Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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    I -t
NO. 1
. .A
Well It Feels LiKe Spring Time
and from all appearances it must be so, for a call at the
you that they are well supplied with all the best grade
These goods are absolutely Al. This enterprising firm
has also put in a full and complete stock of men's and
boy's shoes and for style and durablity they cannot be
beat. You certainly would not use yourself right to
buy Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Suit Case
or any furnishing goods before looking over this large
new stock. Hoping to. see you and your friends,
l ies pec tfully,
G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager.
A new and complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass.
All sorts of Stains and Wood Finishes. Painters' and Paper
Hangers' Supplies.
Pictures, Mouldings, and Pictures framed to order. Painting,
wood finishing, room decorating and sign lettering done. Satis
faction guaranteed on all work.
If you are thinking of doing
No charge for estimates
Mill Street
You Can Get Your
If You Buy Your Groceries
of Loughary and
prices are right and
All Goods are Guaranteed
Value of Estate of E. C. Keyt, De
ceased, Is Estimated at $75,000.
The will of the late E. C. Keyt, of
Perrydale, was filed for probate in the
County Clerk's office, Friday. The
instrument is brief, covering only
three pages of ordinary legal paper.
The will was executed by Mr. Keyt on
November 2, 1001, and provides as
follows : After all debts, funeral ex
penses, etc., are paid, Miss Frances
Keyt is to be paid the sum of $2000,
and the balance is to go to the widow,
Mrs. Amanda Keyt, tocher use and
benefit as long as she 'remains the
widow of the testator. Upon the death
of Mrs. Keyt, the residue of the
property is to be divided among the
seven children, share and share alike.
D. L. Keyt is named as executor of
the will, without bonds. The value of
the estate is estimated at $75,000.
Mrs. W. I. Reynolds was called to
Salem this week by the serious illness
of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Dennis.
County Clerk; "Loughary issued
license to wed to J. J. Hastingsland
s Lela A. Hardy, J. T. Hughes and
Rosa Cruzon, this week.
A little son of Oliver Dennis fell
aV broke his arm while playing with
the boys at the public school a few
Rev". J. M. Green, of the Baptist
church, ill administer the ordinance
of baptism just above "the bridge on
Main street next Sunday at 3 :20 pVffi.
sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia. Ome
Utile tablet gives Immediate relief. 25
eta. and eta. Belt & Cherrlngton
Dallas. Oragoo
and workmanship ol
Clothing and lop
Overcoats of the Fam-
mia II IV M milL--
Jihat certainlv vuld
O I I 1 I Cl I I I I I 'I I I ' " ' ' I
This 1 am us I'm and
of Goods is full tailor
and sold on a guarantee
and we will safely say
that no tailor could fit
or suit you any better.
any papering or painting
on labor or material.
Dallas, Oregon
Money's Worth
Normal Regent Dead.
The funeral of the lato Judge
Lawrence Flinn in Albany, Sunday,
was largely attended, representative
men from all parts of the state being
present. Judge Flinn had long been
one of Linn county's'leading business
men, and had enjoyed the universal
respect and esteem of his fellow citi
zens. He came to Oregon in 18G5, and
spent the first winter in Linn county.
For the next three years he taught in
the schools of Linn and Polk counties
with success. During this time he
had continued his legal studies and
been admitted to the bar. Practice
was continued through the years
alone and with various associates, in
cluding the late J. C. Powell and
George E. Chamberlain, the present
governor of Oregon. Mr. Flinn was
honored by the republican party of
Linn county in being elected county
judge of Linn county from 1880 to
1884. He was a regent of the Oregon
State Normal school at Monmouth
and a trustee of Albany college, and
had served in other places of public
interest with distinction.
Andrew Hoi man Appointed.
County Clerk U. S. Loughary has
appointed Andrew Holman to be
deputy clerk of Polk county in place
of Walter F. Nichols, who recently re
signed his position to accept a Govern
ment position in the Philippine
Islands. Mr. Holman began work in
the office Monday morning.
John Bayne, a prominent Salem
lawyer, was in Dallas on a business
strand at the courthouse, w ednesday,
permanently cured by using Moki Tea.
