Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, February 19, 1904, Image 2

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    Pols County Observer
Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeni.
Strictly In Advance.
DALLAS, OREGON, February 10,1904
The way to build up Dallas is to pat
roniit Dallas people.
The death of Marcus A. Hanna
removes from American political
life its foremost figure. His loyal
friendship for William McKinley
led him into politics, and his rise
to a commanding height was as
brilliiint as it was rapid. The
prejudice against him in the Mc
Kinley campaign had its origin in
the work of cartoonists, who
pictured him as a cruel and mer
cenary tyrant. This false im
pression rapidly disappeared when
the American people came to know
him better and found him one of
the gentlest and kindliest of men.
Although a multi-millionaire, he
was ever a friend to the working
man, and nowhere will his death
be more sincerely mourned than
in the humble homes of the labor
ing classes.
The Republican slate convention
will be held in Portland, Thursday,
April 14. The convention will be
made up of 361 delegates, the
apportionment being based on the
vote cast for Supreme Judge Bean
at the last general election. Polk
is entitled to nine delegates. 1'he
committee recommends that pri
mary elections be held on Satur
day, April 2, and county con
ventions on April 7.
Falls City leads all precincts in
Polk county in the number of
voters registered to date. The
number of names enrolled up to
ur,.,i n 100 J - J
ditional lists have been received
for entry in the County Clerk's
office since that time. There are a
lot of good, substantial citizens up
Falls City way.
With an excellent water system
now nearing completion, and a well
equipped fire department, the
danger from fire in Dallas will be
reduced to the minimum. Few
towns on the coast will bo better
provided for in this important
branch of the public service, and
reduction in insurance rates that
will soon save the total expense to
our people is promised. The days
of burdensome, and, in many cases,
prohibitive, insurance rates in
Dallas are happily nearing their
ine iMliaa uoserver announces
an increase in its subscription price
from $1 to $1.50 a year. Polk
county is the only county in the
state having papers all of which
are "home-prints." McMinnville
DallaB is to have a laundry and
ice plant. The people over that
way will keep clean and cool.
Salem Statesman.
Musical Department.
Prof. C. W. Kantner, having so
cured u relcuso from the Knox
Kantner Concert Company, has re
turned to tako charge of the musical
department of Dallas College. For
the present ho will receive pupils on
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
All Humors
Are impure matters which tho tkin,
liver, kidueya aud other organs run
not take care of without help, there is
such au accumulation of tLem.
They litter the whole system.
Pimples, boils, eczema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired
luciiug, onions turns, uts or indiges
tion, dull headaches and u.auy oilier
troubles are due to them.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Remove all humors, overcomes all
their effects, f.tre!itlien, t.uo end
invigorate the w hole e.Lm.
I had pa!t rb""i nv -
could uo; . ...
U drove out the ).:: Ti
lls use till ttie 5-oros Ci.ar-iv
Iex O. Bbow.v, Kuuifurd hull
I rcn.'.ihi.t'd
Hood's Sarsaparilla pr.y- Ices to
cure and keeps tho promiio.
David Cosper Passed Away at His
Home in Dallas, Yesterday,
Aged 74 Years.
David Cosper died at his home in
Dallas yesterday morning at 11
o'clock. The news of his death caused
great surprise, as many of his friends
had not heard that he was ill. The
direct cause of his death was pneu
monia, resulting from an attack of
cold and lagrippe. Mr. Cosper was 74
years old.
His illness began about ten days
ago, and from a slight cold at first,
soon developed into a well-defined
case of pneumonia. Everything
possible in the way of medical atten
tion aud careful nursing was done to
alleviate his sufTerinfrs, but owing to
his advanced age and the throat and
lung trouble with which ho had long
been afflicted, the disease could not be
checked and he continued to sink
steadily until the end came.
David Cosper was born in Ohio,
October 29, 1829. Ho served an appren
ticeship as a tool-maker, and, after
mastering his trade, joined an emi
grant train in 1852 and eamo across
the plains to Oregon. He was a mem
ber of tho train that went through the
famine and plague, and at one time
was left for dead by his companions.
