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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
i ' , ;i -is t I - 'r-v - - - j l! 7))s CJu H VOL. XVII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 27, 1904 NO. 11 Han Schiifocr BWi f U Mar & - a Hind Tailored WT Jji 4- ! 1 i Copyright 1904 bv Hurt Schaffnw & Mn IF YOU ARE GOING . to buy a suit this Summer, you might as well buy it now while our stock is complete. While we are in our temporary quarters we will allow you a good, generous discount. You certainly will not treat your self right if you don't see our stock before t you buy. We carry the largest and best selected stock in the county of Men's Goods, such as Suits, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Valises, Trunks, and all Furnishing: Goods. Remember the S. H. & Clothing is the high tailored goods and mill set and fit tfight. We Have a Large Lot of Before we move into our new itraw Hats to Close Out room. See as top all the above lines, and uue knom you mill be satisfied. JACOESON CO. G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager. Dallas, Oregon SEWER CONTRACT LET jacobsen-Bade Company, 'of Port land, Will Do the Work for $3265.70. The contract for the construction of the Mill and Court street sewers and tne outiot sower in the East end of town was awarded to the Jacobsen Bade Company, of Portland, by the city council last Saturday evening, ... ,1 j. r n r i . . uuu mo mayor anu Auditor were authorized to sign up the necessary papers with the successful bidders at once. The council roquires that the contract must be entered into within ten days after the notice of acceptance of bid, and the sowers must be com pleted on or before September 1. The bids submitted Saturday evening were as follows : Jacobseu-Bado Company, of Port land : Outlet sewer. . . $ 441 60 Mill street sewer 1230.90 Court street sewer 1593.20 $32G5.70 Riner & Einer, of Portland: Outlet sower $ 432.70 Mill street sewer (. 1302.48 Court street sewer . . . 1702.04 $3437.22 It will be seen by the above figures that Jacobsen-Bade s bid was $171.52 lower than that of their competitors. Riner & Riner's bid was higher than the figures claimed by them in their unopened bid of two week9 ago, and the Jacobsen-Bade Company bid was $76.25 lower than the first figures sub mitted by that firm. The bid of the successful contractors is $700 below the estimate of cost prepared by the council. . The contractors will begin the work as soon as possible, and expect to complete the sewers in about 30 days. W. L. Soehren has been elected by the council to superintend the work for the city. Dallas' Best Grocery Store Only first-class lines carried in everything in the way of eatables, and sold at prices lower than can be ob tained elsewhere. We invite especial attention to our "MONOPOLE," 'ROYAL CLUB' and "PREFERRED STOCK" Canned Goods. We are closing out a stock of 40-cent Mocha and Java Coffee at 25c. Come quick, as there is only a little left. Large invoice of "M. J. B." Coffee to arrive soon-none better in the Market. PHONE NO. 44 LOUGHARY & ELLIS, - - - DALLAS, OREGON. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! We have received another large consignment of wall paper direct from the largest factory in the world. We now have without a doubt, one of the largest and best assortments of wall paper to be found in the valley. We bought these papers at the right prices and took advantage of the car freight rates to Portland, which is less than one-half local rates. Thus we say : NOW WE CANNOT AK3 WILL N3T BE UNDERSOLD OH GHAOES OF THE SAME DUALITY We also carry a large line of sample-books of latest novelties in papers and house decorations and can get anything you want in these lines. Our stock of paints, varnishes, stains, colors, etc., we have selected with care as to quality, for we believe the best is the cheapest The New Wall Paper & Paint Store. HEATH & CORNES, Mill street, Dallas, Oregon DONT WATCH! your old time-piece to see if it is keeping correct time, but save time and money by buying a reliable Hamilton Railroad Watch or a Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch. ONEIDA SILVERWARE, made of the best material and a 25-year guarantee with all articles of this brand. We also keep the White Metal brand Knives, Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Call and See My Line of Coods CHARLES H. MORRIS JEWELER. DALLAS, - OREGON Popular Grand Master. J. A. Mills, who has been chosen to the highest office in the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows in Oregon, is a sales man in Barnes' Racket Store in Salem, and is one of the youngest men who has filled the hi?;h position of Grand Master. Mr. Mills was born in Denmark, Lee county, IoWa, in 