A pleasant berb drink. Cures constipation
and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. eta. and W eta Beli
at Ch Tries-ton. Dallas. Oregon.
Work on System Will Begin As
Soon As Plans and Estimates
Are Completed.
The business portion of Dallas will
provided with sewerage during the
coming Spring months. This action
was decided upon by the city council
at the special meeting Monday eve
ning, and work will begin as soon as
the plans and specifications are com
pleted. The question was discussed
at length at this meeting, and it was
decided to prepare plans arid estimates
of two sewers, one on Mill street and
one on Court street, to be connected in
one outlet at the foot of Court street.
The system under consideration by
the council at this time i.-s not extensive,
and would not cost a great arhount of
money. The members of the board
all agree that it would not be good
business policy for the city to attempt
the construction of a system covering
a large district this year. The plans
now under preparation contemplate
sewerage for the business portion of
the city only, together with such
private residence property as may be
within easy reach of the main sewers.
It is argued, and with good reason,
too, that the first step necessary in
making Dallas a clean town is to
sewer the maia business blocks. After
this is accomplished, the system will
be extended to the residence district as
rapidly as a majority of property
owners petition for the improvement
on their respective blocks or streets.
In the great amount of preliminary
work and investigation as to the best
plans for a sewer system, the council
has been aided by the advice and
counsel of H. V. Gates, who is spend
ing the greater part of his time in
Dallas superintending the construc
tion of the water works. Mr. Gates
has attended all the meetings of the
council, and, while not engaged in the
business of putting in sewer systems,
is thoroughly familiar with the work
and has given the council much
valuable information. When the
question of employing a civil engineer
to prepare plans and estimates of cost
carne up for consideration Mpnday
evening, Mr. Gates kindly volunteered
to do the work free of charge to the
city. He stated that he was interested
in Dallas' future growth and pros
perity, and that he was glad of the
opportunity to join with his fellow
business men in Dallas in the work of
promoting the important improvement
under consideration by the council.
It is needless to say that this generous
offer was gratefully accepted, as it
means a saving of several hundred
dollars to the city.
Mr. Gates is now at work upon these
plans, and they will be presented to
the council at the regular meeting
next Monday night.
J. T. Hughes and Miss Rose Cruzan
Made Husband and Wife.
J. T. Hughes, of Dallas, and Miss
Rosa Cruzan, of Dexter, Lane county,
were married at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Hughes, Tuesday, March
15, at 11 o'clock a. m.
The ceremony was witnessed by a
few intimate friends of the bride and
groom. Theceremony was pronounced
by Bev. J. M. Green, pastor of the
Baptist church. Miss Maggie Hughes
played a beautiful wedding march.
After congratulations and presenta
tion of presents, all repaired to the
dining room where ari elaborate wed
ding breakfast was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes will reside
near Falls City.
Dallas College Prohibition Orator.
The local -oratorical contest of the
Dallas Prohibition Club was held in
the college chapel, Tuesday. Chester
P. Gates, a junior in the classical
course and prominent in athletic and
literary work, won first place and the
coveted honor of representing Dallas
at the state contest to be held at Phil
omath May 8. Miss Nellie Phillips
won second place. The subject of Mr.
Gates' oration was "The Rising Tide."
The college quartet rendered several
selections. The Prohibition Club sys
tem of oratorical contest is the most
extensive in the United States. The
winners of state contests compete in
four interstate contests and the win
ners of the four interstate contests
meet in a grand National contest to be
held in'Minneapolis next June. The
cash prizes aggregate hundreds of
Death of Oregon Pioneer.
Mrs. Mariah Whiteaker Ogden, a
Polk County pioneer, died in Glen-
dale, Cal., a few days ago. Mrs. Og
den crossed the plains in 1848 ana
experienced great difficulties w ith the
Indians. She was a sister of George
and Benjamin Whiteaker, of Inde
pendence, and of Mrs. E. S. Levens, of
Dallas. A husband and twodaughters
survive her. Deceased was well known
in Polk County, having resided for
many years on the old Whiteaker
farm north of Monmouth.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggist refund the money If It
falls to cure E. W. Grave' signature
ta a each box tie.
