire of Frank Kerslake.
ran suns
Tudor Porch Slisulcs,
siiiii stoves and Claire,
...Woven ."Wire -.and r-
Canvas Cots,
Adjustable Window
Screens, Croquet Sets.
I Telephone 133. MILL STREET. J
Wool Wanted.
I will pay you the highest market
price for your wool. Do not sell be
fore seeing me, as I am in a position
to pay you more than you can get else
where. J. L. CASTLE,
Dallas, Oregon.
Good Farm at a Bargain.
286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas,
50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres in
hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ;
well watered by living water; several
springs on place ; good pastures, and
plenty of timber; one mile from Kail
road; house, barn and outbuildings.
A nice home, and a great bargain at
$15 per acre. Call on, or address
Dallas. Oregon.
Milk Cows For Sale.
Two good milk cows for sale.
Falls City, Oregon.
Hop Sprayers For Sale.
Two second-hand Puyallup hop
sprayers for sale.
Rickreall, Oregon.
For Sale.
A desirable home in the town of
Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist
ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres in
hops, good for 100 bales; quality
always good. Two hop houses, large
store room, one new Morrison hop
press; good barn, dwelling house,
plenty of fruit. For particulars, in
quire of
Dallas, Oregon.
Ilcdol Dyspepsia Curo
Digest what you eat.
At the Dallas Boot
and Shoe Store a full
linejof Men's . . . . .
'Walk-Over' Shoes
also a full line of Ladies', Misses
and Children's Shoes and Slippers
MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done.
Sale first, fire afterwards. In anticipation of
having to move out while we have a new
Brick Building erected, we desire to reduce
our stock as much as posible. Beginning
Saturday, May 7
We will sell at a greatly reduced price all of our
large stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Tents, .Stoves,
Tin and Granite Ware.
Be Sure and attend This Sale
it! Z-