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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
! (Pom Count? bservcr Norval Gates la visiting relatives in . Lebanon. Raffla for basket work at Mrs Metzger's. H. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville Insurance Co. Try some of those sweet picklea and olives at Rioa's. County Commissioner John Teal was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Courter, of Falls City, were Dallas visitor, Friday. Ladies, it is no trouble to make bread with Crusade flour. Eiaas John R. Cooper, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. Rev.. J. M. Green will preach at Oakdale next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. . Onoe you eat our cakes and home made bread, you will have no other. Riaoa. " Miss Bertha Ellis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Skipton, in Salem, this week. Fine line of Rebekah emblem pins soon to arrive at C. J. Pugh's jewelry store, Falls City, Or. Mrs. Metzger will hereafter carry Standard patterns in stock, and the ladies are invited to call. F. A. Douty, a former merchant of 'Independence, was up from Portland on a business visit yesterday. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 aud 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. C. N. McArthur, of Rickreall, accompanied Hon. L. T. Harris on his visit to Dallas last Friday. The two gentlemen are old friends and college mates. . E. C. Bronaugh, a prominent Port land attorney, and William Mac Master, agent for a Scotch loan company, attended Circuit Court in Dallas this week. The Oregon Lumber, Wood and Light Company's new mill at Falls City will be ready to begin operations about April 1. It will pay you to see them, if in need of lumber or wood. Steel and Freeland's moving picture entertainment drew a large crowd at the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening. The exhibition was the best of its kind ever given in Dallas, aud the proprie tors have been requested to repeat it on next Wednesday evening. They are assured a crowded house, as many people could not find it convenient to attend on the first night, and a larg number who saw the life-like scenes are anxious to see them again. DISHES GOOD WARE NEAT PATTERNS LOW PRICES I AT MEISERS' Auction sule of household goods: Tomorrow, March 26, 1904, at i o'clock p. m., I will sell at public auc tion all our household goods. Re member the date and hour. W. R. Pfennig. Hon. W. C. Brown, who has been severely afflicted with bronchial trouble for several weeks, Is still con fined to the house. His advanoed age and the extreme damp weather renders his recovery 6low. William Shewey, of Pedee, ha re ceived the sud news from Missouri that his aged mother, whom he visited last Winter, is seriously ill with lagrippe and that little hope is enter tained of her recovery. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kruber died Saturday, aged five days. Burial took place in the Bobbins cemetery, east of town, Sunday afternoon. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of many friends in their sad loss. Dr. C. C. Poling, president of Dallas College, is suffering a severe bilious attack and has been unable to leave his bed for several days. His con dition is not serious, and, unless com plications set in, he will soon be able to be out again, Loring K. Adams, junior member of the law firm of Carson & Adams, of Salem, and a candidate for the nomination for the office of Circuit Judge on the Republican ticket, was in Dallas greeting old friends and forming new acquaintances, Monday. The case of Albert Harrington, of Falls City, charged with impersonat ing an officer of the United States Land Office, is being investigated by the Federal grand jury in Portland this week. Several witnesses from Falls City aud Dallas have been called to give testimony. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The fiuest and most skillful work guaran teed. Mr. aud Mrs. L. J. Hendershott will move to Portland in a few days, and will probably go East to make their permanent home some time during the year. Mr. Hendershott is pre paring to make a sale of his saloon on Mill street to local parties. He has been in business in Dallas since early last Full, aud has conducted a quiet and orderly resort. Hon. L. T. Harris, of Eugene, speaker of the last House of Repre sentatives, and a candidate for the Republican nomination for congress in the First Oregon Congressional District, was in Dallas a few hours last Friday evening. Mr. Harris spent an hour in the rooms of the La Creole Club, where he was given an opportunity to meet many prominent Republicans of Dallas. To all he ex pressed himself as well pleased with the political outlook and confident of winning the desired nomination. 