He was found a few hours luter and
was nursed back to health and
strength. He reached Portland in
1853 and spent tho first winter in
Oregon splitting rails for his board.
A few mouths later he came to Polk
In 1855 he volunteered his services
in tho Yakima Indian War, and
served through tho campaign of 1855
1850. Tho hardships and privations of
this service were doubtless the cause
of the chronic throat and lung trouble
which afflicted Mr. Cosper during the
last many years of his life. Serving
his country with gallantry and dis
tinction, he returned home a Lieuten
ant and in 185G was elected Sheriff
of Polk county.
He was married on April 10, 1857, to
Miss Martha J. Frederick, a native of
Illinois and the daughter of James
Frederick, an Oregon pioneer of 1847
For a short time after his marriage
he encaged in farming, and then
moved to Dallas and opened a hard
ware and drug store. Ho was a mem
ber of tho First Oregon Volunteers
during tho Civil War. He filled the
office of town marshal in 1879.
Alter retiring rrom active business
in 1879, he spent tho rest of his days
living quietly at his home in this city
He was a lifelong Christian, and was
an active and valued member of the
Christian Church of this - city. In
politics, Mr. Cosper was a staunch
Republican. Seven sous were born to
Mr. aud Mrs. Cosper, four of whom,
with his widow, survive him. The
In the death of Mr. Cosper, Dallas
loses one of her oldest aud most prom
inent citizens. He was always loyal
to his home town and took an active
interest in all movements having for
their object the growth and develop
ment of his county and state, llo was
especially a friend of young men, and
was happy in their society and com
panionship. Although practically
an invalid for the last many years
of his life, ho was ever cheerful
and uncomplaining and was possessed
of more energy and vim than many
men of robust health. His death will
be sincerely mourned by a wido circle
of friends aud acquaintances.
Burial services will bo held in the
Salt Creek cemetery tomorrow after
noon at 12 :30 o'clock.
Mrs. II. H. Chaco goes to Portland
today to purchase a fine stock of
Spring millinery.
A telephone message received here
this morning says tho Sell wood wool
en mill was destroyed by 11 ro yester
day afternoon.
M. L. Dorris, of Eugene, died in
San Diego, Cal., Tuesday, of con
sumption. He was a son-in-law of
D. L. Hedges, of Independence. He
was a Mason, Oddfellow, Woodman
and Workman.
Republican Committee Call.
Chairman W.W. Peroival has called
tho Polk county Republican Central
Committee to meet in Dallas next
Tuesday to determine tho dates for
holding tho primaries and county
convention, aud to fix tho apportion
ment of delegates.
City Marshal's Notice.
Obedient to an order of tho City
Council, I will promptly arrest any
person found loitering iu or about the
engine room in the City Hall without
apparent business. The doors will be
kept closed hereafter, and must not
bo opened except by firemen, save in
ease of a lire ularm, when any citizen
will be allowed to open them.
City Marshal.
Mohair Pool Closes Soon.
The Polk County Mohair Pool will
close Saturday, March 5, and no hair
will bo received by tho Association
after that date. Vpon the same date
the Association will fix the time for
selling tho pool. All growers are
urged to be present at this meeting.
Good Farm at a Bargain.
2SG-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas;
50 acres in cultivation ; 10 acres in
hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ;
well watered by living water; several
spring" on place ; good patun'. and
ltnty of timber; one mile from Hail
mad ; house, barn and outbuilding.
A nice home, and a great bargain
fl5jeracre. Call on, or address
Dallas. Oregon,
Dallas Fire Department Will Be Well
Supplied With Needed
The Dallas Fire Department will be
well equipped for active and effective
work in fighting fire when the appar
atus and supplies ordered by the city
council Monday evening arrive and
are ready for use. The order includes
1200 feet of "Keystone" hose, the
brand used by Portland, Seattle,
Tacoma and other large cities on the
coast; ono new hose cart, with a reel
capacity of 800 feet ; four underwriter's
play pipes, and two Siamese coup
lings. The supplies were purchased
from the well-known house of A. G.
Long, of Portland, and are all of
standard make. The old hand-engine
and small hose will not be sold, but
will be kept for use in the suburban
districts, for the present at least.
