Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, March 04, 1904, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Socictv
' 1
NO. 51.
New Spring
Models that will be Highly Popular
and Styles that are controlled by us
Have you seen the new Spring Styles in Shirts
at an early date we will announce the arrival of the
New Top Coat Suits
and Shoes which are
of the latest styles,
only the best quali
ties here and styles
that can't help but
suit the best of
dressers and we feel
we can please you
with the price.
G. W. HOLLISTER, Manager.
A new and complete line of "Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass.
All sorts of Stains and Wood Finishes. Painters' and Paper
Hangers' Supplies.
Pictures, Mouldings, and Pictures framed to order. Painting,
wood finishing, room decorating and sign lettering done. Satis
faction guaranteed on all work.
If you are thinking of doing
No charge for estimates
Mill Street
You Can Get Your
If You Buy Your Groceries
of Loughary and
prices are right and
All Goods are Guaranteed
Construction of Dallas and Falls City
Telephone Line Will Begin in
a Few Days.
The owners' meeting of the Falls
City, Dallas & Lewisville Telephone
Company was held in Falls City last
Saturday, at which time subscriptions
were taken and poles contracted for.
The construction of the line will be in
the hands of the following committee :
F. K. Hubbard, chairman ; Frank
Butler, secretary and treasurer ; H. L.
Fenton, J. M. Staats, A. B. Brown,
C. C. Gardner and J. J. Leveck. The
time of receiving entries on the lower
scale was extended to Friday, March
4, when the committee will meet in
Falls City at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Dallas stockholders in the
Falls City line are : Dallas City Bank,
Hon. J. E. Sibley, Loughary & Ellis,
Matthews & Madison, T. A. Biggs,
Ellis & Keyt, Kirkpatriek& Williams,
F. J. Coad, Ed Biddle and H. L.
Deep Snow on Mountains.
Owing to the recent snows in the
mountains west of North Yamhill, the
Tillamook stage has had considerable
difficulty in crossing the mountains,
having to make a new trail each time
it crosses. The snow on the summit
is said to be eight feet deep, but the
stage is again carrying passengers.
Sheridan Sun.
sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising of the food, distress after
eating or any form of dyspepsia, Oae
little tablet gives immediate relief. 21
eta. and 60 cts. Belt & Cherrtngton
Dallas. Oragoo
Hats Clothes
any papering or painting
on labor or material.
Dallas, Oregon
Money's Worth
Narrowly Escaped Drowning.
An item from Independence in Mon
day's Telegram says J. C. Morrison,
foreman of Horst Brothers' hop yards
in the Willamette River bottom,
narrowly escaped drowning a few
days ago. In trying to cross the
Island slough, both Mr. Morrison and
the horse he was riding were swept
down the stream for a considerable
distance, and were finally washed
against a barbed wire fence. After a
long struggle, both reached the bank
in safety, but in an almost exhausted
Death of Mrs. Calbreath.
Mrs. Margaret A. Calbreath, mother
of C. D. and David Calbreath, of In
dependence, died at the home of C. D.
Calbreath on Tuesday evening, Febru
ary 22. Mrs. Calbreath was a little
over 71 years of age at the time of her
death. She was born in Virginia,
January 17, 1833, from which state
she removed to Missouri, and in 1851
married T. H. Calbreath. She lived
in Missouri until the death of her
husband in 1882. Besides the children
living in Independence, she left one
other child, Mrs. Collins, now a resi
dent of Missouri. The funeral services
were conducted at the Presbyterian
church by Rev. Dr. Thompson, and
the remains were interred in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery at Independence.
Mrs. Calbreath was a kind and
generous old lady, and was highly
esteemed by her friends and acquaint
permanently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and Indigestion, makes you eat. sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 eta. and 60 eta. Belt
Charrtngton. Dallas. Oregon.
Causd of War Between Russia and
Japan Summed Up In a
Few Words.
What is the trouble in the Far East?
Japan is trying to keep Russia out
of Korea.
What is Korea and where is it situ
ated? Korea is an autocracy under Japa
nese influence, about as large as
Kansas, with a population estimated
at between 8,000,000 and 16,000,000.
The empire occupies a peninsula just
south of Siberia, jutting out into the
Pacific ocean between the Yellow sea
and the Sea of Japan, and reaching
within less than 100 miles of the
southern end of Japan.
Is Korea a rich country?
Not especially. It is a purely agri
cultural land and the methods of
cultivation are primitive. A few gold
mines are operated and there are sup
posed to be deposits of copper, iron and
Why, then, does Russia want Korea?
