Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 25, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 2
1 Ml F
Well It Feels Lihe Spring Time
and from all appearances it mitst be so, for a call at the
you that they are well supplied with all the best grade
Ma n
These goods are absolutely
1 S Jdk
has also put in a full and complete stock of men's and
boy s shoes and lor style and durabhty they cannot be
beat. You certainly would not use yourself right to
buy Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Suit Case
or any furnishing goods before looking over this large
new stock. Hoping to see you and your friends.
G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager.
A new and complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass.
All sorts of Stains and Wood Finishes. Painters' and Paper
Hangers' Supplies.
Pictures, Mouldings, and Pictures framed to order. Painting,
wood finishing, room decorating and sign lettering done. Satis
faction guaranteed on all work.
If you are thinking of doing
No charge for estimates
Mill Street
You Can Get Your
If You Buy Your Groceries
of Loughary and
prices are right and
All Goods are Guaranteed
Real Estate Active.
More sales of property are reported
in Independence and Monmouth
this week. The best sale was that
of the W. P. Connoway residence
property to James Jones, a young
hop man of Independence. The prop
erty is very desirable. The con
sideration was $1,100. Among the
other sales made are to Harry Iliff
and C. A. Rice of 21 acres of land
south of Independence. Mrs. Hawley
sold her property, and Mrs. Bertha
Plymale purchased the Mix property
in North Independence. Dr. Nehrbas
of Monmouth purchased a lot in that
place and intends to place a residence
there, and Henry Netz of Vancouver,
Wash., bought a very desirable 10
acres of W. H. Ireland this week, near
Monmouth. The Monmouth band is
contemplating the building of a hall
00 by 100 feet in that city.
Public School Benefit.
FALLS CITY, Or., March 22-An
entertainment and basket social will
be given In Falls City on Friday eve
ning, April 1, by the pupils of the
public school. The proceeds will be
used in purchasing a flag for the
school. All are invited, and the ladies
are requested to bring baskets. The
object of the entertainment is worthy,
and a large attendance is expected.
We were shown a picture this week
of Miss Zena Schulpe and Miss Fried
exhibiting a large wildcat which they
killed in the Cottonwood mountains.
The Malheur girls can rope a steer or
handle a rifle equal to any man. Mal
heur Gazette.
sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating; or any form of dyspepsia. Out
little tablet gives immediate relief. 2S
eta. and SO eta. Belt A Cherrtngton
Dallaa. Oragon
and workmanship ot
Clothing and Top
Overcoats of the 1 ani
ons H. S. & M. make
that certainly would
suit any man or boy.
This Famous Brand
of Goods is full tailor
and sold on a guarantee
and we will safely, say
that no tailor could tit
or suit you any better.
This enterprising firm
any papering or palntir
on labor or material.
Dallas, Oregon
Money's Worth
Meamboat Nearing Completion.
Deputy Collector of Customs Barnes
is back from Independence, where he
went Friday to inspect the steamer
Independence, being built there by
Captain George Skinner to ply be
tween that point and Salem on the
Upper Willamette. The craft has a
length of 53.5 feet; 9 feet beam and 3
feet depth of. hold. She is 10 tons
burden and will draw about a foot of
water when in trim. The completion
of the craft hinges upon the arrival of
the machinery from the East The
towns on the upper stream have long
desired a steamer of the Inde
pendence's class in order that the
stream could be navigated at almost
any stage of water. The Salem
Chamber of Commerce has lent aid to
the project and the craft is well sub
sidized in a way. Portland Telegram.
A Hard Loser.
Ex-Chief of Police Lewis W. Robert
son still seeks the money he claims to
have lost while pursuing the tiger at
the Portland Club last Fall. The fact
that a jury recently decided that
nothing was due him, and that if he
lost his coin of the realm it was no
one's fault but his own, and even in
ferentially decided that he lost no
money, has not had effect of daunting
the courage of the former custodian of
the municipal peace. That this is a
fact appears on the face of a motion
for a new trial filed in the State Cir
cuit Court and setting out as ground
for the proposed proceeding that there
was an error of the court at the time
of the trial which entitles the plaintiff
to another chanee with a jury.
permanently cured by using Mold Tea
A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. S eta. and U eta Eel'
Charrlngton. Dallaa. Orecon.
Epworth League Delegates Will Hold
Opening Session at M. E.
Church Tonight.
The eighth annual convention of
the Eugene District Epworth League
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
will open at the M. E. Church in
Dallns at 7:30 o'clock this evening,
and will be in session three days. A
large number of delegates from
southern points will arrive on a special
motor from Independence late this
afternoon, and more are expected to
arrive on the night train. Prominent
divines from all parts of the district
will be in attendance, and many repre
sentative citizens and business men
will come as delegates. State Senator
It. A. Booth, of Lane county, will do
liver an address Sunday evening.