One cart will be kept in the business
part of town, and the other will be
left at the city hall. A cart to carry
tho small hose for the hand-engine
will be manufactured from the four
wheeled cart discarded by tho depart
ment a few years ago. Two hose
companies will bo formed, and the
hook and ladder company will be
The city officers were all present at
tho meeting Monday evening except
Councilmen Cosper and Simonton.
Claims against the city were allowed
as follows : John Richer, labor, $1.50.;
Johnson Lumber Co., lumber, $10.08.
On motion of Boals, the arc light at
tho crossing of Court and Jefferson
streets was ordered moved to the pub
lic school corner on Main street.
On motion of Muir, the Mayor and
Auditor were authorized to enter into
a contract with A. G. Long, of Port
land, for 1200 feet of 2 inch hose, one
hose cart, 4 play pipes, and two Sia
mese couplings.
On motion of Belt, the doors of the
fire engine room were ordered to bo
kept closed, (but not locked,) and
the City Marshal was instructed to
promptly arrest any person found
loitering about or entering the room
except in case of an alarm of fire.
The next meeting of the council will
be held on Monday, March 7.
Guardianship of J. M. Wann sale
bond approved.
Estate of Sarah Jasperson, deceased
II. II. Jasperson appointed admin
istrator; bond of $1000 filed and ap
proved; II. Hirschberg, Van Loan
and C. W. Irvine appointed appraisers.
Estate of Joseph Loo, deceased
final account set for hearing March
19, at 1 o'clock p. m.
EM Brown and hd to EllaS Croisan
et al, 18.C0 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w, $700.
Richard R Bettis to R E Williams,
28 by 100 feet, block D, Falls City,
I N Woods to J M Pollock, lot 1,
block 12, Conkey's 2d add to Dallas,
E Hinshawet ux to Carrie M Wil
cox, 10 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $9s0.
Abel Uglow et ux to J M Hamilton
et ux, tract in McCoy, $20.
n F Haley et ux to S E Fisher, G.40
acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $320.
John Jones to B C Kenyon, 56 acres,
t 8 s, r 5 w, $850.
Dr V Fink to Elias Hinshaw, 10
acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $800.
11 E Williams et al to Esther Mont
gomery, lots 11, 12, 13 and 11, block B,
Montgomery's town of Falls City, $10.
Albert Meier to J M Lynn, 74 acres,
t 7 and 8 s, r 5 w, $4000.
Frank Butler to M A Graham, 1.20
acres, t 8 s, r 6 w, $121.
John Shriver et ux to W H Park,
lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 11 ; lots 1 and
2, block 10 ; lots 7 and 8, block 9, and
nil of block 8, Thorp's add to Inde
pendence, $1450.
Polk County Land Co to Inde
pendence & Monmouth Ry Co., lots 1
and 2, block 3, Hill's add to Inde
pendence, $150.
Maggie M Pomeroy to W II Me
Daniel, lots 1 and 2, block 15, Imp Co
add to Dallas, $230.
R E Williams to W II McDaniel,
lots 1 and 4, block 4, Gem add to
Dallas, $350.
Mary E Gilson to W II McDanie
3 acres in Dallas, $425.
Stallion For Service.
The imported English Shire stallion
"Dunsmore Prince 3011, (7H01,"owned
by Goo. H. Brouson, of Lewisville,
will mako tho season of 1904 at Dallas
and in tho vicinity of Bridgeport,
Lewisville and Airlio. rosters later.
For Sale.
12,000 shares mining stock iu the Gold
Creek Mining and Milling Company.
Certificates 1000 shares each. Trice 6
wnts per share.
S. B. Okmsbv,
112 Court St.,
Salem, Oregon.
To The Public.
I have oc display in the courthouse
yard a variety of ornamental trees for
sale. You are cordially invited to in
spect them. Also, a choice lot of fruit
trees just west of Depot, iu C. Hughes'
garden. Plenty of walnuts aud filbert
trws on hand. Hoses and climbing
vines "T kind- Writ" or phone
me us to pt iivs.