18G8, and lived in Kansas some years, becoming an Odd Fellow at McPher son, in that state, in 1889. He after wards moved to Idaho, thence to I Eugene, Oregon, and later to Inde pendence, where he was in business some years before going to Salem in 1903. His membership is still Valley lodge, No. 42, Independence. He is recognized as an active, faith f ul worker in the order and fully im bued with its fraternal spirit. It is predicted that he will make a popular and progressive Grand Master. Accident at Picnic. Miss Nellie Burke, a teacher in the Independence public school, sprained one of her knees while alighting from a wagon which had taken a crowd of school children to the picnic at Rick reall. Some one drove through the crowd on the grounds and two children, little daughters of O. A. Kramer and D. A. Hodge, were run over Dy tno rig. in some manner a gentleman standing near the children and seeing the impending danger caught the buggy and one side was lifted from the ground, allowing it to pass over the children without inj uring tnem, other than a few scratches. Miss Burke, seeing the accident, en deavored to Ret to the children and fell from the wagon. It will be several weeks before she will be able to be out. NEARINQ CENTURY MARK Ira F. M. Butler, of Monmouth, Celebrates His Ninety -Third Birthday. Secures More Land. Willis Brown, of the firm of Lvle & Jirown, of Cross Keys, passed througl: the city Monday enroute home from a trip in the eastern part of the county wnere he went to secure pasture lands for the firms' rapidly increasing herds. He reports Mrs. Brown's arm badlv injured recently when she was thrown from a horse. Prineville Journal. John Boyer and family have moved from Dallas to Pitner, Tillamook county. Democratic County Ticket. State Senator OSCAR HAYTER. Representative FRANK FAWK. Judge J. D. SMITH. Commissioner J. H. MULKEY. Clerk E. V. DALTON. Sheriff J. T. FORD. Treasurer E. B. JAMISON. School Superintendent J. W. BUTLER. Assessor F. E. MYER. Surveyor L. GROUND. Coroner W. S. CARY. jmaay arternoon ana evening an informal reception was tendered Ira F. M. Butler by the citizens of Mon mouth. Uncle Ira, as he is familiarly called, was born in Kentucky May 20, 1812. While yet but a lad his people moved to Illinois, locating at Mon mouth ; while his father surveyed and laid out the town he hauled the stakes with an ox team for locating the corners. He was Deputy Sheriff of the county and was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court for one torm by Stophen A. Douglass. He was a private in the Black Hawk War, and tells many interesting things in con nection with the incidents of the war. In 1853 he married Miss Mary A. Davidson, and together they crossed the plains in the same year, with an ox team, coming in company with the Hutchinson and Ground train. Uncle Ira located on the donation claim some two miles south of Mon mouth, in Polk County, and still owns this claim intact. Since coming to Oregon he has always taken an active interest in public life. He served one term in the Territorial Legislature and two terms In the State Legislature, boing Speaker of the House one term. He has also served as County Judge for one term and was president of the board of Trustees of the old Christian College for many years. When the town of Monmouth was laid out and the votes counted, selecting a name, it fell to him to cast the deciding vote, and hence the name is in memory of the Illinois town. For many years he has been a Notary Public and still holds his commission, being, most likely, the oldest Notary in the state. Mr. Butler has raised a family of eight children. A. D. Butler, of Napa, Cal., the Misses Margaret and Alice, who are at home with him, are the only ones living. For one of hia ad vanced age, 92, he is remarkably active and takes great interest in all events of a public nature. The house and yard were tastefully decorated, and Uncle Ira greeted his many friends with old-time warmth "and kindness. Monmouth correspondence in Sunday Oregonian. Johnson of Nevvborg ; time, 2 :11. Four hundred and forty-yard dash Pearson and Pemborton of Newberg; VanOrsdel, of Dallas ; time, 0 :55 3-5. Hammer throw Castle and Poling of Dallas; Kraraien of Newberg; dis tance, 88 feet 1 inches. Big Damage Suit. Frank Vavra, of Scio, who has re sided in that place for a number of years, has filed a suit against that city for damages aggregating $20,447.50, alleged to be duo on account of injuries sustained by defendant in falling off a sidewalk in a dark place and breaking his leg. As a result of the accident, caused, he says, by reason of the city's neglect, he was compelled to go to Portland, where he was placed in St. Vincent's hospital and his leg was amputated. He now asks