The local Chapter is making every
arrangement for the entertainment of
the delegates, and a pleasant and
profitable meeting is anticipated. The
program for the three days is as
follows : '
7 :30 Reception by local Chapter to
the visiting delegates and friends.
Address of welcome on behalf of the
Church and Chapter, by Hon. George
L. Hawkins.,
Address of welcome on behalf of the
city, by Mayor J. C. Hayter.
Fraternal greetings from local
chapters of Young People's Societies.
Response, Rev. Melville T. Wire, of
8:30 Praise service.
9:00 Papers (limited to 15 minutes
each) :
Our Bible Prof. F. S. Dunn, of
English Translation of the Bible
Rev. W, W. Edmondson, of Inde
pendence. Reformation under Luther Rev.
E. C. Alford, of Jefferson.
Reformation under Wesley J. H.
Ralston, of Albany.
Early History of Methodism Cora
B. Hartman, of Cottage Grove.
Our Church in Oregon ; its Founders
and Early History Rev. T. L. Jones,
of Amity.
Our Church in Oregon ; Present Day
Obligations and Future Possibilities
Albert Wilson, of Lebanon.
2 :00 Praise Service.
2 :30 The Work in the South Miss
Ora Lindgren, of Corvallis.
The Struggle With Mormonism
A. H. Thomas, of Sheridan
Shall China be Christianized Rev,
P. D. Gardner, of Junction City.
Triumph of Missions in India Mrs.
Ida Carter.
Redemption of Africa Miss Chloe
E. Crandell, of Turner.
Young People and Missions Mrs.
M. C. Wire, of Albany.
Reports of District Officers.
Roll Call of Chapters, with brief
Business meeting and election of
7 :30 Praise service.
Address: "The Possible Man," by
Rev. George H. Fees.
11:00 Address: "Laboratory Meth
ods," by Albert R. Sweetser, President
of the District.
3:00 The Holy Communion, ad
ministered by the Presiding Elder,
assisted by the Pastors.
6:30 Regular devotional meeting
of Dallas Chapter.
7:30 Platform meeting.
Address : "The Relation of the Ep-
worthian to Business and the State,"
by Hon. R. A. Booth.
Address : "The Relation of the Ep-
worthian to the Practical Activities of
the Church," by Rev. F. L. Moore.
Address : "The Relation of the Ep-
worthian to the Practical Spiritual
Life," by Rev. B. F. Rowland.
Installation of officers.
Farewell services.
W. C. Siefarth Recovering.
Willard C. Siefarth, who was thrown
from a street car in Portland, last
Tuesday morning, is slowly getting
better. Under the care of Dr. A. C.
Panton, he has regained consciousness
and his recovery is thought to be
certain. His sister, Mrs. (J. n. Morris,
has returned to her home in Dallas.
Money In Swine.
R. D. Gibson, who lives in the red-
hill district south of Salem, Oregon,
raised 12 Poland China pigs which he
sold the other day at S cents a pound.
He says : "The pigs were 6 months and
10 days old and the weight of the doz
en was 2545 pounds, an average weight
of 212 pounds each. I had no milk to
feed them, but gave them shorts and
green feed. One of the mothers to the
pigs I have mentioned has raised 16
pigs the last year, which sold for
nearly $170." Pacific Homestead.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
fall to cur. E. W. Grove's signature
la oa aach box. We.
Convincing; Argument.
The dentists who hold the opinion
that Governor Chan.berlain departed
from legal requirements, as well as
the dictates of good taste, in his recent
appointment to the state dental board,
may have their inning the first time
the genial governor is rash enough to
have his teeth repaired. A sharp drill
in a sensitive tooth is argument
enough to persuade any man from the
error of his ways, even though his
ways be after the order of blind
partisanship and his methods those of
the man who sees in public office only
a "new way to pay old debts. "Albany
Drama at Falls City.
The beautiful drama. "Damon and
Pythias" was played in Falls City by
Homer Lodge, K. of P., of Inde
pendence, Saturday night. A special
motor was run from Independence to
accommodate the people going from
that place. The visitors wejre pleasantly
entertained by the members of the
Falls City lodge, and the drama was
witnessed by a large audience.
James McCain Says "No Pooling of
Interests" between Wyatt
and Himself.