A Song Story.
"Just one Girl." It makes mo feel
sad for it reminds me of "My Old
Kentucky Home," for "She Was Bred
in Old Kentucky" "In the Good Old
Summer Time" "On a Sunday After
noon" "Just as the Sun Went Down"
'Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow."
Just Because She Made Those Goo-
Goo Eyes," I said "Hello, My Baby;"
she said "It's Just Because I Love
You So" "I'd Leave My Happy Home
For You" "Down Where the Missis
sippi Flows." She is not "The Girl I
Loved iu Sunny Teuuesse" but "My
Girl from Dixie" and "Her Name is
Kose," for she's "My Little Georgia
Rose," and I loved her "When She
Was Sweet Sixteen" and-"I Haven't
Changed my Mind Since Then," "One
Sight In June" I told rr "The Old
Story" and "Theu I ( Mine" but
"My Mother Was a Northern Girl"
and I had to get her consent, so I
started while the "Leaves Came Drift
ing Down" for "My Old New Hamp
shire Home" to "Break the News to
Mother," and there I got a "Letter
From Ohio" stating that my girl had
eloped with "A Little Boy in Blue"
and asking me "ForOldTime'sSake"
to "Go Away Back and Sit Down."
When I showed the letter to "My Old
Dad" "The Blow Almost Killed
Father" and he said "Ain't Dat a
Shame?" I decided "I Must Have
Been a Dreaming," but "I Ain't a
Goin' to Weep no More" "Because I'm
Going to Live Anyhow Dntil I Die,"
Entertainment Will be Qlven at M.
E. Church Next Tuesday
The illustrated moving picture con
cert given by Messrs. Steel and Free-
land at the Taylor-street church last
evening, was a pronounced success.
For the third time during the past
year this entertainment has packed
the church to the doors, and as on
both former ocoaslons the expressions
of appreciation were many and en
thusiastic. The moving pictures were
even better and moro realistic than on
the former occasions, "Tho Trip to
the Moon," and the "New York Fire
Department in Action" received es
pecial praise. A particularly notice
able feature of the moving pictures
was the entire absence of the glimmer
ing and hazy appearance so common
with other moving picture inanities,
Tho colored stereopticon views of Cali
fornia, Florida and Columbia iver
scenery, as well as the views of the
cities and cathedrals of Europe' were
especially pleasing and equal to many
months of sicrht seeing and travel.
The vocal solos and duets by C. F.
Freeland and F. D. Confer, illustrated
by many views, met the approval of
the large audience. Oregonian, Feb.
This entertainment will bo given at
the M. E. Church, Tuesday evening,
March 22, uoder tho auspices of the
Ladies' Aid Society. Don't miss it.
Admission 15 and 25 cents. . Reserved
seats, 35 cents. Tickets at the Wilson
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
Be ture that thi picture In
the form of a label it on the
wrapper ot every bottle ol
Kuiulsioa jrov bay.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c and $1 1 all dre&!U.
... . . '
: '.-IS
A. C. Defeated in Fastest Game
Ever Seen in Corvallls
on Last Friday.
The Dallas College basket-ball team
clinched its hold on the state cham
pionship when it defeated the Oregon
Agricultural College tem by a score
of 17 to 15, in Corvallis, last Friday
night. The game was closely con
tested throughout, and it was the sen
sational goal thrown by Wilson, three
minutes before the final whistle blew,
that dashed O. A. C.'s hopes to the
ground and gave Dallas the victory.
The Dallas boys, although somewhat
bewildered on the largo court, played
splendid ball, and were cheered to the
echo by over one hundred loynl rooters
who had chartered a special train in
order to attend the game,
The Corvallis team has been beaten
only twico on its own floor, the victory
both times being won by the Dallas
team. The game -Friday evening
settles beyond question the stRte
championship for this season, and
also helps to lessen tho glory of
Seattle's victory in Dallas, as tho Cor
vallis team was the only team in Ore
gon that was successful in winning a
game from the husky Washington
lads last winter.