'Mr. Harris left on the early Saturday morning train for Portland. O. E. Leet, of Falls City, was in town, Wednesday. J. L. Atwater, of Lewisville, was in Dallas yesterday. W. E. Goodell, of Rickreall, was in Dallas Saturday. N. A. Emmitt, of Falls City, was a Dallas visitor, Wednesday. R. E. Bryan, the Falls City merchant and sawmill man, was in Dallas on a business visit, Tuesday. John Waters, a prosperous farmer of the Luckiamute country, was a county seat visitor, Wednesday. T. J. Graves, one of Polk county's substantial citizens, was up from Mc Coy on a business visit, Tuesday. Frank Miller, the brilliaut young violinist of Rickreall, is organizing classes in violin and guitar iu Dallus. J. C. Uglow, who, with his father, is preparing to open a clothing store in Dallas, is expected to arrive with his wife from South Bend, Wash., about the first of April. J. W. Lewis, secretary of the Polk County Pioneer Association, was up from Rickreall, Saturday, attending the meeting of the Democratic central committee. The Clara Mathes Company is playing to crowded houses at the City Hall this week. The company is far above the average theatrical organi zations visiting the interior towns, and their plays are all new. Refined specialties are introduced between the acts each evening. The offering to night will be "The Reign of the Em peror." The company will close its engagement here tomorrow evening with a presentation of a beautiful new play, "The Silver Dagger." The road cases between Joseph W. Brown and Mrs. Mary Kemp and Thomas Williams, tried before Judge Boise on Wednesday and Thursday were decided in favor of Mrs. Kemp and Mr. Williams. The first case tried was brought by Brown to enjoin the defendants from using the road way across his farm near Lewisville, and the other was a proceeding to review the action of the County Court of Polk county in deciding adversely to Mrs. Kemp in the matter of a road way petitioned for across Brown's lands. J. E. DeYoung and W. Foster, charged with having burglarzed the Rickreall store and postofflce, and who were arrested in Portland a few days ago, were brought to Dallas by Constable J. S. Ashbaugh and lodged in the county jail. When arraigned before Justice Hardy Hoiman, De Young waived examination, but Fost er demanded a preliminary hearing. This was given him yesterday after noon, and he was released. DeYoung is being held in jail here to await the action of the Circurt Court in May. Frank Zumwalt, arrested on a charge assault and battery, when arraigned before Justice Hoiman, pleaded guilty and was given a fine of $20. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Te. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or monev back. 25 cts and SO otn Rl A Charrtnfrton. Dallas Oregon HEAVIER ROLLING STOCK Motor Company Has Placed Order for Twenty-Flve-Ton Engine. H. Hirschberg, president and man ager of the motor company, has placed an order for a twenty-five-ton locomotive to be used on the run be tween Independence and Dallas. In creased freight and passenger traffic has made heavier rolling stock a necessity, and the new locomotive will be sent to the company at the earliest possible date. Under a new arrangement of the Southern Pacific Company, all car load traffic from Dallas to points south will go via Independence and Corvallis to Albany. The regular freight train will tuke these cars to Monmouth, and the motor company will transfer them to Independence over its own track. Heretofore all shipments for California and other southern points have been sent via Wniteson. The distance by rail from Dallas to Independence over the Southern Pacific tracks is 46 miles. The distance between the two towns via Monmouth and the motor com pany's track is only 10 miles. The saving of a 36-mile haul will prove mutually advantageous to the com pany and the shipper. A spur to the large gravel bed on the Willamette river, at Independence, 13 to be built by the two companies this Summer. The Southern Pacific will use this gravel on the West Side and Yamhill divisions, and the motor company will ballast the two miles of track between Independence and Mon mouth, and also furnish gravel for the improvement of the Dallas and Falls City railroad. The signs of the times point to some lively railroad improvements on the west side of the Willamette river this year. CITY ELECTION OFFICERS Council Appoints Judges and Clerks to Serve for Period of One Year. IS Tailored Suits we are showing are un questionably the Season's Most Remarkable Values and eclipse all former efforts either our own or any other dealers. There is nothing in these gar ments that we do not guar antee. The cloth, the price the mark, the shape and everything that goes toward making high grade depend able garments. The New Ragland Raincoats now here, comes in greys, olives and mixed effects; the cloth will resist unusual wear and with stand the effects of any shower; very popular garment for spring Butterick Patterns for April Just get the Delinator 15c. m mm .S3U Srirto'Undew&t A full line of UndersKirts stylish, both in the 'Sorosis' and 'Maternich' makes, also Silk Taffeta Skirts Walk