Hon. James McCain, a prominent
candidate for Circuit Judge of the
Third Judicial District, writes the
Oregon ian as follows:
"M'MINNVILLE, Or., March 17.-
(To the Editor.) My attention has
been called to the Salem correspond
ence in the issue of the 14th inst. of
your paper, in which it is intimated
that there is a 'union of forces' or
'pooling of interests' between Hon.
J. R. Wyatt and myself as candidates
for the Judgeship in this district. I
have not thought it necessary, or even
proper, to rush into print when my
name has been mentioned, even
erroneously, in connection with this
matter. But inasmuch as mv friends
in other counties than this might
think it strange if I should allow this
report to go unchallenged, I beg to
say through your columns that the
report has absolutely no foundation
in fact. I have not made.- and shall
not make, any combination with any
other aspirant or person. No one can
afford to seek this pos;tiori by such
means. , . V
xno position is an iionorasie one,
which almost any lawyer would be
proud to fill at some time in las career.
But if I do not attain to it until I reach
it by political methods, I will remain
where I am, and continue to do legal
business at the old stand. I feel quite
sure that every other gentleman whose
name has been mentioned in this con
nection will take the same view of the
"If I have the support of a solid
delegation frommypwn county, which
I think probable, I will be satisfied
whatever may be the result, and such
delegates will be at liberty to support
whomsoever they may see proper with
out suggestions from me;
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young ;
when old, sometimes im
possible. Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won't.
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a Ubtl w on the
wrapper of every bottle of
EmuluoQ yoa buy.
409 Peart St., N. Y.
oc. and V, all druggists.
r- : . . V-
County Convention Will Be Held
Saturday, April 16 Primaries,
April 13.
The primaries of the Democratic
party will be lieia in the various pre
cincts of Polk County on Wednesday,
Apia 13, iyu4, at the hour or one
o'clock, for the purpose of electing a
precinct committeeman and delegates
to the Democratic County Convention,
which will be held at the County Court
House in Dallas, Oregon, on Satur
day, April 1G, 1904, at 10 o'clock. The
apportionment of delegates is fixed at
one delegate for each ten votes or
fraction thereof of five or more cast
for Geo. E. Chamberlain for Govenor
at the election of 1902, the number of
delegates being as follows :
Douglas .
Salt Lake 3
McCoy 3
East Dallas
South Dallas 8
North Dallas 7
Rickreall 7
Falls City 4
Rock Creek l
Luckiamute 10
Bridgeport 3
North Independence 11
South Independence 7
South Monmouth '. 4
North Monmouth 4
Buena Vista .-. 5
Saver 2
Eola 8
Spring Valley 5
Total 113
Oscar Hayter, Chairman.
Found Shark's Tooth.
M. B. Grant, the mail carrier on
Rural Route No. 2, leading from
Dallas to the Luckiamute country,
recently picked up an almost perfect
specimen of shark's tooth on the
Falls City railroad grade, at the Lee
hill south of town. The clay in which
the tooth had been imbedded was
taken from a heavy cut in the hill
about 20 feet below the surface of the
ground. Mr. Grant sent his strange
find to Professor Condon, the expert
geologist at the University of Oregon,
and received a letter this week saying
that the tooth is that of a man-eating
shark. Mr. Grant values the prize
very highly, and will probably have
it mounted for a watch charm.
Many Words on Postal Card.
Rev. Joseph Hoberg, who is 70 years
old, last week wrote a communication
to his grand-daughter at Dallas which
was a remarkable feat for one upon
whose head the snows of so many
winters are lingering. Mr. Hoberg's
message was written to Miss Rebecca
Gates on the occasion of the anniver
sary of her birth. It was an ordinary
government postal card, but it con
tained one thousand and fifty plainly
written words. McMinnville Report
Stock Wintered Well.
Thomas Brunk, of Eola, attended
the meeting of the Democratic Central
Committee in Dallas, Saturday. He
says his stock wintered in good shape,
having been well sheltered and fed.
Mr. Brunk does not depend on the out
side range during the winter months,
but raises an abundance of roots,
grain and hay, and feeds his stock in
barns. He reports kidding well ad
vanced, and the lambing season about
Bridge Carpenter Injured.
Last Wednesday, while attempting
to flag a train at the bridge near
Whiteson, one of the bridge-men was
struck by the train and seriously
njured. In crossing the track, his
foot slipped and before he could re
cover himself the train was upon him.
He was severely cut about the head
and his arm was hurt. It was a close
call from death. McMinnville Tele
Land Quickly Taken.