Chiefly because of its position
Korea is an extension of Manchuria,
which practically belongs to Russia,
In the natural development of con
tiguous territory Russian merchants
have crossed the boundary into Korea
and Russian interests accumulating
there under a weak government
naturally look to the czar for pn
Why is Korea of stategic value to
For two reasons: First, Russian
vessels must make a long detour
around Korea to pass from Vladi
vostok, Siberia, to Port Arthur, the
Russian harbor in Manchuria. In
this journey they must traverse a
narrow strait between Korea and a
Japanese island, comparable to Gibr
altar. To insure free passage, Russia
seeks to control the end of the Korean
peninsula. Second, when Russia bo-
gins its anticipated absorption of
China it would be inconvenienced if a
hostile power should have a military
base on the northeastern coast of Asia,
Therefore, it desires to annex Korea
Why does Japan object to the
itussian annexation oi liorea?
Because Japan is overcrowded, with
a population twelve times as dense as
that of the United: Statesrandif "seeks
an outlet for its emigrants on the
mainland. The island has hoped,
too, to make Korea a base of an
attempt to extend Japanese influence
throughout China. Furthermore, it
now conducts nine-tenths of Korea's
commerce and owns Korea's two rail
ways. And, finally, Japan holds its
own independence would be menaced
were Russia to gain the harbor at the
end of the Korean peninsula almost
within cannon range of the Japanese
island fortress of Tsushima.
Does Japan want to annex Korea?
No. It is satisfied to maintain
Korea's sovereignty with the expecta
tion that its natural advantages of
situation will give it the lion's share
of Korea's trade.
When did the trouble between Japan
ana itussia Degin r
It began in 1895 when by war Japan
had forced China to recognize Korea's
independence and to grant to Japan
the southern end of Manchuria,
Russia forced Japan to give up Man
churia, seized the surrendered terri
tory and secured a timber cutting con
cession in the Yalu valley in Korea.
What brought on the present crisis?
Last year Russia advanced the
claim that the timber concession ex
tends to the valleys of all rivers tribu
tary to the Yalu and that it gives the
Russians the right to build railways
and to monopolize the port of Yon
gampho at the Yalu's mouth.
Did Russia announce its intention
to annex Korea?
It did not. But Japan took the
ground that its procedure meant
virtual annexation and so issued a
protest. Kansas City Star.
Cantata "Queen Esther."
The sacred cantata, "Queen Esther,"
will be given by local talent in the
near future for the benefit of Dallas
College. The chorus has already been
formed, and rehearsals are being held
weekly. The principals have not yet
been selected, but there is no lack of
good material from which to make a
choice, as all the prorniueut musical
people of the city have kindly volun
teered their services. An elaborate
production of the cantata will be
given. The costumes will be furnish
ed by Prof. Newton, who recently
arrived in Portland from the East.
Prof. Newton is directing the training
of the chorus, and the young people
all speak of his work in terms of the
highest praise. The date of the pro
duction will be announced soon.
Misses Fannie and Jessie Dempsey,
who were thrown out of employment
by the burning of the Sellwood woolen
mills, have returned to their home in
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it
fails to cur. E. W. Grave's atgnatura
la on eavcb box. xSe.
Lost Their Meat.
Henry Voth and Henry Gertz, two
Salt Creek farmers, butchered a calf
Tuesday morning, and in the after
noon loaded the carcass into a wagon
and started to town with the intention
of selling the meat to a local market,
When they reached a point near the
Dr. Fink farm, the hind wheels of the
wagon dropped into a mudhole, and
the calf slipped out of the wagon
into the road. The farmers drove on
to town in total ignorance of their
loss. When they arrived at the meat
market and discovered that the dead
animal was missing, their astonish'
ment knew no bounds. They imme
diately began telephoning to farm
houses along the road, with the result
that tho meat was soon found and
brought into town by a neighbor. The
two farmers came in for, much good-
natured joshing from their friends,
but both keenly enjoyed the joke.
Defeated in Portland.
The Monmouth basket-ball team
played in hard luck in Portland. The
All-Stars defeated the Normal boys by
a score of 25 to 18, and the score in
the game with Multnoman was 12 to 7
in favor of the club team. The Mon
mouth team will probaW disband
after the game with Newfterg.
Is the Lord & Thomas' Advertising
Agency the Head of Which
Retired February 1st.
