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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
flVift Count? bgcrvcr Blank notes for sale here. Try Observer legal blanks. Oak Grub Wood. T. A. Eiggs. Garden hose at Vaughn & Weaver's, on Mill street. H. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville Insurance Co. Mrs. J. S. Talbott visited in Port land this week. Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick was a Port land visitor, Monday. Miss Georgia Shriver is visiting 'relatives in Ceutralia, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Geriinger, Jr., were visitors in Portland overSunday. Henry Howe left for hL home in Bellingham, Wash., the first of this week. Mrs. T. H. Townsend, of Perrydale, visited relatives in Dallas a few days this week. California "Home Brand" and "Heinz" Pickles at Loughary & Ellis' grocery. Fresh taffy, pure cream penocha and caramels every day at Williams' confectionery store. The Y. W. C. A., of Dallas College, will give a chickeu-pie dinner and supper Saturday, June 4. Walter Roy has the Dallas agency for Aldon's celebrated chocolate creams. None liner made. Charles F. Belt is building a two story, three-room addition to his dwelling house on Oak street. Call and see the bath room fixtures at Vaughn & Weaver's on Mill street. We have a complete line,' and will do your work as it should be done. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 6. Examinations free. Phone 45. C. N. McArthur, of Eickreall, was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. He was accompanied by his friend and guest, Dr. George Ainslie, the O. R. & N. Company's optician at Portland. There is nothing so fine as "Snow flake," the new confection which you will find this week at Williams' con fectionery. This is a pure white con fection, lemon fruit flavor, filled with choice nuts. Mrs. Mary Clingan, who has been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Morrison, at Heppner for the last two years, is visiting in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have moved to Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grant, of The Dalles, are visiting relatives in Dallas this week. Mr. Grant is the owner of the leading tobacco and cigar store in The Dalles, and is enjoying a large patronage. There is some satisfaction in eating a chocolate cream to be able to dis tinguish the different flavors by the flavor not by the- name. You will find this true only of a hand-rolled UNwiitn as sold by Marks & Dunn and made by the Dallas candy factory. Tnke your prescriptions to the Wil son drug store. Place your orders for Oak Wood with T. A. Riggs. Travis McDevirt, of Corvallis, visited in Dallas o.ver Sunday. Insurance gasoline stoves, guaran teed perfect at Guy Bros.' Buy your hose and lawn fixtures at Guy Bros, and save money. The Observer office wants the print ing you are particular about. Ray Fawk, the Prohibition candi date for Representative, has with drawn from the race. Dr. E. R. Todd, physician and surgeon. Rooms 7 and 8, Uglow Building, Dallas, Oregon. If you once buy Aldon's chocolates, you will buy no other. Agency at Walter Roy's confectionery store. Miss Effie Richardson, of Portland, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Farley, in this city, Sunday. Hon. Robert Veatch, Democratic nominee for Congressman, was in Dallas a few hours, Wednesday, greeting old friends and making new acquaintances. M. E. Heath, a brother of V. R. Heath, came up from Portland on a business visit yesterday. He is a traveling salesman for F. E. Beach & Company's paint house, of Portland. The building for F. J. Coad's new planing mill i8 nearing completion. Mr. Coad's machinery is kept busy this season filling orders for doors, windows and other building material. President C. C. Poling will preach in the College Chapel next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. This will be his last sermon to the local congrega otin before his departure for the East. All are invited. Captain V. P. Fiske has lumber on the ground for a handsome new dwelling house, and carpenters will begin work at once. The new building will be built on the site of his present home on Mill street. The United Evangelical denomina tion will hold a campmeeting and Bible conference in Independence next month. The meeting will begin June 18 and will continue overtwo Sundays. A large attendance of campers is expected. 