Nine and a fractional sections in
township 10 south, range 11 west, were
thrown open to settlement at the Ore
gon City Land Office at 9 o'clock
Tuesday. The tract embraces more
than COOO acres, and all the land was
filed on with the exception of a quarter
section by the 34 applicants who stood
n line for an hour before the office
was opened, me land, winch is
located in the Siletz reservation, was
opened to settlement under the pro
visions of the homestead law, and was
taken almost entirely by Salem and
Albany people. Two similar tracts in
the same section of this land district
will be opened to settlement on April 6
and 13, respectively.
A Missouri editor refused to publish
obituary notices of people who, while
living, failed to subscribe to his paper,
giving this pointed reason : "People
who do not take their home paper are
dead anyway, and their mere passing
away is of no news value."
Use Acker'a English Remedy in any
case of coughs, cold or croup. Should ll
fall to give Immediate relief money re
funded J6 eta. and V eta Belt Cher-
rlngton. Dallaa. Oregon.
O. A. Westgate Resigns.
G. A. Westgate, of Albany, a men
ber of the state board of agriculture,
has filed his resignation with Gov
ernor Chamberlain to take effect at
once. Mr. Westgate has been on the
board for several years, having been
appointed to fill a vacancy by Govern
or Geer, and he has been a valuable
member. He has extensive business
interests in Linn and Marion counties,
operating a half dozen warehouses, a
bright daily newspaper, and is inter
ested in otner enterprises, and it is
thought that his principal reason for
resigning is that he feels he cannot
spare the time to devote to the work of
the fair. Salem Journal.
Fierce Equinoctial Gale.
The severe storm of last Saturday
afternoon and night effected no dam
age in Dallas or vicinity, further than
to blow down electric light and tele
phone poles. Early in the night the
wind was accompanied by a heavy
downpour of rain, with an occasional
flurry of snow. The town was in
darkness all of Saturday night.
Marion County Editor Vigorously
, Scores the Food Cranks in
His Columns.
If those women who preside over
"household departments" and write
long-winded articles on domestic
economy "how to make a $100 rock
ing chair out of an old salt barrel," or
"how to live on 30 cents a month" if
these writers are not headed off p. d. q.,
the human race will have nothing to
eat in a few years. Every one of these
women has an especial aversion to
some particular article of food, and
one by one our good old standbys go
to the dogs, as it were.
Not long ago one of these dyspeptics
began a crusade against potatoes, and
not content with that sacrilegious
onslaught, actually laid her unholy
hands upon beans. Both these old-
timers were held up to ridicule by this
daughter of Eve and denounced as
unfit for human food. It is safe to
say she doesn't know beans, or potatoes
either, for that matter.
Of course, pork, bacon, meat, etc.,
have been disnosed of loner ncro. but
the worst has yet to come, for now
Witch of Endor has discovered that
eggs for breakfast are to go after this,
We are expecting every min ute to hoar
a magazine war-whoop against maple
syrup and buckwheut pancakes, as
nothing is sacred from their scurrilous
pens. We feel like hiding some of
our favorite dishes before they are
quarantined by these Amazons.
If we should ever meet one of these
writers, we would doubtless find
dyspepsia written all over her.
Reared in a large city, attending
"pink teas" and midnight "dinners"
they are excusable to a great extent,
and the reader should consider where
it comes from. If they would go out
to their cousin's farm and help do the
churning, washing and keeping a
garden, they would find no objection
to lianr and eggs for breakfast, with
mashed potatoes on the side. Aurora
Quite a Ladies Man.
Mrs. A. B. Tucker, Mrs. . William
Zimmerman, Mrs. A. C. Miller, Mrs.
N. H. Doty and B. F. Looney and wife
wero a crowd of Jeffersonites who
visited Albany, Wednesday. Ben says
the Albany people thought Senator
Smoot had hit the town when he
walked down the street with all those
ladies. Jefferson Review.
Beat So Violently,
Its Movement
Could Be Seen
Through Clothing.
Miles' Heart
Cured Me.
No matter what's the matter with your
heart, it will pay yo i to try Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. It is a great heart and blood tonic
'.hat cures by removing t le cause. Try it for
i .h'irt time and you will find that you are
i ,'er short of breah after brief exertion;
. - in can sleep in any position with com
i a.id without the dread of smothering
t k. It rermves the symptoms and cures
. d.sease. It strengthens the heart's
. ' in. enriches the blood and improves the
ccuiation. It has cured heart disease when
,11 els: failed. It has brought relief when
l-atl seemed nigh.
"Since taking a number of bottles of Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure during the past year my
heaith is better than for many years. I no
i ii M-r experience any trouble from lying on
-.y left side, which disagreeable symptoms
li'-'jd t bother m? greatly. The frequent
)clis of palpitation and fluttering that I was
xt that time subject to were most alarming.