Jg! Dyspepsia Gars
Coasts what you eat.
k pi'TWIs -J:X&Mv :p
The above will cheerfully
be piid in lawful money
of tin? United States, by the
undersigned, proprietors of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, if they can
not show the orieinal signa
ture of the individual volunteering: the tes
timonial below, and alo of every testimo
nial among the thousands which they are
constantly publishing attesting the superior
curative properties of their several medi
cines, and thus proving the genuineness
and reliability of all the multitude of testi
monials volunteered by grateful people, in
their behalf.
World's Dispensary Mkdical Asso
ciation, proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y.
THE KRA80V. There is no mediciue
equal to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, for purifying the blood. It carries
O.T the poisons which contaminate the life
fluid. It increases the activity of the
blood-making elands and gives the body
an increased supply of pure, body-building
Mood. It minus up tlie oody witu souna,
hcaltliv llc-Hli instead ot ilabOv tat, pro.
motes the appetite, feeds the nerves, and
so gives to weak, nervous people vitality
and vigor.
"Aliout a vear ago 1 had a very bad cough
and I'ciri d it would run into consumption,"
writ-!; Hon. Ceo. W. I.vnch, of 27 Mason Street,
Worcester. Muss. Vhcn a severe attack of
couehiuir would come on vomiting would set m
Matter accumulated in nose and my tonsils
were irritated. After reatiimr of the wonderful
cures resulting from IJr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery began to use it, with some doubts
as to the good it wotild ilo me, I am frank to
sav. Hut. alter I hail used one notue 1 uoticeu
quite a change for the better. Ordered five more
hottles and before I lmd used them all the cure
was complete. There is not now a trace of
cough or cold in my system aud my health is
To gain knowledge of vonr own body in
3ickuess and health aend for the People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book
ot looS pages. Send 2! cents in stamps for
paper-covered, or. V stamps for cloth
bound copy. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, 663
Main Stieet, UuUalo, iN. Y.
Go to Wilson Drug Company for
books and school supplies.
L. D. Brown, Notary Public; type
writing. With J. N. Hart.
Dr. Havter. Dentist. Otace over
Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon.
One of the best horse-shoers in the
state will be found working at Wagner
Bros.' shoo. Give him a trial and be
Fioneer Employment Company fiir
nishes all kinds of help on short
notico free to employers. 215 Mor
rison St., Portland, Or.
Go and see those fine bath tubs,
sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros,
A first-class plumber is in their em
ploy, and will satisfactorily do your
WANTED Trustworthy lady or
gentleman to manage business in this
County aud adjoining territory for
house of solid financial standing. $20
straight cash salary and expenses
paid each Monday direct from head-
position permanent. Address Mana
ger, 605, Monon Bldg., Chicago.
For Exchange.
A good residenco in Los Angeles;
line location, valuo $-1000; will rent
for $30 per month. Will exchange
for improved farm of about . same
2GC0 N. Sichel St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Pigs for Sale.
Pure Poland China Pigs, of either
sex, for sale ; from 6 weeks to 6 months
old. James Elliott, Dallas, Or.
Men to cut cord wood near town,
also have a house to rent.
No. 120243 acres, 3 miles from
Independence, 6 miles from Dallas;
first-class soil, all cleared and culti
vated. House 40 by 30; barn 65 by
50, holds 100 tons hay, another 30 by
3i for stock, hog house 30 by 18 ; wells,
fences, and everything for a fine
farm. Trice $40.00 per acre.
No. 11G Two farms in Eastern Ore
gon of 1G0 and 240 acres. 12 miles
from Heppner, for sale or trade for
valley property. Worth $2000 each.
No. 108144 acres, 7 miles south of
Albany, good soil, good house, barn
and other buildings. Railroad runs
through place. Price $40 per acre.
No. 10G 10 acres; G acres in apples,
pears, prunes, cherries, etc. Good 7-
room house, papered and painted,
barn, chicken house, well. One mile
from Dallas courthouse. Trice $1800.
No. 103135 acres, 40 acres under
plow, 25 acres more easily cleared ; old
orchard, grapes, prunes, etc; good
nam, rair house, plenty 01 running
water, telephone, and R. F. D. Some
timber on back part of place, G miles
north of Dallas. Trice $25 per acre.
No. 83100 acres of land, all culti
vated ; house, bain, and other build
ings; bottom land; two miles south of
Independence. Trice $3;100.
No. G8 289 acres, 9 miles from In
pendenee, southerly direction, old
buildings; near Luekiamute; con
siderable oak timber ou the land.
Price $7000.
Independence, - - Oregon
Tuys ami ships' Ili:s, Mutton and
t'M-k Slie-t. MiL'lu'J't market vtrirp
i. v. I), v. 1,
P U.s
'edol Dyspepsia Curo
T:r:st3 -fchat you ea.
Frederick Levin
All Kinds of
Leather and Rubber
Goods repaired sub
stantially and at
reasonable rates.
West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore.
The largest and best stock of
Materials for Fancy Work
in the city.
Dallas, Oregon
Wire Fence
Double-Strength, High Carbon
Spring Steel Wire.
I furnish the tools and help put up
the fence without extra charge.
10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents
per rod.
Call or Write To Me for Catalogue
and Prices.
U. &. 4iant,
Agent, Dallas, Oregon
Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of ever!
one hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when it was simple Indiges
tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol
heart disease, not organic, are not only
traceable to, but re the direct result of Indl-
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
swells tne stomach, puffing it up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action ol
the heart, and in the course of time thai
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Kaubla, of Nevada, O., Bays; had stomach
trouble and was in a bad stats as I had heart trouble
with it. 1 toole Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about (out
months and it cured me.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervouj
strain and the heart oiall pressure.
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holdlne 2H times the trial
size, which sells for 60c.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & OO., CHICAGO.
Pays for the OBSERVER
and the Weekly Oregonian
one year. In order to take
advantage of this liheral
offer, your subscription to the Observer
must be paid up to date. Now is the
imp to mihsf-rihe
Salem, Falls City & West
ern Railway Co.
T1MK-TABLE, Effective November 23.
Daily except Sunday,
West-Hound: A.M. P.M.
Lv. DALLAS 7:45 120
Tents' Siding 8:00 1:36
Gilliame 8:03 1:39
Bridgeport 8:10 1:45
Ar. FALLS CITY 8:20 l:5o
East-Bonnd: A.M. P.M.
Lv. FALLS CITY fl:2u 4: 01)
Bridgeport 9:30 4:10
Vlilliams 9:36 4:17
Tents' Siding 9:39 4:20
Ar. DALLAS 9;jj 4:45
Trains Stop on Signal only.
General Manager.
folding Sawing '
Runs Easv no back-ache
folds up like a pocket knife,
and is easily carried.
Everyone who lias wood to
saw should have one.
has stood the test 25 years.
bottles. Docs this record cf
Eadosed with every bottle Is m Tea Cent, package of Crove'i Black Root. Liver PCs.
IE have closed one of the most satisfactory month's
business it has ever been our pleasure to ex
perience. We have not made a cent, but we have sent
more happy people out of our store than ever went
out in Oregon during the same length of time, and the
nice part of it is, they are all coming back again.
Now for Business in Earnest
Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we
will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will
be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland.
The whole business comes from Missouri instead
of New York this year. We bought our goods in
Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and
longer yards. We will have them all in during
the month. Yours Truly,
Phone 246.
J. Q. Van Orsdel
Notary Public
J. G. Van Orsdel & Son
farms, StocR Randies, Cimkr Eands and City Property
We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm,
1 miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land.
Price $8000. This is a first-class farm.
ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building,
Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel
Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth I
Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible
with "Extension Head. :::::::::::::
All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to t
! cultivate a hopyard or orchard.
,Knox & Murr ell, Prop'rs.
of All Kinds.
Fish, Game and Chickens
Farmers will find it to their advantage to
bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay
the highest cash price for same at all times.
Tasteless Chill
Average Annual Sales over One end a Half MSHon
merit crcd to vou ? Uo Cure. No Pav. 50c
flairi Street
John P. Van Orsdel
Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams
and Flumes a Specialty
Dallas, Ore.