Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 18, 1904, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer
Published Weekly at $1.60 per Ycai.
Strictly in Advance.
DALLAS, ORKGON, March 18, 1904
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
roniMt Dallas people.
a busiiipss in such a town farabove
that of any mere financial point of
consideration, and, as long as the
Observer remains under its present
control, we pledge the support of
the paper and a contribution from
the limited means at its command
to every movement that has for its
object the upbuilding of Dallas and
Polk county.
With this issue, the Polk County
Observer enters upon the seven
teenth vear of its existence. The
business of the paper was never in
a morn prosperous condition than
at present, and the circulation is
making a steady and healthy
growth. More inches of adver
tising are carried than ever before,
and the job printing department is
kept busy all the time. In return
for this substantial patronage, we
are endeavoring to give the people
of Polk county a newsy local paper
and to this end are putting a large
per centage of tho profits into im
proved machinery and labor-saving
material. The old hand-cylinder
press has given way to an improved
power press, and the result is a
better printed paper and a great
saving of labor. A new dress of
type, recently added to the office,
has enabled us to increase the
amount of reading matter nearly
one-half, and many other changes
for the better have been made.
The growth of Dallas from a
quiet country village to one of the
live and bustling manufacturing
towns of Western Oregon has been
a source of pride and satisfaction
to every loyal citizen, and thel
Bplendid reputation of the tow
throughout the JNorthwest serves
aa an incentivo to still greater
effort. Dallas bus justly, earned
the reputation of accomplishing
whatever it undertakes, and no
record of failure blots the pages of
its history. The town has never
taken a backward step, and it never
will, if its citizens continue to stand
together as they have stood in tho
years Unit are piist. Go where you
will, and you will hear it said that
the reason Dallas has grown and
prospered is because its people have
worked together. Harmony and
united action have characterized
every important public movement
and the business men have stood
shoulder to shoulder in helping to
build up the town. Petty spite or
personal jealousy has never been
allowed to creep in and destroy
this unity of action, and those who
have sought, to stir up factiona
discord have soon found themselves
walking alone.
Nothing of real value is gained
without effort, and the numerous
industries, public improvements
and other features thatniake Dallas
the attractive and prosperous town
that it is, represent years of earnest
work, and, in many instances,
personal sacrifice, on the part of
citizens who have labored to bring
about this growth and advance
ment. Money has been freely sub
scribed to induce manufacturing
concerns to locate their plants here.
and no tall for funds with which
to provide desirable public im
provements has ever been made in
vain. At times the burden has
seemed heavy, but it has always
been borne cheerfully, and those
who have helped to bear it are
every day reaping their reward.
There is a pleasure in living
among such people and conducting
Tired Feeling
Is a Common Spring Troubie.
It's a sign that the blood is uVih'ient
in vitality, just as (ainulcs ami other
eruptions aro signs that the bio.i.l
is impure.
It's a warning, too, which only the
hazardous fail to hoed.
Hood's Sarsaparitla
and Pills
Remove it, give new life, new cour
age, strength and animation.
They cleanse tho blood aud clear tlia
Accept no substitute.
I felt tired all the time and couU r-t
lp. After taking IIihhI's ar-ij .mil.
while I could slftp noil and the t.rei
feeling bad gone. This jrrv.it im-JUii Ivn
also curt-d me of acrufula." s. l M.
Boot, Glltad, Conn.
Hood's Saraaparllla prcml-39 to
cur nd kep th promise.
In seclecting a candidate for State
Senator, and, in fact, every office
on the county ticket, the Republi
cans of Polk county should be
guided solely by a desire to select
men best qualified to fill the res
pective offices. Each man should
be chosen with a view to his
peculiar fitness for the office to
which he aspires. Electing men to
public office is, after all, only em
ploying men to attend to the public
business, and the same careful con
sideration of their qualifications
should be exercised as one would
exercise in employing a man to
take charge of one's private business
affairs. Incompetent men should
not be given a place on the ticket
under any circumstances.
In this connection, it is only fair
to all aspirants for office to bear in
mind that all men are not fitted
for the same kind of work. A man
possessing the qualifications neces
sary to make mm an emcieni
sheriff might be a total failure in
the assessor's office, and a man
with good judgment of property
values and clear ideas as to a just
and equitable assessment might
not have the first prerequisite of a
successful tax collector Anexpeit
bookkeeper in the treasurer's office
might prove a poor thief-catcher,
and a county clerk whose hand
writing would equal the beauty of
a printed page might not possess
either the stomach or the nerve to
lold an inquest over a dead body.
A man qualified to represent the
people with dignity and influence
in the legislature might turn out
to be utterly incompetent in a
county office, and a fairly success
ful county officer might be abso
lutely unable to stand up in the
legislature and say ten words in
favor of a good law or against a
bad law. "Every man to his
trade," is an old saying, and the
same tule holds good with all the
professions and callings in life.