At times my h -art would beat so violently
tliat tlie movement was noticeable through
ny c'othing. Doctors said my heart was
en arged and I had frequent severe shooting
Fains through And in the region of my heart
tiiink Dr. Miles' Heart Cure a great medi
cine and have always been able to secure
grrat relief from its use. I am in good
heilth now, cons.dering that 1 am bo years
old. I wish yo'i success." ANDRIW JACK
SON, Centralia, Wash.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr Miles R-me ii s. Send for free book
on N rvous ni 1 1 -art I) seises. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co, tlkhart, lad.
Oregon People Will Welcome
Return as That of a Sub
stantial Friend.
A telegram in the Sunday papers
has the following of general interest
to the people of Oregon :
The announcement is made that
Julius Kruttschnitt is soon to relin
quish the position of general manager
of the Southern Pacific, to accept one
of higher authority in Chicago.
It was stated Saturday by Mr.
Kruttschnitt that his successor will be
Charles H. Markham, at present vice
president and general manager of the
Galveston, Harrisburg &San Antonio
railway and the Houston & Texas
Central railroad in Texas. Mr.
Kruttschnitt expects that the change
will take place within the next four
Mr. Markham was formerly sta
tioned in Portland. His employers
have been quick to recognize his
ability, and his rise in the railroad
world has been rapid. His many
friends will be highly pleased to learn
he is to be promoted.
His return to the S. P. Co. will be
appreciated by all his old Oregon
friends, as he is regarded as one of
the best railroad men in the United
States. His appointment as traffic
manager of the Oregon lines of the
S. P. Co. was the first real step in the
direction of popularizing the service,
and, after being hero a few years, the
feeling of hostility and unfriendliness
toward the company gave way to one
of cordial good will and co-operation.
This magic result came about through
Markhatn's personal influence and
his common everyday way of treating
everybody, and his uniform courtesy
and efforts to meet the demands of
shippers. It is confidently believed
that Mr. Markham's coming back will
mean less complaints of car shortage
and oppressive lumber rates. There
may not only be more cars, but more
engines and better train service all
Mr. Markham is not only a good
railroad man, but as thoroughly un
derstands the people as he does the
transportation business. He will ac-
complish a great deal for the shippers,
nnrl fnr tlm i-nmimnv h aprvpa. if Vu
a is given the power to handle the
traffic the way it should be handled
from the standpoint of intelligent
raiironalng', ni - Hloog iinoa-ol ttio
least resistance. The Markham poli
cies worked wonders in Oregon and
has made the lines profitable and
popular wherever he has had any
connection with railroads. That kind
of a management will be worth mil
lions to the Harriman linos, and Mr.
Harriman ought to bo congratulated,
as well as Mi1. Markham, because it is
through just such men as Markham
that these great properties are saved
from unfriendly legislation, and gen
eral public enmity all along the line.
Threw His Rider.
John Simpkins, who resides near
Lincoln, met with an accident last
Saturday evening, which might have
resulted seriously. Mr. Simpkins had
ridden a young horse to Salom that
afternoon, and was returning home
in the fierce storm that was raging.
In some manner the oil coat, which
the rider was wearing, slapped against
the sides of the horse, causing it to
take fright and throw its rider. The
fall caused Mr. Simpkins to lose con
sciousness, besides breaking his arm
and skinning his face somowhat.
Nothing has been heard of the horse.
Salem Journal.
S. H. Tetherow, ono of Polk county's
best known pioneer citizens, was down
from Falls City, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Nichols have
moved to Falls City, Polk county,
where he will work in a planing mill.
Lebanon Express.
All the city churches will be supplied
next Sunday morning and evening
by ministerial delegates to the Epworth
League convention.
A special meeting of Naomi Chapter
will be held next Tuesday evening for
initiutory work. Members will pleas
take notice. Ella J. Metzqeh, W. M.
The state convention of the Knighta
of the Maccabees was held in Portland
this week. Delegates attending from
Polk county were: H. C. Finch, of
Independence; Ira Mehrling, of Faila
City, and A. A. Roy, of Lincoln. Dele
gates to the Lady Maceabee convention
were : Mrs. Abigail Porneroy, of In
dependence, and Clara L Emrnitt, of
Falls City.
Played Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parti1
jf the body Sinking at the Pit of the
Stomach. Loss of Appetite. Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidence
of impure blood. No matter how It be
ame so. it must be purified In order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir
has never failed to cure Scrofulous or
Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi
tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrington, Dal
las, Oregon.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. On littl
Tablet will give immediate relief or money
refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes
at 25 cents. Belt ft Cherrington, Dalias,