Po!K County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PtUBIISHTTlR Published Weekly at $1.S0 per Yeiu. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, JUNK 8, 1901. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. Republican State Ticket. Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE. Dairy aod Food Commissioner, J. W. BAILEY. First Congressional District. Congressman, BINGER HERMANN. Third Judicial District. Circuit J udges, GEORGE H. BURNETT, B. L. EDDY. District Attorney, JOHN H. McNARY. Twelfth Representative District. Joint Representative, J. 8. COOPER. Republican County Ticket. State Senator, U. S. LOUGHARY. Representative, D. L. KEYT. County Judge, ED. F. COAD. Commissioner, WILLIAM RIDDELL. County Clerk, E. M. SMITH. Slier iff, M. SCRAFFORD. Assossov, C. S. GRAVES. School Superintendent, C. L. STARR. Treasurer, J. T. BEEZLEY. Surveyor, J. P. VANORSDEL. Coroner, R. L. CHAPMAN. A DAY OF RECKONING. The newly-hatched Republican campaign managers are busy circu lating reports that prominent Re publicans in the various precincts who were not satisfied with the course pursued by the recent con vention havo lain down and are now willing to follow the new leadership. These managers know this is not so, but they are In such dire straits that they aro catching at straws like drowning men. For instance, they will go to Inde pendence and tell that everybody , is working with them in Dallas and then come back to Dallas and report that the Kepublicans in Independence are all lining up with them in good shape, Pretty soon some Dallas man who is opposed to their methods will meet an Independence man who is like wise opposed, and, after comparing notes, each will find that there has been no change of sentiment in either town. The fact of the matter is, there has not been a single change of importance in either town or in any precinct in Polk county since the Republican convention two months ago. The campaign this year differs from any that has ever been held in Polk county before. Men whose loyalty to the Republican party is beyond question are sick and tired of this mugwump leadership and refuse to be whipped into doing the will of a few would-be bosses who are in the party only for what they can get out ot it. lhey are tired of the tricking and trading that has brought the Republican party one defeat after another, when victory might as well have been written upon its banners. These men have fought honestly and earnestly for the success of the Republican ticket in pastcampaigns only to be tricked out of it at the last moment by a little handful of selfish men who care nothing for the welfare of the Republican party. Honest Republicans all over the county have become completely disgusted with the continued trickery of these men, and it re quired only the arrogant conduct of That Tired Feeling Is a Common Spring Trouble. It's a sign that tho blood is deficient ia vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions are signs that the blood is impure. It's a warning, too, which ouly the hazardous fail to heed. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove it, give new life, new cour age, strength and animation. They cleanse tho blood and clear the complexion. Accept no substitute. "I felt tired alt the time and could not sloop. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a w hile I could sleep well and the tired fecllns had gone. This great medkine has also cured me of scrofula." Mes. C. M. Boot, (Jiiead, Conn. j Hood' Sarsaparilla promise to J Cur and keeps the promise. a few cheap bosses in the last con vention to cause them to decid that now. if ever, is the lime to bring these bosses to their senses by giving them the dose they have so lone deserved. The minds of these Kepublicans are now mad up, and no amount of pleading and beeeins can change them. The time has come for a reckoning, and a reckoning will be had. Vain the effort of a few self-constituted leaders to cry and wheedle these workers into forgiving a wrong lor which there was no earthly excuse in the first nlace. The men who counseled harmony arid good-wi and the best interests of the party in the county convention are not in a forgiving mood this year and will not lightly pass over ant condone the slights and insults heaped upon the minority in tha convention by the leaders of the victorious faction, Not all the men who participated with the majority in the Republican convention are to he held responsible for what occurred. I here are many Republicans who are in nowise to blame for the course pursued by the convention leaders. There are no differences to heal in the rank and file of the party, and no trouble will be reached in getting together on a common ground two years from now if a few upstart bosses are laid on the shelf in this plection There is nothing the matter with the Republican party as a party in Polk county, but it will never be in a shapo to reap victories for the whole ticket until some of these selfish schemers are buried too deep for resurrection. That is' just what the party intends to do next Monday. The Republican campaign man agers make use of the columns of the Itemizer at a given price per line or inch and then have Walter Lyon copy the matter into the En terprise and credit it as the person ai opinions 01 tne itemizer man. In others words, these managers write articles, and then have Lyon reprint their stuff. The Ohserveii does not blame them for pursuing this unusual com so. these man agers are extremely desirous of en dorsement. No paper would do it for them so they endorse them selves, and pay for it at so much a line. They can't get endorsement any other way, so they simply buy it. The Observer has given them about $500 worth of space for noth ing since the April convention, but it is evidently not the kind of ad vertising they are looking for. They want somebody to say that they are good fellows, and they are going to have it said if it takes the whole Democratic Itemizer. that the right would not be granted at any price. When an agent ap pointed by the council visited judge Boise in Salem and suggest ed that the people of Dallas felt that they were entitled to the small favor asked, thisaged and parsimon ious Judge who has been drawing down 3000 a year for 30 or 40 years from the public treasury coldv answered that he "owed Dal