The Observer favors the nomi
nation of K. C. KirkpatnVk for
State Senator from Polk county for
the reason that he is well qualified
to fill that important oilice. Evrn
his few enemies are forced to admit
that he is not lacking in ability to
represent Polk county as a live and
progressive county should be repre
sented. Mr. Kirkpatrick would be
able to stand on the floor of the
Oregon Senate and command
respectful attention from the ablest
men in that body when 'speaking
for or against measures concerning
the public welfare. lie has a wide
acquaintance throughout the state,
and would not go to Salem as an
unknown man. lie is public spirit
ed, and would work impartially for
the interests of every section of Polk
county and the state at large.
Mr. Kirkpatrick does not seek an
election through mercenary motives
or for tho purpose of keeping some
men in office or putting others out.
The office of State Senator is too
dignified and honorable to be pros
tituted for mere personal gain, and
any candidate who does not realize
this fact to its fullest extent is un
worthy of consideration at the
lands of tho voters. The plain,
every-day citizen of this good land
of ours is not worrying his head
much as to who shall be door-
eeper, or clerk, or head emptier of
waste-baskets in the Oregon Legis
lature; neither is he electing State
Senators for the purpose of throw
ing Bill Jones out of the postoffice
at Coon Hollow, especially when
fiill is filling his office capably and
well. And, in passing, it might
not be amiss to remark that there
is no particular excuse for undue
political activity on the part of Hill
or his friends when all the people!
have a friendly feeling toward him
anyhow. The people want men in
the legislature who will know a
graft when they see it, and who
will be able to defeat bad legislation
aud aid in passing laws that will
keep taxes down and the state pro
gressing. A man who cannot rise
above little personalities as to who
should hold this office or that office
is not fit to help make the laws of
hi- -late.
Mr. Kirkp.itrick has pr-'spm d .n
his huhiis?, and is amply able to'
t Ml
A motorman in Chicago ran his car
onto the approach of an open bridge but
stopped it with the fender actually over
hanging the gulf below. He wouldn't
want to repeat the experiment because
the chances are that he'd never again
"ccve the same good fortune.
Once 111 a
while some one
who lias travel
ed to the very
edge of the
danger line of
stomach dis
ease stops just
in time to save
his health. But
the majority of
people goacross
the hue, and
alight symptoms of indigestion grow to
disease of the stomach, involving the
Cther organs of digestion and nutrition.
Indigestion and other forms of stom
ach "trouble" are perfectly and per
manently cured by the use of Dr. Fiece's
Golden Medical Discovery. It strength
ens the whole body by enabling the per
fect digestion and assimilation of food.
$3,000 FORFEIT will be paid by the
Wot Id's Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot
show the original signature of the indi
vidual volunteering the testimonial below,
and also of the writers of every testi
monial among the thousands which they
are constantly publishing', thus proving
their genuineness.
"I have been suffering for about eijtrht yMrs,"
writes Mrs. II. Tierce, of Millsprings. Kv. Hfive
had several doctors to treat me some for female
weakness ami others for stomach trouble, but
received no relief. When I wrote you for advice
I was hardly able to work, and you advised me
what to do.' 1 took nine bottles," five of 'Golden
Medical iJiseovcrv four of ' Favorite I'vescnp
tiou.' also two vials of the ' 1'ellels.' Ir. lieri:e s
medicines will do all that you cluim fur them,
believe I would have been in my grave if I had
not taken them."
' Dr. Pierre's Medical Adviser is sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for
tile booh in paper covers, or X ..::, for
tie ciotiitx iiiui volume. Addiess Lt. R. V
Pierce, liufi'alo, N. Y.
Wood Haulers Wanted.
Wanted, men to contract to haul
cord wood from the timber to Falls
City, a distance of one-half mile.
Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western
Ey. Co. .
The two Mormon elders who have
been staying in Dallas for several
months left for greener pastures this
Hon. T. J. Hayter attended a meet
ing of the executive committee of the
State Pioneer Association in Portland
this week.
make his campaign without finan
cial assistance from any aspirant
for United States Senator, and he
has ample funds to pay his way
while the legislature, is in session.
He would be free at all times to
vote and act as his best judgment
and the interests of the people
would dictate.
The office of State Senator is one
of honor and dignity, and Polk
county has been ably represented
in that body by men of both parties
for many years past. In the coin
ing primaries, every man should
rise above the clamor of any faction
and carefully consider the merits of
the candidates who offer themselves
for this important office Delegates
should be chosen at the primaries
who will not be led by any faction,
but who will vote for the best
interests of the county in the ap
proachingconvention. Polk county
needs an able man in the State
Senate, and no other kind should
be chosen.
Prof. C. L. Starr, who was in Salein
last night, returned home this morn
ing. Prof. Starr is tho present school
superintendent of Polk county, and
will be re-elected at the polls in June
practically without opposition. Tues
day's Statesman.
Change In Schedule.
Note the change in the time-table of
tho Dallas & Falls City liailroad
Company. Under tho new schedule,
effective April 1, the morning train
will leave Dallas 15 minutes earlier
than at present, and tho afternoon
train will leave Falls City at 4:35 in
stead of at 4:00. No change will be
mado in tho schedule of traius No. 2
and No. 3.
The largest eum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, August 30, 190J. The transfer in
volved in eoin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seyeu
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parjes were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will oe mailed free on ap
plication. Address Joux J. Fulton
Company, 4:20 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal.