The game in - Corvallis, Friday
night, was clean and remarkably free
from wrangling or disputes. Referee
VanOrsdel called fouls on both teams
with equal impartiality, and the de
cisions of tho Corvallis umpire were
just in every instance.
The only cause of regret among the
Dallas people who visited the game is
tho rough and ungentlemanly treat
ment to which they were subjected as
tho train was leaving Corvallis. Not
content with stealing tho signal
lanterns on the train, cutting the bell
cord and piling cordwood under the
car wheels, a baud of hoodlums
lined up along the track, and, as the
train began to move, threw mud upon
the passengers by the handful. Several
persons standing on tho platforms
were struck by rooks, and many suits
and overcoats were ruined by tho
volley of mud that was thrown. At
every street crossing from the depot to
the north end of town this disgraceful
performance was repeated, and when
the train reached the suburbs many
of the passengers who had been un
able to crowd into tho coaches were
plastered will mud from head to foot
The excursionists were so surprised
and astonished at such a display of
ruffianism in a town where they had
gone as friendly visitors that they
could scarcely realize what had nap
pened. This surprise gave way to
indignation when it was recalled by
many passengers that among the
rowdies making tho cowardly assault
were a large number of young men
wearing the caps and uniform of the
No blame is attached to tho good
people of Corvallis, to the college
team, or to the college faculty for the
disgraceful conduct of this band of
young toughs, and tho Obsebvek has
but one word of suggestion to the
managers of the school. Polk county
pays annually something over $700 in
taxes for the support of the Agri
cultural College, and we would advise
that a part or all of this money be
spent in training a number of the
students to be gentlemen. Such a
course of study is badly needed in the
0. A. C. curriculum, and tho people of
Polk county, especially those whose
clothing was ruined by mud and
whose arms and bodies were bruised
by flying stones and missiles, will
cheerfully pay their part of the ex
Revivals at Independence
Special revival services began at
the United Evangelical Church in
Independence last Sunday evening.
Dr. C. C. Poling, presiding elder;
Rev. A. A. Winter, of Dallas, and
Rev. H. A. Deck, of Corvallis, are Id
charge of the meeting. Rev. Edmed-
son, of the Methodist Church, will be
gin a series of sermons on the subject,
"Christianity's Great Words and
Themes," for the month of March, on
Sunday evenings. The subjects are
as follows: 13th, "Lost;" 20th,
Saviour;" 27th, "Repentance."
A Popular Company.
Miss Clara Mathis end her big com
pany will open a week's engagement in
Dallas, starting Monday evening,
March 21, and present their repertoire
of this seasons dramatic successes,
with high-clas3 vaudeville between
acts. The engagement will open with
a big production of Arthur Alston's
comedy-drama of the West, "Tenness
ee's Pardner." Prices forthe engage
ment, 15, 25, and 35 cents.
The Dallas College basket-ball team
has been royally entertained in the
homes of Dallas during the last week.
Last Thursday evening, Henry
Williams gave the team a chicken
supper at Stevens' restaurant, and on
Tuesday even in g they were entertai ned
at dinner by Chester and Rebecca
Use Acker"! English Remedy In any
case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It
fall to irlve Immediate relief money re
funded 25 eta and to eta Belt Cher-
rloftoa. Dallas. Oregon.
Dark Outlook For Prunes.
Outlook for the unsold portion of
the prune crop of 1903 continues poor,
and fears are entertained that the
sale of the 1904 crop will be seriously
affected. According to some dealers,
there are about 300 carloads of dried
prunes still in the hands of the pro
ducers of the Northwest, and the de
mand has dropped very materially
since the Winter has passed. "The
prunegrowers of Oregon can only
blame the leaping spirits of their asso
ciations for the present state of
affairs," said one wholesale dealer to
day. "Last Fall, when prunes would
have brought enough to allow of a
fair margin, the officials of the various
prunegrowers' associations advised
the producers to hold on. The time to
sell dried prunes is in October and No
vember, as the fruit is consumed dur
ing the cold Winter months. Tho re
sult of this poor advice on the part of
the association officers has been to
leave a vast amount of dried prunes
in the hands of the first growers, with
prices ranging from lj cents n pound
as a basis. The outlook for an ad
vance is very poor at this time. "Port
land Telegram.