ing Skirt? S every 1 ri -tion, plain and mixed goods. THE BEE HIVE STORE Dallas, Oregon. The city council met in regular session Monday evening, and, in ad dition to the usual routine Dusiness, appointed judges and clerks of elec tion in each ward to serve for a period of one year. All the members of the board were present, and the session lasted until 9 o'clock. Privilege was granted the Liberty and Oakdale Telephone Company to construct their telephone line in the city under the direction of the street committee, pending the granting of a franchise. The Chief of the Fire Department was instructed to investigate the matter of a location for a hose-cart house, and putting up a drying rack for hose. I A new crosswalk was cVdered built at the eroBsiug of Mahand Oak streets, and new sidewalks wid repairs wpre orderfl in various DtiTtsof town. The Auditor was instructed to post notices of a general election, to be held Monday, April 4, for the purpose of electing one councilman from each ward in the' city. Judges and clerks of election were appointed as follows: First ward H. Holiuau. F. li. Morrison, C. L. Hubbard, judges; W. P. Miller, John VanOrsdel, clerks. Second ward H. L. Fenton, W. A. Ayres, C. R. Farley, judges; S. W. Blessing, F. H. Muscott, clerks. Third ward Joseph Black, J. J. Wiseman, H. Shope. judges; R. L. Chapman, J. E. Ricbter, clerks. 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. I Go to Wilson Drug Company for books and school supplies. L. D. Brown, Notary Public ; type writing. With J. N. Hart. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be' convinced. Pioneer Employment Company fur nishes all kinds of help on short notice free to employers. 215 Mor rison St., Portland, Or. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Waguer Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wood Haulers Wanted. Wanted, men to contract to haul cord wood from the timber to Falls City, a distance of one-half mile. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Ry. Co. Durham Bull For Sale. Full blooded Red Durham bull for sale. Address George Siefarth, Falls City, Oregon. Hack For Sale Two-seated Studebakerhack, almost as good as new. Price $45. Frank Rowell, Dallas, Or. Eggs For Sale. S. C. White Leghorns, great layers of large white eggs. Eggs, 50 cents for 13. W. S. Moir, Dallas, Oregon. Early Potatoes For Sale. Early seed potatoes for sale. H. S. Butz, Dallas, Or. Milk Cows For Sale Two fresh milk cows for sale. J. M. Borford, Dallas, Or. Horses Wanted. Four or five head of good work horses wanted; suitable for logging purposes. Address, Box 265, Inde pendence, Or. Apportionment of Delegates. In compliance with the request of a large number of subscribers, the Ob server again prints the apportion ment of delegates from the several precincts to the Republican county convention to be held in Dallas, Sat urday, April 9 : Douglas .... 9 Jackson 5 Salt Lake 5 McCoy 6 East Dallas 9 South Dallas 10 North- Dallas 10 Rickreall 6 Falls City 8 Rock Creek 2 Luckiamute , . . 9 Bridgeport 4 North Independence 12 South Independence 8 South Monmouth 5 North Monmouth 7 Buena Vista 6 Suver 3 Eola 7 Spring Valley 5 Total 136 Good Farm at a Bargain. 286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas, 50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres in hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ; well watered by living water; several springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber; one mile from Rail road; house, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address W. A. AYRES, Dallas. Oregon. ' n- of the most remarkable cm-en of a '.'ill, itfep-feateil on the lung?, causing j neumonia, is that of Mr. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely tired by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She t-ayB: "The coughing and 't'a'niiisr " weakened me that I ran !m m i-i neigh irui 148 to H2 mhii)iIs. I iin-.l a nuuilr of remedies to tin avail until I nped One Minute Cough Cure. Four lfttle ot tlii wonderful remedy eiireit me entirely of the cough, Btreng-thene-il my Intigy and restored me to mv normal weight, health ami utretigth." .old by Belt & Cherrington. ICcdol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat German Coach Stallion. The imported German Coach stallion "Albion" will make the seasou of 1901 in Dallas. J. R. Hubbard, W. H. McDaniel. Eggs For Sale. Brown Leghorn eggs for sale; 50 cents for setting of 15. S. R. Kennedy, Dallas, Oregon. Stallion For Service. The imported English Shire stallion "Dunsmore Prince 3011, (7l4G),"owned by Geo.'H. Bronson, of Lewisville, will make the seasou of 1904 at Dallas and in the vicinity of Bridgeport, Lewisville and Airlie. Posters later. Have You Registered. Until the books are closed in May, the Observer will print the total num ber of voters rpiston-d in the several precincts each week. In the following table, the first column shows the num ber of the precinct ; the second column the name of the precinct; the third column, the total number of voters registered in 1902, and the fourth column, ttie number of voters who have registered to dute. No. Precinct 1902 1904 1 Douglas 125 42 2 Jackson 107 62 3 Salt Lake 70.. . 