Frederick Levin
All Kinds of
Leather and Rubber
Goods repaired sub
stantially and at
reasonable rates.
West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore.
ING G00D5.
The largest and best stock of
Materials for Fancy Work
in the city.
Dallas, Oregon
No. 120243 acres. 3 miles from
Independence, 6 miles from Dallas
flrst-class soil, all cleared and culti
vated. House 40 by 30: barn 65 by
5U, noias 100 toDS nay, anotner 30 by
m ror stocic, nog nouse 30 by is : wells,
fences, and everything for a fine
farm. Trice $10.00 per acre.
No. 116 Two farms in Eastern Ore
gon of 1G0 and 240 acres. 12 miles
from Heppnor, for sale or trade for
valley property. Worth $2000 each.
No. 108144:! acres, 7 miles south of
Albany, prood soil, good house, barn
and other buildings. Railroad 1'uds
through place. Price $40 per acre.
No. 10G 10 acres; G acres in apples,
pears, prunes, cherries, etc. uood 7
room house, papered and painted
barn, chicken house, well. One mile
from Dallas courthouse. Price $1800,
No. 103135 acres, 40 acres uudt
plow, 25 acres more easily cleared ; old
orchard, grapes, prunes, etc; good
barn, fair house, plenty of running
water, telephone, and R. F. D. Some
timber on back part of place, G miles
north of Dallas. Price $25 per acre,
No. 83100 acres of land, all culti
vated; house, barn, and other build
ings; bottom laud ; two miles south of
Independence. Price $3000,
No. G8 289 acres, 9 miles from In
pendence, southerly direction, old
buildings; near Luckiatnute; con
siderabfo oak timber on the land,
Price $7400.
A. It. BltOWIY
Buys and ships Ilnys, Mutton and
Stock Sheep. Highest market price
paid at al. times. Address,
it. f. v. no. 1,
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eat. I
We are over stocked with seasonable goods.
In order to make room for our spring goods,
which are now on the way we will in
augurate a sale to commence on
laturday March 12
and continuing two weeks. In this sale will
be included Hats, Caps, Shoes, Blankets, Furs,
Underwear, Laces, Embroideries, Skirts, etc.
We will not quote prices here but come and see
for yourself.
You Need the Goods
We Need the Room and
the Honey.
You will not have the opportunity to buy
these goods at such prices soon again. We have
a lot of dishes also to sell at a price that you
cannot afford to miss.
S. C. Dodson & Co.
Wire Fence
Double-Strength, High Carbon
Spring Steel Wire.
I furnish the tools and help put up
the fence without extra charge.
10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents
per rod.
Call or Write To Me for Catalogue
and Prices.
17. $ Grant,
Agent, Dallas, Oregon
rE have closed one of the most satisfactory month's
business it lias ever been our pleasure to ex
perience. We have not made a cent, but we have sent
more happy people out of our store than ever went
out in Oregon during the same length of time, and.tha
nice part of it is, they aro all coming back agahr.
Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubU
can remember when it was simple indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffin? It uo against the
heart. This interferes with the action ol
the heart, and in the course of time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O.. uvs; I hsH .tran.rh
troubla and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble
with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cur for about foul
moiuns ana u curea me.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure.
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2'A times the trial
size, which sells for 50c.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT CO., OHIOAQOk
9 00
Pays for the OBSERVER
and the Weekly Oregonlan
one year. In order to take
advantage of this liberal
offer, your subscription to the Observer
must be paid up to date. Now is the
time to aiihpcrihe
Now for Business in Earnest
Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we
will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will
be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland.
The whole business comes from Missouri instead
of New York this year. We bought our goods in
Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and
longer yards. We will have them all in
the month. Yours Truly,
Phone 246.
flain Street
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1.
Daily except Sunday.
West-Bound : A. M
V. DALLAS 7:30
Tents' Siding 7:46
r.Illinms 7:49
Bridpeport 7:55
East-Bound: A. M
V. FALLS CITY ..,.9:20
Bridgeport 9:30
OilIiams 9:36
Teats' Siding 9:39
Ar. DALLAS 9:55
Trains Stop on Signal only.
General Marnier,
P. M.
P. M.
folding Sawing
iuns Easy no back-ache
olds up like a pocket knife,
and is easily carried.
Everyone who has wood to
saw should have one.
Fl J- - Van Orsdel John p. Van Ordl Id
Nntarv Piihll? c . . 1
j . surveying, Logging Koads, Dams
and Flumes a Specialty
J. G. VanOrsden & Son
farms, Stock Ranches, timber Eands and jKity Property
We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm,
li miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land.
Price $8000. This is a first-class farm.
ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore.
y w
Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel
Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible
with Extension Head. ::::::::::::;
All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to
cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs.
of All Kinds.
Fish, Game and Chickens
Farmers will find it to their advantage to
bring us their Poultry and Ecgs, as we pay
the highest cash price for same at all times.
Dallas, Oregon.
qcaaem : ay
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
I &i&3HIV jSSJ. over One end a Half I.HIHoa
r Jw-;v .V, you f No Cure, No Pay. 50c