Advertised Letters.
On March 14, 1904, there were adver
tised letters in tho Dallas postofflee
for Mrs. K. R. Kennedy, Gordon Bow
man, S. B. Burroughs, Elic Daniels,
K. M. Ham, Loyd Jones, Rev. F. L.
Moore, Clayton G. Smith (2) and Felix
Wagner. . C. G. Coad, Postmaster.
Former Dallas Man Sustains Injuries
From Which He May Not
Willard C. Siefarth, a yard foreman
in the employ of the Inman-Poulsen
Lumber company, was thrown from a
City & Suburban street car at the
curve in the Sunnyside and Mount
Tabor branch at East Thirtieth and
Bolmont streets ut 7 o'clock Tuesday
morning and received injuries from
which he may die. He was romoved
immediately to his home, corner of
Thirty-fifth and Belmont streets, but
was soon after taken to the Good
Samaritan hospital, where Dr. A. O
Pauton attended him.
In the fall Mr. Siefarth was thrown
violently to tho ground, his head
striking first. He suffered a severe
concussion of the brain, and his re
covery is doomed doubtful. From tho
time of tho accident until late Tues
day afternoon the injured man was
Georgo Biehle, conductor, and H.
Crawford, motorman, were in charge
of tho car, and in their reports to the
company say that Mr. Siefarth was
standing on tho rear platform, to
gether with several other passengers,
when tho car turned tho curve. He
lost his balanco and fell headlong.
Tho car men say tho car was not run
ning very rapidly.
Mr. Siefarth was coiner to work at
the time of tfie accident. He has been
employed at the Inman-Poulson mill
for thrco months, and was previously
a Pullman conductor on tlicO. R. &N.
between Portland and Green River,
Grangers Elect Delegates.
Tho Polk County Grange met in
Monmouth, Friday, and elected F. M.
Smith and C. E. Staats delegates to
the State Grange Convention to be
held at Corvallis. A resolution ask
ing for delivery of mail on Sunday
and legal holidays by rurul carriers
was adopted. The meeting was largely
attended, delegates being present from
nearly all tho Granges in tho county.
And Overwork
Caused Nervous
Prostration Com
pletely Worn Out.
Dr. Miles Nervine Cured
Dr. Miles' Nervine will cure nervous pros
tration. It will bring sweet sleep and rest;
it will relieve the mind o the tendency to
worry; it will make the nerves strong and
the patient well. It has cured thousands. It
will cure you. Try it to-dy.
"Some years ago I was stricken with nerv
ous prostration caused bv overwork and
worry. I was in such a weakened, exhausted,
run down condition that I was unable to do
my housework. I felt too weak and tired to
even make calls on my neighbors. Fre
quently when out driving I would become so
exhausted that it eemed that I would die
before I reached home. I was also troubled
with sinking spells at night which left me so
weak that f thought I could not live until
morning. I was in this deplorable condition
when one day Dr. Mile' Nervine was
brought to my notice. 1 had little faith in
proline arv remedies but determined to give
she Nervine a tri 1. After the second dose
of the Kes-tui alive Nervine I was aul to sit
at the t'ile and tat a meal, something I bad
been uridine to do for many davs. I have
-.iiice i ;n a num'ierof b tth-s of Nervine.
I cons. il r inv e f cured. I am doing my
own work at; 1 ,;ive Dr. Miles' Nervine credit
for my gei.eril good health. My object in
writing tins is to r commend your medicine
but I annot write as strongly as I feeL"
Miss A rni kM. Varble, 405 E. Marion St,
Guthrie, OUhoma.
All dnigjri-ts jell and gu .rantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addres
Dr. Mdes Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Primary Election Law Taxpayers
Say It Would Be too Ex
pensive. Many taxpayers are open in their
expressions of objection to the pro
posed primary election law. They
say that if it is adopted it will cost
practically the same as it does now to
hold a general election. They add
that the latter costs enough without
increasing it by holding two instead
of one election, every election year.