Possibly there is no line of industry
in the United States that has grown in
such proportion ,in recent years as
that of general advertising, which in
eludes publicity in newspapers and
magazines and outdoor display ad
vertising, and through its tremendous
force the entire basis of modern mer
chandising has been revolutionized,
The Chicago papers of the current
week devote much space and time to
the wonderful growth of the advertis
ing business as a whole and that of
Lord & Thomas in particular, owing
to the retirement of D. M. Lord, the
senior member of the firm, who leaves
active business life with a rich com
petence. ' ,
To give some idea to the public of
the growth of advertising as a whole,
it-might,. !",. Bt,niad--ibsi:if,a tu" jicaxe.
the business of Lord & Thomas alone
has increased one million dollars in
the billing, and in the one month of
January in 1904 this house has booked
$750,000.00 in advertising contracts
from the following concerns, whose
names are household words in the
United States : Anheuser-Busch Brew
ing Ass'n. St. Louis; Siegel Cooper
Company, New York ; Woolson Spice
Company (Lion Coffee) Toledo, Ohio;
Hamilton -Brown Shoe Company, St.
Louis, Mo. ; Sterling Remedy Com
pany (Casearets), Chicago and New
York; The Woman's Magazine, St.
Louis, Mo. ; Armour & Co., Chicago ;
Michigan Stove Co., Detroit and
Chicago; Union Pacific Railroad Co.,
Omaha ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
Ry., Chicago; Rock Island R. R.
"When the butter won.'
come put a penny in C.
churn," is an old time dair
proverb. It often seems
work though no one has cv
told why.
When mothers are worriec'
because the children do ncl
gain strength and flesh ve
say give them Scott's Emu)
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk ot pure coa liver on
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat
We will send you
the penny, . e., a
sample free.
Be tort that this picture ia
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
EmuKioi) you buy.
409 Pear! St., N. Y.
90c.aodf1.00; aD. druggists.
11 ml t
Dallas Board of Trade Is Asked to
Make Special Exhibit at
1905 Fair.
An official invitation has been ex
tended to the City of Dallas to make a
special exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition. The full text
of the invitation is given below. It is
not likely that Dallas will undertake
a special exhibit, for the reason that a
county exhibit has been requested by
the Exposition managers, and the
local Board of Trade is already lend
ing its assistance to tho preparation
of a display for all of Polk county.
Mr. Reed's letter to the Board is as
follows :
"An official invitation is hereby ex
tended to the Dallas Board of Trade
to make a special exhibit either in its
own behalf or in connection with
some other body, municipal or other
wise, at the Lewis and Clark Cen
tennial Exposition to be held in Port
land in 1905. It is the purpose of the
Exposition to encourage comprehen
sive exhibits by counties, and by
chambers of commerce, boards of
trade and other commercial organiza
tions. Fov exhibits of this character,
illustrating the resources, industries
and progress of communities, the
following regulations have been pro
vided ;
"First: The preparing and install
ing of exhibits by counties or organi
zations will be loft to the counties or
organizations in whose name or under
whose authority the exhibits are made.
Counties or organizations may erect
separate buildings, or may install
their exhibits in the State building of
the State in which the County or
organization is located. Space will be
provided on the Exposition grounds
for all buildings erected by counties
and organizations and no charge will
be made therefor. Plans and specifi
cations for such buildings shall be
submitted to the Director-General for
his approval.
"Second: All collective exhibits
made by counties and trade organiza
tions will be permitted to participate
in the general competition ; that is, be
both collective and competitive.
"I desire to enlist your co-operation
and support in this movement, and
reaectiveiy"aige early consideration
of this invitation so that, if favorable
action be taken, we may allot the
necessary space and give you ample
time to proceed with preparations for
your exhibit. Whatever may be the
decision upon our invitation, I am
satisfied we can shape our plans so as
to harmonize all efforts to the end that
your exhibit may be highly creditable,
not only to your progressive com
munity and State, but to tho Exposition
as well.
"We feel confident that the arrange
ment we propose will offer to counties
an exceptional opportunity of demon
strating their potentialities at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition of 1905,
and that tho result of exhibits made
in this way will be very beneficial to
Very respectfully,
Director of Exploitation.
Favors Shearing Machines.
Tho use of shearing machines for
taking the fleece from goats is steadily
growing in popularity. It will bo ob
served that in Polk County, Oregon,
the price for shearing by machine is
a little higher than for shearing by
hand. The difference will be repaid
several times by the additional
amount of hair obtained by tho use of
tho machines and by the smaller
number of injuries inflicted upon the
goats. One point in favor of the
machines is that a man who has had
no experience in shearing with either
machine or shears can do a much
better job from the start with a
machine than with shears. Rural
"Byll" and "Jym."