for $25,000 damages and $1,417.50 special damages. W. H. Holmes and Webster Holmes, of Salem, and W. R. Bilyeu, of Albany, are attorneys for the plaintiff. Albany Herald. Ballston Picnic Tomorrow. Great preparations have been made for the school picnic at Ballston to morrow, and it is expected that the attendance will break all former records. A splendid program will be rendered in the morning by the school children, assisted by Fred B. West and Miss Hallie Morrison, of Dallas. School Superintendent C. L. Starr will deliver an educational address, The Dallas and Monmouth baseball teams will play a gamo in the afternoon for a purse of $25. The motor will run from Independence. Monmouth and Dallas. Attend St. Louis Pair. A party of eleven left Independence, Tuesday, for St. Louis to attend the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Com posing it were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. AugustSperling, Mr. and Mrs. Wash Gibson and daughter, Miss Allen Brown, F. A. Patterson and Charles Sperling. Mr. Patterson went by way of the Northern racmc ana tne rest or tne party over the O. R. & N. line. Independence Enterprise. Big Sawmill Plant. The Brownsville Times prints column description of the Thurston .Lumber Company's new sawmill at Crawfordsville, Linn county. The plant is among the best in the state, and employs 40 men. The officers of the company are: Robert Thurston president ; William Corley, vice-presi dent; Sam T. Thurston, secretary, These gentlemen and Richard and J. J. Thurston are the directors. Died of Rheumatism. J. J. Lynch died at his home in Polk county, two miles west of Salem, last Saturday, aged 65 years. He had been an invalid for the past nine years from the effects of rheumatism. Mr. Lynch was a native of County Cork, Ireland. He came to California when but 18 years of age and lived there several years, afterwards moving to Clatsop county, Oregon. Tho family came to Polk county four years ago to live near their daughter, Mrs. J. It, Chapman. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 eta. and CO eta. Belt ft Chtrrliigton. D&Uaa. Oregon. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tajsteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste less torn. No Core. No Par. tic. Good Quality, Up-to-date Styles, . Low Prices. Hammocks! Hammocks! Buy now while the assortments is nearly complete. We are out of only a few lines now; and the reserve supply is greatly re duced. Meiser d& Meiser. ii j. si DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city, COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon I WSMtl Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & EOWNE, Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street. New York, joc aad t.eo ; all drugguta, VOTE FOR TWO CIRCUIT JUDGES Six years ago there were two Circuit Judges to elect, and the Republican Union Memorial Services. The Ministerial Association of Dallas requests the Observed to an nounce that Union Memorial services will bo held in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the United Evangelical Church, will preach the memorial sermon. Special music will be prepared for tho service. All are cordially invited to attend. nominees were George H. Burnett and H. H. Hewitt. Many voters did not understand that they should vote for TWO. In consequence of this mistake, J udge Hewitt was defeated. Againth is year there are two judges to elect. 1'he Republican nominees are Georgo H. Burnett and B. L. Eddy. Vote for BOTH1 MORE RAILROAD TALK J. W. Coovert Makes Proposition to Build Line From Dallas to Salem. Talk of a railroad between Dallas and Salem has been revived by a proposition of J. W. Coovert to build and equip the road, providing the citizens of Salem will loan him $57,000 and advance a bonus of $15,000. Tuesday's Capital Journal says : "At meeting of the Commercial Club Monday night the proposition to build a railroad from West Salem to Dallas and connect with the Falls City log ging road was taken up and given a free discussion, in the customary way of starting railroads on paper and with talk. Whether this one is more likely to materialize into something besides wind remains to bo seen. 