In the proposed law," there are pro
visions for printed ballots, for poll
books, for blanks for returns, for
judges and clerks, for canvassing
officers, in fact for everything prac
tically that is now involved in the
regular election. All this expensive
machinery, they say, is to be substi
tuted for the present system of pri
maries and conventions which cost
the taxpayers nothing. It is estimated
that under it, the ordinary primaries
in Polk county, which cost nothing
now, would under the proposed plan
cost at least $700, if not more.
It is said that in some of the older
states where tho plan has been tried it
has been abandoned.
Tho proposed law will doubtless bo
thoroughly explained in the state
press between now and the June elec
tion, and the people will be enabled to
vote upon it intelligently. If it will
have the effect of doing away with
political bossism and the disgraceful
fights carried on in some counties be
fore the primaries it should be adopt
ed. The Observer is inclined to be
lieve that it is like the registration law
in one respect, and that is, that it will
be of no practical boncflt outside tho
large cities.
Denies He Is a Candidate.
PERRYDALE, Or., March 15-(To
the Editor.) Having noticed by tho
press of Polk county, also by corres
pondents to outside papers that I am
a probable candidate for State Senator,
would ask you to kindly state in your
next issue that I am not a candidate
for the place.
Announces His Candidacy.
' U. S. Loughary, the present County
Clerk, requests us to announce his
candidacy for Senator of Polk County,
He asks tho support of all the Re
publicans who tLinlr ho In worthy of
this honor, and who are not already
pledged to other candidates.
Growers Get Left.
When Tommy Whitehorn left Cor
vallis to join his family in California,
ho was not quite certain where ho
would find them, a situation brought
about by Irregular mails at that time.
Letters received from him give the in
formation that all is well with him.
Tommy is interested in the prune
business to some extent here. He
stepped into a grocery store at Golden
Gate Park and Inquired tho price of
some good looking 40-50 Italian prunes
on display. "They are worth 15 cents
pound," said the groceryman.
Whitehorn was surprised that they
were so high and affected a decision
not to buy on that account. The
groceryman said the prunes cost him
ten cents a pound, but if Whitehorn
would take a 20-pound box he could
have them at 121 cents. Then Tommy
suid to the groceryman : "You are
paying too much for your prunes. I
should like to deliver a carload of
better fruit at your door at six cents."
Tho incident serves to illustrate the
rapidity with which the price of prunes
goes up after leaving tho hands of the
producer. Corvallis Times.
Restaurant Change Hands.
S. G. Stevens sold his restaurant in
this city to Sing Wuh, Monday. Tho
new Chinese proprietor has moved tho
business across the street to the build-
inc one door south of Knox & Mur-
rell's meat market. He has employed
white help iu the dining room, and
has fitted up a neat restaurant.
The Young Women's Christian
Association of Dallas College gave a
social afternoon and tea at the home
of Mrs. J. G. VanOrsdel, Monday.
Members of tho Ladies' Professorship
and other ladies were invited to meet
Miss Shields, traveling secretary of
the association. Tho afternoon passed
most pleasantly to all.
You Know What You Ar Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula la plainly
printed on every bottle, allowing that
It la simply Iron and Quinine In a taste-
Iimui form. No Cure. Na PT
Played Out.
T1..11 TT-JnU. Tn'n In trarlAiia TixHtal
lUlt XiettUEH-llO, OHIO
of the body Sinking at the Pit of the
Stomach. Loss of Appetite, FeverishneM.
of impure blood. No matter how it be
came o. It must oe punnea in orutr w
obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir
has never failed to cure Scrofulous or
Syphilitic poleons or any other blood
j t T 1- lurinlnlv wnnrlnrftll
uiecr. . . ia -1 ."'.
remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi
tive suaramee. jjen oc kuciiiuiuiii,
las. Oreuon.
a ' - n .1 1ViHl,ta fin Httl
Tabiet wIU give immediate relief or rnonty
refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxaa
at Jo cents. Belt Cherrinfton, Dallas,