4f . MW Born, Thursday, May 26, to Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Marks, a son. Dr. H. L. Toney will be absent from his office from Saturday morning un til Monday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bryan, of Falls City, attended the meeting of the Eastern Star in Dallas, Tuesday night. Posters are out for the Republican rally to be held in Dallas tomorrow night. Senator C. W. Fulton and Hon. Binger Hermann will speak, and the Dallas Zouave Band will furnish music- A free motor will be run from Independence and Mon mouth. The Western Lean & Savings Com pany is the best in existence and ab solutely safe; 20 cents a day pays the An excellent banquet was served. shareholder $1000 in 100 months ; 40 The f UI)eral of the late C. D. Simp cents a day $2000 in 100 months about 8on wa8 held from the Christian 12J per cent interest. Shares CO cents church in Monmouth, Monday, Rev. a month each. Any number of shares Brown officiating. The procession and may be taken, and the number may attendance were the largest ever seen be increased or decreased at theoption ia thj3 part 0f tjje countv. Mr. simp- iB Un&epenoence IRotes Otis Welch is building a new house on his lots in this place. C. A. McLaughlin, Wm. Mackey and Mr. Richards left this week for Nome, Alaska. J. F. O'Donnell, formerly a hard ware merchant of Independence, was visiting friends here over Saturday. About seventy-five from here went to Salem Sunday on the" excursion giveu by the O. C. T. Co., river steamer Pomona. Mrs. Claud Gatch, Grand Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star, visited the Independence lodge on Monday night. son was yery popular, and left many friends. His last words well represent his character, and were : "I believe there is a .hereafter, and it pays to be prepared." Mr. Simpson lacked one WOOL BROUGHT BIG PRICE Polk County Pool of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds Sold at 19 3-10 Cents. of the holder. For particulars, see Davis the Barber, next door to Fenton's office on Court street, Dallas. Mrs. Elizabeth McQuarry is seriously ill at the home of her son, D. W. Sears, in Independence, the result of day of being 24 yeais old. a fall received a few davs ago. Mrs. McQuarry slipped and fell on the floor and being alone, was unable to move until found by members of the household some time after the acci dent. Her hip was seriously injured by the fall, and her recovery will doubtless be slow, owing to her ad vanced years. Mrs. Robert Hatton sent to the Ob server office on the 25th day of May a dozen large red-cheeked apples that were in almost as perfect condition as when gathered from the tree last Fall. The apples were of the New York Pip pin variety, and were entirely fiee from spot or blemish. They were kept in ah open barn loft all through the Winter, and no particular care was taken in storing them awny. People from the Eastern states often ! wonder why apples do not decay dur. ingthe warm Winter months in Ore gon, and express treat surprise upon seeingfine, firm fruit on display as late as May or June. We confess we do not understand it ourselves The Polk county wool pool was sold to Jacobs & Company, of Oregon City, Wednesday, for 19 3-10 cents a pound. The wool was sold at public auction. Six bidders were present, and bidding was spirited. The pool contains 200,000 pounds of wool. The price paid is the highest for many years, and the farmers are rejoicing. Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account the St. Louis Exposition, ou the following dates : June 16, 17, 18; July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10 ; September 5, 6, 7 ; October 3, 4, 5. Going trip must be completed with in ten days from date of sale, and It is passengers will be permitted to start I probably because the Oregon climate 0n any day that will enable them to A. N. Moores, manager of the Capi- Js entirely different from that of any tal Lumbering Company s mills at Salem, was a business visitor to Dallas on Wednesday. Mr. Moores' company has extensive interests in Polk county, and turns out a large amount of lumber annually at the Salem mills. The Dallas Ice Factory is running steadily and is turning out a large amount of ice daily. The machinery is being adjusted and it is expected that everything will soon be -running smoothly. The factory has established agencies in Independence, McMinn ville and Falls City. Besides manu facturing ice, the company handles mineral waters, carbonated beverages, pickles, vinegar and tropical fruits, and does a general cold-storage business. other country on the face of the earth. Runaway at Palls City. FALLS CITY, Or., May 26 Jack Wagner, of this place, was seriously injured in a runaway accident this morning. An unruly colt he was driving became unmanageable and ran away, throwing Mr. Wagner out of the buggy and brusinp him pain fully about the hPad and shoulders. He is under the care of Dr. Perry and it is oelieved that Ids injuries will not prove fatal. reach their desti nation within the ten days limit. Return limit ninety days, but not later than December 31, 1904. For full information as to rates and routes call on Agent Southern Pacific Company. WATCH THIS SPACE Open & for Business ! ! ! After two busy weeks of opening and marking goods our splendid new stock of CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS is now open and ready for 'our inspection. Everything in the store is new and all goods are of the very latest styles. We cordially in vite 3'ou to come in and look through our stock and see the hand some goods that we offer to the men and boys of Polk county. The most fastidious buyer will certainly have no trouble in finding what he wants in our stock. v iff it's A FEW Hoffman & Rothchild's Clothing, E. W. Collars and Cuffs, Pp IALTTI ES Bernstein's