las nothing." Now, Judge Boise is asking a favor ot the people of Dal las, and it is the duty of the people to inform him that they "owe him nothing," and that on election day they will pay the amount due. The jury in the damage caseaward ed Judge Boise one dollar, and the city paid it. That dollar ia the last thing he should ever get out of the people of Dallas. Look out for the campaign liarl If anybody comes to you at this late day in the game and tells you some personal story reflecting up on any candidate jr. either ticket, it will be pretty safe to take it for granted that it is not so. Great injustice is often done to worthy candidates by listening to the tales of unprincipled liars, sprung at the last moment before, ejection, and afttr the election is over it is then everlastingly too late to right the wrong. Don't believe much that you hear about any candidate's personal character between now and next Monday night. Tt is strange what some news papers will do for money, and yet many publishers wonder why newspapers nowadays do not have more influence. When the day comes that publishers will refu to sell an inch of editorial space or a line of editorial opinion, the peo pie will respect the newspapers as they should be respected, and un worthy politicians and misfit candi' dates will oe leu to meir own resources, which are usually slim Fortunately for the dignity of the newspaper business, the number of publishers who will prostitute their columns for hire is small and rapidly growing smaller. A self respecting newspaper man usually finds his ollico full of profitable business without having to resort to the sale of editorial space to political shysters. The imported editor of the Inde pendence Enterprise, who was sent into Polk county to help carry out the Bchemes of undesirable and broken-down Republican office seekers, endeavors to criticize th course pursued by the Ousehvkk in the campaign now drawing to close The Odsekvek cares nothing for the criticism of this editor, one way or the other, and will continue to pursue the course that it con siders best for the permanent good of the Republican patty as it has always done in the past, ihis paper has been advocating Repub lican principles and working for Republican success for the last six teen years, and it will be here advo cating these principles when the imported scribbler over at Inde pendence is gone and forgotten. Cheap politicians and cheap editors come and go, but the news paper that wears no mans doj collar and conducts it business up on business principles, like lenny son's brook, goes on forever. Judge Boise should not receive a single vote in Dallas. His refusal to grant the right-of-way for the pipe line for the city waterworks and his work in lnlluencing other property owners to likewise refuse, forced the city into a long and ex pensive law suit, delayed the work eeveral months and made it neces sary to issue bonds to the amount of 115,000 insteadof:fl2,000. The city officers made every reasonable and honorable ettori to induce Judge Boise to permit the pipe to cross his land, and made him an offer of 1400 for the privilege, hop- ng thereby to keep the matter out of court. The ollieers did not fetl that Judge Boise would be injured to the extent of anything like 1400, but they desired to proceed with the work and avoid expensive litiga- ion. Every off r met a positive refusal, and the city was informed .lodol Dyspepsia Curo Digest what you eat C. H. Watts, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. The Epworth League will serve oys ters, sandwiches and other lunch in the Faull warehouse on election night, The election ballots, booths, ballot boxes and other paraphernalia to be used in the election next Monday are being distributed among the twenty precincts in Polk county. D. G. Henry was in Dallas, Wed nesday, before the county court in the interest of the new road which is planned to cross Spring Valley from the foothills to the Wallace road, coming out near the Bayne ranch. The Y. W. C. A. of Dallas College will give a chicken pie dinner and supper in the Collins' building one door west of Mrs. Chace's store, to morrow, June 4. Come with the assurance that the bestcooksof Dallas will provide a good meal. When one reads of heavy average yields of mohair from a flock of An goras he may well conclude that the Hock was well fed. There is, of course, a groat deal of difference among goats as to the amount of hair they will pro duce but an abundance of good feed from one end of the year to the other does wonders in securing a high average yield of mohair for tho flock. Rural Northwest. The light showers of the last few days have benefited tho crops to a small extent, but tho farmers are all wishing for a good.heavy downpour of rain. The Spring-sown grain is need ing rain badly, and the Fall grain Is not making the growth that it should, but it is believed that the present cool weather will give it a fresh start and that an average crop will be harvested this Fall. A more enjoyable picnic has never been given in Polk county than the one held at Ballston last Saturday. Tho weather was fine, the program was interesting, and there was a large crowd in attendance. The motor made a special trip and carried many people from Dallas and points south. The success of the picnic is largely due to tho efforts of Harry II. Belt, the energetic young principal of the Ballston public school. David Calbreath, owner of the Inde pendence electric light plant, has a force of men at work, cleaning outthe Santiam water ditch atSidney,Marion county. The ditch is thirteen miles long, and the light plant and a large grist mill are located at the lower end of it. No attention has been paid to the ditch for the last 25 years, and the mill has heretofore been operated only during the Winter months. Mr. Cal breath says there will be a plentiful supply of water tho year round as soon as the present work is completed. The electricity is conveyed to Inde pendence on a high-tension wire, seven and one-half miles ia length. Tho Sidney water power is among tho best in Oregon. OP men Coot Cored. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained,, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offerinfj to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap sus, or Falling of Womb which they can not cure. All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. I used four bottles of your 'Favorite Pre scription' and one of 'Golden Medical Dlsco ery.' " writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount, hope, Lancaster Co., Pa., "and can say that I am cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble Am in better health than ever before. Every one who knows me is surprised to see me look so well. In June I was so poor in health that at times I could not walk. To-day I am cured. I tell everybody that Dr. Pierce' medicines cured me." Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense or mailing; only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Well Digging. If you want a first-class lob of well digging, cleaning or repairing, call on John Diehm. Hemakesaspeoialty of this workl and guarantees satis faction. Residence, one mile east of Dallas, BRIQHT'S DISEASE. The largest Bum ever paid for a pre ecription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They com menced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900 They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen caees on the treatment and watching them. They also ttot pby sicians to name chronic, incurable vases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will oe mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco. Cal. Bracelet Lost. Lost, on Bickreall picnic grounds, a heavy gold chain bracelet. Finder will please return to Miss Carrie Burch, Bickreall, Or., or to this office Attention, Horsemen! The imported German Coach stallion "Alban" will make the season of 1904 in Dallas. Terms, $30 to insure, $20 for the season, with return privileges. J. R. HUBBAED, W. H. McDaniel, Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS House Medicine and Stock Food of all, kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow One Door west of Hub Clothing Store on uaK street. Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEHAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber Goods repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore. J. L. Castle, Dallas, Oregon A. IS. BROWN DBALKB in LIVESTOCK Buys and ships Hogs, Mutton and , Stock Sheep. Highest market price paid at al. times. Vddress, R. F. D. NO. 1, DALLAS, OREGON CLEARANCE SILK SALE at ollocR's Cash Store One weeK only beginning, Saturday, June 4th. 23-inch Jap Silks, fine quality, Afr sale price 27-inch Jap Silk, white only, IQr sale price Tft Wash Taffeta Black and colors, sells at 75c and 85c, 'lQ sale J 23-inch Black Taffeta, extra heavy, Jl7r sale O k 36-inch Black Taffeta, every yard warranted, M OQ sale pi.AJ French Ginghams, 10r sale RIBBONS DURING SALE 20 PER CENT OFF. Annual White Sale Ellis & Keyt beg to announce that their next Special Sale of Muslin Underwear will be held beginning Monday, May 16, 1904 This sale made by the Defender Mfg Co , of New York City, is an event of more than qr. '-'ff dinary importance to the ladies of this community. Our customers who have worn this brand of goods are well acquainted with its merits. Those who have never used them will find that for perfection of finish, fineness of quality and attractiveness of design, they are unsurpassed if not unequaled. After careful and discriminating search we have decided that these goods are better adapted to the needs of our patrons than any others we could secure. We offer no ten cent goods, as our ex perience is that no garment can be made to sell at this price which is really fit for our customers to wear. We cordially invite you to attend this sale, and assure you of Good Qualitiesand Reliable Materials at Unusually Low Prices. ELLIS Phone 246. KEYT flain Street O. H. COBB O. W. COBB O. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OF masons, Carriages, Buggies and farm machinery fiorse Shoeing ana Plow ttforKa Specialty. We have one of the best Shoers in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or trade. Phone Farm 320. North Dallas, Oregon For Sale. Breeding herd, (all ages), of pure bred Shorthorns, with registered 3- year-old bull, for sale about 25 head. Frank Butler, (near Falls City, Folk county, a railway point.) Postal ad dress, Dallas, K. F. D. No. 2. folk county, Oregon. Notice. Tho accounts of the firm of Knox & Murrell havo been placed in the hands of Lott Brown for collection. Persons indebted to the old firm may call and settle with him at their convenience. TEAM FOR SALE-Heavy work J team. For particulars, inquire of J CHARLES CUY now's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fof au ivcof Catarrh that cannot be cured bj Hail's Catarrh Cure. F J. CHENEY & CO. , Propa ., Toledo, a We the nmleivigned, have known F. J. Che ney (or the last 15 yeara, and belieT him per- Kelly honorable In all business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obliga tions marie by their firm. WKsTa 1 ar ix. Wholesale Dnireista, Toledo, O. Wajluivo, Kissas & Mabvim. Wholesale Drug- rmi, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally. actini dirrcilT upon the blood and raucous eurfascl tij;eiM. Price, TSe. per botUe. &w4fe4j Uniaxial. Tvetttnoaiaia tr. Hall ' Family ii: axetfct beat. N J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS IN Ciitiber and farm Lands and City Property. PROPRIETOR OF Dallas electric EigM Plant Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. 11 Special Sale 0n0eay FRIDAY, MAY 20 Ladies' Lace Collars on sale as follows: 00c collars - - 50 cents. 75c collars - - 05 cents. $1.00 collars - - 80 cents. $1.75 collars - - $1.40 $2.50 collars - - $2.00 $2.00 collars - - $1.75 Friday, May 20 S. C. Dodson & Co. DALLAS, OREGON. HAZELW00D ICE CREAM We are sole agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors used in its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOK SALEM LAUNDKY. Uglow Building, Main Street Dallas, One. Walter Roy, r WAUINbK tKU. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel j Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth f Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: 1 All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. '' j LCOR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OREGON. 3 H. G. CAMPBELL FARM LANDS LOANS, INSURANCE MILL STREET, NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND 5ALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon.