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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1904)
Poll? County Observer J. C. IIAYTER, EDITOR -A.ND PUBX.ieilETl Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeoi Strictly In Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, Fkbruaby 26,1904 The way to build up Dallas is to pat- roniu Dallas people. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Beginning Tuesday, March 1, the yearly subscription price of the Polk County Observer will be $1.50. The announcement of the change in price was made three weeks ago, and since that time sub scriptions have been coming in at a lively rate from patrons who wished to take advantage of the old price of one dollar. With these remit tances, in nearly every instance, have come good words for the Ob server in its enlarged form, and the assurance that these subscribers will gladly pay the small increase in rates when their subscription exnire . next vear. Our readers will please remember that sub scriptions at one dollar a year wi be received until next Tuesday, at which time the price of the pape will be advanced to $1.50. Th clubbing price of the Observer and the Weekly Oregonian under th new arrangement will be $2 a yea an advance of 25 cents over th present rate. The Observer makes this small raise in its subscription price for the reason that the in creased cost of paper, typ machinery and labor makes it necessary to charge more than on dollar a year for the paper in its enlarged form, and for the further reason that we believe the paper is worth the price asked for it. For the last five years, we have bee devoting a large percentage of the profits of the business to the en largement and improvement of th tinner. und, wo A j this course, until we make the Ob server second to no country week Jy in Oregon, and then, if the town is large enough to justify the move we intend to publish a daily. The Portland woolen mill, which was moved from Dallas toSellwood bv Port and capitalists a lew years ago, was totally destroyed by fire last Thursday afternoon. The y blaze originated in the picker room. The loss is estimated at $150,000. The company carried in 8u ra nee to th e a mou n t of $ 1 00,000 One hundred and fifty hands were thrown out of employment. The stockholders have not decided whether they will rebuild, and, if they do, it is doubtful if Sell wood opts the new mill. A strong effort is being made to get the company to rebuild at St. Johns, or some other noirit down the river. The hoodoo that was on this inill in California followed it to Dallas, and every man who touched it here lost money on it. The Dallas stockholders virtually gave the mill to the Carter brothers, little dreaming that it would ever be moved from this city, but no sooner had the latter secured control of the property than they set about finding a location in some town where the citizens would pay them a large sum for moing it. They finally succeeded in forming astock company in Portland, and the mill was removed to Sellwood and oper ated about two years before its de struction by fire. balem secured the lurst District Republican Congressional conven tion, winning out easily over its two rivals, Independence and Forest Grove. The date set by the centra committee i9 April 13 one day before the state convention in Portland. Polk county is entitled to nine delegates one more than her apportionment two years ago. Some members of the party who profesB to detect political signifi cance in the contest for the meeting place of the convention are found who claim that the result was a victory for the Harris forces, while others say that the 23 votes in Marion county look good to Her maun's supporters, and that the latter were ready to give Salem anything she asked for. The con gressional contest is now on in earnest, and those who know the fighting qualities of the two lead ing candidates have no reason to doubt that it will be a warm one from start to finish. California Democrats want Hearst for President, and the Oregon Democrats would like to see Gover nor Chamberlain nominated for Vice-President. The party leaders in the two states will doall in their power to pledge the delegates to the National convention "to act in concert." This is taken to mean that Oregon will stand for Hearst as long as he has any show of win ning the Presidential nomination. In case the owner of the big yellow newspapers cannot land the nomi nation, California will be bound to support Mr. Chamberlain for Vice President. Each side is doubtless trying to work a smooth game on the other, but the play is harmless and no bad feeling will result, for the simple reason that neither Hearst nor Chamberlain will come in a thousand miles of winning in the convention. VSPCtf. Backed up by over a third of a centur nf remarkable and uniform cures, a recon such as no other remedy for the disease! and weaknesses peculiar to women ever ttnin-d, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in oifertng to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any ease of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, 1'rolap mis or Kalliiiir of Womb which they can. not cure. Al! they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means ot cure. " I used four bottle of your ' Favorite Pre scription ' and one of ' Golden Medical Discov ery. " writes ! rs. Elmer D. Siliearer, of Mount hope, Lancaste - Co., Pa.. and can say that 1 am cured of thnt .resided disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Kvt-ry-m.e wlm tuows me is Kurorised to see me look so well. In J' ie I was 90 poor in health that at times I eoul 1 not walk. To day I am cured I tell evervbudy that Dr. Pierce's mediciuee Cured me." Fp.kk. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Meii teal Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamp to oav expense of mailing only. Send ,11 one-cent stamns for tin; cloth-bound volume. Address Wor'a LMsnensnry Medical AbUi ciation. Propnctovs, Buhalo, N. Y, COURT HOUSE NOTES The Democratic state convention will be held in Portland, Tuesday, A,nril 13 --. -) , MANY WERE SUCCESSFUL List of Teachers Who Passed amlnation and Received Certificates. Ex- The United States Senate did a good day's work Tuesday when it ratified, without amendment, the treaty with Panama for a cana across the isthmus, by a vote of GO to 14. Fourteen Democrats voted lor ratification and 14 against. Spring Humors Come to most people and cause many troubles, pimples, boils and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, 4lat tired feeling, fits of biliousness, indigestion and headache. Tli sooner one gets rid of them tho better, aud the way to get rid of them and to build up the system that has Buffered from them is to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination the Spring IMicinc par excellence, of unequalled strength in purifying the blood as shown by unequalled, radical and per manent cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scald Heed Boils, Plmplea Ail Rinds of Humor Psoriasis Clood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Etc Accept no substitute, but be sure to tt Lwd'i, and get It today. County School Superintendent C. L. Starr and his assistants, Dr. C. C. Foling and Mrs. P. II. Morrison have finished examining tho papers of ap plicants for teachers certificates. The following were successful in securing certificates to toach : First grade H. F. Buorer, Dallas; Emily DeVore, Monmouth; H. C. Seymour, C. J. Graham, Falls City. Second grade Florence Westovor, Bridgeport; Claud Shaw, Folk; C. F. G rover, Riekrcall; Harriett M. Hig gins, Salem ; Mabel Stevens, Concord ; Clement Jones, Independence, Fred E. Bowerinan, Frank Cooper, Martha Whenldon, Monmouth : Jessio M. AVild, Alice McKiuley, Buell; Sadie Lynn, Dallas; Ethel M. Dennis, Salt 'reek ; Sadie Sears, McCoy. Third grade Agnes Becker, Mary Becker, Smithfleld ; Etta Waters, Air- io; Leohi Dunham, Ethel Brown Independence; Mabel E. Wheelocl Wintha rainier, Arthur K. Wilson, Dallas; Maud Simons, Oak Grove sther Ilaiiipton, Kocea. Etta Waters and Arthur K. Wilson, ho received third grade certificates, tnado averages high enough to entitle them to first grade papers, but neither ave nau uio roquisito expeneneo as achers. Claud Shaw also made tho rst grade, but lacks a few months of having taught long enough to entitle him to a first grade certificate. Mary Becker, iiitua Talmer, Ethel Brown. Maud Simons and Esther Hampton made second grade averages, but were obliged to tako third grade certificates on account of a lack of experience in the school room. Wanted. At Mark's confeotioinry store young man about twenty years of age to learn candy making trade; salary after first month. Apply at once. Local Oratorical Contest. Tho local oratorical contest will be held in the College chapel next Tues day evening at 8 o'clock. The contest this year promises to be of unusual interest. Dallas is puttiug forth every effort to send a representative to the state contest who will bring home first honors. Every college in the state will send orators to Philomath to com pete for the stato honors aud a prize of $100. The contestants Tuesday eveuing will be Miss Nellie Phillips, Miss Bertha Allen, Chester Gates and Wintha Palmer. Special musie will be furnished, and several readings will be given. A small fee will be charged to help pay expenses. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Eigetu what you eat. DECLARATION OF INTENTION Louis Hussor, of Dallas; native of Goimany. PROBATE. Estate of Sarah E Fisher, deceased final report set for hearing Satur day, March 26, 1904, at 1 o'clock p. m. Estate of Adella Michell, deceased report of sale of real property con firmed. Estate of Ferdinand Williams, de ceasedinventory and appraisement filed and approved. Guardianship of Charles A Bald win, a minor Sarah Miller appointed guardian; W. F. Nichols, F. E. Myer and E. V. Dalton appointed ap praisers; inventory and appraisement filed and approved. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to heirs of A K Handy, 1G0 acres, t 8 8, r 8 w, patent. Anna Newman and hd to Martha J Cosper, lot 4, block 19, aud tract in Dallas, $700. Cora M Colwell and hd to TL Duns more, east J lot G, block D, south side, Fn4tCitv. " "r-""""" F K Hubbard et al tcTCity of Falls City, lot 5, block I, Falls City, $1. T D Ilollowell ot ux to City of Falls City, tract in Falls City, $1. Zim Ilinshaw et ux to City of Falls City, lot 11, block T, 1st add to Falls City, $80. Abram Nelson et ux to Ardella But ler, lots and tracts in Independence, $1. Abram Nelson ot ux to R H Nelson lot and tract in Independence, $1, C n Johnson et ux to W W John son Lumber Co., lands in Polk county, $1. State of Oregon to Susan C Bryant, 80 acres, t 8 s, r 0 vv, $100. State of Oregon to Georgo W Gol den, 20 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $25. L May Willis, guardian, to E M Paxton, 20 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $950. J S Michell, administrator, to D J Grunt, lots in Falls City, $800. W T Pillmau et ux to James Goode, lots 2 and 3, block K, West Salem, $25. Jabez Thurston et ux to J J Wise man, lot 4, block 18, Imp Co add to Dallas, $100. B F Moody to Jacob II Tompkins, 115 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, $100. Frank Butler et ux to Carrie M Trueax, G0-100 acres, t 8 s, r G w, $G0. C F Fisher, ns executor, to II F and A J Haley, 10 acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $775. W R Beutley et al to N A Emmitt, 1G0 acres, t 9 s, r 8 w, $1250. Kate L Coad to D G Meador, 40 acres, t 6 s, r G w, $500. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Air. and Mrs. Smith Gilliam Were Among Earliest Pioneers of Willamette Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Gilliam cele brated their golden wedding anni versary at their home in Walla Walla, Wash., Tuesday. Mr. Gilliam, who is a brother of Mrs. F. M. Collins, of Dallas, was long one of Polk county's leading citizens, and his good wife is a daughter of one of Oregon's promi nent pioneer families. Of this worthy couple, the Oregon ian's Walla Walla correspondent says : "Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gilliam were married near Dallas, Oregon, Febru ary 23, 1854. and were among the earliest pioneer couples of the Wil lamette and Walla Walla Valleys Mr. Gilliam crossed the plains in 1844, settling in tho Autumn of that year near where is now the site of Dallas. Mrs. Gilliam came West by ox train in 1852, and is 73 years old, while her husband is 75. "W. S. Gilliam was prominently identified with the early history of Polk county. He was its first Sheriff, receiving the appointment from the County Commissioners of Polk in 1851. On May 11, 1852, when he was but 23 years old, he carried out Polk's first execution, R. W. Everman being the man hanged. Mr. Gilliam was County Assessor in 1851-1852, and was a member of the Territorial Legis lature of 1853-1854. "Mr. Gilliam was a son of Colonel Cornelius Gilliam, head of the Oregon Volunteer troops sent against the Cayuse Indians. Colonel Gilliam was accidently killed on his return from the Cayuse Indian war. His death in March, 1848, left a widow and seven children to face pioneer hardships, of whom W. S. Gilliam was the eldest. "Mrs.Gilliam who formerly was Miss Esther Taylor, was the daughter of James Taylor, of Niles, Mich., who settled at Dallas in 1852. Mrs. Gilliam was a teacher, having taught in several schools in the Willamette Valley. She is a relative of the noted Aldrich clan of Rhode Island. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam kept open house for their friends Tuesday. Be yondthis, there was no observance of the rare anniversary." Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEHAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber Goods repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore. M J. MB DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon PAGE STANDARD WOVE Wire Fence -fe lip I! PACE IISe! Married In Portland Harry Wagoner, a former publisher of the Independence Enterprise, and Miss Hazel Butler, a daughter of Judge and Mrs. N. L. Butler, were married in Portland, Wednesday. Mr, Wagoner is managing a wholesale candy house in the metropolis, and also owns valuable business property n Independence. His bride is one of 'oik county's fairest daughters, and is a general favorite among her friends and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner will reside in Portland. !.., M. D.' tiliia iiUvs Illieicjt. M. D, Ellis has bought W. G. Martin's interest in the Loughary grocery store and the firm will here after be known as Loughary & Ellis. Both proprietors are experienced business men, nnd will make a suc cess of their new venture. Dallas Was Defeated. Tho Dallas College basket-ball team was defeated by the Willamette Universary players in Salem, Wed nesday night, by the decisive score of 20 to 9. The bovs played their respective positions well, but were clearly outclassed by their opponents. They speak in tho highest terms of the fair and courteous treatment ac corded them by the Salem team, and say that, while the Salem players were much heavier and larger all around, no rough work was indulged in. The Salem papers unite in saying that the game was the fastest and most inter esting ever played in the Capital City The Statesman says: "Tho Willam ette men were much larger than their opponents and excelled in fast, aggressive playing, finally wearing out the visitors. The Dallas ' men were better at passing the ball and put up tho best team work ever seen in Salem." A return game will be played in Dallas soon probably next Friday eveuing. German Coach Stallion. The imported German Coach stallion "Albion" will make the season of 1904 in Dallas. J. R. Hubbard, W. H. McDaniel. Double-Strength, High Carbon Spring Steel Wire. I furnish the tools and help put up the fence without extra charge. 10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents per rod. NO OTHER FENCE COMPANY WILL DO THIS. Call or Write To Me for Catalogue and Prices. U. & in V 11 lit, Agent, Dallas, Oregon Weak earts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of everj one hundred people who have heart troubli can remember when it was simple Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ot heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of Indl pestlon.- All food takan into tha snm.k which falls of n-fect digestion ferments and walls the stomach, putting it up against the heart. This Interferes with the action ol the heart, and In the course of tima thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble, of Nevada, O., says : 1 had stomach troubla and was In a bad stata as 1 had heart trouble With It. I took Kodol Dyapepsla Cura for about four months and It cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Slza holding 2'A times tha trial size, which sells for 60c. Praparad by E. O. DeWITT OO., OHIOAQO. BELT & CHEliRINGTON ELLIS & KEY have closed one of the most satisfactory month's . business it has ever been our pleasure to ex perience. We have not made a cent, but we have sent more happy people out of our store than ever went out in Oregon during the same length of time, and the nice part of it is, they are all coming back again. o Now for Business in Earnest Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland. The whole business comes from Missouri instead of New York this year. We bought our goods in Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and longer yards. We will have them all in during the month. Yours Truly, ELLIS KEYT Phone 246. Haiti Street For Sale or Trade. A good young horse and second hand wagon. Inquire of J. F. Groves, Dallas, Ore. Fresh Cow For Sale. Fresh Jersey cow, with week-old calf for sale. James Elliott, Dallas, Oregon. odoI Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. Have You Registered. Until the books are closed in May, the Observer will print the total num ber of voters registered in the several precincts each week. In the following table, the first column shows the num ber of the precinct ; the second column tho name of tho precinct; the third column, the total number of voters registered in 1902, and the fourth column, the number of voters who have registered to date. No. Precinct 1002 1904 1 Douglas 125 35 2 Jackson 107 56 3 Salt Lake 70 14 i Spring Valley 78. 5 Eola. . 126 11 6 Itiokreall 118 29 7 South Independence. .137. . 8 South Monmouth 115.. 9 IUiona Vista 99 . 10 Stiver 41.. 11 Luckiauiute 176.. 12 Bridgeport 73 18 13 East" Dallas 203 68 14 McCoy 89 53 15 South Dallas 155 72 16 North Independence. .206 3 17 North Dallas 154.... 50 18 liock Creek 23 5 20 North Mon mouth 102 25 21 Falls City .139 152 Total 2U3(i . . .718 ..7 .42 ..4 ..6 67 U. J. J. MURRAY, V. S. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Graduate of the American Veterinary College, of New York City. Office and phone at Black's livery barn. DALLAS, - OREGON. A. IS. BROWN DEALER IN LIVESTOCK luys aiul ships" llt!S, Mutton and Stork Sheep. Highest market priee pui.) at al. time?. Kd.lre-, R. r. D. NO. 1, DALLAS, OK KG ON fll BP ' 'ays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Now is the time t.n subscribe Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective November 23.' Daily except Sunday, West-Hound : A. M. P. M. Lv. DALLAS 7:45 1:20 Tents' Siiling 8:00 1:36 (Jillianis 8:03 1:39 Bridgeport 8:10 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITV 8:20 1:55 Esst-Bounil: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY..... 9:20 4:00 Bridgeport 9:30 4:10 tiilliams 9:36 4:17 Teats' Hiding...! 9:39 4:20 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 4:45 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GERLIXGER, Jr.. General Manager. folding Sawing MA CHIME THE ONE MAN SAW. linns Easy no back-ache folds up like a pocket knife, and is easily carried. SAWS DOWN TREES. J. O. Van Orsdel Notary Public John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams and Flumes a Specialty J. G. Van Orsdel & Son -DEALERS IN farms, stock Randies, timber Lands and City Property We offer a great bargain in a 200-ucre farm, 1 miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land. Price $8000. This is a first-class farm. ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. I WAGNER BROS. I Y V CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Everyone who has wood saw should have one. to WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. M. D. TEATS AGENT, DALLAS, OR. Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth I Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. n COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. UKCvJUiX. ft CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murr ell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HA1N STREET Dallas, Oregon. Uodol Dyspepsia Curo .Ji-jesis what you eat Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Averego Annual Sales over One end a Half MHIIca bottles. Does this record of merit eppeal to you ? No Cere, No Pay, 50c Eadosed with every bottle is Tea Cent pckage Ol Crove's Block Root. Liver PEs.