'Webster Holmes was invited to present the proposition of the Falls City, Dallas & Salem railroad. He referred to the line between Dallas and Salem as an immediate possibility. The portion of the line already built was paying $2000 a month. Mr, Coovert, the managing engineer, pro posed to build from Dallas to West Salem. He estimated the cost at $118,000. He had $00,000 to put into the line, and wanted $57,000 for one year at 7 per cent. He wanted a privilege of an extension of the time to thr;e years. He wanted a bonus of $15,000 additional to secure the right of way and terminal facilities. He would ask partial payments, as fast as five n.iles were completed. Inside of ten days after the money was put up the work would begin, and the road work would le completed in five mouths. He said he was prepared to give full details as to the business of this proposed road. "Tilmon Ford, D. J. Fry and E. S. Barnes were appointed to investigate the proposition and report." The Observer job office lias a fine stock of emblem cards for Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights, G. A. R., nd other fraternal organizations. The prices are reasonable, and the stock is strictly first-class. SCORE WAS A TIE Republican Speaking. Frank Motter, of Portland, will de- livor five speeches in Polk county, in behalf of the Republican ticket, as follows : Buell, Tuesday, May 31, at 2 p. m. ; McCoy, Wednesday, June 1, at 8 p. m. ; Falls City, Thursday, June 2, at 8 p. m. ; Airlie, Friday, June 3, at 8 p. m. ; Independence, Saturday, June 4, at 8 p. m. and Dallas and Newberg Make 63 Points Each on Dallas Field. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure, E. W. Greve's signature Is m each box. Ua. A hotly-contested field meet between tho track teams of Dallas College and Pacific College in this city last Satur day afternoon resulted in a tie, each team winning 63 points. Pemberton made the best score for the Newberg boys, taking five first places. Pi ling did good work for Dallas, notwith standing the fact that ho went in with a nip and back strain from the meet with Willamette. Gates, Castle, Ford and Launer made good scores. A largo :crowd was in attendance. The events and winners were as follows: Mile run Coulsen and Johnson of Newberg ; Barendrick of Dallas ; time, 5:10. Fifty-yard dash Pemberton of New berg; Uates of Dallas; Pearson of Newberg ; time 0 :05 4-5. Shot put Kramien of Newberc: Castle and Poling of Dallas; distance, 32 feet 9 inches. One hundred-yard dash Pemberton of Newberg; Poling of Dallas; Pear son of Aewberg ; time, 0 :1() 3-5. Discus throw Castle and Poling of Dallas; Kramien of Newberg; dis tance, 85 feet 2 inches. One hundred and twenty-yard hur dlesGates, Wilson and Teats of Dallas; time, 0:17 4-5. Broad jump Kramien of Newberg; Poling and Launer of Dallas ; distance 19 feet 9 inches. Two hundred and twenty-yard dash Pemlxrton and Pearson of Newberg; Williams of Dallas ; time, 0 :25. Pole vault Launer of Dallas ; Kra mien of Newberg ; Wilson of Dallas; height, 10 feet. High jump James Pemberton of Newberg; Poling of Dallas; Lewis. of Newberg; height, 5 feet 3 inches. Two hundred and twenty-yard hur dles Pemberton of Newberg; Gates of Dallas; Wilson of Dallas; time, 0:29 4-5. Eight hundred and eighty-yard run Poling of Dallas ; Morton of Dallas ; EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money re funded IS eta. and 50 eta Belt A Cher- ring-ton. Dallas. Oregon. Born, Monday, May 23, to Mr. Mrs. Samuel Ray, a daughter. Miss Emma Dempsey visited over Sunday with relatives in Portland. Mrs. W. V. Fuller and daughter, Bertha, were Portland visitors, Friday. Marsh Simpson, of Lincoln county, has been visiting his mother and brother, Hon. I. M. Simpson, utLewis- ville. A largo number of people from Dallas attended the funeral of the late C. D, Simpson at Monmouth, Monday, Carpenters began work on the addi tion to the Cottage Hotel this week. The new building will bo 32 by 72 feet in size, and will contain 20 rooms. Rev. M. J. Ballantyne, of Dallas, the newly-elected presiding elder of the United Evangelical Church, preached in Corvalli, Saturday and Sunday. James Thorne, the inventor of the Thorne Title Abstract and the Thorne Duplex Index, died at his home in Oregon City last Friday, aged 78 years. Miss Edna A. Parrish, dramatic reader and impersonator, will give an entertainment at Bridgeport school- house Tuesday evening, May 31. Ad mission, 15 and 25 cents. Don't miss it. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Carey were called to their old homo in Ohio this week by the serious illnes3 of ono of the Doctor's aged aunts. They will probably remain in the East several weeks. Rev. J. A. Crutchfleld, of Chicago, is in Dallas for a few days and will preach in the M. E. Church, South, next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. He came west to visit a son who is with Cusiek & Company's bank at Albany. Mr. Ivor Williams and Miss Char lotte Foulkes were married in Port land, Wednesday, May 18. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foulkes, formerly of Monmouth, and a niece of Morris Jones, of this city. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress aftei eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. 2f eta. and SO eta. Belt A CherrlngtoT. Dallas. Oregon