Neckwear, Florsheira Shoes, Stetson Hats. in These lines are carried by none but the leading clothiers the large cities, and on many of these articles our prices are much lower than you are asked to pay in the large city stores. Our ex penses are light, and we have marked our stock down to the very lowest prices that good goods can be sold for. SEE OUR NEW WINDOW DISPLAY. UGLOW CLOTHING HOUSE f THE UP-TO-DATE STORE MILL STREET DALLAS, OREGON EACH WEEK It TEAM FOR SALE Heavy work team. For particulars, inquire of ff j J It is reserved .tax the Dallas Candy Factory, manufacturer of those delicious home-made can dies sold by Walter Williams and Marks & Dunn. INTERESTING STORE MEWS SATURDAY, MAY 28, we commence -a slaughter sale on Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Silk Waists, Wash Suitings, Organdies, etc The season has been very unfavorable for summer stuff; our stock is very heavy and we are forced to make EXTRA HEAVY reductions We are naming prices on certain lines that you cannot afford to let go by and you will find a selection equal to many city stores. Ladies'. Tailored Suits All the Latest Styles and a Very Good Selection. All must be sold . t Eastern Wholesale Prices. 10.50 Suits Reduced to $ 8.50 AltcHitiOIlS made free of charge on all suits. 15.00 " " " 10.50 18.50 " " " 13.50 23.00 " " " 16.50 25.00 " " " 17.50 30 00 " " " 18.50 35.00 " " " 22.50 Shirt Waists Don't try to make your own Shirt Waists you can buy good ready to wear gar ments at about half of former prices. Note Reductions. A line of colored waists, last season's styles in plain colors, also white sold formerly at $1 up to $2 your choice during this sale, each The Latest Styles in Waists Are Reduced AS FOLLOWS: $ .75 values at $ .50 $1.75 values at $1.25 1.00 " " 65 2.00 " " 1.50 1.25 " " 75 2.50 " " 1.75 1,50 " " 1.00 2.75 " " 2.00 Your choice of any $3.50 to $4.50 Waist in this sale, at $2.50 Silk Waists in Colors Only$6, 6.50 and 6.75-special, $3.85 Special in Wash Suitings, our best styles fancies, 35c values will go at 25c Ladies' Wool SKirts our entire assortment at a heavy reduction. Organdies and Dimities at half price. During this sale no Garments can be taken out on approbationcome prepared to try them on, its always more satisfactory to have them fitted here. 1 VE SI DALLAS, OREGON. rWS WJT jr .1 1 11 OLj ORE, niionirCP T rt A T O I DUOllNEOJ L,WWL.O. Raffia for basket work at Mrs. Metzger's. L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; type writing. With J. N. Hart. A beautiful line of Spring millinery now on display at Mrs. H. H. Chace's. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Miss Bertha Collins invites an in spection of her large stock of Spring millinery. One of the best horse-shoors in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. 1 Wanted : To exchange lumber or wood for heavy draft teams, harness, 3J or heavier lumber wagons, hay or grain. Obegon Lumber, Wood & Light Co., Falls City, Or. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. HIS H SI Vudor Soieh &1ism1cs, Hammocks, siiii Stoves and Cliirs, Woven Wire and Canvas Cots, Adjustable Window Screens, Croquet Sets. CHAPMAN'S COMPLETE Telephone 133. HOUSEFURNISHERS MILL STREET. J Seed Corn For Sale. Extra early Dent seed corn for sale by J. S. Macomber, or at Ellis & Keyt's. W. W. Ullrey's or T. A. Biggs. Hack For Sale. Fine two seated hack and sot of light harness for sale at a bargain. Inquire of Frank Kerslake. Wool Wanted. I will pay you the highest market price for your wool. Do not sell be fore seeing me, as I am in a position to pay you more than you can get elsewhere. J. L. CASTLE, Dallas, Oregon. Good Farm at a Bargain. 286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas, 50 acres in cultivation ; 10 acres in hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ; well watered by living water; several springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber; one mile from Rail road; house, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address W. A. AYRES, Dallas. Oregon. Milk Cows For Sale. Two good milk cows for sale. JOHN TEAL, Falls City, Oregon. Hop Sprayers For Sale. Two second-hand Puyallup hop sprayers for sale. C. N. McARTHUR, Rickreall, Oregon. Vest Found. Found, between Dallas and Rick reall, a boy's vest. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. Just Arrive At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's 'Walk-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers "ST. CECILIA" SHOES FOR LADIES. LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. DALLAS BOOT AND SIIOETfoRE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. GREAT FIRE SALE!! Sale first, fire afterwards. In anticipation of having to move out while we have a new Brick Building erected, we desire to reduce our stock as much as posible. Beginning Saturday, May 7 We will sell at a greatly reduced prico all ot our large stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Tents, Stoves, Tin and Granite Ware. Be Sure and attend This Sale KERSLAKE'S FURNITURE STORE. PHONE MAIN 63. MAIN STREET lodol Dyspepsia Curo CigeaU what you eat.