The young men of a small town in
Illinois are credited with an excellent
idea by the Detroit Free Pro 's. Follow
ing tho lead of "Nellye," "Maymie,"
"Lyllyan," and "Adah," they are
signing their names "Byll," "Jym"
and "Franque," and are cutting a
social swath in consequence. There
is no reason why the girls should be
allowed to monopolize all the "y" in
the world, and Portland's curled
darlings might as well be Bobbe,
Jamyes, Dicque and Sahm right
away. Oregonian.
Stock Wintering Well.
J.C.Fletcher, writing from Titiier,
Tillamook county, to renew his sub
scription to the Observer, says : "I
am wintering about 75 head of cattle,
which are looking well. Have plenty
of hay, grain and roots of different
kinds. Green feed is beginning to
grow Our toll road to Salmon River
is an assured thing, and there is quite
a rush for homesteads."
Use Acker's English Remedy In any
case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It
fail to give immediate relief money re
funded 26 cts. and GO eta Belt A Cher-ring-to
n. Dallas. Oregon.
College League Disbands.
The Collegiate Athletic League of
Oregon will bo disbanded. At a meet
ing of the executive committee of the
league in Monmouth Friday night
this was agreed upon. The league,
which was organized three years ago
to advance athletics in the smaller
colleges of the state consists of Albany.
McMinnville and Pacific Colleges and
Oregon State Normal School. Dallas
College was originally a member, but
withdrew from the league last year.
The aunual field meet which has been
held annually at McMinnville.will not
be held this year. From the attitude
of the various representatives it looks
as though concerted control of athletics
would be relegated to the past, each
school making its own games and
regulations. A Monmouth corres
pondent of a Portland paper says:
"The league has been run from its
start in a way that would make
political ward bosses turn green with
envy and there is no mourning among
those who love clean sport at its
Pomona Grange Meeting.
A regular meetiue: of Pomona
Grange of Polk County will be held in
Monmouth on Wednesday, March 9.
All members in good standing are in
vited to be present.
Are Not Slow to Learn the Tricks In
Politics Invented by Their
Husbands and Brothers.
It is developed that the frauds which
gave Representative Shafroth of Colo
rado the seat he has so honorably re
signed were largely perpetrated by
women, who have the suffrage in that
state, says the New York American.
This revelation will be discouraging
to those who contend that the en
franchisement of women throughout
the union would necessarily purify
our politics. The contention rests on
the assumption that women are in all
ways the moral superior of men.
It is a fact, deplorable but un
deniable, that there are bad women as
well as good women, and that tho bad
ones, when they are admitted to
political activity, carry their badness
with them. They have shown what
they are capable of in the way of
crookedness in Colorado, and it, is not
be fnguUu'k-rt'tUO u'.uiaiC Vol" or
Utah was overwhelmingly Mormon,
though polygamy is the last thing
one would expect women to support tit
the polls.
Should woman suffrage become
general peculiar effects might at first
be looked for. A disposition to morally
uplift society by interfering with
masculine freedom through legisla
tion against men's social amusements
and convivial habits would bo mani
fested, but political division on sex
lines would bo short lived. Intelligent
and good women would soon come to
act with intelligent and good men in
public affairs, and the other kind of
women would as naturally come to
act with the other kind of men.
Female suffrage would multiply the
electorate by two, but it is doubtful if
in the long run it would profoundly
influenco legislation in its larger
aspects, however great its surface
effect upon our political manners
might be.
There is of course, unholy joy
among the cynical over the Colorado
frauds. But it needs to be kept in
mind by the exultant males who point
their finger of scorn at the ticket
tinkering, repeating and ballot-box
stuffing females of Denver that the
latter invented none of these tricks.
They learned them from tho men.
After Mental Exer
tion No Rest.
Nervous, Irritable
and Wretched.
Dr. Miles Nervine Saved
My Life.
There is little joy in living when the dis
ordered nerves prevent sleep and rest; when
one wakes from a restless night more tired
than the night before; when one is forced to
drag through the round of daily duties with
out energy, ambition or interest This con
dition is due to a derantrement of the nerves
which mav be speedily regulated and
strengthened by I)r. Miles' Restorative
Nervine. This remarkable medicine has a
wonderful record of cures. Supplying as it
does the exact element needed for the res
toration of the nerve force and vitality, its
good effects are felt after the first few doses.
"I have used your remedies myself and in
my family for t'ic past seven years and it is
not too mm h to say that they saved my life.
The tired feeling I used to have after giving
a few music lessons has left me entirely and
instead of ivm? in bed three or four hours
trying to get sletp and then getting up and
walking the Cu r until morning, 1 can now
go to bed and s eep eight, ten and twelve
hours without any trouble. hen I think of
my former nervous, wretched, irritable state
I want to tell everyone what Dr. Miles'
Nervine has done for me. I can do as much
work now in a day as 1 used to take a week
to accomplish. I think Dr. Miles' Nervine
s the bi st remedy tor nervousness ana gen
eral debility on earth." L. D. EDWARDS,
Prof, of Music, Preston, Idaho.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send fur free book
00 Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad.