29 4 Spring Valley 78 48 5 Eola .126 . . ..73 6 Rickreall 118 51 7 South Independence. .137 60 8 South Monmouth... .115 . 67 9 Buena Vista 99 ..16 10 Suver 41 11 11 Luckiamute 176 87 12 Bridgeport 73 39 13 East Dallas.... 203 115 14 McCoy .... 89 61 15 South Dallas 155 . .109 16 North Independence. .206 6J 17 North Dallas 154 80 18 Rock Creek 23....... 5 20 North Monmouth 102 51 21 Falls City 139 1R4 Total 233G .122.3 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of l'olk. Ella C. Burbiink, Plaiutift. vs William M. Burbank:, Defcndaul Buminoim. To William M. Burbank, Defendunt: In the name of the State of Oresron, you are hereby required to apar and answer the com plaint filed AfcHinht you in the entitled suit, on or before the expiration of nix weeks from the date of the lirm publication of this summons, to-wit, on or before the 6th day of !na- A. li. 1904, that twins; the date ot the mat publication of tlitn summons, Hint if vou fail to answer, for want thereof, the plnintin" will ap ply to the Bald court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint, and will tuke a deciee airaitiat vou therefor, to-wit: A decree of divorce liiMlvine the bonds of matrimony ex it-ting between pluinlitt and ileit-nuunl upon trie ground of the willful diaertion and abandon ment of plaintiff by .tid defendant William M. Burbank without any reaaon or cause therefor and that she be permitted to resume her niHiden name and for aucb other general relief aa ahc may be entitled to therein. 1 nis sum mous is puiiimiiru uv ujuii oi ure Hon. J. K. nil.lev ountT .Indite of the Co'inti Court of Hoik t ounty, nlate of :r-pon. duly mnde and entered at chambera in me city oi Uallaa, Polk ( ounty, uretr..n. on the '.nth d y ol Marcn, 1904. 1 he ilateof the fln-l publication of this luuiiiiona ia the 2oth day ot Man n v.m and the date of the last publication thereof lb the 6lh day of May A. I). l'Jot. 1 1 1 i i.i.i. a. v w . -' , Attorneys for Plaintiff. Deafness Cannot be Cared fc local applications, aa they cannot reach th intufed po.-t.on i.l t ie ear. T.iere ia only on way to cure neamesj, anu tout in fy vw.iua" ticQiil remedies. Deifneaa is caused by an in flamed rendition of the mucous lining of tho KustachianTube. When this tbe Keta;inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is li,. i.m iH init nnleca the inflammation can ba taken out and this tube reatored to its normal conu.Uon, w;u to oesiroyea lorever; Binecaeaoi't of ten are caused by catarrh, which s not: i.i? b-. tan inflamed condition ot sije mucous auriacea. W'ewillpivs) On Hundred Dollar for ny case of Deafness (canted by catarrh) that can not b cured by Hail' Catarrh Cure, bend for OTCUH-T8, Utg. 3 CJJZyzr.r(y ToJed0( Q Hail's Family fill ar th beat. Get Ready The water-works will be completed soon, and you For Comfort :vi l l ed !ater in your homes and stores and offices. We have just opened a complete line of PLUMBING SUPPLIES Such as Bath Tubs, Toilets, Sinks, Lavatories, Range Boilers, and fixtures for all these goods. None but experienced workmen employed, and we will do your plumbing as it should be done. YOU CANNOT BE TOO PARTICULAR about the plumbing in your house. Call at the store on Mill street and let us talk it over. VAUGHN $ WEAVER, mllas, ore. WALL PAPER Our Spring line of Wall Paper is now arriving from the Eastern Factories and our stock of' papers is more complete than ever before Prices are the same as 1903 from 10c to 50c per double roll. You wLl do well to call and look them over. .'. . . LARGEST STOCK ON THE WEST SIDE CHAPMAN'S Telephone 133. MILL STREET. I! DRINKS 1 ID Wl at Roy's Confectionery Store BEEF, CHICKEN AND CLAM TEA SERVED AT ALL HOURS. ALL LEADING BRANDS OF CJGAHS AND TOBACCO SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter oy u-iow Buimine, Dallas, Ore. ust Arrived At the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's 'WalK-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slippers 'St Cecilia' Shoes for JLuriies'. liadies' and Men's Patent Leather Shoes. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. H. G. CAMPBELL FARM liAIVDS LOANS, INSURANCE MILL 8TREET, NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon LET US REMIND YOU That no matter how small or how large your order, wo are prepared to till it. Anything in the Furniture Line Stoves and Ranges Included Our store is now crowded with goods, and still we have nmre ordered and must make room for them. A new line of mattings, carpets and rugs just in. The only place in Dallas where you can get a complete housekeeping outfit. KERSLAKE'S FURNITURE. STORE. PHONE MAIN 63. MAIN STREET DeWitt's Salvo Kcdo! Dyspepsia Curo For Piles, Burns. Sores. j Digests hat you eat. f I f L