! ire
Sheridan Man Takes Up His Pen In
Defense of Telephone "Rub
ber Necks."
Some people have queer notions of
what constitutes decency and trood
breeding. No better proof of this
statement is needed than the perusal
of the following article, which ap
peared recently in the columns of tho
Pacific Homestead. The writer pro
fessos to see no harm in prying into
other people's affairs, and even goes so
far as to boldly defend that most
heartily despised of all individuals
the eavesdropper. His communication
is as follows :
Sheridan, Ore., Jan. 30, 1904. Ed.
Pacific Homestead: What a grand
invention is the rural telephone to be
sure, and how much valuable time it
saves to the farmers and business
men by enabling thorn to easily and
quickly communicate with each other
as to what they have to sell or buy' or
what they want to borrow of each
other, or any matter of interest.
When the rural '"phonos" are first
put up in farmers homes, among the
rules given the inmates about operat
ing it, is this : "When you want to
use tho phone to speak to any one,
first take the receiver down and listen
if anyone is talking, and, if so, wait
until they say good-bye, and then you
can ring for whom you want." Now,
suppose Mr. A. or some of the family
want to speak to someone, and they do
listen as per instructions, and
they find the line In use, they
must wait and listen till there is a
chance for them or they will not know ;
and suppose also that B, C, and D,
also are listening for the same reason.
Tho first talker hears the clicking of
receivers and begins to talk about
"rubber nocks along the line," and
"wonder why some people are so
interested in other folks' affairs." Or
suppose a busy housewife is anxious
to speak to a friend and takes down
tho receiver to know if the line is in
use and she hears a coarse voice say
"Hang up the receiver you d- d
rubber neck." Or suppose one or
several are listening and waiting for
a chanco to use the line and they hear
some women gossiping or passing
vulgar jokes and airing their free use
of common slang, ...who in to blame?
X1J llU liuXx.blo nj-vivi'JW tliio' vXi-'-
it iS those who betray their lack of
good training and lack of common
decency who are to blame and not
those who listen. The rural telephone
is a public means of communication
and neonle have a eood richt to listen
. (.. (. !
and hear what is going on around
People have a richt to travel the
streets and country roads and those in
tno houses along the way have a per
fect richt to look at them as thev nass
by, and there is no good sense in call
ing uiem "ruboer necks lor it. reo
plo should behave decently going
along tho road and talkers over the
Dhono should talk decentlv. Mav we
hear no more about "rubber necks."
Noted Pacer Dead.
Hon. Emory M. Low's pacer, "Doo
Sperry" dropped dead from heart
disease while being jogged up and
down the speedway at Brockton, Mass.,
a few days ago. The horse was foaled
in Portland, Oregon, in 188',), his sire
being "Altamont," with a record of
2:2Gj. After racing successfully in
tho Northwest, he was taken East in
1894 by Monroo Salisbury and put on
the Grand Circuit. There out of nino
races ho won five, and twice in second
place. In a six-heat race at Fort
Wayne, Ind., which ho won in a field
of 12, ho made his best record of 2 :09.
Among his prizes aro included a $3000
purse at Chicago and a $2000 purse at
Terro Haute. Shortly after this the
animal went lame, ending his career
as a racer.
The New Version.
(W. J. Lftmpton In New York Bun.)
A soldier of the Russians
Lav japanned at Tschrtzvjskitwitch,
There was lack of woman's nursing
And other comforts which
Might add to his last moments
And sn.ooth the final way ;
Rut a comrade stood beside him
To hear what he might say.
The japanned Russian faltered
As he took that comrade s hand,
And said : "I never more shall see
My own, my native land ;
Take a message and a token
To some distant friends of mine.
For I was born at Smnlxzrskgqrxzskl
Fair Smnlxzrskgqrxzskl on the
Played Out.
Dull Headache. Pains In various part
of the body Sinking at the Pit of the
Stomach, Loss of Appetite. Feverlshneat,
Pimplea or Sores are all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how It be
came so. It must be purified in order to
obtain food health. Acker's Blood Ellxli
has never failed to cure Scrofulous or
Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi
tive guarantee. Belt & Cherrlngton, Dal
las. Oree-on.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give Immediate relief or money
refunded. cold in handsome tin boxes
at 25 cents. Belt Cherrlngton, Dallas,